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local name global coverage March 1, 2017 vol. 8 // issue 9

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pAGE 28

Palm Beach Protests page 5

Crowd storms town hall page 12

LGBT immigration rights page 30






The OpeninG line Photos: Facebook, Twitter.

palm beach cOunTy sheRiff's Office TaRGeTs men aT JOhn pRince paRk Robb Kvašňák – Thank you, SFGN for bringing this to our attention. You are fully fulfilling the job of a free press. I wish that other media had your guts. This is discrimination based on gender. It is this kind of discrimination that causes hate and fear - two things that shorten lives. In standing up against hate and fear we are affirming life itself and we definitely don't need fictional puritanical religion to drive us to an early death.

Tony crespo – Simple solution. Stop having sex in public parks. Problem solved.


comments from sfGn’s

online outlets

March 1 2017 • Volume 8 • Issue 9

2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305

Compiled by John McDonald

Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

Wal-maRT expecTed TO aRRive in Oakland paRk This nOvembeR

Publisher • Norm Kent Norm.Kent@sfgn.com

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Tim powers –

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I hope the gay community realizes who the Walton family is and who and what causes they give their money to. This is a step in the wrong direction for Oakland Park who is trying to upgrade their image as a culinary and arts District.

derek hyde –

Vote with your dollars. Don't spend a penny in this evil empire. Plus, their stores are depressing.

Senior Features Correspondents Jesse Monteagudo • Tony Adams

matthew T langan –


That area is already a traffic nightmare. This is a terrible decision.

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Associated Press

And runner-up for

NLGJA Journalist of the Year


Covers: Larry Kramer, the prominent HIV activist, continues to fight over 35 years after the AIDS epidemic first swept the gay community.


3 . 1.2017

South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2017 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

3.1.2017 •


Compiled by Jillian Melero

'moonlight' first lGb film to Take home best picture Oscar (EDGE) "Moonlight" will be part of film history, going down as part of one of the most unbelievable upsets in the Oscars race for Best Picture (it shockingly beat out "La La Land," which was predicted to come out on top)- especially given the gaffe that went along with its victory. But LGBTQ media group GLAAD is also hailing the "Moonlight" win as the first LGBTQ film to score Best Picture at the ceremony, Entertainment Weekly points out. "Moonlight" is a coming-of-age story about a young boy growing up poor,

black and gay in Miami. It chronicles his struggles with identity, masculinity and family. "Congratulations to 'Moonlight' on its well-deserved win for Best Picture," GLAAD president and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis said in a statement. "Film is our largest cultural export and must represent the full diversity of the people who make up this country. This sends a strong message to the film industry that it needs to embrace inclusive stories if it wants to remain competitive and relevant."


Woman shot and killed in chicago Trans neighborhood

(EDGE) A transgender woman of color was shot and killed in the Chicago neighborhood of Englewood Tuesday morning, police told local news station WLS-TV. Initial reports, including reports from authorities, misgendered the victim as male but friends later identified her as 24-year-old Keke Collier. Police responded to a call of gun shots around 6:14 a.m. last Tuesday and found the victim lying in the street with wounds in the chest, arm and hand, authorities told the news station. Collier was sent to a nearby hospital where she was pronounced dead. The founder and director of trans justice organization TNTJ Project, LaSaia Wade, said Collier also went by the name Tiara Richmond, according to Mic.com. Collier's friend Shasha Lauren told the website witnesses

Keke Collier.


3 . 1.2017

The Los Angeles Film Critics Association has honored "Moonlight" as its best picture of 2016, cementing the independent movie's stature as an awards-season frontrunner. Photo Credit: A24

who spoke with her said she got in a car with a man who allegedly shot her. WLS-TV reports police said the suspect, who fled the scene in a red car, had dreadlocks and was wearing a black hoodie. Friends have been memorializing Collier on social media. According to Mic.com, Collier's death marks the fourth reported homicide of a transgender woman this year.



aacp urges north carolina boycott Over conservative laws

(AP) The NAACP urged religious conferences, athletic events and musicians on Friday to avoid North Carolina as part of a national boycott protesting the state's conservative policies including a law limiting LGBT protections. It was the first step in a national boycott that could expand to include other economic and tourism measures, according to a resolution approved by the group's national board. The organization stopped short of telling its members to cease all travel and spending in the state - which has been a component of previous boycotts elsewhere. "Right now in the state of North Carolina we have children — Dear God, children! — who are being imperiled, who face the prospect of being bullied as a consequence of politicians using them as political pawns while we talk about bathrooms," said the NAACP's national president Cornell Brooks. His comments come two days after Republican President Donald Trump's administration rescinded federal guidance that public schools nationwide should allow transgender students to use restrooms that match their gender identity. The Rev. William Barber, who leads the state's NAACP chapter, proposed the boycott late last year after a deal fell apart to repeal the North Carolina law known best for requiring transgender people to use restrooms in many public buildings corresponding to the sex on their birth certificate. The law,

often referred to as House Bill 2, also excludes gender identity and sexual orientation from statewide antidiscrimination protections. But Barber stressed the boycott would also pressure the Republican-controlled legislature over efforts to limit the new Democratic governor's power as well as ongoing legal battles over voting rights and how electoral districts are drawn. "What has happened in North Carolina makes this state a battleground ... for the soul of America," said Barber, who has drawn thousands to rallies protesting conservative policies in recent years.


Recruit to be first Openly Gay arizona scholarship player

(AP) University of Arizona recruit My-King Johnson is set to become the first active openly gay scholarship player in majorcollege football history. "I do feel like when I say that (I'm gay), it can put a target on my back. But whatever," Johnson told The Arizona Daily Star for a story Saturday. The 6-foot-4, 225-pound defensive end starred at Tempe High School. He signed with the home-state Wildcats after verbally committing to Pac-12 Conference rival UCLA. The Daily Star said Johnson said he was gay to Arizona defensive line coach Vincent Amey during the recruiting process. Johnson said Amey replied that "we want you to be a Wildcat." Now 17, Johnson said he was 12 when he came out to his friends and family. Former Missouri defensive end Michael Sam announced he was gay in February 2014, about a month after completing his college career. Kyle Kurdziolek, a linebacker at NAIA program St. Francis (Illinois) told OutSports this month he's gay. Chip Sarafin, a walk-on offensive lineman at Arizona State at the time, told Compete magazine in the summer of 2014 that he's gay.

NEWS national

Republicans Will be Punished if They Repeal Obamacare, Says Rep. Lois Frankel Chris Persaud

More than 100 Obamacare supporters rallied Saturday at Currie Park in West Palm Beach. Rallies were planned after Feb. 11, at the urging of Senators Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). Photo: Chris Persaud.


hen Renee Thornton had cancer, she did not know how she could afford the steep medical bills without the Affordable Care Act. She shared her story with a crowd of Obamacare supporters Saturday afternoon. “The ACA paid out three hundred thousand dollars to save my life,” she told more than 100 ACA supporters at Currie Park in West Palm Beach. “I don’t know enough to get into the details of the ACA. All I know is what it brought to my house: peace of mind. It gave my husband enough to take care of me — physically, mentally and emotionally.” “Thanks Obama!” yelled Mark Beaumont, a Jupiter sign-maker who is part of Palm Beach Indivisibles, which hosted the pro-ACA rally. This protest was part of nationwide rallies called upon by Senators Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to defend the health insurance law. Democratic Congresswoman Lois Frankel urged the crowd to resist the agenda of Republican President Donald Trump and his party. “Do not let rightwing authoritarians take over,” she said. Republicans command the majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate. When asked what Democrats in those chambers can do to block Obamacare repeal, Frankel said it was up to “the people.” “It’s loud voices like this” who demand their Republican members of Congress to oppose repeal. Members of the rightwing Tea Party movement in 2009 and 2010 protested Congressional Democrats’ public meetings, demanding they vote against the Affordable Care Act. That - Amanda was when Democrats held majorities in both houses of Congress. Now the situation is reversed. Republicans hold Congress and the

White House. But members of the leftwing Indivisible movement are crashing public meetings of Republican legislators demanding they oppose repealing Obamacare. But Democrats passed the ACA despite Tea Party protests. When asked if ACA supporters should worry about the GOP repealing the health law despite Indivisible protests, Frankel had a warning for Republicans. “Democrats had [nearly] sixty seats, and Republicans remember that,” she said, referring to how the Democrats lost the House in the 2010 election, and continually lost Senate seats until Kopacz they became a minority in that chamber after the 2014 elections. “Any Republican who votes to repeal will be punished at the polls,” Frankel warned. The ACA is popular

“I worked in health insurance. Health savings accounts do not work.”

with a majority of Americans who have an opinion on it, polls show. Former health insurance manager Amanda Kopacz fiercely defended Obamacare before Frankel spoke. She attacked what is known of Republicans’ replacement plan for the ACA. “Their plan is health savings accounts,” she said. “I worked in health insurance. Health savings accounts do not work.” She later explained in an interview what she has seen in her time managing health insurance as a human resources manager. Workers can put money from their paychecks into these accounts before tax is taken out, but it is not enough for most people, she said. “Most people might have around two thousand dollars in them. But most people don’t have enough money in them, for say, a one hundred and twentyfive thousand dollar emergency,” she explained. While Kopacz acknowledged that insurance policyholders have felt pain from rising premiums under the ACA, she wants Congress to reform the law instead of scrapping it. “Even if we repeal, we can’t

go back to what we had,” she said. “The industry doesn’t exist.” Health insurance companies drastically changed after Obamacare passed. They offered policies to people more prone to become ill, expecting the healthy to be forced to buy insurance to help pay for them. Trump in January signed an executive order allowing the head of the Department of Health and Human Services to choose how strongly to enforce a law mandating many adults to buy health insurance. Kopacz said she started getting involved in anti-Trump activism when she went to the Palm Beach Gardens office of Republican Senator Marco Rubio and asked for a meeting. She wanted to ask him for details on the GOP’s ACA replacement. She got no reply. When she posted on Facebook about this, more people started coming with her each Tuesday to that office. Unlike other Floridian Republican members of Congress, Rubio has yet to hold a town hall meeting. Kopacz still goes to Rubio’s office, though she said she hopes Palm Beach Indivisibles picks up the cause.

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3 .1.2017

NEWS local

Photo Credit: John McDonald.

NEWS palm beach

Rep. Lois Frankel to Attend IndivisibleHosted Town Hall at Compass Chris Persaud


Citrix Gives to Pulse Victims John McDonald


nside the corporate offices of Citrix, various groups assisting victims of the Pulse Nightclub massacre were presented donations. In his pitch, Marco Antonio Quiroga asked for help. “My call to action to all of you is very simple,” said Antonio Quiroga, program director for Contigo Fund. “Don’t forget us.” With the year anniversary of the Pulse tragedy just months away, Antonio Quiroga said the healing process remains difficult. “Remember this journey that individuals are on is going to be a long one,” Antonio Quiroga said. “And the challenges that marginalized people are facing in these very particularly challenging moments that we’re living in… in our country, I hope you will keep this message in your heart that you please don’t forget the individuals who are going to need this support far into the future.” The Contigo Fund was launched last year to provide on the ground relief in Orlando for those still coping with the Pulse massacre as well as to honor the victims. Contigo translates “With You.” Our Fund, a South Florida LGBT philanthropic organization, manages Contigo’s $1.5 million dollar budget. “Whenever I come to this building, I am always really inspired by your philanthropy and your looking out for your neighbor,” said Our Fund Chief Executive Officer David Jobin at Thursday’s check presentation held at Citrix’s Fort Lauderdale offices on Cypress Creek Road. “This is really a wonderful workspace.” Following the Pulse tragedy, Citrix employees raised $49,110 for an Orlando Victims Fund. That money was then directed to eight Orlando based organizations. “Citrix takes corporate citizenship so seriously,” said Lee Rubin, a senior manager in Citrix’s global reference programs department. Organizations in Citrix’s Orlando Victims Fund are: Two Spirits Health Service, QLatinX,

More Info:

Proyecto Somos Orlando, LGBTQ Alliance, Equality Florida Institute, National Center for Victims of Crime and the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center of South Florida. More than 90 percent of the Pulse victims have been identified as Latin and LGBT, said Antonio Quiroga. The tragedy, he said, also exposed many gaps in community needs. “Those gaps were only exasperated by Pulse for these marginalized individuals,” said Antonio Quiroga. QLatinX is seeking to help those on the margins. Christopher Cuevas, QLatinX executive director, addressed those concerns at the Citrix event. Cuevas' delivery was soft spoken and personal. “I am a child of undocumented immigrants, farm workers, individuals who have been victims of so much animosity recently and historically,” Cuevas said. “I am a queer person of color and I wear those identities on my sleeve because it is so important to honor ourselves, our most authentic identities and live our most authentic truths.” QLatinX, Cuevas said, is an organization that believes in inclusion and welcomes those who are gender non-conforming. The organization formed, Cuevas said, so queer and transgender people of color could have a place to go to receive services. Discrimination, language barriers and a fear of deportation had previously sent many into the shadows, Cuevas said. “Following the Pulse shooting, our organization was not an organization, we were a group of strangers,” Cuevas said. “Individuals who came from the same lived experience, who were undocumented, who were children of immigrants, who grew up in the labor fields and the farm fields, newly arrived from Puerto Rico or had been living in this country for a very long time and had strong rooted connections to the community and to their cultural and ethnic identities.”

emocratic Congresswoman Lois Frankel plans to attend a town hall hosted by local liberal group Palm Beach Indivisibles. The town hall is scheduled Monday, March 6 from 6 to 8 p.m.at Compass Community Center at 201 North Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Frankel represents Florida’s 21st Congressional district, which covers most of Palm Beach County -- western Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Lake Worth, and downtown/ eastern West Palm Beach. She was mayor of West Palm Beach from 2003 to 2011. She won her first Congressional election in 2012, and has been in the House of Representatives ever since, consistently winning around 60 percent of the vote in her heavily-Democratic district. Palm Beach Indivisibles is part of the larger Indivisible movement, a left-wing movement that started after President Donald Trump was elected last year. At its heart is the Indivisible Guide, written by anonymous authors claiming be former Congressional staff members. Indivisible Guide instructs readers how to copy the success of the right-wing Tea Party movement, which successfully organized and elected extreme conservatives in the 2010

midterm elections. The guide explains how to find other people fed up with Trump and the Republicans, how to organize an Indivisible group, and how to pressure local members of Congress. Liberals following the Indivisible Guide have stormed Republican town hall meetings, jeering and booing senators and representatives. Freshman Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL-18) faced a furious crowd of around 500 on Friday in Fort Pierce. The Indivisible chapters of Palm Beach County and Martin and Saint Lucie counties organized that event. On February 21, two Florida Republican Congressmen, Dennis Ross of Lakeland and Daniel Webster of Clermont, left their town halls early when enraged crowds showed up.

