local name global coverage May 31, 2017 vol. 8 // issue 22
s o u t h
f l o r i d a
g a y
n e w s
outGames disaster lGBt athletes faCe their most uneXPeCted hurdle yet
news highlight
Mayor Jack Seiler at Fort Lauderdale’s Memorial Day Ceremony. Photo Credit: Fort Lauderdale, Facebook.
May 31 2017 • Volume 8 • Issue 22
2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943
Publisher • Norm Kent Norm.Kent@sfgn.com
Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli Associate Publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com
lGBt vets BoyCott fort lauderdale’s memorial day Ceremony Anti-gay minister’s invitation causes backlash
Michael d’Oliveira
Art Director • Brendon Lies Artwork@sfgn.com Designer • Charles Pratt Designer • Max Kagno Associate Editor • Jillian Melero JillianMelero@gmail.com Digital Content Director • Brittany Ferrendi Webmaster@sfgn.com Arts/Entertainment Editor • JW Arnold JW@prdconline.com Social Media Manager • Tucker Berardi TBerardi2014@fau.edu Food/Travel Editor • Rick Karlin Gazette News Editor • Michael d'Oliveira HIV Editor • Sean McShee Senior Photographer • J.R. Davis JRDavis12000@hotmail.com
he invitation of Dr. Jerry Newcombe to speak at Fort Lauderdale’s Memorial Day ceremonies caused the Gold Coast Chapter of American Veterans for Equal Rights to boycott the event. “Newcombe has been an outspoken opponent of LGBT equality, including speaking against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans from serving in our military,” wrote Lee Lawson, president of the Gold Coast Chapter. Lawson said Newcombe’s invitation to give the invocation and closing prayer was an “affront” to all the LGBT veterans who had served in the military and sacrificed their lives. AVER chose to attend the city’s second Memorial Day ceremony. Newcombe, minister of Truth In Action Ministries in Fort Lauderdale, formerly known as Coral Ridge Ministries, has a history of remarks that have been criticized by members of the LGBT community as well as Right Wing Watch, a progressive advocacy group that monitors the speech and actions of conservative politicians and leaders. Right Wing Watch has multiple videos produced by Truth In Action Ministries, which label homosexuality as a threat to society. In a May 2012 article titled “Would Jesus Approve of Same Sex Marriage?” posted on his website, Newcombe wrote “Today people sometimes say that Jesus never condemned
homosexuality. But He did when He condemned pornea (from which we get the word pornography). In Matthew 15:19, Jesus condemned a host of sins, one of which is pornea. This word is translated as “sexual immorality.” It would include all the sexual sins prohibited in the Old Testament, such as pre-marital sex, adultery, homosexuality, incest, and bestiality.” In that same article, Newcombe wrote that same sex marriage is “simply another nail in the coffin of the American family, along with the spectacular failure of so many heterosexual marriages that fail to follow God’s commands to the husband and wife as set forth in the Bible.” In a 2012 video about the “radical homosexual agenda,” Newcombe and others compared homosexuality to an iceberg that threatened to destroy the country. “The moral iceberg is ripping a hole in the structure of America and we’re taking on water. Can we repair the damage before it’s too late?” said Newcombe. When giving the invocation at the Memorial Day ceremony, Newcombe said “political correctness” was M EaM B E Rthreat to America. In an interview with SFGN after the ceremony was over, when Newcombe was asked to elaborate, said that he was talking about “radical Islam” and the failure of some MEMBER
to address the dangers of Muslims who commit terrorism. “A born-again Christian would not have done those things,” he said, referring to the May 22 bombing in Manchester, England. Asked about his previous comments and the boycott by AVER, Newcombe said he doesn’t hate anybody and only wants to point people “to the light” of god. The controversy over Newcombe is similar to the one caused when Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jack Seiler attended the annual Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast on April 28. At that event, Focus on the Family President Jim Daly, a conservative Christian who has also made statements offensive to the LGBT community, was a featured speaker. “I wish they were here with us,” said Seiler about AVER. “We have so many things that divide us. Black, white. Gay, straight. Christian, Jew.” The mayor said he’s concerned that AVER feels unappreciated and unable to attend by the invitation of Newcombe. “These gay veterans are modern day American heroes.” Asked about the invitation of Newcombe, Seiler said he didn’t know anything about the pastor and that this is the first time objections have been raised about Newcombe who has been a part of the ceremony for a number of years.
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5 . 31.2017
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Cover: OutGames unveils with a disappointing twist. Photo by Carina Mask.
NLGJA Journalist of the Year
South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2017 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.
5.31.2017 •
news local
Go-go Bar Planned for Wilton Drive Michael d’Oliveira
t’s not a strip club,” said Matt for a business license yet. She said the city Colunga, owner of Johnsons. can only assess the nature of Calunga’s Colunga, who plans to open business once they have his application. Johnsons at 2340 Wilton Drive, former Asked their opinion of Johnsons, all of P.J.’s Cocktails, said his business will the nearby business owners who spoke be a go-go bar with semi-nude male with SFGN declined to give an on the performers. record opinion. One owner “It will be an upscale gosaid that Johnsons was a go bar . . . just like Boardwalk “politically-charged” issue or LeBoy,” said Colunga, among bar owners. who previously managed Another business owner Swinging Richard’s in said that Johnsons should Pompano Beach. Colunga be located on Dixie Highway, said underwear is as stripped Oakland Park Boulevard, down as his dancers will go Powerline, or another part and that avoiding full nudity of the city. “This is not what will make his club more we’re about. This is the Arts enjoyable for customers and Entertainment District. because many people Not west Broward. [Children] “like something left to the are going to know what’s - Matt Colunga going on [inside].” imagination.” Owner of Colunga, who had In response, Colunga said Johnsons previously planned on he’s no different than some opening a strip club in Miami, of the other bars on Wilton said he changed to semi-nudity because Drive which also feature semi-nude Wilton Manors does not allow full nudity. dancers. “All I’m doing is turning it into a City ordinances prohibit the exposure show like ‘Magic Mike,’” he said, referring of genitals in establishments that serve to the 2012 film. “I look at it more as an alcohol. Also prohibited in establishments upscale lounge to go and enjoy yourself that serve alcohol is the “touching, that happens to have beautiful boys caressing or fondling of the breasts, dancing.” buttocks or any portion thereof.” Colunga added that his business is also Asked if Johnsons would be approved by an opportunity for go-go customers who the city to open, Roberta Moore, director travel to clubs in Fort Lauderdale to have of Community Development Services, somewhere closer that they could perhaps said she’s unable to provide an answer at walk to and not drive drunk to. “Why not this time because Calunga hasn’t applied keep the money on Wilton Drive?”
“It will be an upscale go-go bar ... just like Boardwalk or LeBoy.”
Late breaking: As SFGN went to press, we learned that Colunga’s new club was ‘red tagged’ by the city, meaning it has to stop doing all work until it secures proper permits. 4
5 . 31.2017
TESTOSTERONE THERAPY FOR MEN In a world where science and medicine keep advancing at unprecedented rates, the discovery that men suffer from hormone unbalance comes as no surprise. Andropause, known as male menopause, begins affecting men in their mid-thirties when testosterone levels start decreasing gradually by approximately 2% annually. This leaves an average man in his 50’s with only about 35% of his original highest level. Luckily, there’s an effective solution: BioIdentical Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Lower levels of Testosterone manifest through a number of physical, mental and emotional symptoms including: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Increase in body fat, especially around the waistline Decrease in muscle mass Feeling tired or not motivated much of the time Diminished sexual performance or loss of sex drive Irritability, sleep disturbances, some level of depression Memory loss, lack of concentration
Historically, these symptoms have been considered part of the “normal” aging process. But they really don’t need to be. While there is no way of slowing down aging, the effects of it can be drastically changed. Men suffering from lower levels of testosterone benefit greatly from Bio-Identical Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Using cutting-edge technology,
Dr. Cabrera of the Genesis Health Institute begins treatment with simple blood tests to assess a patient’s baseline testosterone level. “The medically accepted normal range is fairly broad, between 200-1200,” say’s Cabrera. “Our goal is to optimize our patients’ levels to the higher end of the normal range. By doing so, our patients realize optimal benefits including increased lean muscle, decreased body fat, more energy, greater sexual appetite and arousal, greater thought and memory process, better restful sleep and most importantly, a better overall feeling of well-being.” The Genesis Health Institute uses only Bio-Identical Testosterone meaning the molecular structure of the hormone is biologically identical to what the human body naturally produces. Testosterone therapy is available at Genesis in topical, injectable and pellet delivery systems. All therapies are medically supervised with regular blood work and doctor follow up visits to ensure the benefits of treatment are being realized. All men feeling the symptoms described in this article are invited to call the Genesis Health Institute at 954561-3175 and schedule a complimentary consultation with their patient coordinator. He will be able to provide more information about this very affordable therapy, as well as other age management therapies, which are all designed to increase quantity and most importantly quality of life!
The Genesis Health Institute is located at 1001 NE 26th Street, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 (next to Starbuck’s at 5-points) and is open Tuesday through Saturday from 9am to 5pm. You may also check their website at www.ghinstitute.com for more information on their cutting edge medical and aesthetic treatments.
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5.31.2017 •
news local Photo: OurFund, Facebook.
our fund hands out $106,000 in Grants for lGBt Causes, Culture Michael d’Oliveira
hen it comes to handing out grants for LGBT causes, Our Fund CEO David Jobin said it’s about more than just health and equality issues. “From lesbian health to HIV/AIDS to transgender services to LGBT homeless youth to LGBT seniors to gay and lesbian culture, I think we hit every facet of gay life in South Florida.” On May 18 in Fort Lauderdale, Our Fund presented $106,000 in grants to 18 organizations, including the Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida, Out My Closet, Pridelines, YES Institute, Arianna’s Center, New Beginnings, Pet Project for Pets, Sunshine Cathedral, Lambda Living, Red Hispana, and Theatre of Creative Consciousness of the Arts. “Six [organizations] were brand new to us, which is really exciting to us because we identified six more non-profits in South Florida that are advancing LGBT causes,” Jobin said. “We always encourage [LGBT and nonLGBT] non-profits to apply and ask for help. But it has to be for an LGBT cause,” Jobin said. Guilda’s Club received $10,000 for its “Touched by Cancer” initiative which aims to reduce the incidents of advanced stage breast, lung, cervical, and colorectal cancers in women with female partners. Our Fund hands out grants twice a year. Some of those causes are advanced through the arts and educational programs. Jon Diernbach, president of the South Florida Pride Wind Ensemble, said his organization will use the $5,000 it received to fund its Youth Pride Band next year. Every January and February, South Florida Pride Wind Ensemble invites LGBT and straight students to apply to join the band. It all culminates in a combined student and adult concert. “When we started it [in 2011], it was about the same time as the ‘It Gets Better Project’ started. We wanted to create a space where
young adults could have a comfortable, safe place to play music together and see that their passion for music could continue onto adulthood,” Diernbach said. Several of the participating students have gone onto music programs in college and are music majors. Some have even returned to play with the year-round ensemble. “They’re great kids and part of the best of what our high schools have to offer. We welcome them back because they’re great players and great people,” Diernbach said. Gay or straight, Bob Knotts, founder and president of The Humanity Project, said his organization aims to teach students to celebrate and respect their differences. Part of that means facilitating anti-bullying programs because LGBT students are disproportionately the victims of bullying. “There are elements to being an LGBT child that makes you stand out,” Knotts said. Anything that makes you stand out, makes you different, said Knotts, makes you a target for bullies. “I know this from first-hand experience. It’s left scars on me to this day.” Knotts’ organization teaches three particular values as part of its program: respect, diversity, and self-worth. “We try to teach those elements to all those kids. How their differences are positive when individuals express their unique humanity. Differences are good things. Our Fund is a critical supporter and a critical partner in that effort.” The Humanity Project received $10,000 from Our Fund this year and Our Fund helped connect the organization to the Gay and Lesbian Lawyers Network which held a fundraiser that generated an additional $5,700 for The Humanity Project. “Our Fund has made us a better organization. We love them. David Jobin is the best. He’s bright. He’s innovative. He’s everything we want in a community leader,” Knotts said.
