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local name global coverage July 5, 2017 vol. 8 // issue 27

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Wild retreats

Pages 27 - 34

SFGN heads out into the woods for a look at gay-friendly campgrounds STRIKE OUT BULLYING PAGE 15




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July 5, 2017 • Volume 8 • Issue 27

2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

Publisher • Norm Kent Norm.Kent@sfgn.com

Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli Associate Publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com


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WeLLinGTOn enAcTs cOnversiOn TherAPy BAn Tucker Berardi


ollowing an initial vote of 4-1 in favor of enacting a ban on conversion therapy for minors earlier this month, the Wellington Village Council met again Tuesday in order to set the ban into effect, this time with a 3-2 vote. “Tonight, Wellington took a strong stand to protect the village’s LGBTQ youth from the psychological and physical abuses related to conversion therapy,” Carly Cass, Vice President of the Palm Beach County Human Rights Campaign (PBCHRC) said. The ban would prohibit doctors, osteopaths, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, marriage or family therapists and licensed counselors throughout Wellington from practicing conversion therapy — the attempt to “fix” or change the sexual orientation or gender identity of an LGBT individual —on minors. This ban does not apply to members of the clergy unlicensed by the state. “Wellington is a diverse, inclusive, safe community that strives to provide the best quality of life for its residents — most of all its children,” Vice Mayor John McGovern said. “Allowing any child to be exposed to the critical health risks associated with sexual orientation change efforts, without any clear evidence that such change is

even possible, is inconsistent with our community.” The ban was not passed without opposition, however. Dr. Julia Harren Hamilton, a Palm Beach Gardens therapist and former president of The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) was one of the speakers who tried to prevent the conversion therapy ban from happening. Hamilton warned Village Council Members that enacting the ordinance would prevent children, “distressed by homosexual attractions and feelings” from getting help. “Sponsors of this ban are asking to make it illegal for therapists and clients to have [conversations] about change of attractions, behavior, or identity,” Hamilton told SFGN. “Making it illegal for certain conversations to take place would certainly constitute a violation of freedom of speech. Even if you do not like the idea of some teenagers wanting to pursue options for their lives rather than embrace a gay identity, everyone in America should be greatly concerned when lawmakers consider taking away MEMBER freedom of speech.” Many council members and members of PBCHRC disagree however, and pointed out that the practice of conversion therapy has MEMBER

been discredited by many therapists, as well as the American Psychological Association (APA). “The American Psychological Association has linked conversion therapy to depression, substance abuse and even suicide, and these risks are particularly acute for youth,” Carole Reyes, Youth Policy Council Coordinator of NCLR’s BornPerfect Campaign to end conversion therapy said. “We applaud the efforts by the Village Council to ensure that the children of Wellington are protected from these harms, and that their families aren’t duped by trusted professionals whom they turn for support during a vulnerable time,” Reyes continued. With this ban, Wellington joins the ranks of other South Florida cities who have banned conversion therapy including West Palm Beach, Key West, Tampa, Miami Beach, Wilton Manors, Delray Beach and others. “Hopefully, legislative leaders in Washington and Tallahassee will eventually ban conversion therapy,” McGovern said. “However, until a national or statewide ban on conversion therapy is enacted, we are … going to do all we can to protect LGBTQ youth here in Wellington.”

Art Director • Brendon Lies Artwork@sfgn.com Designer • Max Kagno Digital Content Director • Brittany Ferrendi Webmaster@sfgn.com Associate Editor • Jillian Melero JillianMelero@gmail.com Copyeditor • Kerri Covington Arts/Entertainment Editor • JW Arnold JW@prdconline.com Social Media Manager • Tucker Berardi TBerardi2014@fau.edu Food/Travel Editor • Rick Karlin Gazette News Editor • Michael d'Oliveira HIV Editor • Sean McShee Senior Photographer • J.R. Davis JRDavis12000@hotmail.com

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Cover: House photo edited by Max Kagno

South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2017 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.


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By Jillian Melero


JAy-Z’s mOm cOmes OuT On his neW ALBum ‘4:44’ Photo Credit: wikipedia.com

(SFGN) Jay-Z’s new album, “4:44” debuted Friday on Tidal, his music streaming platform. The third track, “Smile” features the rapper’s mother, Gloria Carter, coming out as a lesbian. On the track, Jay-Z whose real name is Shawn Carter, raps: Mama had four kids, but she’s a lesbian / Had to pretend so long that she’s a thespian / Had to hide in the closet, so she medicate / Society shame and the pain was too much to take / Cried tears of joy when you fell in love / Doesn’t matter if it’s a him or her / I just wanna see you smile through all the hate. Later, Gloria is featured reciting: Living in the shadow / Can you imagine what kind of life it is to live? / In the shadows people see you as happy and free / Because that’s what you want them to see/ Living two lives, happy, but not free / You live in the shadows for fear of someone hurting your family or the person you love…


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The world is changing and they say it’s time to be free / But you live with the fear of just being me / Living in the shadow feels like the safe place to be… But life is short, and it’s time to be free / Love who you love, because life isn’t guaranteed / Smile. Although Jay-Z has spoken publically about his feelings in favor of same-sex marriage and LGBTQ equality in previous interviews, the song is the first that either of them has publicly spoken about Gloria’s sexual orientation.


8 BOOKs ThAT FeATure BisexuAL WOmen As mOre ThAn sex OBJecTs (SFGN) AutoStraddle, recently published a list of books of varying genres featuring female characters who are expressly bisexual, without being overly sexualized. The list includes: “For Sizakele” features Taylor, a bisexual Nigerian college student studying in the US, Taylor’s relationship with her girlfriend, African American basketball star and piano player Lee, and the complications with the introduction of Cameroonian photographer, Sy. “Vow of Celibacy” protagonist Natalie swears off sex after a series of bad dates and worse relationships while working out her body image issues and career as a fashion stylist. “Corona” is a series of short stories about one character, Pakistani American Razia Mirza from Corona Queens in New York. “The Life and Death of Sophie Stark” is never told through her own words. The novel uses the people in Sophie’s life, an ex girlfriend, her brother, her husband, etc, to paint the portrait of the woman.

“Black Girl in Paris” follows 26-year-old x Eden, an aspiring writer from Alabama who, after college, travels to Europe for inspiration, and dabbling in petty theft and nude modeling as she makes her way. “Silver Moon” introduces Becca Thornton, a middle aged, divorcee, who comes out as bisexual after crushing on her next door neighbor. When she finds out she’s also a werewolf, and not the only one, she joins a local pack. “Give It To Me” features 43-year-old Chicana, Palma Piedras, recently divorced, reconnecting with her younger cousin, and travelling the US searching for herself in different partners. “Hild” an epic historical novel set in 17th century Britain is the fictionalized account of the Saint Hilda of Whitby. The book focuses on Hild’s pagan childhood and the political ambitions of her mother and is said to be the first of a trilogy. List from Casey Stepaniuk, or “Casey the Canadian Lesbrarian” a writer and Library Sciences student in Vancouver.

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2717 E Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 7.5.2017 •




continued Transgender

PenTAGOn DeLAys DecisiOn On TrAnsGenDer recruiTs (CNN) -- The Pentagon is delaying a decision on allowing transgender people to enlist in the military for six months, according to a memo obtained by CNN. “We will use this additional time to evaluate more carefully the impact of such accessions on readiness and lethality,” Defense Secretary Jim Mattis wrote in the memo. Mattis said “this action in no way presupposes the outcome of the review.” In 2016, then-Defense Secretary Ash Carter ended the ban on transgender people being able to serve openly in the military, but he said the process would occur in stages. Mattis was facing a July 1 deadline for deciding on transgender recruits.

Last week, leaders from the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps submitted a request to delay the July 1 deadline to decide whether incoming service members already identifying as transgender could enlist if they have been “stable” in their gender identity for 18 months. Many Republicans in Congress are opposed to allowing transgender people to serve. An amendment that would have prevented transgender people from doing so was debated during Wednesday’s markup of the House’s defense authorization bill. The sponsor, Rep. Vicky Hartzler, R-Missouri, said she would wait to see what the Pentagon did before moving forward with her provision.

NEWS state

JuDGe siDes WiTh AiDs heALThcAre FOunDATiOn, Dismisses suiT Associated Press (AP) A federal judge ruled in favor of one of the nation’s largest suppliers of HIV and AIDS medical care, clearing it of wrongdoing in an alleged $20 million scam to bilk the federal government. Three former managers of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation filed a federal lawsuit in South Florida in 2014 alleging the company paid employees and patients kickbacks for patient referrals to boost funding from federal health programs. Employees were paid $100 for referring patients with positive test results to its clinics and pharmacies. U.S. District Judge Kathleen M. Williams ruled in a decision unsealed this week that bonus payments were not subject to a 1972 law aimed at stopping unethical referrals because they fall under the statute’s employee safe harbor provision. The lawsuit claimed the kickbacks started in 2010 at the company’s California headquarters and spread to programs in Florida and several other locations. An attorney for the plaintiffs, Theodore Leopold, said in an email Friday that “we respect the ruling by the court but look forward


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to the appeal.” The organization’s president, Michael Weinstein, has vigorously denied any wrongdoing, saying when the lawsuit was filed that the small financial incentives for linking people to services and keeping them there are “mainstays of public health interventions.” He said the proactive approach is critical to stopping HIV in the U.S. and to providing lifesaving care. The Los Angeles-based company cares for more than 400,000 patients in 36 countries and is leading a mass testing initiative to identify and treat an estimated 25 million people who don’t know they are infected, according to its website.


editorial cartoon

eDiTOriAL cArTOOn By mike Luckovich

NEWS national Photo: Submitted

Truth Wins Out Shuts Down on Their 11th Anniversary Tucker Berardi


ruth Wins Out (TWO), a non-profit “Truth Wins Out has created a robust organization that works to demolish legacy that irrefutably proves ‘ex-gay’ the foundation of anti-gay prejudice activists are frauds and such programs are just celebrated it’s 11th anniversary on a hoax that exploits hate,” Besen wrote. June 7, 2017. On their anniversary, it was “ We battled these groups tooth and nail, also announced that the in their heyday, when they organization would be were truly a threat to LGBT shutting down. rights.” “On our 11th Besen went on in his anniversary, it is with a statement to point out the mixture of great sadness major accomplishments of and overwhelming TWO, including getting the pride that I reluctantly APA to condemn Focus on announce that Truth the Family and NARTH by Wins Out is closing name in a letter, protesting down,” TWO founder a number of “ex-gay” Wayne Besen wrote in conferences around the a statement. “ All good world, and leading a joint things must come to an investigation with SFGN end – and it is time to say in 2010 to expose JONAH’s goodbye.” Arthur Abba Goldberg as a TWO worked to Wall Street con artist and demolish groups and convicted felon. - Wayne Bensen organizations that The announcement to FOUNDER promoted and spread shut down was coupled anti-LGBT prejudice. The with a long list of special organization exposed thanks to donors, board many “ ex-gay” programs such as Love members, LGBT media, activists and Won Out, Exodus International and more. JONAH. “This is a sad and sobering moment — According to their website, TWO but one I can step back from with great strove to “ attack the underpinnings satisfaction and an enormous sense of of homophobia by debunking harmful accomplishment,” Besen wrote. “ From lies, discrediting hateful myths, and my heart — I want to say how lucky I was countering anti-gay organizations.” to be in a position to help people find In his statement, Besen said the peace and joy in their lives. I would never organization was closing down because it have been able to do so without you.” had achieved its major goals.

“We battled these groups tooth and nail, in their heyday, when they were truly a threat to LGBT rights.”

7.5.2017 •


NEWS local


Let’s Be Let’s Be Blunt.