Our-Fund.org Citrix.com QLatinx.org

3.1.2017 •


NEWS palm beach

Furious Crowd Storms

Congressman Brian Mast’s Town Hall

Chris Persaud


reshman Congressman Brian Mast (RFL-18) wanted his first in-person town hall meeting to be an hour-and-a-half focused on veterans’ issues. Instead, he got an angry crowd of almost 500 grilling him on a range of issues Friday afternoon. Issues like the GOP’s plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act, defunding Planned Parenthood, the environment, President Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim travel ban, the proposed border U.S.-Mexico border wall, x and veterans’ issues. This has been typical of other Republican lawmakers’ town halls, where enraged crowds demand their representative oppose the GOP and its leader, President Donald Trump. On Tuesday, two Central Florida Republican Congressman got so upset at their town halls’ jeering crowds that they Around 500 people showed up to Representative Brian Mast's (R-FL-18) first in-person town hall meeting at the Havert L. Fenn left early. Dennis Ross of Lakeland snuck out Center in Fort Pierce on Friday. Many opposed the platform of President Donald Trump and the Republicans. Photo: Chris Persaud. the back door at an angry town hall. Daniel Webster of Clermont left an hour early medicine stopped working, or I can’t afford Most cheered when veterans commented maintaining Trump’s wall each year. without taking questions. “So here are the two reasons I come to them.” Medicare has no cap on how much on veteran-specific issues — usually about Mast did not run or hide. He stood on stage at the Havert L. their awful experiences with the Department that conclusion specifically. When you look it can supplement the insurance Miller gets Fenn Center in Fort Pierce and took it all. of Veterans’ Affairs or how tough it is to find at money spent [on border security], it is a from work. She is worried that Republicans’ repeal of ACA will mean Medicare will spend Demands that he support investigating help. The crowd usually cheered after Mast dollar-saving measure—” less on her supplement. The ACA covers 12.7 “BOO! BOOOOO! IS HE SERIOUS?!” addressed those concerns. Russian interference with “And here’s the second reason,” Mast million people. But for the most part, Mast the Presidential election. At one point, Mast argued with Lake got booed and jeered when he continued, “The advantage of a wall is that Demands that he reveal tried to explain or defend his it does not discriminate against anybody. It Worth resident Melissa Stiehler, regional how the GOP will replace coordinator for Planned Parenthood of Palm enforces the law—” positions. Obamacare without Beach and the Treasure Coast. “BOOO! DID HE REALLY SAY THAT?!” Justine Somers, a Port Saint leaving them uninsured. Stiehler said a friend of hers could not find Somers was not a fan of what her Lucie homemaker, asked her Demands that he explain Congressman, “Do you accept representative said. “I was disappointed by work because she has Crohn’s disease. She is why he voted to allow coal the U.S. taxpayer paying up his answer. I’m surprised he was direct,” she seven months pregnant and has a three-yearmines to pollute rivers. old son. “She is not eligible to get disability,” front to build the wall? And said. Complaints about the More Mexicans have been leaving America Stiehler said, adding that her friend used that is a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question,” Department of Veterans’ she said, referring to Trump’s than entering it, Pew Research found in 2015. Planned Parenthood to find medical care Affairs. Demands that Another of Mast’s constituents, Ann Miller she could afford before she got a plan under biggest promise, to build a wall he oppose defunding of suburban West Palm Beach, urged Mast Obamacare. along the U.S.-Mexico border. Planned Parenthood. Without the ACA, “What would be your Mast joked, “I’m a not to gut Obamacare. For four hours straight, “I am a dead woman walking,” she said. advice to her?” Stiehler demanded. Congressman. You should Mast calmly replied to Mast, who said his mother has Crohn’s, know we don’t answer ‘yes’ Miller has had recurring breast cancer, questions and comments - Ann Miller replied, “The options are plentiful.” costing her $200,000 in medical bills, she or ‘no.’ So let’s talk about the from more than 50 people West palm beach Stiehler shot back, “It’s not true. The other wall for a sec—” but the crowd said. “I’m a good Republican,” she continued, — answering some, resident was not having it. “Answer the “I take care of myself. I pay my taxes. When clinics have already said to her, ‘No, we can’t dodging others, and question!” people yelled, “Yes you’re monkeying around with healthcare carry that weight.” arguing with one. Most Mast dodged the question. “I am in favor without a plan” a lot of people are put at of the audience opposed the Congressional or no!” Mast continued, “Number one, a wall has risk. “Doesn’t matter what you say, you are of the Hyde Amendment,” he said, referring GOP’s platform. But some Mast supporters destabilizing [the market] by talking about it to a law passed in 1976 that bans the federal asked their Congressman a question or gave my full support on the southern border—” government from paying for abortions. “BOO! NO,” the crowd snapped back, without a plan.” a positive comment. Miller ended her comment on a cryptic Crowd members yelled, “What’s abortion got Mast, a 36-year-old Afghanistan war although a handful cheered Mast. He said veteran, lost his legs when a roadside bomb border security already costs the federal note. “I will send you a picture of myself to do with that?!” Stiehler was not having it. “That’s been in Kandahar destroyed them in 2010. He uses government $11 billion a year, but gave no every three months,” she said, “And when estimate about the cost of building and I stop sending pictures, You’ll know my over since the seventies,” she said. prosthetic legs to get around.

“Doesn’t matter what you say, you are destabilizing [the market] by talking about it without a plan.”


3 .1.2017

NEWS palm beach Mast said, “I’ve heard that three percent of Planned Parenthood [services] are for abortions. That’s still three hundred thousand a year.” That set the crowd off. “BOOOOO,” they yelled. When Stiehler got back to her seat, she said she was dissatisfied with Mast. “He answered with a non-answer,” she complained, “He’s putting politics over progress.” Mast wants to cut all federal spending on Planned Parenthood. On Tuesday about 50 of his constituents went to his Port Saint Lucie office to urge him against this. A pro-Planned Parenthood constituent, Terri Walden of Port Saint Lucie, at one point said, “There is affordable healthcare all along, it’s called Planned Parenthood,” she said, “I hope you will not defund it.” She added her hope that Mast would oppose spending tax money on privately-run charter schools. Mast did not indicate he would obey her wish. The most emotional moment came from Peter Hesford, a tall army veteran wearing a shirt reading “Iraq war veteran against the war.” Throughout the town hall, he could not contain his anger at the Trump administration. He and an elderly Cuban Trump-supporting woman would argue, to the chagrin of surrounding audience members. But when Hasden stepped up to the mic, his voice grew hoarse and started crackling as his eyes welled up. “I find that one way we can take care of our veterans—” he breathed “—is we can stop making combat veterans,” he yelled. “I think about what we were part of — torture — and I am so scared by this nationalist fascist who wants to destroy my country!” By this point, Mast had walked down the stage with his prosthetic legs to hug Hasden, veteran to veteran. One angry woman in the audience looked at the moment and screamed, “Fake news!” Another yelled back at her, “He’s an Iraq veteran and you’re gonna call him fake news?!” Hasden fought in Iraq in 1997 against Saddam Hussein, who was committing genocide against the Kurds. Hasden said he lives in Oregon, but went to high school in Jensen Beach, where he was visiting his father. Mast spent four hours at a town hall originally scheduled for 90 minutes. He spent much of that time getting booed when bringing up the repeal of Obamacare, states rights, his tepid support for auditing Trump, his anti-abortion rights stance. But he was cheered when he promised veterans he would investigate their complaints against

the Department of Veterans Affairs — he’s on their health care, unlike most other members of Congress, he said. Mast was booed for his vote to repeal a rule banning coal companies from dumping debris in rivers, but he justified by saying laws already exist on federal and state level to stop that. Similar reason he voted against a bill known as HJ Res 36, he said. That bill allows drilling operations to pollute more by relaxing federal regulation meant to limit methane gas byproduct from drilling. Mast said he voted against it since there were no other federal or state-level regulations similar to it. For that, he was cheered. The Congressman was also cheered when he promised to open an office in the West Palm Beach Veterans Affairs buiding. Mast met Wednesday with 10 members of anti-Trump group Palm Beach Indivisibles. Mark Beaumont, a sign maker and Indivisibles member from Jupiter, organized the meeting. Mast’s opinion on Syrian refugees surprised Beaumont. He wrote that the gist of what Mast said was “100,000 Syrians fled into Jordan and have the potential to become terrorists and they did not have the fortitude to stay and fight for their country, why should we help them?” Mast denied saying that. He said he told them “I am not willing to let my fellow servicemen stand in front of [refugees] but I will ask them to stand alongside them.” Beaumont invited Mast to speak at a Saturday protest against repealing the Affordable Care Act. The rally is scheduled to take place from noon to 3 p.m. in Currie Park at 2400 North Flagler Drive in West Palm Beach. Mast’s district covers Saint Lucie and Martin counties, as well as northeastern Palm Beach county. Around one in nine adults in Mast’s district are military veterans, compared to one in 12 nationally, Census data shows. Six out of ten veterans voted for Donald Trump, the New York Times reported. Mast endorsed Trump during the 2016 campaign. Unlike some Republicans, he never withdrew his endorsement, even after video footage revealed in October showed Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women. Mast represents Florida’s 18th Congressional district, which is not solidly Republican or Democrat. Before the freshman Congressman won the seat in November, it was held by Democrat Patrick Murphy for two terms. Before that, Tea Party Republican Allen West held it.

“There is affordable healthcare all along, it’s called Planned Parenthood. I hope you will not defund it.” - Terri Walden

port saint lucie resident

3.1.2017 •


LGbtQiA bites



9 WOmen acTivisTs in ‘When We Rise’ (SFGN) The miniseries “When We Rise” debuted Monday night and documents LGBT history after Stonewall with a focus on San Francisco. Four nights cover roughly one decade each, from the 1970s to the early 2010s. News and blog site AutoStraddle, highlights nine lesbian and transgender activists portrayed in the miniseries: Roma Guy (played by Emily Skeggs and Mary Louise Parker), women’s health advocate, Advisory Board member of the first national Lesbian Health & Research Center, Cecilia Chung (played by Ivory Aquino), an activist and advocate for improving healthcare access and treatment for trans people, people of color, and people who are HIV-positive. Pat Norman (played by Whoopi Goldberg), advocate for people with AIDS, the LGBT, and African-American communities. Del Martin (played by Rosie O’Donnell) & Phyllis Lyon (played by Maddie Corman) Founded the first lesbian socio-political organization, Daughter of Bilitis in 1955. Forty years later, they became delegates to the White House Conference on Aging.


3 .1.2017

Diane Jones (played by Fiona Dourif and Rachel Griffiths) a Registered Nurse, pioneered the “San Francisco” model of HIV care in the 1980s, and eventually married Roma Guy. Sally Gearhart (played by Carrie Preston) worked with Harvey Milk to defeat California's Proposition 6. In addition to her LGBT activism, she wrote queer Science Fiction novels including “The Wanderground” and “The Kanshou: Book.” Bobbie Jean Baker (played by Jazz Mum) was active in the Bay Area religious and nonprofit communities in the early ‘90s. An ordained minister she served at several ministries including Transcending Transgender Ministries and performed with the Transcendence Gospel Choir. Bishop Yvette Flunder (played by Phylicia Rashad), also an ordained minister, gospel recording artist, speaker and published author, worked to serve the HIV/AIDS communities as well as African-American and LGBT communities, among her vast contributions. When We Rise premiered Monday night, 2/27, at 9 p.m. on ABC.


Compiled by Jillian Melero


OReGOn GOveRnOR says sTaTe WOn’T aide in ice Raids (SFGN) Oregon Governor Kate Brown signed an executive order expanding state protections for immigrants and Muslims, U.S. UnCut reports. Oregon state law prevents law enforcement from using state resources to investigate or arrest undocumented immigrants. Brown’s order now extends that restriction to include all state agencies and employees. The law also bans agencies from discriminating against people based on their immigration status, and bans agencies from using state resources to keep any registry of people based upon religion -- effectively giving Oregon “sanctuary state” status. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials will still be able to operate in the state, but without local government support. Oregon is the first state to issue such an order, but U.S. Uncut reports that other states including California, Massachusetts, Colorado, New York and Maryland are considering similar legislation, and estimates that there 300 sanctuary cities across the country and 150,000 undocumented immigrants living in Oregon.

Gov. Kate Brown. Flickr.

Alexander Gustavo.

“The president’s recent executive orders that divide and discriminate do not reflect the values enshrined in the U.S. Constitution or the principles we stand for as Oregonians or Americans,” Brown said prior to signing the order. “I want to make it very clear that here in Oregon, where thousands have fought for and demanded equality, where millions have put down roots and become integral to our economy and our culture: We will not retreat.”

LGbtQiA bites


continued Transgender

TRans sisTeR Of inauGuRaTiOn sinGeR Wins inJuncTiOn in baThROOm laWsuiT


(SFGN) Jackie Evancho received national recognition when she sang at Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony. Now she and her transgender sister Juliet, have a message they’d like the administration to hear, the Washington Post reports. @realDonaldTrump u gave me the honor 2 sing at your inauguration. Pls give me & my sis the honor 2 meet with u 2 talk #transgender rghts. — jackie evancho (@jackieevancho) February 23, 2017 Juliet Evancho, 18, is one of several transgender students with cases challenging schools on their public accommodation policies. Evancho is one of three students suing her Pennsylvania school district after being barred from using the girls’ restroom. The students won a small victory Monday when the court ruled that they be allowed to use the restrooms corresponding with their gender identities until a final decision is made in the case. Attorneys from Lambda Legal are representing the

Juliet (left) and Jackie Evancho. Facebok. students, saying that the bathroom restrictions violate Title IX guidelines for equal protection. “This is wonderful news and a tremendous relief that we can now use the bathroom without feeling isolated and humiliated,” Elissa Ridenour, one of the student-plaintiffs said in a statement. “The past months have been incredibly stressful, and this was all so unnecessary. There was no problem before, and we are confident there will be no problem now.”

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NEWS key west

NEWS national

Photo: Jefferson Starship.

Report: Scooter Rider Attacks Gay Men in Key West John McDonald


olice in Key West are investigating an incident of harassment that occurred in the early morning hours last Thursday. The Miami Herald reports two men were taunted, called gay slurs and intimidated by an individual on a scooter. The men, identified by the Herald as Kevin Seymour, 38, and Kevin Paul Taylor, 49, told police the scooter rider called them “faggots and a slew of other anti-gay remarks.” The scooter rider attempted to justify his behavior by dropping the President’s name. “You live in Trump country now,” the suspect allegedly said, adding “I bet you faggots voted for that bitch Hillary.” The men were on bicycles at the time of the incident and eyewitnesses told police the scooter rider struck Seymour’s tire, knocking him to the ground. The suspect is described as a white male in his late 30s with a southern dialect. The scooter, or moped, is described as a black Eclipse.


3 .1.2017

Jefferson Starship Singer to Donate Chick-fil-A Earnings Toward LGBT Group Brittany Ferrendi

According to the Herald, the incident took place at 1221 Duval Street. Taylor, the Herald reports, posted on his Facebook page that he and Seymour were “victims of a hate crime.” SFGN contacted the Key West Police Department Monday morning. Detectives declined to comment, stating the case was still open.


n ad agency approached Jefferson Starship Singer Grace Slick to use her group’s song “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now” for a Chick-fil-A commercial. The faith-based company “pisses (her) off” because of their antiLGBT history, but she agreed — with a catch. “I firmly believe that men should be able to marry men, and women women,” she told Forbes. “I am passionately against anyone who would try to suppress this basic human right. So my first thought when ‘Chick’-fil-A came to me was, ‘F**k no!’” “But then I decided, ‘F**k yes.’” Slick noted specific examples of the company’s past in opposing same-sex marriage. “The Georgia-based company has a well-documented history of funding organizations, through their philanthropic foundation WinShape, that are against gay marriage. In interviews, CEO Dan T. Cathy has critiqued gayrights supporters who 'have the audacity to define marriage' and said they are

bringing 'God’s judgment' upon the nation.” Slick is taking all of the money earned from licensing her single and donating it to Lambda Legal, a national civil rights organization dedicated to the LGBT community and people living with HIV. “Instead of them replacing my song with someone else's and losing this opportunity to strike back at anti-LGBTQ forces, I decided to spend the cash in direct opposition to 'Check'-fil-A’s causes – and to make a public example of them, too.” The singer was also aware that people may see this explanation as an attempt to “cover (her) ass” for “allowing a company whose practices many find morally objectionable to use Starship’s music.” “From the moment I agreed to license the song, I knew I wanted to set an example for other artists. I wanted to tell them, ‘Your art will survive and thrive. Do not let it be used by companies who support intolerance. Don’t be afraid to take a stand. You’re an artist; that’s what we do.’”