The next deadline to apply for a grant is Aug. 31. Visit our-fund.org or call 954-565-1090 for more information on how to apply for grants.
5 . 31.2017
NEWS international
Trans Woman Who Fled Chechnya Targeted by Hitmen By Michael d’Oliveira
orced to flee the Russian republic of Chechnya, the first Chechen , openly transgender woman stepped forward to share her experience. In a video interview with Russia’s Rain TV, the woman with the pseudonym “Leila” claimed she received death threats while in Chechnya, and was stabbed in Moscow. The publication confirmed her identity. While in Chechnya in 2002, Leila allegedly worked for the government and even interacted with former President Akhmad Kadyrov, father of current president Ramzan Kadyrov, before his assassination. “He was a nice man, and there was no negative feeling towards me from him that I noticed,” Leila said. “Even though I had plucked eyebrows and it was clear that I stood out from the crowd.” In Chechnya she presented as an “unusual man” instead of presenting as her identified gender. “I was not exactly living openly as a woman,” she said according to Gay Star News. “But I could afford to openly manifest myself as an unusual man.” While in Moscow, Leila underwent gender confirmation surgery. There she was stabbed in 2015 by someone she claimed was Chechen, and who reportedly asked, “When will you stop disgracing your people?” She also said unidentified persons told her family to kill her.
“Either you remove this man who offends all Chechen society by their very presence, or we’ll find you and bring the body,” she said according to Pink News. She escaped Russia in 2016. She originally wanted to move to Argentina, but after receiving messages indicating her attackers knew where she was going, she decided to enter the United States through Mexico instead. She is currently an undocumented immigrant, receiving assistance from a Russian charity. The United States does not currently grant visas to those fleeing persecution in Chechnya, according to BuzzFeed News. “We were informed (by the U.S. embassy) there was no political will,” a spokesperson for the Russia LGBT Network told the publication. “They’re not going to provide visas. They’re going to support us in other ways, but not with visas.” The Russian newspaper that first broke the story, Novaya Gazetta, reports that 26 gay and bisexual men have been killed so far in the republic. Russian LGBT Network has helped over 40 gay and bisexual Chechen men escape the country. LGBT organizations are flocking to help fleeing Chechens, including gay rights group GayRussia.ru and Grindr.
If you want to help gay men flee Chechnya, you can donate to the Rainbow Railroad at RainbowRailroad.ca or AmericanRainbowRailroad.org.
5.31.2017 •
news local Kevin Clevenger poses with the donation boxes at the 25th annual Poverello Bowl-a-thon. Photo Credit: J.R. Davis..
Poverello fills GroCery BaGs With BoWlinG Balls By Michael d’Oliveira
hen one of Greg Beltran’s clients has trouble affording food, he refers them to Poverello. Beltran, a Ryan White case manager at Broward House, said he’s lost track of how many people he’s referred to get help from Poverello. “I don’t think I could quantify that. Poverello is certainly a blessing for a lot of them,” Beltran said. Some of that food and other services provided by Poverello are paid for with a bit of fun – Poverello’s annual Bowl-A-Thon To Fight Hunger fundraiser. Registration is now open for the 27th annual bowling event which will be held Saturday, Aug. 12 from 1 to 4 p.m. at Sawgrass Lanes, 8501 N. University Drive, in Tamarac. Although fighting hunger is the stated goal of the bowl-a-thon, Poverello CEO Thomas Pietrogallo said the money raised helps fund more than just groceries for those in need. “It benefits people in a number of ways, depending on their level of participation. A lot of our clients are sometimes making a choice between medicine or food,” said Thomas Pietrogallo, Poverello’s CEO. One of Poverello’s slogans is “Food is Medicine.” It’s one that drives Poverello’s
staff to provide healthy food for people who need a healthy diet to help improve their condition. “We think that’s one important way we help our clients,” Pietrogallo said. In addition to feeding thousands of individuals each year, Poverello provides a gym, exercise programs, acupuncturists, holistic therapy, a smoking cessation program, chiropractors, and cooking classes. “All these people [who provide these services] donate their time,” said Pietrogallo. Last year, over $130,000 was raised during the event. Kevin Clevenger, Poverello’s events and fundraising coordinator, said this year’s goal is $125,000. The event is funded by other Poverello fundraisers, such as Casino Night and the Celebrity Lip Sync Battle. “[Organizing the other events] raises money to help pay for expenses,” Clevenger said. The cost to enter is $150 for a team of five and $30 for individuals who register without a team. Individuals who register before July 1 can save $5. Use the promo code INDV17. Teams of five that register before July 1 save $25. Use promo code TEAM17. Clevenger said teams usually start forming around July and August. But he warned people not to delay until the last minute. The event has a history of being sold out.
Visit hungerfighter.Givingspirit.com to register.
5 . 31.2017
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5.31.2017 •
Publisher's Editorial
South Florida LGBT Community Rallies Behind OutGames Athletes Norm Kent
he last minute collapse of the Outgames in Miami is a disgrace that its Board and directors will never live down. Last Friday, as athletes were boarding planes to fly in to South Florida from all over the world, SFGN and the local media received an abrupt announcement that the opening and closing ceremonies, along with the vast majority of events were canceled. The news was stunning and created chaos. The press release simply said the organizers could not meet their ‘financial commitments.’ Oh, really? And when did they figure that out? You have got to be kidding me. You don’t invite people to a Memorial Day Day cookout in your backyard without owning a barbecue grill and some charcoal. Apparently, all the Outgames organizers brought to the party was enough lighter fluid to burn the tent down. Normally, at this point in the editorial, I would be asking what went wrong and why. Those are certainly questions that will need to be asked and answered sooner rather than later. However, as I prepare these words, amazingly, athletes are playing basketball, diving into pools, and square dancing for medals. The Outgames are being rescued. A host of volunteers and the City of Miami and Miami Beach are stepping up to the plate. For example, the City of Miami Beach in Saturday rescheduled most of the canceled sporting events, while other local organizations and sponsors made plans to fill in the gaps, plugging as many holes as possible to ensure the games would go on. Awesome. The city, as well as the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, will
even welcome athletes and their families to a reception today at the Miami Beach Botanical Garden. As sponsors, city officials had already worked with the World OutGames. They had waived special event and permitting fees, along with underwriting police staffing costs. While something went wrong somewhere, right now we have to try to let the games be played. “We, as a community, need to pull together and demonstrate to our guests what it is that makes South Florida and our LGBTQ community special,” Miik Martorell, the President of Pride Fort Lauderdale said. Martorell is right. There will be plenty of time to figure out what went wrong with OutGames but, right now, we must focus on the thousands of athletes who came here to compete. They were words well spoken. Nevertheless, the state attorney’s office and the City of Miami Beach have announced they are opening a criminal fraud investigation. They are words that needed to be heard as well. As a newspaper, our duty is not just to celebrate gay leaders throwing cocktail parties. It is to handcuff gay leaders that make us throw up. We report the reality not the fiction. This is the first time the World OutGames has come to the United States. It is not the first time the South Florida LGBTQ community has been undermined by the ineptitude, recklessness, or criminality of one of its Pride organizations. Waiting until the eve of the events and opening ceremony for the board to issue a statement saying they don’t have the money and ‘they apologize’ just won’t cut it. ‘Sorry,’ they said. That’s it? Guess what? That boat won’t float.
The Outgames are being rescued. A host of volunteers and the City of Miami and Miami Beach are stepping up to the plate.
5 .31.2017
World OutGames Miami Human Rights Conference. Credit: Carina Mask.
The games are a 10-day human rights, culture and sports event bringing people from around the globe. They are going on today and this weekend because good people and forward thinking city leaders in Miami Dade have done the right to correct someone else’s obvious malfeasance and mistakes. Let’s get through this by making the most of a mess. The games must go on. They still need volunteers and fans, participants and celebrants. They need you, and we need them. Let’s work together to salvage the sabotage. Here, at SFGN, we will keep you
posted online at www.SFGN.com. This past weekend alone, our own reporters uploaded five original stories about the debacle. The Wednesday print edition of our newspaper is updated daily, digitally. You can sign up and retrieve our headlines, news blasts or read breaking news content at any time. If you are a competing athlete from Australia, on your way here, sadly, you just may need to. For that, our community does indeed owe an apology to all of you. In the meantime, though, go win yourself a medal. We will handle the cleanup.
5.31.2017 •
seeing in the dark
neW series featurinG deaf leadinG aCtors Gets PiCKed uP By sundanCe noW Belo Cipriani
ccording to the Census Bureau, nearly 1 in 5 people have a disability. But despite the fact that people with disabilities make up almost 20 percent of the U.s. population, a 2016 report by the ruderman family foundation states that 95 percent of characters in television with disabilities are played by able-bodied actors.
So, when AMC-backed streaming service it to YouTube. Shortly after, they were Sundance Now picked up “The Chances” discovered by Super Deluxe, a studio based -- a show written by and starring deaf out of L.A., which ensured Feldman and people, the announcement was not only Stern were both properly accommodated groundbreaking, but also historic. for during shooting. “The Chances” centers around two best “They made sure that we always friends, Kate, played by Shoshana Stern, had interpreters,” Stern said. “We also and Michael, played by Josh Feldman, communicated via e-mails and text rather who are supporting than phone calls. If we each other as Kate is call them, we usually do it acclimating to being over relay. They also hired newly engaged, and as an ASL master who was Michael is attempting responsible for overseeing to get over his exall the sign language used boyfriend. in the show.” “Not many of my “The Chances” debuted friends,” said Feldman, at the 2017 Sundance “have seen the show, Film Festival in the short since it hasn’t been form episodic showcase released yet, but the to great reviews. Though, few close friends I’ve Feldman notes, the series shown it to have loved has changed a lot from it, because it’s so rare to what was shown at the see our deaf community Sundance Film Festival. portrayed so well on “It’ll be a different screen.” animal. It’s almost like we Feldman, who is have a bigger playground openly gay, and Stern with a half hour show, have been friends for versus a 5 to 7 minute - Josh feldman years and dreamed up webisode. So I’m excited the show one day over about exploring bigger cocktails. issues and taking our time with more “It was just an idea Josh and I had one day character development,” Feldman said. over happy hour. It basically wrote itself, While “The Chances’” two protagonists and then we tried bringing the idea to some are deaf, Stern explains that the deaf production companies. When that didn’t experience comes after the story, and Kate work out, we decided we’d just go ahead does not represent a specific type of deaf and shoot it all by ourselves with a skeleton person. Stern said, “I would say that there crew,” Stern said. are so many different kinds of deaf people With a budget of $250, Feldman and in the world, and that there’s no one way to Stern put a pilot together and uploaded be deaf. We wrote her with the hopes that
"the few close frIends I’ve shown It to have loved It, because It’s so rare to see our deaf communIty portrayed so well on screen.”
5 .31.2017
Josh Feldman, who co-created the show with Shoshannah Stern. He plays the role of Michael. Photo: SuperDeluxe.com
she represents who and what she is as a character.” Stern is deaf from birth and attended Gallaudet University in Washington D.C. -- the only deaf liberal arts university in the world. She booked her first acting gig with Warner Bros. in college, and has been seen in “Weeds,” “Lie to Me,” “Jericho,” and “Supernatural.”
