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local name global coverage May 10, 2017 vol. 8 // issue 19

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f l o r i d a

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Mark Foley (left) and Nancy Brinker. Photo: J.R. Davis.

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“We made a statement this year that LGBT is not just a liberal issue.

We set the tone with some Conservative speakers.” - Stuart Milk






nEws highlight


Latinos Salud at Miami Beach Pride. Photo Credit: Latinos Salud, Facebook.

May 10 2017 • Volume 8 • Issue 19

2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

Publisher • Norm Kent Norm.Kent@sfgn.com

Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli Associate Publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com


Latinos saLud Gets cdc GRant to expand hiv/aids testinG Organization continues to grow

Michael d’Oliveira


imited staff and resources mean that Latinos Salud can only do so much to fight South Florida’s HIV/AIDS epidemic. “We need far more resources. We’re number one in the nation [in new HIV cases],” said Dr. Stephen Fallon, executive director of Latinos Salud, which has offices in Wilton Manors, Miami Beach, and Kendall. “We just haven’t had enough boots on the ground, and there’s only so many staff hours available in the day, trying to cover both office services and late night outreach.” A recent report by the CDC showed that, overall, the HIV infection rate nationwide had dropped 18 percent. But there was a nationwide increase in HIV cases among gay and bisexual Latino men [up 20 percent] as well as gay and bisexual men ages 25 to 34 [up 35 percent]. “Miami-Dade County currently ranks first in the nation for its rate of new HIV infections. 82 percent of Miami Hispanic males living with HIV are gay or bisexual guys [the CDC uses the term ‘Men who have Sex with Men,’ or MSM], and a slightly higher percentage [85 percent] of new Latino male HIV cases occur amongst MSM,” wrote Fallon. But, thanks to a grant from the CDC, Latinos Salud will be able to hire more staff members to help administer and expand its prevention and testing efforts. “Of the 30 funded organizations, 23 will primarily target young men who have sex with men [YMSM] of color and their partners, and 7 will target young transgender (YTG) persons of color and their partners. This funding embodies CDC’s High-Impact Prevention approach, by delivering proven, cost-effective interventions to the populations and geographic areas most

affected by HIV. Eligibility was limited to CBOs located in areas with a significant number of YMSM of color living with diagnosed HIV,” wrote Eugene McCray, director of the CDC’s Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention. With the grant, Latinos Salud will expand the services and testing it offers at its Kendall location. “The highest rates of HIV in Miami-Dade County are found in eastern side of the county, which our Miami Beach location already serves. But the county’s second highest level of HIV rates are in the central regions, especially in Kendall, Coral Terrace, Westchester, and Hialeah areas that had almost no access to free prevention or testing services before we launched our Kendall location in February of 2016,” Fallon wrote. He added that Latinos Salud is within a mile of the campuses of Florida International University and MiamiDade College, which together have over 100,000 students. “Half [of the students at those campuses] are Latino,” Fallon said. Fallon said the new grant program will focus primarily on young, gay Latino men and other gay and bisexual men of color, and will also serve transgender individuals, but that everyone who requests access to testing and services will be able to receive them. The goals are to keep people from getting HIV, and to make life better for those who already living with the disease. “We try very hard to help the whole community become healthier,” Fallon said. MEMBER In addition to free HIV/STD testing, and help for clients living with HIV getting access to community resources, Latinos Salud offers ‘Gaymer’ nights, which include role-play and MEMBER

other games, outreach on Grindr and other GPS-based apps, and more. “Our ‘Gaymer’ nights are often filled to capacity, and many guys who come by once are soon returning with their friends. Most important to our mission, many of the guys who come by for fun stay for education and screening,” Fallon wrote. “We will also expand our ‘Life Coaching’ program to help younger guys living with HIV set goals that will help keep them in life saving care, and help them navigate the challenges of dating in a community where, unfortunately, HIV stigma still exists.” Fallon said the goal is to make Latinos Salud a warm, inviting place that people feel comfortable spending time in. “We’re set up more like a living room, like a social setting. We greet everyone like a friend, not just a client. We invite them to share a conversation and have coffee, building a rapport first and trust.” The CDC grant also coincides with Latinos Salud’s third anniversary in Miami Beach, and the agency will move from its current location to a new facility in July. The new and bigger Miami Beach location will have better parking, and better bathroom facilities for more discreet STD testing. Meanwhile, at its flagship location in Broward, Latinos Salud recently added Ryan White case management services, which help clients living with HIV overcome barriers that could otherwise prevent them from staying in care. In two months, the agency expects to also launch a study of communication in gay relationships. Visit Latinossalud.org for more information.

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5 . 10.2017

ayNew s.com



Cover: Mark Foley and Nancy Brinker, poised together at the Diversity Honors. Photo by J.R. Davis.

NLGJA Journalist of the Year

South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2017 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

5.10.2017 •


news local

Local Rally to Correspond With National Equality March

Event will take place June 11 at Huizenga Plaza in Fort Lauderdale Michael d’Oliveira


ince he was a teen, Stephen Bunting has had an on again, off again relationship with politics and political rallies. But with Trump in the Oval Office, Bunting’s participation in politics is definitely on again. “This latest political climate and what the president has been doing has gotten me off my feet and more active,” Bunting said. Recently, he’s been to two rallies in Fort Lauderdale, the People’s March for Climate, and the March for Science, and he plans on attending a third – the Equality Rally for Unity and Pride Fort Lauderdale on Sunday, June 11 from 4 to 6 p.m. at Huizenga Plaza, 1 E Las Olas Blvd. The Fort Lauderdale rally is being organized in solidarity with the national Equality March for Unity and Pride in Washington, D.C. on the same day. Bunting’s not sure if he’s going to bring a sign with him to the next rally but, if he does, it may be similar to the “gaslighting” one he brought to the March for Science in April. Gaslighting is when someone is manipulated into questioning their own sanity and reality. The Fort Lauderdale version of the Equality Rally is being planned by various groups, including the organizers of Wilton Manors Stonewall, Our Fund, and Equality Florida. Organizers hope to show the Trump administration that a lot of Americans believe in and celebrate diversity and equal rights for all Americans. The LGBT community, the black community, Muslims, women, teachers, those with HIV/AIDS, religious groups and any other intersecting groups and causes are encouraged and welcomed to attend.

“The purpose of it is to have everyone in South Florida, whichever cultural background you come from . . . to celebrate their diversity,” said Anthony Cedeño, communications associate for Our Fund. He estimated that right now about 1,000 to 2,000 people will attend the rally but he expects that number to grow as time goes on. Row Iliescu, South Florida development director for Equality Florida, and the architect behind the rally, thinks it could be a lot more. “If we get 10,000, I’d be amazed but not surprised. It’s just growing and growing and growing. People have been activated more than ever before.” She cited the House vote to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act on May 4, and the Trump administration’s removal of guidelines for schools regarding transgender bathroom use as two issues that have gotten people angry. “I feel people are up in arms and looking for a place to focus their energies.” But her first thought was to do something to mark the anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting. That, and this year’s Wilton Manors Stonewall Festival are both occurring very close to each other. “I realized that all of this was coming together at the same time. We already have a very close-knit community. So I reached out [to other organizations] and said ‘let’s get ahead of this.’ Several things just came together at once.” A public planning meeting for the rally will be held on Monday, May 22 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

For more information, email acedeno@our-fund.org or visit the event’s Facebook page – Equality Rally For Unity & Pride Fort Lauderdale.


5 . 10.2017

news local

Frames for Charity Proceeds from donated frames will help raise money for HIV/AIDS awareness Nate Nkumbu


s the SMART Ride gears up for another year, one local resident is busy raising funds for the charity by selling artwork to customers at Vitambi Springs. Michael Gluckman, a professional framer, is asking people, businesses, and galleries to donate materials to frame donated artwork. Gluckman will sell the art in pop up galleries at Vitambi Springs, a gay campground 20 miles south of Lake Okeechobee. All of the money raised goes to the SMART Ride, a two day event in which bicyclists ride from Miami to Key West to raise money and awareness about HIV/AIDS. Gluckman said that he got the idea months ago, while thinking about how he could generate more donations for his participation in the event. “Several months ago I thought about framing artwork, using donated frames, hanging them in a public venue, and selling them,” he said. Gluckman, who is a founding member of the gay motorcycle club, Stonewall Knights, said that besides selling framed artwork, he’s also a part of the motorcycle convoy that lead and protects the bicyclists during the two-day event. “We ride along with the bicyclists to help ensure their safety and well-being. Posting ourselves at intersections, or making sure they stay hydrated, and helping when they break down,” he said. Each year more than 400 cyclists and about 20 motorcyclists take the trip down to Key West from Miami. According to Gluckman, he’s sold around $700 worth of art so with all of the funds going toward the SMART ride. The frames, which feature paintings by J.J. Audubon also can come with antique local maps and antique engravings. He said that he is open to other public hangings to see the frames and artwork. Having been involved with the framing industry for almost 30 years, Gluckman said that due to his connections, he was able to get frames donated to him. He then hangs them in venues and sells them.

“I hope in the future to get other framing materials given to me for the cause. That would increase the profits to the ride,” he said. Gluckman has been involved with the SMART ride for about 14 years and he’s been present for all but two of them since 2003. He said that the bicyclists often feel bad for him riding long distance with his motorcycle but for him, it’s second nature. “I’ve been riding long distance with the crew to places up the state like Orlando and Tallahassee, so to me going down from Miami to Key West is nothing.” Martin Ruddock, one of the managing members of Vitambi Springs said that idea for the paintings came up during renovations of the campground’s restaurant. “Gluckman approached us and since he was in the professional framing business, he asked us if we wanted some free frames essentially scraps and prints to go along with them and the proceeds would go to SMART ride,” he said. Ruddock said it was a “win, win, win situation as the restaurant got artwork, Gluckman got to use the excess material, and the charity got money.” The managing member said that because the campground had to operate on a shoestring budget during renovations the original plans called for a bamboo screening. “The bamboo screening was just something to put up on the wall while renovating so that why it was so special that all of his prints dealt with nature, Florida and the Audubon society” The Audubon society, created in 1905 by John Audubon is an organization that deals with cataloging and registering birds of North America. Ruddock said that they don’t collect funds for SMART ride but if people do want to purchase one of the prints hanging in the campground restaurant, they are open to be bought. The price of the artwork ranges from $150 to $450. Gluckman can be reached at DelrayDrifter@ yahoo.com. Or visit TheSmartRide.org for more information about the event. 5.10.2017 •


Richard simmons sues national enquirer for Libel (AP) Richard Simmons filed a libel and invasion of privacy lawsuit Monday against the National Enquirer and its parent company over stories that said he is now living as a transgender woman. The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages as well as an apology and retraction for stories published in June 2016 and March 2017 in the Enquirer and its website, RadarOnline. The lawsuit also names their parent company, American Media, Inc., and said the stories’ main source was a man who has tried to blackmail the former fitness guru for years, and included a 2013 photo of Simmons dressed in drag. Simmons’ lawsuit’ said he often dressed as a woman as part of “his well-known and longstanding



exas abbott urges churches to Back ‘Bathroom Bill’

(AP) A pastor at a Dallas-area megachurch says Texas Gov. Greg Abbott contacted him and leaders at nine other churches, urging them to drum up support for a hotly debated “bathroom bill” currently bottled up in the Legislature. Robert Morris, of Gateway Church in Southlake, instructed his congregation over the weekend to pressure state lawmakers to advance a bill prohibiting schools and local communities from creating ordinances designed to protect transgender Texans using public bathrooms. Morris said the measure is “being held up right now” by Republican House Speaker Joe Straus, who opposes it. Senators passed a bill requiring transgender people to use public restrooms corresponding to their birth-certificate sex. A separate House version hasn’t reached a floor vote. Morris was part of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign’s evangelical advisory board.


