5/24/17 V8i21

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5 . 24.2017

5.24.2017 •


NEWS national


Robert Mueller. Photo Credit: CNN.

May 24 2017 • Volume 8 • Issue 21

2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

Publisher • Norm Kent Norm.Kent@sfgn.com

Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli Associate Publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com


iNVeStiGatioN iNto truMP’S tieS to ruSSia CoNtiNue Tucker Berardi aS More SCaNdaLS riSe


yes are on former FBI chief Robert Mueller as he investigates Russian interference in the 2016 election as well as the possible collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia. Following Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey, politicians and civil rights groups have begun to call for further investigation, and even impeachment. Amidst all the uproar, Trump has continued to act of his own volition — confusing allies and upsetting others. The Washington Post reported Tuesday on Trump’s disclosure of classified information to the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Trump shared information from intelligence agencies on the Islamic State, though the White House has denied the accuracy of the report. Following the report, however, Trump took to Twitter the following day to explain that he had the right to disclose classified information. “This damages our trust with our closest ally in the Middle East and will make it harder to succeed in our counterterrorism efforts,” Mike Sexton, a gay national security analyst in D.C. said. “I think this underscores a point Michael Hayden made during the election that Trump may be a useful idiot … of the Russian Federation. It is fallacious to assume that, for Trump to serve as an intelligence asset for the Russian government, he must be acting under the threat of blackmail or even witting of his status as an asset for the Russians.” Following the reports of Trump’s disclosure,

the New York Times broke a story on a memo written by Comey prior to his termination. In the memo he recorded that Trump had told him to drop the investigation of Flynn’s ties to Russia. Comey’s account was later corroborated by FBI officials who were aware of Trump and Comey’s conversation, according to the Washington Blade. Trump addressed the surmounting scandals Wednesday morning while speaking to graduates at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. Mixed in with encouraging messages to the cadets to pursue their goals, Trump suggested that the media has targeted him unfairly, in the last few days and throughout his time in office. “Look at the way I’ve been treated lately, especially by the media,” Trump told the cadets. “No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly. You can’t let them get you down, you can’t let the critics and the naysayers get in the way of your dreams.” Shannon Minter, the legal director for the National Center for Lesbian Rights, believes an independent investigation is the correct course of action at this time, but stated that impeachment may be an appropriate follow-up depending on the investigation’s results. “We strongly support anM E Mindependent BER investigation of reported allegations that President Trump tried to interfere with FBI investigations of Flynn and possibly the president himself,” Minter said. “If those MEMBER

allegations are substantiated, he should be impeached. This administration’s corruption, abuse of power, and disrespect for the rule of law have already created serious grounds for concern. The new allegations, if accurate, cross a dangerous line and threaten the integrity of our system of checks and balances to a degree that would warrant impeachment.” Though many rights organizations are behind the investigation into the Trump administration’s ties to Russia and potential impeachment, there is worry that Trump’s impeachment would have serious consequences for the LGBT community. According to the Washington Blade, Trump has so far declined to enable anti-LGBT discrimination, but his impeachment would elevate Vice President Mike Pence, a proponent of the “religious freedom” executive order and friend to many social conservatives, to the Oval Office. Jon Davidson, legal director for Lambda Legal, cautioned against making a rash call for impeachment before correct fact gathering, which would lead to a stronger case. “We would like the entire Trump administration swept out of the office, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Davidson said. “The focus right now needs to be on getting Congress to do its job, conduct a proper investigation of the many troubling indications of wrongdoing, follow the evidence rather than spin or ‘alternative facts,’ and protect the Constitution and the nation.”

Art Director • Brendon Lies Artwork@sfgn.com Designer • Charles Pratt Designer • Max Kagno Associate Editor • Jillian Melero JillianMelero@gmail.com Digital Content Director • Brittany Ferrendi Webmaster@sfgn.com Arts/Entertainment Editor • JW Arnold JW@prdconline.com Social Media Manager • Tucker Berardi TBerardi2014@fau.edu Food/Travel Editor • Rick Karlin Gazette News Editor • Michael d'Oliveira HIV Editor • Sean McShee Senior Photographer • J.R. Davis JRDavis12000@hotmail.com

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Associated Press



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5 . 24.2017

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Cover: OutGames will be sweeping Miami with a surge of LGBTQA athletic competitions.

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South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2017 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

5.24.2017 •


indonesia Police arrest dozens in raid on Jakarta Gay Sauna (AP) Indonesian police detained dozens of men including several foreigners in a weekend raid on a gay sauna in the capital, another sign of growing hostility to homosexuality in the world’s most populous Muslim nation. Police spokesman Argo Yuwono said 141 men were detained for questioning in the raid Sunday evening on the gym and sauna in north Jakarta. Police say the sauna was the venue for a sex party promoted as “The Wild One.” Homosexuality is not illegal in Indonesia, but police said the country’s pornography laws had been violated. Ten people will be charged, police said, including the sauna’s owner, several staff including strippers, a gym trainer, receptionist and security guard, and two visitors to the club who allegedly performed oral sex. If found guilty,


NATIONAL udge opposed to Gay adoptions has rule Change Blocked

(AP) A Kentucky judge who declared his conscientious objection to handling adoption cases involving gay adults has been blocked from changing how he reviews adoption cases. Judge W. Mitchell Nance submitted the proposed rule to the state’s chief justice, John D. Minton Jr. Administrative Office of the Courts spokeswoman Leigh Anne Hiatt said Friday that Minton had denied the request on procedural and substantive grounds. Nance declined comment through a court official. Kentucky law allows gay couples to adopt. Nance’s critics said his proposal was aimed at allowing him to identify adoption cases involving gays and pre-emptively recuse himself. Civil rights groups have complained to the state’s judicial disciplinary commission, saying Nance should be removed from the bench. Nance hears family court cases in Barren and Metcalfe.


5 . 24.2017

they face penalties of up to 10 years in prison and fines. As media waited for a police news conference on Monday afternoon, some of the arrested men were put on display, their faces covered by black ski masks. Last month, police in Surabaya, Indonesia’s second-largest city, arrested 14 men at what they alleged was a sex party and forced them to have HIV tests. A coalition of legal aid and criminal justice reform groups condemned the raid and “arbitrary” arrests. It said police further violated the rights of those arrested by photographing them naked and facilitating the spread of those images on social media. The group, which is providing legal representation, said in a statement that some of the men were brought to a police station in north Jakarta naked, and that others were stripped at the station.



exas Set to Pass transgender Bathroom Law for Schools

(AP) A transgender “bathroom bill” reminiscent of one in North Carolina that caused a national uproar now appears to be on a fast-track to becoming law in Texas, though it may only apply to public schools. A broader proposal mandating that virtually all transgender people in the country’s second-largest state use public restrooms according to the gender on their birth certificates sailed through the Texas Senate months ago. A similar measure had stalled in the House, but supporters late Sunday night used an amendment to tack the bathroom restrictions onto a separate and otherwise unrelated bill covering school emergency operation plans for situations such as natural disasters. Republican Rep. Chris Paddie authored the hotly debated language, saying it had “absolutely no intent” to discriminate. Under it, transgender students at public and charter schools would not be permitted to use the bathroom of their choice, but could be directed to separate, single-occupancy restrooms. “It’s absolutely about child safety,” said Paddie, from the East Texas town of Marshall. “This is about accommodating all kids.” His change passed 91-50. Final House approval should come Monday, sending the modified bill to the Senate, which should easily support it. Texas’ legislative session ends May 29, but that’s plenty of time - even if the bathroom bill is scaled-back enough to only affect the state’s roughly 5.3 million public school students, and not the general public. “This amendment is the bathroom bill and the bathroom bill is an attack on transgender people,” said Rep. Joe Moody, an El Paso Democrat. “Some people don’t want to admit that because they are ashamed, and this is shameful.”

Jakarta, Indonesia.


INTERNATIONAL ithuania accepting Gay refugees from Chechnya as uS Closes door

(Edge) As gay men seeking to escape kidnapping and torture in Chechnya are reportedly being denied visas from the State Department of the United States as well as many European Union countries, Lithuania has announced that it will open its doors to refugees. According to The Spokesman-Review, two Chechens were granted visas from Lithuania this week. The announcement from Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius that “Two natives of Chechnya who suffered persecution because of their sexual orientation” would be granted visas, came on Wednesday on International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. He called on other European Union countries to accept gay Chechen refugees as well. News that Lithuania is opening its doors broke the same day that BuzzFeed published a report that the United States was denying visas to gay men looking to flee violence or death in the republic. Russian LGBT Network spokesperson Svetlana Zakharova told Buzzfeed that “negotiations have been difficult” with countries that could take refugees. In an email, she said that her organization was informed that “the US is not going to issue visas for people from Chechnya.” Meanwhile, the situation for gay men in Chechnya is becoming increasingly dire. In late April, Pink News reported that Chechen president Ramzan Kadyrov reportedly said he intends to eliminate all gay men in the mostly Muslim republic by Ramadan, which begins May 26.

5.24.2017 •




5 . 24.2017

5.24.2017 •




5 .24.2017

NEWS national

NEWS state

tiM Curry, StaN Lee roCK MeGaCoN orLaNdo tHiS WeeKeNd Brittany Ferrendi


PWR BTTM. Photo: Facebook.

Queer PuNK BaNd PWr BttM reSPoNd to SeXuaL aBuSe aLLeGatioNS Jillian Melero


WR BTTM, the queer punk band made up of Ben Hopkins and Liv Bruce, are responding to sexual abuse allegations on Facebook. The allegations came out in an article in Jezebel in an interview with an anonymous woman. The band has released three statements, two as individuals and one as PWR BTTM, on the band’s Facebook page. In Hopkins’ statement, he wrote that he has discerned the woman’s identity through conversations with Bruce, and that “based on the nature of our communications and our interactions with one another, I understood our interactions to be fully consensual.” In his statement, Bruce explains how he came to contact the source of the interview. FROM LIV:

In February, I made contact with the anonymous individual interviewed by Jezebel, someone I knew casually, after hearing that she had made inflammatory accusations about Ben in a private online forum. My intent in reaching out was to learn more and to make myself available in the event that I could be of any help. Our conversation was friendly, but it ended without a plan for any specific next steps. Based upon our discussion, my understanding was that she did not want me to share her identity with Ben unless I had her explicit permission to do so, and I assured her that I would not do so….After our conversation, I wanted to discuss with Ben the issues she had raised but I quickly realized that doing so would inevitably reveal her identity. I did not know how to proceed nor did I know where to seek advice about how to move forward. After Ben ascertained the individual’s identity on Friday I decided that my withholding information was no longer protecting her privacy and I told Ben about the conversation she and I had. The band had set up separate email accounts after the article was published, asking for tips and information relevant to the story. In the third statement, they said those email accounts will now be closed, and that any materials sent have not and will not be read. PWR BTTM were dropped by their record label and management, have had their upcoming tour cancelled and have had their music pulled from streaming services in the days since sexual assault allegations against Hopkins were published in the Jezebel article.

e one of the over 100,000 fans to flock to the South East’s largest comic, sci-fi, anime, horror and gaming convention. MegaCon Orlando hits the Orange County Convention Center May 25-28. Meet celebrities, rock the catwalk and geek out with fellow fans. “We’re looking forward to welcoming over 100,000 fans to the Orange County Convention Center for MegaCon this Memorial Day Weekend,” MegaCon Orlando Vice President Andrew Moyes told SFGN. “Megacon is an inclusive and diverse event with something for everyone - regardless of your fandom!” This year’s MegaCon is chock-full of celebrity guests. In a “rare appearance,” 1975 Rocky Horror Picture Show’s Tim Curry will be appearing Saturday and Sunday for photo opportunities and autograph signings. Former President and Chairman of Marvel Comics Stan Lee is also a guest — making his last Florida appearance. The convention has dozens of events to choose from, including a costume contest with over $2,400 in prizes. There is also special programming dedicated to victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting.