Feldman is also deaf from birth and attended Gallaudet. He has written for several online publications and won a Young Playrights Award from Arena Stage in Washington D.C. A release date for “The Chances” has not been set, but you can stay updated on show info by following Sundance Now on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Belo Cipriani is a disability advocate, a freelance journalist, the award-winning author of Blind: A Memoir and Midday Dreams, the spokesperson for Guide Dogs for the Blind and the national spokesman for 100 Percent wine — a premium winery that donates 100 percent of proceeds to nonprofits that help people with disabilities find work. Learn more at www.belocipriani.com.
5.31.2017 •
Jesse’s Journal
the local equality rally for unity and Pride in fort lauderdale will be held on June 11 from 4 to 6 p.m. at huizenga Park, 32 east las olas Boulevard, in fort lauderdale.
eQuality marCh
For Unity and Pride
Jesse Monteagudo
n October 14, 1979, over 100,000 people (including this author) took part in the first March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights. Since then, LGBT people and our allies marched on Washington in 1987, 1993, 2000 and 2009. Though little was achieved as a result, the LGBT Marches on Washington united our community and brought attention to important issues, such as AIDS - the 1987 March was the first time the Quilt was exhibited - queers in the military, or marriage equality. Though the victory of marriage equality in 2015 led many to believe that activism was no longer necessary, the election of Donald Trump reminded us that there is still much work to be done. The Equality March for Unity & Pride will be the first major March for LGBT rights since Trump became President. David Bruinooge announced the March on Facebook after watching the Women’s March on January 21. “I was watching the events unfold on TV and I was very proud and inspired by all the strong women in our country who were kind of taking this to the street and getting their voices heard,” Bruinooge told the Washington Blade. “And in the back of my
mind as an openly gay man I thought the gay community should be doing something like this to follow up the momentum.” The March will be held on June 11, on the weekend Capital Pride holds its annual events, and organized in conjunction with Capital Pride Alliance. In addition to the main March, there will be 40 or so “sister marches” across the USA and elsewhere. “We urge all supporters, friends, and family to descend on DC for the Pride 2017 weekend to make sure our voices are heard,” Bruinooge’s Facebook post read. “The Equality March for Unity & Pride is a grassroots movement which will mobilize the diverse LGBTQ plus communities to peacefully and clearly address concerns about the current political landscapes and how it is contributing to the persecution and discrimination of LGBTQ plus individuals. … We will use the Equality March, and sister events across the country, to give voice to our concerns, and to support, uplift, and bring attention to those in our communities who are targeted due to immigration status, ethnicity, religion, skin color, gender, and disability.” The Equality March for Unity & Pride is part
In addItIon to the maIn march, there wIll be 40 or so “sIster marches” across the usa and elsewhere.
5 .31.2017
of a wider Resistance movement organized to oppose the Trump Administration. In Los Angeles, organizers converted the annual Christopher West Pride Parade into an antiTrump, anti-right-wing #ResistMarch. “Parades are for progress,” said Brian Pendleton, one of the organizers. “This year, we need a human rights March, something bigger and more meaningful. People want to make a stand and be louder this year because they’re nervous that their rights are going to be rolled back.” In New York City, members of ACT UP, Gays Against Guns and the new anti-Trump group Rise and Resist demanded that Heritage of Pride give the Resistance a prominent space at the NYC Pride March. Heritage of Pride agreed, placing the Resistance at the front of the March. “These aren’t normal times and Heritage of Pride couldn’t possibly just go ahead and use their normal template,” said Ken Kidd, an ACT UP veteran who led the push. “Starting with his choosing Mike Pence as his running mate, everything Trump has done so far has
negatively targeted our LGBT community in one way or another. His policies on transgender people, health care, seniors, people of color, children are all horrible and it’s up to us to do something about this.” Meanwhile, organizers for the Equality March for Unity & Pride are moving along, though a bit too slow for my taste. With only a month to go before the scheduled date, organizers finally named a diverse group of national co-chairs and created a website, EqualityMarch2017.com. The exact route of the March is still being worked out with city officials, though it is agreed that the end Rally will be at the National Mall. Organizers partnered with Skedaddle and with Bus.com for low-cost transportation to the March. Speakers and entertainers have not been announced, either for the National March or for any of the sister marches. And publicity has been mostly nonexistent. In any case, we shall keep our collective fingers crossed, hoping that the Equality March for Unity & Pride will be a big success. We shall see.
Jesse Monteagudo is a freelance writer and journalist. He has been an active member of South Florida's LGBT community for more than four decades and has served in various community organizations.
5.31.2017 •
Guest Column
What i saW at the revolution James Oaksun
House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi visits the Pride Center
t may have passed without note. That’s why it is a well known axiom in politics that if you want to take a certain action but have it buried, the period from Friday noon through Saturday night is the ideal time to act. And if it’s right before a holiday weekend, so much the better. Perhaps that was the motivation in the latest indignity from the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC, encapsulated in a simple photograph of First Lady Melania Trump and the other spouses of the world leaders at their recent meeting. Omitted from the caption of the official White House photo was the name of the First Gentleman of Luxembourg. No, the head of state of that delightful land is not a woman, but a gay man – the first (out) gay head of state on the planet. And his husband, entitled to be in the picture, was ignored by the Trump White House. I suppose we should be grateful that M. Destenay was not Photoshopped out of the shot – you know, like they would do in the old days of Communism when they wanted someone out of favor to just disappear. This all reminds me of a book I read several years ago called “I Will Bear Witness,” by Victor Klemperer. The book is a chronicle of the indignities put onto the Jews of Germany by the Nazis in the 1930s. Oh they were small at first, and would pass largely without notice. Then they got more serious. But by then the populace was inured to it all. It was too late. With this as a prologue, we can place last Friday’s event at the Wilton Manors Pride Center into its proper context. I had no idea the event was even taking place. I was at the Center for another meeting that morning, and noticed a huge security detail – certainly more than the two police cruisers that Wilton Manors’ Finest typically require to pull someone over for having a one-day-expired tag on their Mercedes. Indeed it was an event in support of the Equality Act, and the featured speakers were Wilton’s Congressman, Ted Deutsch, Congresswoman (and former DNC Chair) Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. (Though for starters I was I don’t want surprised Debbie didn’t burst to see the into flames as she entered a room containing more than a few dream of the “Bernie Bros”.) eQualIty act For those unaware, the Equality Act is a piece of legislation be crushed that would go far beyond by the real ENDA (the Employment NonDiscrimination Act), amending and ongoIng the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to nIghtmare include the LGBT community. Passage of the Equality Act would we face In dc be a milestone in protection rIght now. for our community, and would supersede any discriminatory
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Nancy Pelosi during her visit to the Pride Center. Photo Credit: Carina Mask.
legislation at the individual state level. Leader Pelosi made a telling comment in her brief Q&A. She said words to the effect of “as bad as the Trump Administration is on LGBT issues, the Republicans in Congress are far worse.” Yeah. Let that one sink in for a few minutes. Far. Worse. Than. Trump. The Equality Act currently has more than 190 co-sponsors in the House. The Congress-people “think” there are more supporters who have not co-sponsored, including some Republicans. Which is certainly good news, and don’t get me wrong, I am all in favor of passing this. To see this at the Revolution – three prominent members of Congress, including the Democratic Leader – endorsing such a sweeping bill, is nothing short of miraculous to those of us who weathered a much less salutary time. But revolutions on occasion will run face first into reality. Leader Pelosi acknowledged that not only were the Congressional Repubs much worse than the so-called President, but that opening CRA64 to amendment could lead to all sorts of legislative mischief from the Republicans. Suppose for example that the GOP saw this as an opportunity to add “religious freedom” language to CRA64 – protecting the LGBT community and the other groups under that Act’s umbrella, except when the discrimination was due to a “sincerely held religious belief.” It would render the legislation worthless. The further complication is how the Equality Act could even get a vote, let alone be passed and signed, any time in the foreseeable future. Currently the only way it could get a House vote would be through a discharge petition – where 218 members would have to agree to bypass the committee
structure and bring the bill directly to the floor. Then there is the matter of the Senate – also GOP-controlled – where 60 votes are needed to pass any substantive legislation. Then on to the White House, where its fate would be uncertain at best. Bear in mind that when the Democrats had full control of Congress, including a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, and the Presidency, Congress would not even pass ENDA – a much less sweeping piece of legislation. So, yes, what I saw at the Revolution scared me, and still scares me. I understand the need for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats to have a goal for our community that would inspire us to work for change. And also, truth be told, to keep the “Gay-T-M” open and the money flowing. But what happens in the meantime? How many regulations are being modified in the dead of night to our detriment? How many more bills will the House and the various red states pass against us? How many of us will lose our health insurance, and be denied other essential services as we fundraise? I don’t want to see the dream of the Equality Act be crushed by the real and ongoing nightmare we face in DC right now. Until there are more members of Congress who stand opposed to the far-right Christian agenda of “God’s Own Party,” there are more risks than opportunities. The sunset of my life approaches. The road ahead is likely shorter than the road behind. I do not want my last life’s work to “bear witness” in the way Victor Klemperer did in the 1930s. Before battles can be won, past victories cannot be lost. And if, at the moment, the Revolution requires fighting for preservation every single day, well bring it on.
demoCratiC Pride
A closer look at Nancy Pelosi's visit to the Pride Center in Wilton Manors on May 25 Carina Mask Wilton Manors Mayor Gary Resnick.
U.S. Congressman Ted Deustch.
Former Speaker of the House and current House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
OUTGAMes introduction
human riGhts ConferenCe rises aBove
World outGames hurdle Tucker Berardi
he World OutGames is a combination of human rights, cultural and sporting events that seeks to unite and celebrate LGBT communities from around the globe. The human rights portion of the games was supposed to be a three-day event filled with LGBT rights leaders from all over the globe gathering to share their stories and encourage audiences to push the envelope and continue the fight for human rights. Their voices were diluted, however, when the World OutGames issued an email announcing that many of the ceremonies and sporting events would be canceled. On the second and third days of the conference, attendance dropped off dramatically following the cancellations. Panelists struggled with a threadbare audio/video staff — one single volunteer handled the setup for each and every presentation, leading some
panelists to shirk the powerpoint altogether and opt With the last minute cancellations and the attempts instead for a more informal discussion. of local organizations and the city of Miami Beach to With all the complications, however, all of the panelists make-up sporting events (or at the very least give the continued to present — albeit to a smaller audience — inconvenienced athletes some free drinks) the in order to keep the conference running despite World OutGames Miami may never be seen the drama surrounding the cancellations. as a success. But something deserves to be though The conference featured speakers said of the perseverance of the Human attendance did go with vastly different backgrounds: Rights portion of the event. down the second a transgender politician from Tony Lima, executive Director of totalitarian Venezuela, a human SAVE, said in the first few moments of the and third days of the rights activist who fought conference that Miami Beach “has always conference, it provided for marriage equality in the served as a beacon” for LGBT Rights. And the unique opportunity predominantly Catholic country though the failure of the World OutGames for more intimate of Ireland and many others. has left a mark, the city and local community discussions with all of Though attendance did go has responded in a way that rings true to Lima’s the panelists. down the second and third days statement. of the conference, it provided the Amidst the shortcomings, the city and the unique opportunity community were able to pick up some of the pieces, for more intimate discussions with all showing international athletes true hospitality with of the panelists. A conference room last-minute sporting events, drink specials and free with a max occupancy in the hundreds admittance to some local spas. And however intimate, was populated with a circle of 10 who the Human Rights Conference was able to continue the were all able to actively participate in a conversation of LGBT rights locally and internationally. discussion with the presenter.
