local name global coverage december 12, 2018 vol. 9 // issue 50
Still fighting
For Us Biden foundation launches lgbt stories campaign Pages 18, 19
NEWS highlight
Our Fund Gala to Distribute More Than $120,000 in Grants x
Martin Gould
A reception will be held Tuesday, Dec. 18
December 12, 2018 • Volume 9 • Issue 50
2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943
Publisher • Norm Kent Norm.Kent@sfgn.com
Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli piero@sfgn.com Associate Publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com
ighteen nonprofit LGBT organizations David Jobin. will soon receive early Christmas Photo via Our Fund, Facbeook. gifts, courtesy of Our Fund, South Florida’s LGBT community foundation. In all, the Foundation will disperse more than $120,000 through Our Fund’s Community Grant Program to fuel proposed ideas, projects and programs advancing LGBT issues in South Florida. The gala will be held Tuesday, Dec. 18 at the New River Fine Art Gallery on Las Olas Blvd., Awards will recognizing a diverse group of be given out in organizations benefitting the LGBT community. According eight categories: to Our Fund President and youth, seniors, CEO David Jobin, the goal for women’s issues, awarding these grants is to “inclusively unite individuals, transgender institutions and resources issues, HIV/AIDS, from throughout the region to arts and culture, process, including interviews fulfill our mission of making But that’s just the beginning. South Florida the most livable with the Foundation’s Grant “The really difficult process begins when advocacy and community in the country for Committee, consisting of we go out and solicit these programs to pets. LGBT people.” community volunteers and a match up with our donor base. We try Awards will be given out in Foundation board member. to find intersections where an agency’s eight categories: youth, seniors, women’s The process is repeated twice each year. programming and our donors’ priorities are issues, transgender issues, HIV/AIDS, arts Jobin said the process takes a couple of aligned,” Jobin said. “It takes time to figure and culture, advocacy and pets. months to complete. “We interview each out how to spend $250,000.” More than 60 organizations submitted applicant and then rate and score the project. grant applications--tripling the number of We usually come up with 15-20 organizations Tickets to the event are free. For more requests of just a few years ago—a result that are strong enough and their program is information on Our Fund Foundation visit of the Foundation’s expansion into Miami- so vital.” Our-Fund.org or call 954-565-1090. Dade and Palm Beach counties. Since its inception in 2011, Our Fund has rapidly grown into the nation’s third largest LGBT Community Foundation with an WHO: Our Fund Community Foundation endowment of $10 million, behind only San Francisco and Seattle for size of endowment. WHAT: 2018 Fall Community Grant Program Annual Reception The 18 organizations received grants when: Tuesday, December 18 at 6 p.m ranging from $5,000 to $10,000. Agencies where: New River Fine Art Gallery can receive grants once in a 12-month period 822 E. Las Olas Boulevard in Fort Lauderdale. and must go through a rigorous vetting
Art Director • Brendon Lies Artwork@sfgn.com Digital Content Director • Justin Musial Webmaster@sfgn.com Copyeditor • Kerri Covington Arts/Entertainment Editor • JW Arnold JW@prdconline.com Social Media Manager • Tucker Berardi tberardi@ufl.edu Food/Travel Editor • Rick Karlin Gazette News Editor • Sallie James HIV Editor • Sean McShee Senior Photographer • J.R. Davis JRDavis12000@hotmail.com
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Cover: Joe Biden. Photo via Joe Biden, Facebook.
Associated Press
South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2018 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.
1 2 .12.2018
12.12.2018 •
NEWS online
Action Online
Don't miss the
DOJ Hires New Spokeswoman Who Worked For Anti-LGBTQ Hate Group
Photo: Kerri Kupec, via Facebook.
Grindr Exec Quits Over President’s Gay Marriage Remarks
Scott Chen. Photo via Linkedin.
The Gay Blade: Bulletins From The Grand Prix Of Figure Skating
LGBT Texan Of The Year: Lupe Valdez
Supreme Court Sides With Planned Parenthood In Funding Fight
6. How The First Gay Bar In Palm Springs Signaled A Change Courtesy Of Tony Webster, via Flickr.
7. Heisman Trophy Honoree Apologizes For Anti-Gay Tweets 8. Human Rights Commission President Reaffirms Marriage Support Photo: Margarette May Macaulay.
9. Nick Cannon Defends Kevin Hart Over Anti-Gay Tweets 10. Many Couples Say ‘I Do’ to Zero-Waste Weddings
Visit SFGN.com to stay up to date on all the news across the web! Twitter.com/SFGN
1 2 .12.2018
12.12.2018 •
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series of tests, and even though he paid a lot of money for them, they kept getting rescheduled. Health professionals in Zambia are blaming this on a lack of trained endocrinologists. “The hospital process was just too cumbersome,” he says. “I kept going back and forth for medical examinations for two years, and it was costly, as well as time-consuming.” So Gift took matters into his own hands by buying the hormones without a prescription from South Africa.
Gift was born intersex, but his mother raised him as a female. Now, 32 years old, Gift is self-administering hormone therapy because the procedures to get them properly prescribed were too costly, he told the Global Press Journal. Homosexuality in Zambia is a crime, and some intersex people who are mistaken to be gay face discrimination and sometimes arrest. So when Gift tried to level his testosterone medically four years ago, he had to go through a
sexual minority status—particularly women identifying as bisexual—are at increased risk for opioid misuse,” says senior study author Joseph J. Palamar, PhD, according to an NYU press release. “With the opioid crisis escalating nationwide, it is important to focus on preventing misuse among groups at highest risk.” In bisexual men and women, four percent have used opioids in the past month, whereas only one percent of straight people have.
Intersex Zambians self-administer hormone therapy
Bisexual women at high risk for opioid misuse
A New York University study found that sexual orientation is a risk factor in opioid addiction. Bisexual women, specifically, were twice as likely to misuse opioids than any other sexual orientation. The researchers believe the misuse may be due to the stress and stigmatization of being a minority not only among the straight community, but among lesbian and gay people as well. “Our study highlights that adults of
By Cameren Boatner
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Teacher fired for not using transgender student’s pronouns
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A transgender ninth-grade student and their family notified their West Point, Virginia school system of the student’s new prefered pronouns, but one of his teachers refused to use them. The teacher, Peter Vlaming, 47, was fired on Dec. 6 after the West Point School Board’s unanimous vote, according to ABC. Vlaming said his Christian faith prevented him from using the correct pronouns, even after the principal told him to respect the student’s wishes.
“I can’t think of a worse way to treat a child than what was happening,” said West Point High Principal Jonathan Hochman. Because there is no guidance in nondiscrimination laws on pronoun use, Vlaming says he may appeal the case legally. “I have to research how we would do that, what that would entail,” Vlaming said. “I do think it’s a serious question of First Amendment rights.”
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12.12.2018 •
news international
By Cameren Boatner
Around the World
Exploring LGBT News Events Across the Globe
Police offer $720,000 for information on Australian gay man’s murder
Teacher fired for being gay won’t get his job back
Nearly 30 years ago, Scott Johnson was pushed off a cliff where gay men were known to meet in Sydney, Australia. He was a 27-year-old mathematician, and his death was ruled a murder just last year. Coroners previously thought his death was a suicide. The police announced on Dec. 2 that they are offering about $720,000 as a reward for information regarding the investigation. They think Johnson’s murder is linked to a string of hate crimes from the 1980s and 1990s, according to the New York Times. Johnson’s brother, Steve Johnson, flew to Sydney for the announcement. “I’m very encouraged,” he said in a phone interview with the New York Times. “The million-dollar reward is speaking to the community that the
police are taking this seriously and they need people’s help.” The biggest issue during the investigation was witnesses not coming forward. But the police think the reward will motivate people to share information on the “challenging” case.
employers shouldn’t fire someone based on their sexual orientation, and are considering bringing the case to court.
Liverpool pastor provided ‘gay cures,’ exposed by newspaper
Gay people flee Tanzania amid homosexual crackdown
After a newspaper, called the Liverpool Echo, exposed a pastor for providing gay conversion therapy, the pastor is saying it was inaccurate. The pastor, Dr. Desmond Sanusi, took the case to a watchdog press group called the International Press Standards Organization (IPSO), according to Gay Star News. The group rejected that the piece in the Echo was inaccurate by saying he was a ‘gay cure pastor.’ Josh Perry, the journalist that exposed the pastor, went undercover as a man questioning his sexuality. He said part of the pastor’s course was three days worth of praying and fasting, with no physical or medical warning. “People that want to come for deliverance, they are encouraged to fast but it’s not for everybody…it is not for
Scott Johnson.
A kindergarten teacher in China sued the school that fired him for being gay in a landmark case, and last month, he lost. The Qingdao labor arbitration committee, which solves disputes outside of court, rejected the teacher’s, who goes by the pseudonym Ming Yue, claim he was fired for being gay, according to Gay Star News. The committee did order the kindergarten to give Yue six months pay for failing to sign an employment contract. Yue said he isn’t mad with the “relatively fair result,” but is “disappointed that there is no clear indication in this labor arbitration that companies cannot discriminate against homosexuals.” Yue’s lawyers are saying the case brought attention to the fact that
1 2 .12.2018
Dr. Desmond Sanusi.
three days…people only fast for one day,” Sanusi argued, but IPSO decided the article was not misleading.
Tanzanian police are breaking into gay people’s houses and arresting them as part of the anti-gay campaign by the government. After Paul Makonda, the anti-gay governor of Dar es Salaam, called on citizens to notify police of homosexuality in their communities, gay people are fleeing Tanzania and going into hiding, according to Religion News Service. “I’m fearing for my life — they don’t want us to stay here. The gay community is very scared because police are breaking into homes of suspected homosexuals and arresting them. I don’t want to be the next person. I’m going into hiding,” Joseph Omar, 28, told Religion News as he was crossing the border into Kenya. Homosexuality is illegal in Tanzania and punishable by up to 30 years in
prison. Countries around the world including the U.S. and Denmark have condemned the crackdown, saying it’s a violation of human rights.