Blunt. Pride Fort Lauderdale Grants $10,000 to Local LGBT Orgs Michael d’Oliveira


he party’s been over for months, but Miik Martorell said Pride Fort Lauderdale’s “proudest moment” was miles from the sun and surf of Fort Lauderdale Beach Park – the site of this year’s Pride Fort Lauderdale festival in February. On June 21 at ArtServe in Fort Lauderdale, Pride Fort Lauderdale held its 2017 Community Grants Award Reception and handed out 10 grants worth $1,000 each to 10 different organizations that are either LGBT or are doing something with an LGBT focus. “It’s more than just a party. It’s supposed to be something significant,” said Martorell, president of Pride. “There’s really some beautiful projects.” These are also the first grants that Pride Fort Lauderdale has awarded in three years. Martorell said he hopes the organization can keep awarding grants for many years to come. To help do that, he said the costs of the award ceremony were cut to a “bare minimum” so that as much money as possible could go back into the community. By awarding the grants, Pride Fort Lauderdale “hopes to put a spotlight on [LGBT] organizations and issues” that may not be widely known to the LGBT community or others. One of the recipients is TransSOCIAL. Founded by Morgan Mayfaire, a female to male transgender individual, and his wife, Ashley, TransSOCIAL is a support and advocacy group for the transgender community. The grant given to the organization will be used to fund its Trans Name Change Project. Morgan Mayfaire said that the cost of changing an individual’s name in his or her government records, including driver’s license, Social Security, and passport, can be about $800. It’s a cost that many transgender individuals have trouble paying for.


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“Many don’t qualify for waivers of fees. Unemployment [which leads to a lack of funds] is a really big problem [in the transgender community],” said Morgan. TransSOCIAL also attends court hearings with individuals applying for a name change. “It’s very intimidating when you have to appear before a judge,” Ashley Mayfaire said. Mark Kent, executive director of the Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida, said he hopes the grant awarded to his organization, which will help underwrite the 2017-2018 season, will bring the transgender community and all other communities together through the power of music. “Music is a shared human endeavor. I think when people share music together, they share their humanity together. He also considers the Gay Men’s Chorus, and its mission to focus on programming in schools, as an example of how much more “relaxed” people have become about the LGBT community. “It’s a reflection of how far we’ve come.” The progress of the LGBT community will also be on display during a 2018 art exhibit organized by the Broward Art Guild. Gerard Delaney, executive director of the Broward Art Guild, said the grant his organization received would be used to fund an exhibit that showcases historic photos of the “gay struggle.” The exhibit would also feature health resources for the LGBT community, including information on HIV/AIDS and teen suicide prevention. “Art serving a bigger purpose, I always say,” Delaney said. The other grant recipients are New Beginnings, Poverello, Pride Center, SAGE of South Florida, South Florida Pride Wind Ensemble, and SunServe. “It’s pretty wellrounded,” Martorell said.




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Photo Credit: Twitter

WhiTe nATiOnALisTs PrOTesT evenT On WiLTOn mAnOrs Michael d’Oliveira


workshop held June 24 in Wilton Manors to, in part, help people “understand white supremacy and how it hurts everyone” was disrupted by a white nationalist group. As first reported by Miami New Times, The Segu Racial Justice Institute, led by Lutze Segu, held the workshop in the Wilton Manors Gallery on Wilton Drive which is operated by the Stonewall National Museum & Archives. Segu considers herself“a social justice practitioner”and stated her goals include building stronger communities and eliminating racial injustice. The white nationalist group, Identity Evropa, made its way into the event and silently held up a sign that read “No Regret We Apologize For Nothing” with “Identity Evropa” at the bottom. According to Chris Rudisill, Stonewall’s executive director, the group left as soon as they were asked. “We informed them to leave and that the event was private and not open to the public,”wrote Rudisill in an email to SFGN. Rudisill said he believes the group was “trying to incite fear in the attendees and the general community” and that Stonewall is committed to ensure the safety of patrons and community members along with the museum’s archives and collection. He added that this was the first instance of a protest against LGBT people of color in a Stonewall facility and that his organization would continue its tradition of standing up for the rights of all members of the LGBT community. “Hate affects all of us when it is allowed to penetrate those areas that are most openly part of a safe and affirming community. As our mission explains, we are committed to promote understanding through preserving


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and sharing the proud culture of LGBTQ people and our contributions to American society. While Saturday’s event was not an SNMA program, we find it essential that we continue to provide space for intentional conversations around issues that affect our community – and that includes dialogue around social justice for all LGBTQ people,”wrote Rudisill. The Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization that identifies and tracks hate groups, stated Identity Evropa is one of the white nationalist groups emboldened by the candidacy and presidency of Donald Trump. To join Identity Evropa, members must have “European, non-Semitic heritage.” The organization, which often promotes and participates in white nationalist events, including an attempt to stop the city of New Orleans from removing its Confederate monuments, claimed that the workshop was anti-white. It took credit for the disruption on social media. “Today, Identity Evropa activists protested the Segu Racial Justice Institute, a seminar promoting anti-White rhetoric and ideas,” tweeted the organization. Identity Evropa bills itself as “an American based identitarian organization dedicated to promoting the interests of People of European Heritage.” Segu, under her Twitter handle @ FeministGriote, also took to social media to express her anger over the disruption of her private event and her fear over what the group might have done. “Yo, I really thought they were going to open fire on us. I don’t wish that feeling on anyone.” In two separate tweets, Segu wrote “I am still processing the event and don’t have the words, but do know that this is us . . . white nationals are emboldened.”









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Photo Credit: Ryanmarie Rice Tover, Compass Chief of Staff.

Stonewall Ball Raises $30,000 The annual gala is one of Compass’ signature events Donald Cavanaugh


s midnight approached on Saturday, June 24, some 2,000 waving arms were lowered along with DJ One Twelve’s music and Bruce Sutka’s lights. Thus ended the 16th annual Stonewall Black and White Ball (with a “pop” of emerald just for a change) marking almost 50 years of the modern LGBT civil rights movement and significantly calmer than the honored night in June 1969 when LGBT victims of police harassment fought back. “Stonewall represents so much in so many ways to our community,” said Compass’ Chief Development Officer Julia Murphy. “We are so honored to live in a county where elected officials and community heroes strive for equality each and everyday.” The revelry was reduced to a scuffle of hundreds of feet headed for the exits and voices trailing good byes as they approached the sidewalk staircases of the iconic Harriet Himmel Theatre in City Place, West Palm Beach. Raising over $30,000, tickets for the ball were $35-40. A private reception and award ceremony were $75 for events that began at 7:30 p.m. Several hundred people took advantage of the extra time to study the 150 plus silent auction items that included a range of offerings from restaurant gift certificates to original artworks, to travel opportunities and more. Toward the end of the reception Julie Seaver, Julia Murphy and Ryanmarie Rice did duty as co-masters of ceremonies and introduced the winners of this year’s awards. Andy Amoroso received The Compass Leadership Award and Theo Smith was honored with the Michael Brown Memorial Faces of the Community. The Leadership Award is granted to an elected or appointed official who has demonstrated a commitment to social justice; the Michael Brown Award is given to a member of the community who has done community work, programs and organized events for the


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LGBT Community in Palm Beach County. As proprietor of the only LGBT emporium in Palm Beach County, as a founding board member in 1992 when Compass became a community center, and as a Lake Worth city commissioner, Amoroso has had a huge impact on LGBT lives in South Florida. “I was looking back over my experiences as a gay man in the county,” said Amoroso. “I was lucky. No one has ever bothered me and I was very open greeting people with a ‘Hi. I’m Andy. I’m gay.” “Andy has been a major force for equality for a long time,” said Lake Worth Mayor, Pam Triolo leading a contingent of Lake Worth board and staff in support. “He’s put us leagues ahead of most communities in the county.” Theo Smith, also known as “The Gay Mayor of West Palm Beach” is an architect by trade and a volunteer by practice. He raises money for all sorts of charities. Including Compass, The SMART Ride and more. He was instrumental in helping Roosters become the lead fund raiser for breast cancer awareness. “I was close to Michael Brown,” Smith said. “He was a great listener and gave good advice. I still miss him a lot. This award is so important to me.” Compass’ staff and board awarded CEO Tony Plakas for his 20th year anniversary with Compass and Julie Seaver, Compass’ Chief Operations Officer for her ten-year anniversary with the organization. Plakas is responsible for leading the agency through a significant period of growth over the last two decades, while Seaver has led the agency since hired in accreditation for Excellence in Nonprofit Management by Nonprofits First. Some of this year’s major sponsors included Viiv Healthcare, South Florida Gay News, Florida Sugar Cane League and Art Hive Magazine. Performances included local saxophonist and jazz artist Bismarck, and female impersonator Velvet Lenore.

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sTriKe OuT BuLLyinG

AnnuAL BOWLinG FunDrAiser TO cOmBAT BuLLyinG Ian Robert Hemley

Photo Credit: submitted


ome to “Brunch and Bowl to Strike terminologies of social justice and identity Out Bullying” at the Sawgrass Lanes at PALS, I realized there was a term for me: on Sunday, July 9. National Voices bisexual. This was exactly how I felt. This made for Equality, Education, and Enlightenment sense.” Martinez said she came out not just for (NVEEE) is organizing this second annual networking event to raise money to send 30 herself, but also for her younger cousins and all the kids at PALS. “I high school students to the wanted to be a role model for Peace Ambassador Leadership everybody.” Summit (PALS). This year, the PALS summit While the event at Tamarac’s will be held on the campus bowling alley is sure to be an of Florida International afternoon full of fun and games, University. Students aged the non-profit’s mission is a 14-19 can work in a safe space matter of life and death. to develop leadership skills to NVEEE is a bullying and challenge bullying that they suicide prevention organization. have seen or experienced Their website includes some themselves. Teenagers striking data: LGBT youth are also benefit from forming two to three times likelier to meaningful friendships, attempt suicide than are their Life Skills workshops, a straight peers, and 80 percent Career Day, and assistance of gay and lesbian students say in the college scholarship they have no adult support at application process. school. - Lauren Martinez In LGBT meccas like Lauren Martinez, 19, was UCF sophmore and Wilton Manors and South one such student, until she NVEEE mentee Florida at large, LGBT adults came under the mentorship can sometimes take their of NVEEE’s founder, Jowharah physical safety for granted. Sanders. Sanders is an LGBT community member and successful South Meanwhile, Sanders is frequently reminded of the stark reality that most LGBT high school Florida businesswoman. Now a sophomore at the University of students don’t enjoy such privilege. “NVEEE has had gay and trans students be Central Florida, Martinez came out to her mother this June during Pride month. She beaten up while walking home from school. As recalled, “I’ve always known to an extent. Back mentors, LGBT adults can help their mentees in third grade, I thought it was just, you know, understand, ‘That is not always going to be a ‘little girl crush.’ But being exposed to all the your life. There are safe spaces. You will be okay.

“i Wanted

to be a role Model For



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It gets better.” Mentorship undoubtedly changes lives. Kevin Jaxon, a 56-year-old Wilton Manors resident, retired last week as Vice President of Information Technology with a Fortune 500 company. As a teenager in the late 1970’s in Jacksonville, Florida, Jaxon learned to code under the tutelage of an older gay man. Not only did his mentor teach him computer programming, but he gave him self-esteem and helped him find his first job in the industry. They remained lifelong friends. “NVEEE is exactly the kind of organization that I am looking to support in my retirement,”

Jaxon said. “It enables the next generation to feel proud of who they are, as well as who they will become. Our LGBT community has always depended upon intergenerational mentorship.” “Strike Out Bullying” will be held at Sawgrass Lanes on Sunday, July 9 from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Tickets are $35 per person, and lane sponsorship is $350 (which includes bowling for 5 friends and 10 free drink tickets). Each lane sponsored sends one student to the PALS summit.

Don’t miss a


For more information on the event, visit: NVEEE.org/strike-out-bullying

Feeling the hunger? Read SFGN’s weekly food column for an exclusive bite on local bars, restaurants, and seasonal flavors.