NEWS local Photo: J.R. Davis.

chubs RebRand, head fOR Ramada inn John McDonald


pRide fORT laudeRdale declaRes beach mOve a success More than 40,000 attend; largest crowd in history of event John McDonald


ens of thousands of people showed up “She performed like she really wanted to be on the beach for Pride Fort Lauderdale’s here,” Martorell said. event on Sunday, exceeding Naturally, there were a few “hiccups,” expectations for the new venue. In fact so Martorell said. Traffic was heavy slowing the many showed up, the crowd threatened to shuttle service to a crawl. The bars, likewise, overwhelm organizers – the bars ran out of were overwhelmed by the throngs of people, liquor twice and shuttle service slowed to a dressed in beach wear and swim suits. crawl. “We underestimated attendance,” Despite those minor problems most people Martorell admitted. “We ran out of liquor declared the event a tremendous success. twice and we have to make the event easier to The crowd ended up being the largest in the get to. No one likes sitting in traffic.” festival’s 40-year history. Martorell said volunteers from nine “People really enjoyed the different Pride organizations venue and the concept of "that’s what from across America assisted what we went for,” said Miik with the Fort Lauderdale Martorell, president of Pride prIde Is about. production. workIng Fort Lauderdale. “That’s what Pride is about,” The annual LGBT celebration Martorell said. “Working together moved from its previous together and being proud of and beIng location in Holiday Park to who we are and where we come the beach where vendors, proud of who from.” organizations and entertainers Other performers throughout we are and gathered to show their rainbow the day included disco-era DJ where we colors. Because it was a free Wendy Hunt, country singer Ty and non-ticketed event, crowd come from.” Herndon, “America’s Got Talent” estimates were hard to figure. finalist Brian Justin Crum and - Miik Martorell Organizer’s though believe more local transgender teen activist than 40,000 showed up. Jazz Jennings, star of TLC’s “I The destination, Martorell said, drove the Am Jazz.” masses. Pride Fort Lauderdale did not take place “The concert was to create an event in 2016 with the last festival being held that you can’t get anywhere in the world,” in October of 2015, after several setbacks Martorell said. that delayed the event. This year the event “We have incredible beaches and amazing returned to its traditional February schedule. weather.” Organizers are already looking ahead. Of the entertainers, Martorell said Erika “Next year will be bigger and even better,” Jayne out did herself. Martorell said.

ebranded, rested and ready, another gay men’s group is heading to the Ramada Inn this weekend. Formerly known as “Chubs in Paradise” the group now goes by the name “CCBoy.” Group spokesman David Dilts said the acronym stands for “Chubs, Chasers, Bears, Older, Younger.” “It’s a broad community and we would like to provide an occasion where everyone is included and if someone didn’t prefer to identify himself as a ‘Chub’ it is ok,” said Dilts. The group is entering its 10th year and making its second trip to the Ramada Inn Oakland Park Fort Lauderdale. Dilts said the Ramada has fully welcomed his group which has had issues of fat shaming by other hotels in the past. “We want chubby guys, hirsute gentlemen, elders or young guys who enjoy the company of any of those folks to feel welcome,” Dilts said. “In the same spirit, we lowered the price of registration and pool party tickets so income level would not limit participation either.”

The event is from March 2-5 and Rumors Bar & Grill in Wilton Manors has stepped up to assist with sponsorship as well as host a “belly contest.” This is the second gay men’s group to take over the Ramada for a weekend affair. Last month, A Celebration of Friends held its January Jamboree at the hotel, raising thousands of dollars for local non-profits. MORe INFO: www.ccboy-ftl.com www.wyndhamhotels.com/ramada www.rumorsbarwiltonmanors.com

See photos of pride Fort Lauderdale on pages 24 and 25. 3.1.2017 •


NEWS national

NEWS state

demOcRaTs pick peReZ TO chaiR paRTy

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.

John McDonald


emocrats chose a new leader in Atlanta Saturday in the first step to healing a bitterly divided party. Tom Perez, former U.S. Secretary of Labor, was elected chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Perez, 55, narrowly defeated U.S. Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota on a second ballot vote. “I have no doubt in my mind it was the right thing to happen,” said Ken Evans, state committeeman for the Broward Democratic Executive Committee. Evans attended the Atlanta meeting and cast his ballot for Perez. He said he had several sit-down meetings and conversations with Perez. Those interactions, Evans said, assured him Perez was the right choice. “He knows how to run a big organization,” Evans said. Pete Buttigieg, Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, made a late surge in the voting, but eventually withdrew setting up a clash between Perez and Ellison supporters. “I don’t vote for someone just because they are gay,” said Evans, who, like

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Credit: CNN.

Tom Perez.

Buttigieg identifies as a gay man. Ellison was backed by the party’s liberal wing, which includes diehard supporters of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders. After the election, Ellison promised to work with Perez on a 50-state strategy to make Democrats competitive again. “It was a sincere embrace, there was nothing phony about it,” Evans said. “I think they’ll split the job and we have two great leaders.” U.S. President Donald J. Trump monitored the proceedings in Atlanta, tweeting “The race for the DNC Chairman, was, of course, totally “rigged.” Bernie’s guy, like Bernie himself, never had a chance. Clinton demanded Perez!”

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3 .1.2017

flORida RespOnds TO TRump admin sTance On TiTle ix and TRans sTudenTs

Broward and Miami-Dade School Boards will continue to include gender identity in protections Jillian Melero


eb 22 the Trump administration announced its decision to rescind Title IX protections against discrimination for transgender students in public schools. Previous Title IX guidelines, issued by the Obama administration, included gender identity as a protected status, drawing criticism from civil rights activists, and some members of the Republican Party. “This lamentable decision can lead to hostile treatment of transgender students and studies have shown that bullying and harassment can be detrimental to the emotional and physical well-being of teenagers,” Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Miami Republican Rep. said in a statement. Ros-Lehtinen and Colorado Democratic Rep. Jared Polis introduced the Student Non Discrimination Act, prohibiting schools from discriminating against students based on sexual orientation or gender identity, in 2015. Ros-Lehtinen, her husband Dexter Lehtinen, a former U.S. attorney, and their transgender son Rodrigo launched a bilingual campaign for transgender rights,

“Family is Everything,” with LGBT-rights group SAVE Miami in May 2016. Rodrigo, 30 came out as transgender while in college. Broward County public schools do allow students to use public accommodations corresponding to a student's gender identity. Broward Superintendent Robert Runcie said the school board will continue to uphold this policy, in a briefing. “We have a moral obligation and a responsibility to protect all students from discrimination, bullying and harassment,” Runcie said. Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez made similar statements, the Miami Herald reports, saying the county would continue with protections in place since 2014. “We are an inclusive community, and have policies in place to protect our LGBT residents.” More than 100 protesters gathered in Fort Lauderdale Friday night to march in support of transgender rights including protections and services for the health and safety of transwomen of color, who are frequently the victims of violence.

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NEWS title ix

TRump adminisTRaTiOn divided On TRansGendeR pROTecTiOns Jillian Melero


he Trump administration has rescinded Title IX protections for transgender students issued by the Obama administration last year. The decision comes one day after Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions was sworn in as Attorney General to head the Justice Department. The decision also comes ahead of the pending Supreme Court Case, Gavin Grimm vs. Gloucester County School Board, regarding the rights of transgender students in public schools to use the restroom or locker room facilities associated with the gender with which they identify. A letter from the US Departments of Justice and Education, Civil Rights Divisions issued Feb. 22 states: These guidance documents take the position that the prohibitions on discrimination “on the basis of sex” in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) require access to sex-segregated facilities based on gender identity. These guidance documents do not, however, contain extensive legal analysis or explain how the position is consistent with the express language of Title IX, nor did they undergo any formal public process. This interpretation has given rise to significant litigation regarding school restrooms and locker rooms. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit concluded that the term “sex” in the regulations is ambiguous and deferred to what the court characterized as the “novel” interpretation advanced in the guidance. By contrast, a federal district court in Texas held that the term “sex” unambiguously refers to biological sex and that, in any event, the guidance was “legislative and substantive” and thus formal rulemaking should have occurred prior to the adoption of any such policy. In August of 2016, the Texas court preliminarily enjoined enforcement of the interpretation, and that nationwide injunction has not been overturned. In addition, the Departments believe that, in this context, there must be due regard for the primary role of the States and local school districts in establishing educational policy. In these circumstances, the Department of Education and the Department of Justice have decided to withdraw and rescind the abovereferenced guidance documents in order to further and more completely consider the legal issues involved. The Departments thus will not rely on the views expressed within them.


3 .1.2017

Lead counsel for Grimm and ACLU Senior Staff Attorney Joshua Block responded: “While it’s disappointing to see the Trump administration revoke the guidance, the administration cannot change what Title IX means. When it decided to hear Gavin Grimm’s case, the Supreme Court said it would decide which interpretation of Title IX is correct, without taking any administration’s guidance into consideration. We’re confident that the law is on Gavin’s side and he will prevail just as he did in the Fourth Circuit.”

According to reports from the New York Times, newly appointed Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, was reluctant in going along with the decision. In her own letter, DeVos said the administration has “a responsibility to protect every student in America and ensure that they have the freedom to learn and thrive in a safe and trusted environment. This is not merely a federal mandate, but a moral obligation no individual, school, district or state can abdicate. At my direction, the Department's Office for Civil Rights remains committed to investigating all claims of discrimination, bullying and harassment against those who are most vulnerable in our schools.” In May 2016, the Obama administration had expanded and clarified their position on Title IX protections in the “Dear Colleague” letter on Transgender Students. A letter from then Education Secretary John B. King Jr. read: “No student should ever have to go through the experience of feeling unwelcome at school or on a college campus…This guidance further clarifies what we’ve said repeatedly — that gender identity is protected under Title IX. Educators want to do the right thing for students, and many have reached out to us for guidance on how to follow the law. We must ensure that our young people know that whoever they are or wherever they come from, they have the opportunity to get a great education in an environment free from discrimination, harassment and violence.”

Governor Mike Pence of Indiana and U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama speaking to supporters at an immigration policy speech hosted by Donald Trump at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore, Flickr.

Opponents of the Obama administration’s decision argue that the issue should not have been a federal matter. The protections were challenged by Texas Attorney General Ken Patton who sued, successfully, to pass a nationwide injunction to keep federal agencies from taking action against public schools not adhering to the guidelines. The Justice Department under the Obama administration challenged the lawsuit and arguments were scheduled to be heard in February, CNN reports. But now, under the guidance of Attorney General Sessions, the Justice Department has dropped its challenge, deferring instead to states’ guidance on the issue. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer affirmed this stance saying, "The president has made it clear throughout the campaign that he's a firm believer in states' rights and that certain issues like this are not best dealt with at the federal level." But civil rights activists say the issue will endanger transgender students, and further weaken the federal government’s position on civil rights.

American Civil Liberties Union LGBT Project Director James Esseks responded: Revoking the guidance shows that the president’s promise to protect LGBT rights was just empty rhetoric. But the bottom line is that this does not undo legal protections for trans students, and school districts can and must continue to protect them and all students from discrimination. School districts that recognize that should continue doing the right thing; for the rest, we’ll see them in court. We will continue to fight for the rights and dignity of transgender youth, especially now that the Trump administration has decided to turn its back on them.

Under the Obama administration, the DOJ sued North Carolina over its “bathroom bill” HB2, which restricts restroom use by transgender individuals to correspond with that of their assigned gender. North Carolina has lost contracts with several businesses and athletic organizations over the issue. States including Texas, Colorado, New Hampshire and others have considered or are considering similar laws, NPR reports. Gavin Grimm’s case will be heard by the Supreme Court on March 28.

NEWS white house watch

TWinks4TRump cReaTOR GeTs WhiTe hOuse access Credit: Twinks4Trump.

John McDonald


oodbye Milo, Hello Lucian. Yes, there’s a new gay supervillain on the scene – one who is White House credentialed. Lucian B. Wintrich, the mastermind behind last year’s Twinks4Trump art project, has landed a real gig amongst the White House press corps. Wintrich reports for the Gateway Pundit, a political website that appears to lean right. “I’m coming at this from a background in political policy and political philosophy, as opposed to coming at it from a background from pure journalism, where you are just reporting on it,” Wintrich told NBC News. “So I do think in some ways I’m a little bit more qualified than a lot of journalists.” Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft tweeted pictures of himself and Wintrich in the White House Press Room. In one photo, the duo flash a hand signal associated with Pepe the frog. The Anti-Defamation League has designated Pepe the frog as a hate symbol.

Wintrich, 28, uses his Twitter account to spar with other writers, often deploying Trump-style tactics with labels such as “loser” and “failing.” Last week, Wintrich took aim at “Asher Wilde” who he said was making sexual advances via texts. Wintrich subsequently posted the texts on Twitter. “Asher Wilde is shit posting about me/calling me a nazi today because I refuse to sleep with ugly ppl (him) … I guess that’s American 2017.” The Twinks4Trump art project first grabbed attention with young slender male models posed in Make America Great Again hats.