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burlesque-style entertainment persona.” The lawsuit listed what is said were 16 factual errors in the first story, including that Simmons had transitioned to become a woman and had undergone gender reassignment treatments. Simmons retreated from public life in 2014, sparking rampant speculation about his health and wellbeing and a popular podcast named “Missing Richard Simmons.” His manager has said Simmons decided to step back from the spotlight, and his previous years of high-profile appearances do not mean he is required to remain in the public eye. Simmons’ manager and attorney did not immediately respond to phone and email messages Monday.



linton-appointed Judges hawaii travel Ban appeal



(AP) Three judges appointed by President Bill Clinton will hear the appeal of Hawaii’s challenge to President Trump’s travel ban targeting six predominantly Muslim countries. The San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals will hear arguments in its Seattle courthouse on May 15. The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Virginia is considering a similar ruling on Monday. The U.S. Supreme Court could take up the issue if the appeals courts issue contradictory decisions. The three 9th Circuit judges are: Michael Daly Hawkins, 72. Clinton, a Democrat, appointed Hawkins in 1994 after Hawkins served as Arizona’s top federal prosecutor from 1977 to 1980 and as a U.S. Marine Corps judge deciding court martials from 1973 to 1976. Hawkins was in private practice for 14 years before Clinton appointed him. Ronald Gould, 70. Clinton appointed Gould in 1999. After clerking for U.S. Supreme Court Judge Potter Stewart from 1974 to 1975, Gould joined the prominent law firm Perkins Coie, where he remained until his appointment to the bench. Gould listens to oral arguments electronically from his Seattle court because of multiple sclerosis. Richard Paez, 70. Clinton elevated Paez to the appeals court from federal district court in Los Angeles in 1999. Clinton had appointed Paez to the district court five years earlier after Paez spent 13 years as a state judge in California.

Richard simmons.



ass. cops say Bank Robber used Gay pride parade as cover for heist

(AP) Police say the suspect in weekend bank robbery in Northampton may have used the city’s gay pride parade as cover for the heist. Police say 37-year-old Jennifer Brumer was arrested Saturday about 15 minutes after a TD Bank branch was robbed of less than $1,000 in cash. Officers say Brumer was wearing clothes that matched a description of the suspect. Most of the money was recovered. The annual Northampton Pride Parade was winding down at the time of the robbery and Detective Lt. Alan Borowski says Brumer may have used the parade as an excuse to wear a “masked costume” in public. Brumer is scheduled to be arraigned Monday. It could not be determined if she has a lawyer.

NEWS palm beach

NEWS state

One Magical Weekend at Disney Ryan Yousefi


Delray Beach Joins Growing Number of Cities To Ban Conversion Therapy Tucker Berardi


he number of cities in South Florida that still allow the practice of conversion therapy on minors is dwindling, as one more city commission unanimously decided to ban the practice within city limits. Delray Beach followed in the footsteps of Boynton Beach, West Palm Beach, Lake Worth and other cities on May 2 with the decision to ban all licensed state officials from practicing conversion therapy on anyone under the age of 18. The action to vote on the ban came at the request of the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council (PBCHRC), which has worked to enact similar bans across South Florida. “LGBTQ people are not mentally ill. They are not flawed and they do not need to be ‘cured’ by anyone,” Delray Beach City Commissioner Mitch Katz said in a statement from PBCHRC. “Tonight, the Delray Beach City Commission is letting the public know that we oppose conversion therapy being performed on minors. It is not going to happen in our city.” The ban only applies to doctors, osteopaths, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, marriage or family therapists and licensed counselors. Members of the clergy are not affected, unless they are also licensed by the state in mental health. During the meeting, Dr. Julie Herren Hamilton urged the commissioners to vote down the ban, stating that an enactment of the ordinance would prohibit children distressed by homosexuality from getting help. Herren Hamilton is the former president of NARTH (The National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality), which is a small organization made up of therapists seeking to diminish the rights

of LGBT people with claims that they are mentally disabled. They advocate antiLGBT therapy for children as young as three years old. “Dr. Hamilton is intentionally trying to mislead the City Commission,” Judge Rand Hoch, founder and president of PBCHRC said. “Minors protected by the ordinance may seek out treatment from licensed professionals — as well as from unlicensed individuals, including members of the clergy — in addressing any issues regarding their sexuality.” “Nothing in the ordinance will prevent minors from seeking help regarding samesex attractions, or gender identity or expression,” Hoch continued. Since August 2009, the American Psychological Association has recognized that reparative treatment, or conversion therapy, relied entirely on anti-LGBT bigotry and a distortion of scientific data. The “Resolution on Appropriate Affirmative Response to Sexual Orientation Distress and Change Efforts” was adopted by the association to affirm their stance. “The American Psychological Association has linked conversion therapy to depression, substance abuse and even suicide, and these risks are particularly acute for youth,” Carolyn Reyes, Policy Council and Coordinator of the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR)’s Born Perfect Campaign to end conversion therapy said in a statement. Reyes continued, “We applaud the efforts by the Commission to ensure that the children of Delray Beach are protected from these harms, and that their families aren’t duped by trusted professionals to whom they turn for support during a vulnerable time.”

or 72-hours between June 2 through June 5 Disney, the “happiest place on earth” transforms itself into one-big-happy gay pride epicenter of fun and celebration. Beginning June 2, the annual One Magical Weekend party to celebrate the LGBT community will take place at Disney. This year marks the 27th consecutive year the gay pride One Magical Weekend has taken place in Orlando. The weekend is a gathering of the entire LGBT community in one of the largest annual gay pride music festivals in the entire country. The ‘OMW’ event will feature LGBT friendly parties at Walt Disney World Resorts, Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon Water Park, Disney Springs House of Blues, and Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Each location has something special planned for the gay community, and everyone is welcomed to join in the celebration. The fun starts on June 2nd where organizers will throw a beach dance party at Riptide At Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon Water Park that is expected to draw 6,000 party goers. In addition to the dance party, attendees will be free to surf in the Wave Pool, ride the water slides, or sit back and drink at any of the 42 bars located throughout the fantasy water park. The following day, the

House Of Blues At Disney Springs plans a party featuring internationally recognized DJ Paulo and DJ Deanne. Club goers are encouraged to wear your gay pride colors. Throughout the weekend, the B Resort & Spa Host Hotel has you covered from the moment you roll out of bed, until the time you decide it’s long past due for you to crawl back into it. The B Resort will host their “Therapy” pool parties during the day, and their infamous 2 a.m. to 8 a.m. Cadabra After Hours parties after the rest of the parks festivities are through. To find out more about the entire One Magical Weekend visit OneMagicalWeekend.com.

5.10.2017 •


News national

news state

Pulse Owner Envisions Permanent Memorial

Photo: Andrew Studenic.

Brittany Ferrendi


memorial will stand to honor the 49 lives taken by the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. In a news conference outside the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, owner Barbara Poma revealed plans to turn the site into a permanent memorial and museum. “What began as a place for fun and joy is now sacred ground,” she said. “What was once our little corner … is now shared with the world.” Poma doesn’t want to decide the design and content of the memorial herself. Instead, she wants to leave it up to Pulse survivors and families of deceased victims, as well as the first responders, doctors and nurses who gave aid following the attack on the gay nightclub during Latin night. It’s not yet decided if the building will be a part of the memorial or instead torn down. “The ultimate design and function will be decided by this community,” Poma said. The onePULSE Foundation, founded by Poma, will be in charge of raising money for the memorial, finalizing design and memorial construction. Following the massacre, the city of Orlando


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planned to purchase the nightclub for $2.25 million, but Poma declined. “I feel a personal obligation to ensure that a permanent space at Pulse be created so that all generations to come will remember those affected by, and taken on, June 12,” she said at the time. Other memorials are surfacing nearly one year later. World OutGames Miami will include an interactive Pulse memorial “Pulse Points” in honor of the 49 lives lost and 53 injured. The memorial will have dance, poetry and more.

Religious Freedom Executive Order Released, Shedding Anti-LGBT Provisions Last Minute Tucker Berardi


he White House has issued an executive order titled, “Establishing a GovernmentWide Initiative to Respect Religious Freedom,” which makes political speeches and actions from churches and other institutions much easier. The first draft of the order was leaked February 1 and revealed discriminatory language that would allow religious or moral objection to the service of LGBT people, give leeway to governmental employees to refuse marriage registrations to same-sex couples, as well as deny the recognition of an individual’s gender identity on the basis that “biological sex is immutable at birth,” according to a comment from LGBT rights group OutRight. The order, released Thursday, did away with much of the anti-LGBT content. However, the order allows businesses to deny their workers birth control and allots more political freedom to churches and religious institutions. “The changes in this executive order since the previous draft leaked are a strong indication that the House realizes that LGBTQ discrimination is not palatable to the vast majority of Americans,” Pride at Work executive director Jerame Davis said in a statement. “While the worst anti-LGBTQ provisions were removed, some pretty awful stuff remains that will impact our community.” Davis continued, “Freedom of religion is a fundamental bedrock of our nation’s values. The First Amendment to the Constitution protects our right to believe and worship freely. This freedom is foundational, but it is not above all others. We will not stand by while this administration thumbs their nose at the Constitution and takes away our rights to satisfy a narrow view of religion.” Davis continued to say that this order has

become a direct attack on women, and that reproductive health care decisions should not fall under the jurisdiction of the White House or any other employer. “Trump’s plan to allow businesses to deny coverage of contraceptive care under the guise of so-called religious liberty is a slippery slope,” Davis said. “We are not a theocracy, but it appears some in this Administrations are eager to continue the slow creep toward that goal.” After the initial draft received outcry from individuals as well as rights groups it was tabled. According to OutRight, Vice President Mike Pence continued to lobby for the adoption of the revised order that was released Thursday. The executive order overrides President Obama’s 2014 executive order protecting federal employees against LGBT-based discrimination. “Governments around the world try to excuse persecution of minorities — including LGBTIQ people — with religious beliefs,” Executive Director of OutRight Jessica Stern said about the bill before it was released. “It is no more right in the United States than anywhere else. Discrimination is discrimination, regardless of how it is justified.” Pride at Work, who fosters support between the organized Labor Movement and the LGBT community in order to achieve social and economic justice has made it their goal to fight this discriminatory order “with every tool at [their] disposal.” “Trump’s plan to give religious institutions a pass to enter the political fray is fraught with danger,” Davis said. “Churches should not be empowered to run campaigns against LGBTQ people, women’s healthcare, and more without putting their tax exempt status in jeopardy. That’s a violation of the founding principle of separation of church and state.”