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7 .5.2017

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Photo Credit: Facebook

Local Log Cabin Repubs Praise Trump; Blast Pride Michael d’Oliveira


s members of the LGBT community and others, including Ivanka Trump, celebrated Pride Month throughout June, one voice was silent – President Donald Trump. Although the White House issued proclamations for National Homeownership Month, Great Outdoors Month, National Ocean Month, African-American Music Appreciation Month, and National CaribbeanAmerican Heritage Month, Pride Month was not commemorated in June. As of June 30, has also failed to use his favorite platform, Twitter, to commemorate the occasion. Left leaning groups attacked Trump over his slight. But local Log Cabin Republicans aren’t concerned. Vincent Foster, president of the MiamiDade Log Cabin Republicans, said Pride Month events were “just acts and overt displays of sexual indulgence” with people “tossing condoms and lube out” and men in “assless chaps.” “It’s debauchery. It really makes our community look terrible. I don’t think that it’s significant at all that President Trump did not recognize Pride Month. As a gay conservative, I think Pride does more damage to our community than anything positive. It does nothing to promote our rights.” In 1999, Bill Clinton was the first president to declare June as Pride Month. President George W. Bush didn’t issue any Pride proclamations but President Barack Obama did every year of his presidency. LGBT groups criticized Trump for his failure to follow in Obama’s tradition. “We’re six days into #PrideMonth and @realDonaldTrump has yet to issue a proclamation. Look what he’s doing instead,” wrote GLAAD on Twitter, referring to Trump’s decision to meet with anti-LGBT leaders. GLAAD has repeatedly brought up Trump’s silence. As recently as June 29, the organization tweeted on the issue by stating that Trump had time to “attack” Morning Joe hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski

on Twitter but not mention Pride Month. Foster also said he thinks Trump is better for the LGBT community than Obama when it comes to issues like protection from “Muslim terrorists,” especially after the Pulse Nightclub attack in June of 2016. He lauded Trump’s travel ban, which places severe travel restrictions on individuals from six majority-Muslim countries – Iran, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. Foster said he doesn’t believe all Muslims want to target the LGBT community but he endorses Trump’s actions to try and stop the small percentage who do. “I think he’s doing phenomenally.” Andy Eddy, a founding member of the Broward Log Cabin Republican Club, said it would have been nice if Trump mentioned Pride Month. But he’s not too worried about it. “I’m not terribly upset.” He said his organization is focused on trying to get Trump to work with them on LGBT issues. He compared today’s Log Cabin struggle against right wing conservatives to the one the Dolphin Democrats used to have with conservative Democrats. As for which issues he’s concerned most about, Eddy said HIV/AIDS is still a concern and his primary focus is funding to fight the disease. “Bathroom rights [for transgender individuals] isn’t the end of the world when people are dying and need medication.” Scott Herman, the president of the Dolphin Democrats, pushed back against his Republican counterparts. “Pride is an essential part of our community. The Dolphin Democrats have proudly had a booth on the Drive to educate our community in light of number 45 being elected,” he said. “Pride also brings together every faction of the community. It’s the one time of year we have veterans, Democrats, elected officials, candidates for public office, and many others present in an atmosphere of being safe.”

Queer Panel Discusses Nightlife Expression John McDonald


vant guard came to Fort Lauderdale Thursday night with the appearance of a living legend from the New York underground. Susanne Bartsch held court for over an hour, offering advice for fashionistas, answering questions from an engaged audience and displaying big hair. Bartsch, advertised as NYC’s patron saint of transformation and inclusion, advocated for free expression. “I give platforms for people to express themselves,” said Bartch, dressed in white for the panel discussion. “I love expressing myself, being myself, I want you to be yourself and let’s party on!” Tyler Oakley, a video maker with a large social media following, moderated the panel featuring Bartsch and The Misshapes. The foursome chatted in front of a colorful, scrapbook-like designed set under the hashtag, #LoveTravels. When Oakley asked if sexuality or gender should be an overriding factor when operating a nightclub, the answer was a resounding no. “You put out what you want to receive,” said Geordon Nicol of The Misshapes, a DJ collective. “As annoying as a bachelorette party can be…at a gay club, you know what just be happy you’re at a place where all these people want to be. Don’t complain. We’ve reached a great point. Don’t fuck up a good thing.” Added Bartsch, “I enjoy the mixing. Love unites.” SFGN interviewed three locals following the panel discussion. Michael Mendillo, the Director of Development for the Gay Men’s

Chorus of South Florida, said the dialogue was important. “It was such a great connection between art and LGBTQ identity,” Mendillo said. “Definitely working for the chorus we’re always trying to bridge that gap between the non-LGBT community about who we are and try to inspire hearts and change minds. All of these people are doing this in their own special way. I thought it was really cool to exchange ideas and talk about how we can best move forward and be ourselves.” Gregory O’Timmer held a clipboard as he mingled with the crowd inside a local hotel. O’Timmer attended the event with his fiancé and colleagues from Latinos Salud, a South Florida HIV/AIDS service organization. O’Timmer said he enjoyed the gathering of creative people. “It was a way for me to get into the mind of individuals that create one of the biggest and best parties on the earth,” O’Timmer said. “Where people can come together, all inclusive, gay, straight, whoever you are you can come and express yourself and I got to see the insight of those who create those parties. I thought it was a really great way to see what they’ve done for our community and how we’re able to come together in one place and discuss all of this.” For Casey Koslowski, a Fort Lauderdale realtor, the event was a big boost to the area. “I was impressed with the caliber of the panel,” Koslowski said. “To have that type of caliber people in South Florida during the off season and with standing room only, I’m pleasantly surprised.” 7.5.2017 •


NEWS national

sAGe TeLLs TrumP TO cOunT The T in seniOrs survey Michael d’Oliveira


he Trump administration has restored sexual orientation to the National Survey of Older Americans Act. But gender identity is still missing and SAGE [Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Elders] is demanding transgender individuals be put back in. “Message to Trump: We will not rest until our entire community is counted, LGB and T! http://sageusa. org/TransEldersCount … #LGBT #WeRefuseToBeInvisible,” tweeted SAGE on June 23. The survey is used by the Department of Health and Human Services [HHS] to determine how it will allocate federal funding to organizations that work with seniors. Earlier this year, SAGE objected to the removal of LGBT individuals from the survey, which they’ve been a part of every year since 2014. “Trump to LGBT Elders: Drop Dead” was how SAGE phrased their objection. With sexual orientation added back in, SAGE declared a partial victory and retooled its old message: “Trump to Trans Elders: Drop Dead.” SAGE encouraged LGBT individuals and their allies to write letters to the Administration for Community Living [ACL], part of HHS, and ask that the survey be restored to the way it was under the Obama administration. And just as it did with its first attempt to get all LGBT seniors added back onto the survey, SAGE in encouraging people to write letters to HHS. “Thousands of LGBT elders and their allies forced the Trump administration to reverse course on their discriminatory


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plans,” stated Michael Adams, SAGE CEO, in a press release. “But if the administration thinks that with this partial victory SAGE will now abandon trans elders, it’s in for a big surprise . . . We must not back down. The Trump administration wants to pretend that transgender elders do not exist, but we won’t let them.” To write a letter, visit ActionNetwork.org/letters/trumpwants-trans-elders-to-just-disappear. According to the ACL, the first public comment earlier this year resulted in 89 organizations and over 13,900 individuals commenting about adding LGBT seniors back into the survey. “ACL has made minor changes to the survey based on some suggested changes, including retaining the primary question regarding sexual orientation,” reads part of a document provided online by the Federal Register, the official daily journal of the federal government. If transgender individuals aren’t surveyed, federal money can’t be allocated to them. “It’s not just technical data. It determines how billions of dollars in elder services are distributed every year. Eliminating [LGBT seniors] is just outrageous,” Adams told SFGN in May. “If they’re not asking questions [about LGBT seniors], then they’re not going to be able to address their needs. Clearly, the trump administration does not care about their needs.” In addition to the SAGE campaign, comments can be submitted to Heather. Menne@acl.hhs.gov. The deadline is July 24th.

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LIFESTYLE food Josie’s Ristorante

Photos: Facebook Mama Mia Italian Ristorante


Rick Karlin

summer sPeciALs


ith the temperature on the rise, prices on menus across town lower as folks try to lure us yearrounders out of our air-conditioned homes and into area restaurants. between reduced prices, special events and other enticements it makes dining out more and more tempting.

Josie’s ristorante in Boynton Beach, has unveiled a new summer menu featuring special dishes as well as a 15 percent discount on the entire check during the summer. Among the special offerings are; “Meatball Mondays” featuring house-made meatballs with fresh ricotta for $2 each, or as a slider, topped with provolone for $2.50. Monday also features half-priced martinis. On “Burger Bash Wednesday,” brisket burgers, served with lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise are $7. Add-ons, available for $1 each, include: smoked bacon, gorgonzola, cheddar, mozzarella, gruyere, sweet onion confit, house pickled jalapeños, tomato bacon jam, arugula or New York pickles. The “TGIF Summer Lobster Riot” showcases a one-pound Maine lobster simmered in spicy fra diavolo or garlicky scampi sauce with clams, shrimps and mussels, served over bucatini for $20. Large (16 inch) one-topping pizzas are available for $8.99 on Mondays and Tuesdays. Josie’s Ristorante is located


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at 1602 S. Federal, Boynton Beach, on the southeast corner of Woolbright and Federal. Reservations are encouraged, 561-364-9601 or JosiesRistorante.com. max’s harvest, 169 NE 2nd Ave., in Delray Beach, has appointed Blair Wilson as its new Executive Chef. He was previously at The Social Club on Miami Beach, where he received numerous accolades, including “Best Breakfast in Miami” from New Times, “Top Ten Best Ribs in South Florida” by Eater, “Top Ten Restaurants in South Beach” by Thrillist and the coveted “People’s Choice Award.” Wilson is planning his first wine dinner at the restaurant to celebrate the Tour de France. It will be held on July 13 at 6:30 p.m., and will include creative, modern French dishes, paired with French wines from each region of the country and will feature four courses and six wines. The cost to attend is $65 per person. To reserve a place, call 561-381-9970. mama mia italian ristorante, 1818 S.

Young Circle in Hollywood, is offering all you can eat lobster for $44.95 per person every Wednesday night. That same evening you can also take advantage of bottomless glasses of wine. On Fridays, they offer the same deal with snow crab or for $34.95 all you can eat filet mignon chateaubriand. Friday also brings out the restaurant’s extended happy hour from 5-10 p.m. with 3-for-1 drinks. For more information call 954-923-0555 or check out. MIAgrill.com xtreme Action Park, Florida’s largest indoor entertainment venue, 5300 N. Powerline is celebrating its second anniversary on Monday, July 17 by offering visitors a chance to experience the venue’s many action entertainment features for free. From 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., guests can take part in roller skating, the trampoline park, the ropes course adventure, video arcade and use of the indoor basketball court as well as the Evolution escape room, XD Dark Ride and entrance to the Dezer Auto Museum free of charge. There will also be special food offers including $1 pizza slices and sodas and $1.50 hot dogs. For more information, please visit XtremeActionPark.com. Juniors, 409 Plaza Real, in Boca Raton, has added a breakfast menu, served from 7-11 a.m. In addition to standard breakfast offerings, Junior’s has some house specialties including; lox Benedict, NEO (scrambled eggs with nova lox and onions), cheese blintzes and a pastrami omelet. All breakfast items come with complimentary coffee, tea or hot chocolate. The Seminole Casino Coconut Creek has

added a new restaurant, The Bol, which features authentic Asian cuisine inspired by Chinese and Vietnamese recipes. The Bol joins the casino’s other restaurants, including; NYY Steak, Sorrisi, Fresh Harvest, 1st Street Deli, Sunset Grill, Nectar and the level2 bar... Habit Burger, with locations in Plantation, Miami, Palm Beach Gardens and Boca Raton has brought back a summer favorite, its strawberry balsamic chicken salad. The salad features char-grilled chicken breast atop a bed of greens with fresh sliced strawberries, dried blueberries and feta cheese, tossed in a house-made strawberry balsamic vinaigrette and is priced at $7.99… Shooters, 3033 NE 32nd Ave is celebrating summer with monthly “Rock the Dock” parties on its expansive waterfront. Bands will be featured on July 22, Aug. 26 and Sept. 30. For more information, call 954-566-2855 or go to ShootersWaterfront.com. And now for something completely different. Dames at Sea! Or at least a reasonable facsimile thereof, as Al and Chuck Travel present “Drag stars at sea” Sailing from New Orleans to Key West, the cruise will feature 20 of the biggest drag stars from RuPaul’s Drag Race. Prices start at $359 for the eight-day cruise and include a party at the new luxury Baha Mar Resort, a private pool party in Key West, special onboard entertainment, meals and all shore excursions. It’s not happening until January 26 of 2019, but if you start saving your pennies now, it will be here before you know it. Go to AlAndChuck.travel.com for more information.