Tony Lima, Executive Director of SAVE LGBTQ, and Robin Schwartz, Chairman of the LGBT Advisory Committee for Miami Beach, took part in volunteer efforts to keep the Human Rights Conference afloat despite emerging issues at the at the World OutGames Miami. May 26, 2017. Photo Credit: Carina Mask.
5 .31.2017
OUTGAMes human rights conference
GloBal ties miami eXPoses int’l leaders to
loCal lGBt Communities
Tucker Berardi
he Human Rights conference portion of the World leaders and spaces, exposing them to the LGBT community OutGames Miami started on Friday, May 26 and they wish to help on the most personal level. featured a collection of speakers who pushed the According to Passera, one of the more popular tactics for topic of Human Rights in a number of different ways. familiarizing visitors with the local LGBT community is host One of the first panels Friday morning was a presentation dinners. by the nonprofit Global Ties Miami, which brings Throughout their time in the U.S., foreign international human rights leaders from across advocates are hosted by a collection the globe to the United States to give them of different families with all sorts of ideas and strategy for furthering human political and social backgrounds that “there are rights in their own countries. together to form an unfiltered things you can do come The organization uses connections view of American culture. locally that have a with local organizations and “There are things you can do locally community leaders to teach that have a ripple effect on the larger ripple effect on the international advocates about strategy scale,” Passera said. “[These interactions] larger scale.” for dealing with discrimination, disrupt the ongoing narrative that build relations with police and LGBT Americans don’t care at all.” - dr. athena entrepreneurs, how to structure LGBT The program has worked with former UK Passera organizations, and grow their network. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Secretary “To share your information and share General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg and more. your knowledge is free,” Dr. Athena Passera, “Global Ties U.S. tailors travel and program itineraries to Global Ties Miami board member and panel moderator said. meet the cultural and professional needs of international “It doesn’t cost anything and it helps a lot of people.” visitors, governments, companies and more,” the Passera and Global Ties Miami focuses on grassroots organization’s website reads. “Nearly 1,700 government change — introducing foreign activists to community ministers around the world have participated in exchange
programs and there are approximately one million alumni of U.S. Department of State-sponsored programs in the world right now.” International human rights leaders come to the States through this organization to meet with individuals embedded in local communities in order to more intimately show them what United States culture is like and find common ground on activist issues between countries. According to Passera, many of the leaders appreciate the realistic glimpse of the U.S. and the unfettered view of the political situation surrounding the country and the LGBT community. “International leaders not only see the good of the United States, they see how the U.S. government can be inept in their dealings with their own citizens,” Passera said. “Visitors appreciate getting an uncensored view of the United States.” For a time, Global Ties Miami feared that the proposed federal budget cuts under the Trump administration would mark an end to the organization. According to Vangelis Sariano, a Global Ties Miami program associate, they are confident that their organization will be able to continue. “These international relations really do have an impact on activists who are working with very few resources,” Sariano said.
Deondre Moore’s presentation at the OutGames. Photo Credit: Carina Mask. 5.31.2017 •
OUTGAMes human rights conference
a memorial sonG from
shane orteGa
hane Ortega walked into the Shane knew where they came from and Americana Ballroom at the Loews they knew where they were going. Hotel Friday morning, with an “As an awakened, conscious being I have enlightened mind, but a burdened heart. learned to embrace every molecule of what The two-spirit activist and retired Army makes me unique and what makes me Staff Sergeant carried the thoughts and ‘other.’ I’ve learned that those who choose memories of 14 fallen brothers and sisters to blend in, often do so withholding that they had known through two combat themselves, and withholding valuable tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. knowledge from our community. That “For every silence for a fallen LGBTQ withholding contributes to our division. friend I’ve buried, to this day I still feel this It’s what prevents real-time action for our old heaviness of having to stand teary- progress as minorities. It allows those in eyed at their memorial knowing that their power to continue to rule and divide us, flame, or their book was extinguished, because we are divisible to each other.” or was never fully read, never fully In 2008 Shane Ortega began “strategic experienced…the beautiful knowledge efforts” to repeal ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ that they possessed will never be fully the ban which kept his shared or possibly offered again LGBTQI brothers and within our community,” Ortega sisters from openly “as an said. serving in the U.S. awakened, They offered both a armed forces. conscious being memorial for the fallen, They transitioned i have learned to playing a Cherokee from assigned embrace every molecule female to male, memorial song and of what makes me delivering a message openly, while serving of strength in diversity in the armed forces in unique and what to the travelers from 2009. They served in makes me ‘other.’” around the world the U.S. Marines, special - shane ortega who had come to operations from 2005-2009 listen to their talk, and later as a U.S. Army Staff ‘Embracing Strength in Sergeant from 2009 to 2016. A Intersectionality as LGBTQI process which took careful maneuvering People’ at the World OutGames in Miami through military policy, psychological Beach. evaluations, and medical clearance. “We all exist in a world of boxes,” Ortega Those efforts resulted in changing said. “And I proudly share each one of my legislation with the repeal of DADT in 2011, boxes. – I am gay. I am transgender. I am the gains in equal opportunity protections indigenous. I am Nigerian. I am French. in 2015, and with help from the ACLU, But my boxes also read, I am a bodybuilder. a lifting of the ban against transgender I grew up poor. I grew up two spirit. I grew people serving in the military in 2016. up on a reservation. I am a disabled combat Ortega attributes those results to veteran. But for most of us, our box reads their competitive spirit, a result of his worried. So today, I want to tell you how I intersectional nature, and the drive to focused my worry.” prove themselves by giving their all. At Shane grew up in a household with a everything. “When I got into bodybuilding rich spiritual and military tradition. it wasn’t enough for me to do one push Being Cherokee, and raised on a up,” Shane laughed. “I had to do the most reservation, they grew up in a home push-ups, the best push-ups.” accepting of nonbinary ideas in gender, Shane said they look at it like gambling, of being two spirit. And Shane uses the like the way you would come to play Vegas. pronouns they/them or he/them. “You have to learn the rules of the house Their father served in the Navy, and first, then you kick the legs out from under their mother both in the Navy and Army. it.”
5 .31.2017
Combat veteran, two spirit activist and health educator shane ortega honors their spiritual and military traditions Jillian Melero
Shane Ortega, Afro-Latinx Two-Spirit Cher okee Activist and Health Ed ucator talks about “Embra cing Strength in Intersection ality as LGBTQI People” at the World OutGam es Miami Human Rights Conference. May 26, 2017 .
Photo Credit: Carina Ma
OUTGAMes human rights conference
the voiCe of
tamara adriÁn
venezuelan politician and lawmaker on the struggle of the national assembly to pass lGBt legislation under nicolás maduro
Jillian Melero
amara Adrián said her voice was hoarse from tear gas. But it did not stop her from laughing. From smiling. From speaking out. She began her talk at the World OutGames Miami with a brief history of the political turmoil in Venezuela, where she serves on the National Assembly. Although Adrián was elected to the assembly last year, she and her colleagues have yet to successfully pass any new LGBTI rights legislation under the current president Nicolás Maduro. “President is a big word,” Adrián said. “Let’s call it what it is, it’s a dictatorship.” Adrián is a member of Voluntad Popular(VP). Maduro, a member of the Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela(PSUV) socialist party has effectively declared all sessions of the National Assembly null and void. A process Adrián described in a column in April:
When the Chavist party acquired power in 1998, it began to change all the relevant rules concerning separation of powers, elections, accountability, and democratic rights and guarantees. It took over private businesses, severely harming production, which led to exports concentrated almost entirely on oil. When oil prices dropped, the entire system began to fall apart. We could no longer import the products we needed, and inflation rose to an estimated 1,700 percent just this year.
Adrián has worked as a lawyer, law professor and LGBT activist, serving on the board of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association and the organizing committee of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. And she was elated to be elected to office, but Adrián wrote that joy was short-lived:
Among this chaos, the opposition won a supermajority of seats in the National Assembly during the 2015 elections, yet the victory was immediately blocked by the government. New members of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice were appointed unlawfully, and they suspended four of the elected members of parliament to destroy the supermajority. Since then, the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice has rendered more than 40 decisions aimed at annulling the powers of the National Assembly. Budgeted funds were cut. MPs no longer received salaries, and we are now “volunteers for the country’s sake.”
She has spent her life and living, convincing and educating people. Now, unable to make change in a position where she’s been elected to do so, she has another big word to sum it up. Frustrated. Adrián, who is transgender, ran for office under her assigned male name because Venezuelan law does not allow for name changes on legal documents. Since taking office, she has sought to amend the country’s Civil Registry Law. If passed, these amendments would legalize same-sex marriage and adoption by gay people, recognize the appropriate name and gender of transgender and intersex people, and recognize marriages or gender changes done abroad. And she has introduced an act that would institute a hate-crimes law covering LGBTI people. But legislation has yet to move beyond the Assembly. When the history and politics lesson had ended, she opened things up for questions. And she reminded the audience of the importance of keeping an international perspective in the fight for equal rights. Adrián’s voice showed no signs of cracking as she addressed those gathered in the ballroom. “The governments are homophobic, the revolutions are homophobic, homophobia is everywhere, homophobia is learned, the same way as racism, the same way as misogyny – but acceptance, acceptance spreads.”
Tamara Adrián, the first openly transgender person elected to office in Venezuela, talks about the global fight for LGBTQI equality at the World OutGames Miami Human Rights Conference. May 25, 2017. Photo Credit: Carina Mask.
5.31.2017 •
OUTGAMes human rights conference
day one sPeaKers the loeWs Center WelComes Guests from around the Word Carina Mask
The OutGames continued with its guests speakers from around the world, as well as a few who came from South Florida. Cindy Brown, Miami Development OfďŹ cer at Equality Florida, and former OutGames board member was part of the Miami Leadership Welcome Team at the World OutGames Miami Human Rights Conference.
Tony Lima (left), Executive Director of SAVE LGBTQ
Shane Ortega
5 .31.2017
5.31.2017 •
OUTGAMes human rights conference
riGhts or reliGion lGBt riGhts in CatholiC ireland Tucker Berardi
oninne Griffith is at the forefront of progressive change in Ireland, a country ideologically dominated by the Catholic Church. Griffith works with BeLonGTo, an LGBT youth organization established in 2003 that aims to secure equal rights for LGBT youth through youth work projects, research and changing attitudes in order to ensure that they will be able “to thrive as healthy and equal citizens.” In Ireland, the majority of schools and hospitals used to be funded by the Catholic Church, a reality which Griffith said leaves a legacy that must now be dealt with. “Anti-LGBT bullying in schools is a huge issue,” Griffith said. “And there are little to no resources for sexual health for LGBT students.” Ireland has the fourth highest rate of youth suicide in Europe according to Griffith, and has the highest suicide rate for teenage girls. Teenage men who have sex with men (MSM) also have the highest national rate for new cases of HIV infection. “I have no doubt that homophobia and transphobia come into play with those figures,” Griffith said. “If the government wants to resolve those issues, they need to put resources into those programs. Those are the issues we want to focus on, find solutions and secure funding for.” In order to find solutions for these issues, Griffith and BeLonGTo have campaigned to revise the existing youth
Moninne Griffith speaks to guests at the OutGames. Photo Credit: Carina Mask.