NEWS miami-dade

UnderBriefs is South Florida’s favorite online store for mens underwear. We have the newest styles and the hottest brands.

The Topaz Gala in Miami on May 16

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Ryan Yousefi


he Miami-Dade Gay and Lesbian Chamber Of Commerce (MDGLCC) will honor corporate and individual supporters of the Miami-Dade LGBTQ community at their 16th Annual Gala and Awards Celebration, “The Topaz Gala” on Saturday, May 13, at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Miami. Honorees chosen will be recognized for their ongoing support of the LGBT community, as well as their contributions that help improve the overall quality of life for the communities South Florida members. Jorge Richa, the Marketing and Programming Director for the MDGLCC, recently spoke to SFGN about what guests and honorees can expect to enjoy at the interactive gala, and what the members of the MDGLCC mean to the LGBTQ community. “By becoming part of the Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (MDGLCC) an individual or business plays a vital role in unifying our diverse community.” Richa told SFGN. “The Chamber allows our members to make unique connections. It is these connections— professional and personal— that make us a stronger, more tightly knit community. And that makes life richer.” “This event is not your traditional Gala,” Richa said. “Given that we are in the business of promoting business, the architecture and flow of the event has been designed in such a manner to encourage networking and engagement among guests at all times. From the interactive pop-ups and silent auction area, the open access to a grand buffet during

Free Shipping available for US orders the evening, a short awards program, and a Moonlight Networker at the end of the evening, guests will have the opportunity to exchange business cards while having a great time in a festive environment with beverages.” According to a press release sent out by the MDGLCC, the chamber plans to highlight four keys honorees; Royal Caribbean Cruises (“AT&T Business of the Year Award”), Bill Warren (“Business Person of the Year Award”), ACLU (“Non-Profit Organization of the Year Award”), and Joan Schaeffer (“Morgan Stanley Bob Balsam Civic Achievement Award”). According to Richa, the honorees all have a few key characteristics in common. “This year’s honorees are all being recognized as organizations or individuals whose mission adheres to the highest standards in their outreach to the LGBT and allied community.” Richa said. “They have been Chamber members for at least two years, have been active in the LGBT community and have non-discrimination (sexual orientation/ gender identity) language incorporated into their human resource policies.” As per a tradition that was created three years ago, the MDGLCC Gala Committee selects a different color of the rainbow flag for the gala’s theme and elevates the status of that color by interpreting it in its gemstone complement. MDGLCC states the 2017 “topaz” theme signifies synchronicity, good fortune, success. The MDGLCC is encouraging guests to wear a splash of topaz (yellow) to this year’s event.

The 16th Annual MDGLCC gala and awards event takes place on Saturday, May 13, at the Hilton Miami Downtown located at 1601 Biscayne Boulevard in Miami. Tickets to this year’s gala come in two forms; a $2,000 package for tables of 10, or $200 for individual tickets. Both versions include the same reserved seating, grand buffet, and open bar.

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OUT 50 ANNIE SEGARRA THE DISABILITIES ADVOCATE “I think the LGBT spaces that we have now and in the future, need to prioritize accessibility and begin to think of how we integrate LGBT disabled people into these spaces.”

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5.10.2017 •




5 .10.2017

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5 .10.2017

5.10.2017 •




5 .10.2017

NEWS state

Portraits Pay Tribute to

Pulse Nightclub Shooting Victims “Jason Benjamin Josaphat”

“Amanda Alvear” Kaci Beeler, gouache on paper, Austin, TX, 2016.

“ Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo” Rob Hessler, pen and marker on bristol, Savannah, GA, 2016.

Lauren Pallota, gouache and charcoal on paper, Atlanta, GA, 2016.

Denise Royal


s the first anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando approaches, there is a new memorial paying tribute to the massacre’s victims. The 49 Portraits Project was created out of a need to respond in a meaningful, respectful and loving way to the tragic events at the LGBT Pulse nightclub on June 12, 2016. The 49 Portraits Project is made up of a group of 49 artists across the country who created portraits to honor the deceased Pulse nightclub victims and to give as gifts to their families. All 49 portraits will be on view at Orlando City Hall’s Terrace Gallery until June 14. “We’ve had such a great response thus far from the Orlando community, City of Orlando officials and beyond,” said Francesca Ascione, Marketing & Graphic Design Coordinator of The Mennello

Museum of American Art & Public Art. “The exhibition is incredibly moving and beautifully installed.” The project was started by Georgia art professor Mia Merlin, who was inspired by a similar portrait project for the families of the nine victims of the June 2015 shootings at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Merlin shared her impassioned vision for the “49 Portraits Project” in a Facebook prompt. Word quickly spread and artists from all over the country expressed interest in participating. “As an artist, the ability to make a portrait for someone is one of the most clear and powerful ways I have to give. I knew that other artists would feel the same way,” Merlin said in a press release. “And the portraits offer that same gift to all viewers, to see more fully and to feel more acutely what

a life means. The portraits allow us to see each life shine, to process loss, and maybe over time to start to heal. For the families, I hope that the portraits help them feel connected to their loved ones. But the portraits also allow for the living to connect with each other here and now. This connection has happened between the project artists, between the artists and the families, and with the help of this exhibit, it will extend out into the community and world. These portraits transcend politics, and strip away everything but what is essential. Each of us is so grateful to be able to make this offering, and to have it received by each of you.” An opening reception for 49 Portraits will be held on Saturday, June 3 from 4:30-6:30 at the Rotunda at Orlando City Hall. Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and Commissioner Patty Sheehan, District 4 are expected to attend.

For more information please visit 49Portraits.com or CityofOrlando.net/art/49portraits. Terrace Gallery. Photo Credit: Keith Beasley.

5.10.2017 •


LGBTQiA bites



FouR saMe-sex coupLes sue tennessee oveR ‘natuRaL MeaninG’ LaW (AP) Four married lesbian couples expecting children through artificial insemination filed a lawsuit Monday over concerns that a new Tennessee statute requiring use of the “natural and ordinary meaning” of words in state law could strip them of their rights as parents. Less than a week after Gov. Bill Haslam signed the legislation, the couples sued the Republican governor, the state of Tennessee and the state Department of Health and its commissioner, John Dreyzehner, in Davidson County Chancery Court. After signing the measure into law Friday, Haslam said it doesn’t change the fact that a U.S. Supreme Court ruling makes same-sex marriage the law of the land. Gay rights groups have contended that the law offers a sneaky way to deny samesex couples the legal rights and protections granted to a “husband,” a “wife,” a “father” or “mother.” In the lawsuit, the couples say they fear the law will be used to interpret gender-


By Jillian Melero


BisexuaLity: don’t deFine it, do it WeLL (SFGN) In an interview with Psychology Today, sex expert Dr. David Ley discussed the bisexuality spectrum and how identities and orientations can be accounted for in healthy sexual relationships. The interview is the second in a series from the second annual AltSex Conference held in New York, April 28. (Q) Alongside bisexual, you describe orientations like pansexual, omnisexual, heteroflexible, and mostly straight. What do these terms mean and how are they different from bisexuality?

specific words literally so one parent won’t be recognized. If the woman who gave birth dies or becomes incapacitated, or the couple divorces, the lawsuit says this law could limit child custody, parental decision-making rights or other benefits for the partner who didn’t give birth.

A: I treated a man once who was bisexual, and very interested in sex with men, but not at all interested in falling in love with a man. He would be what some folks today call “heteroromantic bisexual.” Researchers Ritch Savin-Williams and Zhana Vrangalova find that “mostly straight” may be the largest group of sexual minority, representing people who identify as straight but have occasional

Dr. David Ley, Twitter.

Alexander Gustavo.

same-sex arousal or behaviors. This is a flavor of bisexuality, in people who express bisexual behavior but choose not to embrace the identity. Much of that is about the stigma associated with these identities. But, this is one of the places where we make it very difficult for people, often telling them that they aren’t “really bisexual” or that they must identify as bisexual to avoid bi erasure. Unfortunately, that pressure leads to people rejecting it all and keeping their bisexuality private. But ultimately, I realized that in this complexity, in this highly nuanced area, we must instead turn towards developing healthy, positive sexual values. Rather than trying to define, concretize and nail down what bisexuality is, we should instead be more focused on helping people to do it well.

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5 .10.2017

LGBTQiA bites


continued transgender

tRansGendeR student Gavin GRiMM aRGues case stiLL ReLevant aFteR GRaduation Gavin Grimm, Cnn.

(AP) Lawyers for a transgender teenager who sued his eastern Virginia school board for the right to use the boys’ bathroom have filed a new brief arguing his case still is relevant even though he’s about to graduate from high school. The filing Monday in the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals argues that Gavin Grimm would be subjected to an illegal school board policy barring him from using the

boys’ bathroom when visiting the school as an alumnus. The U.S. Supreme Court was scheduled to hear Grimm’s case earlier this year. But the justices sent it back to the lower court without reaching a decision after President Donald Trump’s administration revoked the guidance from Trump’s predecessor letting transgender students use public school bathrooms aligned with their gender identity.