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Publisher's Editorial


Pride Fort Lauderdale Throws a Spectacular Party Norm Kent

Miik Martorell. Facebook.



here are few things more rewarding in life than watching a plant blossom. Just two years ago, Pride Fort Lauderdale was as dead as a doornail. Before I salute the individual who brought it back to life, let me share with you some history. It’s all available online at SFGN.com, but here is the generic and abridged version. At the time, Fort Lauderdale’s Pride South Florida group was led by someone who was self-immolating, covering up inner turmoil and angry feuds. His dictatorial methods alienated the membership, and its directors diminished to a hollow few. SFGN was given leads, and wrote about the rift and wrongs at PSF. We exposed the challenges and calamities they were facing, discovering that on top of owing back taxes, Pride Fort Lauderdale had also lost its taxexempt status with the IRS. Unfortunately, its leadership was not open about anything. We relied on trustworthy sources who leaked the truth to a free press. Worse, our local gay city commissioner joined in the cover up, claiming this was an ‘internal matter’ for the pride group. Nonsense. It sure was not ‘internal’ when it was discovered that the former Pride South Florida director had embezzled $48,000 from the group. He was in jail for theft. It sure was not internal when the IRS was threatening to lien the bank account of your public pride group. Pride South Florida was imploding from within. A small nucleus of devoted civic leaders came to me and asked if I could do more than criticize. They asked if I could contribute. I agreed to see if I could help recover and retain the organization’s legal status. Not quite sure how I wound up becoming chair, but the legal part I could handle. My law office appealed the IRS ruling and requested an abatement of Pride’s back taxes. After some anxious months, we won on both counts. After a series of delays, the small coalition of individuals who remained in the group rebranded the organization. The newly reorganized group held on and organized a modest family festival in October of 2015 to commemorate gay marriage in Holiday

Park. We even had a petting zoo and pony rides, not exactly LGBT centric festivities. Pride Fort Lauderdale had risen from the ashes to respectability, but we did not exactly light any fires. Still, we paid all our bills. Nevertheless, the time was ripe for an infusion of new blood. After a contentious meeting, reported about here at SFGN, our board elected to dissolve and start anew in 2016. I wrote two articles in SFGN encouraging new voices and leaders to come forward and work towards a beachside pride. One person who was always there however, devoted to making Pride work again, was Miik Martorell, even planning the entertainment while reaching into his own pocket. As I stepped aside, he stepped up. Did he ever. You saw the results last weekend. The festival was a tribute to his perseverance and persistence, devotion and dedication. Before its reorganization, Pride Fort Lauderdale had one goal, and that was to partner with Sunny.org, the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce, in order host a pride on the beach. This effort would require a year of planning, organization, and relationship building. This effort would be Herculean, and Miik rose to the occasion. Miik Martorell had to induce city staffers and commissioners to allow the public beach to be shut down for a private event. He had to undertake meetings with police, zoning officers, traffic regulators, and even state officials who own State Road A1A. It was a time-consuming task just internally. At the same time, Miik had to find time from his own employment as a DJ and full time printer to recruit members to help run a festival. He also wanted to do it better than he had ever seen it done before. He was fierce and passionate about it. On his own dime, Miik travelled across this country to a score of pride events to see what other cities were doing. He met leaders from a host of Interpride organizations, and partnered with them, inviting them here to be part of last week’s festival on the beach. You just don’t

We didn’t always have a beach to go to, or a place we could call home. Beach parties may be selfindulgent, but LGBT America has endured much over many years.


3 .1.2017

know how many volunteers you need to pull an event like this off. Everyone who came to the event this past weekend recognized instantly it was a hit. In fact, it was a victim of its own success. The technical and internal problems everyone encountered is because the sum became greater than all its parts. No one is psychic, but neither party planners nor the city administrators planned for the crowds that came and conquered the beach. For a firsttime event, the numbers were staggering. Yes, of course I know about all the operational problems the group encountered on the day of the festival. A few years ago, I lived them myself. But please, cut them some slack, a lot in fact. They were victims of their own success. They were blown away, overwhelmed, if you will, by your participation and response to their campaign. More people showed up than anyone ever imagined. Yes, bar stations ran out of liquor. Parking was nowhere to be found. Traffic on the beach was unbearable. The water taxi took forever. Uber rides took 45 minutes. The smell from portable potties became toxic. The dance stage was not big enough. The lines were too long at the food booths, and some of those vendors were ripping off customers left and right. Deal with it. They will do better next year. On a more significant issue, one of the ways Pride Fort Lauderdale won back our tax exemption two years ago was our ability to show the IRS that Pride Fort Lauderdale annually underwrote charitable causes. Each year, after the festival ends, the board of directors got together and gave out grants to other community service organizations to fund their needs. Unfortunately, the last two festivals did not provide the finances and income to do that.

Last weekend altered that algorithm. A common misconception is that at these festivals the bars are making a lot of money. Not so. They are donating their time, staff, and sometimes alcohol. The alcohol sales are donations to Pride Fort Lauderdale. The bartenders get to keep the tips only. The event needs an engineer but it requires a community. An annual donation alone does not get you a 501 c 3 exemption. There are other barometers the IRS measures. However, with the financial success last weekend it will be so much easier to meet those standards. They will be met because Miik Martorell’s vision became the community’s reality. His focus and fortitude would not be denied, and the festival he dreamed of became the start of a new annual LGBTQ celebration in greater Fort Lauderdale. Look, I am not going to tell you that all our civil rights will be won by people running around the beach in skimpy bathing suits or dancing to DJ’s spinning music. But greater Fort Lauderdale deserves the annual acclamation for being a same-sex centric community. It does not need to be Miami Beach’s second sister. Watch the series about the birth of the gay civil rights movement now airing on network television, ‘When We Rise.’ We didn’t always have a beach to go to, or a place we could call home. Beach parties may be self-indulgent, but LGBT America has endured much over many years. There is another wrong with selfaffirmation and saluting who we are. Thanks to Miik Martorell, Pride Fort Lauderdale now has a fresh look, along with a singular identity of its own. Congratulations to him, his volunteers, and the team he assembled. Celebrate your achievement and work towards a better tomorrow.

SpOrtS hockey

eveRy sinGle nhl Team is sellinG lGbT pRide shiRTs Brittany Ferrendi


n a continuing effort to promote inclusivity, the National Hockey League is bringing pride to the forefront. As a continuation of the NHL’s Hockey is for Everyone month, the league is selling pride shirts for all 30 teams. The gray men’s T-shirts feature the logo of each team in rainbow colors. “Hockey is for Everyone uses the game of

hockey — and the League's global influence — to drive positive social change and foster more inclusive communities,” the NHL writes on the store page. “We support any teammate, coach or fan who brings heart, energy and passion to the rink.” For some teams, the LGBT pride shirts are top sellers. Each T-shirt is $23.99 and available on the NHL website.

The Hockey is for Everyone month was created as a part of a “longstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion in hockey” and began with the NHL appointing one member of each team as a You Can Play ambassador. These ambassadors serve as support and are meant to promote inclusion of diversity in the community and among their teams.

Alongside LGBT inclusion, the month promotes inclusion regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, socioeconomic status and more.

3.1.2017 •


LiFEStYLE photos

PRIDe FORT LAUDeRDALe On Feb. 26, 2017, the beach came to life with Fort Lauderdale's most successful pride yet. The free festival went from noon to 8 p.m. and featured guests such as Erika Jayne, Brian Justin Crum, and Jazz Jennings. J.R. Davis



3 .1.2017



More than 40,000 attend festival!

To see many more photos, visit South Florida Gay News on Facebook.

3.1.2017 •




maRRiaGe eQualiTy dOesn’T eQual leGal bliss Dana Rudolph


ebruary, despite being the shortest month, is often a hard one. Where I live, any day might be a snow day, with my son home from school and the sidewalks needing to be shoveled. The usual routine of laundry and groceries and dinner doesn’t stop. In recent weeks, too, I have been distracted by the news stories of a government chipping away at the rights of LGBTQ people, immigrants, and others. How not to be overwhelmed by it all? Here are some of stories about LGBTQ families making February just a bit warmer. A U.S. District Court in South Carolina has ruled that it is unconstitutional for the state to refuse to put same-sex spouses on their children’s birth certificates. The plaintiffs, Casy and Jacqueline Carson, are a lesbian couple who married in Washington, D.C., before their home state of South Carolina recognized marriage for same-sex couples. When Jacqueline gave birth, they indicated on hospital forms that they were married, but then received birth certificates naming Jacqueline as the “Mother”—with “No Father Listed” in the space for the other parent. The state had previously said it would only issue birth certificates with both same-sex spouses if they got adoptions or court orders— an extra burden not required of different-sex spouses. The couple could not afford this. Casy is a National Guard veteran who left active duty in 2013 because of a serious injury. Jacqueline is a teacher. Without Casy on the birth certificates they had trouble getting her Veterans Administration and Social Security benefits for their children. Additionally, they worried that Casy could be kept from getting either routine or emergency medical care for the twins and that their children would feel stigmatized when they were old enough to understand their birth certificates. They filed a lawsuit last May, backed by

Lambda Legal and South Carolina Equality. In her ruling February 15, Judge Mary Geiger Lewis wrote that the state’s action violates their rights under the 14th Amendment and their “fundamental right to marriage and other protected liberties.” This decision makes me hopeful for the outcome of another case that could have even greater visibility. The National Center for Lesbian Rights last week appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, seeking to overturn an Arkansas Supreme Court decision that denied same-sex parents the right to be on their children’s birth certificates. To assist, Family Equality Council is preparing a “Voices of Children” amicus brief, seeking stories from older or adult children of same-sex parents in any state who have or had birth certificates without both same-sex parents listed. They prepared a similar brief for the winning federal marriage equality cases in years past; seeing them do so again gives me hope. (If you would like to contribute, contact Director of State Policy Denise Brogan-Kator, DeniseBK@ familequality.org.) I’m also inspired by the nearly 800 parents of transgender children, part of HRC’s new, nationwide Parents for Transgender Equality Council, who sent a letter to President Donald Trump condemning the Justice Department’s announcement that it will no longer try to overturn a district court’s hold on protections for transgender students that were instituted by the Obama administration. The department’s action means the hold stays in place and the protections remain in limbo. I am motivated, too, by Gavin Grimm, a transgender 17-year-old who is heading to the U.S. Supreme Court next month, backed by the ACLU, to challenge his school district’s rule requiring students to use the restrooms corresponding to their “biological

grantees have Included sameseX and sIngle parents as well as dIfferent-seX parents, and becky noted that transgender parents have been among them.


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genders.” While the case is about his right to use a restroom without undue burden, it could also have a broader impact. As the ACLU noted in its blog last October, “Gavin’s case, and the so-called restroom debates more broadly, are about much more than just restrooms. This is a chance for the country to get to know our transgender family, friends, colleagues, and community members.” Finally, a story of allies. When spouses Becky and Kipp Fawcett depleted their own savings adopting their children, they then wanted to help other families who might be facing even greater financial obstacles, Becky told me in a phone interview. She hoped to offer her services as a publicist pro bono to an adoption-grant organization. She discovered, however, that none of the organizations she found welcomed same-sex or single parents, and all charged application fees. Those weren't the kind of organizations she wanted to support. She and Kipp therefore decided to start Helpusadopt.org, an "equality-based

adoption grant program." Since 2007, they have awarded 208 grants of $500 to $15,000, for a total of more than $1.8 million dollars, to those seeking to complete an adoption after their home study. Grantees have included same-sex and single parents as well as different-sex parents, and Becky noted that transgender parents have been among them. "We take our diversity very seriously here," she affirmed. A total of 16 percent of their grant money has gone to LGBTQ parents, she said, and she'd like to increase that number. They award grants three times a year, and their spring application deadline is April 15. The media is full of stories that may rightly concern and frighten us. We should not ignore them—but neither should we feel that all is lost. We are still winning some court battles; still fighting back when we lose; and still have allies. Most importantly, whether we are LGBTQ parents or parents of LGBTQ children (or both), we are strengthened by the bonds of love and family. Nothing is going to change that.

dana rudolph is the founder and publisher of Mombian (mombian.com), a GLAAd Media Award-winning blog and resource directory for LGbtQ parents.

3.1.2017 •



Submitted photos.


VISIT WILTON MANORS World AidS Museum has 3-day event planned in his honor J.W. Arnold


ore than 35 years after the AidS epidemic began striking down scores of gay men, activist Larry Kramer still has strong words for the politicians who ignored the crisis then and hinder the search for a cure today. “We’re still at the height of the AIDS crisis, the press is not reporting it and cases are up all over the world,” said Kramer frankly via Facetime. “The search for a cure is still in the toilet. We’re still being sold down the river by the NIH (National Institutes of Health). All these things are not being reported. The only difference between the early days of GMHC (Gay Men’s Health Crisis) and now is there are a lot more of us out there fighting. We have a bigger army to rub in their faces if we all show up.” Kramer, a successful screenwriter and author who called Fire Island home in the 1970s, was not initially a political activist. It was only after his friends began getting sick in 1980 from the “gay cancer” that he found himself advocating for gay rights. He is quoted in his Wikipedia entry as saying: "It was not chic. It was not something you could brag about with your friends...Guys marching down Fifth Avenue was a whole other world. The whole gestalt of Fire Island was about beauty and looks and golden men.” A year later, he would gather his friends together in his apartment and found the organization that became powerful effort to use protests and civil disobedience to known as Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC), the leading focus attention on what he saw as a holocaust perpetrated organization to raise funds for and provide services to men on gay men through government inaction. ACT UP is no longer active, but Kramer still feels the in New York City suffering what had been since labeled as urge to mobilize, especially after the results of the HIV/AIDS. 2016 elections. The outspoken and confrontational “I think it’s not in the nature of people Kramer targeted then-Mayor Ed Koch, to be activists and to be angry,” Kramer officials at the Centers for Disease "A GOOD explained. “They have to learn how Control and National Institutes of ACTIVIST IS to do it. A good activist is someone Health and politicians before being who is angry and frightened at the SOMeONe WHO ousted by the GMHC board in 1983. same time. Those are the motivating After a trip to Europe and a tour of IS ANGRY AND factors that are most useful. I should the Dachau concentration camp, he FRIGHTeNeD AT THe think that gay people everywhere voiced his frustration with both the should be frightened by this new political and media establishment SAMe TIMe." administration. It’s scary.” and gay community leaders in a He went on to warn, “They’re going 1985 play, “The Normal Heart.” The - Larry Kramer to take away our rights. Whatever it is, we critically-acclaimed play was revived in have to be prepared. We have to be visible 2004 and 2011, and made into an Emmy as a group. When there’s a protest, more of us Award-nominated movie broadcast on HBO in have to show up. We need to protest outside of every 2014. He has since also penned a number of important Republican Congressperson’s doors. Let them know we’re essays, books and histories. In 1987, Kramer helped found AIDS Coalition to Unleash there and we’re mad.” Kramer declined to weigh in on the development of Power, better known as ACT UP and set about on a


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AIDS-prevention therapies like PReP that may lull young gay men into risky sexual behaviors. Many young men, in particular, do not know anyone who has died from HIV/ AIDS. “Whether they remember AIDS or not, they should remember (the time) before there was marriage. They can read the papers, they know what’s happens to us, that should make them get off their asses,” he almost scolded. “We’re wonderful people. I love being gay, it makes me fight even harder.” And he pointed out that anti-gay hate crimes have been on the rise in recent years. “We have to fight for our lives here in a whole different way. Kids have to be made to realize that. In Florida, of all places, with the terrible mass murder (in Orlando), you should be even angrier because of that. The one thing that pisses me off are gay people who aren’t willing to fight for their rights,” he said. Now 82, Kramer cannot imagine his life any differently. He said, “I’m glad that I was on the front line at the very beginning and saw something was happening and I’m glad I’m still alive to continue that fight. It’s like….the (war) reporter who drops behind enemy lines and can see what the situation is really like.”