WMG Volume 4 • Issue 12 July 5, 2017

Wilton Manors Gazette


Former Wilton Mayor, Jack Seiler, Votes No on Church Development By Michael d’Oliveira The proposed development of 88 residential units on the former Center for Spiritual Living site in Wilton Manors has been approved by the Broward County Planning Council [BCPC]. That body approved the redevelopment, located at Northeast 15 Avenue and Northeast 26 Street, at its meeting on June 22. But ultimate approval rests with the Wilton Manors City Commission. Among the BCPC members who voted no were current Fort Lauderdale and former Wilton Manors mayor Jack Seiler. It’s unclear at this time when the city commission will vote again on the project. The city commission gave tentative approval to the project in December of last year, but told developers they needed to reduce the number of units further. Before that December meeting, developers had proposed 100 units. By the end, they dropped further to 88. At the time, Mayor Gary Resnick said 88 units was a step in the right direction but still not good enough. “I will not vote for a site plan that has the same footprint.” Currently, the 4.9-acre site is zoned for commercial use but developers have said they won’t build any space for retail. The units will also be for sale, not rent. A feature which developers and supporters say will bring in residents who have a greater stake in the community than renters would. Although he praised the aesthetics

Photo Credit: fortlauderdale.gov

and the architecture, Commissioner Tom Green also said the number of units needed to be reduced. “No matter how wonderful it is . . . it’s not good enough for me. The density will determine everything else.” Public opinion on the development were more mixed than the commission though. At the BCPC meeting, it was a combination of people for and against. Resident Matthew Dreger said that the city needs the tax revenue from the project in case its budget is cut through a possible increase in homestead exemptions. Most of the city’s revenue comes from property taxes. He also called the concerns over density “disingenuous” and that “this may be more of a NIMBY [not in my backyard] situation” because residents near the church property hadn’t complained about other large developments in the city. Resident Randy Comer suggested developers only build 40 units. In December, John Fiore, resident and former mayor, suggested 50 to 60 units. “I’m speaking for my neighbors who actually live in the neighborhood,” said Comer. Martin Nixon, president of the East Neighborhood Association [ENA], said the “vast majority” of ENA members oppose the project because it’s “too extreme.” Resident Karl Lentzer said the project would be “great for the neighborhood” and disagreed with the amount of opposition

from residents who live nearby. “Not all members of ENA are against it.” Nixon said the project would create excessive traffic and noise and “destroy the quality of life” of the neighborhood. He added that a five-story development has “no precedent” in this area. Resident and business owner Anthony LoGrande, who serves on the Wilton Manors Economic Development Task

Force, said it would bring in much-needed customers who would support local businesses. LoGrande countered Nixon by citing the five-story Wilton Station development which is located about 0.2 miles from the proposed development. “I don’t think [Wilton Station] did any detriment to the [adjacent] residential neighborhood,” LoGrande said. WMG

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July 5, 2017

7.5.2017 •



Happy Fourth of July By Sal Torre x

WMG JULY 5, 2017 • VOLUME 4 • ISSUE 12 2520 N. DIXIE HIGHWAY • WILTON MANORS, FL 33305 PHONE: 954-530-4970 FAX: 954-530-7943






Staff Photographers

As we celebrate our nation’s birthday this July Fourth, many here in Wilton Manors are faced with a very uncertain future. As Senate Leader Mitch McConnell tries to get away with dumping millions of Americans off of their healthcare insurance, wheeling and dealing in the back rooms of the Senate, many here in our Island City are bracing for the worst. Plenty of residents in their 50’s and 60’s, who used to flaunt their, ‘still not ready for Tropics’ status,’ are now finding that being too young for Medicare will be a very costly and possibly lethal reality. Many in that age group will be faced with much higher healthcare cost that will be unaffordable. Residents living with HIV and chronic diseases will find themselves in limbo for the unforeseeable future. As more and more burdens are placed on the shoulders of our state and local governments by our national leaders looking to rid themselves of the Affordable Care Act, many benefits and treatments will no longer be available. But that is no concern to our Republican leadership in Washington, as one was heard speaking away from the microphones, “Stop your crying already, it’s the sign of the times.” Well I think it’s time for citizens to come together in massive numbers and demand the change we need. Change is hard. Change is scary for many. Change means uncertainty. However, without change, things become obsolete, outmoded and like millions of Americans, just cast aside. As the cost and financial burden of much of what is being neglected at the national level is dumped on the backs of state and local governments, what budgetary changes will have to be made to deal with the extra cost? Libraries, social services, education, infrastructure, the money has to come from somewhere. Unfortunately it will not be coming from the wealthy 1 percent, since our Republican leadership hands over enormous tax cuts to the rich under the new plan. Here in Wilton Manors and throughout local, county and state governments, its budget season. The proposed fiscal year 2017-2018 budget for our Island City has been distributed to elected officials and to the Budget Review Advisory Committee members. Meetings and workshops will held throughout the summer, which will lead to Public Hearings and final approval of the budget sometime in September. As federal and state governments keep shedding

their responsibilities, the buck usually stops at county and local government’s doorstep to pick up the price tag. Drug addiction, education, homelessness, law enforcement, social services are all necessary and costly items for our society. Each time the federal government cuts benefits along with cutting taxes for the wealthy 1 percent, local budgets are faced with carrying a much heavier burden. Unfortunately we on the local level see the horrors of such carelessness. We see our loved ones denied healthcare, we see our friends unable to receive treatment for substance abuse, we see our children attending failing schools, we see local services struggling due to lack of funding. As our President tweets to just repeal now and replace later, a much different reality is faced by many residents here in Wilton Manors. Repeal now will mean residents living with HIV, pre-existing conditions, those in need of affordable health care will immediately be faced with a very uncertain and bleak tomorrow. This is not the America I grew up believing in. This is not the America I want to see moving forward. This is not the sign of the times. As our democracy comes closer and closer to becoming the new American Oligarchy, where the despotic wealthy 1 percent control our government and society, we must drastically change course or cease to be the great nation we come together and celebrate this Fourth of July. We need new leadership that will answer the demands for better healthcare not less healthcare, for better education not better prisons, for more affordable housing not more vacation homes for the wealthy, and for working Americans families struggling on low wages not the CEO’s who make millions a year by keeping workers’ wages low. The choice is very clear to me on how to leave the world a better place than how I found it. We are at the proverbial fork in the road. Hopefully, you will find a similar path, and together we will make the necessary changes as we move ahead together. Our Founding Fathers made some radical choices over 240 years ago that changed the course of history, but in the end, delivered to us the greatest nation in the world. Are you ready to make some radical choices, to bring about change and to make life just a little bit better here? WMG

the ChoiCe is Very Clear to Me on hoW to leaVe the World a better plaCe than hoW i Found it.


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DIRECTOR OF SALES & MARKETING • MIKE TROTTIER MIKE.TROTTIER@SFGN.COM SALES MANAGER • JUSTIN WYSE JUSTIN.WYSE@SFGN.COM SENIOR SALES ASSOCIATE • KEVIN HOPPER KEVIN.HOPPER@SFGN.COM ADVERTISING SALES ASSOCIATE • EDWIN NEIMANN EDWIN.NEIMANN@SFGN.COM SALES ASSISTANT • TIM HIGGINS TIM.HIGGINS@SFGN.COM ACCOUNTING SERVICES BY CG BOOKKEEPING NATIONAL ADVERTISING RIVENDELL MEDIA 212-242-6863 SALES@RIVENDELLMEDIA.COM South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. MEMBER


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7 .5.2017

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July 5, 2017

Real Estate Geek

Community at Midyear By James Oaksun It has been a while since I have written about “community,” my overarching theme for this year. In this column, I will refresh memories of where we have been, and show where we will be headed over the remainder of 2017. The New Year brought a new regime into power nationally. Because of that, I argued that whatever side of the political spectrum you were on (if any), the notion of community would have great salience for you this year and in the future. If anything, events of the last six months have indicated the correctness of this assessment, even more than I was expecting. “At-risk” groups – including the LGBT community – have become more unsettled with each executive order, Congressional vote, and court decision. On the other hand, those who support the new direction – including a significant cohort in the LGBT community – are, given the polling data, relatively satisfied.

I continue to argue that an enhanced, systematic and intelligent community-building process here in South Florida is one way to turn the current situation to its greatest advantage, for everyone. At present, though, the number of “community cores” found here in South Florida is vanishingly small. This state was founded on cheap energy and the automobile. Yet as I have shown in the previous columns, we can work with what we have. And where the underlying structure does not exist, we in the LGBT community are uniquely qualified to begin the process of envisioning and creating it. As we move into the second half of the year, it will be time for me to update my Broward’s Real Estate Yearbook for 2017 (the past two issues can be found at issuu.com/JamesOaksun/ docs). The analytical process will, in part, focus on the core communities (or potential communities) that I identified earlier. In the second phase, and building on the work in my “Fabulous? Or Basic?” column from the real estate issue, I will extend the process into both Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties. To build and expand community, we must be willing to think outside the box a little bit, and consider opportunities elsewhere in South Florida. And as we create and expand these communities, we have an opportunity to use them to mitigate other societal challenges like traffic, water usage, and carbon emission, as

well as experiment with new forms of governance. But as the National Association of Realtors preamble states in its first sentence: “Under all is the land.” So that is where it must begin. Just a couple weeks ago, I joined with many of you in celebrating Stonewall Pride on Wilton Drive. As always it was a wonderful display of what can happen when people with common interests come together, work together. Such things can happen in microcosm, and more subtly, as we strive to build community throughout South Florida and beyond the rivers that surround the Island City. Yet, as the late investment giant Sir John Templeton was fond of saying, “opportunities often come dressed in work clothes.” It won’t be easy, but it can happen. Over the rest of the year, I will share more detailed ideas about “where” and, perhaps more importantly, “how,” from both a real estate and a financial perspective. WMG James Oaksun, Broward's Real Estate Geek(SM), is BrokerOwner of New Realty Concepts in Oakland Park. In addition to having degrees from Dartmouth and Cornell, he is a Graduate of the Realtor Institute (GRI).


Volunteer Group Builds Greenhouse at Kids In Distress By Michael d’Oliveira In her Bubbles & Pearls restaurant in Wilton Manors, Josie Smith Malave handles champagne and clams. On June 24 and 25, she handled sod and cinder blocks as she helped build a greenhouse for Kids In Distress in Wilton Manors. “It’s probably one of my proudest moments,” she said. The greenhouse is a “Legacy Project” organized by ML19 Fort Lauderdale, a gratitude training program. Volunteers also resodded a field, added a butterfly garden, and installed benches. The cost of the project was about $80,000, with the money raised by ML19. Minus the free labor, food for volunteers, and some other expenses, the value of the project is estimated at $100,000. It was money that Malave considers well-spent. “[The greenhouse] will teach kids about the environment, where their food comes from.” She hopes it will also inspire them. “Who knows what these little kids will grow up to be.” Garrett Green, project manager at Moss & Associates and project leader for the greenhouse, said Kids In Distress was chosen to receive the greenhouse because it was a combination of the desire of the members of ML19 to do a

project that benefits children and promotes sustainability. “There was a strong connection to kids from the group,” he said. The greenhouse will be solar-powered and water, collected from rainfall on its roof, will be used for the aquaponics inside. “We wanted a school environment to teach the kids. That’s the next part to our project,” said Green. Once the classes start, children will be taught how to grow plants and about water conservation, pesticides, and other related subjects. While the greenhouse will give children a place inside to learn about plants, it will also keep out some unwelcome

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visitors who ate plants previously grown at Kids In Distress. “Once upon a time our Kids In Distress team had this dream – to integrate sustainable gardening into our educational curriculum...unfortunately our local nonindigenous fauna (iguanas) thought otherwise and ate everything we have grown for the last several years,” wrote Mark Dhooge, president and CEO of Kids In Distress, on Facebook. Dhooge also posted pictures of the Greenhouse. “This is the result of the upgrade! We are so blown away by this volunteer groups’ commitment to dedication toward our mission and care for our children!” WMG 7.5.2017 •




One Zip Code For All

Check out what’s happening

Around Town

By Michael d’Oliveira

By Michael d’Oliveira

Nature in Art gallery The opening reception for the Nature in Art photo contest will be held on Friday, July 28 at 7 p.m. at Art Gallery 21, 600 NE 21 Ct., Wilton Manors. It will feature photos of animals and nature scenes. The gallery is presented by the Environmental & Sustainability Volunteer Group of Wilton Manors and is free and open to the public. Visit artgallery21.org for more information.