“This year a key programming track are the Love is Love events which are being held to support Equality Florida in honor of the victims and those impacted by the Orlando Pulse Nightclub shooting,” Moyes said. “The fourth edition of the comic anthology “Love is Love” will be on sale throughout the weekend as well as a live comic art show/auction fundraiser and a meet and greet with some of the biggest names in comics including George Pèrez, Jason Aaron, Gail Simone, Scott Snyder, Tom King and more.”

For more information, visit MegaconOrlando.com.

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You don’t want to miss it. 5.24.2017 •


NEWS national

NEWS national

HaLLMarK oFFerS CardS aiMed at traNSGeNder CoMMuNity

Keiynan Lonsdale, actor on the show “The Flash.” Photo: Instagram

By Brittany Ferrendi There’s a new way to show someone you care. Hallmark is now selling greeting cards geared to celebrate transgender people transitioning. Under the “Encouragement” category, consumers can pick up cards specifically labeled “Transgender/Tranditioning.” “You’re becoming who you’ve always been,” one card reads. “How wonderful is that?” The cards became well-known once one Twitter user tweeted about them. “I’ve never seen Hallmark cards for gender transitioning before!” they wrote. “Capitalism triumphs over hate??” The tweet has since gained over 22,000 likes and over 8,000 retweets. Hallmark itself replied to the tweet, simply stating “Love always wins (heart emojis).” “Hallmark makes cards for all kinds of relationships and situations, including many that might be defined as “nontraditional”– for example, heterosexual

couples who are not married, those in mixed-race or interfaith relationships and blended families – so people in each of these situations can find cards that meet their needs,” Hallmark told PinkNews. “It is our goal to be inclusive rather than exclusive so that our products appeal to the widest range of people who wish to communicate and connect with one another. Not every card Hallmark offers will be right for every relationship, but we want every consumer to find one that is right.”

aCtor FroM LGBt-iNCLuSiVe SHoW ‘tHe FLaSH’ CoMeS out aS BiSeXuaL Brittany Ferrendi

Another television star steps forward who aren’t exactly the same as us. The among a wave of actors coming out as truth is we are all family, we’re all one.” bisexual. After his Instagram post, he took to Keiynan Lonsdale, known for his role of Twitter to thank his fans for supporting Kid Flash on the CW’s “The Flash,” came him. out to his fans on Instagram this weekend “Nothing better than happy tears,” he in an emotional message. said. “The love is beyond “I like to change my hair, measurable, thank you. I like to take risks with how “NOTHING BETTER Don’t forget to give that same I dress, I like girls, & I like love back to yourselves.” THAN HAPPY guys (yes), I like growing, “The Flash” is home to TEARS. THE I like learning, I like who many LGBT actors, including I am and I really like who LOVE IS BEYOND Wentworth Miller who I’m becoming,” he wrote. plays Captain Cold, Victor MEASURABLE, “Spent way too many years Garber who plays Martin THANK YOU. hating myself, thinking I Stein and Andy Mientus who was less valuable because I DON’T FORGET TO plays Pied Piper. Mientus’ was different... which is just GIVE THAT SAME character Pied Piper is also untrue.” openly gay. LOVE BACK TO He discussed the journey Ezra Miller, an actor who YOURSELVES.” to accepting himself, but said identifies as queer, will play he now feels lost. the Flash in an upcoming - Keiynan Lonsdale “I gotta take the next step Justice League movie. & actually embrace who I am, Lonsdale is one of many which is pretty exciting. Not faking shit young actors to come out as bisexual in the anymore, not apologising for falling in last few weeks. “Stranger Things”actress love with people no matter their gender.” Shannon Purser came out on Twitter in Ending his post, he advised his fans to April. Earlier this week Alia Shawkat of accept their identities and respect others “Arrested Development” and “Broad City” who do the same. “I hope we can all learn told Out Magazine she is attracted to both to embrace who we are & not judge people men and women.


5 .24.2017

5.24.2017 •


NEWS local Father Bill Collins. Submitted photo.

doCuMeNtary MaKerS WaNt StorieS oF FatHer BiLL CoLLiNS Michael d’Oliveira










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5 .24.2017


aul Schlegel has lost count of the number of times he witnessed Poverello founder Father Bill Collins administer to men dying of HIV/AIDS in hospitals. But Schlegel has no problem remembering how Collins, who died on May 10, treated those men. “I’m sure it’s hundreds of men [he administered to],” Schlegel said, a former Poverello board member and an attorney who wrote wills for many of those men. Schlegel first met the Franciscan priest in the mid-80s after he graduated from law school and passed the bar exam. “They made us dress up like astronauts [in the hospital because no one understood yet how the disease was transmitted]. It was a very different time.” But Schlegel said the then-unknown nature of the disease didn’t stop Collins from showing each man love and compassion, something that sometimes even their own families failed to do. “He couldn’t have been more loving. He was very hands on, very physical with a lot of the patients at the time when people were afraid to touch them. It was the opposite of what they expected from a religious figure,” Schlegel said, who chose Collins to be godfather of both his children. “He treated [those dying men] like normal human beings. Which, in and of itself, was a revelation to some of these people. I really think that he was the closest thing to a saint that I will ever meet. He was a marvelous human being.” Like Schlegel, others who knew Collins have similar stories of his compassion and humanity and the makers of a documentary want to ensure the stories about Collins live on. Gary Metz, president and CEO of Mobility

Television, is producing “The Journey of a Saint, Father Bill.” He said he hopes to create a 30 to 60-minute documentary on the life of Collins. But the length will depend on how many people submit to be interviewed on camera. “The primary purpose is to build awareness of Poverello,” Metz said. The trailer for the documentary will be shown during Poverello’s open house on Monday, June 12 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. A media station will be set up for individuals to watch it on. Metz said the documentary will feature members of Collins’ family, prominent local individuals, medical professionals, and people who worked with Collins and those who benefited from his work. The medical professionals will talk about HIV and how it ultimately inspired Collins to do what he did. “We’re going to hit it at multiple angles,” Metz said. As for Metz, he has his own story of Collins to tell. “I knew Father Bill back when he first started in Pompano Beach. I used to ride with Father Bill when he delivered food out of the back of his car.” It wasn’t long until he noticed Collins smoked cigarettes. “I said, ‘Wow, you’re a priest and you smoke? Cool. Can I bum one off you?’” Metz isn’t sure exactly when the documentary will be released but when it does it can be watched on mobilitytelevision. com. He’s also producing a documentary which follows local firefighters, including the ones who work in Wilton Manors. To participate in the Collins documentary, email Metz at producer@mobilitytelevision. com. Local businesses can also participate if they make a donation to Poverello.

5.24.2017 •


NEWS local

Fort Lauderdale Says No to Puppy Mills

Donna Watson is fighting to enact bans throughout the county Michael d’Oliveira


ort Lauderdale officials say there aren’t any stores that sell cats and dogs from breeders in the city, and a proposed ordinance has been created to keep it that way. On Tuesday, May 2, the Fort Lauderdale City Commission decided to move forward with an ordinance that will mandate any dogs or cats sold in the city by pet stores comes from an animal shelter, rescue organization, or non-breeding facility. The ordinance will be placed on the agenda for a vote during the June 6 meeting – 6 p.m. at City Hall. According to city officials, no pet stores in the city currently sell dogs or cats. Pet stores, such as PetSmart and Pet Supermarket, only offer pets for adoption from shelters or rescue organizations. The purpose of the ordinance is to prevent stores from using puppy mills – breeders who treat their animals inhumanely and keep them in poor conditions. Often, according to the Humane Society and other organizations, dogs and cats bred by puppy mills develop diseases and physical deformities, and are kept in cramped cages for most of their lives. “I generally support the language that’s here. I generally agree with the approach we’re taking here,” said Mayor Jack Seiler. He added that he talked with a lot of veterinarians to get their views on the proposal. Under the ordinance, to prevent stores from skirting the ban, giveaways of pets, or other promotional offers, would also be banned so they’re not used as a “bait and switch.” Each pet store that provides animals for adoption must display paperwork and prove the animal came from a shelter or rescue organization. Animal shelters and publiclyoperated animal control facilities are exempt from the ordinance. Dr. Donna Watson, a chiropractor and founder of Dr. Donna’s Pet Foundation, pushed the issue and lobbied the city commission.


5 .24.2017

In an interview with SFGN, Watson praised Commissioner Dean Trantalis for bringing the issue before the commission and said she wants to see every city in South Florida enact a ban. To help get there, she wants to see the Broward Commission enact a county-wide ban but commissioners have yet to do so. “It was a great day. But it ain’t over ‘till it’s over [and the commission votes for the ban].” But getting Fort Lauderdale, the largest city in the county, to pass an anti-pet sales ordinance would be a huge victory, said Watson. “Over 20 cities in South Florida [including Wilton Manors] have enacted a ban. [Pet stores that buy from puppy mills] are not going to go out of business [until they’re banned everywhere]. They’re going to keep moving [to cities without bans]. There’s enormous profit in it,” said Watson. “Now, we’ve just got to get it passed in June [in Fort Lauderdale] and move on to another city.” Watson said Oakland Park will be that next city she lobbies and it has at least one store that sells dogs. Shaina Ashley, a spokesperson for Puppy Spot, a company that sells dogs, criticized the ordinance. “While I’m sure this ordinance was created with the best of intentions, it is vaguely worded and misguided . . . Many shelters in the U.S. do not have enough adoptable dogs to meet the demands of the local communities.” Caroline Crane, vice president of education programs and services at the Humane Society of Broward County, said there’s no shortage of unwanted animals. “There’s millions of homeless animals that need a home in this county and it’s ridiculous to bring more in.” Last week alone, said Crane, her organization received 23 five-week-old puppies. “So there’s definitely no lack of puppies needing homes.” According to PETA, each year there are approximately six to eight million animals that end up in shelters nationwide and four million are left unwanted and not adopted.

5.24.2017 •


NEWS national

NEWS local

‘So Here i aM’

Chelsea Manning Reveals Herself After Prison

South Florida Symphony Orchestra. Photo: Facebook.

Brittany Ferrendi


eleased Wednesday from prison, whistleblower Chelsea Manning has finally revealed a photo of herself. “Okay, so here I am everyone!!” Manning wrote on Instagram, alongside a photo of herself with a long awaited feminine haircut, makeup and a low-cut top. Insta post here One of Barack Obama’s last acts as president was commuting Private Chelsea Manning’s 35-year prison sentence. She has been in Fort Leavenworth military prison for the last seven years for leaking government documents to WikiLeaks. Manning announced that she was transgender in 2013, was denied the right to transition while in prison and sued the U.S. Army. Eventually, she was given the right to undergo gender treatment and has been on hormone treatment for the last six years. She made several suicide attempts while in prison. After being released from prison, Manning

took to Instagram to celebrate her freedom. One of her first photos was a picture of her feet, writing “First steps of freedom!!” She also posted her first meal out of prison, a pepperoni pizza. Manning will remain in active duty while her court-martial conviction is under appeal. “Pvt. Manning is statutorily entitled to medical care while on excess leave in an active duty status, pending final appellate review,” said Army Spokesperson Dave Foster.

SoutH FLorida SyMPHoNy orCHeStra MoVeS to WiLtoN MaNorS Michael d’Oliveira


he South Florida Symphony Orchestra is trading in its Downtown Fort Lauderdale office for new digs on Wilton Drive. “We’re so excited. As we enter our 20th season, we’re looking forward to making Wilton Manors our home,” said Jacqueline Lorber, president and CEO of the South Florida Symphony Orchestra. The new office is located at the Zig Zag Building, 2201 Wilton Drive, in the same plaza as To The Moon. Lorber said her organization’s current office, located near the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, is being sold. She estimated the new one will open sometime between July 15 and 21. Lorber, who frequents Wilton Drive with her wife, Sebrina María Alfonso, the symphony’s founder, conductor, and music director, said she wanted to relocate to a community with ongoing economic redevelopment. She’s also worked with Oakland Park Main Street and the Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance on economic redevelopment projects helmed by those organizations. “I’ve always wanted to be in a community that had that underway and here we are. Economic development is very much a part of my background.” Getting the symphony in the Zig Zag Building fulfills a goal of its owner, Anthony LoGrande, to bring something unique to Wilton Drive.