5 .31.2017
strategy in Ireland to include LGBT youth, a campaign which has recently been approved. “We have taken our existing youth strategy that looks at health and wellbeing, safety from human harm, etc. and are asking the question of how those outcomes can be achieved by LGBT youth,” Griffith said. This revised strategy will look at mental health, patterns of social exclusion and rejection and anti-LGBT bullying strategies, and other topics, in schools and homes around Ireland and provide data that organizations like BeLonGTo, as well as the school system, can use as a base to work toward solutions. Currently there is a one-in-twenty dropout rate of LGBT students from post-primary schooling, the majority of which are transgender students. According to Griffith in Ireland many schools still uphold a very homophobic and transphobic atmosphere due to Catholic backgrounds and legislation against the LGBT community. “Up until three years ago, teachers could be fired for being gay,” Griffith said. “They back away from these issues; they don’t want to talk about it.” “We have a program that lets schools work through issues of bullying and inclusion that helps school officials strategize how to change not only the
negative perception of LGBT youth, but any diverse youth, in schools,” Griffith continued. “So far, we are implementing this program in 35 percent of Ireland’s schools.” Griffith said that many schools are reluctant to discuss these issues, but BeLonGTo is working hard to help more and more students. On a larger scale, BeLonGTo mobilized 15 other LGBT organizations to vote for the marriage equality referendum in Ireland in 2015, which passed successfully on May 22. “A new generation has spoken. This is a generation with open, kind hearts, a generosity of spirit and a great capacity to love. They have gone to the polls in their thousands and are responsible for this historic victory for their gay brothers and sisters” Michael Barron, founding director of BeLonGTo said in response to the victory. According to BeLonGTo’s site, there are an estimated 75,000 LGBT individuals in Ireland under the age of 18. Griffith said that being out in Ireland is still tough and there is a lot of work to be done in securing more progressive laws and thought in the country, but they are making progress. “We’ve changed forever what it means to grow up LGBT in Ireland,” Barron said. “The Irish people, via the ballot box, have today given each and every gay child and young person in Ireland – and across the world – a strong and powerful message that they are loved, they are cared for, and don’t need to change who they are.
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OUTGAMes human rights conference
nadine smith on aCtivism and unlearninG eXeCutive direCtor of eQuality florida on hoW she learned to stoP hidinG
Jillian Melero
adine Smith knew she was gay from a very young age. Possibly because her third-grade girlfriend “Amber” told her so. – Not that she was gay, just that she was in fact, her girlfriend. It wasn’t until they told their teacher about their plans to get married, that they were told that ‘boys had to marry girls, and girls had to marry boys.’ That’s the way things were. “I took that to mean that if I did not choose a husband for myself, one would be assigned to me,” Smith said. Sleepyeyed conference goers laughed, listening as she told her story Saturday morning between sips of coffee. “I didn’t realize I had gaydar back then, but I must have because I went up to the gayest little boy in class, and I told him he was going to be my husband, but that “Amber” was going to move with us after her husband died in the war. This was at peace time. – But I was an early activist is what I’m trying to say.” Nadine was one of four national co-chairs of the 1993 March on Washington. She met with then President Bill Clinton in the first meeting of its kind between a sitting president and gay community leaders. But it was in the third grade that Nadine learned the first lesson. “It was the first time that I learned the lesson, that got reinforced time and time again throughout my life. ‘You shouldn’t exist,’” Smith said. “‘You shouldn’t exist, and if you do exist, you should hide…and if you don’t hide well enough – you deserve what happens to you.’” After graduating from high school in Panama City Florida, Nadine joined the Air Force Academy, but left in 1993 after the passage of DADT. “There were certain questions I answered accurately, and got into the Academy, that, but I could not answer those questions the same way after I’d been there for a little bit,” Smith said. Smith said that first lesson was often reinforced by the people who were supposed to protect her the most: teachers, faith leaders, and family members. So, in a pre-internet era,
5 .31.2017
her activism didn’t begin until she took the opportunity to Florida Diversity Council in 2013, and she was given the travel to Europe, while she was attending the University of League of Women Voter’s Woman of Distinction Award in South Florida. 2015. She lives in St. Petersburg with her wife Andrea and “It could have said “blah blah blah blah, free trip to Europe, son Logan, but works as a lobbyist in Tallahassee during the I was in,” Smith said. “I was really unprepared for this legislative session. environment. I was just wondering what lesbians in London “For me activism for me is about unlearning all those might be like.” things I’ve learned, unlearning to be docile and getting that She served on the founding board of the International Gay poison out. – It’s one of those things that you don’t know and Lesbian Organization, after seeing an announcement exists until you see the possibility of a different world.” looking for American delegates on a college bulletin board. The experience, she said, Nadine Smith, Executive Director of Equality Florida talks about changed her world view. when and where activism “I’d never experienced anything like this begins. World OutGames Miami. before, where there were young people from May 27, 2017. Photo Credit: Jillian Melero. all over the world, but where the Western European government was funding this work, there were confident, and out, and I had never experienced that.” Smith describes a meeting in Berlin, where members of the IGLO were “roughed up” by some U.S. soldiers. “I remember thinking, when they came back, some of banged up some bleeding and scraped, ‘Yeah, that happens. You gotta be careful.’ – the reaction of everyone else was ‘This is outrageous, we’re gonna call the U.S. Embassy, we’re going to have a demonstration, we’re going to protest,’” Smith said. “And I thought, ‘My God, how did I learn to be so accepting and docile…’” She had to unlearn it. And that was where her activism began. Now Smith is a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Florida Advisory Committee, a Florida Chamber Foundation Trustee, and she has served on President Obama’s National Finance Committee. She was named one of the state’s “Most Powerful and Influential Women” by the
5.31.2017 •
OUTGAMes human rights conference
human riGhts day tWo sPeaKers advanCe their aGendas at the loeWs Center Carina Mask
As the second d ay commenced , guest visitors co focusing on ev ntinued their ta ery aspect of lks the LGBT com munity’s world struggles and a w ide cheivements. Deondre Moore, HIV and LGBTQ Youth Activist
OutTalks Asia
Surat Shaan Knan, an interfaith activist from the UK
5 .31.2017
OUTGAMes human rights conference
deondre moore tells his story as a Greater than aids amBassador Jillian Melero
Photo Credit: Carina Mask.
hen, at 19 years old, Deondre Moore told his mother he was HIV-positive, she begged him not to tell his story. Deondre calls himself a mama’s boy. And he has the slideshow to prove it. He and his mother are active members of their community, regular attendees at church services, and they host tremendous family dinners. But Moore told it anyway. Deondre became an official Greater Than AIDS ambassador after joining the SpeakOut Campaign in 2015. Since then, he has worked in community outreach in his home state of Texas and across the U.S. “Since coming out as HIV Positive and a professional speaker, I have traveled more in the last two years than I have in my twenty-two years of life,” Moore told SFGN. “One of the greatest places my work has landed me was Washington D.C. for an entire summer, where I had the privilege to intern for the Human Rights Campaign and work with a few Congressmen and Women.” He even reached out to his own church, and spoke to them about the need for community outreach, for sex education, to raise awareness, and to prevent sexually transmitted infections. It was through an HIV non-profit, BeeBusy, that Moore discovered he was HIV-positive. Out at a club with his friends one night, a local volunteer group offered discreet testing on-site. Wanting to encourage his friends to get tested, Deondre lead by example, taking a mouth-swab test. When Deondre’s results came back positive, volunteers told him that the oral test was susceptible to false positives, and may be a result of his drinking.
He told himself that’s what it was. It wasn’t until he found himself chronically ill, first diagnosed with a severe flu, despite not having any flu symptoms, that he thought to get retested. When he fell ill again, Moore sought out a blood-test, and confirmed what he had already known. But accepting that part of his life, and getting others to accept it, has brought Deondre where he is today. Because he is on treatment, the virus in now undetectable in Deondre. Being undetectable means better health and prevents the spread of the disease. In July of 2015 and 2016 he was selected to become a part of the National Minority AIDS Council’s Youth initiative as a Youth Leader. And as part of the Greater than AIDS campaign, Deondre and his mother have appeared side by side in a mini documentary series titled “We Are Family,” supported by the Elton John AIDS Foundation. Moore is living a healthy life, openly, with the support of his friends and family, help from his church, and his mother by his side. “I thought I have an opportunity here to use my voice, share my story, and it felt like that’s what I was supposed to do,” Deondre says about his decision to speak to his church. “People started coming up to us, stopping us, thanking us,” he recalls of the outpouring that day. “It was about starting a conversation that needs to be talked about.” In the video, his mother Kathy laughs, “He’s not going to stop until he’s reached as many people as he can. And nothing but God will stop him.”
5.31.2017 •
OUTGAMes human rights conference
share your story, With
surat-shaan Knan and the rainBoW PilGrims
interfaith activist and historian surat-shaan Knan, shares a collection of lGBtQi migrant stories Jillian Melero
Photo Credit: Carina Mask.
urat-Shaan Knan, has a lot of great stories to tell. On Saturday night he even grabbed some cell phone footage of Shakira making a surprise appearance on Miami Beach, when she came to pick up a cake that a friend of his had made for her. -- It may be the highlight of his time at the World OutGames. And that must be some good cake. But Knan’s real collection is the eightyear oral history he’s managed to compile, under various projects like the Rainbow Jews, the Twilight People, and now the Rainbow Pilgrims. Knan is founder and manager of all three of these projects, which were funded by the UK’s National Lottery Heritage Fund. “The fact that a program like this can be funded by the government, it’s unheard of for most people,” Knan said. On Friday, Knan introduced his latest project, the Rainbow Pilgrims, to the World OutGames in Miami, and encouraged visitors to share their stories. – People like Blessing Braimah, who, fearing for her safety as an LGBT person migrated to the U.K. from Nigeria, and has worked with Shaan at various conferences.
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The project explores the history of LGBTQI migrants in the U.K. from past to present. It examines the relationships between faith, sexuality, gender, and ethnicity and the identities we create from them. The project is interactive, utilizing touring exhibitions, pop up symposiums, and educational, archival tools and techniques. With it, Knan, an interfaith, transgender activist, has become the caretaker of a diverse history. He is a board member of the World Congress of GLBT Jews, keshet l’dor vador. He is an Operation’s Committee member with the Cutting Edge Consortium (CEC), a group of organizations working to eliminate faith-based homophobia/transphobia and institutionalized prejudice towards LGBT people. Shaan has helped organize national events including the annual CEC Faith Homophobia & Transphobia and Human Rights Conference in London. to learn more about the rainbow Pilgrims project, or to share your story, look for rainbowpilgrims on facebook, and @rainbowpilgrims on twitter.
5.31.2017 •
OUTGAMes schedule
World outGames
alternative event Calendar
Tucker Berardi
Wednesday, may 31
thursday, June 1
friday, June 2
▶ 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. — Beach Volleyball, Lummus Park (7th and Ocean) ▶ 10 a.m. — Table Tennis, Broward Table Tennis Club ▶ 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. — field hockey Championships, flamingo Park (soccer Cage 14th and Meridian) ▶ (Time TBD)* — Track, flamingo Park (football stadium 999 11th street)
▶ 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. — Beach Volleyball, Lummus Park ▶ (Time TBD)* — Track, flamingo Park
CULTUre ▶ 6:30 p.m. - 10 p.m. — Pulse Points, new world Center (500 17th street, Miami Beach)
▶ 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. — Beach Volleyball Tournament and finals, Lummus Park ▶ 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. — soccer finals, flamingo Park
CULTUre ▶ 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. — film Program #1: I Dream in Another Language, Colony Theater (1040 Lincoln road, Miami Beach)
▶ 9 p.m. - 11 p.m. — film Program #2: Tom finland, Colony Theater ▶ 7 p.m. & 9 p.m. — film Program #1 & 2: Double Bill, Colony Theater * Event details still pending
Win tickets to see
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5 .31.2017
5.31.2017 •
OUTGAMes sports
Chaos, Confusion and CatastroPhe at outGames Brittany Ferrendi
he board of directors of World OutGames Miami canceled the opening and closing ceremonies and the majority of the sports due to “financial challenges,” on Friday, the first day of the 10-day sporting event. But on Saturday the City of Miami Beach announced they were stepping in to reschedule many of the events. Separately the Miami Beach Police and the Miami-Dade County State Attorney’s Office announced on Friday they’re launching an investigation into the “potential misappropriation of funds.” On Friday the board of the World OutGames released this statement: “It is with deep regret that due to financial burdens, World OutGames must cancel its sports programming and Opening and Closing Ceremony with the exception of soccer, aquatics and country western dance. The Human Rights Conference and cultural programs will continue as planned. We thank everyone who has supported the effort and apologize to those who will be impacted by this difficult decision.” That one statement was it. Their website, social media accounts, and executive director went silent – leaving the organization and multiple events in a state of chaos and confusion. The City, though, quickly stepped in to fill the void left by OutGames organizers. “In the last 24 hours alone, the Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department was able to confirm and staff the Photo Credit: Carina Mask.