Broward County Academy Applications are now accepted for Class VI of the Broward County Academy. The purpose of the Academy “is to increase resident involvement in local government, improve communication with the community, inform the community on the role, structure and complexity of county government, encourage community participation in volunteer opportunities, and build potential community leaders.” The first session will be held Tuesday, Sept. 12 and will be followed by nine consecutive Thursday sessions from 6 to 9 p.m. A graduation ceremony will be held Nov. 16. The deadline to apply is Friday, July 14. Applications can be obtained by emailing browardacademy@broward.org, or by calling the Broward County Office of Public Communications at 954-357-6990.

City bans employee vaping at city facilities

Wilton Manors has banned its employees from vaping at city facilities. It’s a move praised by Vice Mayor Justin Flippen at the June 27 commission meeting. “I’m glad that was incorporated into our city’s manual,” he said. City Manager Leigh Ann Henderson said the city is looking into banning vaping inside its facilities for non-employees as well. Asked if it was because of health concerns, she said the question was “part of the research we’ll have to do.” The vaping ban comes as the city gets closer to making decisions about its 2017-2018 budget. A large portion of that budget includes the cost of employee health insurance. The preliminary cost, $1.45 million, has already got Mayor Gary Resnick commenting. “It’s ridiculous.”

Starlight Musicals Fort Lauderdale’s Starlight Musicals summer concert series has returned. Every week, from now until Aug. 4, a free concert is held at Holiday Park, located at Sunrise Boulevard and Federal Highway. Upcoming shows, held Fridays from 7 to 10 p.m., include performances by the RD Project [July 7], Across the Universe [July 14], Classic Rock Therapy [July 21], The Fabulous Fleetwoods [July 28], and Brass Evolution [August 4]. Attendees can bring coolers, chairs, and blankets. Call 954828-5363 for more information.

The official motto of the United Sates 33306, and 33334 – is between $1,633 and is “e pluribus unum” – “out of many, $1,683. West of Andrews Avenue – 33311 one.” It’s also now the official goal of the – the cost is $1,833. city commission when it comes to the The desire by some residents and city’s multiple zip codes. officials to have one zip code is something At their meeting June 27, that Resnick and Commissioner Scott commissioners unanimously approved Newton said stretched all the way back a resolution to petition the federal to at least the 1990s when the late E. Clay government to combine the city’s four Shaw represented the city in Congress. zip codes [33305, 33306, 33311, and 33334] Resnick and Newton praised Shaw, into one – 33305. saying he was able to get a lot of things The commission acted after members done for the city, including putting of the Westside Association of Wilton the city’s name on the I-95 exit sign at Manors [WAWM] failed in their own Oakland Park Boulevard. But the zip petition of the government and came to code change eluded him. the commission to enlist the city’s help. But now, commissioners are a little “They said ‘work with your city’ so that’s more confident. Newton compared what we did,” said Sal Torre, president of the issue to the Florida Department of WAWM. Transportation being previously against Torre, other residents, reducing the number of and commissioners lanes on Wilton Drive but said having multiple zip now being for it. “They codes is confusing and wouldn’t event talk to that having just one is a us about Wilton Drive, matter of city identity. but they’ve softened up.” “It’s about time,” Now, he thinks the United said Commissioner States Postal Service Tom Green. Mayor might be more inclined. Gary Resnick said “If the resolution is that residents in his - sal torre approved, the City will neighborhood were president of WaWM initiate the process with proud of the history of the Postal Service. If the leaders who came from USPS finds the request feasible, a their zip code, 33331, but that they were willing to give it up to be under one zip boundary review process would be initiated, which would include a formal code with the rest of the city. Resnick also said that it’s not fair survey of all customers impacted by the that some residents pay more for proposed change,” wrote Pamela Landi, car insurance just because they live assistant city manager. “It’s at least a in a different zip code. According to two-year process,” said Vice Mayor CarInsurance.com, the average six- Justin Flippen. “There will be enough month cost for car insurance in the zip time to adjust.” WMG codes east of Andrews Avenue – 33305,

“they said ‘WorK With your City’ so that’s What We did”

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • www.WMGAZETTE.com • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 24

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July 5, 2017


County Wants Help With Cypress Stand 92 By Michael d’Oliveira Broward County is seeking volunteers to help remove debris and install native plants at Cypress Stand 92. Located on the South Fork of the Middle River on Wilton Drive, the undeveloped park land is owned by the county. Wilton Manors officials have expressed a desire to possibly take control of the 1.43acre park but neither the county nor the city have taken action yet. Nearby residents have said they’d like the park to remain as passive as possible and don’t want the city or county to add parking spaces. City officials have also said they probably won’t do much to alter the park if they take it over. In a previous interview, Patrick Cann, leisure services director, estimated that, if the city did take over, it would cost about $15,000 a year for general maintenance, such as

emptying garbage cans and landscaping. If the city added amenities, that would increase the cost. At a recent Central Area Neighborhood Association meeting where city officials discussed the park, Todd DeJesus, the city’s capital projects and grants manager, called it “one of the nicest cypress stands” in the county. At that same meeting, one resident asked the city to do more to monitor and police the park. She said trash is often left there and it is used by the homeless and by high school students. “I can tell you they’re not having a picnic,” she said sarcastically about the high school students. Volunteers for the cleanup and planting are needed Friday, July 14 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Saturday, July 15 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call 954-357-8149 for more information on what is needed to volunteer. WMG


WMBA Moves Towards Greater Voice in City Matters By Michael d’Oliveira Tim Moffitt, the new president of the Wilton Manors Business Association [WMBA], wants to see his organization add its voice to issues impacting the city. Moffitt said that will involve more WMBA board members attending commission meetings when city officials are voting on whether or not to approve certain projects or regulations that will impact the city. “We want to make our presence known. You’re going to see more of us but we’re not going to be political. As Wilton Manors changes, we need to change.” He also said that WMBA would do more to inform and encourage their members to “take a stand” more with their city officials and let them know how they want then to vote. WMBA board members will attend a retreat on July 17 to discuss the issue further. “The WMBA goal is to become active in the interactive with the city. We will write to every member every month and speak on whatever issue,” said Joe

Pallant, WMBA board member. It’s a direction that Pallant is glad to see the organization go in. He advocated for it in a recent email to WMBA members. “The WMBA members must be more active. We need to let our commissioners know that we need important issues discussed and implemented like additional parking and we need the train platform.” Celeste Ellich, a WMBA board member and former WMBA president, said she’s in favor of encouraging members to be more vocal, but that anyone who speaks on behalf of the organization would have to have the approval of the WMBA board. WMBA also wants to do more to help businesses survive and thrive in the city. Moffitt said WMBA would do more to provide advice and guidance to businesses. “We just to give them options when they need help to survive on The Drive. We want to give them everything possible. Maybe they need help on their accounting. Want some advice. WMBA members could give them their advice. We want to be more of an information resource,” said Moffitt. WMG

• • • www.WMGAZETTE.com • • • 5 •

July 5, 2017

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Arher & Arrow

If you want to double your fun, you can adopt two felines and pay one adoption fee and four month old brothers Archer (ID 578119) and Arrow (ID 578120) hope you will do just that. This duo previously lived with kids ages seven and up and they get along with other pets. They are sweet, playful and have outgoing personalities‌the only thing missing is a family to love. Can they be part of your family?


When you adopt from the Humane Society of Broward County all pets are spayed or neutered before going home. In addition, they receive preliminary vaccinations, heartworm test for dogs over seven months, feline leukemia test for cats, a limited 10-day health care plan courtesy of VCA Animal Hospital, a bag of Purina ONE food and more. The adoption fee for dogs over six months is $100 and felines over six months are $30. For more information call the shelter today at 954-989-3977 ext. 6. The Humane Society of Broward County is located at 2070 Griffin Road, just a block west of I-95 and opens daily at 10:30 a.m. To see who else needs a home visit www.humanebroward.com



7 .5.2017


Your Ten Favorite Gay Campgrounds In North America As voted for by Facebook poll respondents

Ric Reily


amping in the wild outdoors is an enduring memory for many. Whether that memory includes a small leaky tent, a rustic wooden cabin, a travel trailer or a luxurious motorized coach, chances are it brings a smile each time it happens across your consciousness. Places of relaxing quietude become meshed in our life script, regularly returning us to moments when life truly was wonderful, even when the recollection dates to a time decades removed. Moving away from home and youth, particularly when that move entails a new urban environment, life and time easily draw new stimuli and persons into our existence and fond memories of time spent in the quiet solitude of camping abate. Out of sight out of mind as the adage has it. Yet, it’s still there. That place, that moment, that sunset, that rushing river carrying rafts, kayaks and swarming schools of fish, that soaring mountain peak capped with snow and draped with chutes of scree and soaring cliffs hovering above tree lines patiently awaits the next person to hold it in their awe. Now there is gay camping. Places set across the nation without plan, sometimes a thousand miles apart, others moments away exist to return us to distant memories wrapped in our current expectations of quality, entertainment, and access. We have known of gay camping for a long time and each year more and more gays discover it for themselves. More and more gay men and lesbians are rediscovering the pure fun of stepping away from their everyday lives and if only for a weekend, choose to relive times long forgotten. Twenty-four, of almost 150, gay campgrounds in North America are represented in an online poll of gay campers where I asked respondents to name their favorite gay campground. The top ten favorites are ordered by the raw number of responses.

Many of the winners are proud program participants of Friends With Benefits, a program offering half price memberships at participating properties with a valid membership at another. A commonality that runs through each of the top gay campgrounds is the sense of family that campers engender. That sense of family is perhaps the single greatest draw LGBT have to their campgrounds across the U.S. The poll was open to anyone though responses were limited to one per IP address. Open for five months, the poll reports on gay campgrounds from across the U.S. Sawmill Resort in Florida came out on top as the favorite gay campground in North America, perhaps not surprisingly as it is one of the largest, is open year around and actively markets in many channels, working hard to improve a once lagging image. Freedom Valley in Ohio surfaces as the second favorite, again no surprise, it being a well-run facility conveniently located to much of Ohio and operated by committed owners who truly value their seasonal campers. Jones Pond in New York rounds out the top three gay campgrounds in North America primarily driven by a deep sense of community in its seasonal campers, its commitment to quality of operations and its verdant property. All of the 24 campgrounds and resorts represented in the poll data are good to great outdoor venues and overall winners are as much a result of the quality of their operations as their willingness to get their supporters to vote for them in the poll. Some great gay campgrounds, such as Vitambi Springs in Florida and The Woods in Pennsylvania, simply chose not to promote the poll to their supporters. Each of the following articles is summarily written from comments that respondents made in their

survey entry. Though I have visited each of the 10 favorite gay campgrounds, the articles describe them as campers see them, in their own words. Now let’s see what makes a great gay campground and how each stack up with the others.