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12.12.2018 •
NEWS national
Let’s Talk About Sex...Or Not Facebook, social media, to crack down on sexual slang and innuendo
Nick Adkins
he Internet’s LGBT community may need to take on a new face. Facebook’s updated content policy is specifically banning “sexual slang,” and hints of “sexual roles, [and] positions,” PCMAG reported. Facebook added the policy to stop sexual solicitation, but critics fear censorship of legitimate content. “Facebook, today: ‘If you talk about being gay, you could get banned from the site.’” Tech blogger Aditya Mukerjee joked on Twitter. Facebook quietly changed its contentmoderation guidelines in October, but following the recent adult content crackdown on the blogging site Tumblr, many have noticed and are worried about Facebook’s new policy, fearing that any mention of sex and sexuality will get their content taken down. Tumblr’s own announcement was condemned by the site’s LGBT community, who attacked the flawed automated system flagging content as explicit, and warned it would lead to mass censorship of the site’s many queer communities, Pink News reported. In response to these fears of Facebook’s new community guidelines, a spokesperson for Facebook told The Verge that people should feel free to talk about their orientation without fear of their content being deleted. What’s key to remember about this policy,
“Facebook, today: ‘If you talk about being gay, you could get banned from the site.” - Aditya Mukerjee Tech blogger
1 2.12.2018
the spokesperson said, is that Groups and Pages may be spared from censorship, so long as there aren’t people who report a group’s content. “Content needs to be reported before it’s taken down or reviewed,” the article stated on their correspondence. “If you’re in Messenger and chatting with someone who wants to talk about sex, they likely wouldn’t report your message, and Facebook wouldn’t remove it.” The article goes on to report, “So yes, these sex-related Groups, Pages, and conversations could be at risk of takedowns, but only if someone is watching and reporting.” What’s happening Dec. 17 Vox reported that in April, President Trump signed into law a set of controversial bills intended to make it easier to cut down on illegal sex trafficking online – The House bill known as FOSTA, the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act, and the Senate bill, SESTA, the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act. These bills, with the explicit purpose of curbing sex work online, make websites with advertisements for sex work legally responsible for hosting them, and therefore vulnerable to lawsuits. In the immediate aftermath of SESTA’s passage on March 21, numerous websites took action to censor or ban parts of their platforms preemptively in response The Verge reported that Tumblr is slated to ban adult content altogether following Dec. 17, which is also known as International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers. Many more websites besides Facebook may be following suit in the coming weeks.
12.12.2018 •
NEWS local
Ready or not,
Christmas is close Three local (and gay) options for your holiday shopping
To The Moon Marketplace has something for everyone. Photos via To The Moon, Facebook.
Damon Scott
here’s really no debate anymore, but it’s always worth a mention. If you shop local, the community effect is nothing but positively positive.
Consider this:
1) 2) 3)
Holiday dollars spent at independent South Florida stores help support local residents with local jobs. Owners and employees of local businesses are much more likely to aid nonprofits and charities that benefit the community.
Recirculation of revenue is significant. Spend at a big box retailer and about 14 percent is put back into the local economy. Spend at a locally owned spot and it’s about 52 percent. Here are three local and gay-owned, friendly, themed (you get the idea) businesses to consider this holiday season.
1 2.12.2018
To The Moon Marketplace 2205 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors 954-564-2987
To The Moon owner Antonio Dumas is nothing if not authentic. He quickly touts the level of customer service at his store, but with a bit of an “authentic” caveat. “We treat people the way we want to be treated,” he said. “But if you have an attitude or don’t say ‘thank you’ or don’t say ‘please,’ then don’t expect me to either. It’s the New York in me,” he said. The personal authenticity is evident in the items he acquires for the store shelves. Expect to be transported to one of 95 countries that are represented among the products. You’ll likely be wrapped up in warm childhood feelings from Christmases past during your visit as well. “We have probably the largest glass assortment of Christmas ornaments from all over the world,” Dumas said. Indeed the entire ceiling is covered in the
unique orbs. Prices range from $5 to $40. To The Moon has just as impressive collection of holiday greeting cards. Most are made in the U.S., and there are some from Canada and Finland. But Dumas is particularly proud of what he calls his “edible holiday section.” “We have all the old fashioned good stuff,” he said. “Mostly German, British and American.” Think ribbon candy, hard Christmas mix, Stollen fruitcakes and mixes and a bunch of ginger flavored edibles. There’s lots of chocolate liqueur candy from Europe, too. Dumas said these are hard to find “no one sells them anymore” kinds of items. “One of the best sellers is always the Christmas Stollen,” Dumas said. “It’s hard to find traditional fruitcake … we have butter, marzipan, rum … people always come to get those.” The price is right for the Stollen’s, too. You’ll pay between $4.99 and $9.99 to satisfy those holiday taste buds. Dumas has been in his current space for 14 years and has been in the business for 23.
NEWS local Studio 205 and Java Juice Bar
205 North Federal Highway Lake Worth 561-533-5272
Pride Factory 850 NE 15th Street Fort Lauderdale 954-463-6600
Seemingly a world away from To The Moon (it’s only 1.5 miles) is the Pride Factory — more than 8,000 square feet of swimwear, underwear and other fashion accessories for men. Lori Deak has been the vice president and buyer for the store the past 18 years. It doesn’t take her much effort to differentiate the Pride Factory experience from the big box one. “At Pride Factory you will receive assistance selecting your merchandise from our friendly and knowledgeable staff,” she said. “You don’t get that personal attention when you shop online and most big box stores are understaffed, especially during the holidays.” And unlike the online experience, she said, you can do that thing that’s become a lost art — try on your potential purchases before you buy them, thus ensuring they fit before you get home. Deak said Pride Factory’s bags are a big seller both this season and traditionally. The bags range in price from as little as $10 to $100, depending on the size and the fabric. But the clothing is a favorite for most shoppers, she said. That includes tanks, t-shirts, short and jeans. A number of lines are exclusive to Pride Factory. There are in store (and online) sales that are run throughout the year, according to Deak. But for the holiday season, she’s added additional items like colognes, holiday cards and an expanded selection of the one of a kind December Diamonds ornament selection. Where else can you get a “Merman,” “Plumbers Crack,” or “Who’s Your Daddy?” for the tree?
This unique, gay-owned business recently moved from their decades old location to another Lake Worth spot. And now you’ve got expanded drink and food options to boot. Studio 205 and Java Juice Bar owner Andy Amoroso has upgraded. After some disputes around rent increases at the previous site, he said his new spot is bigger and better. “I’m back in the building where I started 24 years ago,” said Amoroso, who is also the vice mayor of Lake Worth, and was Palm Beach County’s first openly gay city commissioner. But let’s talk about bags and purses. That’s still what customers come for at his store. “And the rainbow stuff, too,” he added. Studio 205 has backpacks, jewelry, metaphysical gifts, stocking stuffers and a small vintage section. Prices range from “mild to wild,” according to Amoroso. He’s got “all the gay and lesbian stuff” ready to go — cards, novelties, Peppermint Peckers and a Grow a Girlfriend, Grow a Boyfriend section, as well as a line of clothing. You’ll work up a thirst and hunger from all the activity, and now you can purchase drinks, coffee and light breakfast items, with a selection of vegan choices too. The last location had a walk-up juice bar — this one has indoor and outdoor seating. “We’re always running specials and deals in the juice bar and shop,” Amoroso said. He’s got a straightforward reason why South Florida residents should spend their money locally. “Because the trend is you’re losing your small town shops and small town feel,” he said. “If you always have to get in the car and go to the mall, you lose walkability and sustainability,” he said.
12.12.2018 •
NEWS national
Kevin Hart. Photo credit: celebrityabc via Flickr.
Kevin Hart Quits Oscars Gig After Homophobic Tweets Resurface Nick Adkins
evin Hart is stepping down from the times weren’t as sensitive as they are hosting the 91st Academy Awards after now,” In 2015. homophobic tweets from 2009 to 2011 “I swear, man, our world is becoming resurfaced Thursday, CNN reported. beyond crazy. I’m not going to let the “Yo if my son comes home & try’s 2 play craziness frustrate me or anger me, with my daughters doll house I’m going 2 especially when I worked hard to get to the break it over his head & say n my voice ‘stop mental space that I am at now,” Hart posted that’s gay’,” the comedian-actor wrote in a on his Instagram Thursday, to address the 2011 tweet, among others that have since Oscar controversy. been deleted. Several hours later, Hart made another According to the Hollywood Reporter, Instagram video stating he received a call Hart said in another tweet from from the Academy giving him 2010 someone’s profile pic an ultimatum: apologize for looks “like a gay bill board for his old tweets or step down as AIDS.” And in another written Oscars host. in 2009, he calls someone a “fat “I passed. The reason I passed faced fag.” is because I’ve addressed this The tweets drew universal several times. This is not the condemnation. first time this has come up,” he Actor-comedian Billy said. “Regardless, to the Eichner tweeted, “You can tell Academy, I’m thankful for the its not just a joke — there’s opportunity, if it goes away, no real truth, anger & fear behind harm, no foul,” Hart added. these. I hope Kevin’s thinking Just about two hours later, has evolved since 2011.” Hart, formally stepped down This is not the first time - Kevin Hart from hosting the Oscars in a Hart’s thoughts on gay people comedian-actor tweet. have caused controversy. “I have made the choice A 2011 standup routine about his then 3-year-old son having a to step down from hosting this year’s “gay moment [and that] you’ve got to nip it Oscar’s....this is because I do not want to in the bud!” - was criticized as promoting be a distraction on a night that should be homophobic and dangerous parenting, celebrated by so many amazing talented artists. I sincerely apologize to the LGBTQ according to The Guardian. Hart told Rolling Stone that he wouldn’t community for my insensitive words from tell the joke again, “because when I said it, my past.”
“... I do not want to be a distraction on a night that should be celebrated by so many amazing talented artists.”
1 2.12.2018
NEWS miami-dade
SAVE Honoree Sparks Dolphins Miracle Win John McDonald
he player whose lateral produced Miami’s miracle win on Sunday is also a champion for LGBT rights. Dolphins wide receiver Kenny Stills was part of a last second play that propelled Miami past the New England Patriots, 34-33, Sunday at Hard Rock Stadium. In September, Stills was awarded a “Luminary Icon” award by SAVE, a Miami based nonprofit LGBT organization. At the awards ceremony, held at Bacardi’s worldwide headquarters, Stills told the Miami Herald “I connect deeply with SAVE’s mission and I realize it doesn’t matter which specific group you are fighting for, and everyone deserves equality, everyone deserves safety, and everyone deserves to be able to live their lives free of hate, fear and discrimination.” In Miami’s last second win, Stills caught a pass from quarterback Ryan Tannehill and quickly lateralled to DeVante Parker who lateralled to Kenyan Drake who raced 50 yards for a touchdown to win the game and shock
Tony Lima at the Dolphins Stadium. Photo credit: Carina Mask.
the division leading Patriots. Miami improves to 7-6 on the season, while New England falls to 9-4. Stills, 26, played college football at the University of Oklahoma and was drafted by the New Orleans Saints. In 2015, New Orleans traded Stills to Miami where he drew attention for kneeling during the National Anthem. “I knew it was my time,” Stills said in his speech at the SAVE Luminary Awards. “I didn’t want to look back on this period in my life and regret not getting involved in activism and letting people know this wasn’t okay.”