LoGrande said he could have leased the space months ago to other interested businesses owners but they would have opened restaurants similar to ones already on Wilton Drive. Instead, he said he wanted to find a tenant would “elevate” the street. “It’s a perfect fit. They have a wonderful mission to bring music to our community. It’s definitely something that’s going to benefit Wilton Manors,” LoGrande said. “We’re bringing the arts and entertainment back to the Arts and Entertainment District.” LoGrande’s goal is also one shared by the city. Officials here are trying to bring in more restaurants, retail shops and other daytime businesses to Wilton Drive. Lorber said there will be three part-time and three full-time office workers who will add to the street’s daytime foot traffic. She also expressed an interest in participating in city events, such as the Wilton Manors Art Expo. This season, the symphony has 50 concerts and event planned at Parker Playhouse and the Broward Center for the Performing Arts. “We’re the largest symphonic organization in South Florida,” said Lorber. To show off its new office and announce its presence to the community, the symphony will host a party there on Thursday, May 25 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. A rendering of the office’s floor plan will be on display and refreshments will be served. Attendees must RSVP in advance. Call 954-522-8445 to RSVP.

Visit SouthFloridaSymphony.org for more information. 18

5 .24.2017



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SFGN.com/2017gaymerissue Photo by Chasis Photos. 5.24.2017 •


Publisher's editorial


diVerSity HoNorS at Hard roCK riSeS Norm Kent



his past month, the South Florida LGBT community came together at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino to celebrate the memory of Harvey Milk at its annual Diversity Honors dinner. It’s a special event that has grown in stature and size each year, largely due to the generous and continuing support of the good people at the Hard Rock. It’s demonstrative evidence that we are a part of the larger community we live in, not apart from it. The Diversity Honors is the one event that unites leaders of Broward, Dade, and Palm Beach with our clothes on, celebrating distinguished leaders like the retiring Congresswoman Ileana Ross-Lehtinen, or a youthful transgender star like Jazz Jennings. Our newspaper celebrated this event with three different covers, showcasing the diversity of those recognized, including Tiffany Arieagus of Broward, and Tony Plakas of Palm Beach. This evening in May has each year brought recognition to credible stars of our rainbow in each of the South Florida communities. But so many prominent people come to the dinner, running and managing the program has become a task in and of itself. This year, to speed things up, organizers determined there would be fewer speakers. They also determined that no one would stand on the dais and recognize table by table, every celebrity or elected official who appeared. The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray. One of the moderators, Nancy Brinker, went off script. On an evening when no one was being singled out, she chose to celebrate the attendance of a former congressman, Mark Foley. It was not the best choice. Ms. Brinker made news where there had been none. You see, while Foley has done much to reclaim his reputation, and has appeared now at many LGBT functions, he was disgraced as a congressman a decade ago for a scandal involving teenage pages. He was not the smartest choice to introduce at a dinner

aBoVe Petty CoNtroVerSy

honoring an international human rights icon. Apparently, Foley was there as Nancy Brinker’s guest, who gave him an inappropriate, offscript, shout out. Though she is on the board of the Harvey Milk Foundation, Brinker herself is controversial, for positions she previously supported with the Susan G. Komen Foundation. When this introduction led to a Facebook brouhaha, generating over 100 comments from many community leaders, this controversy was justly given life in the two-page spread SFGN did on the dinner. Lee Rubin, who has played a leadership role in the South Florida LGBT community, was one of the voices who protested the introduction. But he was not alone. When you get posts as well from Cleve Jones, the man who created the AIDS quilt, you have a legitimate debate and an honest news story to cover. Our reporter, Tucker Berardi, did just that. He did his job well. The irony is that instead of focusing our article on the dinner which was so grand, our newspaper had to focus at least in part on what happened because of this gaff. If you are a journalist, and a plane crashes, you don’t write about the 99 that landed. Nancy Brinker should never have been the issue of our news story on Diversity Honors, but her introduction of Mark Foley created the distraction that made it news, not us. People wound up debating her career, which has not been nearly as bad as some have suggested. Nancy Brinker has raised billions for breast cancer. She has been a United States ambassador to Hungary. She continues to raise fortunes for Lambda Legal. She has been given the Medal of Freedom by President Obama. Years ago, she created a stir by getting in the center of a debate about reversing the funding of Planned Parenthood. But let’s not eat our own. She has done some good. Mark Foley is a man who used to win awards



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from the LGBT community. He served in Congress from 1995 until 2006, representing the 16th District of Florida as a member of the Republican Party, before resigning due to an underage sexting scandal. He sent sexually explicit emails to teenage boys who had formerly served and were at that time serving as Congressional pages. FBI and FDLE investigations ended with no criminal findings. Foley entered the real estate business in Palm Beach and came out publicly, revealing he had a long-time relationship with a Palm Beach dermatologist, Layne Nisenbaum, until Nisenbaum’s death in 2012. After several years removed from the public eye, Foley resurfaced as a supporter of Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election, appearing behind him in a crowd at one of his rallies. It raised a few eyebrows, like when Bill Maher hosted Foley as a guest on his HBO show. There, now you know why Nancy Brinker and Mark Foley were on the cover of SFGN two weeks ago. When our reporter arrived at the Hard Rock for Diversity Honors, our Executive Editor had no intention whatsoever of having either sidelights featured as the main attraction on SFGN’s front page four days later. They did that on their own.

The front page of SFGN was shaped by the events they created. We just did our job as a newspaper. We can’t just celebrate the glossy; we must print the gory. We report the wins, the warts, and the wounds. So, it goes. That is the role of a NEWS-paper. Having said all this, let me go back to the first paragraph of this story. Diversity Honors is a spectacular event, generously supported by the grace and generosity of the Hard Rock Casino & Hotel. Don’t get distracted. It honors and celebrates genuinely good and great people who do so much to enrich our lives. The funds raised at the event support not only the global human rights efforts of the Harvey Milk Foundation, but the amazing outreach of the Pride Center at Equality Park. Both groups are led by wonderful men, Robert Boo and Stuart Milk, who each day work so hard at advancing the dignity and honor of our community. Gentleman like this define our community. Thank you again for attending and supporting the event. Thank you to the Hard Rock for underwriting it. Thank you, Lee Rubin, for pointing out the flaws, and thank you Mark Foley, for being there. Gay rights are human rights, and they don’t belong to liberals or conservatives alone. They belong to us all.


editorial Cartoon

editoriaL CartooN By andy Marlette

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5 .24.2017

5.24.2017 •



WorLd outGaMeS HoNorS PiLLarS oF SPortS, CuLture, aNd HuMaN riGHtS Tucker Berardi


thletes from over 60 countries have registered for One human rights leader, Cynthia Germanotta, is this year’s World OutGames Miami, the fourth receiving this year’s Champion Award for the work of edition of an event for LGBT athletes and allies her Born This Way Foundation, founded in 2012 by and the first time the event is being hosted in the United Germanotta and her daughter Lady Gaga. States. “Our mission is a simple one but it is profound,” International competitors have gone through the Germanotta said. “It is simple in that we are building tedious process of acquiring a visa and being granted a kinder and braver world. Kinder in the sense of being access to the event, but the World OutGames staff helps more accepting of one another’s differences, and brave participants every step of the way, according to the World in the sense of being sure that young people are being OutGames CEO Ivan Cano. equipped with the skills and resources that they need to “We are thrilled to host America’s first World OutGames be successful and overcome their struggle.” in Miami Beach,” Cano said. “The project started back in Recently, the Born This Way 2012 when a discussion started with a ‘What if?’ which Foundation has launched the Channel turned into a ‘Should we?’ which turned into a Kindness program, which is training possibility.” 50 youth responders to identify the event goes According to the event website, there are and share stories of kindness and so far beyond more than 450 events stretched across compassion in their daily lives and the three pillars of the games — sports, distribute them throughout social sports, providing an culture and human rights. channels. opportunity for athletes “It does go beyond that sport “One of the areas that we are and attendees to make element,” Cano said. “You have your really proud and excited about is a parties or main village at the National program called ‘Channel Kindness,’” lasting friendships hotel. You’d be surprised at how much Germanotta said. “It is really about and memories. these individuals love to talk about giving young people the opportunity their lives and where they’re from.” to tell stories of kindness that happen in Traditional sporting events such as their communities. So often are young people running, swimming, biking, tennis and misrepresented in the media, seen in a negative light more take the stage alongside lesser known events, such for all sorts of reasons … this is their opportunity to flip as Cano’s favorite “Pink Flamingo” signature event. the paradigm, flip the dynamic and tell positive stories “The Pink Flamingo is when the aquatics teams get instead of negative stories.” together, it is the final signature event,” Cano said. In a world where the negative stories seem to take “The teams dress up and do a scene in the water. I have precedence, programs like “Channel Kindness” seek to seen Abba played out. They don’t have to be absolutely distribute positivity. Germanotta said she was excited to synchronized, but everybody has to be involved.” receive the award and is thankful for the recognition that Beyond the sports, the OutGames will feature cultural her team and the foundation deserve for their continued elements celebrating the many forms of diversity that are fight for human rights. represented at this event. Human rights leaders will also Germanotta said she recognized the World OutGames be attending and sharing their stories and their outreach as a viable opportunity to further the conversation on with audiences. human rights, putting youth at the forefront of change.


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“We probably work with one of the most diverse groups of young people in history that are much more open and much more accepting of this type of change,” Germanotta said. “There are so many diverse cultures coming together [for the World OutGames] you can use that to really tell those stories … so people can not only see the horror but the good that can come out of pain and how to continue stepping toward the right direction.” Dr. Thinh Tran, the chief clinical officer and chief operating officer of the University of Miami Health System, a large supporter of the World OutGames Miami, also believes the event is an outstanding opportunity to further the fight for human rights, turning to young adults as key components in the fight for change. “Having been a physician and an educator [at the University of Miami] I believe the World OutGames of Miami and certainly the work of Cynthia [Germanotta] of the Born This Way Foundation embodies our core values of inclusiveness, caring for each other and empowering young people toward advocacy and involvement,” Tran said. According to Cano, the OutGames is unique in its sociability — the event goes so far beyond sports, providing an opportunity for athletes and attendees to make lasting friendships and memories. “Boyfriends have met each other, there are wonderful experiences of people who have come out. Just because it is an LGBT community doesn’t mean that LGBT people are the only ones showing up.” The OutGames will be held from May 26 through June 4, with the opening ceremony taking place May 27 at The Fillmore Miami Beach, 1700 Washington Ave. Tickets are available on the Live Nation website. The ceremony starts at 7 p.m. Tran said, “I think this is a wonderful event. It is more than just an athletic competition, it embodies the wellness and empowerment of everyone, especially the younger generation.”