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Trump Removes LGBT Folks From Aging Survey Now SAGE is pissed and has launched a campaign ‘Trump to LGBT Elders: DROP DEAD’ Michael d’Oliveira


hen it comes to funding, Pride Center CEO Robert Boo said his organization doesn’t need government assistance – yet. But that could change in the future and Boo is worried that if a move by the Trump administration, to not count LGBT individuals as part of the National Survey of Older Americans Act, isn’t reversed, his organization could lose out on important funds. In particular, Boo said government funding might be an important part of the affordable housing development Pride Center wants to build on its campus in Wilton Manors. “It’s something that could hurt us in the future,” Boo said. The National Survey of Older Americans Act is used to help the Department of Health and Human Services decide how it will allocate federal funding to organizations that work with seniors. After years of advocacy by LGBT groups, the questions were added in 2014. SAGE [Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Elders] has criticized the decision to “erase” LGBT seniors. In response, SAGE has started a letter writing campaign to help persuade officials to place LGBT seniors back into the survey. So far, Adams estimates about 7,600 people have participated in SAGE’s

campaign – “Trump to LGBT Elders: DROP DEAD.” According to SAGE, a loss in funding would impact LGBT seniors centers, home-delivered meals, family caregiver support, transportation, and other important support mechanisms. “It’s not just technical data. It determines how billions of dollars in elder services are distributed every year. Eliminating [LGBT seniors] is just outrageous,” said Michael Adams, CEO of SAGE. “If they’re not asking questions [about LGBT seniors], then they’re not going to be able to address their needs. Clearly, the trump administration does not care about their needs.” That was the attitude, said Adams, that the Trump administration has taken from day one. “On his very first day of his presidency, they were erasing LGBT pages from the White House website. Transgender student [bathroom rights] came right after that. This is one very egregious step. In some ways, the most egregious because it is denying the very existence of LGBT seniors. It’s truly pernicious.” But Adams said he is hopeful Congress will take action and get the questions reinstated. In a letter to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 18 U.S. Senators, including Republican Susan Collins, urged the questions be put back in.

To sign the SAGE letter, visit bit.ly/2pZi2VN To view the letter from the 18 U.S. Senators, visit bit.ly/2psldEb 18

5 .10.2017

5.10.2017 •


nEws local

paid paRkinG a niGhtMaRe FoR couRtyaRd caFÉ Owners want customers to know it’s beyond their control Michael d’Oliveira


hrough the quality of their food and it ever since,” said Bombard, who started at service, Nick Berry and Shawn Bombard Courtyard Café as an employee in 2002 and purchased it with Berry 10 years ago. were able to keep the customers who Bombard and Berry say there are 65 dined at Courtyard Café before they bought organizations they have helped out, including the restaurant in 2007. But now, the pair have lost a significant portion of their customers to the Kiwanis Club of Wilton Manors, Broward House, Sunrise Middle School, the Broward something out of their control – paid parking. Bombard and Berry, who don’t own the Art Guild, Pride Center, Taste of the Island, Poverello, Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus, building they’re in, at 2211 Wilton Drive in Tuesday’s Angels, and the Wilton Manors Wilton Manors, or the attached parking lot, Historical Society. They also contribute have been blamed by some of their customers breakfast for Wilton Manors’ annual Veterans for the $2 per hour fee instituted by the owners Day ceremony, and donate hundreds of bikes of the shopping center. “It’s something we can’t control,” Berry said. every Christmas, with the help of other Bombard added, “We were surprised people members of the community, to Kids In Distress. Although Bombard and Berry dropped us because of what our aren’t responsible for the paid landlord did.” parking, they say paying the $2 Bombard and Berry have “we were to park and eat at Courtyard Café parking vouchers for a free surprIsed helps the community. first hour but say, despite their “You’re not paying $2 [to park]. efforts to let people know, many people You’re paying $2 to support your customers aren’t aware. Berry dropped us community,” Berry said. He said he and Bombard have been added that Courtyard Café is blasted on social media and because of also one of the largest employers received anonymous hate mail in the city, with 65 employees, from customers who have stated what our the only restaurant to give they won’t eat at Courtyard Café landlord dId.” and employees 10 percent off their anymore. bill when they eat there. “It almost makes me cry. -shawn Bombard But the loss in businesses, We’ve done anything everyone which Bombard and Berry has ever asked of us,” said Berry, estimate at about 20 percent, including a referring to the numerous charities he and Bombard help. Courtyard Café is often host to drop from 170 to 130 customers per day on weekdays – a loss of $10,000 to $20,000 the fundraisers. Most recently, the Wilton Manors Police Department used the restaurant for its first month alone. It’s also hurting how much Bombard and Berry can donate. Tip-A-Cop fundraiser benefitting the Special “We’ve had to cut back on donations Olympics. because we’re not making as much,” Bombard “We started helping non-profits since the said. first year we opened and we’ve been doing


5 .10.2017


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5.10.2017 •



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SFGN.com/2017gaymerissue Photo by Chasis Photos.


5 .10.2017

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5.10.2017 •


NEWS local

Diversity Honors Stirs Controversy With Conservative Speakers Tucker Berardi


ose-colored lights and chandeliers hung over the heads of guests as they walked into this year’s Diversity Honors Award Ceremony. Every guest had the opportunity to have their picture taken before mingling with the crowd inside, hors d’oeuvres and drinks making their rounds. Red seemed to be the theme of this year’s show — not only did red lights douse the tables and stage, but some of the speakers were on the red side of the political spectrum — conservative speakers such as Nancy Brinker made an appearance in front of the rainbow flag. “We made a statement this year that LGBT is not just a liberal issue,” Stuart Milk, Executive Chair and Founder of the Harvey Milk Foundation told SFGN. “We set the tone with some Conservative speakers.” But of the guests were not as well received, however. Nancy Brinker, founder of Susan G. Komen, a breast cancer research foundation, spoke on stage. In 2012 Brinker tried to stop the foundation from awarding grants to Planned Parenthood, believing that money could be better spent elsewhere. “You have to be sure you are granting to the right people,” Brinker told the LA Times at the time. Brinker serves on the Harvey Milk Foundation’s Leadership and Advisory Board. She’s also the former U.S. Ambassador to Hungary under President George W. Bush.


5 .10.2017

Photos by J.R. Davis

During her speech, Brinker recognized one conservative in the crowd — pointing out Mark Foley, a former gay congressman who resigned from office in 2006 due to inappropriate emails and instant messages to underage boys serving as House pages. Brinker had Foley stand up so the crowd would applaud him. “I’m huge fan of the Pride Center, but was disillusioned by this year’s Diversity Honors,” said Lee Rubin, a former development committee chair at the Pride Center. “Instead of honoring our local leaders or even talking about the services or mission of the Pride Center, this year’s event, took a bizarre turn by inviting the divisive Nancy Brinker to present an award to a Senator from Ireland.” Rubin continued, “To make matter worse, Brinker gave a shout-out from the stage to disgraced Congressman Mark Foley, who she brought as her guest.” Not too many in the crowd seemed to be perturbed however, and the night moved on to the other award recipients and entertainment. “I prefer to think about the 99.5 percent of the people who enjoyed the event and - Stuart

don’t even know who Mark Foley is,” Milk said. Diversity Honors was put on by the Harvey Milk Foundation as well as the Pride Center — with Milk and Robert Boo, the Chief Executive Officer of the Pride Center, taking the stage for a photo-op with each award recipient. “Our synergistic collaboration with the Harvey Milk Foundation bridges two significant organizations with a common goal of providing a safe space for LGBTQ communities while serving as strong advocates for marginalized communities,” Boo wrote in a welcome pamphlet. There were many major figures who received awards at the show, but two were recognized above the rest: Ireland Senator David Norris and Pulse survivor Isaiah Henderson. Isaiah Henderson received the Harvey Milk Foundation’s Milan Rose Youth Award after the story of him and his mother was shared with the audience. Henderson’s mother, Brenda Lee MarquezMcCool went with Henderson to Pulse on the night of the massacre, June 12. During the shooting, Marquez-McCool gave her life to stop bullets meant for her son. Milk

“I prefer to think about the 99.5 percent of the people who enjoyed the event and don’t even know who Mark Foley is.”

NEWS local CEO of the Pride Center, Robert Boo and Founder and President of the Harvey Milk Foundation, Stuart Milk.

“We have make great progress in the West, but look at the rest of the world… We still have a lot of work to do. The fight goes on.” - David Norris

Irish Senator and guest of honor

David Norris, the other guest of honor, was the first openly LGBT elected official in the upper chamber of any national parliament in the world. The main focus of his political career has been the progress of national and international human and civil rights, as well as issues of equality for LGBT people. During his acceptance speech, Norris discussed the legalization of gay marriage in Ireland in 2015. “I am immensely proud of the Irish people, not only of the LGBT people involved, but in the heterosexuals who stood by us,” Norris said. He continued his speech, stressing the importance of improving LGBT protections internationally, saying, “We have make great progress in the West, but look at the rest of the world … We still have a lot of work to do. The fight goes on.” Many others were recognized for their accomplishments in the LGBT community, such as Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the original co-founder of the Congressional LGBT Caucus and the only Republican member of the Congressional Transgender Rights Task Force. Tony Plakas, the Executive Director of Compass Community Center also received an award. Plakas is celebrating 20 years with the organization. He started as Compass’ HIV Prevention Director, and has represented Palm Beach County and the state of Florida as the Chair of the HIV/AIDS Community Planning Partnership as well as being a member of the HIV/AIDS Florida Community Planning Group. Apart from drag performances and the after party, the group Well Strung got on stage for a two-song performance that mixed pop music vocals with a string quartet background. “We’re excited to be involved in something for the LGBT community,” Trevor Wadleigh, viola player told SFGN. Well Strung has frequently played in South Florida, and their favorite places to perform include the Hard Rock Casino and the Broward Center. The group sang “Since You’ve Been Gone” and Taylor Swift’s “Mean,” harmonizing vocals while mixing in classical string melodies. “We are gay men and the LGBT community has always been good to us,” Christopher Marchant said. “There aren’t a lot of acts that are like us.” All-in-all, the event was a celebration of diversity and a testimony to the accomplishments that are possible when the LGBT community and allies work together. “We need each other,” Boo wrote. “LGBTQ and straight ally, new immigrant and long-time resident, trans and cisgender, Senior and youth. In today’s uncertain environment, we must stand-up, act-up, be visible and be counted to ensure we secure, protect and expand our civil rights.”

Irish Senator David Norris.

Pulse Survivor Isaiah Henderson.

Many of the honorees.