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12.12.2018 •
NEWS local
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Banners unveiling the total amount fundraised. Photo via Smart Ride, Facebook.
Smart Ride Breaks Record Raises 1.1 Million
Jason Parsley
his year’s Smart Ride raised the most years, and they were truly with me the entire amount of money in its 15-year history way.” with a record breaking $1.171 million. This year 416 riders took part with 280 This year’s event crossed another milestone crew members taking care of the logistics. as well – topping $10 million in total money Weinzimer said next year’s event is already raised since the first ride took place in 2003. off to a good start with 200 riders and crew “It’s just amazing that we’ve raised over members already signed up. Normally only $10.5 million and given back 100 about 100 have registered at this percent of that money,” said point. Glen Weinzimer, founder of “That’s already a third the ride. of our goal,” he said. The Smart Ride, an “Hopefully we can annual two-day 165spend more time mile bicycle ride from on fundraising and Miami to Key West, training and less time raises awareness and on recruitment.” money for HIV-related Seaver is one of non-profits. This year those that has already the ride celebrated 15 signed up for next year. There’s that years. - Julie Seaver indescribable feeling when This was Julie Seaver’s executive director of compass glcc you finally get to Key West first year riding. High School and everyone is “I wanted to ride because I waiting to cheer you in, waiting together, knew others couldn’t. I’ll admit I cried over a few of those bridges, and yes I did so we can ride to the closing ceremonies crash with bruises that are still healing,” the together,” she said. “The family we have built Executive Director of Compass said. “But with the Smart Ride, other agencies, donors, that’s just it, bruises and road rash heal. We crew and riders, and the overwhelming are still healing from the stigma and fight feeling of one team accomplishing something against HIV/AIDS. I pedaled every single mile truly amazing together is why I signed up for for friends and clients we have lost over the next year.”
“I pedaled every single mile for friends and clients we have lost over the years, and they were truly with me the entire way.”
Next year’s Smart Ride will take place Nov. 15-16. Visit TheSmartRide.org for more information.
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12.12.2018 •
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First they came for the Mexicans, and I didn’t speak up
because i wasn’t mexican.
Then they came for the immigrants, and I didn’t speak up
because i wasn’t an immigrant.
Then they came for Muslims, and I didn’t speak up
because i wasn’t muslim.
Then they came for transgender people, but I didn’t speak up
because i wasn’t transgender.
when will
you speak up?
1 2.12.2018
Nick Adkins
he AIDS Healthcare Foundation held a arriving in caravans… what then?” contentious press conference Tuesday Weinstein said potential tenants would for the local community to clarify need to provide an ID and go through details of their controversial housing project. a background check, to screen out any “You’ve had your field day with the hate convicted sex offenders or drug dealers. speech,” said Michael Weinstein, President Some people also worried the project of AHF and founder of the Healthy Housing would only be for those living with HIV. Foundation. “This is our platform. This is “The purpose of this project is to provide our press conference. We are here to answer housing to low income people regardless of questions, we are not here to who those low income people get into a free for all.” are,” Weinstein said. AHF plans to build a 15-story Weinstein said there is no micro-apartment tower in legal way to screen potential downtown Fort Lauderdale tenants on the basis of an HIV to help resolve an affordable diagnosis. housing crisis in Broward, and a “This development is not for problem with homelessness in people living with HIV or AIDS,” the local area, according to the AHF’s Michael Kahane said at a development application. previous press conference for Word of homeless people the housing project, The Sun sparked community outcry, Sentinel reported. including in the upscale Rio “The reason why we have Vista neighborhood across U.S. chosen to do this here - in - Michael Weinstein Route 1. The Rio Vista Civic addition to the fact that we President of AHF Association board unanimously have such a large presence voted to oppose the project. is to demonstrate there is a “There can be sexual predators walking need.” Weinstein said. “There’s been a huge around Rio Vista and Bethany Christian issue that’s been identified with not only School!!” one opponent wrote in a mass homelessness, but especially affordability. email sent to other residents. “ … I see this This is in many respects a low wage city. If as being a magnet to homeless people from you earn $900-plus on disability, you can all over the east coast and they could be afford to pay $400 in rent.”
“The reason why we have chosen to do this here... is to demonstrate there is a need.”
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12.12.2018 •
NEWS national
Joe Biden’s ‘As You Are’ Campaign Maps Hundreds of
LGBT Acceptance Stories The interactive showcases stories from affected persons across the country. Jacob Long
he Biden Foundation’s As You Are awareness campaign released its first set of collected personal stories Tuesday morning—in map format.
With more than 500 stories spread across the northern continent (with a few in Mexico), it’s clear most stories came from the coastal U.S. Small pink dots notate the location of a story’s author (optionally anonymous), likely determined by the zip code entrants are forced to submit. The Midwest show some stories, mostly bunched together around cities like Denver, Colorado, and Salt Lake City, Utah. Notably, while the map lists names of cities after several zooms into it, it doesn’t show state names. It does, however, show the names of Native American reservations. Along with the map comes a video interview with the parents of Rio, whose last name and age aren’t provided and who transitioned while her dad Steve Bennet was away on a rugby trip. When she was exhibiting what he considered female-like behaviors, Bennet tells us he “tried to persuade her to dress like a boy, behave like a boy.” A former rugby player, he wanted to have a “rugby playing son.” Rio’s mother Robin Bacsfalvi says that despite telling her the two supported her, “I think she didn’t necessarily trust that in her dad, and she waited until he was away to actually transition.” “It was time to change my attitude,” Bennet concludes. “We’re all just learning as we go.” Despite excluding names, state borders are clear. We compiled all 11 Florida As You Are stories below, listed by the nearest municipality to the story’s geotag (the only exception is two entries we left undefined—considering privacy concerns for their underage-identifying authors). The entries themselves have not been edited at all.
Fort Lauderdale
I am a parent to four amazing children ranging from 24 years old to 7 years old. My oldest daughter came out as gay in her Senior year of high school and we just celebrated her marriage to her wife this past January. My youngest child is a fabulous gender non-conforming boy who loves ballet and the RuPaul Drag Race show… At age 7 he is a powerful advocate for himself and other children just like him. We’ve traveled to Washington to march in protest along with various Pride parades to celebrate love.
I came out to my family at the age of 32. I was living overseas and had my first same-sex lover who I wanted to share my life with. I could not see doing that without my family being part of it. There was no internet or email back then so I wrote them a letter explaining to them who I am and how happy I was. When I got home for my next visit all of my family expressed strong support for me and understanding. They welcomed my partner as a member of the family. My family is very religious and spiritual and each proved to me that their beliefs were as God meant “all inclusive.”
Jennifer, 46, she/her
Randall, 60, He/his
Justin, 28, He, him, his In 2015, at the age of 25, I decided to make the decision to come out to my mom. For years, I knew that I was different and that my difference was dangerous to those who did not understand it. My decision to come out was and still is met with a harsh reality that being who you are and living your authentic self is not always supported, understood, and loved. As a black gay man, I have to not only combat the homophobia within the black community, but the racism that exists amongst the gay community. All while trying to exist in a world dominated by what it means to be a man based on societal expectations. However, the rejection I have experienced from my family has strengthened me to continue to support and help others become the best versions of themselves. It’s the light that shines within me that has enabled others to find their own light and ignite the fire of their being.
1 2.12.2018
The interactive map showing where each story has been submitted at so far. Photo via Bidenfoundation.org.
NEWS national Joe Biden.
The Hammocks (Miami-Dade)
Jaime, She/her
My youngest child is six and has been gender nonconforming since being able to articulate at 18 months old. [My child] was born biologically male and initially indicated that he was “a boy who liked all girl things.” This past year, [she] has socially transitioned and now prefers the pronouns she/her and will be starting first grade soon as her authentic self. As Miami is deeply religious and conservative, my husband and I have been loud and proud advocates in our community and our school district. We are active members of PFLAG and offer our support and resources to other LGBTQ parents in their journey. We believe that visibility is key to show others that there is absolutely nothing wrong with LGBTQ youth and that the elementary school system needs to be not only inclusive, they must be affirming as well.
You can share your own story with the foundation at bidenfoundation.org/pillars/equality/asyouare Hours before the foundation released the map and video, former Vice President Joe Biden told a Montana crowd he’s the “most qualified person” to be president. As CNN reported: “‘I’ll be as straight with you as I can. I think I’m the most qualified person in the country to be president,’ Biden said to applause at the University of Montana. ‘The issues that we face as a country today are the issues that have been in my wheelhouse, that I’ve worked on my whole life.’” The As You Are map shows two entries. While sparse compared to nearby California and Washington, those two are more than Montana’s blank states show on the map. Launched in August, the goal of the As You Are campaign is to showcase what a family’s acceptance means to LGBT youth directly through first-hand accounts. The foundation encouraged people to submit stories online. After asking about preferred pronouns and five words you feel describe you, the campaign has two main questions: Tell us about an experience you’ve had with family and community acceptance and/or rejection. How has this experience impacted your life? Why is family and community acceptance important to you?
To read the rest of the Florida based stories visit SFGN.com/AsYouAre 12.12.2018 •
SPECIAL REPORT Rising STD Rates in America
The Broward Wellness Center is a
State of the Art STD Clinic With STD rates on the rise, Broward is on the front lines of combating the public health epidemic Jason Parsley
roward County is home to one of the most advanced STD clinics in the U.S., according to at least one prominent public health advocate.
“Broward has the newest and most advanced testing and treatment program in the United States,” said Jeffrey D. Klausner, Professor of Medicine and Public Health at UCLA. “That’s a breakthrough in terms of sexual health services. There is no reason, other than funding, that this couldn’t be replicated in urban areas around the United States.” A recent report from the Centers of for Disease control showed in 2017, about 2.3 million cases of STDs were diagnosed. It marks the highest number ever reported, by more than 200,000 (the record previously set in 2016).