5.24.2017 •


OUTGAMES human rights

MiaMi HoStS tHree-day

HuMaN riGHtS CoNFereNCe Jillian Melero


hey’re coming from as far as Australia and Tonga and as near as Cuba and our own Florida International and Florida Atlantic universities. Beginning Friday May 26 through Sunday May 28, human rights activists, researchers, scholars and advocates from around the world will gather in Miami Beach for the fourth Global Human Rights Conference as part of the 2017 World OutGames. The conference will be held in the Loews Hotel on Collins Avenue in Miami Beach, in the hotel’s Americana and Poinciana rooms from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. over the course of the three days. Guest speakers will cover a range of human rights issues including health and wellness education, sports inclusion and legal protections, and religious acceptance and tolerance in conversations as diverse as the people taking part in them. Friday morning opens with a Memorial Day weekend welcome from retired, disabled military sergeant Shane Ortega, who will speak on “Embracing Strength in Intersectionality as LGBTQI People.” Ortega is a member of the Cherokee Nation. He identifies as two-spirit, and served his first combat tour as a woman, and the following two as the man he is today. Shane Ortega. Facebook.

aS Part oF WorLd outGaMeS

But because Ortega’s military status lists him as female, also pushing back women’s rights in general, because he is required to appear in women’s dress blues for official gender equality is based on men and women being equal. ceremonies, a story which was featured in the 2016 HBO Women’s rights can also be set back.” documentary “The Trans List.” Coming from the UK, Surat-Shaan Knan is “Administratively I shouldn’t exist,” Ortega told the an interfaith and transgender activist Washington Post in 2015, “But I do exist, so that’s and the founder and manager of still the problem.” projects Rainbow Jews, and “one thing my the Ortega served in the U.S. Marines from Twilight People. Knan will speak father always said with guests on Friday afternoon 2005 – 2009, and the U.S. Army from 2009 – 2016. He participated in combat tours in “The Rights and Passages was, ‘Be the change ofon LGBTQI Iraq and Afghanistan. He helped work Migrants in Great you want to see in on the repeal of “don’t ask don’t tell,” Britain,” the history and hidden and is a co-founder of the nonprofit migration to the UK beginning in the world. I definitely military support group SPART*A -1938, to present day. Knan is also wanted to be that Service members, Partners, & Allies scheduled to speak Saturday afternoon change.” for Respect and Tolerance for All. on “Intersecting Identities, Exploring “One thing my father always said Journeys of Faith, Race, Sexuality, and - Shane ortega was, ‘Be the change you want to see Gender, through Storytelling.” in the world,’” Ortega told the Post. “I Friday evening closes with conference’s opening definitely wanted to be that change.” reception at the National Hotel. Check-in is between 6:30 Friday afternoon will include a conversation with and 6:45 p.m. The reception will include an invocation Tamara Adrian, “Sex, Gender and Sports: a remaining space from two-spirit Universalist Reverend Houston Cypress, for discrimination.” Adrian is a Venezuelan politician and of the Otter Clan, and Miccosukee Tribe followed by a lawmaker who was elected welcome poem from Robert Pinsky, former Poet Laureate to the National Assembly to the Library of Congress. Florida Rep. David Richardson of Venezuela in 2015 and is (D-113) will give the welcome remarks and the keynote the first openly transgender address will be given by Fabrice Houdart, Human Rights person to be elected to office Officer at the Office of the UN High Commissioner for in the country. Prior to being Human Rights (OHCHR) in New York. elected, she was a lawyer. Saturday morning Florida’s own will be leading the “One of the main ways discussions on equality with a morning plenary hosted people are unified is through by Nadine Smith, Co-founder and Executive Director of sports. Sport lets us look at Equality Florida. Among her many accomplishments, the idea of equality among Smith is a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil all human beings,” Adrian Rights Florida Advisory Committee, she served on told the Miami New Times. President Obama’s National Finance Committee and she “The thinking that because was one of four national co-chairs of the 1993 March on it’s in the Bible, it’s biological, Washington. For the Saturday afternoon plenary, Florida has serious implications… Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz will speak on The worst part is that it’s “the History of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus.”



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OUTGAMES human rights

Tamara Adrian (center right) at the Salzburg Global LGBT Seminar. Instagram.

Deondre Moore, human rights & HIV/AIDS activist will be speaking from his experiences as a Greater than Aids Ambassador, a Youth Leader on the Minority Aids Council’s Youth Initiative and Health Chairman of Sam Houston’s NAACP when he speaks on Saturday afternoon about HIV and youth. Moore is a senior at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville Texas. Moore told SFGN that the focus of his talk will be faith, family, and support. “It is my hope that those persons in attendance walk away knowing how important it is to be supportive of others, whether it be family or friends, especially when dealing with HIV, or being an LGBTQ Youth,” Moore said. It was something which became even more important once he was diagnosed with HIV. “I want people to get a firsthand look inside of what it’s like living my life. Being diagnosed at 19 with HIV and what challenges and emotional and mental challenges I have had to face since…I want those in the room to walk away knowing how important faith is, and what that looks like, because it’s different for everyone. Faith can be something you have in something or someone, but either way, having faith in something can take you a long way in life, and for me, my faith has helped me live a much better life, than I was living before I had faith.” Saturdays panels will close out with an open room available for Muslim afternoon Asr prayer at 5:30 p.m. before the focus shifts over to the Fillmore, 1700 Washington Ave, Miami Beach for the opening ceremonies of the OutGames at 7:30 p.m. Rainbow Christian prayer services will be offered along with various group meetings Sunday morning, followed by an 11 a.m. “I am what I am” brunch. The final plenary speaker of the conference, Olympic swimmer, gold medalist, and out athlete Mark Tewksbury, from Canada is scheduled to speak at 11:15 a.m. Tewksbury is author of “Inside Out: Straight Talk from a Gay Jock,” was president of the first World Outgames held in Montreal, and was recognized as one of OUT Magazine’s top 100 people. He served as an ambassador for the Pride House at the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games in 2010, marking the first LGBT representation at the Olympic and Paralympic Games. He is currently the Vice Chair of Special Olympics Canada. Keynote closing remarks will be delivered Sunday at 5 p.m. by Professor Emeritus Vitit Muntarbhorn, when he discusses “Where do we go from Here?” Muntarbhorn comes from Thailand, was educated in the UK at Oxford, and in 2016 was the first appointed United Nations Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI).

The Loews will host the closing reception of the conference at 6 p.m. outdoors on the back lawn. This year marks the fourth World Out Games, but the first time the games have come to the U.S., having previously been hosted in Montreal in 2006, Copenhagen in 2009 and Antwerp in 2013. The event as a whole spans 10 days, and in addition to the global human rights conference, includes arts and cultural events around Miami and a full schedule of athletic competitions. Although those who travel to

compete are not required to be professional athletes, the focus of the games is a coming together, a celebration of diversity, and a show of inclusion. View the full schedule for the 4th Global Human rights Conference, part of the World outGames Miami at outgames.org/human_rights/conference.

iF you Go: WorLd outGaMeS Human rights Conference May 26 – May 28, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. the Loews Hotel 1601 Collins ave. Miami Beach, FL 33139


opening reception Fri. May 26, 7 p.m.

the National Hotel 1677 Collins ave. Miami Beach, FL 33139


Closing reception Sun. May 28, 6 p.m.

the Loews Hotel 1601 Collins ave. Miami Beach, FL 33139


5.24.2017 •


OUTGAMES featured athletes

uP CLoSe aNd PerSoNaL

SiXteeN outGaMeS atHLeteS Brittany Ferrendi


elcome to SFGN’s special World outGames Miami 2017 section. We’re highlighting the stories of local LGBtQa athletes that will be attending this year’s event from May 26 through June 4. While we couldn’t cover all the over 100 local athletes, we’ve decided to feature players from a wide range of the sports that will take place at outGames.

Without further ado, here are the athletes and their stories!

Diego Suarez (page 38). Photo by Carina Mask.


5 .24.2017

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OUTGAMES dance team

SuNNy aNd riVer MartiN

Photo: Submitted.


e just gravitated towards one another.” Sunny and River Martin met at a straight country bar in Las Vegas four years ago. Sharing a passion for ballroom performances and line dancing, they began to date and dance together — eventually traveling to California together to perform regularly. But once they found out about World OutGames Miami, they packed their bags and moved down to Fort Lauderdale, where River said there is a “strong country music community.” They are competing in dance sport as country western dancers alongside their dance team, Scandalous. “We really are such a close family,” Sunny said of the dancing community. Her wife of nearly three years added, “Meeting

everyone else in the community is really exciting.” Among the 12 LGBT members of Scandalous, Sunny and River are the only lesbian pair. With River as a lead and Sunny as a follow, they mix and match couples on the dance floor throughout their routines. The two joined the dance team after finding a flyer at gay country western bar Scandals Saloon in Fort Lauderdale. Sunny said that the owner, Ken Kelly, is their “enthusiastic” and “supportive” sponsor. But they seem to support one another the most. Sunny said, “(River is) one of the most talented dancers I’ve met in my entire life.” - Brittany Ferrendi

daVid ruMFord H

e’s a realtor with a twostep. Meet David Rumford, a gay man and member of the Scandals Saloon’s dance team, Scandalous. Rumford is a Michigan native who lives in Oakland Park, Florida and is participating in this year’s World OutGames. “It’s a great way to exercise,” Rumford said during a Sunday evening telephone conversation with SFGN. According to the realtor, Scandals Saloon is a “wonderful place to meet new friends.” Scandals’ dance team, coached by Lee Fox, is scheduled to compete Memorial Day weekend at the Hilton Miami Airport ballroom as part of the games. The team has been practicing

Wednesday and Thursday nights at the Fort Lauderdale saloon. Rumford, 70, holds a degree in hotel and restaurant management from Michigan State University. After years in Cincinnati, Ohio, Rumford moved to Florida where he works as a realtor and sings in the choir at First Presbyterian Church of Pompano Beach. Scandalous, Rumford said, will demonstrate twostepping and line dancing at the event. This will be his first OutGames. “It’s been a great experience,” he said, mentioning that the time spent at the saloon has allowed him to develop close friendships. “It’s like a family.” - John Mcdonald Photo by Carina Mask.


5 .24.2017

OUTGAMES dance team

Sunny Martin (left) and River Martin (above). Photos by Carina Mask. The dance troupe, “Scandalous,” practices for their participation in OutGames. Photos by Carina Mask.

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Photos: Facebook, Submitted.


ichelle Jackson was a multiyear pro playing at the highest level of professional tennis, but it almost never happened. The Fort Lauderdale resident was a huge soccer fanatic, but her mother had her change sports to keep her from playing with the boys because she was small. Not knowing what tennis was, Jackson took lessons, fell for the sport and worked her way up to becoming one of the best youth players in the state of Florida. She later took that talent to the Women’s Tennis Association from 1991 to 1997, eventually having to retire due to a torn rotator cuff. After taking a break, Jackson wound up returning to the court and playing tournaments after hearing the OutGames were coming to Miami. With a chance to represent her country and


enny Evans, known by friends and competitors as “The Gazelle,” is a tennis player who has competed in tournaments across the United States. Next year, he has his sights set on tournaments overseas. “I do travel the country, next year I do plan to go across the pond and play the Gay Games in Paris,” Evans said. Evans also wants to visit Germany during his time overseas to do some sightseeing. “I am a millennial. I grew up in the 90s when I feel like Disney movies were [at] their best and most influential with castles and princesses,” Evans said. “We grow up and are taught that everything in movies is not real … but there are real-life castles in the world, I want to go see them.”


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Evans has been playing tennis all his life and has had his fair share of wins and losses. He has learned during his time on the court — and off it — that sportsmanship is the most important thing. “When I go out there, I try my best to demonstrate good sportsmanship and really good character,” Evans said. “When it comes to sportsmanship that is my No. 1 pet peeve. I do not like unsportsmanlike behavior in a competitive atmosphere.” Evans said he has had a rough year of tennis so far, but hopes that the World OutGames Miami will be his opportunity to win. He said, “I’m going to hope that the tennis gods smile upon me once this year, because so far they’ve been frowning.” - tucker Berardi

take part in a competition where LGBT competitors could feel accepted, Jackson said she felt like it would be an honor to compete again. “Besides the fact it’s like the gay Olympics, I think it’s amazing where you can get people from all around the world to compete in something as big as this event and not have to worry about anything and just be yourself, especially in Miami where it’s so diversified,” she said. Jackson said she loves competing in sports of all types and spending time with her family and her partner Sue. With a self-proclaimed motto of living her life to the fullest, Jackson is hopeful she will enjoy playing out the tournament and doing something that has a lot of personal meaning. - ryan Lynch

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5.24.2017 •


OUTGAMES indoor volleyball

Photos: Submitted.

tiMotHy CoLLiNS t

imothy Collins never had a problem staying busy. A computer analyst by day, Collins moonlights as a freelance voice actor while still going to school for more computer certifications. “I fell in sideways,” he said of his start as a voice actor. “At a time I was a director for a company’s computer department. They were doing presentations and they brought me in to read it. The guy later said, ‘You did a really good job. I want you to listen to something that somebody else did and the client requested it to be redone, and I was wondering if you can redo it for me?’” Collins, born in Boston, played in the National Gay Volleyball Association for several years after finding the game later in life. He fell in love with the sport playing on teams in Boston and North Carolina. “I kind of found out in my late 20s I was more of a Sporty Spice fag and

I started playing and I really enjoyed volleyball,” Collins said. “Of course when I went to school there were no boy volleyball players, it was considered a girl’s sport. Over time guys started playing it and now we’re where we are today.” Besides being part of a team, Collins enjoys the physical aspect of volleyball because of the challenge it poses. As a smaller player at 5-foot-7, he’s had to adjust his play to face taller players who hold a height advantage on the court. Off the court, Collins has an appreciation for languages, as he knows French, Spanish and American Sign Language along with his native tongue of English. He also appreciates historic preservation and enjoys theater and stand-up comedy, with a dream to one day be as popular as comedian Lisa Lampanelli. - ryan Lynch

OUTGAMES water polo

CHarLotte SCHou F

or Charlotte Schou, the World OutGames is about team play, regardless of what letter in the alphabet you prefer. “I’m straight,” Schou said. “I got involved with one of the LGBT teams in D.C. because they were one of the most organized in the metropolitan area and for the social component, they were just a lot of fun.” Schou, 28, is returning to her native Miami to compete in this year’s World OutGames. She will participate in swimming and water polo. Locally, she works for an operations and concert management company that


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has produced star studded events at the New World Symphony in Miami Beach. She was on the water polo team at George Washington University and is a member of the International Gay & Lesbian Aquatics’ Washington Wetskins. She prefers the freestyle swim stroke and has participated in similar OutGames-styled competitions in Seattle and Stockholm, Sweden. She holds dual citizenship in the U.S. and Denmark. “This is an amazing experience that we have to come together and celebrate diversity,” Schou said. - John Mcdonald

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OUTGAMES basketball

Photos by Carina Mask.