5.10.2017 •


nEws local

iRish schoLaR sounds oFF Father of gay rights in Ireland talks human rights,

John McDonald


he morning after being honored as a global LGBT leader, Senator David Norris of Ireland was back creating controversy. Boasting of breaking Ireland’s Victorian era laws on sexuality and calling former United Kingdom Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher a “bitch,” Norris held court for nearly two hours Sunday afternoon in Wilton Manors in front of a crowd of about two dozen. Norris, described as the father of the Irish LGBT rights movement, received the Harvey Milk Foundation’s Lilla Watson Global Leadership Award Saturday night at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood. The next morning, Norris, 73, sat on a panel discussion at Pride Center offering reflection on a lifetime of work. “When I first started off there was no such thing as gay rights,” Norris said. “We didn’t even know the word ‘gay.’” Norris said gays were described as homosexuals, akin to a “rare butterfly,” he added. During his career, Norris fought to repeal laws criminalizing same-sex conduct. The Irish Gay Rights Movement, Norris said, started with 10 “fairies” and one question mark at Trinity College in Dublin. The group would recruit new members through “record hops” once a month. “We had the best disco in Ireland,” Norris recalled. “It was fantastic.” SFGN publisher Norm Kent moderated Sunday afternoon’s panel which included Stuart Milk, co-founder of the Harvey Milk Foundation and Robert Boo, Pride Center Chief Executive Officer. Norris, Kent said,

prostitution, disco and more

gives new meaning to the phrase, “he who can laugh at himself will never cease to be amused.” Milk updated the audience about ongoing battles in Europe with regard to anti-gay propaganda laws. Hungary, Milk said, continues to be a major human rights violator with Russia’s influence creeping into Lithuania. Moscow, Milk said, has launched an investigation into alleged tortures and killings of gay men in Chechnya. “At the end of the day there’s this out in the EU (European Union) called cultural authenticity,” Milk said. “Most people don’t know that the propaganda law that everyone is so upset about with Russia – that you can’t have LGBT propaganda and can’t have young people see images – that has been in the law in Lithuania for over a decade. And Lithuania is a member of the European Union. They do it through cultural authenticity. This is their out clause.” Ireland, Milk said, is shining star in Europe in that the country has not seen a rise of a far-right nationalistic movement. Other countries such as Denmark, Milk said, have not been so lucky. Protections and anti-discrimination ordinances for LGBT people are designated by the Council of Europe through the European Court of Human Rights, Norris said. Ireland has community centers for LGBT to organize in Dublin and Belfast to the north, but a space in Cork seems to have “fizzled out.” “Community centers were damaged by the development of a commercial gay scene,” Norris said. The audience reacts with questions. Photo Credit: Carina Mask.


5 .10.2017

Senator David Norris. Photo Credit: Carina Mask.

In the old days, Norris said, gays organized that will not end prostitution. If you could around bars, clubs and discotheques. In be convinced that it would end prostitution addition to lecturing at Trinity College then there might be some argument for it, Dublin, Norris worked five nights a week but it’s only going to drive it underground at the discotheque, doing work “the where it’s more of a health risk.” government should’ve done.” Milk said the issue of prostitution is Norris described his political activity as controversial in America, but not so much independent. He identified in Europe. this way in order to “critique “We have a very puritan government legislation in country in America,” Milk a way that members of a said. political party cannot and During the discussion, will not do.” Milk revealed Milan During the most recent Rozsa, a Hungarian session of Ireland’s Seanad, LGBT activist killed in Norris opposed a bill November 2014, had criminalizing the purchase been a sex worker. Rozsa, of sex. Norris said he fails to reportedly, stepped in see the logic in a transaction front of train in Budapest. where a woman can sell Previously, he had led herself, but a man cannot marches on the Russian buy. Norris said he has embassy and traveled never used a prostitute, but with Milk to the White has spoken to them and House where he met - David norris understands their feelings. former U.S. President iRELAnD sEnAToR The World Health Barack Obama. Organization, Norris said, Every year the Milk backed his opposition to the bill. Foundation presents an award honoring “It’s a piece of utter middle class Rozsa’s memory at Diversity Honors. This hypocrisy,” Norris said. “The people who year’s award went to Isaiah Henderson, a are promoting it are disgruntled radical survivor of last summer’s Pulse Nightclub lesbians and ex-nuns. Enacting a law like Massacre.

“when I fIrst started off there was no such thIng as gay rIghts,” norrIs saId. “we dIdn’t even know the word ‘gay.’”

nEws local

an inside LooK

From left: Robert Boo, David Norris, Norm Kent, and Stuart Milk.

Carina Mask

See more from the Pride Center event, where Senator David Norris boldly blasted the work still needed for human rights. Visit sFGn.com on Facebook to view many more!

5.10.2017 •


nEws national

FuneRaL hoMe ReFuses to pick up Gay Man’s Body Brittany Ferrendi


man is suing a funeral home that refused to pick up his husband. Robert Huskey passed in May of last year, leaving behind his partner of 52 years, Jack Zawadski. Zawadski’s nephew hired the Picayune Funeral Home in Mississippi to make funeral arrangements. According to a formal lawsuit by Lambda Legal, the funeral home refused to pick up the body after learning Huskey was gay. “I felt as if all the air had been knocked out of me,” said Zawadski, 86, in a statement last week. “Bob was my life, and we had always felt so welcome in this community. And then, at a moment of such personal pain and loss, to have someone do what they did to me, to us, to Bob, I just couldn’t believe it. No one should be put through what we were put through.” The family took the body to another funeral home almost 100 miles away. Now, Zawadski is suing the funeral home and parent company Brewer Funeral Services for breach of contract, intentional infliction of emotional distress and negligent misrepresentation. Lambda Legal announced the lawsuit last week.

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Jack Zawadski shares his experience via Lambda Legal. Photo: YouTube Still.

“John made all necessary arrangements before Bob’s passing in order to shield his…uncle from additional suffering and to allow friends to gather to support Jack in his grief,” Lambda Legal Attorney Beth Littrell said according to NBC News. “Instead, Bob’s peaceful passing was marred by turmoil, distress and indignity, adding immeasurable anguish to Jack and John’s loss. This should not have happened to them, and should not be allowed to happen again.” Mississippi’s House Bill 1523 gives companies the right to turn away LGBT people on religious grounds. Democrats reintroduced the Equality Act on Tuesday, aiming to amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to ban discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. The act currently bans discrimination based on race, sex, color, religion and national origin.

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5.10.2017 •


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5 .10.2017

5.10.2017 •




eLLen and eaRLy queeR paRents on tv Dana Rudolph


he groundbreaking coming-out episode of Ellen DeGeneres’ sitcom “Ellen,” saw its 20th anniversary this past week. DeGeneres’ pioneering role as the first out actor and character to head a television series is worth celebrating in itself—but it’s also worth noting that her show gave us one of best representations up to that time of an LGBTQ parent and their child on TV. Let’s look at what she did and at some of the previous portrayals. In the November 1997 episode, “Public Display of Affection,” the newly out Ellen meets Holly (Kayla Murphy), the 12-yearold daughter of her girlfriend, Laurie (Lisa Darr). The scene is funny and positive despite some understandable initial awkwardness between the two characters. Holly gives Ellen (and viewers) a matter-of-fact explanation of assisted insemination, complete with turkeybaster analogy, and berates Ellen for being afraid to hold Laurie’s hand in public. She’s proud of her mom (who is clearly a loving mother), wants her to be happy, and doesn’t have time for Ellen’s fear. The first fictional television show to include a sympathetic LGBTQ parent, however, was ABC’s 1972 movie “That Certain Summer,” about a divorced dad who comes out to his teenage son about his partner. It showed the boy struggling to come to terms with his father’s revelation, but was a step up from “Discovery at Fourteen,” an episode of NBC’s “The Bold Ones: The New Doctors” earlier that year, which showed a teen suffering from a bleeding ulcer, caused by stress when he worries whether his father’s homosexuality is hereditary. A few TV docu-dramas followed. ABC’s “A Question of Love” (1978) was based on the real-life story of lesbian mom Mary Jo Risher’s custody battle with her ex-

husband. The network’s “Two Mothers for Zachary” (1996), told the story of Sharon Bottoms, a lesbian mom who lost custody of her son to her own mother. NBC added “Serving in Silence: The Margarethe Cammermeyer Story” (1995), about the Washington National Guard colonel and mother who fought the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy. One of the first regular gay characters in a television series, Jodie Dallas of ABC’s “Soap,” became a father in 1979 after a one-night-stand with a woman—but his portrayal is problematic, starting with his desire for sex reassignment surgery just so he can marry his boyfriend. His custody battle with the child’s mother ends up with her kidnapping the child and him marrying the female private investigator he sent to find them, then undergoing hypnotherapy that convinces him he’s a 90-year-old man. Slightly better is 1980’s “The Child Stealers” episode of ABC’s Barney Miller, in which gay character Darryl Driscoll is fighting his ex-wife for visitation rights with their 10-year-old son. The 1990s saw a spate of lesbian moms on TV. The 1993 CBS afterschool special, “Other Mothers,” was about a teenage boy who is harassed and shunned at school for having lesbian moms. In September 1994, in the second-ever Friends episode, we learn that main character Ross’s ex-wife Carol is having a baby she conceived with him and will be raising with her new partner, Susan. A few months later, in December 1994, character Norma Lear of the NBC show “Sisters,” already out as a lesbian, asked another character to donate sperm. And one day before Ellen’s coming-out episode, on April 29, 1997, lesbian Detective Abby Sullivan of ABC’s “NYPD Blue” told a colleague she’d like him to be her sperm

It’s also worth notIng that her show gave us one of best representatIons up to that tIMe of an lgbtQ parent and theIr chIld on tv.


5 .10.2017

Ellen DeGeneres Photo Credit: celbrityABC,FLIKR

donor. She gave birth in an episode almost exactly a year later, on April 28, 1998. It’s unclear whether we should count two Roseanne characters as queer parents. In the last season, in November 1996, Roseanne’s mother comes out as a lesbian— until the controversial last episode in May 1997 said that the plot of the entire season was something the character Roseanne had made up, and revealed that in fact her sister Jackie, not their mother, was gay. Jackie had had a child in a different-sex marriage, so it seems she was a queer mom—but it’s uncertain whether her character was really written with this intention earlier. Similarly, Roseanne’s gay ex-boss Leon and his partner Scott had announced they were planning to adopt a child, but this seems to have been reversed with the rest of the season, and we never see them as parents. Ellen went beyond the shows focusing on insemination to give us the voice of an older child with LGBTQ parents. She also avoided the heart wrenching sadness of the

custody stories. And Holly’s well-adjusted, proud take on being the child of a lesbian mom showed that having LGBTQ parents didn’t have to mean experiencing the angst that previous fictional teens had shown. If the show hadn’t been cancelled, we might have watched Laurie and Ellen raising Holly together. We’ve seen progress, though—more recently, with queer parents and our children as the focus of shows such as Freeform’s “The Fosters,” ABC’s “Modern Family,” and Amazon’s “Transparent.” And while we have to be careful not to present all LGBTQ characters (especially female ones) as parents or desiring parenthood (a stereotype that has often served to desexualize lesbians and make them “safe” for viewing, as Sarah Warn, founder of After Ellen, noted in a 2003 article), it remains vital to see authentic, positive, and varied stories of LGBTQ parents and our children on television. Ellen, Laurie, and Holly helped pave the way.