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Photos: flsawmill.com and Facebook



21710 us 98 Dade city, FL 33523 (352) 583-0664 Flsawmill.com

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1875 us 250 new London, Oh 44851 (419) 929-8100 Freedomvalleycamping.com

rated no. 1 by Poll respondents 4.1 stars from 78 Google reviewers Sawmill is a Friends With Benefits Participant


here camping meets nightlife describes Sawmill. It’s a great place to camp, a year-round retreat where you can be you without the cliques often present in gay clubs. Sawmill is a jewel in the woods, an amazing, friendly, peaceful, inclusive, no attitudes camping paradise that’s a one of a kind fun, clean, safe, and relaxing place where making customers happy seems to be the No. 1 priority; most weekends are themed around events. Sawmill offers RV sites, three levels of cabins and many tent sites, with or without water and electric service, providing friendly fun within a budget. With some 120 acres, there is plenty of space to party, roam, and play. Located less than 90 minutes from Tampa and Orlando, it’s a great location, easily accessible from both north and South Florida. Sawmill knows how to make you feel welcome. It’s on an upswing, being improved and cleaned up consistently with noticeable improvements. Consistent upgrading has improved the pool area, cabins, roads, shower houses, and camping sites. In 2016, Sawmill implemented a new smoke-free policy, limiting smoking to outdoors and specific smoking areas around the pool and in other common areas. This campground is a second home for many. Amenities abound. Splash is the poolside onsite restaurant and bar with great food and drinks and great drink prices; Woody’s is the club with music until 2 a.m.; Blade for pool and the new Back Porch bar for smokers. Ricky Lake provides a quiet place away, the nearby trails are, well the trails. Once inside the gates there’s no reason to leave. Surrounded by nature, it's a perfect mix of camping and gay nightlife with a great

community of people. Activities include drag performances, special events, foam parties, pool parties, sports competitions, bingo, nightclub specials, live music some weekends, games, prizes, men, men, and more men, and secluded places to enjoy once the sun sets. The parties are out of this world and it’s always fun with a lot going on. The pool is warm all year long and includes new cabanas complete with complimentary champagne. Since 1998, Sawmill's been a camping getaway with all the amenities of home and a complete vacation experience with something for everyone and always plenty of friendly folks. Though predominantly men, women are welcome and Sawmill features four big women events each year. There is a strong community where it’s easy to feel included and welcome, it’s where you often meet people who become friends for a lifetime. Very friendly and relaxed, it’s easy to meet new people and a great time is had by everyone. Not only is Sawmill a perfect place to visit, it’s a great place to live, work, and play with its diverse clientele and many different things to do. Sawmill is the best place to let it all hang out and be yourself. Sawmill has faced challenges over the years with management and staff, though currently the second-to-none hospitable staff, led by Justin, Jill, and Alan, is always willing to help everyone have a great time. If you aren’t happy for any reason and ask for Justin, he appears and makes things right. You have to love the natural setting, entertainment, and dedication to the LGBT community. Where camping meets nightlife is a place where you are free to be yourself.

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rated no. 2 by Poll respondents 5 stars from 15 Google reviewers Freedom Valley is a Friends With Benefits Participant

pen May into October, Freedom Valley Campgrounds is a great, reasonably priced campground with super kind owners. Michael and Jeff make a point of being available to everyone. The topnotch staff is fun, consistent, helpful, attentive, friendly, and competent. The property is a prime piece of land that is competently managed and clean, with very well laid out and kept grounds. Owners are continually updating the property with additional amenities, more comfortable cabins, and gorgeous landscapes. It’s well manicured with beautiful surroundings. Seasonal campers are friendly, service is great, amenities are amazing, and overall it’s a great place for guests. It's an awesome welcoming place where it’s always possible to have a great time. Campers love the prices, leisure activities and the inclusive atmosphere. It is a most comfortable gay campground. Men of all ages and types are made to feel welcome and accepted. There is something new every year. If your visit includes wanting to meet new friends, this is a perfect place with the friendly close knit seasonal campers, often described as a family, who definitely know how to have a good time. If your visit includes wanting a quiet retreat, Freedom Valley is perfect as it’s not a huge loud party place where you’ll be up all

night. With the friendly group of men, some call this the friendliest gay campground in the U.S.; awesome regulars are very inviting to weekenders. Fun programming helps people get to know each other. You can go there not knowing anyone and when you leave you will have become more than friends, you become part of the family. You never need to leave this gay getaway campground with a BBQ-stand restaurant, bar, and dance hall with a huge attached outdoor socializing area around a community campfire. There is hiking, a heated swimming pool, and onsite boating on the lake. The private pool is well kept and maintained. Outdoor showers and private flushing toilets for tent campers are always clean. Themed weekend events are often amazing productions produced and hosted by seasonal campers. Whether you’re a seasonal camper, tenting, renting a cabin, or parking a motor coach, it’s difficult to not have a wonderful experience. The centrally located semi-rural location, near the best roller coaster park in the nation, allows Freedom Valley to be a safe place to relax, party, dance, and just be yourself.

7.5.2017 •



Photos: Facebook


Celebrating our 8th Year on Wilton Drive!

New Patients


Your smile should leave a great impression!

($295 Value)

9835 Old state road Angelica, ny 14709 (585) 567-8100 JonesPond.com

Comprehensive Exam, Digital X-Rays & Cleaning*

General & Cosmetic Dentistry New, State of the Art Facilities•Most Insurances Accepted Always Plenty of Free Parking•Located Conveniently on Wilton

954-565-7666 Dr. David K. Warner, DDS, FAGD Fellow, Academy of General Dentistry

• • •

rated no. 3 by Poll respondents 4.3 stars from 12 Google reviewers Jones Pond is a Friends With Benefits Participant


www.IslandCitySmiles.com *In the absense of gum disease. Not applicable to insurance benefits.

ats off to the fun, outgoing, and awesome Jones Pond owners Bryan and Matt for their constant efforts to make sure your time there is a great one! Matt and Bryan are caring hosts and make sure every stay at their campground is a memorable time. They’re friendly owners and are really passionate about their campground, taking pride in their park. They are always improving facilities and infrastructure. Along with the owners, seasonal campers take pride in the park. It is a place beloved by many. You can’t help getting a sense of family. A nice mix of men, all ages, sizes, and professional backgrounds are there. Jones Pond is more than just a campground; there is a strong sense of pride and community. For many, this is home and where their heart rests. Memorial Day weekend includes a remembrance ceremony in the Memorial Garden, harkening back for at least a moment to campers long passed. Fantastic facilities and welcoming hosts are just the start of what is great about Jones Pond. Well maintained with constant improvements, the park is incredibly clean. Theme weekends and impromptu events held by seasonal campers make every weekend a blast. The Cadillac of campgrounds is always filled to the brim with lots of men. Friendly, family, fun, this is the one place a gay man can feel at home. It's the best ever! Jones Pond becomes home the minute you drive in the gate. You will never be a stranger, you will return again and again. Some campers drive four hours every weekend just to enjoy this unbelievably picturesque place with an incredible atmosphere and the most


1946 Wilton Drive •Wilton Manors • FL 33305

7 .5.2017

beautiful grounds on earth. The staff is always attentive, courteous, and helpful. They make everyone feel welcome and treat people like family. Every day these professionals recreate the mostly friendly place in the world for gay men. Events are extremely well organized. You can go to just relax or take part in all the festivities. Every weekend, awesome events and block parties are full of fun activities. Entertainment is so well managed it’s like being on a weekend cruise. Rental accommodations from bunkhouses, cabins and guesthouse to a complete rental RV are pleasant, clean, and complete. The campground, shower houses, and rental units are always clean and well maintained. The Cafe At the Pond offers a good selection of the usual and delicious food. For a tent camper, Jones Pond is a home away from home. Awesome, outgoing, and welcoming seasonal campers create a sense of community that is a huge part of what makes this a great campground. Hands down this could be the friendliest campground; the friendliest anywhere where everyone is included in every event including free block parties sponsored and presented by each block of seasonal campers. Jones Pond is one big family where everyone is gay. Camps are on good-sized sites, the owners will do most anything to assure you’re having a great time and seasonal campers are welcoming to everyone. Miss the Pond and miss some of the best in gay camping.


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Photos: ozcampground.com and lizardlanding.com



50 GA 230 unadilla, GA 31091 (478) 892-2299 Ozcampground.com

586 Lizard Lope road columbia, AL 36319 (334) 696-2047 LizardLanding.com

rated no. 4 by Poll respondents 4.9 stars from 10 Google reviewers Oz is a Friends With Benefits Participant

z is a full service, year-round gay campground and resort. From the start of peak season till the end, fun fills this beautiful property. This is a great, full-service, gay-owned campground for short and long term stays. Weekends can be very relaxed or very exciting depending on how you choose to spend your time. Facilities are clean, up to date and well maintained. They include a huge, laidback bar onsite with a dance floor, a new poolside café, a sunny pool deck including a shaded area, outdoor showers, and of course the Sugar Shack. The campground is large with full hookup RV sites, some of which are pull-through ready, cabins, and a new shower house. Trails wander across the 150 fifty acres of Georgia red clay. With the awesome friendly staff, everyone is helpful; the owners are great and Oz truly is a place to call home. Being at Oz feels like home and everyone treats

you like family, one big family that just keeps expanding. Oz nurtures an uplifting and caring environment from owners to long-term lease members and it’s always easy to feel a part of something special. This little corner of south central Georgia is the best of the best of warm friendly family for the LGBT community and the perfect place to meet warm, caring, giving gays.

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rated no. 5 by Poll respondents 4 stars from 9 Google reviewers Lizard Landing is a Friends With Benefits Participant

izard Landing is a small, wellmaintained and clean gay campground at the end of the road with one long side bordering the river. Everyone goes out of their way to make sure your needs are taken care of and to insure a great camping experience. The staff is very cordial and helpful, they are great hosts. The guys who own and run Lizard Landing are amazing, warm, and very friendly; Greg and Les have created a welcoming campground. They know how to treat you, make you feel like family, and know what the meaning of guest satisfaction is. Everyone is family and will assist you in anyway they can; Lizard Landing is a family of friends. On arrival, it’s impossible to miss the wonderful, warm, and welcoming atmosphere. A river running along one side contributes to the beautiful setting; the grounds are well kept. Amenities are fantastic and well maintained. There are weekly social events including a Saturday potluck dinner

poolside. Southern Alabama sun is perfect for keeping the beautiful solar-heated saltwater pool warm and crystal clear. Alongside the glistening pool, is a tidy and clean clubhouse including a covered porch for shade and social activities. Restrooms are always kept clean and well supplied. Cabins are modern, clean, and well maintained. Lizard Landing is famous for southern gay hospitality at its best!

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Photos: Facebook



3500 Forest street Lehighton, PA 18235 (610) 377-9577 TheWoodscampground.com

326 Goff road venus, FL 33960 (863) 699-mArs (6277) campmars.com

rated no. 7 by Poll respondents 4.8 stars from 62 Google reviewers The Woods is not a Friends With Benefits Participant


he Woods is so popular that its owners didn’t bother disseminating the Favorite Campgrounds Poll to its members. Drawing from New York City, Philadelphia, and the Baltimore, Washington area, The Woods apparently already has all the business and notoriety it needs. Even so, enough respondents completed the survey to land The Woods at No. 7 on the Favorite Gay Campgrounds in North America list. Those respondents had a great deal to say about their summer paradise in the Poconos. The Woods is one of the cleanest and best run campgrounds in the U.S. They love it there. The property is very well organized with excellent theme parties. Drawing from several major metropolitan areas, the demographic is diverse with a certain lean toward younger, primarily


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college-age men. Camp staff is welcoming, friendly, and competent, delivering a great place to relax and be you. It is a fun friendly place with a relaxed atmosphere. Located in an area of several gay campgrounds, The Woods stands out as the premier property of the group. Nearby, Hillside Campgrounds, Oneida Campground, and Lodge round out the others.

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rated no. 6 by Poll respondents 3.9 stars from 14 Google reviewers Camp Mars is not a Friends With Benefits Participant

amp Mars cannot be introduced without a favorite quip: Camp Mars is located west of Jupiter, near Venus. Check it out on a map, it’s true. Arriving at Camp Mars is part of the adventure. The last mile down Goff Road, through the gate, and stopping at the office reveals a beautiful vista across open land to a tree line supporting the sky. Once upon a time, sunset potluck dinners took place in front of the office, a celebration reminiscent of sunsets from the wharf at Key West. Like many of the favorite gay campgrounds, the campers at Camp Mars are warm, welcoming, and inclusive, really making the campground. After your first visit, you are part of the family, you’re never

a stranger on Mars. Permanent campers make a great gay community that cares for each other. Though permanent campers may not live on Mars, there seems no specific limit to how often they may visit. Located close to South Florida, Mars is easily accessible for a weekend stay. Like most gay campgrounds, each weekend has a different theme or activity and Mars can be fun, fun, fun. The social hall quickly changes from potluck dinner to bingo to dance hall on a Saturday. A sunny pool is always clean and warm with available shaded area. Trails wander the property, connecting primitive tenting areas to the RV sites.