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orGaniZers forCed to CanCel maJority of sPorts Field Hockey tournament in the Flamingo Park soccer; the Soccer Finals in the Flamingo Park Stadium on Friday, June 2; and relocated the Indoor Basketball tournament…,” the City wrote. They also worked with the Lummus Park volleyball community to keep the volleyball tournament up and running May 30 through June 2. On May 31 the city, and Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau will host a reception at the Miami Beach Botanical Garden. This was the first-year World OutGames came to the United States. The games are a 10-day human rights, culture and sports event bringing people from around the globe. Steven Adkins, president and CEO of the Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, became one of the leading forces behind putting the games back together again and salvaging many of the events. “We are doing our best under trying circumstances and, the community is really rallying around these games to see that the athletes have events to participate in,” he said. “To coin [Miami Beach City Manager] Jimmy Morales comment to me, we have made lemonade out of lemons to the degree possible and, have made every effort to see that the World OutGames attendees enjoy the hospitality of South Florida.” He pointed out the people and organizations working together to make the best out of World OutGames, including the City of Miami Beach, The Pride Collective Group of LGBT organizations in Miami-Dade and Broward, the bar group in Miami Beach including Score, The Palace, Twist, Pride Fort Lauderdale President Miik Martell, Matt Silver, Jeo, and Out Miami Foundation. He also brought attention to Carol Coombs and her team, Lynare Robbins, George Neary and the GMCVB for maintaining the Human Rights Conference as planned. Still, registered athletes were unhappy at OutGames’s decision to cancel the sports on the first day. “For the board to cancel everything on the first day of the actual event is unforgivable,” Colin Bodels, an athlete originally registered to race in the half marathon, told SFGN in an email. “I have friends in the air over the Atlantic flying in from Sweden, Belgium, the UK and elsewhere. This is unconscionable and smacks of not (disorganization) but greed and reading more and more like a scam to get money. I’m looking forward to seeing/hearing how they respond to requests for refunds or fraud.” The OutGames has a number of sponsors, including The City of Miami Beach, Adidas, Florida Sports Foundation, Coca-Cola and more. One of these sponsors, The City of Miami Beach, has stepped up to restore OutGames sports events. In another release, the city revealed the Miami Beach Police and the Miami-Dade County State
Attorney’s Office launched a fraud investigation into the OutGames. “Due to the potential misappropriation of funds, the Miami Beach Police Department and the State Attorney’s Office have conferred and are jointly opening a fraud investigation,” said City Spokesperson Melissa Berthier in the release. The city previously released a statement on the cancellation. “City staff has worked consistently for the past several months to assist the event producers with special events planning and permitting; fundraising efforts; relocating events to low or no cost venues; assisting with local partners to provide support and access; and providing financial support to cover police staffing costs,” the statement read. “As a lead sponsor of the event, the City also waived all related special event and permitting fees for this event and provided cash sponsorship to the OutGames.” The statement continued: “We remain very committed to our LGBTQ community, and the City of Miami Beach will do everything within our power to ascertain where the failures within the event organization occurred.” People have taken to the organization’s Facebook page to complain about the loss of money spent on travel, uniforms, as well as loss of wages and vacation time. Many are expecting their registration fees refunded. “This is crazy, you knew this weeks ago and we could have made alternative arrangements... at the moment we’re in the middle of our flight from Europe... this is a disgrace!” wrote one person. Other users critiqued the games, comparing their financial challenges to those of the Gay Games, a separate LGBT sporting event that takes place every 4 years as well. “This organization needs to combine with Gay Games instead of competing for financial support,” another user said. “Without doing so, both entities compete to see who can put on the most unimpressive event. This is an embarrassment for the entire gay community.” According to the Miami Herald, the city was an entity that would have granted many of the permits to OutGames. The newspaper reports that OutGames had not paid a deposit for their permits. Live Nation has marked the OutGames as canceled on their website. They are granting refunds at “point of purchase only” and will give refunds automatically to all internet and phone orders. SFGN has reached out to World OutGames for comment. Days after the cancellation volunteers took over the OutGames Facebook page to be able to communicate with athletes and supporters. “This and future posts until further notice will be made by community volunteers who are not affiliated with World Out Games,” the post reads. At the time of publication, OutGames.org has not yet announced the status of the games.
5.31.2017 •
OUTGAMes swimming
dive into the Games sWimmers dive forWard desPite disaster Carina Mask
While many o f the games we re canceled, so swimming — me athletes ke including Alva pt on ro G u ti errez, Jr., pictu photos, who w re d in lower as interviewed last week by SF GN.
5 .31.2017
OUTGAMes swimming
sWimmers stay afloat amid
outGames turmoil
despite drama and chaos aquatics events rise with the tide
Jason Parsley
ancellations. Misappropriation of funds. Chaos. The aquatic events were hosted and organized by Confusion. This year’s World OutGames had it LGBT Swim team in Miami, Nadadores South Florida, all. Unfortunately for athletes many of the stories in conjunction with the International Gay and Lesbian were about the drama instead of the achievements, the Aquatics. triumphs and the glory that only happens at a major Unlike many of the sporting events the aquatics events sporting event. were never canceled. Even so when the Despite all of the hurdles the aquatics portion of OutGames collapsed those events could the OutGames had to face, the events ran fairly have fallen apart as well. But the smoothly due to the local aquatics community community rallied behind them to “outGames rallying around their sport. get things back on track. abandoned us on More than 600 athletes competed in “OutGames abandoned us on the aquatics portion of the games. every front. We were every front. We were not sure if One of them was Alvaro Gutierrez. we would be able to put on the not sure if we would competition,” Locally he swims with the said Corey Welch, be able to put on the Hammerheads in Fort Lauderdale. It current captain of the newly formed was his first swim meet. Miami Vice Water Polo team and competition.” “I feel very accomplished,” the former co-captain of the Nadadores. “As Oakland Park resident said. “I had a team and community we pulled together, - Corey Welch friends and family see me for all 3 found volunteers, and volunteered ourselves. days of my competitions. I was truly Many of us missed our own events to ensure that humbled to see them there cheering me we were able to continue on with the competition.” on.” Among the problems aquatics organizers faced: not While he didn’t win any medals, as he expected, what enough volunteers, no tents for shade, missing essential mattered was participating. equipment and even no medals. “I was told that as long as I don’t lose my goggles or get “In the end we put on what I think was an amazing disqualified, I’m doing great,” he said. “Well I didn’t get event. I’ve seen people post on social media that it was the disqualified in any of my events.” best IGLA ever. We had beautiful weather, all swims and Gutierrez competed in 3 individual events and 3 relays. polo games were played, and luckily all the other teams And now he knows how to get better for next time around. were very patient and understanding of the situation we “I need to improve my dive and flip turns. I also want had been put in,” Welch said. “I couldn’t be more proud to learn breast and fly,” he said. “My next goal will be to of our teams and the locals that helped us over these last attend the Gay Games on Paris 2018.” 4 days.”
Kirk Arthur, another former captain of the Nadadores, said the reason the aquatics events could continue at all was because the Nadadores made sure to have OutGames pay for the costs, including the venue, up front. “They asked us to front the money, but it would have bankrupted the team,” Arthur said. “So that’s why I said no when I was captain.” The board of the International Gay and Lesbian Aquatics was especially grateful for the support of the local community and host team. “Thanks to [the Nadadores] efforts, we had all the essentials - pools, officials, and some great social events - so we had a successful championships and 30th anniversary celebration,” said Evan Matthew Cobb, secretary of the IGLA. “Unfortunately, OutGames were responsible for a number of important things we had to do without. IGLA athletes train incredibly hard and look forward to this meet all year. It’s hard to overstate how disappointing OutGames’ behavior has been. It has done tremendous damage to the LGBTQ athletics community that we all care about so deeply.” Kirk Arthur noted one other highlight from the swimming competition. “The Swedish team broke a Swedish National Record in the 200-meter relay,” he said. “Gay Swedes break national record. Cool!” visit miamiGayaquatics.org for more information on the local lGBt aquatics community.
Photo Credit: Carina Mask. 5.31.2017 •
OUTGAMes sports
a red flaG from 2015 foreshadoWs
outGames CollaPse Jason Parsley
n 2014 the World OutGames secured a $200,000 According to the document they projected 9,840 grant from the Florida Sports Foundation. But a year competitors, coaches, trainers and officials would attend later the FSF board grew concerned OutGames was the event. They calculated 8,167 would be from out of not meeting fundamental benchmarks, such as locking in state. They projected 17,268 spectators would attend, and securing sites for events. with 12,250 of them coming from out That red flag was just one of many that would pop of state as well. They also anticipated up over the course of the last two years. 160 media outlets would be Instead of pulling the grant, FSF altered the there to cover the 10-day event, according to the terms. They were amended so that funds overshooting the mark by about document they would be paid to the organization after 150. There were less than 10. projected 9,840 the events, instead of before. It was a How much is that all worth to precautionary move. the state of Florida? They gauged it competitors, coaches, Lisa Osteen, director of marketing would be a $27.7 million economic trainers and officials for FSF, explained the reasoning for impact. the change in the grant conditions. OutGames initially requested would attend the “We have to protect our state funds,” $400,000 from FSF, but they were only event. she said. awarded $200,000. The stated mission of the FSF is to While it’s difficult to get any reliable bring out of state tourists to Florida for information from OutGames at this point, a sports, so any monies given to a grantee must spokesperson from the organization recently told SFGN support that mission. about 2,000 athletes had registered for the event, which is FSF provided SFGN with a copy of the OutGames’ grant far short of the almost 10,000 they once projected. application. OutGames listed their upcoming expenses in its
Photo Credit: Carina Mask.
5 .31.2017
application. It included $75,000 for promotions, marketing and programming; $136,500 for advertisements and media buys; $23,500 for production and technical expenses; and $165,000 for section fees. According to the grant’s regulations, if OutGames met 80 percent of their projections they would receive 100 percent of the funding. If not, the grant would be based on a sliding scale- so if they met only 30 percent of their projections they would only get 30 percent of the grant. At this point, Osteen said the grant was still in effect, if the OutGames board provides the necessary proof of their projections within 90 days after the conclusion of the event. FSF is funded through the state of Florida, private donations and from sales of professional team license plates. the news is breaking daily about outGames, and sfGn will continue posting its stories online at
feATUre pets
Give Him A Piece of Your Heart If you’re looking to add a sweet treat to your home, Kit Kat (ID 575432) is waiting to meet you. Kit Kat is a 3-year-old, 21-pound fellow who is affectionate, enjoys playing with string toys and catnip and he even likes belly rubs…he is not your typical feline. Kit Kat will do best in a home with older kids who can keep him entertained. Can he be part of your family?