Dana Rudolph is the founder and publisher of Mombian (mombian.com), a GLAAD Media Award-winning blog and resource directory for LGBTQ parents.


South Florida Gay News

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5.10.2017 •


CoLUMn speak out

SFGN Staff



sFGn’s “speak oUT” is a weekly feature giving a regular voice to south Florida LGBT leaders.

This week Trump signed an executive order aimed at making it easier for churches to participate in politics. Should this be a concern for the LGBT community, or our democracy and the separation between church and state?

Churches have always had the right (and perhaps even the prophetic responsibility) to call out injustice and advocate for issues compatible with their values (e.g., peace, compassion, caring for those in need, etc.). They should not endorse candidates by name or contribute church funds to political campaigns. There is a difference between critiquing or applauding the actions of a politician and endorsing a politician; if that distinction is not maintained, marginalized groups will almost certainly suffer, and churches will come to be seen as the enemy of justice.”

— Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins, Senior Minister of Sunshine Cathedral, Fort Lauderdale

Don’t miss a


Anytime the boundaries between church and state are weakened, we should all be concerned. Any law or order that opens the door to any form of discrimination is of deep concern to all. Trump’s executive order is one of many actions that should have us all joining the resistance, in whatever way we can. Our lives depend on it.”

— Judy Ireland, Assistant organizer for BLAST Women of WPB

It does hold interest to our LGBT community. Churches with some exceptions have a track record of being less than welcoming. When the mix of adding politics people will be more excluded. It’s usually larger churches with more resources and non welcoming theology that will be able to spread hate freely. This will cause more angst for LGBT people who hold faith as important.”

— R. J. Hadley, community activist

Feeling the hunger?

Trump’s executive order making it easier for churches to participate in politics, is more symbolic than anything else. In theory, since the Johnson Amendment also restricted non-profits, Trump’s pledge to not enforce it helps LGBT non-profits as much as it helps churches.”

Read SFGN’s weekly food column for an exclusive bite on local bars, restaurants, and seasonal flavors.

— Lee Rubin, Blogger and Community Organizer

sFGn.com/FooD speak 34

5 .10.2017


Visit sFGn.com/speakout to see more of this week’s responses. send an Email to Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com if you know of a LGBT community leader that should be or wants to be a part of this list.

CoLUMn letters to the editor

dear Jason,

A belated thanks to you and your writers for the April 5 special Trans issue. The special beauty of the timely, in-depth coverage was the diversity of well-written stories asking and answering questions many of us had about the full gamut of issues affecting the transgender community. From the mundane daily issues that affect transgender individuals to the board national policy matters, the special issue

gave your readers insight both as to the personal lives of transgender individuals as well as the politics that affect them--and thus all of us as well. I kept my copy as a reference publication. I’m sure others did as well. Thank you all for a helpful and needed job well done!

tom Jones

Let youR voice Be heaRd!  Submit your own letter to Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com

Be Yourself... WE SUppoRT YoU. SFGN’s transgender issue featured a guide to transitioning, local trans organizations and tips for allies.

Check it out online... no matter who you are.

SFGN.com/2017 TRANSISSUE 5.10.2017 •



editorial cartoon

editoRiaL caRtoon By Mike Luckovich



5 .10.2017

5.10.2017 •


LiFEsTyLE books

‘MaRiLyn FoReveR’ by Boze Hadleigh

Terri Schlichenmeyer


eople will talk.

And that can be a bad thing: gossip is often mean, and its shelflife is sometimes longer than we’d like. On the other hand, a bit of scandalous chatter can be great: as in the new book “Marilyn Forever” by Boze Hadleigh, if people are talking about you, they’ll remember you. Through the years, plenty of people have had plenty to say about Marilyn Monroe, both during her career and after her death. Much of the snark was just that: Anne Baxter said she “got fed up” with studio bosses fussing over Monroe and ignoring “those of us who could actually act!” Elizabeth Taylor had nothing good to say about Monroe, and was reportedly scandalized by rumors of Monroe’s affair with another woman. And yet, some saw deep into Monroe’s soul, and they loved her for it. Shirley MacLaine remembers Monroe as being an intelligent woman, despite the personae Monroe cultivated; Jerry Orbach remembers Monroe’s “heart,” and shares a story of what she did for soldiers in Korea. Likewise, Shari Lewis tells of Monroe’s brave stand, in pre-Civil Rights America, on behalf of Ella Fitzgerald. Michael Jackson said that just thinking about Monroe “makes you want to cry.” Just before Monroe died, she was said to be excited about being a new homeowner. She was in perhaps the best shape she’d been in for years, and was ready for a resurgence of her career. Her death made no sense: did she make a mistake with champagne and drugs? Or was it something more sinister? No one knows,


5 .10.2017

c.2016, Taylor Trade $14.95 / $18.95 Canada 154 pages but at least one Hollywood star muses about roles Monroe might have had in her later years, had she still been alive. Will we ever forget her? Will we ever stop talking about Marilyn Monroe? No, says Hugh Hefner, and “… fortunately there’s certainly a lot left to dream about her.” Everyone knows that names hurt just as much as sticks and stones, despite what you once claimed on the playground. But how affected was Marilyn Monroe by the things others said about her? In “Marilyn Forever,” you’ll see. Through this collection of quotes and thoughts on Monroe, author Boze Hadleigh offers a portrait of the star through the eyes of people who knew her and worked with her. As readers might expect, there’s quite a good bit of nastiness here; the claws come out and “meow” fairly drips from those sentences. Monroe, it’s said, was naturally quite hurt by such comments. But Hadleigh doesn’t let those things drive this book. There’s love here, and it’s striking: stories of a make-up artist who, years later, couldn’t bear to discuss his friendship with Monroe. Tears are admitted by “He-Man” types, and more than one star spoke with sympathy about a woman they greatly admired. That gives this book a good balance and further insight to an actress who’s been gone for (can you believe it?) more than five decades. If you’re a fan, time flies and “Marilyn Forever” is a book you won’t stop talking about.

5.10.2017 •


LiFEsTyLE photos

CARIBBEAN LGBT PRIDE FEST Saturday, May 6, Sunserve threw the third annual Caribbean LGBT Pride Festival at Richardson Park in Wilton Manors from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Carina Mask

to see Many More photos, vIsIt sfgn.coM on facebook.



5 .10.2017

5.10.2017 •


LiFEsTyLE photos




Out Con took place May 6 and 7 at the Miami Airport Convention Center. Out Con was created by Jonathan Stryker in 2016 to celebrate the LGBT geek/gamer community of South Florida. Carina Mask


J. STRYKER. Visit SFGN.com/201 7g to read our feature aymerissue on J. Stryker’s accomplishments fo r th geek and gaming co e LGBT mmunity.



5 .10.2017

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5.10.2017 •


LiFEsTyLE food

Photo Credit: Experimar/Mas Appetit.

Rick Karlin


MotheR's day dininG

hether your mom was more like June Cleaver or Peg Bundy you no doubt have a special place in your heart for her. If you’re lucky enough to have her around here are some places you can take her to celebrate her special day, Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 14. SUVICHE will be celebrating Mother’s Day by offering all mothers a complimentary glass of champagne or a complimentary Mimosa at all its locations. If mom likes her drinks a little stronger, happy hour prices will be in effect from 3-7 p.m. with $4 Beers, $5 cocktails in Wynwood and Las Olas and $4 beer, wine and sake in South Beach and Brickell. The Happy Hour menu features a variety of small plates such as Tuna Tataki, Ceviche Natural, Crunchy Spicy Tuna Roll, and Tiradito starting at $5. For more information, please visit www.suviche. com or call 954-656-3663. NAKED CRAB, in the B Ocean Resort, 1140 Seabreeze Blvd., will be serving up a seafood buffet brunch from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The feast will offer crab-stuffed lobster tail, shrimp cocktail, snow crab, crab cakes, crab Benedict, and lobster and mushroom hash. If mom prefers more traditional breakfast dishes there are waffle and omelet station, and a carving area while a carving area will serve leg of lamb and honey-glazed ham. Get mom tipsy after her complimentary glass of prosecco with $10 bottomless drinks, such as mango Bellinis, Mimosas, Bloody Marys and tableside cocktails. The brunch


5 .10.2017

is $65 per person and $29 for children 5 to 12 years old. Reservations can be made by calling 954-727-7090. LOUIE BOSSI’S Fort Lauderdale and Boca Raton locations will both offer their regular brunch menus with unlimited Mimosas, Bloody Marys, Bellinis Infinite Aperol Spritzes for $13 with the purchase on an entree. Both locations will also be offering specials and Happy Hour on Mother’s Day. XTREME ACTION PARK, 5300 N. Powerline Fort Lauderdale, will be celebrating Mother’s Day by offering all moms a free brunch buffet and $2 Mimosas from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. when they bring the kids. Moms will be free to choose from a display of fruit, Danishes, French toast, sausage, bacon and eggs, juice, coffee and water. Free face painting for kids will also be offered all weekend. Not bad for $10 for adults and $5 for kids under 12. Then mom can work off some of those calories on the overhead obstacle course, or by roller skating or bowling. Call 954-491-6265 for more information. Looking for something to do with Mom after brunch on Mother’s Day? While I’m sure she’d appreciate tea dance at Hunter’s (and would be treated like a queen by the queens), maybe something more low-key might be better. How about popping in to SCULPTURE BY SYLVIE, 2420 N. Dixie, right in WIlton Manors for an opportunity to create a beautiful piece of stenciled bisque? The workshop is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and runs $115 for the two of you.

LADIES NIGHT WEDNESDAY 2-4-1 Kettle One All Night

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5.10.2017 •









1 6 ,

2 0 1 7

W W W . S F G N . C O M

Something Shady

J.W. Arnold



1 1


CONCERT Voices of Pride, the gay men’s chorus of the Palm Beaches, presents their spring concert, “Live in Living Color,” tonight and Friday, May 12 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 100 N. Palmway in Lake Worth. The guys will raise the church roof with sassy takes on pop and show tunes, as well as classy renditions of standards from the Great American Songbook. Tickets can be reserved at VoicesOfPride.org.