KeViN ForBeS a

fter not getting a chance to play varsity high school basketball, Kevin Forbes will be taking his talents to what he calls the biggest stage he’s ever played on. Growing up in Norfolk, Virginia, Forbes played basketball up to the junior varsity level at Booker T. Washington High School until work and the Naval ROTC program became more important in his life. He went through the University of Phoenix online program to study waste management, which got him a job within South Florida and later a chance to join a local team his friend Chris Manning started. “We talked about it when we heard the OutGames were going to be in Miami,” he said. “So he set it up [and]

we got a couple of friends around here that played basketball to join.” Forbes lives and breathes basketball, saying he’s worked to copy the playing style of his favorite player, former San Antonio Spurs forward Tim Duncan. “I’m just really fundamental,” Forbes said of his skillset. “I’m not the best ball handler or the highest jumper, but I’m really smart in the shots that I take and the passes that I make.” If Forbes can copy the skillset of Duncan, whose nickname is “The Big Fundamental,” he and the Wilton Manors Warriors can potentially make a run for the championship in the World OutGames. - ryan Lynch



t took some time for Chris Manning to become comfortable with who he is, but basketball played a huge role in helping him figure it out. After growing up in Jacksonville, Texas, Manning played a year of junior college basketball before transferring to Texas A&M University, where only a few people and none of his teammates knew he was gay. Manning later played for pro-am team Twin City Heat, took a year off and then played in the National Gay Basketball Association with the Dallas ThunderCats, where he became used to being himself in a league that accepted him. It was that mindset of acceptance and camaraderie that helped him form the Wilton Manors Warriors team with a few friends and acquaintances in the area. “I was trying to bring something new, something fun,” Manning said. “It’s a major opportunity to play in the OutGames, a lot of people don’t even get the opportunity to compete, but it’s in


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our backyard. I kind of wanted to make it a safe place for people to play the game they love at a competitive [level] or get back into the game while meeting people just like you.” Above all, Manning places importance in his family, including his mother Anita Hall and sister Amber Whitmill. With his father in and out of jail, Manning confided in both to help him through life as he grew up. “My mother and my sister are my rocks,” he said. “Those are the ladies in my life, along with my late grandmother [Carrie]. My mom raised my sister and I off two jobs, barely surviving and I can say at age 28 and my sister at 26, she’s raised two successful kids.” After his grandfather D.W. Hall recently passed away in January, Manning says that he will dedicate his performance in the tournament to his memory and hopes that how he plays will make him proud. - ryan Lynch

OUTGAMES basketball The Wilton Warriors practice for their shot at the World OutGames. Photos by Carina Mask.

5.24.2017 •


OUTGAMES swimming

Photos: Facebook, Submitted.

aLVaro a. GutierreZ, Jr. S

wimming is new to Alvaro A. Gutierrez, Jr. “I never thought I’d ever be doing this,” Gutierrez said. He has only been swimming for a year. He’ll be competing for the first time in this summer’s OutGames. Gutierrez was born in Miami, raised in Colombia and now calls Fort Lauderdale home. The manager of a Barnes & Noble, Gutierrez discovered swimming as a means of coping with divorce. “This is like therapy for me,” he said. “I needed a hobby to motivate me to stay active.” Divorce is tough, Gutierrez said, but it is not the end of the world. “I want people to know that it doesn’t mean everything falls apart,” Gutierrez said. “You can pick up new things and start to live again.” Locally, Gutierrez swims with the Hammerheads. He added that freestyle is his strongest swim stroke and that he is training for the 50-meter backstroke. According to Gutierrez, OutGames swimmers are set to dive from May 27-29 at Ransom Everglades School. - John Mcdonald

dieGo SuareZ d

iego Suarez is a global citizen returning to Florida to present his hometown to the world. “I am most excited about having all of my friends from around the world in my hometown of Miami and showing everyone how magical our city is,” Suarez said. Suarez has competed in International Gay & Lesbian Aquatics sanctioned swim meets in Hawaii, Sweden, Canada, Iceland and Cleveland. The 32-year-old has lived in Switzerland and calls Miami home. “I have been a masters swimmer for about 10 years


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and enjoy getting in the water to relax, unwind and get in a great workout,” Suarez said. Suarez is swimming with the Nadadores of South Florida in this year’s IGLA World Championships. He said he prefers the butterfly stroke and will be participating in water polo for the first time. Before they dive in, IGLA members gather for a traditional party to catch up on life and model their new wears. He said, “The most exciting event every year is the speedo party, which is a tradition that is held by the swimmers.” - John Mcdonald

OUTGAMES water polo

Diego Suarez (above), joning his water polo team for practice. Photos by Carina Mask.

5.24.2017 •



Photos: Facebook, Submitted.


ichael Humpleby hasn’t competed on a track team since high school, but that’s not stopping him from running 1500 meters in this year’s OutGames in track and field. “I’m in great shape and want to prove I still got it,” he said. Humpleby came down from the United Kingdom 22 years ago, becoming a citizen in 2006. “It’s very, very competitive here which I actually like,” he said of the South Florida scene compared to his home country. At 50 years old, he considers

himself to be in “one of the best shapes” of his life, running in 5Ks and 10Ks on a regular basis. Even if he hasn’t competed on a track since his high school years, he’s excited to show his stuff in Miami. It will be his first time competing in an event like this, and what he’s looking forward to the most is meeting other members of the LGBT community. “For me, it’s all about the experience.” - Brittany Ferrendi

FederiCo GarCia aNd tyLer KiNG F

ederico Garcia and Tyler King are two runners that will be competing in the 10K event at this year’s World OutGames Miami. The two will also have been engaged for two years come this October. Garcia said, “As a couple ... our passion, what we do, is changing people’s lives with motivation and encouragement.” The couple started a running group called Go Run Project, whose members come together on Mondays and Wednesdays to run stairs, speed train and get some free beer. “I think it is so much more fun than watching TV or going out and partying,” Garcia said. “When people


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come to us and thank us, it gives us the sense that we are making a difference in people’s lives.” Neither Garcia nor King has begun training specifically for the OutGames 10K, but they are more than prepared — on top of running with their Go Run group, they often compete in weekend 5K and 10K races. The couple isn’t too worried about the competition though and encourages one another to place in the OutGames 10K. “Tyler is fast enough,” Garcia said. “He has the opportunity to finish in the top three.” - tucker Berardi

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5.24.2017 •


OUTGAMES triathlete


ailing from Swinford, Ireland, John Ring is competing in this year’s World OutGames as a triathlete. “I didn’t know there were other people like me,” Ring said, describing how he came out later in life as a gay man and sports fan. He married his partner, Herb Diamond, in New York and the couple call Fort Lauderdale home. He is a retired Broadway actor and can be found playing tennis in the early morning hours at Holiday Park. Ring has competed in the Gay Games twice — in 2010 as a soccer player in Cologne, Germany and in 2014 as both a triathlete and soccer player in Cleveland.

John Ring (right). Submitted photo.

A knee injury ended his soccer activities this go-around, Ring said. Instead, the 6-foot-1 Irishman plans to peddle on his bike across the Rickenbacker Causeway into Key Biscayne later this month. Ring, 45, is a big fan of Manchester United’s soccer team. He also attends Miami Heat games and follows the Virginia Tech Hokies on the college circuit. Diamond, 87, has visited 119 different countries. The couple met online in 2011. According to Ring, he admires older men and, in Fort Lauderdale, there are many couples, he said smiling, like “the Diamond Rings.” - John Mcdonald


GerWiN MuCKe

Photos: Submitted.


erwin Mucke spent most of his early life playing soccer, which nearly got him into one of the best professional leagues in the world. Born in Hannover, Germany, he played in Bundesliga team Hannover 96’s youth player development system until a shoulder injury from a collision sidelined him for over a year and a half. Following two years away from the game, Mucke eventually went to America in 1995 to pursue a career in business. After finding himself a job in the Florida Keys as the manager of a guest house, Mucke moved to California in the late 90s to work in corporate business and then moved to Fort Lauderdale in 2003. When he returned to the Sunshine State, he helped found the Florida Storm, a team that played in tournaments until 2009. His current team, the United Storm, which includes members from his previous team, got back together recently to try to


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play in the OutGames and other competitions. “It’s a fun sport [and] it’s a good team sport and you meet a lot of good friends from different countries, from different states in the U.S.,” Mucke said of playing soccer with his team. “Of course I also run into people I’ve played before and we get back together. We’ve been together as a team for five weeks now, so we still got some work to do before the 26th.” As an adoptive father of three children with his partner Francisco, Mucke believes that more members of the gay community should step up and become foster parents. Despite facing many challenges, including previously having to wait months to try to adopt his kids, he wants to use his stage at the OutGames to prove that anyone can be a successful parent no matter their orientation. - ryan Lynch

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5.24.2017 •



out GaMeS oFFerS FuLL SCHeduLe oF

CuLturaL PerForMaNCeS, ProGraMS J.W. Arnold


n addition to nearly 400 sporting events attracting of the Village People at the Colony Theatre on Lincoln thousands of athletes from around the world, the Road. World Out Games also includes dozens of cultural On Saturday, May 27, and Sunday, May 28, walking tours and arts programs showcasing South Florida’s local talent. will be offered of historic downtown Miami, including the For the past two years, Carol Coombes has led stunning Olympia Theatre, Miami Beach’s iconic Arts preparations for the festival. Coombes has long been Deco district and the hip Wynwood neighborhood with active in Miami’s arts scene and guided the growth of the its world-famous murals. Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, now OUTshine. Later, on May 28, historian Dr. Paul George “We decided there are a huge amount of arts will curate a boat tour of Biscayne Bay, organizations and artists in South Florida and including Stiltsville and the Cape we took the point of view that, rather than By day, athletes Florida Lighthouse, on the Pelican bringing in acts from around the world, and visitors will be Skipper with a special emphasis on since the world is coming here, we wanted LGBTQ history. at sporting venues, to give the city a platform to showcase DanceNOW! will present a rare but during the their work,” explained Coombes. performance on Monday, May 29 evenings, organizers By day, athletes and visitors will of “Lacrymosa,” the landmark 1988 hope all will be drawn be at sporting venues, but during work by Miami native Edward Stierle the evenings, organizers hope all and premiered by the Joffrey Ballet to the full schedule of will be drawn to the full schedule of chronicling the AIDS crisis. Stierle concerts, art shows, concerts, art shows, cultural tours, would tragically also succumb to the cultural tours, films films and more, most of which are disease at the age of 23. and more. also free to the public. On Thursday, June 1, the Pulse massacre in In addition to opening ceremonies Orlando will be commemorated at the New World at the Fillmore Miami Beach, the 10-day Center with a special performance by the Orlando Gay festival gets off to a high energy start on Friday, Chorus and the Frank Gehry-designed venue will be May 26 with “It Takes a Village, People,” a concert by the transformed into a multi-disciplinary arts experience Miami Gay Men’s Chorus celebrating the 40th anniversary featuring more than two dozen musicians, DJs, poets,

The World Out Games features a full schedule of cultural programs, including Pulse Points, a multi-disciplinary project, at the New World Center in Miami Beach. Submitted photo.