The Broward Wellness Center opened in said Mike McKany, National Director of 2013 to much fanfare after the The Florida Public Health Division for AHF. Department of Health in Broward County AHF has attempted to replicate this model handed over their STD clinical services to elsewhere, but McKany said other places in the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Last year the nation aren’t ready for this type of model the clinic opened a larger - or say they’re not interested. location at 750 SE 3rd Ave. “This is really a revolutionary in Fort Lauderdale. idea,” he said. “This is completely “We encourage our different and out of the box from community to make HIV anybody else.” and STD testing a part of Since opening in 2013 the regular medical checkups. center has provided services to The Broward Wellness more than 100,000 patients. The Center […] will provide even center currently serves about 175 greater access to sexual patients a day. Before 2013 AHF health services on a walk in was able to serve only about 50 basis at no cost,” Dr. Paula a day. Thaqi, Director, Florida Some of the services offered Department of Health in at the clinic include Chlamydia Broward County, said in a screening and treatment; press release when the new Gonorrhea screening and location opened last year. treatment; Syphilis screening and In order to make the treatment; and free HIV testing facility a reality, AHF had and linkage to HIV primary care - Mike McKany to close down some of – all of which are free. National Director of Public their other locations and The Wellness Center is Health Division for AHF consolidate their resources also able to process patients’ into the Wellness Center. gonorrhea and chlamydia tests By doing so they were able to increase the onsite within 90 minutes. Most medical availability of services by 36 hours a week. offices have to send their the tests to outsides On its first day open they saw 68 patients. labs to get the results, which can take four to “It was very overwhelming and we had to five days. change our staff plan almost immediately,” “From what I’ve heard we’re the only place
“You can get tested in the morning… coming back in the evening to get treated.”
Wilton Manors Mayor Justin Flippen with Michael Weinstein, president and CEO of AHF, and Paula Thaqi, director of Florida Dept. of Health in Broward, cutting the ribbon at the opening of the BrowardWellness Center. Photo courtesy of AHF.
doing this in the U.S.,” he said. “It’s pretty amazing.” Once the results are in, the patient is notified via email or text, and they can check an app where all of their lab work is listed. “You can get tested in the morning… coming back in the evening to get treated,” McKany said. “The speed is unheard of.” Another advantage of the rapid results is reducing the overuse of antibiotics in treating STDs. Oftentimes if a patient was exposed to an STD, or exhibited the classical symptoms of one, a doctor would treat them right away, without knowing the results of the test. “That’s called empirical treatment,” McKany said. “If someone is experiencing symptoms of gonorrhea [a doctor] might decide to treat them rather than wait. But many other things can mimic gonorrhea and chlamydia.” Additionally the Florida Dept. of Health – Broward provides three Disease Intervention Specialists who work closely with the staff at the Wellness Center to ensure patients receive high quality care. McKany explained that these people are able to access to the records from the state’s
health department so they’re able to have a fuller picture of a person’s health history. “It enables us to put together the pieces of a puzzle,” McKany said. Imara Canady, AHF’s National Director of Communications & Community, added: “This is core to AHF’s mission – to provide really cutting edge medical care.” But it’s not just the medical care that’s comprehensive – the design of the center is also innovative and inviting. “There are oversized labs, natural light, a large waiting room,” McKany said. “It’s really different.” But Canady added to this when asked what makes the Broward Wellness Center so unique. “AHF is the only non-profit agency in the area that is providing this type of service to the community. These are cutting edge things having a positive impact on the population we are serving,” Canady said. “This [Wellness Center] is an example of a public-public partnership. We are a nonprofit agency working in collaboration with the government. We’re client focused and not looking to make a profit.”
This is a fourth part of a series of reports SFGN will publish on the rising STD rates in the U.S.
1 2.12.2018
12.12.2018 •
NEWS local
Stormy Daniels Cancels Local Show Alleges Club Owner Made Anti-Gay Slur Nick Adkins
dult film star Stormy Daniels canceled a show in Broward this weekend after she said the owner of the Sunrise strip club called her assistant an anti-gay slur, NBC Miami Reported. “Sorry everyone who was planning to see me at Goldfingers tonight but I will NOT be performing. The owner called my assistant a “fucking faggot” after I refused to do something not in my contract. This abuse will not be tolerated,” Daniels captioned on an Instagram photo of her standing in front of the club while giving the middle finger. Daniels, who rose to international fame over allegations of an extramarital affair with President Donald Trump and an investigation into “hush money” payments, was scheduled to perform both Friday and Saturday. TMZ reported that the club’s owner denied the incident on Instagram, saying that Daniels broke her contract. Daniels performed earlier this year in
Stormy Daniels. Photo credit: Glenn Francis.
West Palm Beach, doing two shows at a club across the street from Trump International Golf Club and just miles from the President’s Mar-a-Lago estate.
4390 Northlake Blvd. Palm Beach Gardens FL 33410 www.K9SPA.us Voice: 561-622-5678 Text: 561-352-7808
1 2.12.2018
Editorial Cartoon
Editorial Cartoon By Mike Luckovich
M A 2
12.12.2018 •
Two Guys and a Dog
Through Thin and Thick Brian McNaught
nlike Lincoln, who immediately takes shotgun in the old, red, Mercedes convertible, Jeremy always jumped into the back of my red Opel station wagon. Perhaps, had it been a Mercedes, the Irish Setter, that I had given to a previous boyfriend for Christmas, would have wanted to ride up front too. Maybe he stayed in the back of the Opel because it was easier for me to feed him there, mostly White Castle burgers and fries. I’d get a dozen burgers, and split them with him, the same way I give Lincoln Dairy Queen vanilla soft serve now. “One spoonful for you. One spoonful for me.” Jeremy made the pilgrimage with me from Detroit’s chapter of Dignity to Boston, where the national office was It was clear located. I was semi-famous enough for that Jeremy Ray to know who I was. In 1974, I went on a hunger strike to protest the sins of was my dog, the Catholic Church against gay people. although he Jeremy. When that ended, the Church fired me Photo courtesy of and Ray had as a columnist and reporter, so I became Brian McNaught. a columnist and reporter in the gay press. a love affair. That notoriety might have scared But I was many gay people from being seen with the alpha, me in public, but not Ray. It’s not all that was always his fault. If he tipped over the kitchen Our three dogs, Jeremy, Brit, and Lincoln, have collectively uncommon, you know, for closeted gay garbage can while we were away, he was a bad ridden in a large assortment of cars, and like children, have and I made people not wanting to be seen with gay boy. If he locked himself in the bathroom, it was encountered us in various stages of canine awareness and the rules, or “activists.” When I was one of the only his doing. He was loved deeply by us, but we had maturity, as we drove the backroads of their lives. All three openly gay people in Boston City Hall in no dog owner training as twenty-year-olds, even have been linked through the various ups and downs, and lack thereof. 1982, it was only a brave two Guys who having had dogs as children. I wish we could have episodes of our lives – passion, separation, experimentation, would have lunch with me. When Ray a do-over with him. And, yet, we were perfect for addiction, recovery, addiction, suicide, recovery, gay politics, had a rainbow flag on his desk at Lehman Brothers, only each other, and the three of us were a tight family. transgender awareness, wealth, lean years, notoriety, tears, one young woman identified herself to him, this despite him Jeremy had an opinion on everything, and readily gave it to screams, laughter, therapy, prayer, Catholicism, atheism, being a managing director of the firm. I used to laugh when everyone, whether they wanted to hear it or not, including to Buddhism, agnosticism, Taoism, visiting parents, dead I watched closeted gay friends run from the produce section Elaine Noble, Lily Tomlin, Lisa Myers, Gerry Studds, Barney parents, visiting young nephews and nieces, visits by the when they saw me heading in for a hug. Frank, Neil Miller, Sr. Jeannine Gramick, Fr. Paul Stanley, children of those nephews and nieces, 42 Valentine’s Day, The Irish Setter didn’t know gay. He barked at Ray when Tomie dePaola, Stephen McCauley, and Gregory Maguire, birthdays, Halloweens Thanksgivings, Christmases, and my new roommate, and now husband of 43 years, climbed among others. They all visited our third floor Brookline Easters, hundreds of presents, dozens of temporary best into the front seat of the red Opel. But then the dog stopped, apartment, or our home in Gloucester, and all became aware friends, and not once did any of them complain. Well, that’s which told me that there was something in the vibrations of of the Irish Setter’s voice. They also all loved him. not completely true. Jeremy barked, Brit walked away and this handsome strawberry blond man that appealed to both It was clear that Jeremy was my dog, although he and Ray curled up, and Lincoln sighs deeply. the dog and to me. Jeremy and I both counted on the kindness had a love affair. But I was the alpha, and I made the rules, or If Jeremy or Brit were alive today, they would recognize of this stranger to find our new home in Brookline, just over lack thereof. While Lincoln gets no human food (except soft our scent, but not our appearance. Lincoln knows that Ray the Boston line, for the next eight years of our lives. serve), Jeremy got whatever he wanted. It got to the point walks with a cane, and that we both have gray hair. He’s Poor Jeremy was our first dog, and as such, had the most that he wouldn’t eat his dinner without decent scraps, and never seen us wrestle, or dance fast in the living room. Time strict, and clueless parents of any of the three dogs in our I never was able to finish a whole bowl of ice cream without passes. Dogs age and die, and so will we, but what a time we history. Oldest children will relate. We’ve learned in raising him pawing his way into my heart and dessert. all have had together. Lincoln, the spoiled Labradoodle, that any mistake the puppy makes is our fault, and not that of the dog. If the dog peed and pooped inside, we should have taken him out. If he chewed the table leg, we should have watched his behavior, and given Brian McNaught has been a leading educator on LGBTQ issues globally since 1974. He has him something else to chew. But, there was no such modern made his many books and DVDs available for free at Brian-McNaught.com. The New York parenting methods with Jeremy. Whatever bad happened Times named him “The Godfather of gay diversity training.