FILM The World AIDS Museum and Education Center, 1201 NE 26th St., Suite 111 in Wilton Manors, presents a screening of “Drawing Between the Lines,” a documentary about the remarkable pop artist Keith Haring, tonight at 7 p.m. Afterwards, enjoy wine and cheese and a discussion of his distinctive works. Several original pieces are currently on display at the museum. More information at WorldAIDSMuseum.org.




The girls are coming to the Parker Playhouse in Fort Lauderdale tonight at 8 p.m. with “Haters Roast: The Shady Tour.” When the sharp-tongued queens from “RuPaul’s Drag Race” take to the stage with stingers and zingers—from politics to love, social media and even their “sisters” on stage—anything is fair game. It’s an evening of hilarious comedy, the shady way. Tickets start at $22.79 at ParkerPlayhouse.com. Submitted photo.


5/13 SUN

5/14 MON

5/15 TUE






Celebrate Mother’s Day at the Broward Center’s Abdo New River Room with a special performance of “I Remember Mama” by WLRN Radio Theater. The radio play, which debuted on Lux Radio Theater in 1948 during the golden age of radio, was based on a Broadway show that was later made into a movie and stage musical. Tonight at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, May 14 at 2 p.m., Tickets are $25 at BrowardCenter.org.

Tune in to E! tonight for the premiere of “What Happens at the Abbey,” a new “docuseries” set at the iconic West Hollywood nightclub, hailed as “Best Gay Bar in the World.” Go behind the bar and get an inside look at the lives of the management and staff. They’re all appropriately beautiful and dreaming of celebrity success. Not sure this series will get them there, but it’s fun. Check local listings for show times and channels.

It takes balls to take it all off in front of an audience! “The Totally Naked Comedy Tour” opens tonight at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. Four talented New York “stand up” comics present an evening of laughs that are sure to tickle your “funny bone.” They’re gay and straight, one is a former Army paratrooper, all will have you laughing out loud. Tickets are $35-50 at RonnieLarsen.com.

Remember the cute blonde kid in the original British television series, “Queer as Folk?” Well, Charlie Hunnam is all grown up. More recently, he played a conflicted biker gang leader on “Sons of Anarchy” on television and, this weekend, became a noble legend in the big screen epic, “King Arthur: Legend of the Sword.” We can’t wait to see how he fills out chainmail and a codpiece. Check local listings for theaters and show times.


5 .10.2017

5.10.2017 •



Mix It Up

A&E television The cast of E!’s “What Happens at the Abbey.” Credit: E!

‘What happens at the aBBey’ is ‘vandeRpuMp RuLes,’ Just GayeR J.W. Arnold


f you like Bravo’s “Vanderpump Rules” then you’ll probably love “What Happens at the Abbey,” the new “docudrama” premiering Sunday evening on E!. The series, set at the West Hollywood restaurant and nightclub complex just up the street from Lisa Vanderpump’s Sur, takes viewers behind the scenes at the iconic bar and, like its Bravo competition, what you’ll see may be buff and tight and beautiful, but often not pretty. Now, if you’ve ever been to West Hollywood, you know that practically everyone on the street is seeking their big break into show business. Any excursion to Santa Monica Boulevard is treated like an audition. The boys are always perfectly pumped and impeccably dressed. The sidewalks become a runway as hopeful actors walk their dogs with a sashay and shante. In the first episode, viewers learn that the employees at the popular bar are no different. The Abbey is popular with celebrities, producers and directors. (Ross “the intern” Mathews was having a bite to eat there with his agent when I last visited in February.) Sequentially, we are introduced to the “cast” and, before you get too enamored, be warned most are straight: Billy has already made waves as Ellen DeGeneres’ ripped gardener, “Nick.” He’s gorgeous and knows it. He’s also quite the player. Within minutes, a co-worker proclaims, “His personality is similar to that of a beanbag chair.” Ouch! Muscle-bound bartender Kyle came to Hollywood with two ambitions – to make the cover of “Muscle & Fitness” magazine and land a role as an action hero in a movie. One down, at least, although he’s now got a reality show credit on IMDb. With a long silky mane, Daniel belongs on the cover of “Playgirl” magazine, but alas it’s gone. His funniest moments come when he demonstrates his various—and not so subtle-modeling expressions. This is the guy who plans to make the fanny pack popular again, just like his man bun. He is also quick to question the starry-eyed bromance between Billy and Kyle. Every reality show has that “red hot mess” cast member and this show’s “Kristin” is “Kim,” Provided by ArtServe & Broward Cultural Division


5 .10.2017

the self-proclaimed Instagram stalker who was warned by her psychic not to date anyone seriously for at least six months. That’s because she tends to “gravitate toward douche bags.” Really. Perky and incredibly naïve Marissa has just arrived in Los Angeles from Long Island. She begs to do bottle service. She did play a waitress once on “One Life to Live,” which she says counts for a lot, but struggles to open a bottle of bubbly for fellow E! celebrity Tori Spelling. “Have you never been to brunch?” asks her bitchy gay supervisor. Kyle has other plans for her. “Marissa is really new to the Abbey, which means she hasn’t been passed around from guy to guy, so this is the time to move in….” If that isn’t a spoiler for episode two, what is? And isn’t this supposed to be a GAY bar? By now, you’re probably wondering if any gay people actually work at the most famous gay bar in Los Angeles. The answer is yes. Brandi is a lesbian and “when it comes down to it, I have the biggest dick at the Abbey,” she announces. We’re not going to challenge her on that claim. The aspiring hair and makeup artist also yearns to have a child. Lawrence, her donor, spends an unbelievable amount of time and energy trying to persuade Brandi they should try the natural approach first. Very suspicious until his gay creds are confidently bolstered with some of the best sassy quips of the episode. And, even though “literally thousands of hot guys come in every night,” he’s looking to settle down. Yeah, the Abbey is where you’re going to meet Mr. Right, buddy. Then there are Murray and Cory, the lookalike on-again, off-again boyfriends. Can you say “narcissistic?” They met on an underwear photoshoot, but it wasn’t until Murray “got to know his personality, that’s when I fell in love.” I’m sure pecs and six-pack abs were never part of the equation, too. The “Abbey” cast is sexy and shallow and that’s what makes the show such a guilty pleasure. We’re already looking forward to the next episode and hoping “What Happens at the Abbey” is a summer substitute for our equally sexy and shallow Vandertramps.

“what Happens at the Abbey” premieres on sunday, May 14 on E!. Check local listings for channels and times.

5.10.2017 •


May 10 - May 16


Theater Christiana Lilly




Voices of Pride: Live in Living Color

May 11 and 12 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 100 N. Palmway in Lake Worth. Known for their sassy take on American classics, Voice of Pride is ready to raise the church roof! Tickets $25 in advance. Call 561-247-4554 or visit VoicesOfPride.org.

The King and I

Through May 14 at the Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Anna Leonowens is brought to Bangkok in the 1860s to teach the king of Siam’s wives and children. Tickets $29 to $150. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

Happy Ending

Through May 28 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. A massage therapist welcomes a customer to his massage table who bends the rules. Contains nudity and sexual situations. Tickets $35 to $50. Call 954-826-8790 or visit RonnieLarsen.com.

* Denotes New Listing

broward county The Weeknd

May 11 at 7:30 p.m. at the BB&T Center, One Panther Parkway in Sunrise. The singersongwriter performs in support of his “Starboy: Legend of the Fall” tour. Tickets $35.25 and up. Call or visit TheBBTCenter.com.

A Masked Ball

May 11 to 13 at the Broward Center, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. When a nobleman discovers his wife might be having an affair with the king, his best friend, he is determined to kill him. Tickets $21 to $200. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

* Seniors Acting Up!

May 16 at 1:15 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Readings from stage plays and vintage radio scripts, as well as a scene from “Sordid Lives.” Free. Call 954-5679524 or visit Facebook.com/SeniorsActingUp.

* Totally Naked Comedy Tour

Through May 21 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. Did you enjoy “Naked Boys Singing?” Grab a seat for four very different, and naked, comedians. Tickets $35 to $50. Visit RonnieLarsen.com.

palm beach county

The Sound of Music

Through May 14 at the Kravis Center, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Maria is hired to care for the von Trapp children and butts heads with their strict father. Tickets $29 and up. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.

* The Cripple of Inishmaan

May 19 to June 4 at the Don & Ann Brown Theatre, 201 Clematis St. in West Palm Beach. Living a bleak life on the Irish island of Inishmaan, the cripple Billy hears about an American filmmaker in the neighboring island of Inishmore and is determined to get himself to Hollywood. Tickets $66. Call 561-514-4042 or visit PalmBeachDramaworks.org.

Free Friday Concerts

Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.

miami-dade county

Death & Harry Houdini

Through May 21 at the Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Hop on a ride that takes you through the life of the majestic and mysterious Harry Houdini. Tickets $50. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

Outdoor Music Series

Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.

The Big Show

Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny.com.

Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series

Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com

#OrlandoUnited: Every week, SFGN will pay tribute to one member of our community who was lost in Orlando.


5 .10.2017

5.10.2017 •



community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com

top pIcks Game On! Female Athletes Competing with Homophobia in Sports

May 12 to July 2 at the Stonewall National Museum — Wilton Manors, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. An exploration of the homophobia and sexism experienced in the world of sport by lesbian, bisexual, and transgender female athletes. Free. Call 954-530-9337 or visit StonewallMuseum.org.

Sushi & Stroll

May 12, June 9, July 14, Aug. 11, and Sept. 8 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens, 4000 Morikami Park Road in Delray Beach. The summertime fete returns with sushi rolls, drumming by Fushu Daiko, tours, and more. Admission $15. Call 561-495-0233 or visit Morikami.org.

Topaz Gala

May 13 at 6 p.m. at the Hilton Miami Downtown, 1601 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. A celebration of nonprofits, businesses, and people who have made a difference for the community. Plus, cocktails, auctions, pop ups, buffet, and networking. Tickets $200. Call 305673-4440 or visit GayBizMiami.com

* Denotes New Listing

broward support servIces GENDER BENDER YOUTH GROUP

Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com


Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.


Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.


First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

broward county * Pompano Beach Cultural Center Preview Party

May 12 at 7 p.m. at the Pompano Beach Cultural Center, 50 SW First Ave. in Pompano Beach. Welcome the new center to the arts community with live entertainment, cocktails, passed bites, auction, raffle, and a ticket to any upcoming event at the center. Tickets $100. Call 954-839-9578 or visit ccpompano.org.

* SAGE Book Discussion: “What Belongs to You”

May 13 from 11 a.m. to noon at the Stonewall National Library & Archives, 1300 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. In Garth Greenwell’s novel, an American teacher in Bulgaria hires a male prostitute for sex, but the relationship becomes deeper than he anticipated. Free. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.