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performance artists and more. The closing weekend will feature films at the Colony Theatre, including an award-winning documentary about the celebrated and influential male erotic artist Tom of Finland. Throughout the festival, the Georg Stage, a Danish tall sailing ship will be docked at Museum Park. In addition to free tours, visitors can listen to a podcast-walk, “Sex and the Sea,” tales about love and intimacy, of passionate affairs and cold-hearted broads, of despondent, wistful daydreams and magic encounters. Coombes said the festival offers smaller local arts organizations, particularly, a valuable opportunity to collaborate on a program before a global audience. “I think for all of us, especially when you’re a small nonprofit, it’s tough to write grants and create programming. Out Games has allowed us to get out of our silos and work together,” she said. Noting the opening weekend of Out Games is also the busy Memorial Day weekend in crowded Miami Beach, Coombes encouraged all to use ride-sharing services and public transportation. “Find some friends,” she said. “It’s all about community.” For a complete schedule of World out Games cultural events and tickets, go to outGames.org.

5.24.2017 •


LIFESTYLE purple pamphlet

reSt StoPS For CruiSiNG ‘The homosexual capital of Palm Beach and Broward counties’

Rest stop site. Credit: Palm Beach Post

Graham Brunk


t was in the film “There’s Something About Mary,” but was this really a thing? In the 1997 film, Ben Stiller’s character is arrested at a rest stop when he stops to use the restroom but quickly finds himself in the middle of a sting operation targeting gay men cruising at rest stops. Earlier in the film, his therapist mentions that “rest stops are the bathhouses of the ‘90s for many many gay men.” But, was it? For one Boca Raton area rest stop, it would certainly have seemed so. In fact, because cruising was such an issue, it is one of the reasons rest stops do not exist at all along South Florida’s I-95 corridor anymore. If you were driving south on I-95 in the Boca Raton area about 40 years ago just before reaching the Broward County line you would have noticed just to the right a small exit. When I-95 was still in development, many stops like this were designed for truck drivers to rest. A work in progress still, there were no restrooms, no buildings, not even a picnic bench at the 23-acre site. It was just some asphalt, litter, and the sounds of roaring trucks. If you had stopped here at night, it was a different story. You’d have seen rows of 10-15 cars either empty or with lone men sitting in them. Bernie Collins, a Boca Raton detective at the time, described the site to The Palm

Beach Post as “the homosexual capital of Palm Beach and Broward counties.” The palmetto scrub provided just enough underbrush to conceal a nightly encounter between two men. It was so dark in this space at night one Department of Transportation engineer said you couldn’t even see your hands in front of you. Meetings were arranged by eye contact, never any conversation. Sometimes one car would pull up and wait for a man to appear out of the bushes and just simply follow him in. Between the cruising and hustling this kind of activity didn’t come without its bigger social problems. The site quickly gained traction as a place for underage hustlers to make money by hooking up with men. One such 16-year-old who called himself “Rudy” was interviewed by local media back then and described his chilling experiences. It didn’t take much effort, he would simply walk into the wooded area, be approached, sometimes the men would make small talk such as asking him if he had seen any animals. It would quickly escalate into full blown sex. Sometimes finding the right spot would be difficult since there would be many couples scattered



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throughout. He claimed he and a group of his friends “hustled” almost daily in this spot. One hour’s worth was adequate to make decent enough money. “Rudy” would sometimes make upwards of $100 a night (roughly $612 with inflation today). In May 1979, after roughly 2,000 calls to the Boca Raton Police Department throughout the 1970s, a man committing suicide in the middle of the rest top, and a mysterious murder, the rest stop was formally closed down. DOT officials claimed they were fearful a traveling family may stop here at night and find themselves in the midst the many nightly encounters. Closing the site didn’t necessarily eradicate the complaints right away. Sting operations continued to be performed on the spot well into the 1980s. By the late 1980s however the problem had mostly subsided and the site found itself home to a popular gathering for food trucks. Food truck owners did complain that the occasional cruiser could still be found loitering around. By the 1990s the entire site was closed off. It’s still there, asphalt and all but from the highway it’s almost unnoticeable. But, if you look close enough you can still see the remnants of the exit itself. Graham, a West Palm Beach native, is a local librarian with an interest in LGTBQ history in South Florida. He welcomes emails and story ideas. Contact him at GrahamBrunk@gmail.com.

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BEEFCAKE’S 9TH ANNIVERSARY On Monday, May 1 at 6 p.m., Beefcake’s 9th Anniversary Celebration hosted free drinks, complimentary food, raffles, giveaways and grand prize drawings to celebrate their long-standing role in the local community. J.R. Davis



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“GaMe CHaNGerS: tHe uNSuNG HeroiNeS oF SPortS HiStory” by Molly Schiot

Terri Schlichenmeyer


ou can’t bear to look at the score.

Whatever it is, it’s going to be close. Both sides are playing well today, and they’re all very talented. Your team might win. They might lose. Or, as in the new book “Game Changers” by Molly Schiot, they might alter the way the whole thing’s played. Growing up, Schiot says, “I thought only men could be champions.” Most popular sports-themed movies indicated as much; so did TV before cable. Few tales of women in sports were widely known, so Schiot, a Hollywood director, searched until she found a “treasure trove of images” that “inspired me to pull theses stories out of the dark.” Take the story of Alice Marble. Marble was a Grand Slam championship tennis winner many times over, but her “post-tennis life” was equally remarkable: Shortly after losing both her husband and her baby, Marble became a spy for the Allies during World War II. Althea Gibson was the first tennis player to break the color barrier at the U.S. Open. But did you know that there were a lot of African American women who fought on the courts before her: Ruth Harris, Lillian Hardy, Alfreda Jackson, Clementine Redmond...? Of course, this book includes athletes like Billy Jean King, Babe Didrikson Zaharaias, Nadia Comaneci, Renée Richards, and Diana Nyad. You’ve heard about them, but you may not know that Olympian Abby Hoffman masqueraded as a boy when she was nine years old, in order to play hockey in Canada. You may not know about the abuse the first female probaseball umpire got during ump school, the jeers the first female Boston Marathon


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c.2016, Simon & Schuster $25.00 / $34.00 Canada 310 pages runner endured, or the record snatched from Kitty O’Neil. You might have seen an in-your-face move by skater Surya Bonaly, but you don’t know what bullfighter Conchita Cintrón did, or that Negro League baseballer Toni Stone cheekily befriended prostitutes while on the road. Because of what an autopsy revealed, you might not know about Stella Walsh at all. And there’s a chance that many of these women couldn’t have reached their goals or made history without the efforts of Bernice Sandler and Edith Green. Wow, are there a lot of surprises inside “Game Changers.” Even rabid sports fans will find something new hiding here, in part because author Molly Schiot includes mini-chapters on women athletes in a huge variety of sports. Fans will find everything from archery to zooming race cars, balls to boats, journalism, hiking, climbing, skating, and coaching. Nearly half of this book consists of photos of women athletes in action or in peril; many of them embraced dangerous feats and many were the target of men who thought they didn’t belong on the field. Schiot also treats readers to a few interviews with and by pro female athletes. In addition to sharing it with any young girl or teen in your life, this large coffee-table-sized book is one you’ll be proud to own and display. The minute you’ve got “Game Changers” in your hand, you’ll know you’ve scored.

LADIES NIGHT WEDNESDAY 2-4-1 Kettle One All Night

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LIFESTYLE food Beehive Kitchen

MidiCi Neapolitan Pizza Company

Sushi 4 Fun

Rick Karlin

tHe LiNe daNCe Check out these new fast casual spots


hipotle may be suffering due to some bad PR and problems with its guacamole, but its concept of custom-made dishes prepared assembly line-style is thriving. In addition to established pizza places such as Blaze and Flash Fire, which have adapted the technique, two other new restaurants on Andrews near Cypress Creek have opened with their takes on the customized meal, and a third pizza establishment near downtown Fort Lauderdale offers yet another interpretation of the line dance.

BeeHiVe KitCHeN

6312 N. andrews, Fort Lauderdale 954-541-8787 Beehive-Kitchen.com This fast-casual restaurant brings the customized assembly-line process to delicious, yet healthy food. Beehive Kitchen offers customizable bowls, with creatively combined flavorful ingredients, in a bright laboratory like setting, right down to the labtable like dining areas. After deciding on a large or medium-sized serving, diners begin by choosing any pair of base ingredients. Options include; mixed greens, lemon basil quinoa, sweet potatoglass noodles, cranberry almond kale salad, cilantro-coriander basmati rice or brown rice. After selecting a base, vegetables are chosen. The medium-sized serving, priced about $8, gets a choice of one of each option, the large size is priced about $10 and gets two of each. The tasty options include; Parmesan roasted broccoli, cremini mushrooms, roasted Brussels sprouts, smoked paprika cauliflower or Szechaun green beans. Diners top that off with a protein; gluten-free almond-crusted


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chicken strips, pulled pork, grilled chicken, or soy charred steak. All of which are included in the bowl price, or add flavorful ahi tuna poke for an additional $2. All the make-yourown bowls also come with a choice of sauces (fresh herbs, roasted red pepper, Argentinean chimichurri, or Thai coconut curry). The dressings while delicious, aren’ t necessary, the components of the bowls have such big, bold flavors that the sauces aren’ t necessary. There are a few add-ons available for an additional cost ranging from 50¢ for shaved Parmesan cheese, queso fresco (75¢) and citrus marinated avocado ($2). There are also some suggestions for popular combinations for those who don’ t want to make any decisions and there are vegan and vegetarian options. The folks working the line can answer any questions about the ingredients allowing diners to create gluten-free and nut-free combinations. There is a commitment to fresh quality ingredients. In fact, the restaurant doesn’ t even have a freezer. “My team and I are all extremely passionate about food, so each ingredient has been selected and prepared with hormone

and antibiotic-free proteins. We want you to discover delicious food and amazing flavors as we encourage you to ‘ think inside the bowl,’” explains Jason Grasty, the concept chef at Beehive Kitchen. “Every day, veggies and fruits are delivered to Beehive Kitchen raw. We’ re at the forefront of an exciting, new movement in casual dining.”Beverage options include on-tap brewed teas, artisanal bottled sodas and fresh, cold-pressed juices which are prepared inhouse every day from raw fruit and vegetables. A limited selection of craft beers will also be available shortly. Desserts are limited to two options of cake in jars; a honey cake with spiced pecans or chocolate cake, both with sweet buttercream. However, it’ s doubtful whether you will have room for dessert after eating your bowl. Luckily, those desserts keep for a few days in the fridge! There are plans to open a second location on Las Olas by the Fall, and judging from the success of the original location (they have been packed since opening the doors in mid-March and have already gone through four cases of menus), you can expect to see more Beehive Kitchens buzzing around South Florida soon.

SuSHi 4 FuN

6322 N. andrews, Fort Lauderdale 954-530-4181 Sushi4Fun.com Sushi 4 Fun has taken the customizable line concept and melded it with the fro-yo buildyour-own-sundae format. Diners head down a sort of cafeteria line, choosing sushi and other Japanese delicacies, such as dumplings and tempura, and place it on a cardboard tray. When they get to the end, the tray is weighed, and they pay by the pound ($14.99) for their meal. While it’ s a novel concept, on the day of my visit, some of the cooked sushi looked like it

had been sitting around a while. Although the raw sushi looked fresh and there was no fishy smell to the place. Much like other pay by the weight places, the prices can climb up quickly.