FEAturE While Kramer’s rhetoric shows no signs of softening—he continues to maintain a busy speaking schedule—he admitted his biggest secret with a slight grin, “I’m a huggy bear and that’s what a couple of my oldest friends call me.” Symposium Focuses on HIV-Positive Millennials, History J.W. Arnold The World AIDS Museum and Educational Center (WAM) in Wilton Manors takes its threefold mission seriously. In addition to documenting the history of the HIV/AIDS crisis, the non-profit institution is also committed to honoring the people who suffered and continue to suffer from the disease and educating and enlightening the people who are touched by HIV/AIDS. On March 9 - 11, the museum will host activist Larry Kramer, a founder of both Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) and ACT UP and Pulitzer Prize-winning author and playwright, and hold a symposium focused on the needs of HIV-positive Millennials. WAM CEO Hugh Beswick explained, “HIV/AIDS is the most misunderstood and misrepresented disease ever because of the stigma attached. This is the 30th anniversary of ACT UP, and many of the people who were involved in the early days are in their 70s and 80s now. We needed to document the story completely and realized many of these people might not be with us much longer.” Kramer is still a controversial figure

within the LGBT community, but even those who disagreed with his political methods, agreed that he was a central figure who should be a part of the events. After many months and outreach to mutual friends, Beswick was able to book the 82-year-old activist. “He’s brilliant, controversial and difficult, like him or not, everybody who we talked with said you can’t tell the story of the AIDS crisis without telling the story of Larry Kramer,” said Beswick, “and he’s hard to get.” Kramer will be interviewed by Kevin Sessums, former editor of Interview magazine and Vanity Fair, who will be flying from San Francisco to participate in a onstage discussion at the Sunshine Cathedral in Fort Lauderdale on Friday, March 10 at 8 p.m. The event will also include a musical tribute to Kramer from the Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida. Tickets are $25. Kramer and Sessums will autograph their books, “The American People” and “Mississippi Sissy,” respectively, and greet the public at WAM in Wilton Manors on Thursday, March 9 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. This event is free. Then, on Saturday, March 11, WAM will host a free Poz Millennials symposium at the Stonewall National Museum and Archives at ArtServe in Fort Lauderdale. Beswick sees the afternoon symposium as an especially important program, noting the high new infection rates among younger gay men and within the AfricanAmerican community.


BIBLIOGRAPHY “FAGGOTS” (1978) Kramer’s novel about the lifestyles of gay men in Manhattan and Fire island firmly established him as a controversial figure both within and outside the gay community. in the novel, the primary character, modeled on himself, is unable to find love in a culture of drugs and anonymous casual sex. the novel caused an uproar and was taken off the shelves of the Oscar Wilde Memorial bookstore. Kramer was banned from his local grocery store on Fire island. Kramer wrote, “the straight world thought i was repulsive, and the gay world treated me like a traitor. people would literally turn their back when i walked by. You know what my real crime was? i put the truth in writing. that's what i do: i have told the fucking truth to everyone i have ever met.” “Faggots” would still become one of the best-selling gay novels of all time. “THe NORMAL HeART” (1985) this play, which documents the effects of the AidS crisis on a gay man, his family and friends between 1981 and 1984, became the longest running play at the public theater in 1985. the play received critically-acclaimed revivals on broadway in 2004 and 2011 and was made into an Emmy Award-winning movie broadcast on hbO in 2014. the play is still considered a literary landmark, a work that confronted the AidS crisis when few public figures would acknowledge its existence. “RePORTS FROM THe HOLOCAUST: THe STORY OF AN AIDS ACTIVIST” (1989) this collection of non-fiction writings focused on Kramer’s AidS activism and LGbt civil rights. the first edition was published in 1989 and an expanded version came out in 1994. the volume includes letters, speeches and essays that primarily document Kramer’s time with Gay Men’s health Crisis and ACt up. “THe DeSTINY OF Me” (1992) this pulitzer prize-nominated play picks up where “the Normal heart” ended. Ned Weeks continues his crusades against those who impede the discovery of a cure for the disease from which he suffers. the play opened in Oct. 1992 and ran for one year off-broadway at the Lucille Lortel theatre by the Circle repertory Company, picking up two Obie Awards and a Lortel Award for Outstanding play of the Year. “THe TRAGeDY OF TODAY’S GAYS” (2004) this speech, delivered just days after the re-election of president George W. bush, was turned into a book. Kramer believed bush won largely due to his opposition to same-sex marriage: “Almost 60 million people whom we live and work with every day think we are immoral. "Moral values" was top of many lists of why people supported George bush. Not iraq. Not the economy. Not terrorism. ‘Moral values’. in case you need a translation that means us. it is hard to stand up to so much hate.”

For more information and to reserve tickets for the weekend events, go to WorldAidSMuseum.org.

“THe AMeRICAN PeOPLe: A HISTORY” (2015) Kramer began writing this massive historical work that begins in the Stone Age and continues into the present in 1981. in 2006, Kramer said of the work, "[it is] my own history of America and of the cause of hiV/AidS ... Writing and researching this history has convinced me that the plague of hiV/AidS has been intentionally allowed to happen. Finally published in 2015, the formidable volume also asserts that George Washington, benjamin Franklin, Alexander Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Mark twain, herman Melville and richard Nixon were gay. Kramer is currently writing a second volume.

3.1.2017 •


COMMuNitY announcement

chamber chat

We have a neW adminisTRaTiOn, WhaT nOW?

A brief overview of U.S. Immigration options for individuals who identify as LGBT Jorge Richa Marketing & Programming Director, Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce


n January 20, 2017, President-Elect Donald J. Trump was sworn in as our nation's 45th President. Throughout his campaign President-Elect Trump bowed to make the deportation of illegal immigrants one of his top priorities. This negative rhetoric has left thousands of immigrants fearful and uncertain about their future in America particularly LGBT individuals. We are here to tell you not to panic. There are still many immigration options for LGBT individuals. Below is a list of the immigration options available for LGBT individuals. GReeN CARDS FOR SPOUSeS - A gay or lesbian U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident can file a relative visa petition (I-130) to sponsor and ultimately obtain a green card for their foreign-born spouse. The marriage could have been celebrated in the U.S. or abroad as long as the marriage is legally recognized in the place where it was celebrated and based on a genuine relationship. K-1 FIANCÉ VISA - Gay and lesbian U.S. citizens can also file a Form I-129F, or fiancé petition, even if their fiancé resides in a country that refuses to recognize samesex marriages. The fiancé can then enter the U.S. with the intention of marrying their U.S. citizen partner within 90 days and later file for a green card via the adjustment of status process. ASYLUM PeTITIONS - An individual who identifies as LGBT can apply for asylum protection based on their sexual orientation. If the individual is in the process of applying for asylum, their spouses may be added to the asylum petition as derivative applicants. Additionally, LGBT individuals who have already been granted asylum/refugee status in the U.S. have the right to file a relative petition to have their same-sex spouses join them in the U.S. U VISAS FOR VICTIMS OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY - Immigrant victims of certain crimes, such as a home invasion, burglary, domestic violence, sexual assault, or kidnapping, may be eligible to qualify for a U nonimmigrant visa provided that they are willing to assist law enforcement in the investigation and prosecution of the perpetrators of the crimes committed against them. The principal U Visa holder may also petition for a derivative U visa for qualifying family members. What this means for LGBT immigrants is that if you qualify for a U visa, your spouse and children may also be eligible for a derivative U visa and eventually permanent residence. VAWA PROTeCTIONS FOR LGBT SPOUSeS OF U.S. CITIZeNS AND LAWFUL PeRMANeNT ReSIDeNTS - LGBT immigrants who are victims of abuse by their U.S. Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident spouse can seek protection under the Violence Against Women Act by self-petitioning for permanent residency. IMMIGRATION WAIVeRS - Foreign nationals facing certain challenges such as a criminal conviction or accusation of being in the U.S. unlawfully may have to apply for a Form I-601 or I-601A immigration waiver, which require a demonstration of extreme hardship to a qualifying relative who is either a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. A same-sex spouse can act as the qualifying relative for the waiver.


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IMMIGRATION BASeD ON eMPLOYMeNT - Same-sex spouses of gay and lesbian foreign nationals entering the United States for employment purposes have certain visa options available to them, including but not limited to: E visa derivative status for the spouses of Treaty Trader (E-1) or Treaty Investor (E-2) visa holders. H-4 visas for same-sex spouses want to join a spouse with a H-1B temporary work visa (intended for those who will be working temporarily in a specialty occupation). L-2 visas for samesex spouses of those who hold L-1 visas (for certain employees who are ‘transferring’ from another country to the U.S. to work for the same company). O-3 visas for same-sex spouses of those who hold an O-1 visa for persons of extraordinary abilities, and those who hold an O-2 visa for the purpose of assisting the O-1 visa holder. TD visa status for same-sex spouses of those with TN visa status as a citizen of Canada or Mexico under NAFTA. R-2 visas for same-sex spouses of religious workers employed in the US on an R-1 visa. TRANSGeNDeR IMMIGRANTS - Besides being able to apply for protection under the various immigration options listed above transgender folks can obtaining identity documents that accurately reflect their gender identity and preferred name. patricia hernandez, Esq. is the Managing partner at rotella & hernandez, LLC. t: (786) 571-8472 Miami / (561) 571-0872 West palm beach patricia@rotellahernandezlaw.com www.rotellahernandezlaw.com patricia is a proud Corporate Member of the Miami-dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and Co-Chair of the GALLA (Gay & Lesbian Lawyers Association). For a list of legal resources and attorney members of our Chamber please visit gaybizmiami.com or contact us at 305-673-4440 / info@gaybizmiami.com.


editorial cartoon

by andy marlette

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3.1.2017 •


COMMuNitY announcement

chamber chat

Gina Duncan (right) spoke as one of the main presenters. Photo: Facebook.




he first annual LGBTQ Dynamics in the Workplace certification workshop was held Tuesday, Jan. 31, at JM Lexus in Coconut Creek. Part of the "Diversity in Action" series of the GLBX* Board, the training was presented by Equality Florida. The training was in response to the needs of an increasing number of businesses, small and large, that want to know what they can do in order to be fully welcoming and inclusive to all members of the LGBT community, whether employees, potential staff, or clients. Equality Florida's Transgender Inclusion Director, Gina Duncan, a renowned international and national corporate trainer, and her colleague, Mark Puskarich, Equality Florida's "Equality Means Business" Coordinator were the main presenters for the training. Sponsor JM Lexus graciously hosted, providing not only the excellent training facilities, but a hearty cooked breakfast, as well. Additional sponsors for the training were Memorial Healthcare System and The Eppy Group. Highlights of the training included learning to understand the differences between sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, which can get quite complicated at times! Fortunately, Gina, who transitioned from male to female on the job at Wells Fargo where she was a regional manager, shared from her personal story without flinching or shying away from some of the sensitive topics, such as family

acceptance, and the so-called "bathroom issue," which it turns out is a non-issue, after all. Gina also provided guidance on proper methods of communicating with someone regarding their orientation, gender identity or expression (the safest bet? Politely ask!) Mark Puskarich spoke on the benefit of a diverse workplace where staff can be their authentic selves; how businesses are leading the way in Florida, and specific requirements for employers in Broward County where for decades we have had one of the most progressive Human Rights Ordinances. This certification workshop was a big hit among attendees, with one saying, "I went into this seminar thinking it would be information I knew-quite the opposite. It was three hours of new information about processes and issues I needed to know and did not. I left the workshop educated with information I can immediately use in my business. The openness of the instructor made ALL the difference!" With feedback like that, it won't be long before another workshop is planned. Attendees were provided with The Transgender Resource Guide (also available online: eqfl.org/transactionfl ), as well as membership in "Another Business For Equality," a pro-equality online business registry. For more information on workshops and trainings on LGbtQ workplace issues, contact Gina duncan at: gina@eqfl.org

Note that the opinions expressed above are those of the authors, and not necessarily reflective of the GLbX or the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce. You can follow the GLbX on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/fortlauderdaleglbx/ or you can contact the GLbX Council Chair, Andy perrott at Andy@lightshiptv.com to obtain more information on how to become a member. *GLbX is a Council of of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce


3 .1.2017

3.1.2017 •


LiFEStYLE photos

THAT HIT THe SPOT! G Spot Bar's Pride After Party had live music by Paul Bellantoni & Es Oh and live painting by Lori Pratico. They continued to party through the night. Carina Mask

sorio posing Stephanie O ortrait next to her p


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(954) 368-2724 GSpotBar.com

To see more pmany h visit Sootos, Florida uth G News ay Faceboon ok.



3 .1.2017

3.1.2017 •


LiFEStYLE books


by Brie Spangler, read by Andrew Eiden Terri Schlichenmeyer


n its most basic description, it’s a muscle. Nothing computerized, no easy-tofollow instructions or list of parts. Nope, it’s a muscle – a dub-thumping, miraculous group of cells that was beating when you were born, due to simple electrical activity. It’s just a muscle, although in the audiobook “Beast” by Brie Spangler, the heart knows who it loves. At six-foot-four and 260 pounds, fifteen-year-old Dylan Ingvarsson was a beast. And he hated it. Not only did he tower over every single student and most of the teachers at St. Lawrence Prep, but he was also hairy as a fake-fur blanket. You might get teased, but you don’t get bullied when you’re like that. You don’t have a lot of friends, either, and you don’t get girls. If it wasn’t for his best friend, JP, Dylan wouldn’t know what to do. They’d known one another since they were little and he was everything Dylan was not: welloff, well-groomed, and well-liked. Just walking the halls with JP made Dylan cool, though there was a bit of a dark side to JP’s friendship. Dylan hated that, too. He hated his entire life, come to think, so he took risks. Big, stupid risks, which is how Dylan ended up on a roof, which was how he ended up falling and busting his leg, which was how he got sent to group therapy for self-harmers, which was how he met the girl of his dreams. Her name was Jamie, she was the same age as Dylan, gorgeous, tall, smart, and she had the same struggles with the way her life was going. She only wanted to be


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c.2016, Blackstone Audio, Inc. $34.95 / higher in Canada 8-1/2 hours, 7 CDs friends, but he wanted so much more – partly because Jamie was funny and he liked her, partly because she liked him, and partly because she would prove to JP that Dylan could get a girl by himself. But then everything fell apart. She said she told Dylan that she was transgender, but he didn’t hear that. Was she a dude? He wasn’t gay. She hadn’t hidden anything, hadn’t lied, but Dylan couldn’t get over facts. And he couldn’t get over Jamie… Two minutes. Get past the preliminary tracks in “Beast,” and that’s how long it will take before you’ll be eager to know more about Dylan. Author Brie Spangler gave him the right words with the right attitude, Andrew Eiden reads them perfectly, and you’ll genuinely like this kid with a tough exterior but a marshmallow center. Spangler and Eiden make Dylan come alive in this boy-meets-girl-whoused-to-be-a-boy story, by giving him more than just one dimension. He’s a warm, responsible, and complex, wellcrafted character; with Dylan, Spangler beautifully tackles a could-be-thorny subject, wrestles with its conscious some, then lets it do its own soul-searching. That leads to a new-old-fashioned love story that really couldn’t be sweeter. Be aware that this audiobook includes a delicately-presented make-out scene that turns surprising, but not graphic. It might be controversial for some, but it fits, so don’t let it deter you. Start “Beast,” and you’ll (heart) it.

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LiFEStYLE photos


The MDGLCC held their semi annual MEGA-Mixer on the 5th floor pool deck at the Marriott on the Bay in Miami on Feb. 23, 2017. Hundreds of professionals turned out to mingle and network. Carina Mask

Gaby Garcia-Vera,

Kevin Walker, Ceci


Richard Murray

To see many more photos, visit South Florida Gay News on Facebook.