5 .10.2017

* Tell Mama It’s Bingo Night

May 13 at 6:30 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. More than $1,200 was won in the April Bingo night! Game packages $15. Call 954-4639005 or visit PrideCenterFlorida.org.

* GFLGLCC May Mixer

May 16 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Xtreme Action Park, 5300 Powerline Road in Fort Lauderdale. Check out the car museum and network with fellow business people over drinks and appetizers. Free for members, $10 for future members. Visit GoGayFortLauderdale.com.

* Stonewall Movie “Training Rules”


May 18 at 7 p.m. at the Stonewall National Museum — Wilton Manors, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. For 26 years, women’s basketball coach Rene Portland

May 10 - May 16 banned lesbian players from her team until 2006, when a brave student athlete took her to court for discrimination. Suggested donation $5. Call 954-530-9337 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.

with a certificated Zumba instructor for an infusion of exercise and dance moves. Donation of $5 or more. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC.com.

palm beach county

Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for female recovering alcoholics. Visit LambdaNorth.net.

Andrew Reid: Public Art/ Private Works Exhibition

Through May 20 at The Box Gallery, 811 Belvedere Road in West Palm Beach. Once moving to South Florida, the illustrator has made a name for himself as a large-scale artist and and one of the forefathers of the mural craze. Email PalmBeachFineArtGallery@gmail.com


Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@compassglcc.com.

Zumba Fitness

Mondays at 6 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Get moving

Sober Sisters

Out of the Closet, Into the Light

Mondays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at MCC of the Palm Beaches, 4857 Northlake Blvd. in Palm Beach Gardens. AA for the LGBT community. Free. Call 561-775-5900 or visit MCCPalmBeach.org.

Voices of Pride

Mondays at 7 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Join the Gay Men’s Chorus as they practice every week. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com

Art After Dark

Thursdays from 5 to 9 p.m. at the Norton Museum of Art, 1451 S. Olive Ave. in West Palm beach. Enjoy a special look at the

museum’s exhibits with docent-led tours, curators’ conversations, art workshops, and demonstrations. Free. Call 561-8325196 or visit Norton.org.

miami-dade county The Flying Trapeze School

Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from 4 to 6 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. at Bayfront Park, 1075 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Soar through the air like a member of the circus with trained trapeze experts. Call 786-239-8775 or visit TheFlyingTrapeze.net

Community Yoga Series

Third Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. at jugofresh Wynwood Walls, 222 NW 26th St. in Miami. Yoga instructor Dawn B. Feinberg leads a monthly yoga class in the middle of Miami’s art district. Mats are available, but yogis are encouraged to bring their own. Free. Call 786-472-2552.

Miami Log Cabin Republicans

Fourth Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m. at Casa Larios, 7705 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Meet

with other like-minded people and hear from speakers in the community. Visit LogCabin.org/chapter/florida-miami.

key west Aqua Idol

Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Aqua Key West, 711 Duval St. in Key West. Support your local artists and vote for your favorite! Benefits Waterfront Playhouse. Call 305294-0555 or visit AquaKeyWest.com.

Hot Naked Hump Days

Wednesdays from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Island House, 1129 Fleming St. in Key West. Relax in the middle of the week with two-for-one drinks, free shots, videos and music, giveaways, and naked boys at the pool. Call 305-294-6284 or visit IslandHouseKeyWest.com

Women’s Flag Football

Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at Bernstein Park, 6751 Fifth St. on Stock Island. Practice and games once a week. Free. Call 305-896-8678 or email IWFFA@ IWFFA.com.

5.10.2017 •


Business Directory attorney LAW OFFICE OF GEORGE CASTRATARO 707 NE 3rd Ave #300, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.573.1444 Lawgc.com LAW OFFICE OF ROBIN BODIFORD 2550 N Federal Hwy #20, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.630.2707 Lawrobin.com

attorney SELZER LAW 1515 NE 25th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.4444 SelzerLaw.com LAW OFFICE OF SHAWN NEWMAN 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com

To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970 counseling

attorney LAW OFFICE OF GREGORY KABEL 1 East Broward Blvd #700, Fort Lauderdale, 33301 954.761.7770 gwkesq@bellsouth.net

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GAY MEN’S CHORUS OF SOUTH FLORIDA PO Box 39617, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33339 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org

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OAKLAND PARK DENTAL 3047 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954.566.9812 Oaklandparkdental.com ANDREWS DENTAL CARE 2654 N Andrews Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33311 954.567.3311 Andrewsdentalcare.com ISLAND CITY DENTAL 1700 NE 26th Street, Ste. 2, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954-564-7121 Islandcitydental.com


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DR. TORY SULLIVAN 2500 N Federal Hwy #301, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.533.1520 Torysullivanmd.com AMERICAN PAIN EXPERTS 6333 N. Federal Hwy, Ste. 250, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 954-678-1074 Americanpainexperts.com

professional services



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Business Directory

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professional services

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5.10.2017 •


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SFGN Classified$ To place a Classified Ad, call Tim Higgins at 954.530.4970 or email at Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com

accommodations APRIL SPECIALS FROM $595/WEEK PERFECT FOR VACATION & RELOCATION Beautifully Furnished & Fully Equipped Studio & One Bedroom Apartments w/Full Kitchens in Gay Tropical Resort Setting, Incl. Wi-Fi, free laundry, private parking, utilities, prem. cable. Central to Haulover Nude Beach & Wilton Manors. Located just south of the Airport in Historic Dania Beach. Longer term Monthly rates available for 3 months+ Stays. Pets Always Welcome. Call Joe or Jack at (954) 927-0090 or visit www. LibertySuites.com


HARRY’S ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL - Additions, renovations, service upgrades, breaker panels,FPL undergrounds, code violations, A/C wiring, ceiling fans, recessed, security & landscaping, lighting, pools, pumps, Jacuzzis, water heaters, FREE PHONE ESTIMATES 954-522-3357 Lic & Ins. www.harryelectrician.com


HUSBAND FOR RENT - Is he procrastinating home repairs? He says he will do it tomorrow?? After the football game?? We fit right in - in the house or the yard, small or big jobs: tile, dry wall, paint, plumbing, roof leaks, broken furniture, irrigation, fences, and more! It doesn't cost to hassle us to see the work - so why wait? Neat, clean work for a reasonable price. Call Haim at 954-398-3676, sidnalll@yahoo.com

help wanted

EMERALD IRISH CLEANING - Established for 30 years. 3 hours of cleaning for $75.00. Mention this ad and get $15.00 off the 75.00.Use time as you wish. English speaking *hand-scrub floors* Cleaning supplies included. Service guaranteed 954-524-3161’’

employment - full time J. MARK'S RESTAURANT NOW HIRING - Line cooks (Saute, Grill, Salad), Servers, Front Desk & Busboys. Apply in person Mon - Fri: 1490 NE 23rd St, Pompano Beach or 1245 N Fed. Hwy, Fort Lauderdale CHEF WANTED - Tropics Restaurant in Wilton Manors is looking for a new chef. Searching for a competent, creative chef that understands the restaurant business. Must be able to run the line during busy shifts. Passion for food and a good attitude are a must. Holidays, nights, and weekends are required. Competitive wages. Apply in person at 2000 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors. EDUCATED/ARTICLUATE/WELL OFF - We are an international auto brokerage specializing is purchasing luxury vehicles for our overseas clients. We need a certain type of person to be able to successfully buy these types of vehicles because the dealerships are on “high alert” for the types of cars we buy. If you don’t look like you can afford $100,000 car, if you don’t financially look like you can afford one, then they simply won’t sell it to you. We pay $2 - $5000 per car for what is usually about 5 hours of your time. Call 954-369-1238 for more info or visit our site FleetExport.com EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT/HOUSEMAN POSITION - Retired executive living in Fort Lauderdale has a position for an assistant/houseman. Duties include (but not limited to): Driving, light yard work, dog walking/care, light paperwork, filing & organizing, light housekeeping. Must have a clean driving record and background check. Excellent compensation and health insurance. Send resume with cover letter and salary requirements to: P.O. BOX 2213 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33303 HANDYMAN/PART-TIME - Need a multi-tasking guy to provide pool care (with a pool background) and landscape maintenance (no grass). Call for interview and provide references. Don 954-663-1711.


licensed massage MASSAGE BY DENNIS - $60 per 90 min-Out calls higher. Swedish, Deep Tissue, manscaping available. All clients and Body types welcome, Reflexology and Feet. Couples Discounts. Delray Beach. 22 years’ experience. MA18563 Call Dennis 561-502-2628.

music lessons

VOICE LESSONS & MUSIC THEATRE COACHING - Over 30 years experience. Students have performed on (and off) Broadway, in National & International tours, recorded solo albums & placed in prestigious competitions. www.kreutzmusic.com 617-967-0575

piano WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO? Learn from an experienced teacher. All levels and ages welcome. Learn to play classical, popular, jazz, or show tunes. Visit www.edwinchad.com or call 954-826-9555 for more information.

SFGN.COM painting GREGG'S PAINTING - I paint both interior and exterior. Great rates, free estimates. I am detailed-oriented, friendly, reliable, punctual, and neat. No job too small. Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Call Gregg at 617-306-5694 or 954-870-5972 Email: gmanbenn44@gmail.com

pool service

COOL POOLS- RELIABLE POOL SERVICE Professional pool service.Covering Wilton Manors, Lighthouse Point, and eastside of Pompano Beach. 15 years experience. Licensed and insured.Free estimates. Call 954-235-0775.

rentals wilton manors

MIKE THE RENTAL GUY - NE Lauderdale/Wilton Manors/Oakland Park-1/1 from $990, 2/1 from $1140. Victoria Park-1/1=$1090.00 cable included. Credit & Income Requirements-Pets okay with restrictions Call for Details Mike 561-703-5533 or miketherentalguy@ aol.com

Get more bang for your buck! Place an ad in SFGN’s Classifieds


real estate oakland park SLEEPY RIVER ACRES WATERFRONT HOME Come live in the best neighborhood in Oakland ParkThis 2 bedroom/ 2 bath home sits on two sides of the waterfront on an over 16,000 sq ft lot. Build your dream home surrounding $500,000 plus home or live comfortably in this one! $325,000 Brian Bedigian, PA Coral Shores Reality. 954-205-5275, realtorbrian@aol. com

real estate wilton manors UNITED REALTY GROUP - $149,900 2 bed 1 bath1 block to the drive. Low maintenance-NO RENTAL RESTRICTIONS! DUPLEX $349,000 Quiet street Both 2 bed 1 bath-Huge Yard Call for details Michael Tublin 561-703-5533

5.10.2017 •


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