Kit Kat
When you adopt from the Humane Society of Broward County all pets are spayed or neutered before going home. In addition, they receive preliminary vaccinations, heartworm test for dogs over seven months, feline leukemia test for cats, a limited 10-day health care plan courtesy of VCA Animal Hospital, a bag of Purina ONE food and more. The adoption fee for dogs over six months is $100 and felines over six months are $30. For more information call the shelter today at 954-989-3977 ext. 6. The Humane Society of Broward County is located at 2070 Griffin Road, just a block west of I-95 and opens daily at 10:30 a.m. To see who else needs a home visit www.humanebroward.com
5.31.2017 •
LIfesTYLe food Casa D’Angelo’s
Rick Karlin
summer siZZlers
e may be in the off-season, but that just means that there are more incentives to dine out, and more special events being held. before the summer gets too hot, here are a few happenings and specials to lure you out of the air-conditioned comfort of home.
tiki time For most folks, the hukilau is little more than a campy song, but it is based on the Hawaiian custom of casting a large net into the sea, herding the fish, then slowly pulling it to shore, after which the villagers would hold a feast. Fort Lauderdale will host the 15thannual mainland Hukilau, a metaphorical net thrown out to the entire world, to bring lovers of Polynesian/Tiki culture together. This year’s event will be held June 7-11 at the Regency Pier 66, with many events will being held at two wellpreserved bastions of mid-century Tiki culture; the historic Wreck Bar at the B Ocean Resort and Mai-Kai on Federal Highway. Among the events scheduled are “mermaid” shows starring the Aquacats at Wreck Bar, rum tastings and classes on everything from the hula dancing and weaving palm frond hats to Polynesian cocktails. Of course, there will be a shopping bazaar and parties and dinners featuring Polynesian food and beverages
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and entertainment. Tickets are required for most events and there are also full day passes. For more information go to thehukilau.com.
taste of italy Casa D’Angelo’s founder and chef, Angelo Elia along with his wife Denise, will close their Fort Lauderdale restaurant to the public on June 6 in order to host the 15th annual “A Taste of Italy”, benefitting girls at PACE Broward. The evening will begin at 6 p.m. with a reception, followed by a fast-paced auction of vacation/ entertainment packages and premium wines. After the auction there will be a four-course Tuscan dinner created by Chef Angelo. “Chianti” tickets are $300 per person and include the reception’s four-course dinner menu with wine specially selected by Chef Angelo. “Super Tuscan”tickets are $500 per person and include the reception’s four-course dinner, a fine bottle of Italian wine and recognition in the evening’s program.
To purchase your tickets, contact PACE Development Director, Kim Vassar at 954-561-6939 Ext.3827 or at Kim.Vassar@ pacecenter.org.
dine out fort lauderdale... or Coral Gables or naples It won’t be too long before we come up on Dine Out Fort Lauderdale. Throughout September you’ll have a chance to sample savory, signature dishes created by chefs from some of the area’s top restaurants, at prices far below what’d you’d usually pay. Among the restaurants that will be offering specially-created menus at a $37 fixed price are; 5th Street Fisheries, Burlock Coast at The Ritz Carlton, Capital Grille, Chima, Cibo, Morton’s, Ocean2000, Seasons 52, Timpano Italian Chophouse, Wild Sea Oyster Bar & Grille at the Riverside Hotel and Kuro. For more information, go to Sunny.org. If you can’t wait that long, head down to Coral Gables, where they jump the gun with their own version, “Taste of the Gables, from June 5-25. For three weeks, you’ll be able to eat your way through Coral Gables. More than 40 restaurants will have exclusive prix-fixe menus at a discounted rate of 20% or more. Each restaurant’s menu will showcase their chef’s techniques and skills by including the best dishes the restaurant has to offer. Participating restaurants range from highend steak house chains, such as Seasons 52 through little neighborhood storefronts. Go to restaurantweek.shopcoralgables. com for more information.
Or, motor over to Naples where they celebrate “Restaurant Week” from June 1-14. (Should we tell them that’s more like two weeks?) It’s the same deal as in Fort Lauderdale and Coral Gables, restaurants offer prix fixe meals for $35. The big difference? Each restaurant posts its menu on the event’s web page; naplesrestaurantweek.com so you know what’s being offered in advance.
Pride & Joy Key West celebrates Pride, June 7-11. I don’t know how much this has to do with food, but some of the hotties on Duval are good enough to eat...St. Pete Pride is June 23-25, with the parade on Saturday, the 24th...For those of you who wait until the last minute, it’s Gay Days in Orlando through June 5. Go to gaydays.com to seev if there are any tickets left for anything... Of course, we’ll see you at Wilton Manors’ own Stonewall Parade and Festival on Saturday, June 17. They’ll have to go some to top the Fort Lauderdale Beach Pride (but it’s not a competition, really!). The Festival’s Marketplace opens at 3 p.m. and will feature more than 100 exhibitors, food vendors and food trucks, shutting down Wilton Manors from just north of City Hall to Five Points. They’re not spending a dime on entertainment, so sing out Louise! The parade begins at 4 p.m. and lasts for an hour and a half (or until some queen passes out in front of a float!) It’s always hot as blazes, so keep yourself hydrated and wear sunscreen. Remember to eat something fried to soak up all that liquor, child!
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5.31.2017 •
6 ,
W W W . S F G N . C O M
Big Screen Babe
J.W. Arnold
2 0 1 7
THEATER How does an Elvis impersonator with a pregnant wife and an empty bank account become a title-winning drag queen in the Florida panhandle? Find out in Matthew Lopez’s hilarious comedy, “The Legend of Georgia McBride,” playing through June 25 at GableStage, 1200 Anastasia Ave. in Coral Gables. Carbonell winner Clay Cartland stars in this musical directed by Joseph Adler. Tickets are $55 at GableStage.org.
FILM “Tom of Finland,” Dome Karukoski’s film about the life and work of one of the most influential and celebrated figures in 20th century gay culture, will screen tonight at 9:15 p.m. at the Colony Theater, 1040 Lincoln Rd. in Miami Beach. The screening is part of the cultural programming schedule running concurrently with the World OutGames, but was not affected by the organizers’ financial troubles. Tickets are $15 at the box office.
You won’t need a golden lasso to force the truth out of us! we’ve had our tickets for the big screen debut of “wonder woman” for weeks. Lynda Carter may have inspired untold childhood crushes, but Gal Gadot is all woman as the DC Comics super diva who will end “the war to end all wars” with her bulletproof bracelets. Dreamy Chris Pine co-stars as Major steve Trever. Check local listings for show times and tickets. Photo Credit: Warner Bros.
6/3 SUN
6/4 MON
6/5 TUE
Trevor Noah, host of the Emmy and Peabody Award-winning Comedy Central series “The Daily Show,” brings his unique brand of comedy to the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach tonight at 8 p.m. for one show only. Known for his incisive social and political commentary and a gift for storytelling, the South African born comedian and performer is one of the fastest rising stars in television. Tickets start at $39.50 at Kravis.org.
New City Players present David Auburn’s “Proof” through June 18 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Dr. in Fort Lauderdale. The 2001 Pulitzer Prize-winning play tells the story of Catherine, a woman who was forced to care for her father, a mathematical genius in his youth who later suffered from severe bouts of mental illness. After his death, she goes on a personal journey of discovery. Tickets start at $20 at NewCityPlayers.org.
If you’re a fan of “The View” and other estrogen-fueled talk shows, then you’re going to love “Daytime Divas,” premiering tonight on VH1. This scripted drama stars Vanessa Williams as the creator and lead host who must deal with the power struggles and super-egos of her co-stars. Could this show be our summer guilty pleasure amid network schedules packed with reruns? Check local listings for show times and channels.
The World AIDS Museum and Educational Center, 1201 NE 26th St., Suite 111 in Wilton Manors, hosts Hilary McQuie of New York City-based HEALTHGAP tonight at 7:30 p.m. for a free discussion of the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa. More than 70 percent of the 37 million people living with HIV/AIDS currently reside on the continent and contract the disease through heterosexual transmission. For more information, go to WorldAIDSMuseum.org.
5 .31.2017
5.31.2017 •
A&e music
The South Florida Pride Wind Ensemble will perform music of LGBT composers on Saturday, June 10 at the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale. Submitted photo.
comedy by
Christopher Durang
MAY 20 - JUNE 4
Pride Wind ensemBle Performs musiC of lGBt ComPosers
Thurs.-Sat. at 8:00pm • Sat.-Sun. at 2:00pm
all tickets $30
Call 561-272-1281 ext. 4
or visit www.delraybeachplayhouse.org 950 NW 9th Street Delray Beach, FL 33444 Plenty of Free Parking
J.W. Arnold ARD 2013 TONY AW WINNER ------- BEST PLAY
rom time to time, the Pride Wind Ensemble, South Florida’s LGBT and allies concert band, has performed the works of gay and lesbian composers. On Saturday, June 10 at the Broward Center, the ensemble will present, “Celebration!,” a concert of works exclusively by LGBT composers. “This is something I’ve never delved into before,” said artistic director Dan Bassett of the exclusively LGBT-composed program. “I try to make it all about the music.” He added, “We always do a June concert, but because the concert fell just two days before the anniversary of the Pulse (attack) and June is Pride month, it seemed appropriate to celebrate how far the LGBT community has come in the last few decades, while still remembering those who still fight be accepted for who they are.” Bassett promises a diverse program of both classical and contemporary styles, as well as pop music and show tunes, and highlighted by special guest performers and engaging multimedia and lighting effects. The 60-piece concert band will perform Aaron Copland’s familiar “Hoe Down” with dancers from the C&J Dance Productions’ Dance Attack, along with “Irish Reel” by British composer Benjamin Britten and feature members from the Kelly Academy of Irish Dance. Samuel Barber’s “Sure on this Shining
Night” will provide the moving musical soundtrack for a video tribute to the victims of the Pulse massacre in Orlando. Contemporary works for wind band include “Rise of the Firebird” by Steven Reineke, Randall D. Standridge’s “Undecim” (“Eleventh Hour”) and two works by Robert Sheldon, “Metroplex” and “The Stormchasers.” Lesbian composers are represented in the program by Emmy Award-winner Julie Giroux’s “One Life Beautiful,” and Rossano Galante’s “God’s Country” which is a sweeping musical portrait of the natural beauty of the United States, taking listeners from the vistas of tall peaks to the valleys and streams in between. After an interlude by the South Florida Pride Steel Drum Band led by Ron Hughes, the second act will open with “Sheridan Square” by Charles Creasy and “Take the A Train” by Billy Strayhorn and his famous bandleader, Duke Ellington, both performed by the South Florida Pride Jazz Band. The jazz band will be under the direction of Alain Ortiz. On the lighter side, Elton John’s most popular hits will be performed in a rousing medley sung by James Perkowski, as well as “Four Dances from West Side Story,” Leonard Bernstein’s classic jazz- and Latininfused Broadway musical about starcrossed lovers.
The south florida Pride wind ensemble, Jazz ensemble and steel Band will present “Celebration!,” featuring music by LGBT composers on saturday, June 10 at 7 p.m. in the Amaturo Theater at the Broward Center in fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $30 at BrowardCenter.org. for more information, go to Pridewindensemble.org.