3 .1.2017

and Kevin Walsh

pAid content



any patients ask me, in frustration, how they can reduce their chances of cavities. Yes, having to visit the dentist often because of cavities is very frustrating! Let’s start by answering the following questions: ▶ do you sip soft drinks or other sugary drinks (including coffee or tea with milk and sugar) all day at your desk? ▶ Do you use breath mints or eat candy often? ▶ Instead of eating meals, do you snack all day? ▶ Do you often grab a soda, sports or energy drink when you are tired? ▶ Do you miss your regular dental checkup and cleanings? ▶ Are you inconsistent with your brushing and flossing habits? If you answered YES to any of these questions, you may be raising your risk of cavities. There are 4 main reasons for developing cavities:

1) 2)

Genetics - we are born with certain bacteria in our mouths of which some are more prone to causing decay than others. Inconsistent oral hygiene habits - a regular routine of brushing twice a day and flossing daily will help keep those bacteria under control. Regular dental visits to check for cavities and to clean your teeth will pick up problems early. Your dentist uses these appointments to ensure that the fillings, crowns and restorations in your mouth are still holding up well. Your hygienist is key in helping you identify areas in your mouth that are collecting plaque more easily and guides you on how to remove it effectively. Very often we are not aware


of what our problem areas are and need advice on how to get to these hard to reach places. A healthy diet keeps your mouth healthy.


PLAQUE is a sticky film of bacteria and food debris that forms on teeth. The bacteria create ACID from eating the sugars found in what you eat and drink. This acid attacks the enamel of your teeth and a cavity forms. Cavities do not go away on their own and must be treated by your dentist. Lower your risk of cavities by: ▶ Avoid sugary drinks when possible - these include sports drinks, sodas, energy drinks, sweetened teas, fruit juices that have 100% juice. ▶ Limit snacks between meals - choose foods that are low in sugar and fat, like an apple or a handful of almonds. Try to drink water with it as this will help rinse bits of food in your mouth BUT this does not replace brushing and flossing. ▶ If you have sugary foods and drinks, try have them with meals. Saliva increases during meals which helps to dilute the acid and helps to rinse bits of food from your mouth. ▶ Chew sugarless gum that has Xylitol in it. Chewing gum after meals helps increase saliva and reduce cavities. Xylitol is also the sugar that cannot be utilized by bacteria. ▶ Drink water - it helps to rinse away bits of food; lubricates the mouth and in some areas, tap water has fluoride in it. If you have any questions, your dentist will be able to guide you along your path to healthy living.

Dr Charmaine Johnson Premier Smile Center (954) 566-7479

2717 E Oakland Park Blvd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306

3.1.2017 •


OutEAtS Special Advertising Section



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Sea bass. Photo: Dori Zinn.

MIND YOUR MANORS Dori Zinn When you dine at Mind Your Manors, there’s only four different prices you’ll pay, even though there are dozens of food options. All appetizers and small plates are $9, soups and salads are $8, burgers and sandwiches are $13 and entrees are $17. There’s no extra cost from one burger over another; they are literally all the same price. New owners did that on purpose. They didn’t want you to sacrifice what you want to eat for cost. And it’s a good thing. When the new owners took over late last year, they completely renovated the restaurant. While the restaurant has been open for more than two years, the updated version is just a couple months old. This well-lit gastropub showcases a gorgeous bar, a grass-filled wall, and instead of hiding in a dark bar, Mind Your Manors lets you eat and drink comfortably. Mindfully, you don’t need to hide. When you come in, grab any of the two dozen beers in bottle or on tap. They’ve got local options, like a Funky Buddha brew from down the street, but domestic and foreign options are available, too. The main attraction, though, is the extensive wine list. It’s constantly rotating and updating. New owners are self-proclaimed wine lovers. Sommeliers have visited only to gush about how amazing the list of nearly 50 options is, with two dozen reds alone. There are daily wine specials and half-off bottles every weekday until 7 p.m. If you can’t choose just one, try the wine flight: four small glasses filled with the wines of your choice for only $14. While it’s a big part of Mind Your Manors,

the bar isn’t the only part. Some food options got ditched while others got updated when the new owners took over. Old favorites like the MYM Burger with Brie Cheese stayed on. The specialty blend of meat is used for all burgers, but for this one, the custom blend is topped with caramelized onions, brie, and thick-cut bacon and house-made garlic mayo. But there are some items that are new, including all the entrees. The grilled branzino — a Mediterranean sea bass — is a recent addition. The fish and chips is another. There’s also the chicken piccata and the braised short rib quesadillas. The lamb chops are a big favorite. Like the wine list, owners are constantly experimenting with what works and trying out new things. The longstanding chef special, the NY Strip steak, has been featured for so long it may get added to the menu soon because of its popularity. It’s only $19. There are other delicious specials, too. Sometimes the $10 mussels go so fast they run out before closing. While you may head out for a date night treat, don’t discredit Mind Your Manors’ Sunday Brunch. From 11-3, there are a few different eggs benedict variations, frittatas, and sandwiches. There are $5 mimosas, too. While there are plenty of Sunday Funday options on the Drive, the Mind Your Manors choices will make them a new and favorable contender. And rightfully so. Whether you show up for lunch, dinner, or Sunday brunch, you won’t have to sacrifice taste for cost. Mind Your Manors will keep you coming back for more.

Mind Your Manors 754-223-2172

2045 Wilton drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305

If You Go:


3 .1.2017

3.1.2017 •


LiFEStYLE food

Rick Karlin

Below: Ella Wines. Submitted photo.

sOuTh flORida’s Wine cOunTRy

Wine Institute charity gala promises to Mojo, 4140 N. Federal, Fort Lauderdale, be a magnificent celebration of vino, with will host a La Crema Pinot Noir five-course a portion of the $300 ticket benefitting wine dinner on March 14. The meal, priced at $95 per person, includes carpaccio, gnocchi, the Dolphins Cancer Challenge. Several Dolphin players will attend the event on duck breast, braised pork and flourless chocolate cake, each course paired with Saturday, Apr. 29, at Design Center of the Americas (DCOTA), 1855 Griffin Rd. in Dania wine. To make a reservation or for more information, call 954-568-4443 or go to Beach. One day prior to the gala, Zinfandel Advocates and Producers and the AFWI will Mojofl.com. Angelo elia Pizza, Bar & Tapas host a zinfandel tasting at DCOTA from 6 -8 p.m. For more info call 561-504-0206 or go hosts a Tuscan wine dinner on March 7 to AmericanFineWineCompetition. at 6:30 p.m. at its Fort Lauderdale org. location, 4215 N. Federal. The Three restaurants near event, hosted by Chef THe 10TH the Aventura Arts & Angelo Elia along with Cultural Center are Alberto Prealoni, ANNUAL offering ticket holders regional manager of AMeRICAN FINe for shows at the venue Vias Imports, features deals ranging from a four-course meal WINe INSTITUTe a free appetizer to paired with a variety CHARITY GALA discounts on their of Tuscan wines. The checks. Bonefish menu will feature PROMISeS TO Be Grill, 18713 Biscayne buffalo mozzarella A MAGNIFICeNT Blvd., offers a free with roasted figs, (up to a grilled octopus over CeLeBRATION OF $14appetizer value) with the arugula, fettuccine with VINO. purchase of an adult entrée. fresh plum tomatoes and Captain Jim’s Seafood beef tenderloin, roasted quail Restaurant offers 15 percent and bison medallion served with off the check (does not include tax and roasted potatoes and an assortment of gratuities and is not valid for lobster and desserts served with espresso, cappuccino, stone crab). Corsair offers 20 percent off the coffee or tea. The cost is $100 per person check (not including tax and gratuities.) To (all inclusive). For more information or take advantage of the offer at the restaurants, reservations go to AngeloeliaPizza.com or guests will need to show a ticket, e-ticket, call 954-561-7300. confirmed reservation or ticket stub to sameThe 10th annual American Fine


3 .1.2017

day performances. For more information visit AventuraCenter.org/visit/dining. A tasting of Paul Etienne Saint Germain Champagne on Saturday, March 11 at Wine Watch, 901 Progresso Dr., in Fort Lauderdale, will be hosted by the new champagne house’s owner, Jean Michel Lagneau. Wine Watch’s catering manager Toni Lampasone, will provide a few tasty treats to accompany the tasting. Tickets for the walk around tasting $55 (plus tax) and is limited to 25 people. For reservations call 954-523-9463 or email andy@winewatch. com. All Aboard! Hop on a bus at Sunshine Cathedral, 1480 SW 9th Ave., Fort Lauderdale, on March 10 for an overnight trip across the state of Florida as you visit four distinct wineries, with an overnight stay in downtown Tampa. The $260 ticket includes visits to Schnebly Winery and Brewery in Homestead, Rosa Fiorelli Winery in Bradenton, Lakeridge Winery in Orlando and San Sebastian Winery in St. Augustine, followed by an overnight stay at the historic grand hotel, Floridan Palace, which is close to waterfront attractions and LGBT nightlife in Ybor City. The bus will leave from Sunshine Cathedral at 8:30 am on Friday morning and arrive back at Sunshine Cathedral by 10 pm on Saturday night. Only 50 seats are available, visit the "Florida Wine Tasting Bus Tour" page on SunshineCathedral.org for availability. Cantina Laredo in Hallandale’s Gulfstream Park has unveiled a new menu

which features a tapas section, as well as combination plates and daily lunch specials. Daily lunch specials include a carnitas bowl, taco salad and pollo tinga enchiladas. New menu items include: chili con queso and guacamole topped with diced tomato and queso fresco. A popular tapas item is an order of beef tamales cut into bite-sized pieces and topped with queso fresco and roasted chorizo corn. Among the stars of the entrée selections is a 16 oz. rib-eye steak with cascabel sauce. New combination dishes, named after popular regions in Mexico, are the Cancun (ground beef and chicken enchiladas and a beef taco) and Cozumel (chili relleno with the same pair of enchiladas.) There are no vegetarian combination options and they do not allow substitutions. Chef Ralph Pagano and the YES Hospitality Group have opened the Naked Crab Seafood Kitchen at B Ocean Resort in the iconic Yankee Clipper building. The 150-seat restaurant includes a curbside patio and wraparound bar with lounge seating. Guests will be presented with an up-to-date “Fish Scorecard” featuring the day’s fresh fish, oysters, clams, lobster and of course, daily crab specials available at the help yourself seafood bar. Certain to be among the most popular items are; osetra caviar with crispy pork belly confit, lobster roll and the enticingly named, “Menage a Trois” (filet mignon, crab stuffed shrimp and garlic shrimp.) For more information, go to nakedcrabfl.com or call 954-727-7090.

Embark on a Cultural Journey Filled with Authentic Italian Food, Music, Art & Tradition

Italian 32 E. Las Olas Blvd. Fort Lauderdale 33301







MAR 3: 3-10 p.m. • MAR 4: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. • MAR 5: 10 a.m.-8 p.m.






GRAMMY & OSCAR NOMINATED ARTIST Performing his #1 Hits, “Far From Over,” “Take You Back,” Songs from the Rocky Movies, Saturday Night Fever, Staying Alive and Many More!

From NBC’s



Saturday, 8 p.m.




















Official Charity of The Taste

3.1.2017 •






m a r c h



m a r c h

7 ,

2 0 1 7

W W W . S F G N . C O M

J.W. Arnold




television ABC’s epic miniseries, “When We Rise” continues tonight at 9 p.m. Written by Academy Award-winner Dustin Lance Black (“Milk”), the sweeping and sprawling series covers decades of LGBT history as viewed through the eyes of four San Francisco residents. The series stars Guy Pearce, MaryLouise Parker, Rachel Griffiths and Michael K. Williams. Check local listings for channels and show times.



theater The beloved Broadway hit musical, “Annie,” comes to the Arsht Center in Miami tonight and runs through Sunday. Set during the Depression, the show is based on a popular comic strip about Little Orphan Annie and Daddy Warbucks. Enjoy the eternal anthem of optimism, “Tomorrow,” along with “It’s a Hard Knock Life,” “You’re Never Fully Dressed without a Smile” and “Easy Street.” Tickets start at $29 at ArshtCenter.org.




Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon star in “Feud: Bette and Joan,” Ryan Murphy’s anthology series about the legendary rivalry between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford on FX. Set during the filming of “What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?,” the series explores how the actresses endured sexism, ageism and misogyny while clinging to fame during the twilights of their careers. Check local listings for channels and show times. Photo Credit: FX Network.


3/4 SUN

3/5 MON

3/6 TUE






This is Winter Party weekend, the annual festival in Miami to benefit the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and local community. Today, check out the pool parties and dance the afternoon away at Illuminate I at the Palace on Ocean Drive beginning at 5 p.m. Later, find music and dancing at Energy at Score on Lincoln Road. And, of course, tomorrow is the famed Beach Party beginning at 1 p.m. Tickets at WinterParty.org.

Did you have a teenage crush on Rick Springfield, too? We rushed home from school every day to watch him on “General Hospital.” The good news is he’s as hot as ever. The Grammy-winning singer will perform an intimate solo concert tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Parker Playhouse, 707 NE 8th St. in Fort Lauderdale. He’ll be singing “Jessie’s Girl” and all his Top 40 hits. Tickets start at $37 at ParkerPlayhouse.com.

Multiple Carbonell Award-winner Michael McKeever will have his latest play, “The Camp,” presented in a staged reading tonight at 7:30 p.m. at Jan McArt’s New Play Reading Series at Lynn University’s Wold Auditorium in Boca Raton. The series offers playwrights the opportunity to test new works and many of the featured plays have gone on to professional productions. Tickets are $10 at Events.Lynn.edu.

The Symphony of the Americas, under the direction of Maestro James Brooks-Bruzzese, presents “Classical Soul,” tonight at 7:45 p.m. at the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale. The concert will include classical works by duo-pianists Sergio and Barbara Salani, along with TV’s “X Factor” finalist, vocalist Lillie McCloud, who will add a little soul to the pops program. Tickets start at $62 at BrowardCenter. org.


3 .1.2017

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A&E theater Disney’s “The Little Mermaid” is playing at the Broward Center through Sunday, March 5. Photo Credit: Mark & Tracy Photography.

RevieW: ‘The liTTle meRmaid’ beaches aT bROWaRd cenTeR J.W. Arnold


ne thing you can count on with any Disney property is that the company’s massive corporate marketing machine will be prepared to squeeze every possible dollar of profit— merchandising and licensing, theme park rides, video games and television spin-offs and, yes, theatrical adaptations. When it comes to those Broadway shows, some have been massive hits like “The Lion King” and “Beauty and the Beast.” Others, “Mary Poppins,” “Newsies” and “Aladdin” have been profitable and popular. And then there was “Tarzan,” a big flop for Disney’s Broadway money machine. “The Little Mermaid,” the 1989 feature that marked a decade-long renaissance for Disney animation, never made it to Broadway. The 5th Avenue Theatre production has been touring the country and pulled into the Broward Center last week for a two-week run. Despite a catalog of tuneful, awardwinning songs by composer Alan Menken and lyricists Howard Ashman and Glenn Slater, “The Little Mermaid” unfortunately feels more like a theme-park attraction than a Broadway show. Make no mistakes, the production is not cheap, like so many non-Equity productions that been padding the Broadway series at local performing arts centers in recent years. Kenneth Foy’s set design is creative, evoking the waves on the surface and the colorful world fathoms below. Amy Clark

and Mark Koss’s costumes are clever and faithful to the vision of the groundbreaking film. There are even a few Julie Taymor/”Lion King”-style puppets and, through the magic of traditional scrims and wires, the characters at various times convincingly appear to swim across the stage. But despite the big bag of tricks the creative team leverages, the usual Disney magic is missing. The cast is capable and talented: Diana Huey (Ariel) snagged a coveted Helen Hayes Award for her leading role in “Miss Saigon” in Washington, D.C., Melvin Abston (Sebastian) toured in “The Lion King” and Jennifer Allen (Ursula) has a long list of Broadway credits. The highlight was the spirited 14-piece orchestra under the direction of Colin R. Freeman, who led the cast in all the familiar songs, including “Part of Your World,” “Under the Sea,” “Kiss the Girl,” and an especially delicious “Poor Unfortunate Souls,” performed by Allen. It’s hard to believe that “The Little Mermaid” can’t be as convincing on stage as “Beauty and the Beast,” with its singing and dancing candelabras, tea cups and feather dusters. Maybe director Glenn Casale could revisit the production and infuse some chemistry into the performances. While regular theatergoers might be disappointed with the experience, the many children and families in the Au-Rene Theater audience probably didn’t notice. And tickets to “The Little Mermaid” are certainly cheaper than a trip to Orlando.

disney’s “the Little Mermaid” is being performed at the broward Center in Fort Lauderdale through Sunday, March 5. tickets start at $35 at browardCenter.org.