1 2.12.2018
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12.12.2018 •
Jesse’s Journal
Some thoughts on the elections of 2018 Jesse Monteagudo
Somehow the ‘blue wave’ missed Florida
he “blue wave” that gave the served their time. Democratic Party control of the U.S. Even so, Florida Democrats have a long House of Representatives hit a rock way to go before we regain even a minor wall in the State of Florida. Bill Nelson, the amount of power on the State level. state’s Democratic U.S. Senator, lost his bid Though Florida is almost equally divided, for a fourth term to Rick Scott, the outgoing as evidenced by the Senator, Governor Republican Governor, albeit by a narrow and Agriculture Commissioner, Reds still margin. A sadder, though equally narrow, outvote Blues, and it is uncertain that loss was handed to Andrew Gillum, Mayor newly-emancipated felons will change this of Tallahassee and Democratic candidate fact. for governor. “Florida has been red as a sunset for His victorious opponent, Republican well over a decade,” journalist Buddy Ron Desantis, rode his Nevins wrote in his victory on the coattails of blog browardbeat.com. President Donald Trump “Although there is hope for who, though unpopular Democrats on the horizon Even Broward elsewhere, is liked in red because of the changing County, the state central and north demographics, Florida Florida. Red Republicans remains a tough nut for Ds center of Blue retained control of the to crack.” State Florida, State Cabinet and both Even Broward County, did not produce the center of Blue State branches of the State Legislature. Not even Florida, did not produce the percentage progressive Broward the percentage of votes of votes that County could elect that the Villages, the Emma Collum, who the Villages, the center of Red State Florida, lost to Chip LaMarca in gave GOP candidates. At center of Red House District 93. least the people who run State Florida, Though the elections elections in north and of 2018 were rather central Florida manage to gave GOP dismal for Florida Blue, do so with some degree of candidates. there were a few victories efficiency, something that for state Democrats. Nikki Broward’s well-meaning but Fried beat Republican incompetent Supervisor Matt Caldwell in a race of Elections, Dr. Brenda for Agriculture Commissioner that was Snipes, could never do. even more of a nail bitter than the ones for Meanwhile, the City of Wilton Manors, Senator and Governor. Two Democratic made the news - and history - by electing women, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell and an all-LGBT City Commission. Donna Shalala flipped U.S. House Districts Justin Flippen was easily elected Mayor 26 and 27, respectively. Jennifer Webb of the Island City, as were Commissioner (District 69) became the first lesbian elected Gary Resnick, Flippen’s predecessor as to the State House of Representatives, Mayor, and Commissioner Paul Rolli. The joining Carlos Guillermo Smith (District three men join incumbent Commissioners 49) and Shevrin Jones (District 101). Several Julie Carson and Tom Green. This makes progressive amendments passed, most Wilton Manors only the second city in the notably Amendment 4, which will restore country with an all-LGBT ruling body, after voting rights to most convicted felons who Palm Springs, California.
1 2.12.2018
Andrew Gillum. Photo via Facebook.
In a recent column, I called Wilton Manors my “second home,” and that of every other LGBT person in South Florida. Though I regret the election loss of veteran Scott Newton, as true an Ally as ever was, he accomplished much and should retire
with dignity. Now is the time for the Island City’s new Mayor and Commissioners to move forward, knowing well that they represent not just their LGBT constituents, but everyone who lives, works and plays in their City.
Jesse Monteagudo is a freelance writer and journalist. He has been an active member of South Florida's LGBT community for more than four decades and has served in various community organizations.
12.12.2018 •
Saints Francis and Clare CACINA Catholic
Saturday 5:00 PM, Sunday 10:30 AM CHRISTMAS EVE MASS: 10 PM CHRISTMAS DAY MASS: 10:30 AM 2300 NW 9th Ave, Powerline Rd. Wilton Manors, FL 33311 www.stsfrancisandclare.org
Divine Mercy Chapel 2749 NE 10th Ave Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954-567-1930 - DivineMercy.church Service Time: Mass, Sunday 10:30am St. Nicholas Episcopal Church 1111 E. Sample Road, Pompano Beach (954)942-5887 - stnicholasfl.org office@ stnicholasfl.org Service Times: Sundays 8:00AM & 10:30AM (9:30AM only from Memorial Day through Labor Day) United Church of Christ Fort Lauderdale 2501 NE 30th Street, Ft. Lauderdale (954)563-4271 - uccftl.org revpatrickrogers@gmail.com Service Times: Thursdays 10:30AM (Elliot Hall) & Sundays 10:30AM (Sanctuary)
Christ Lutheran Church 1955 East Oakland Park Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33306 www.christlutheranfl.org
Sunday Service @ 10am Fellowship after Service
1 2.12.2018
LISTINGS Congregation Etz Chaim 2038 N. Dixie Hwy (Pride Center Building B), Wilton Manors 954-564-9232 - etzchaimflorida.org RabbiNoahKitty@etzchaimflorida.org Friday Night Shabbat Service 8p.m. Holy Angels Catholic Community 2917 NE 6th Avenue Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954-633-2987 - HolyAngelsFL.net Sunday Mass at 11AM Christ Lutheran Church 1955 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale. 33306 (954) 564-7673 - christlutheranfl.org pastordeborah@christlutheranfl.org Worship: Sunday 10:00am
FAITH & PRIDE spirituality The American New
Catholic church It’s really all about love... for everyone!
he American New Catholic Church, Inc both celebrates and draws nourishment from the experience of community. Neither large nor alienating, the American New Catholic Church, Inc has established an intimate community experience where its members are at once accepted, affirmed and challenged to further their commitment as the body of Christ. We seek depth of relationship with God and with one another that is demanding as well as liberating. American New Catholic Church, Inc maintain rich sacramental and liturgical traditions which reflect centuries of practice and evolution. Our liturgies, rooted in the early church, express commitments to ritual, narrative and spirituality that demonstrate sensitivity to the needs of a Church that is inclusive in image, word and action. We, The American New Catholic Church, Inc, as a member of the One Holy Catholic
Apostolic Church, proclaim our mission as rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We offer a sacramental and affirming presence to all in their diversity. We, as an autonomous Catholic community, strive for the work of fostering unity while celebrating the various faith traditions among Christians in accord with Jesus’ prayer “that all may be one.” As the people of God, we are called to ministries that are loving, inclusive and promoting of justice to further the reign of God. The American New Catholic Church, Inc is the legal corporation title of an independent Catholic Church which adheres to the catholic deposit of faith as revealed by God the Father, taught by Jesus Christ, and sanctified by the Holy Spirit through tradition and scripture down through the centuries. We are a church charged with bringing the good news of Divine love to everyone. Our mandate from Jesus is to make the gospel message vibrant in the lives of our people, whatever walk they come from.
If you would like to speak to someone about The American New Catholic Church, contact Bishop John Joseph Reid at The Shrine of Divine Mercy. 2749 NE 10 Ave, Wilton Manors 954-567-1930 12.12.2018 •
lifestyle photos
church of the holy spirit song On December 2, The church opened the advent season by welcoming in the community. J.R. Davis
Shawn Thomas and Greg B.
Robert T. and Stephanie.
Chris K. and Bryan.
Kelly R. and Cameron.
To see many more photos, visit South Florida Gay News on Facebook.
Rev. Leslie Rutland Tipton (right) and Sandee.
1 2.12.2018
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PRIDE ALL ARE WELCOME SFGN is here for you, no matter who — or what — keeps you going. Check out the Spirituality Section each week to stay in touch with your local religious LGBT community. The only requirement? Be yourself.
Trans Talk
A Story of Hope, Love, and Growth Atticus Ranck
hen my wife and I got married a little over two months ago, we opted not to have a traditional wedding party with female bridesmaids and male groomsmen. We try to buck traditional gender roles whenever we can. For the bridal party, Sebastian chose to have only one person in her party, the most important person in her life (besides me, of course!) - her mom. For me, I chose my younger sister Kendra as my Best Lady (the female equivalent of a Best Man). The rest of my party consisted of my friend Alicia, my brother Shane, and my older sister Nicole. My sister Kendra wrote a Best Lady speech which I decided to share here with her permission. I edited it only slightly. The speech brought tears to my eyes during the reception and just now as I was reading it again. It’s a speech of hope and love and growth, especially for family members of trans people. Kendra and I have come a long way as siblings and I have more love for her now than I ever have. Growing up with Atticus was like growing up with my best friend. We did everything together. I remember when Atticus started Kindergarten and I was sadly left behind I would wait by the door everyday until he walked in and immediately announce, “Let’s play Sister, Sister.” We would run up stairs, go to my parent’s room and pretend that we were older “mature” sisters living in the same house. I loved every minute of it. As we got older, we developed new friendships and interests separate from each other, however, neither one of us left the other behind. We could always be seen together bonding over sports, books and movies all of the good things in life. When Atticus started struggling with his identity I started to feel like I was losing my sister forever. How could we pretend to be older “mature” sisters without the one sister?
1 2.12.2018
Kendra (left) reads her Best Lady speech for her brother Atticus (center) and Sebastian. Photo credit: Louie Tomas Velez.
I’ll always remember the day that I confessed my own struggles to him. It was a breakthrough for us both. Atticus told me that he will always be the same person emotionally and even though I won’t be able to call him my sister, I can say that I have gained another brother. Since then Atticus has done nothing but live up to those standards. He started to become a happier person. You could physically see that his internal struggles lifted and he became himself in a new and improved way. For me it honestly felt like I actually got my sister back just in an unexpected way. Now here we are, years later, celebrating
this big moment in his life. His wedding day! I couldn’t be happier for him. To have found the person he wants to spend his life with is a wonderful gift. Sebastian has provided comfort, patience and understanding in a way nobody else could. As life will undoubtedly continue to throw curve balls and struggles I have no doubt that they will be able to support, comfort and lean on one another through all of the storms. I wish them nothing but the best as they strive to meet mutual goals, as they build a life together and as their love continues to grow for one another. I can now say that I have not only gained a brother but a new sister as well.
Atticus Ranck is the Health Programs & Supportive Services Manager for Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center in Allentown, PA. Previously, he was the Director of Transgender Services at SunServe in Wilton Manors. Atticus is a trans man who advocates for the LGBT community through his work, trainings, presentations, and everyday encounters.
ur PrEP PrEP has has become become oneone of our of our ht most most powerful tools tools in the in the fight fight PrEPpowerful has become one of our PrEP has become of our most powerful toolsone in the fight against against HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS. most powerful tools in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
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Howard Howard A. A.A.A. Howard Howard Grossman, MD Grossman, MD Grossman, Grossman, MD MD
2500 954-530-8357 NE 15th Ave | Wilton Manors, FL 33305
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12.12.2018 •
lifestyle photos
Kiki Project awarded by state rep
at the Stonewall Museum & Gallery The kiki project received its congratulations for its hiv awareness activism from state Representative Shevrin Jones. J.R. Davis
Christopher Hulsebosch.