MidiCi NeaPoLitaN PiZZa CoMPaNy 510 N Federal, Fort Lauderdale 954-908-1938 mymidici.com

MidiCi is a franchise operation with a few dozen locations, about a quarter of which are in South Florida. The pizzas are not that different from what you can get at Flash Fire, although the concept is a bit different. You place your order, and as your dish moves down the assembly line, you head over to a “concierge” to add on drinks and pay your tab. Your meal is then delivered to you upon completion. The pizzas were tasty and well prepared, but are available other places more inexpensively. What sets MidiCi apart is that the appetizer and salad options are much more extensive. Among the appetizers, the best bests are meatballs with smoked mozzarella or the cheese and/or meat boards. The combo meat and cheese board, priced at $16.99 ismade to serve two, but could easily serve 6-8 as an appetizer. It features high-quality prosciutto, salami, cappicola, burrata, Parmesan and other cheeses. Salad options extend beyond the expected Caprese and chopped salad to include a mind-numbingly delicious walnut and gorgonzola combo. Other delightfully delicious choices include la dolce vita, and a purple kale & ricotta combo. Craft beers are available on tap. Wine is pricey and the pours are skimpy, but the soft drink selections more than make up for it. Skip the Nutella calzone which is nothing more than the spread in pizza dough. There’ s no nuance to the flavor, it’ s just sweet, sweet, sweet.

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5.24.2017 •







2 5



2 0 1 7

W W W . S F G N . C O M

One Singular Sensation

J.W. Arnold



3 0 ,


TELEVISION We love Andy Cohen and tonight the “Watch What Happens Live” host debuts his new television game show, “Love Connection,” on Fox. This reboot of the classic ‘80s dating show features real couples who dish about their first dates before a studio audience. Unlike its predecessor, this version also features same-sex couples. What could go wrong? Tune in to find out. Check local listings for channels and show times.



CONCERT The Miami Gay Men’s Chorus celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Village People with an entertaining concert, “It Takes a Village, People,” tonight as part of the World OutGames sports and cultural festival. The program will also be repeated on Friday, June 23 at Miami Shores Community Church and June 24 at Coral Gables Congregational Church in Coral Gables. For more information, go to OutGames.org and MGMChorus.org.




The World AIDS Museum and Educational Center, 1201 NE 26th St. Ste. 111 in Wilton Manors, presents a special screening tonight at 7 p.m. of “Every Little Step,” a documentary about iconic choreographer Michael Bennett and the revealing experience of hopeful dancers auditioning for his hit Broadway musical, “A Chorus Line.” Admission is free, but a $5 donation is requested. More information at WorldAIDSMuseum.org. Photo Credit: Sony Pictures Classics.


5/27 SUN

5/28 MON

5/29 TUE






The World OutGames, a 10-day sports and cultural festival, officially kick off tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Fillmore Miami Beach, 1700 Washington Ave. The opening ceremonies will feature performances by Kristine W., Tito Puente, Jr., David Hernandez and Envee. Omar Sharif, Jr. is the emcee for the star-studded evening also featuring hundreds of athletes from around the world. Tickets start at $35 at OutGames.org.

Poets from around the world will gather at the Betsey Hotel, 1433 Collins Ave. in Miami Beach, for the fourth Favorite Poem Project. Fifteen readers will share a favorite poem and lead discussion in this literary program affiliated with the World OutGames cultural festival. Poets will travel from as far away as Australia and Nigeria to share their favorites. The event is free, but registration is recommended at OutGames.org.

Dance Now! Miami presents “Out” tonight at 8 p.m. at the Colony Theatre, 1040 Lincoln Road in Miami Beach. The program includes Miami native Edward Stierle’s landmark 1988 work, “Lacrymosa,” a commentary on the AIDS epidemic of the time. Life imitated art as Stierle also tragically succumbed to the disease at the age of 23. The South Beach Chamber Orchestra will also be featured. Tickets are $40 at OutGames.org.

The World OutGames in Miami are in full swing today with competition in badminton, basketball, bodybuilding and beach volleyball at venues across the city. This afternoon, head to Marlins Park for Home Run for the Arts. Take in a special guided tour of the state-of-the-art facility at 4:15 p.m. before watching the fish take on the Philadelphia Phillies at 7:10 p.m. Tickets and preferred seating start at $50 at MLB.com.


5 .24.2017

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A&E theater

Betty #2 (Betsy Graver, left) discovers her pussy as Betties #3 (Vanessa Elise) and #4 (Gretchen Porro) offer encouragement in “Collective Rage” at Thinking Cap Theatre. Credit: Nicole Stodard.

‘CoLLeCtiVe raGe’ iS FuNNy, FeMiNiSt attaCK oN GeNder StereotyPeS J.W. Arnold


magine a hilarious mash-up of “The Vagina Monologues,” “The Real Housewives” and “Orange is the New Black” with a little “Kiss Me, Kate” thrown in and you’ve got queer playwright Jen Silverman’s “Collective Rage: A Play in Five Betties.” Further, if the word “pussy” makes you uncomfortable, you definitely need to buy your tickets today to the Florida premiere by Thinking Cap Theatre at the Vanguard in Fort Lauderdale. Meet the Betties: Betty #1 (Ann Marie Olson) is a frustrated, affluent Upper East Side housewife. Betty #2 (Betsy Graver) is a slightly unhinged socialite who is invisible to her husband. Betty #3 (Vanessa Elise) is a blue-collar, bisexual Latina with a flair for the dramatic. Betty #4 (Gretchen Porro) is a butch lesbian who likes to tinker with her truck. Betty #5 (Carey Brianna Hart) is gender non-conforming, female identifying, something, something who just served a sentence in prison. Their unlikely paths cross and the quintet winds up together to put on a play under the direction of Betty #3, who answers the call of the “thea-tuh,” after attending a performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” with a wealthy white woman. The subtleties of Shakespeare are not surprisingly lost on Betty and she enlists the others to portray a “wall,” “prologue,” “lion” and more in “Summer’s Midnight Dream.” It’s not classical theater by any stretch, but plenty of drama ensues as the women confront their situations. Betty #1 vents her anger in boxing lessons coached by Betty #5. Betty #4 gets jealous over Betty #3’s newfound interest in culture. Betty #2

discovers her pussy and its power. Still sound confusing? It’s really not as Silverman weaves the women’s stories together over 100 minutes and one act. (Each character’s costumes are also color coded for simplicity—thanks to a clever idea from costume designer/director/ co-soundscape and projection designer/artistic director Nicole Stodard.) Will this show appeal to all audiences? Probably not, but it’s smart and, for the largely female audience at last Sunday’s matinee, seemed to ring true as it brusquely hammered away at the dated gender stereotypes that are so pervasive in American culture (and highlighted by introductory cartoons featuring America’s iconic busty bimbo, Betty Boop). While Silverman’s sprawling script could be trimmed just a bit, the winding and elongated journeys of self-discovery each woman takes are perfectly conceived and, under Stodard’s direction, masterfully acted. Olson and Graver offer punctuated, often pained performances and Porro inserts welltimed and much-needed comic relief. Hart delivers the most honest moments, while Elise is refreshing and just plain fun to watch. “Collective Rage” is an empowering play and this production—along with Thinking Cap’s ongoing, year-long “Gender and the Pulitzer Prize” play reading series—cements the company’s position as the region’s (unofficial) feminist theater company. Thinking Cap Theatre presents Jen Silverman’s “Collective Rage: A Play in Five Betties” through June 4 at the Vanguard Sanctuary for the Arts, 1501 S. Andrews Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $35 at ThinkingCapTheatre.com.

Thinking Cap Theatre presents Jen Silverman’s “Collective Rage: A Play in Five Betties” through June 4 at the Vanguard Sanctuary for the Arts, 1501 S. Andrews Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $35 at ThinkingCapTheatre.com.


5 .24.2017

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Mix It Up

COMMUNITY announcement

Chamber Chat



fter a highly successful revival, the Key West Follies moves this year to its original slot and name to open Key West Pride week with a large variety of local talent in an old fashioned vaudeville type show. Performance time will be on Saturday Evening, June 3, 2017, 8 p.m. downtown at the newly renovated Key West Theater at 512 Eaton Street. Pride Follies is patterned after the old Ed Sullivan’s “Toast of the Town,’ and presents Key West artists in a professional theater, rather than a club environment. Follies features the best (and sometimes the worst) of the local performing arts community. Popular Aqua Nightclub entertainer/ bartender Rick Dery will again direct the show and promises a lively variety performance of fourteen acts from pole

Provided by ArtServe & Broward Cultural Division


5 .24.2017

dancing and singing to burlesque. The Key West Theatre offers bar service and downstairs and upper mezzanine seating. There will be a post performance reception at the Aqua Sidebar behind Aqua nightclub for the cast and audience following the production. Tickets start at $20 for single seats and are available at tables for $25 and $30. Tickets may be purchased online at www.thekeywesttheater.com, the theatre box office, or at the Key West Business Guild office at 512 Duval Street. Key West Follies benefits the Key West Business Guild which promotes gay and lesbian tourism to Key West, and is the producer of the popular PRIDE week in June. Start your Pride celebration this year with a fantastic fun evening at Pride Follies with all of your friends.

5.24.2017 •



Theater Christiana Lilly





May 26 to June 10 at the Miami Theater Center, 9806 NE Second Ave. in Miami Shores. A part of the “Mujeres” Sandbox Series, a dance solo by Carlota Pradera personifying the collision of earth, fire, and ice to give rise to a heroine. Tickets $25. Call 305-751-9550 or visit MTCMiami.org.

It Shoulda Been You

Through June 11 at the Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile in Coral Gables. A bride and groom from completely different backgrounds are set to marry, until the bride’s ex-boyfriend unleashes some surprising news about who the bride is really into! Tickets $57 to $64. Call 305-444-9293 or visit ActorsPlayHouse.org.

LAST CHANCE: Happy Ending

Through May 28 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. A massage therapist welcomes a customer to his massage table who bends the rules. Contains nudity and sexual situations. Tickets $35 to $50. Call 954-826-8790 or visit RonnieLarsen.com.

* Denotes New Listing

broward county A Night on the Town

May 24 at 7 p.m. at Lips, 1421 E. Oakland Park Blvd. in Oakland Park. A fundraiser for the Stonewall Museum, with a drag show and celebrity guests. Tickets $50, $75 VIP, $600 VIP table. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.

Idina Menzel

May 24 at 8 p.m. at the Broward Center, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. The star of “Wicked,” “Rent,” “Glee,” and of course, “Frozen.” Tickets $69 to $189. Call 954-4620222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

* Kool & the Gang

May 27 at 8p.m. at the Pembroke Pines City Center, 601 SW City Center Way in Pembroke Pines. The iconic RnB band will have you


5 .24.2017

May 24 - May 30 dancing to their hits “Celebration, “Jungle Boogie, “Summer Madness” and more. Tickets $29.50 to $175. Call 800-745-3000 or visit PembrokePinesCityCenter.org.

* The Naked Magicians

May 31 at 7:30 p.m. at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts, 2855 Coral Springs Drive in Coral Springs. Mike Tyler and Christopher Wayne put on a unique magic show, where they can’t hide their tricks up their sleeves! Tickets $49.82 to $71.02. Call 954-344-5990 or visit CoralSpringsCenterfortheArts.com.

* Seniors Acting Up! Celebrates GLBT Pride Month

June 2 at 2 p.m. at the Ethel M. Gordon Oakland Park Library, 1298 NE 37th St. in Oakland Park. The senior actors will perform stage plays and vintage radio scripts, including ‘Torch Song Trilogy” and ‘The Danish Girl.” Free. Call 954-567-9524 or visit Facebook.com/SeniorsActingUp.

Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series

Free Friday Concerts

Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.

miami-dade county * Summer Shorts

June 1 to July 12 at the Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd in Miami. The annual short play festival presents a brand-new line of 10-minute plays and mini-musicals, including Lin-Manuel Miranda’s “21 Chump

Street.” Tickets $39. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

Outdoor Music Series

Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.

The Big Show

Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny.com.

Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com

palm beach county * Train, Natasha Bedingfield, and OAR

May 27 at 7 p.m. at Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. Celebrating 20 years in the business, Train is joined by Natasha Bedingfield and OAR. Tickets $24 and up. Visit WestPalmBeachAmphitheatre.com.

