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August 2, 2017 vol. 8 // issue 31


s o u t h

f l o r i d a

g a y

n e w s


a burden lgBt NatioN riSES up for traNS rightS pagES 6, 15, 16, 18, 24

anTi-gaY disCriMinaTion oK Under FederaL Law Page 8


sUPerCon TaKes over ForT LaUderdaLe Pages 20, 21



NEWS highlight


August 2, 2017 • Volume 8 • Issue 31

2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

Publisher • Norm Kent Norm.Kent@sfgn.com

Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli Associate Publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com


unnecessarY surgerY on interseX BaBies ‘catastroPhic’ Brittany Ferrendi


oughly 1.7 percent of babies could about the harm from these procedures, be considered intersex. Many of many doctors continue to present these them undergo unnecessary and surgeries to parents as good options.” often harmful surgery — These operations go typically just to “fit in” underway while the with social expectations. babies are far too young “the A 160-page report by to make the decision devastation the Human Rights Watch themselves. Doctors caused bY and interACT looks into often perform surgery the harm caused by these on the baby’s gonads, medicaLLY medically unnecessary internal sex organs and unnecessarY surgeries, titled “‘I Want to genitals, usually resulting surGerY on Be Like Nature Made Me:’ in some form of physical Medically Unnecessary and psychological harm. interseX Surgeries on Intersex “The genital surgeries inFants is both Children in the US.” done on intersex children PhYsicaL and “The devastation can result in loss of caused by medically sensation and PsYchoLoGicaL.” sexual unnecessary surgery ongoing pain,” the report on intersex infants reads. “The procedures - Kimberly Zieselman is both physical and are irreversible, in that EXEcutiVE dirEctor of iNtEract psychological,” Executive tissue or Morgans that EMBER Director of interACT are removed cannot be Kimberly Zieselman said. “Despite replaced, nerves that are severed cannot decades of patient advocates putting be regrown, and scar tissue can limit the medical community on notice options for future surgery.” MEMBER

Art Director • Brendon Lies Artwork@sfgn.com Designer • Max Kagno Digital Content Director • Brittany Ferrendi Webmaster@sfgn.com Associate Editor • Jillian Melero JillianMelero@gmail.com Copyeditor • Kerri Covington Arts/Entertainment Editor • JW Arnold JW@prdconline.com Social Media Manager • Tucker Berardi TBerardi2014@fau.edu Food/Travel Editor • Rick Karlin Gazette News Editor • Michael d'Oliveira HIV Editor • Sean McShee Senior Photographer • J.R. Davis JRDavis12000@hotmail.com

Senior Features Correspondents Jesse Monteagudo • Tony Adams


When doctors perform surgery on babies too young to identify their own gender identity, they also run the risk of surgically assigning the wrong sex. Further, surgery to remove gonads could result in sterilization without consent, which could require lifelong hormone replacement therapy. “The medical community has made progress in intersex care in recent decades, but medically unnecessary irreversible surgeries on children and infants remain common,” said researcher at Human Rights Watch and report author Kyle Knight. “The pressure to fit in and live a ‘normal’ life is real, but there is no evidence that surgery delivers on the promise of making that easier, and ample evidence that it risks causing irreversible lifelong harm.”

to read the full report, visit hrW.org.

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Associated Press


Cover A trans woman leading the way in the military.


8 . 2.2017

NLGJA Journalist of the Year

South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2017 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

NEWS national

More Young Gays on PrEP Go Bareback Tucker Berardi


n ongoing study in New York City that focused on gay and bisexual men has found that individuals taking preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a preventative HIV medication, report more condomless sex with casual partners. The study was conducted by researchers from the Center for HIV Education Studies and Training (CHEST) at Hunter College in NYC. 1,071 HIV-negative young men over the age of 18 were studied from 2014 to 2016. It was found that participants used PrEP at increased rates over the duration of the study, as well as a statistically significant increase in reported condomless anal sex with partners. According to researchers, participants who reported currently being on PrEP had a 2.52-fold higher rate of casual condomless sex than times when they did not report current PrEP use. Also, participants who reported current PrEP use had a 12.38-fold higher rate of condomless sex with HIV-positive partners