3 .1.2017

3.1.2017 •


A&E art The winning concept for the sculpture. Submitted photo..

North Miami to Unveil County’s First LGBT Sculpture Ryan Yousefi


iami-Dade is home to one of the nation’s most diverse, thriving, and successful LGBT communities. Throughout the years South Florida has been home to LGBT pioneers and heroes that have brought equality and rights to the forefront of the conversation, placing Miami-Dade consistently ahead of the curve. Now, the city is doing something to honor both those difference makers and those who lost their lives all too soon. On Saturday, March 4th, Miami-Dade is set to unveil the county’s first ever LGBTQ sculpture, a beautiful five-foot-tall 18-piece multi-colored vertical piece of metal art located in North Miami’s Enchanted Forest Elaine Gordon Park, 1725 NE 135 Street. The park was chosen by city officials because of its peacefulness, which they hope encourages visitors to reflect on historic LGBT triumphs, while at the same time drawing inspiration from the strength of its natural surroundings. After a search for the right installation, a winning selection from a Miami-native artist Alan Gutierrez was chosen as the symbol meant to celebrate the county’s rich legacy of LGBT accomplishments. The sculpture’s 18 colors represent the industry standard makeup colors used for special effects on stage and in film. In addition to Alan Gutierrez’s art, the city plans to erect a plaque dedicated to remembering and honoring local LGBT accomplishments through the years. North Miami City Councilman Scott Galvin told SFGN he’s been contemplating how to honor the LGBT community for some time, but current events sprung the project to the forefront of his mind last year. “I’d had a general idea of doing something


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to recognize the gay community for more than a year,” Galvin said. “Most people don’t realize how often Dade’s gay rights struggle intersected with North Miami over the years. We had several residents who were integral in the struggle. As a city, we had domestic partner benefits and multiple openly gay elected officials long before other cities had. To me, it made sense.” Gavin added the Pulse massacre spurred him into action. “After last year’s PULSE tragedy in Orlando, it was time to move the concept forward,” he said. “Rather than be a somber memorial to those victims, North Miami’s sculpture will be a celebration of LGBTQ lives and an acknowledgment of LGBTQ contributions in Miami-Dade County.” Galvin told SFGN the LGBT sculpture project was one-hundred percent funded through his City Council District 1 budget using the Art in Public Places program as the process to vet all of the artwork proposals. According to documents published late last year when the project was announced, the city had then budgeted at least $30,000 for the statue and surrounding materials. According to Galvin, the city is planning more than just the unveiling of the statue at North Miami Enchanted Forest Elaine Gordon Park LGBT next month. The city plans to honor quite a few legendary members of the LGBT community. “We’re having the public unveiling on Saturday, March 4 at 11 a.m.” Galvin said. “At that time, we’ll also be recognizing the contributions of several of Dade’s gay pioneers, including Ruth Shack, Victoria Sigler, Kevin Burns, David Richardson, Martin Gill, and others. They’ll all be in attendance!”

A&E television

Gender 101

Everything you wanted to know about being trans but were afraid to ask

David-Elijah Nahmod


resh on the heels of putting nine-yearold transgender girl Avery Jackson on the cover of National Geographic Magazine, the National Geographic Channel now offers "Gender Revolution," a feature length documentary which explains it all for you. "Gender Revolution" is hosted by Katie Couric, who came under fire in 2014 when, on her since cancelled chat show, she asked trans model Carmen Carrera a question about her genitalia. The longtime TV journalist had no qualms about admitting that she made a mistake. Putting her money where her mouth is, Couric educated herself. "Gender Revolution" is the result. The film, which premiered on National Geographic Channel on Feb. 6, is now available for online viewing at the channel's website, but you'll need to provide the site with your cable/ satellite provider's name and your account number in order to unlock the video. There may be additional airings on the channel itself. The scope of the film's coverage is breathtaking. Couric opens with several segments on intersex people—those who

are born with both female or male genitalia, or genitalia which might be considered undetermined. In the past, doctors would perform surgeries on such children—the doctors and the parents would choose whether or not the child should be a boy or a girl. As Brian Douglas tells Couric, this can be a recipe for disaster. Brian had his first surgery at 11 months old—he was assigned female, his mother's choice. Throughout his life Brian knew that he wasn't "Diane" and confronted his parents when he realized that his birth certificate had been altered. After being told the truth, Brian transitioned at age fifty and has been his happiest ever since. "Gender Revolution" takes the time to explain the science of being intersex or transgender. Brain formations and mixtures of male/female hormones in the womb are among the causes. These sequences underscore what any trans or intersex person already knows—that these things are not choices. People can only be happy when they live as their authentic selves. Couric travels across the country and meets many trans and intersex people, like Michele Mendelsohn of Los Angeles, a transgender woman who owns six Mexican restaurants.

Mendelson made a point of hiring transgender people at all of her locations. Several employees tell Couric about how being gainfully employed has increased their sense of self worth. The trans bathroom controversy is also explored in a lengthy interview with Virginia teen Gavin Grimm, who just wants a safe space where he can pee while at school. Grimm, whose lawsuit will soon be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court, is seen testifying before his local school board—many parents speak out against him, though none are able to pinpoint exactly what they're afraid of. Couric meets other students, some of whom become her teacher. They explain to her the many different ways people can identity in today's world. There's a plethora of pronouns to choose from, just pick the one which best suits you. "Gender Revolution" also explores the feelings of those who must accept the transitions of people they love—the film points out that when a person transitions, everyone around them must also transition. As one woman says when her husband of forty years tells her that he's really a woman: "I had to say goodbye to Bill and say hello to Kate."

Most importantly, "Gender Revolution" teaches us that ignorance isn't bliss. It's OK to ask questions and to learn. "Gender Revolution" is therefore quite an education.

Watch the film here: on.natgeo.com/2kUn2ro

3.1.2017 •


A&E broward art beat

’s e l a d R e d u a l T R O aRT f eR T a W e h T n O R i a f aRT the ordinary and

from Water” offers an escape end every year. e th on ir Fa rt “A s le’ da for one week Art Fort Lauder nals of Fort Lauderdale ca e th on e lif to t ar gs brin

Chris Shepard


hile art galleries use light, specific arrangements, and curated exhibitions to display pieces of fine art, nothing compares to the natural light of sun and reflection of water. Art Fort Lauderdale’s Art Fair on the Water offers an escape from the ordinary and brings art to life on the canals of Fort Lauderdale for one weekend every year, captivating visitors as they travel through homes dramatized by sculpture, light and mixed media artwork integrated into the landscape and walls for effect. Illustrious mansions boast collections of art organized in a way that creates a truly unique experience. One of the major differences between Art Fair on the Water and other galleries you might visit, is the transportation. Rather than driving from gallery to gallery, attendants are whisked away on a water taxi to destinations along the tour. This event is as much of a tour of the city’s expansive waterways as it is an art exhibition. There is a reason that Fort Lauderdale has become known as the “Venice of America.” Canals branch off the intracoastal creating water passages that are lined with expansive homes in this aqueous layout of our city. As the tour boat glides through the water, breathtaking views of houses are revealed in which many of Fort Lauderdale’s wealthiest residents live and vacation. The boat driver guiding the tour shares the history and stories about the residents who reside in some of these more lavish homes. In this recent tour, stopping first at the Oscar Meyer home, passengers disembarked

and were greeted by a myriad of fascinating artworks sprawled out on the lawn of the impressive waterfront property. Inside, a surreal display of life-like sculptures by local artist Leah Brown positioned in the living room welcomed guests and guided them further towards vibrant paintings that lined the many rooms along the way. Some hallways were lit only with brightly-colored swirling projections giving the illusion that while passing from room to room, you were being transported to another world. Entering the second of three houses along the tour attendants viewed paintings along the walls of the two-story home as each room was presented in different brilliant colors. Spectators could feel the mood change as the colors matched their surroundings and each doorway suggested entering a completely different art experience, while natural light illuminated paintings creating a unique interchange between nature and art, light and space. The final house along the tour continued this intimate view of South Florida’s best artists. Free drinks were provided as the tour ended and paintings lit from behind demonstrated a sharp contrast against the flowing water of the intra-coastal in the back drop. All the homes along the tour are for sale for those in the market in “Venice of America.” Organizers of this inaugural tour have plans to come back next year and make the event even bigger and artistically diverse. As time passes they hope to grow the event into one of South Florida’s largest and most successful art events.

Visit ArtFtLauderdale.com for information on future tours. Chris Shepard is a broward Arts Journalism Alliance Writer with broward Cultural division. he was born and raised in sunny South Florida and feels that growing up in such an amazing state has given him the opportunity to draw inspiration from a locale rich in culture and full of adventure opportunities, which fuels his passion to document what he sees through writing and photographs.


3 .1.2017

ng i n n i w d r wa ical review a , s u o i r a l i The h ational hit msu erdale! inter n r ns to For t Laud retu

Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida PRESENTS

A Musical Tribute to the Many Expressions of Family

MARCH 24 | 8PM

MARCH 25 | 8PM

Lauderhill Performing Arts Center 3800 NW 11th Place Lauderhill, FL 33311 Tickets: www.lpacfl.com | 954.777.2055

United Church of Christ 2501 NE 30th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 Tickets: www.gmcsf.org | 954.763.2266

SPECIAL TRIBUTE 10-Year Anniversary of Robert Seeley and Robert Espindola’s Iconic Songs of My Family

Funding for this project is provided by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners as recommended by the Broward Cultural Council.

Sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture.

3.1.2017 •


maRch 1 - maRch 7


Theater Christiana Lilly





March 2 at 8 p.m. at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Annie lives in an orphanage with mean Miss Hannigan, but her luck might turn when a business tycoon shows interest in her. Tickets $30 to $75. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.

The Taming of the Shrew

March 5 at 3 p.m. at The Seminole Theatre, 18 N. Krome Ave. in Homestead. Seven performers take on Shakespeare's classic in an abridged version. Free. Visit SeminoleTheatre.org.

Smokey Robinson

March 7 at 8 p.m. at the Broward Center, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. The Motown crooner performs favorites like “Cruisin’,” “Just to See Her,” “I Second That Emotion,” and more. Tickets $39 to $129. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

broward county Xanadu

Through March 5 at the Broward Center, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Sonny literally runs into a beautiful woman on skates, who turns out to be a member of The Nine Sisters. Tickets $45. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

* Dropkick Murphys

March 7 at 6:30 p.m. at Revolution Live, 100 SW Third Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, the American Celtic band is the soundtrack to Irish-inspired rock. Tickets $29.50 in advance, $30 the day of. Call 954-449-1025 or visit JoinTheRevolution.net.

Shooting Porn!

Through March 12 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. Based on Ronnie Larsen’s 1997 documentary, the film has been adapted for the stage and takes the


3 .1.2017

audience behind the scenes of a porn shoot and the drama that ensues. Contains male nudity and simulated sex scenes. Tickets $35. Call 954-678-1496 or visit EmpireStage.com.

Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series

Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com

Collected Stories

palm beach county * The Sugar Bean Sisters

March 3 to 19 at the Lake Worth Playhouse, 713 Lake Ave. in Lake Worth. Willie Mae and Faye Nettle have grand plans to leave behind their lives as spinsters when a birdlike woman appears in the town of Buster Swamp. Tickets $23 to $38. Call 561-5866410 or visit LakeWorthPlayhouse.org.

* Capitol Steps: What to Expect When You’re Electing

March 3 to 19 at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Politics take a humorous turn with music from your favorite whacky politicians. Tickets $40. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.

Photo: Facebook.

Vaclav Havel’s “Audience” and “Protest”

Through March 12 at the Miami Theater Center, 9806 NE Second Ave. in Miami Shores. In “Audience,” Ferdinand Vanek is out of jail and now works in a brewery, where he’s driven to alcoholism and insanity. In “Protest,” his alter ego works to convince a friend to sign a petition renouncing their country’s regime. Tickets $15 to $30. Call 305-751-9550 or visit MTCMiami.org.

* Denotes New Listing

Outdoor Music Series

Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.

The Big Show

Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny.com.

Collected Stories

Through March 5 at the Don & Ann Brown Theater, 201 Clematis St. in West Palm Beach. An author writes a controversial novel about her mentor’s affair with a poet. Tickets $66. Call 561-514-4042 or visit PalmBeachDramaworks.org.

Free Friday Concerts

Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.

miami-dade county * Annie

March 3 to 5 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Annie lives in an orphanage with mean Miss Hannigan, but her luck might turn when a business tycoon shows interest in her. Tickets $29 to $92. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

#Orlandounited: Every week, SFGN will pay tribute to one member of our community who was lost in Orlando.

A&E television







OPEN MON - SAT: 10AM - 9PM • SUN: 12 - 6 PM EVERYTHING YOU NEED! MORE THAN YOU EXPECT! The Best Since 1996 15 Minutes From The Beach or I-95

Gianna Toboni and Kai. Submitted photo.

hbO's ‘vice: TRans yOuTh’ pRemieRes maRch 3Rd



Two Locations!




David-Elijah Nahmod


rans Youth," the latest episode of HBO's "Vice," a culture and public affairs program, will tell you everything you need to know about trans youth. Like National Geographic Channel's recent documentary "Gender Revolution," "Vice: Trans Youth" underscores the importance of asking questions in order to learn about--and accept--those who may be different from you. The most disturbing bit of info in "Trans Youth" are the statistics--trans kids have a suicide rate which currently stands at 41 percent – the rate for cisgender (non-trans) youth is less than five percent. Why such an extreme difference? Acceptance is the key to raising happy trans kids. Kimberly, a mom in Texas, speaks in tears as she recalls being rejected by her conservative Christian relatives when her five-year-old child Kai announces "I'm really a girl." "It's lonely," Kimberly said. "You feel like you're in the fight of your life to save your child. They leave you alone on the battlefield." Later Kimberly appears before her local school board to ask that Kai be allowed to use the girl's restroom. "I'm the mom of a little girl who wants her child to live," Kimberly told the board. School board president Dr. John Kelly, who has compared transgenderism to pedophilia and polygamy, walks out during Kimberly's speech. When we meet Kai in her room, we see

a happy, well adjusted child who lives in a loving home--having a supportive environment is often all it takes, as Vice underscores. "Vice: Trans Youth" also takes us to the midwest, where eight-year-old Max lives. Though he talks like a kid ("I had to tell my parents that I'm a boy 245 times!") Max shows that he has a wisdom far beyond his young years. He's given hormone blockers which will prevent him from undergoing puberty--Max squeals with delight as he's wheeled into the operating room for the brief procedure. Again we meet a happy child who enjoys the love and support of his parents. Several medical professionals also speak in front of HBO's cameras. They explain to viewers how these procedures work and why they're needed. Perhaps the most eye-opening interview comes from Loretta Lynch, who served as President Obama's Attorney General for his final two years in office. Lynch speaks of the government's job to protect all of the country's children, including transgender children. It was during Lynch's time in office that Obama administration issued an order protecting the rights of Trans Kids-President Trump has since rescinded that order. Watching "Vice: Trans Youth" might inspire some viewers to contact the current president and demand that he reinstate that order.