Mattew Eaton with Manny Jenkins.
Marina BraynonMoore, District Executive Secretary to Representative Shevrin Jones, speaking with Christopher Hulsebosch.
Kishi Martin and Deytonna Morgan.
To see many more photos, visit South Florida Gay News on Facebook. 36
1 2.12.2018
Feature pets
she’s a dream
Six-year-old Disney just graduated from our Junior Dog Training class where she bonded with her junior trainer Ava. Ava said Disney loves to zoom back and forth. Once she plays she’s super calm and sweet. Ava taught her to sit, touch nose to palm, watch me and was working on down. Disney is potty-trained too! Come and make your “Disney” dreams come true!
South Florida Gay News
SFGN.com @SoFlaGayNews
The adoption fee for dogs over 6 months is $100 and felines over 6 months are $30. When you adopt from the Humane Society of Broward County the dogs and cats are spayed or neutered, microchipped, receive preliminary vaccinations, cats are feline leukemia tested, and dogs over 7 months are tested for heartworm. They also receive a flea/tick preventative, a 10-day limited health care plan from VCA Animal Hospitals, 30 days of Trupanion Pet Insurance and a bag of Purina ONE pet food. The HSBC opens daily at 10:30 and is located at 2070 Griffin Road, a block west of I-95. For more details call 954-989-3977 ext. 6. To see who else is looking for a home visit www.humanebroward.com.
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12.12.2018 •
Uncle AL’s 90th birthday at Leboy On December 7 and 8, LeBoy hosted a celebration for Uncle Al, one of its integral founders. The club featured a complimentary gourmet buffet at 7 p.m. both nights. J.R. Davis Barmen Danny and Jimmy. Blake and David with Victor from the Boardwalk.
Uncle Al with team LeBoy. Hostess Eris Delight Lords with DJ Franko.
To see many more photos, visit South Florida Gay News on Facebook.
1 2.12.2018
Vol. 7 Issue 4 • September 2018
lifestyle food
Walking the Tightrope
Rick Karlin
Check out these new eateries; they’ll please your palate
s a restaurant reviewer, there’s a tightrope to walk when it comes to new restaurants. It always takes a few weeks for places to iron out the kinks in service and fine-tune a menu. That’s why most restaurants have what is called a “soft opening.” They open without much fanfare to give the management a chance to assess what’s working and what needs altering before they start getting regular crowds. This is smart, because once a place gets poor word of mouth for either service or the quality of the food, it’s hard to get over that. Ideally, a reviewer allows a place a few weeks before heading in for that initial review. However, in this now-now-now environment, folks don’t want to wait. They want to lowdown on the latest places immediately. I try to avoid assessing a place too soon and instead give my readers a little background on new places, so they know what to expect when they arrive. I did that with The Grille on the Drive when it first opened and there have already been some changes. If the crowds dining there are any indication, they’re ready for their close-up, Mr. DeMille.
The Grille on the Drive 2000 Wilton Dr., Wilton Manors 954-530-3361 TheGrilleOTD.com
Paul Hugo, who has managed some of South Florida’s most successful nightclubs and restaurants has teamed up with Danel Valero to breathe new life into the old favorite and long-shuttered Tropics. That would be a difficult feat under any circumstances, but with a landmark like Tropics, it’s even more precarious; change it too much and you lose all your old clientele, change it too little and you won’t get the new folks in. Paul and Danel had their work cut out for them. This experienced duo realized Wilton Manors was lacking a high-standard restaurant in a steakhouse style. That was the initial spark for The Grille. Once the format was decided upon and a menu created, the long remodel began. The place needed a facelift, it looked like the lounge in an airport Ramada Inn circa 1987. Short of tearing down walls, they gutted the place from top to bottom and created a space that is at once modern and inviting, new and original but retains the essence of the original layout. In addition to a complete remodel of the interior, the entertainment room received an upgrade, with a small stage backed by red velvet curtains. A variety of entertainers now grace the stage; with the amazing pianist Rick Leonard working with such talented vocalists as Victor Valdez, Mailyn Soulfree and Ellen Patterson as well as special guests. Folks still pack the cabaret room, but thanks to a menu make-over they’re also ordering dinner. In addition to steaks and chops, the new menu offers quite a variety. Appetizers include some favorites from Paul’s former business,
1 2.12.2018
Eat (fried calamari and Mama’s meatballs), as well as classic steak-house offerings such as shrimp cocktail, escargot, Caprese salad, crab cakes and beef or pork sliders. Other options include spinach dip, tuna and an addictive cheesy garlic bread. The owners aren’t afraid to change things up and they’re still tinkering with their menu (they recently got rid of their small, but bountiful, salad bar). Knowing their willingness for change, I have to put this out there, my favorite dish needs to come back. The shrimp boat, which offered perfectly grilled shrimp atop friend eggplant and a small salad. The grill portion of the menu showcases the restaurant’s star dishes; filet mignon, a 12 oz. NY strip steak, skirt steak, an 8 oz. sirloin steak, or the mixed grille (petite filet, sausage, pork ribeye and chicken breast). Those who prefer seafood can choose from blackened mahi mahi, sesame seared tuna, grouper Francaise or sea scallops. Poultry choices include chicken (Dijon, marsala, saltimbocca, or Francaise) and duck. Grill entrees are priced between $20 and $28 (about $5 less for poultry) and includes a choice of sides. Homestyle dinners average $16-18 and include a variety of pasta (angel hair Bolognese, spaghetti and meatballs, lasagna, scampi, chicken Parmesan or Alfredo, pasta primavera and penne in vodka sauce) as well as a hearty meatloaf. In addition to your standard burger and chicken sandwiches, check out the Grille Burger, a 10 oz. Angus patty topped with caramelized onions, bacon, pulled pork, cheddar cheese and a fried egg served on a pretzel bun. It’s almost too much, I pulled off the toppings and ate them separately and took the burger home for dinner the next day. Priced from
The Grille. SFGN file photo.
$14-$16, the burgers are served with fries. There’s even a very good vegan burger, made with black beans, corn, brown rice, quinoa, roasted peppers and cracked wheat. The special that’s drawing folks in is the early-bird dinner, offered Monday through Thursday. The $12.95 deal offers a choice of about a dozen entrees (angel hair Bolognese, eggplant Parmesan, roasted half chicken, meatloaf, chicken Dijon, chopped steak, lasagna or a pork ribeye steak), most served with a choice of sides. The servers are all friendly and helpful. The Grille has just opened its garden room for lunch service, light bites and gelato. That’s where you’ll find star-server Jamie, one of the friendliest faces on Wilton Drive. If you’re looking for some other new places to visit, check out one of these spots.
Bar Rita
1401 S. Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale 954-990-6658 BarRitaFTL.com This two-story Mexican restaurant with a rooftop bar is from the same folks who run Tap 42 next door. The building stands out with its black and white graphics, second-floor open-air terrace and rainbow neon lights. The menu focuses on Mexican-American
Hungry for more?
fare; fajitas, chimichurri lamb shank, buildyour-own bodega bowls, tacos and similar favorites.
Dune in the Auberge Beach Residences & Spa 2200 N. Ocean Blvd., Fort Lauderdale 954-519-2387 AubergeBeachFTLauderdale.com
Scheduled to open by the time you read this, it is the first East Coast restaurant from the outfit behind the famed Auberge du Soleil resort and its Michelin-starred restaurant in Napa Valley, Calif. The restaurant will showcase a seafood-heavy menu and a Napa Valley-inspired wine list. The restaurant will feature a glass-enclosed wine cellar showcasing more than 600 selections. Edgar Beas has been hired as executive chef. He previously worked at Rosewood Inn of the Anasazi in Santa Fe, N.M. “We created Dune to be a casual contemporary restaurant that guests will want to return to,” said Craig Reid, CEO of Auberge Resorts Collection, in a press release. He calls the oceanfront dining room “warm and welcoming,” the menu “upscale but never fussy” and says the atmosphere will be equally comfortable for “Friday dinners under the stars and Sunday brunch.”
Visit SFGN.com/FOOD!
Rick Karlin is SFGN’s food editor. Visit SFGN.com/Food to read his previous reviews. Have a culinary tip to share? Email Rick at RickKarlinFL@gmail.com.
12.12.2018 •
F O R T H E W E E K O F D e c e m b er 1 3 - D e c e m b er 1 8 , 2 0 1 8 • W W W . S F G N . C O M J.W. Arnold
A Flaming Good Time
film Get us to Christmastown! The South Florida Symphony, under the direction of Maestra Sebrina María Alfonso, provides the soundtrack to Tim Burton’s creepy holiday classic, “The Nightmare Before Christmas,” tonight at 8 p.m. at the Broward Center. Danny Elfman’s awardwinning score will come alive right below the movie screen in the center’s Au-Rene Theater. Tickets start at $35 at BrowardCenter.org.
theater Stop, drop and snap! Slow Burn Theatre Co. presents the regionally premiere of the Broward hit musical, “Legally Blonde,” through Dec. 30 at the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale. Join Elle Woods—and Bruiser Woods, too—at Harvard Law School as she plots to win her boyfriend back in this fun stage adaptation featuring music by Laurence O’Keefe and Nell Benjamin. Tickets start at $47 at BrowardCenter.org.
Internationally acclaimed ventriloquist Jerry Halliday introduces Twinky Boy, “the world’s gayest puppet with a hand stuck up it,” tonight at 9 p.m. at The Pub Wilton Manors, 2293 Wilton Dr. Twinky is outrageous, outlandish and out of the closet, with no strings attached and no holds barred. Get fire extinguishers ready for this incendiary human torch who will burn down the house. More info at ThePubWM.com. Photo Credit: Jerry Halliday.
12/15 SUN
12/16 MON
12/17 TUE
Miami City Ballet transports audiences to a dazzling winter wonderland in the new production of “George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker,” opening this weekend at the Arsht Center in Miami. Step into the magical world of toy soldiers, magical characters and the enchanting “Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy,” set to the beloved music of Tchaikovsky and performed by a live orchestra. Tickets at MiamiCityBallet.org.