* Monty Python’s Spamalot

Through June 4 at the Kravis Center, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Based on the comedy classic “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” an alternate look at the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Tickets $45. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.

The Cripple of Inishmaan

Through June 4 at the Don & Ann Brown Theatre, 201 Clematis St. in West Palm Beach. Living a bleak life on the Irish island of Inishmaan, the cripple Billy hears about an American filmmaker in the neighboring island of Inishmore and is determined to get himself to Hollywood. Tickets $66. Call 561514-4042 or visit PalmBeachDramaworks. org.

#OrlandoUnited: Every week, SFGN will pay tribute to one member of our community who was lost in Orlando.

5.24.2017 •



Community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com

TOP PICKS Coral Kiki

May 26 from 7 to 11 p.m. at the Compass Community Center, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Come join the youth equality prom, with an underwater aquatic theme! Mandatory pre-event meeting May 24 at 5 p.m. Call Amanda at 561-533-9699 or email amanda@ compassglcc.com.


Through June 4 at The Hub at the LGBT Visitors Center, 1130 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. Vladimir Rios and photographer Lester Blum tell the stories of those who feel invisible because of who they are. Call 305-397-8914 or visit gogaymiami.com.

Game On! Female Athletes Competing with Homophobia in Sports

Through July 2 at the Stonewall National Museum — Wilton Manors, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. An exploration of the homophobia and sexism experienced in the world of sport by lesbian, bisexual, and transgender female athletes. Free. Call 954-530-9337 or visit StonewallMuseum.org.


Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com


Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.


Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.


First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

broward county * GLLN Annual Board of Directors Election Luncheon

Through June 14 at Ludwig Framemakers, 2420 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Kent Burkhardsmeier, Karen Hanley Colbert, Dale Kirk, and Allan Pierce come together for an exhibit of photographic work. Call Marquie Kloppenburg at 954-306-3138.

* Art of Wine and Food: Just for the Grill of It

Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud Clubhouse, 2300 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Get one-on-one life coaching from certified CRCS coaches. For guys living with HIV, their partners, and anyone who identifies as transgender. Free. Call 954-765-6239 or visit LatinosSalud.org.

June 1 at 6 p.m. at the NSU Art Museum, One E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Justin Molis from Pali Wine Company demonstrates wines that pair with summer grilling favorites. Tickets $25 members $40 nonmembers. Call 954-525-5500 or visit NSUArtMuseum.org.

* Denotes New Listing 62


5 .24.2017

Divergent Visions

June 1 from 11:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Timpano Chophouse, 450 E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Interested in being a part of the board? There are two open positions. Email Meghana Saoji at saoji@cclawpa.com by May 25. Cost $25 members $30 nonmembers. Visit GLLN.org.

Life Coaching

Rest Your Mind

Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at Kadampa Meditation Center, 241 W Prospect Road Ste. B in Fort

May 24 - May 30 Lauderdale. Start your week with relaxing meditation to center yourself. Free. Visit MeditateinFortLauderdale.org.


palm beach county

Man2Man Discussion

Mondays 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. A weekly informal discussion group among gay men of all backgrounds. Contact John Beuscher at 954-319-4292 or email johnnybushwick@aol.com.


Mondays 7 to 9 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Learn the art of public speaking with positive reinforcement and encouragement from your peers. Call Ted Verdone at 954-5662074 or email tedverdone@comcast.net.

Transgender Advisory Group Meeting

First Mondays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at various locations. The Florida Department of Health in Broward County meeting of the Transgender Advisory Group which is part of the Broward County HIV Prevention Planning Council. Call 954-467-4700, ext. 4991 or visit browardgreaterthan.org/

Sushi & Stroll

June 9, July 14, Aug. 11, and Sept. 8 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens, 4000 Morikami Park Road in Delray Beach. The summertime fete returns with sushi rolls, drumming by Fushu Daiko, tours, and more. Admission $15. Call 561-495-0233 or visit Morikami.org.


Rapid HIV Testing

Wednesdays at MCC of the Palm Beaches, 4857 Northlake Blvd. in Palm Beach Gardens. Find out your status in a safe and private way. Free. Email dropincenter@mccpalmbeach.org

Yoga Among the Orchids

Wednesdays at 9 a.m. at the American Orchid Society, 16700 AOS Lane in Delray Beach. Practice your yoga in the presence of beautiful, calming orchids. $20 a class. Call 561-404-2011 or visit OrchidWeb.org.

Let’s Be


Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@compassglcc.com.

miami-dade county

* TransSocial Saturdays

Saturdays from noon to 3 p.m. at Pridelines, 6360 NE Fourth Court in Miami. Come hang out with others for a movie, snacks, and discussion every Saturday. Visit TransSocial. org.


Bisexual Support Group

Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Share your thoughts with other members of the bisexual community, discuss issues, and address concerns in a safe environment. Email marissa@compassglcc.com or visit

Arsht Center Farmers Market

Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase

fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Tickets $45 to $75. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/en/Visit/Dining.


Tuesdays from 6 to 7:15 p.m. at Jose Marti Park, 362 SW Fourth Ave. in Miami. Yogis 18 and older of all levels are invited to a practice lead by a certified instructor. Bring your own yoga mat, water, and towel. Free. Call 305-358-7550 or visit BayfrontParkMiami.com/Yoga.html.

Book Study

Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Miami. Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Norbu, will lead classes on learning the foundations of Buddhism. Call 786-529-7137.

key west Jazz in the Gardens

Sundays 5 to 7:30 p.m. at the Gardens Hotel, 526 Angela St. in Key West. Wind down from the crazy weekend with a few hours of soothing jazz. Call 305-294-2661.

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5.24.2017 •


Business Directory attorney LAW OFFICE OF GEORGE CASTRATARO 707 NE 3rd Ave #300, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.573.1444 Lawgc.com LAW OFFICE OF ROBIN BODIFORD 2550 N Federal Hwy #20, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.630.2707 Lawrobin.com

attorney SELZER LAW 1515 NE 25th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.4444 SelzerLaw.com LAW OFFICE OF SHAWN NEWMAN 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com

To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970 counseling

attorney LAW OFFICE OF GREGORY KABEL 1 East Broward Blvd #700, Fort Lauderdale, 33301 954.761.7770 gwkesq@bellsouth.net

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SFGN Classified$ To place a Classified Ad, call Tim Higgins at 954.530.4970 or email at Tim.Higgins@sfgn.com

accommodations AFFORDABLE GAY EXTENDED STAY RENTALS PERFECT FOR RELOCATION & VACATION Beautifully Furnished & Fully Equipped Studio & One Bedroom Apartments w/Full Kitchens in Gay Tropical Clothing Optional Resort Setting, Incl. Wi-Fi, free laundry, private parking, utilities, prem. cable. Central to Haulover Nude Beach & Wilton Manors. Located just south of Airport in Historic Dania Beach. From $495/ wk. Longer term Monthly rates available for 3 months+ Stays. Pets Always Welcome. Call Joe or Jack at (954) 927-0090


HARRY’S ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL - Additions, renovations, service upgrades, breaker panels,FPL undergrounds, code violations, A/C wiring, ceiling fans, recessed, security & landscaping, lighting, pools, pumps, Jacuzzis, water heaters, FREE PHONE ESTIMATES 954-522-3357 Lic & Ins. www.harryelectrician.com


HUSBAND FOR RENT - Is he procrastinating home repairs? He says he will do it tomorrow?? After the football game?? We fit right in - in the house or the yard, small or big jobs: tile, dry wall, paint, plumbing, roof leaks, broken furniture, irrigation, fences, and more! It doesn't cost to hassle us to see the work - so why wait? Neat, clean work for a reasonable price. Call Haim at 954-398-3676, sidnalll@yahoo.com

employment - full time

J. MARK'S RESTAURANT NOW HIRING - Line cooks (Saute, Grill, Salad), Servers, Front Desk & Busboys. Apply in person Mon - Fri: 1490 NE 23rd St, Pompano Beach or 1245 N Fed. Hwy, Fort Lauderdale

piano WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO? Learn from an experienced teacher. All levels and ages welcome. Learn to play classical, popular, jazz, or show tunes. Visit www.edwinchad.com or call 954-826-9555 for more information.

professional services DICK HIGHT - Voiceovers in Pompano Beach VO@DickHight.com. 312-238-9166

SFGN.COM painting GREGG'S PAINTING - I paint both interior and exterior. Great rates, free estimates. I am detailed-oriented, friendly, reliable, punctual, and neat. No job too small. Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Call Gregg at 617-306-5694 or 954-870-5972 Email: gmanbenn44@gmail.com

pool service

COOL POOLS- RELIABLE POOL SERVICE Professional pool service.Covering Wilton Manors, Lighthouse Point, and eastside of Pompano Beach. 15 years experience. Licensed and insured.Free estimates. Call 954-235-0775.

rentals wilton manors

CHEF WANTED - Tropics Restaurant in Wilton Manors is looking for a new chef. Searching for a competent, creative chef that understands the restaurant business. Must be able to run the line during busy shifts. Passion for food and a good attitude are a must. Holidays, nights, and weekends are required. Competitive wages. Apply in person at 2000 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors.

MIKE THE RENTAL GUY - NE Lauderdale/Wilton Manors/Oakland Park-1/1 from $990, 2/1 from $1140. Victoria Park-1/1=$1190.00 cable included. Credit & Income Requirements-Pets okay with restrictions Call for Details Mike 561- 703-5533 or miketherentalguy@ aol.com

EDUCATED/ARTICLUATE/WELL OFF - We are an international auto brokerage specializing is purchasing luxury vehicles for our overseas clients. We need a certain type of person to be able to successfully buy these types of vehicles because the dealerships are on “high alert” for the types of cars we buy. If you don’t look like you can afford $100,000 car, if you don’t financially look like you can afford one, then they simply won’t sell it to you. We pay $2 - $5000 per car for what is usually about 5 hours of your time. Call 954-369-1238 for more info or visit our site FleetExport.com

RENTAL-TAMARAC - Unfurnished, fully-equipped 700sq.ft. 1-bedroom with full kitchen, bathroom, living area and bedroom attached to our home. Private entrance with parking space. All appliances(including washer/dryer, dishwasher, fridge, stove + all utilities (electricity, cable TV, wi-fi)included in quiet location in Tamarac away from all the madness. Enjoy community pool privileges! No pets/kids! $1350/mo Perfect bachelor or couple pad! Available June 1st -viewing from 25 May! Call for appointment (954)336-7069 after 23 May.

EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT/HOUSEMAN POSITION - Retired executive living in Fort Lauderdale has a position for an assistant/houseman. Duties include (but not limited to): Driving, light yard work, dog walking/care, light paperwork, filing & organizing, light housekeeping. Must have a clean driving record and background check. Excellent compensation and health insurance. Send resume with cover letter and salary requirements to: P.O. BOX 2213 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33303 HANDYMAN/PART-TIME - Need a multi-tasking guy to provide pool care (with a pool background) and landscape maintenance (no grass). Call for interview and provide references. Don 954-663-1711.

licensed massage

MASSAGE BY DENNIS - $60 per 90 min-Out calls higher. Swedish, Deep Tissue, manscaping available. All clients and Body types welcome, Reflexology and Feet. Couples Discounts. Delray Beach. 22 years’ experience. MA18563 Call Dennis 561-502-2628.

music lessons

VOICE LESSONS & MUSIC THEATRE COACHING - Over 30 years experience. Students have performed on (and off) Broadway, in National & International tours, recorded solo albums & placed in prestigious competitions. www.kreutzmusic.com 617-967-0575

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Get more bang for your buck! Place an ad in SFGN’s Classifieds


real estate wilton manors WALK TO WILTON DRIVE - Large 2/2, New Kitchen, Updated Baths, Tile Floors, Central A/C, Laundry, Private Backyard, walk-in Closets, $1500/month ,First & Security to move in. Call 954-815-2550 for more info.

real estate new construction

UNITED REALTY GROUP - Building in Hollywood, Coconut Creek, and Lauderdale Lakes. Staring in the 200’s, 2 & 3 Bedrooms, 1 & 2 Garages available with building incentives. Call for details Michael 561-703-5533 or email mkltub@aol.com for more info.

5.24.2017 •


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