Photos: roselandwv.com and inthewoodscampground.com


ROSELAND RESORT 925 nolte Lane Proctor, Wv 26055 (304) 455-3838 roseLandWv.com

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rated no. 8 by Poll respondents 4.8 stars from 25 Google reviewers Roseland is not a Friends With Benefits Participant

oseland is one of those places campers love. Nestled in the mountains of northern West Virginia, the trip there is steep and narrow. Big rigs and long trailers won’t enjoy the journey and likely won’t make it to the festivities. Landing at No. 8 in the poll, respondents particularly enjoy the setting. Roseland is a beautiful property in a gorgeous area of rounded mountain tops and unending forests. Facilities are kept very clean. With a great deal of fun things to do, there is something for all different sorts of campers. Owners and staff go out of their way to provide whatever guests need to make their visit enjoyable; the property is very well managed. Facilities and amenities abound. The pool boasts a bar and another attends to the pizza shop. Check-in

includes a store, and an accessory shop is near the pool. Walking paths crisscross the campground and hiking trails connect the different camping areas. Making your way to Roseland may not be the easiest, but after a typical weekend, leaving is even more difficult.

142 casey court canon, GA 30520 (706) 246-0152 inTheWoodscampground.com

• • •


rated no. 9 by Poll respondents 5 stars from 3 Google reviewers In The Woods is a Friends With Benefits Participant

ocated at the base of the foothills of the Appalachians in northeast Georgia in rural Canon, In the Woods is a fantastic place to enjoy your choice of camping experience, from rustic to all the amenities! There is always something fun planned to get involved in if you wish, or just choose to lie around the pool and soak up the sun. Walk the nature trails and enjoy scads and scads of blackberries along the way. In the fall, enjoy the seasonal beauty that the changing color of Mother Nature provides, spend time in the hot tub and clubhouse, and enjoy the company of other campers that love the peaceful blanket of fall and winter. Take a ride into the beautiful countryside of the foothills of the Smoky Mountains, enjoy nearby Tallulah Falls and the surrounding beauty, then come back home to a campfire, friends, and fun! This is not a Stand and Model

campground; everyone is welcome. The owners are friendly and jovial. They create the atmosphere of a big gay family not just a campground. The staff is wonderful and friendly as well. In The Woods is a very intimate campground that’s perfect for meeting new people and hanging around old friends. RV sites are very level and easy to use even with a 40’ motor home. Every campground amenity is available including lovely cabins located in a well-maintained campground.

7.5.2017 •



Photos: campitresort.com

CAMPIT OUTDOOR RESORT 6635 118th Avenue Fennville, mi 49408 (269) 543-4335 campitresort.com


Publisher Norm Kent on Camping

“Enjoy our special summer issue on camping. Hope you find a place just right for you and your partner or friends. For me, my idea of camping at this stage of my life is when room service is late!”

Joe’s hideaway

928 Valley Road Washington, NH 03280 Nestled in the New Hampshire woods, this is the best gay campground because you really feel welcome by Joe and Rich, who are great hosts.

The rivers edge

2311 Pulliam Mill Road Dewey Rose, GA 30634 The staff is superb, the owners are continuously making improvements, and the campers are friendly and diverse. There is a real sense of family.

Bluff creek Falls

11225 Loop Road Steele, AL 35987 Very rustic, not a lot of bull going on. • • •

rated no. 10 by Poll respondents 4.2 stars from 21 Google reviewers Campit is a Friends With Benefits Participant


ocated near beautiful Saugatuck, Michigan, there is a great deal to do around Campit if you tire of all the activities offered on property. There are nearby wineries, farms, orchards, South Haven, Saugatuck, and Saugatuck Dunes State Park. A gate guard greets you on Friday and Saturday nights to direct you to the store for registration. Amenities include the pool, attached entertainment area, and trails. Newer, clean and well-maintained showers are located in the huge entertainment building, and though it’s located a good distance from the main camping area, it’s worth the walk. Cabins are cute and adequate, including several big cabins and a bunkhouse with separate rooms. Campit features several vintage trailers for rental accommodation; attested from my personal experience. Check them out personally prior to committing to a stay. Oddly, whenever asked by seasonal


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campers where I was staying, my answer drew rolling eyes and an apologetic grimace. Campit is one of few gay campgrounds with available seasonal sites. Smaller sites are located in original camp areas and larger full hookup sites have been added in newer areas away from the main camp and near the entertainment center and a very nice shower house. Seasonal campers are friendly and inclusive. Staff is helpful.

camp Buckwood

8670 Spearsville Rd Morgantown, IN 46160 Campers and staff are great and make you feel at home.

camp David

2000 S Bishop Point Inverness, FL 34450 Always fun and easy to get in and out of with a big rig.

Oneida campground & Lodge

2580 East Lake Road New Milford, PA 18834 A very friendly and inclusive place. You’ll feel right at home on your first visit.

crooked Lake resort

2225 6700 Road Horsefly, BC V0L10 Canada Located off the grid in the Caribou country in British Columbia, you need to love the wilderness, see the wildlife, hear the loons and enjoy a rustic outdoor adventure.

hillside campgrounds

948 Creek Road New Milford, PA 18834 Amazing guys, fantastic time in the best gay campground in PA.

circle JJ ranch

1104 Amsterdam Rd SE Scio, OH 43988 Very friendly owners.

roy’s hideaway

268 Catfish Lane Collins, GA 30421 Very friendly staff, always a great time.

southern comfort campground

50 SE 74 Ave Cross City, FL 32628 The owners are very caring. The grounds are kept nice and neat and the pool is always wonderful.

starlite Trailer Lodge

5955 Globe Rd Lenoir, NC 28645 Nestled in the mountains of North Carolina, a favorite campground. The staff is friendly and helpful, it's quiet, the other campers are friendly, and the facilities are well maintained.

Triangle recreation camp

47715 Mountain Loop Hwy Granite Falls, WA 98252 Member-owned nonprofit.

vitambi springs

28280 Etumakee Way Clewiston, FL 33440 The staff is awesome the facilities are well maintained and the campers are welcoming to everyone. There’s a great bar and restaurant.

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J.W. Arnold




CONCERT Rod Stewart and Cyndi Lauper kick off their 18-city tour tonight at 7:30 p.m. at Hard Rock Live at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood. Stewart is one of the few artists to enjoy chart-topping albums in every decade of his 50-year career. And what can we say about Cyndi Lauper? She’s simply fabulous and has been an outspoken ally to the LGBTQ community throughout her long career. Tickets start at $50 at MyHRL.com.







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W W W . S F G N . C O M

Shakespeare’s rebellious years


CONCERT Miami is the Magic City and the legendary Paul McCartney has chosen the American Airlines Arena to launch his One on One tour tonight at 8 p.m. The three-hour concert will feature dozens of classics from the most beloved catalog in popular music, spanning McCartney’s entire career—as a solo artist, member of Wings and, of course, as a Beatle—and no shortage of surprises, too. For more information and tickets, go to Ticketmaster. com.




If you liked the Emmy winning film, “Shakespeare in Love,” then you’re gonna love “Will,” the new series on TNT about the playwright’s lost early years navigating the cutthroat, 16th-century theater scene in London. The Elizabethan drama is punctuated

with a punk rock score, but this is no flop like “Cop Rock.” Laurie Davidson stars as the smoldering young Shakespeare. Check local listings for channels and show times. Credit: TNT. Submitted photo.


7/8 SUN

7/9 MON

7/10 TUE






FFEntLLC/Q2LFInc return to the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale with the presentation of the megaFLO’ poetry/spoken word series summer smash, “FLO’pocalypse: Silent and READY!” The spoken word presentation, the sixth at the Broward Center, will be told through the words and life experiences of one of the greatest storytellers of all time, Quick the Poet. Tickets start at $26.50 at BrowardCenter.org.

Head to the Arsht Center tonight, where Miami’s best B-boys and B-girls (breakdancers) will battle it out on the Plaza for the Arts for a $1500 cash price and the chance to perform at the Breakin’ Convention Miami 2017 in October. The B-Miami Battle starts at 6 p.m. and is free. The competition is sponsored by the Arsht Center and the Knight Foundation. Don’t miss this celebration of street culture. For more info, go to ArshtCenter.org.

The Theatre League of South Florida’s Summer Theatre Fest continues tonight at 7:30 p.m. with a staged reading of Andie Arthur’s new play, “The Secret of the Biological Clock,” presented by Lost Girls Theatre at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami, 7701 SW 76th Ave. in Miami. Arthur has developed a reputation for her inventive fantasy and science fiction writing. For more info, go to SouthFloridaTheatre.org.

This week is the Baby Boomer concert trifecta: Rod Stewart on Thursday, Paul McCartney on Friday and, tonight, Carole King. Sing along from the comfort of your local Cineplex seat as Carole King performs her iconic “Tapestry” at the packed BST Hyde Park London arena. The Fathom Events high-definition broadcast will be shown in Fort Lauderdale, Sunrise and Aventura. Ticket are $15.90 - $16.05 at FathomEvents.com.


7 .5.2017

‘ 7.5.2017 •


A&E arts

A&E theater

David “LEBO” LeBatard will be the featured artist at the RedEye music and art

“50 Shades of Felt,” opening on July 20 at Empire Stage, lampoons a certain series of “mommy porn” novels and films.

Photo: Submitted

sex-crAZeD PuPPeTs PArODy “FiFTy shADes” AT emPire sTAGe


world of straight BDSM and relationships, Larsen said the Phoenix production has also proven popular with LGBT audiences. “Gay or straight, the situations are hilarious,” he said, noting the camp factor. “Besides, they’re puppets!” Larsen added, “They’re puppets with no legs, so it leaves you wondering just where those puppeteers’ hands are going. Let’s just say that the sex scenes force us to be very creative, too.” There are inherent challenges with an all-puppet play, Larsen admitted, like the puppets themselves. He has spent weeks constructing and adapting puppets for the various “demands” of the script. He will also be taking on the job of puppet costume designer, a new role for the versatile writer/director/actor. And, “Fifty Shades of Felt” will open at Empire Stage on the same night as a one-man show he is producing, “Big Bright Star,” about the aspiration of an actor to rise within the gay porn industry, written and starring real-life porn star and burlesque performer Chris Harder at Andrews Living Arts. On the same evening, the world premiere production of Larsen’s play, “Happy Ending,” will transfer to Seven Stages in Atlanta. Larsen is so confident Fort Lauderdale audiences will embrace his all-puppet productions, he’s already started on a new play that is sure to entice lesbian and gay fans, “Orange is the New Felt,” a parody of Netflix’s hit series, “Orange is the New Black.”

“Fifty Shades of Felt” will be performed July 20 – Aug. 20 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $35 at RonnieLarsen.com.