Ring in the holidays with the Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida tonight at 7 p.m. at the Hard Rock Event Center at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood. The 150 singers will be joined by Broadway and television star Matthew Morrison (“Glee,” “Finding Neverland”) for a wonderful evening of Christmas favorites conducted by artistic director Harold Dioquino. Tickets start at $40 at GMCSF.org.
Need an escape from the holiday madness? Head down to Georgie’s Alibi/Monkey Bar in the Shoppes of Wilton Manors and escape with the Aussie humor of Florida’s Own Dame Edna. Michael Walters offers the Dame’s signature humor and sings your favorite Broadway show tunes in this long-running cabaret show. The fun starts at 8 p.m. Don’t forget 2-41 drink specials until 9 p.m. More information at Alibi.lgbt.
South Florida theater queens: It’s the night you’ve been eagerly anticipating for years! The Broadway hip-hop sensation “Hamilton” finally arrives at the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale. If you didn’t snag seats, there are still 40 tickets available to every performance for $10 each. Get the official “Hamilton” app or visit HamiltonMusical.com/Lottery at 11 a.m. each day to enter the digital lottery. Good luck!
1 2.12.2018
The HARID Conservatory
Winter Performances Saturday, December 15, 3:00 p.m. Sunday, December 16, 3:00 p.m. Countess de Hoernle Theater 5100 Jog Road, Boca Raton
Harlequinade Pas de Deux
Sirtake, a Greek Folk Dance A Modern-Dance Premiere The Nutcracker, Act II
561-998-8038 or online at
Alex Srb photo ©
12.12.2018 •
A&E music
The Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida returns to the Hard Rock for their big holiday concert featuring Broadway and television Matthew Morrison. Photo Credit: Matthew-Morrison.net.
Gay Choruses Spotlight Stars, Soloists J.W. Arnold
ocal gay men’s choruses will sing in the holiday season with special programs celebrating anniversaries and featuring big-name stars. Last weekend the Original Fort Lauderdale Men’s Chorus kicked off the regional gay chorus performances on Saturday with “Season’s Greetings from FTLGMC.” The chorus is celebrating 30 years. “We have a wonderful group of men who appreciate being together and making music,” said Founder and artistic director Dr. Gary Keating. Here are the upcoming highlights from the rest of the choruses.
Miami Gay Men’s Chorus The Miami Gay Men’s Chorus will revisit many of the biggest hits from their previous holiday concerts in “Naughty and Nice: 20 Years of Holiday Favorites” on Saturday, Dec. 15 at 8 p.m. at Miami Shores Presbyterian Church and Dec. 16 at 6 p.m. at Coral Gables Congregational Church in Coral Gables. “We’ve compiled the chorus’s favorite songs, tidbits from all of our holiday concerts. We have the nice—classical and traditional pieces—and the naughty, like ‘The Davey Dinkle Song,’ about the little boy who pees in the snow, but ultimately saves Christmas,” said artistic director Anthony Cabrera. Audiences can also expect a hilarious return appearance from the headmistress of “Miss Twinkleton’s School for Sensitive Boys,” and a nod to one of the most popular holiday programs in recent years, “The Nutcracker: Men in Tights.” “It’s a really fun program,” he said, “with something for everyone.” Tickets for “Naughty and Nice: 20 Years of Holiday Favorites” are available at MGMChorus.org.
Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida The 150-voice Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida welcomes Broadway and television star Matthew Morrison (“Glee,” “Finding Never-
1 2.12.2018
land”) to the stage of the Hard Rock Event Center at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood on Sunday, Dec. 17 at 7 p.m. Artistic director Harold Dioquino is practically giddy about the opportunity to share the stage with Morrison. Long before planning for the concert formally began, Dioquino envisioned him as the perfect guest artist for that holiday event. “It’s sort of like a dream come true,” Dioquino admitted. “Matthew is such a talented performer and he has quite a following from ‘Glee.’ I know the chorus is going to enjoy working with him. The audience will love him, too.” In addition to the Hard Rock performance, the chorus will present a similar program, “The Heart of the Holidays”—without Morrison—at the Sunshine Cathedral in Fort Lauderdale on Saturday, Dec. 15 at 8 p.m. Tickets for “Holidays at Hard Rock” and “The Heart of the Holidays” are available at GayMensChorusOfSouthFlorida.org.
The Gay Men’s Chorus of the Palm Beaches The Voices of Pride’s annual holiday show Voices of the Season takes place Dec. 13 and 14 at 8 p.m. at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Lake Worth. This year the chorus celebrates 15 years. Check their website VoicesOfPride.org for more information on tickets.
F O R T I C K E T S A N D I N F O R M AT I O N S O U T H F L O R I DAS Y M P H O N Y. O R G | 9 5 4 . 5 2 2 . 8 4 4 5 12.12.2018 •
A&E theater “Sordid Lives” creator Del Shores turns master storyteller in his new one-man show. Photo Credit: Jason Grindle.
Did you miss it? No worries...
f o t s Be 8 201
In August our readers selected their favorites, and in September they voted. See who came out on top!
Visit sfgn.com/BestOf2018
Best Restaurant Best Pizza Best Guest House Best Place To Shop Best Happy-Hour Best Pet Groomers Best Drag Queen Best Movie Theater Best Non-Profit Best Gym Best Business Group Best Hair Salon Best Spa ... And many more!
1 2.12.2018
Review: Del Shores Serves Up Familiar Characters, Lots of Laugh J.W. Arnold
n his new one-man show, “Six Characters in Search of a Play,” “Sordid Lives” creator Del Shores introduces audiences at Fort Lauderdale’s Empire Stage to six quirky characters who haven’t yet made it into one of his plays or television shows. In this riff on Pirandello’s classic 1921 play, “Six Characters in Search of an Author,” some of the said “characters” are based on real life friends and family members: There’s Sarah (Hunley), the aging actress determined to drink and smoke herself to death before Trump is elected president; Aunt Bobbie Sue, a capri pants-wearing Republican with down swept hair and a thin Virginia Slim cigarette always in hand; and Loraine, Shores’ mother, an eccentric art teacher who succumbed to mental illness and opioid addiction. And then there are the characters inspired by unforgettable encounters along the way: Marsha, a monkey-hating, chainsmoking lesbian with COPD; Yvonne (pronounced Why-vawn), a waitress who serves up disdain to vegetarians eating at her diner; and Jimmy Del, the Georgia redneck with latent homosexual tendencies and a not-so-innocent fascination with “Magic Mike” star Channing Tatum. While their particular backstories may be new to audiences, all are immediately familiar to devoted “Sordid Lives” and “Southern Baptist Sissies” fans. Shores has long drawn on his experiences growing up
in rural Winters, Tex., and modeled his characters on family members like his Aunt Sissy, who plays a major role in this play, even if she isn’t one of the chosen six. Each of the new characters could be easily and believably substituted into any of his previous works. And in Shores’ telling, they all manage to sound a lot like Leslie Jordan’s sassy southern Brother Boy. He doesn’t break any new ground with this play, sticking closely to the formula that has made him a “minor gay celebrity.” (I’ll let Shores explain that one.) That said, not one person in the soldout house on opening weekend could have cared less. They were too busy laughing. Shores is the consummate storyteller. He points out that he got an early start, egged on by his mother’s side of the family. No matter how far-fetched his latest tale, they could be counted on to praise and encourage his colorful imagination. Shores also doesn’t need many props— he relies only on a couple of chairs, a desk and an easel with choice photographs (evidence, you might say)—to set the stage for the tall tales that follow. Now 61, Shores still exhibits a wideeyed, boyish charm and certainly connects with the mostly older gay male audience, especially as he reminisces about the Husky jeans he wore as a child and waxes on about those strong, colorful women in his life. It’s a winning recipe that even Yvonne would be happy to dish out.
Del Shores stars in “Six Characters in Search of a Play” through Dec. 16 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Dr. in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $35 at EmpireStage.com.
Center of it All for Arts, Culture & Learning in Boca Raton Literature, Professional Theater, Concerts, Comedy, Film, Art, Pottery, Adult University Lectures and more!
Nathan D. Rosen Museum Gallery: January Exhibition - Florida Highwaymen
Enjoy works by these celebrated, self-taught, acclaimed African American artists known for their idyllic Florida landscapes. OPENING RECEPTION AND MEET & GREET ARTISTS: Sunday, January 6, 6:30 - 8:30 pm 7:00 pm Talk by Speaker Gary Monroe (part of the Florida Fresh: The Speaker Series)
Writing the seminal book that introduced the Highwaymen to the world, Gary Monroe successfully nominated them into the Florida Artists Hall of Fame. These now-acclaimed and widely collected, self-taught artists painted idyllic versions of the Florida landscape and sold their creations door-to-door during the height of the Civil Rights Movement.
LEVIS JCC SANDLER CENTER, BOCA RATON levisjcc.org/sandleracl • 561-544-7426
Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center • Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center • 21050 95th Avenue S., Boca Raton, FL 33428
12.12.2018 •
Theater Tucker Berardi
*Legally Blonde
Thursday, December 13 to Sunday, December 30 at the Broward Center for Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Avenue., Fort Lauderdale. The story of the not-so-dumb-blonde sorority sister and Valley girl who charms her way into Harvard Law School to win back her boyfriend has been made into two movies and this action-packed musical that explodes with memorable songs and dynamic dances. Tickets $47 to $60. Visit BrowardCenter.org.
*Voices of Pride Holiday Show 2018
December 13 and 14 at 8 p.m. at the St. Andrews Episcopal Church, 100 N Palmway, Lake Worth. Spend a delightful evening in the beautiful setting of St. Andrews Episcopal Church sur-rounded by lots of wonderful, familiar Holiday melodies and maybe a few that will be new to you. Of course, VOP always adds their own special “touches” that will surely bring a smile to your face and maybe even a few misty eyes as well. Tickets $27. Visit VoicesofPride.org.