Look for "Vice: trans Youth" to premiere on hbO on Friday, March 3rd. Additional airings will follow--the episode will also be available for streaming and On demand viewing. hbO.com/vice/episodes/05/56-trans-youth/index.html

3.1.2017 •



community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com

top pIcks Reading and Panel Discussion: “Ending Anita” by Anthony Adams

March 5 at 4 p.m. at the Stonewall National Museum — Wilton Manors, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. “Ending Anita” tells the story of two gay Key West bartenders who championed gay marriage for the Sunshine State. Free. Visit Stonewall-Museum.org.

GALLA Luncheon

March 8 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Perricones Marketplace and Café, 15 SE 10th St. in Miami. The Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and the Gay and Lesbian Lawyers Association hosts its monthly networking lunch. This month the panel will discuss “Religious Freedom, Immigration Ban, and the President’s Executive Orders.” Tickets $35 for members and $45 for others. RSVP to 305-673-4440, rsvp@gaybizmiami.com, or gaybizmiami. com.

High Gloss WPB: The Art of Fashion

Through March 10 at The Box Gallery, 811 Belvedere Road in West Palm Beach. Celebrate where fashion and art intersect with wearable art, lifestyle accessories, fine art photography, and more. Call 786-5211199 or visit TheBoxGallery.info.

* Denotes New Listing

broward support servIces GENDER BENDER YOUTH GROUP

Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com


Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.


Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.


First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

broward county * GLLN CLE Luncheon

March 2 from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. at Timpano Chophouse, 450 E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. The Gay & Lesbian Lawyers Network hosts a CLE luncheon to discuss fraud and threats in banking. Tickets $25 members, $30 nonmembers. Visit GLLN.org.

* Poetry is For Queers: Queer Poetry & Prose Reading II

March 5 at 4 p.m. at the Stonewall National Museum — Wilton Manors, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Poets and writers Autumn Barksdale, Houston Cypress, May Reign, Nik Rye, Farah Diba, Mo Tarafah, and Julia Maria Wade showcase Miami’s queer literary scene. Free. Visit Stonewall-Museum.org.

* Book Signing Party

March 9 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the World


3 .1.2017

AIDS Museum, 1201 NE 26th St. #111 in Wilton Manors. Activist Larry Kramer and author of “The American People” is joined by Kevin Sessums, author of “Mississippi Sissy” for a book signing. Free. Call 954-390-0550 or visit WorldAIDSMuseum.com.

* Vodka, Meth, Sex … Lipitor?!

March 9 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. A discussion on how substance use, and abuse, impacts older LGBT people. Free. Call 954-4639005, ext. 113 or email maturingtogether@ pridecenterflorida.org.

* 30 Years With ACT UP: An Evening with Larry Kramer

March 10 at 8 p.m. at Sunshine Cathedral, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Larry Kramer, the leading voice of hope and change

maRch 1 - maRch 7 during the equality movement and AIDS crisis, talks about his writing and political activism. Tickets $25. Call 954-390-0550 or visit WorldAIDSMuseum.com.

of photography, film, and prints of various social justice movements over time and their impact on society. Free. Call 561-297-2661 or visit FAU.edu/galleries.

Daniel’s multimedia exhibit explores the criminal justice system and the prison industrial complex. Free. Call 561-297-2661 or visit FAU.edu/galleries.

lead by a certified instructor. Bring your own yoga mat, water, and towel. Free. Call 305358-7550 or visit BayfrontParkMiami.com/ Yoga.html.

* POZ Millennials Symposium

US Heroes: Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Raul Castro


HIV Support Group

March 11 from noon to 5 p.m. at the Stonewall National Museum & Archives, 1350 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Panels of influential activists discuss the battle against AIDS. Free. Call 954-390-0550 or visit WorldAIDSMuseum.com.

Body Work: The Art of the Male Form

Through March 19 at the Stonewall National Museum — Wilton Manors, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Explore the male form, masculinity, and gayness through American artists’ paintings drawings, photography. Free. Visit Stonewall-Museum.org.

palm beach county Community Justice: The Black Panther Party and Other Civil Rights Movements

Through March 4 at the FAU Ritter Art Gallery, 777 Glades Road in Boca Raton. An exhibition

Through March 17 at Palm Beach State College’s BB Building, 2160 PGA Blvd. in Palm Beach Gardens. A series of paintings of the “three mass murderers of the Cuban revolution,” challenging what we know about the men and the theme of hero creation. Free. Call 786-521-1199 or email RolandoBarrero@ mac.com.

Street Photography: Candid Portraiture

March 25, and April 22 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Old School Square Crest Theatre building studio 5, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Russell Levine leads a walk through the streets of Delray to instruct students on candid street photography. Fee $75. Call 561243-7922 or visit OldSchoolSquare.org.

Sharon Daniel: Secret Injustices

Through April 1 at FAU’s Schmidt Center Gallery, 777 Glades Road in Boca Raton.

Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@ compassglcc.com.

miami-dade county Arsht Center Farmers Market

Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/ en/Visit/Dining.


Tuesdays from 6 to 7:15 p.m. at Jose Marti Park, 362 SW Fourth Ave. in Miami. Yogis 18 and older of all levels are invited to a practice

Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at South Beach AIDS Project, 1234 Washington Ave. Ste. 200 in Miami Beach. A support group for those who are HIV positive. Free. Call 305-535-4733, ext. 301 or email support@sobeaids.org.

Book Study

Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Miami. Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Norbu, will lead classes on learning the foundations of Buddhism. Call 786-529-7137.

key west Hot Naked Hump Days

Wednesdays from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Island House, 1129 Fleming St. in Key West. Relax in the middle of the week with two-for-one drinks, free shots, videos and music, giveaways, and naked boys at the pool. Call 305-294-6284 or visit IslandHouseKeyWest.com

3.1.2017 •


Business Directory attorney LAW OFFICE OF GEORGE CASTRATARO 707 NE 3rd Ave #300, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.573.1444 Lawgc.com LAW OFFICE OF ROBIN BODIFORD 2550 N Federal Hwy #20, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.630.2707 Lawrobin.com


To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970


LAW OFFICE OF SELZER & WEISS 1515 NE 25th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.4444 Selzerandweiss.com LAW OFFICE OF SHAWN NEWMAN 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com


LAW OFFICE OF GREGORY KABEL 1 East Broward Blvd #700, Fort Lauderdale, 33301 954.761.7770 gwkesq@bellsouth.net


FT LAUDERDALE GAY MEN'S CHORUS PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org GAY MEN’S CHORUS OF SOUTH FLORIDA PO Box 39617, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33339 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org

chiropractic COAST CHIROPRACTIC INJURY & WELLNESS CENTER 2608 NE 16th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954.463.3036 www.coast-chiropractic.com

call us to reserve space!



DUI Domestic Violence Sex Offenses Drug Charges


2505 N. Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-7621 Kalismcintee.com

financial services

Daniel Ross, CPA ‘Preparing Individual & Small Business Tax Returns since 1985’

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3 .1.2017

Evening & Weekend Appointments Available danrosscpa@aol.com

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financial services



DR. TORY SULLIVAN 2500 N Federal Hwy #301, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.533.1520 Torysullivanmd.com AMERICAN PAIN EXPERTS 6333 N. Federal Hwy, Ste. 250, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 954-678-1074 Americanpainexperts.com

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FINANCIAL NEEDS Taxes IRS Issues Accounting

Bookkeeping Small Business Advising

handyman MIAMI/BROWARD/PALM BEACH Paint/Caulk/Remove Grout/Yard Work Fix Drips & Switches/Debris removal Assembles Furniture & Appliances Repair or Fix Call "Avrom" Keith 786-227-9981


2435 North Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305

call us to reserve space!


health dental OAKLAND PARK DENTAL 3047 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954.566.9812 Oaklandparkdental.com ANDREWS DENTAL CARE 2654 N Andrews Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33311 954.567.3311 Andrewsdentalcare.com ISLAND CITY DENTAL 1700 NE 26th Street, Ste. 2, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954-564-7121 Islandcitydental.com

professional services

Valentine’s Retreat


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Income Tax Preparation •Individual •Small Business •Free Consultation Doug Turner, Enrolled Agent Best Books & Taxes, LLC 2201 Wilton Drive, Suite 4 bestbooksandtaxes.com


Call today for appointment 3.1.2017 •


Nite Life Law If you drink, don’t drive. If you drive, don’t drink. If you do both, call us.

Business Directory To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970

professional services

professional services

Kent & Cormican Criminal Defense Law Center


Norman Elliott Kent & Russell Cormican 12 S.E. 7th Street, Suite 709 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 www.NormKent.com

restaurants STORKS BAKERY 2505 NE 15th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.3220 Storksbakery.com BEEFCAKES 1721 N Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 954.463.6969 boardwalkbar.com J. MARK’S 1245 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 (954) 390-0770 Jmarksrestaurant.com ERNIE'S B-B-Q 1843 S Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 954-523-8636

retail PEACE PIPE 4800 N Dixie Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 954.267.9005 Facebook.com/peacepipefl

The Best Cellar

Boutique Wine Shop & Wine Bar The Ultimate Wine Tasting Experience Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., at 8:00 p.m.

call us to reserve space! 60

3 .1.2017

ONLY $15 PER PERSON! 954-630-8020 1408 N.E. 26th St. Wilton Manors, FL 33334

3.1.2017 •


Business Directory To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970 retail


Lucy’s Hair & Body Care Salon

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sports TENNIS LESSONS AT HAGEN PARK in Wilton Manors. Individual or group lessons. Call Robert 732-604-0362 for more information.

call us to reserve space!

call us to reserve space!

2 bedroom/2 bath condos

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call us to reserve space!

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real estate

SFGN Classified$ To place a Classified Ad, call Tim Higgins at 954.530.4970 or email at Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com

cleaning services EMERALD IRISH CLEANING - Established for 30 years. 3 hours of cleaning for $60.00. Use time as you wish. English speaking *hand scrub floors* Cleaning supplies included. Service guaranteed 954-524-3161

music lessons


VOICE LESSONS & MUSIC THEATRE COACHING - Over 30 years experience. Students have performed on (and off) Broadway, in National & International tours, recorded solo albums & placed in prestigious competitions. www.kreutzmusic.com 617-967-0575

help wanted

GREGG'S PAINTING - I paint both interior and exterior. Great rates, free estimates. I am detailedoriented, friendly, reliable, punctual, and neat. No job too small. Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Call Gregg at 617-306-5694 or 954-870-5972 Email: gmanbenn44@gmail.com

HARRY’S ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL - Additions, renovations, service upgrades, breaker panels,FPL undergrounds, code violations, A/C wiring, ceiling fans, recessed, security & landscaping, lighting, pools, pumps, Jacuzzis, water heaters, FREE PHONE ESTIMATES 954522-3357 Lic & Ins. www.harryelectrician.com HUSBAND FOR RENT - Is he procrastinating home repairs? He says he will do it tomorrow?? After the football game?? We fit right in - in the house or the yard, small or big jobs: tile, dry wall, paint, plumbing, roof leaks, broken furniture, irrigation, fences, and more! It doesn't cost to hassle us to see the work - so why wait? Neat, clean work for a reasonable price. Call Haim at 954-398-3676, sidnalll@yahoo.com HELP WANTED BONA ITALIAN RESTAURANT - Looking for Wait Staff, greeter/phone orders, dishwasher help, pizza chef, bussers. Day and evening shifts in an established Italian Restaurant. Grow with us. Stop by to fill out an application M-F 11am-2pm, 3pm-5pm. Weekends after 4:30PM.


Follow the action.

sfgn.com personals HOLLYWOOD-MISSED OPPORTUNITIES - Any body know a red-head from Hollywood, 30's, slim build, smokes American Spirits & drinks Heineken. We meet last Nov @ Exxon on US 1 in Sheridan. I refused the ride home b/c I lived close I realized I made a mistake and didn't get contact and info. If you know him or are him please call Travis @ 954-6540775.


WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO? Learn from an experienced teacher. All levels and ages welcome. Learn to play classical, popular, jazz, or show tunes. Visit www.edwinchad. com or call 954-826-9555 for more information.

pool service

COOL POOLS- RELIABLE POOL SERVICE Professional pool service.Covering Wilton Manors, Lighthouse Point, and eastside of Pompano Beach. 15 years experience. Licensed and insured.Free estimates. Call 954-235-0775.

Now HiriNg! Call 800-DiLigENT employment - full time CLIENT SERVICE SPECIALIST - We have a immediate opening for someone that has a friendly and easy going personality. You will greet and welcome guests to our practice as well as answering questions and addressing complaints. Also must have the ability to multi-task. Must have a resume/references and like animals. Call to schedule appointment 954- 567-2500.


MANSCAPING SERVICES WE OFFER - Treat yourself to a Full Body Hair Removal, Shaving, Trimming, and Waxing. European Facial, Oxy Hydro Treatment. No Chemicals used.Looking Good & Feeling Good Call Ebi at 561-502-3217 or www.euromanscaping.com

licensed massage

MASSAGE BY DENNIS - $60 per 90 min-Out calls higher. Swedish, Deep Tissue, manscaping available. All clients and Body types welcome, Reflexology and Feet. Couples Discounts. Delray Beach. 22 years experience. MA18563 Call Dennis 561-502-2628.

rentals wilton manors

MIKE THE RENTAL GUY - NE Lauderdale/Wilton Manors/Oakland Park-1/1 from $990, 2/1 from $1140. Victoria Park-1/1=$1090.00 cable included. Credit & Income Requirements-Pets okay with restrictions Call for Details Mike 561-703-5533 or miketherentalguy@aol.com

real estate

UNITED REALTY GROUP - $149,900 2 bed 1 bath-1 block to the drive. Low maintenance-NO RENTAL RESTRICTIONS! DUPLEX $359,900 Quiet street Both 2 bed 1 bathHuge Yard Call for details Michael Tublin

rentals fort lauderdale 4 BLOCKS FROM THE DRIVE- $850.00 - Nice clean 1-BD/1-BATH with private fenced garden patio through French doors off living room. Tile floors and good size rooms, off street parking. Located in a one story 4-unit apartment with laundry room. $50.00 application fee—Background check, No Smoking, No Pets, $850.00 call 954-818-9012 SEPARATE COTTAGE FOR RENT for $800.00 has full kitchen and showered bath. Includes washer/Dryer and water tenant pays elec. Has a private entrance and private parking. Requires F/L/S to move in. Call Michael at 954-615-7103 3.1.2017 •


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