than at times when they were not taking the preventative. Participants who went off PrEP during the study had a 12 percent lower rate of recent casual condomless sex than when they were on the treatment. The researchers also found a correlation with higher STI rates in participants on PrEP. It was found that these men were 58 percent more likely to receive an STI diagnosis at the time they reported active PrEP use and 22 percent more likely after recently stopping PrEP use. PrEP drastically lowers the chances of HIV transmission, but does not lower rates of other STIs, making intercourse with condoms the best way to prevent STIs. It was decided by the researchers, however, that larger studies of individuals with less risky sexual patterns while on PrEP are needed to determine how the drug may affect behavioral patterns and STI diagnoses.

8.2.2017 •


associated press

arkansas asks that city’s lgBt rights ordinance Be Blocked (AP) Arkansas asked a judge Friday to block enforcement of a city ordinance that bans discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, months after the state’s highest court ruled the measure violated a law aimed at prohibiting local LGBT protections. Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge and a group opposed to the Fayetteville anti-discrimination ordinance asked Washington County Circuit Judge Doug Martin to issue a preliminary injunction against the measure. The state Supreme Court in February reversed a ruling that the ordinance didn’t violate a state law prohibiting cities from enacting protections not covered by state law. Arkansas’ civil rights law doesn’t cover sexual orientation or gender identity. Justices sent the case back to Martin’s court and said they couldn’t rule on the state law’s constitutionality since it wasn’t addressed in the lower court. Rutledge

and Protect Fayetteville said in the court filing that the fight over the law’s constitutionality could take months to resolve, so the local ordinance should be blocked in the meantime. “If a preliminary injunction is not issued, enforcement of Fayetteville Ordinance 5781 will prevent the state of Arkansas from fully implementing the purpose and goals of the Interstate Commerce Improvement Act,” the filing said. “Prevention of the state’s policy of statewide uniformity in antidiscrimination law constitutes irreparable harm.” Attorneys for Fayetteville did not immediately return messages seeking comment late Friday afternoon. The American Civil Liberties Union of Arkansas, which represents LGBT residents in Fayetteville who have intervened in the case, said it would oppose the effort to block the ordinance.

Photo credit: Fibbonacci Blue.




(AP) South Carolina’s highest court is delaying implementation of a ruling involving domestic violence protections for same-sex couples amid criticism from both sides that the decision actually leaves all unmarried couples less protected. The state Supreme Court on Friday issued a stay in its decision from earlier in the week. As written, the ruling issued Wednesday could prevent all unmarried partners from being charged with domestic violence. Attorney General Alan Wilson joined with a gay woman who successfully sued the state to ask the justices to re-write their ruling. Bakari Sellers, the woman’s lawyer, says he and Wilson want justices to tell lower courts to apply the law to all unmarried couples, rather than depend on a conservative Legislature to change a badly worded law.

(CNN) The Justice Department filed an amicus brief Wednesday saying that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not cover employment “discrimination based on sexual orientation.” The DOJ filed the brief in the case of Donald Zarda, who had filed suit against his former employer Altitude Express in a case that questions whether sexual orientation is included in Title VII’s protections. Title VII prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin. Zarda was a skydiving instructor who said he was fired after disclosing his sexual orientation to a customer. He died in a skydiving accident before the case went to trial, and executors of his estate have continued the lawsuit on his behalf. “The sole question here is whether, as a matter of law, Title VII reaches sexual orientation discrimination. It does not, as has been settled for decades. Any efforts to amend Title VII’s scope should be directed to Congress rather than the courts,” according to the DOJ’s brief. It concluded “that Title VII does not prohibit discrimination because of sexual orientation.” The American Civil Liberties Union blasted the DOJ’s position as a “gratuitous and extraordinary attack on LGBT people’s civil rights.” “Fortunately, courts will decide whether the Civil Rights Act protects LGBT people, not an Attorney General and a White House that are hell-bent on playing politics with people’s lives,” said James Esseks, director of the ACLU’s LGBT & HIV Project, in a statement. “We are confident that the courts will side with equality and the people.”