December 12 - December 18 broward county *Soweto Gospel Choir — “Songs of the Free”
Tuesday, December 18 at 7:30 p.m. at the Parker Playhouse, 707 N.E. Eighth Street, Fort Lau-derdale. The two-time Grammy® Award-winning Soweto Gospel Choir brings its Songs of the Free tour in honor of Nelson Mandela’s 100th birthday to Parker Playhouse. The South Florida Caribbean Chorale appears as the opening act. Tickets $37.50 to $47.50. Visit ParkerPlayhouse.com
Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series
Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com
palm beach county Madrigal Dinner
Saturday, December 15 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church, 100 NE Mizner Blvd, Boca Raton.Cocktails, dinner and a show! Eat a holiday feast in ye-olde dress. Following dinner, a concert of seasonal and madrigal music will entertain guests. Guests are encouraged to dress in renaissance costume. Tickets are $100. Visit fauf.fau,edu/ madrigal
Soweto Gospel Choir will be at the Parker Playhouse with "Songs of the Free" on Tuesday, December 18 at 7:30 p.m. Photo Credit: Soweto Gospel Choir, via Facebook.
Free Friday Concerts
Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.
miami-dade county *Superior Donuts
January 3 to January 20 at Main Street Plyers, 6766 Main Street, Miami Lakes. Arthur Przybyszewski owns a decrepit donut shop in the Uptown neighborhood of Chicago. Franco Wicks, a black teenager who is his only employee, wants to change the shop for the better. This comedy-drama explores the challenges of embracing the past and the redemptive power of friendship. Tickets $25 to $30. Visit mainstreetplayers.com.
Outdoor Music Series
Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.
Full Charge Bookkeeping Services
The Big Show
Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustThe-Funny.com.
* Denotes New Listing 48
1 2.12.2018
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Atlanta | Boston | Chicago | Dallas/ Ft Worth | Detroit | Los Angeles | Miami/ Ft Lauderdale | New York | Orlando/Tampa Bay | Philadelphia | San Francisco | Washington DC
12.12.2018 •
December 12 December 18
Community Tucker Berardi
Broward Support Services
Top Picks
*Kwanzaa Celebration
Saturday, December 29 at 7 p.m. at the Stonewall National Museum, 2157 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors. Hosted by Brother Saalik Cuevas with drumming by Kiowa. Learn, celebrate and participate as we light candles and honor the Nguzo Saba, which are the Seven Principles of Kwanzaa followed by a taste of the tradition with foods served in the Karamu feast. Free to attend.
*Coloured Art Exhibit
December 14 to February 8 at the Pompano Beach Cultural Center, 50 W. Atlantic Boulevard, Pompano Beach. The exhibition Coloured designates a culturally-specific space for checking out how color is set down on canvas, paper and wood to convey di-verse renditions of contemporary African diasporic visual culture.Free to attend.
*Paint Outer Space
Friday, December 14 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Arts and Crafts Social Club in Fort Lauderdale. Paint with fluorescent paints under a UV/blacklight and craft a colorful space scene. Bring wine, beer, cocktails, and food of your choice! Tickets $35. Visit artsandcraftssocialclub.com.
Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.
SunServe Youth Group
Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.
Survivor Support
First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.
broward county *Kwanzaa Celebration
Saturday, December 29 at 7 p.m. at the Stonewall National Museum, 2157 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors. Hosted by Brother Saalik Cuevas with drumming by Kiowa. Learn, cele-brate and participate as we light candles and honor the Nguzo Saba, which are the Seven Principles of Kwanzaa followed by a taste of the tradition with foods served in the Karamu feast. Free to attend.
*Paint Outer Space
Friday, December 14 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Arts and Crafts Social Club in Fort Lauderdale. Paint with fluorescent paints under a UV/blacklight and craft a colorful space scene. Bring wine, beer, cocktails, and food of your choice! Tickets $35. Visit artsandcraftssocialclub.com.
*Coloured Art Exhibit
December 14 to February 8 at the Pompano
1 2.12.2018
Beach Cultural Center, 50 W. Atlantic Boulevard, Pompano Beach. The exhibition Coloured designates a culturally-specific space for checking out how color is set down on canvas, paper and wood to convey diverse renditions of contemporary African diasporic visual culture.Free to attend.
*Paint a Moonlit Ocean
Saturday, December 15 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Arts and Crafts Social Club in Fort Lauderdale. Paint a mysterious seascape step-by-step along with the painting instruc-tor. Bring wine, beer, cocktails, and food of your choice! Tickets $35. Visit artsandcraftssocialclub.com.
Arts and Crafts Wednesday Happy Hour
Wednesdays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Arts and Crafts Social Club in Fort Lauder-dale. Enjoy a two-for-one ‘freestyle’ painting session
December 12 - December 18 with hands on assistance as needed. Tickets $20. Visit artsandcraftssocialclub.com
beverages and hors d’oeuvres will be served. Visit palmbeachculture.com.
Lunch With Art
Coffee Clatch at Compass
Every Wednesday from 12:15 to 1:15 pm at 41 NE st 33060, Pompano Beach. Indulge your creative side in this free hands-on program. Bring your own lunch or grab a bite to eat at the in-house cafe.
Life Coaching
Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud Clubhouse, 2300 Wilton Drive in Wilton Man-ors. Get one-on-one life coaching from certified CRCS coaches. For guys living with HIV, their partners, and anyone who identifies as transgender. Free. Call 954-765-6239 or visit LatinosSalud.org.
palm beach county *Conversation with Artist Bruce Helander
Monday, January 7 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at The Colony Hotel Coral Ballroom, 155 Hammon Avenue in Palm Beach. An arts critic and writer, curator and creative talent, Bruce Helander has been hailed as “the most recognized and successful collage artist in the country.” Tickets $75 to $85. Complementary
First Monday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon at Compass, 201 N. Dixie Hwy, Lake Worth. A social group focusing on the mature LGBT+ community in Palm Beach County, providing a relaxed environment for meeting friends, discussing interesting topics, and engaging in commu-nity projects. Free to attend, email joekolb@compassglcc.com for details.
Focus Celebration
November 25 - December 1 in downtown Lake Worth. Experience a week of multidisciplinary art displayed throughout the streets of Downtown Lake Worth to West Village. There will be live music, gallery openings, lectures and more. For more info, visit focusLW.com
Hard Bodies: Contemporary Japanese Sculpture
September 29 to March 31 at the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens. Organized by the Minneapolis Institute of Art, the thirty works by sixteen artists comprise the first-ever compre-hensive exhibition of
contemporary Japanese lacquer sculpture. They have all been drawn from the Clark Collections at Mia, the only collection in the world to feature this extraordinary new form. Tickets $9 to $15. Visit morikami.org.
Zoo Miami will open at night for a special holiday event with one million bright, animal shaped lights and dazzling tree lights. Tickets $15 to $37. Visit ZooMiami. org.
Family Nights with Food Truck Invasion
Arsht Center Farmers Market
Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Sunset Cove Amphi-theater, 8802 Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach. The event features rotating entertainment activities and a large collection of Food Trucks on site! Admission is free.
miami-dade county
Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Tickets $45 to $75. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/en/Visit/Dining.
key west
Dinner & Dancing in Dowtown
December 31 from 7:30 p.m. to midnight at the Miami Theater Center, 9806 NE 2nd Ave, Miami Shores. Bring in the new year with some bubbly and hors d’oeuvres, followed by a five course meal and wine pair-ing. When the night nears midnight, get ready for dancing, music, the ball drop and more! Tickets $175. Visit mtcmiami.org.
Zoo Lights Miami
November 23 to December 29 at 7 p.m. the Miami Zoo, 12400 SW 152 St, Miami.
Hot Naked Hump Days
Wednesdays from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Island House, 1129 Fleming St. in Key West. Relax in the middle of the week with two-for-one drinks, free shots, videos and music, giveaways, and naked boys at the pool. Call 305-294-6284 or visit IslandHouseKeyWest.com
* Denotes New Listing
PORN pulse
Gay Wrestler Fights LGBT Suicide With Homemade Porn Hunter Houston
ay wrestler Dave Marshall is making Western Australia’s capital city. homemade porn to fight LGBT Upon the encouragement of his boyfriend suicides, Gay Star News at the time, the gay wrestler reported. created an account on “Stats on LGBT in this area Onlyfans, a subscription“... I hope I can are quite scary” Marshall told based platform that allows in some way, Gay Star News. “So I hope I users to access X-rated can in some way, give back to content from someone, with a give back to my community. Positivity is small monthly fee. everything.” “After some thought, I did my community. From Perth, Australia, 6’3” start it up with part [of the] Marshall is a personal trainer proceeds going to Beyond Positivity is and openly gay wrestler. He Blue – a suicide prevention started his wrestling career in charity,” he told Gay Star everything.” 2015, at the age of 26, when he News. was working in sales. Within the first 24 hours of - Dave Marshall Marshall wrestles for Perthhaving an OnlyFans account, Gay wrestler based wrestling company Marshall said he raised a few Southern Hemisphere hundred dollars for Beyond Wrestling Alliance. For almost 10 years Blue and its work fighting suicide prevention now they’ve held monthly shows all across for men, Hornet reported.
Dave Marshall. Photo via Gramino.
“The reason the money I raise from my OnlyFans goes towards Beyond Blue is seeing everyday how big depression and anxiety has become in society and almost overlooked,” Marshall revealed in an Instagram post.
“[It’s my] first time saying this but my father took his life last year,” Marshall went on to say. So far, Marshall has raised $3,617 for the suicide prevention charity.
Porn Pulse is a weekly column featuring news and tidbits on the gay porn industry. Have a tip? Send Hunter Houston an email at HunterHoustonSFGN@gmail.com. 12.12.2018 •
Business Directory
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law office of Gregory Kabel 1 East Broward Blvd #700, Fort Lauderdale, 33301 954.761.7770 gwkesq@bellsouth.net
Law office of Robin bodiford 2550 N Federal Hwy #20, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.630.2707 Lawrobin.com
law office of Shawn Newman 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com
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Trantalis & Associates attorneys Dean J. Trantalis, Esq. 2301 Wilton Drive Suite C1-A, Wilton Manors, 33035 954.566.2226 TrantalisLaw.com
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Ft Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org
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LOOKING FOR Quiet Private Home/Apartment Single Gay Male, 70+, Looking For a 2 bedroom 1 bath. Close proximity to Wilton Manors or surrounding area. A/C, private entrance/cottage style home. Small Dog. I have excellent references. Call Doug 954.261.9073 or Email dtrncon@aol.com
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SPECIAL HIRE NEEDED - Earn $45,000 per year. Experienced, self-motivated professional salesman needed. Work competitively in a highly flexible and relaxed LGBT-friendly environment. Fax resume to 954-530-7943.
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