7 .5.2017

Photo: Submitted

ArTisTs AnD enThusiAsTs GO WiLD AT reDeye: unTAmeD J.W. Arnold

J.W. Arnold hat do you get when you mash up “Fifty Shades of Grey” with “Sesame Street”? The answer would be “Fifty Shades of Felt,” the parody opening on July 20 at Empire Stage in Fort Lauderdale and it’s not the kind of puppet show for children. An obvious comparison could be made with the Tony Award-winning musical “Avenue Q,” a puppet show with plenty of adult themes and some PG-rated simulated, puppet sex, but the characters of “Fifty Shades of Felt” have kinky itches like the show’s “mommy porn” inspiration. “Fifty Shades of Felt” is the creation of Shaun Michael McNamara, artistic director of the All Puppet Players, and has been running in Phoenix, Arizona for more than three years. The Empire Stage production is being produced and directed by Ronnie Larsen, who recently relocated to South Florida from Southern California. “Fifty Shades of Felt” is a departure for Larsen, best known for the gay-themed plays, “Making Porn” and, more recently, “Shooting Porn” and “Happy Ending.” Larsen jumped at the opportunity to add “Fifty Shades of Felt” to his upcoming series at both Empire Stage and Andrews Living Arts in the FAT Village arts district. “Recently, I’ve become obsessed with these really great shows that have basically played forever in one city, but never been seen anywhere else,” explained Larsen. “That show has played for three years and is still selling out. It’s that funny.” Even though the show explores the dark

festival on Saturday, July 15 at ArtServe in Fort Lauderdale.).


roward County artists will uncage their creativity at the annual RedEye music and arts festival on Saturday, July 15 at ArtServe in Fort Lauderdale. The theme for this year’s festival, a decadeold tradition, is “Untamed.” The one-night fundraiser for the arts agency will feature dozens of visual artists, musicians, spoken word artists, dancers and performers. “RedEye’s urban canvas of human artistry began as a way to support our mission, but has turned into so much more,” explained ArtServe CEO Jaye Abbate. “It’s a night for the community to celebrate. For less than the cost of a movie ticket, attendees— even non-art lovers— are exposed to new films, new music, and new dance forms.” Guests are invited to roam from room to room at the Sunrise Boulevard facility to take in performances by live bands and dancers, observe painters at work on living canvases and interact with a variety of performance artists. The featured artist this year is Miamibased Cuban-American David LeBatard, better known in the arts community as LEBO. Acclaimed for his work across a variety of mediums, LEBO is the innovator of Postmodern Cartoon Expressionism, a combination of cartoon imagery, richly saturated balances of color and unique linear composition, all brought together in a narrative style to inspire emotion and create layers of meaning. In his artist’s statement, LEBO describes his unique approach: “My aim in creating is to explore the purest, most spiritual elements of the arts and sciences (from astronomy to history, from music to physics) and to interpret them through the language of cartoons, giving them a unique and vibrant

voice. After all, cartoons are a primordial form of expression that have always combined images in order to tell stories. We have only to think of rock paintings, hieroglyphics or religious iconography for our proof. In reality, even when we look at Picasso’s work after 1905, it all becomes very hard-edged yet organic. The very essence of cartooning. LEBO will be mentoring veteran artists during the event, helping them develop signature art works that represent their “collective emotional journeys.” Whether an artist is writing a rap song, play or poem or creating a painting or sculpture, art can help reveal deep-rooted emotions, he emphasizes. This year’s festival will also introduce several new experiences for guests, including a Comedy Corner featuring the hilarious “Two Hour Comedy Hour,” screenings of films from the Sundance and South by Southwest (SXSW) festivals and the highly anticipated “Fashionista Fest.” Emcee Michelle Rose Domb will introduce top bands, including AudioCrisis, The Takers and Leavers, Emily Sheila and Teri Catlin, on the mainstage. In between performances, guests can cool down at the Shipyard and South Beach Brewing beer garden. Maine’s largest brewery is partnering with South Beach Brewing and the celebration will kick off with the unveiling of an original label design by LEBO. It’s all about the experience, Abbate emphasized, and guests “can push past their comfort zones, experience something fresh and unexpected, and have tons of fun for a great cause.”

RedEye: Untamed will be held on Saturday, July 15 from 6 – 10 p.m. at ArtServe, 1350 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. VIP tickets, including valet parking and access to special lounge, are $75. Tickets and more information at ArtServe.org.

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JuLy 5 - JuLy 12


Theater Christiana Lilly




Saturday Night Fever

July 6 to 23 at the Lake Worth Playhouse, 713 Lake Ave. in Lake Worth. The musical adaptation of the film chronicling Tony and his friends’ journey through the disco era. Tickets $23 to 38. Call 561-5866410 or visit LakeWorthPlayhouse. org.

Paul McCartney

July 7 at 8 p.m. at the AmericanAirlines Arena, 601 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. The iconic performer kicks off his “One on One” tour in Miami. Call 786-777-1000 or visit AAArena.com.

Thank You For Being a Friend

Through July 16 at Empire Stage,1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. A “Golden Girls” musical parody with an all-male cast. Tickets $35, use code EARLY to save $5. Call 212-868444 or visit EmpireStage.com.

* Denotes New Listing


7 .5.2017

broward county * Cirque du Soleil: Ovo

July 13 to 23 at the BB&T Center, One Panther Parkway in Sunrise. The troupe returns to South Florida with their newest production, taking the audience into the world of an ecosystem that is greeted by a mysterious egg. Tickets $25 and up. Call 800-745-3000 or visit TheBBTCenter.com.

Happy Ending

Through July 16 at Andrews Living Arts, 23 NW Fifth St. in Fort Lauderdale. A massage therapist welcomes a customer to his massage table who bends the rules. Contains nudity and sexual situations. Tickets $35 to $50. Call 954826-8790 or visit RonnieLarsen.com

The Goldberg Variations

Through July 16 at Island City Stage, 2304 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. The Goldberg family throws a party every year in honor of their late grandmother’s birthday, but when Caleb tries to switch things up, his boyfriend and family spin the event out of control. Tickets $35. Call 954-519-2533 or visit IslandCityStage. org.

Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series

Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves. com

palm beach county


July 6 at at Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. Jimmy Eat World opens for the California rock band, known for their hits “Make Yourself, “Pardon Me,” “Drive,” and more. Tickets $30 and up. Call 561-795-8883 or visit WestPalmBeachAmphitheatre.com.

* Shakespeare by the Sea 27: Love’s Labor’s Lost

July 6 to 9 and July 13 to 16 at 8 p.m. at Carlin Park, 400 South SR A1A in Jupiter. Watch Shakespeare’s early comedies under the stars. Bring your lawn chair and blankets! Free. Visit Facebook.com/seabreezeamphitheater.

Sense and Sensibility

Through July 22 at FAU’s Studio One Theatre, 777 Glades Road in Boca Raton. Kate Hamill presents her play based on the Jane Austin novel. Tickets $25. Call 800-564-9539 or visit fauevents.com.

Free Friday Concerts

Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.

miami-dade county Algo De Un Tal Shakespeare

July 6 to 9 at the Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd in Miami. The Mexican play “Something

by One Shakespeare” is an improvisation of the Bard, bringing his collection of stories to the modern day. Performed in Spanish. Tickets $34. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter. org.

Summer Shorts

Through July 12 at the Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd in Miami. The annual short play festival presents a brand-new line of 10-minute plays and mini-musicals, including Lin-Manuel Miranda’s “21 Chump Street.” Tickets $39. Call 305-949-6722 or visit ArshtCenter.org.

* Firemen Are Rarely Necessary

Through July 16 at the Miami Theater Center, 9806 NE Second Ave. in Miami Shores. Set in the near future in Florida, a world where more words have been banned and it becomes difficult to talk about the bad things happening. Tickets $15 to $30. Call 305-7519550 or visit MTCMiami.org.

Outdoor Music Series

Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.

The Big Show

Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny.com.

7.5.2017 •



community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com

top piCKs

broWard support serViCes


Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com

School Supply Drive

Through Aug. 26 at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Support Broward County students and drop off school supplies or monetary donations at the center. All 954-463-9008, ext. 108 or email womenwithpride@ pridecenterflorida.org.

Sober Sisters

Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for female recovering alcoholics. Visit LambdaNorth.net.

TransSocial Saturdays

Saturdays from noon to 3 p.m. at Pridelines, 6360 NE Fourth Court in Miami. Come hang out with others for a movie, snacks, and discussion every Saturday. Visit TransSocial. org.


Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.


Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.


First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

broward county * SAGE Book Group: “Splendora”

July 8 from 11 a.m. to noon at the Stonewall National Library, 1300 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. In Edward Swift’s book, Timothy John returns to his Texas hometown with Miss Jessie Gatewood, the new town librarian. Free. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum. org.bt center

Life Coaching

Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud Clubhouse, 2300 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Get one-on-one life coaching from certified CRCS coaches. For guys living with HIV, their partners, and anyone who identifies as transgender. Free. Call 954-7656239 or visit LatinosSalud.org.

Rest Your Mind

Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at Kadampa Meditation Center, 241 W Prospect Road Ste. B in Fort Lauderdale. Start your week with relaxing meditation to center yourself. Free. Visit MeditateinFortLauderdale.org.

Man2Man Discussion 42

7 .5.2017

Mondays 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. A weekly informal discussion group among gay men of all backgrounds. Contact John Beuscher at 954-319-4292 or email johnnybushwick@aol.com.


Mondays 7 to 9 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Learn the art of public speaking with positive reinforcement and encouragement from your peers. Call Ted Verdone at 954-566-2074 or email tedverdone@comcast.net.

Proud Speakers

Mondays from 7:15 to 9 p.m. at The Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Join the Toastmasters to work on your communication and leadership skills. Call Jose Antigua at 954-594-0634 or visit 2266. toastmastersclubs.org.

JuLy 5 - JuLy 12 Transgender Advisory Group Meeting

First Mondays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at various locations. The Florida Department of Health in Broward County meeting of the Transgender Advisory Group which is part of the Broward County HIV Prevention Planning Council. Call 954-467-4700, ext. 4991 or visit browardgreaterthan.org/broward-county-hivprevention-planning-council-bchppc/

L.I.F.E. Project

Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Get the tools you need to treat your HIV positive diagnosis and live a full, productive life. Free. Call 954-463-9005 or visit PrideCenterFlorida. org.

palm beach county

Sushi & Stroll

July 14, Aug. 11, and Sept. 8 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens, 4000 Morikami Park Road in Delray Beach. The summertime fete returns with sushi rolls, drumming by Fushu Daiko, tours, and more. Admission $15. Call 561-495-0233 or visit Morikami.org.

* Kitsch and Kulture

July 15 to Aug. 30 at The Box Gallery, 811

Belvedere Road in West Palm Beach. A look at the transition period of kitsch culture in South Florida from 1960 to 1990. Free. Call 786-5211199 or visit TheBoxGallery.info.


Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@compassglcc.com.

Zumba Fitness

Mondays at 6 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Get moving with a certificated Zumba instructor for an infusion of exercise and dance moves. Donation of $5 or more. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC. com.

Out of the Closet, Into the Light

Mondays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at MCC of the Palm Beaches, 4857 Northlake Blvd. in Palm Beach Gardens. AA for the LGBT community. Free. Call 561-775-5900 or visit MCCPalmBeach. org.

Voices of Pride

Mondays at 7 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Join the Gay Men’s Chorus as they practice every week. Free. Call 561-533-9699 or visit CompassGLCC.com

miami-dade county

Arsht Center Farmers Market

Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Tickets $45 to $75. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/en/Visit/Dining.


Tuesdays from 6 to 7:15 p.m. at Jose Marti Park, 362 SW Fourth Ave. in Miami. Yogis 18 and older of all levels are invited to a practice lead by a certified instructor. Bring your own yoga mat, water, and towel. Free. Call 305-358-7550 or visit BayfrontParkMiami.com/Yoga.html.

Book Study

Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Miami. Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Norbu, will lead classes on learning the foundations of Buddhism. Call 786-529-7137.

Miami Beach. Hit the mat for an indoor yoga practice overlooking the garden. Tickets $10 Wednesdays, $15 Saturdays. Call 305-673-7256 or visit MBGarden.org.

key west

Aqua Idol

Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Aqua Key West, 711 Duval St. in Key West. Support your local artists and vote for your favorite! Benefits Waterfront Playhouse. Call 305-294-0555 or visit AquaKeyWest.com.

Hot Naked Hump Days

Wednesdays from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Island House, 1129 Fleming St. in Key West. Relax in the middle of the week with two-for-one drinks, free shots, videos and music, giveaways, and naked boys at the pool. Call 305-294-6284 or visit IslandHouseKeyWest.com

Women’s Flag Football

Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at Bernstein Park, 6751 Fifth St. on Stock Island. Practice and games once a week. Free. Call 305-8968678 or email IWFFA@IWFFA.com.

Yoga in the Garden

Wednesdays at 12:15 p.m. and Saturdays at 11:30 a.m. at the Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive in

* Denotes New Listing Licensed & Insured


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