5 .31.2017
5.31.2017 •
editorial Cartoon
editorial Cartoon By mike luckovich
A&e theater Cassandra Zepeda and Phillip Andrew Santiago star in City Theatre’s Summer Shorts production of “21 Chump Street” by Lin-Manuel Miranda. Photo Credit: George Schiavone.
summer shorts Presents reGional Premiere of lin-manuel miranda musiCal J.W. Arnold
ity Theatre’s Summer Shorts theater festival in Miami regularly attracts new works from both established playwrights and rising stars, but the 22nd annual festival, opening June 1, will feature a regional premiere by the hottest name in theater, Tony-winner and “Hamilton” creator Lin-Manuel Miranda. Miranda’s 10-minute musical, “21 Chump Street,” a 2016 finalist in City Theatre’s national short playwriting competition, is set in Boca Raton and based on a true story. The company’s new artistic director, Margaret M. Ledford, directs the story of a young student “who will do anything for the new girl at school who can only bring him heartache with secrets of her own.” According to Ledford, Miranda originally penned the story—before the “Hamilton” phenomenon—for NPR’s “This American Life,” inspired by a news story in Palm Beach County about an undercover sting operation in the local high schools. “Not only is it ‘Lin-Manuel Miranda,’ it’s local and topical,” she said. But, Miranda’s musical is not the only highlight of Ledford’s first season at the helm of the popular festival at Miami’s Arsht Center. “I’m so excited about this year’s festival. We have some really, really funny plays and three musicals—two of which literally make me pee in my pants and the other leaves the front of my shirt stained with tears,” she said. The cast of eight seasoned actors who will tackle dozens of different roles includes Irene Adjan, Thiana Berrick, Lindsay Lavin, Brian Reiff, Phillip Andrew Santiago, Karen Stephens, Robert Strain and Cassandra Zepeda. In addition to “21 Chump Street,” they will be performing seven 8 – 12 minute plays. The festival line-up also includes:
“Adorable Kitten Image Collapse” by Steve Yockey, a world premiere directed by Paul Tei. Fur flies and roles are reversed when an Internet troll’s victim-turned-stalker comes seeking her own revenge. “Choosing Love” by Chisa Hutchinson, southeastern premiere directed by Jessica Farr. A young man literally blows into a psychic’s salon, where she seems to have been waiting for him and the opportunity to change both of their futures. “Just Desserts” by David MacGregor, southeastern premiere directed by David Nail. To catch a co-worker who’s been stealing food from the communal kitchen, Joyce plants a nasty surprise. Will the culprit take the bait? “The Best Seller” by Susan J. Westfall, southeastern premiere directed by Jessica Farr. Lily, a writer down on her luck, escapes from a bookstore and into a bar. She’s followed by her least favorite author, in need of a drink. “Missing Karma” by Timothy Huang, southeastern premiere directed by Margaret M. Ledford. At the wake for their beloved dog, a couple realizes more change is about to come. “Baked Goods” by Charlie Cohen, Helen Park and Christyn Budzyna, a world premiere directed by Paul Tei. A girl scout who cannot sell cookies is befriended by a boy with a talent for sales. Teaming up to earn her badge, they hit the road with tasty treats but find hilarious failure and delicious success. “Real Art” by Louise Wigglesworth, southeastern premiere directed by Margaret M. Ledford. At a prestigious art competition, a painter about to finally achieve recognition and reward for her art is blindsided by a woman who will not take no for the answer when she refuses to sell her the prize painting.
City Theatre presents summer shorts XXII June 1 – July 2 in the Carnival studio Theater at the Arsht Center in Miami. Tickets are $39 – $54 at ArshtCenter.org.
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may 31 - June 6
Theater Christiana Lilly
June 1 to 18 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. Catherine is caring for her aging father, a brilliant mathematician. She comes across an old notebook that gives her more questions of her father’s past and her future. Tickets $35. Call 954-6505938 or visit NewCityPlayers.org.
The Naked Magicians
June 4 at 7 p.m. at the Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd in Miami.. Mike Tyler and Christopher Wayne put on a unique magic show, where they can’t hide their tricks up their sleeves! Tickets $29 to $55. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.
Monty Python’s Spamalot
Through June 4 at the Kravis Center, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Based on the comedy classic “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” an alternate look at the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Tickets $45. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis. org.
* Denotes New Listing
broward county The Naked Magicians
May 31 at 7:30 p.m. at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts, 2855 Coral Springs Drive in Coral Springs. Mike Tyler and Christopher Wayne put on a unique magic show, where they can’t hide their tricks up their sleeves! Tickets $49.82 to $71.02. Call 954-344-5990 or visit CoralSpringsCenterfortheArts.com.
Seniors Acting Up! Celebrates GLBT Pride Month
June 2 at 2 p.m. at the Ethel M. Gordon Oakland Park Library, 1298 NE 37th St. in Oakland Park. The senior actors will perform stage plays and vintage radio scripts, including “Torch Song Trilogy” and “The Danish Girl.” Free. Call 954-567-9524 or visit Facebook.com/SeniorsActingUp.
* Ann Wilson of Heart
June 8 at Parker Playhouse, 707 NE Eighth St.in Fort Lauderdale. The lead of ‘80s band Heart, Wilson performs favorites like “Barracuda,” “Alone,” “Crazy on You,” and “What About Love.” Tickets $47.50 to $97.50. Call 954-462-0222 or visit ParkerPlayhouse. com.
Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series
Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com
palm beach county The Cripple of Inishmaan
Through June 4 at the Don & Ann Brown Theatre, 201 Clematis St. in West Palm Beach. Living a bleak life on the Irish island of Inishmaan, the cripple Billy hears about an American filmmaker in the neighboring island of Inishmore and is determined to get himself to Hollywood. Tickets $66. Call 561514-4042 or visit PalmBeachDramaworks. org.
Free Friday Concerts
Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.
miami-dade county Summer Shorts
June 1 to July 12 at the Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd in Miami. The annual short play festival presents a brand-new line of 10-minute plays and mini-musicals, including Lin-Manuel Miranda’s “21 Chump Street.” Tickets $39. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.
* Daryl Hall & John Oates and Tears for Fears
June 7 at 7 p.m. at AmericanAirlines Arena, 601 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. The ‘80s soft rock duo goes on tour with Tears for Fears in a 29-city North American tour. Call 786-7771000 or visit AAArena.com.
Through June 10 at the Miami Theater Center, 9806 NE Second Ave. in Miami Shores. A
Free Friday Concerts. Photo: Facebook.
part of the “Mujeres” Sandbox Series, a dance solo by Carlota Pradera personifying the collision of earth, fire, and ice to give rise to a heroine. Tickets $25. Call 305-751-9550 or visit MTCMiami.org.
It Shoulda Been You
Through June 11 at the Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile in Coral Gables. A bride and groom from completely different backgrounds are set to marry, until the bride’s ex-boyfriend unleashes some surprising news about who the bride is really into! Tickets $57 to $64. Call 305-444-9293 or visit ActorsPlayHouse.org.
5 .31.2017
Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.
The Big Show
Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny.com.
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5.31.2017 •
Community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com
top pIcks
Healthy Over Hungry Cereal Drive
June 2 to 9 at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Bring your donations of cereal boxes to the center to benefit the Boys and Girls Club. Call 954-463-9005 or visit PrideCenterFlorida.org.
Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@ compassglcc.com.
Through June 4 at The Hub at the LGBT Visitors Center, 1130 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. Vladimir Rios and photographer Lester Blum tell the stories of those who feel invisible because of who they are. Call 305-397-8914 or visit gogaymiami.com.
broward support servIces GENDER BENDER YOUTH GROUP
Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com
Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.
Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.
First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.
broward county GLLN Annual Board of Directors Election Luncheon
June 1 from 11:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Timpano Chophouse, 450 E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. interested in being a part of the board? There are two open positions. Email Meghana Saoji at saoji@cclawpa.com by May 25. Cost $25 members $30 nonmembers. Visit GLLN.org.
Art of Wine and Food: Just for the Grill of It
June 1 at 6 p.m. at the NSU Art Museum, One E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Justin Molis from Pali Wine Company demonstrates wines that pair with summer grilling favorites. Tickets $25 members $40 nonmembers. Call 954-525-5500 or visit NSUArtMuseum.org.
Divergent Visions
Through June 14 at Ludwig Framemakers, 2420 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Kent
* Denotes New Listing 50
5 .31.2017
Burkhardsmeier, Karen Hanley Colbert, Dale Kirk, and Allan Pierce come together for an exhibit of photographic work. Call Marquie Kloppenburg at 954-306-3138.
Game On! Female Athletes Competing with Homophobia in Sports
Through July 2 at the Stonewall National Museum — Wilton Manors, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. An exploration of the homophobia and sexism experienced in the world of sport by lesbian, bisexual, and transgender female athletes. Free. Call 954530-9337 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.
Life Coaching
Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud Clubhouse, 2300 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Get one-on-one life coaching from certified CRCS coaches. For guys living with HIV, their partners, and anyone who identifies as transgender. Free. Call 954-765-6239 or visit LatinosSalud.org.
may 31 - June 6 Rest Your Mind
Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at Kadampa Meditation Center, 241 W Prospect Road Ste. B in Fort Lauderdale. Start your week with relaxing meditation to center yourself. Free. Visit MeditateinFortLauderdale.org.
Man2Man Discussion
Mondays 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. A weekly informal discussion group among gay men of all backgrounds. Contact John Beuscher at 954-319-4292 or email johnnybushwick@aol.com.
Mondays 7 to 9 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Learn the art of public speaking with positive reinforcement and encouragement from your peers. Call Ted Verdone at 954-5662074 or email tedverdone@comcast.net.
palm beach county Sushi & Stroll
June 9, July 14, Aug. 11, and Sept. 8 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Morikami Museum
and Japanese Gardens, 4000 Morikami Park Road in Delray Beach. The summertime fete returns with sushi rolls, drumming by Fushu Daiko, tours, and more. Admission $15. Call 561-495-0233 or visit Morikami.org.
* PNC Celebrates Pride Month
June 14 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Contemporary Living, 11701 Lake Victoria Gardens Ave. #3109 in Palm Beach Gardens. Celebrate Pride Month with PNC and Contemporary Living. Free. Contact Aquanette Thomas at aquannette.thomas@pnc.com.
Zumba Fitness
Mondays at 6 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Get moving with a certificated Zumba instructor for an infusion of exercise and dance moves. Donation of $5 or more. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC.com.
miami-dade county Arsht Center Farmers Market
Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Tickets $45 to $75. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/en/Visit/Dining.
Let’s Be
* Parenting Possibilities Symposium
June 13 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Lean more about how to grow your family through surrogacy and egg donation. Free. RSVP to 561-529-0488 or email teresa@ familyformers.com.
Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@compassglcc.com.
Tuesdays from 6 to 7:15 p.m. at Jose Marti Park, 362 SW Fourth Ave. in Miami. Yogis 18 and older of all levels are invited to a practice lead by a certified instructor. Bring your own yoga mat, water, and towel. Free. Call 305358-7550 or visit BayfrontParkMiami.com/ Yoga.html.
Book Study
Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Miami. Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Norbu, will lead classes on learning the foundations of Buddhism. Call 786-529-7137.
Yoga in the Garden
Wednesdays at 12:15 p.m. and Saturdays at 11:30 a.m. at the Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive in Miami Beach. Hit the mat for an indoor yoga practice overlooking the garden. Tickets $10 Wednesdays, $15 Saturdays. Call 305-6737256 or visit MBGarden.org.
key west * Key West Pride
June 7 to 11 throughout Key West. Celebrate LGBTQ pride with a parade, street fair, and parties throughout the island. Call 305-2944603 or visit KeyWestPride.org.
Gay Key West Trolley Tours
Saturdays at 4 p.m. meeting at 628 Duval St. See the gay side of Key West on this trolley tour. Tickets $25. Call 800-535-7797 or visit GayKeyWestFL.com.
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5.31.2017 •