(AP) Police chiefs from Texas’ largest cities rallied outside the state Capitol Tuesday in opposition to a “bathroom bill” targeting transgender people, just as Senate Republicans inside lurched toward a new vote on restrictions similar to those approved in North Carolina. The chances of the bill ultimately reaching the desk of Republican Gov. Greg Abbott remain tenuous despite overwhelming GOP control of the Legislature. Abbott summoned lawmakers back to sweltering Austin for a special legislative session, largely because the first efforts to put bathroom restrictions on transgender people collapsed in May. The bill has ripped clean open a rancorous split in the Texas GOP between moderates who stand with high-profile opponents - including Apple and the NFL - and social conservatives who drive the state’s political agenda. The Senate is again poised to overwhelmingly approve the bill, but Democrats were trying to stall a vote with procedural challenges and drawn-out debate. State troopers removed a few protesters in the mostly empty Senate gallery who shouted “This is a farce!” and unfurled a banner that read “Y’all means all” over the second-story railing. Republican state Sen. Lois Kolkhorst described the bill as an “opportunity to shut down predators and voyeurs” upon bringing the measure to the floor. She spoke just as police chiefs and top commanders from the four biggest cities in Texas - Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin - stood on the Capitol steps and told reporters they had not found examples of restroom-related sexual assaults. They said forcing police to combat non-existent crime will increase discrimination, make Texas more dangerous and waste their time.

court hits Pause on same-sex domestic brief that says Title VII vote set on ‘Bathroom Bill’ despite scviolence dOJdoesfilesnotamicus ruling protect sexual orientation texas Police opposition


8 . 2.2017

8.2.2017 •


NEWS national

local grouPs condeMn truMP’s trans MilitarY Ban Wilton Manors flies trans flag in response

Michael d’Oliveira

Photo credit: Michael Rajner, @michaelrajner. Twitter.


n the anniversary of President Harry lesbian service members. S. Truman’s desegregation of the “So far the only disruption has been on military, July 26, 1948, President the basis of religious discrimination. We Donald Trump announced that he would already have transgender service members ban transgender individuals from serving and the President is totally disregarding in the military. It was a reversal from the lives of LGBT service members. As an the June 2016 decision President Barack Army disabled combat veteran I view his Obama made to allow transgender service actions as appalling. President Trump even members to serve openly. received a medical deferment that got him “After consultation with my Generals out of military service while others were and military experts, please be advised in the ditches and fields. The President that the United States Government will not has zero understanding of our military.” accept or allow Transgender individuals Herman also accused Trump of not to serve in any capacity in the U.S. understanding “the extraordinary courage Military. Our military must of the service members that be focused on decisive and put their lives on the line for overwhelming victory and us every day.” cannot be burdened with Several Republican the tremendous medical officials, including U.S. costs and disruption that Senator John McCain, also transgender in the military criticized Trump’s decision. would entail. Thank you,” “Any American who meets Trump wrote on Twitter current medical & readiness Wednesday morning. standards should be allowed It was an announcement to continue serving,” wrote met with condemnation McCain on Twitter. from pro-Democratic LGBT The national Log Cabin groups and their allies. City Republicans organization officials in Wilton Manors also weighed-in. - Scott herman prESidENt of thE also responded by flying the In a statement, Log Cabin dolphiN dEmocratS transgender and LGBT flags. Republicans President “I condemn the President’s Gregory T. Angelo labeled decision to exclude all transgender persons Trump’s tweets as “politics, pure and from military service. Transgender simple” and that the military is already persons are citizens of the U.S., pay taxes, comprised of transgender individuals support their communities and serve who risk their lives to defend the United with distinction in the military. President States. “Excommunicating transgender Trump’s decision to exclude all such soldiers only weakens our readiness; it persons from the military flies in the face doesn’t strengthen it. The president’s of what this country stands for and is not statement this morning does a disservice based on anything other than bigotry and to transgender military personnel and misunderstanding. It is apparent that this reintroduces the same hurtful stereotypes President does not represent me nor my conjured when openly gay men and community,” said Mayor Gary Resnick in a women were barred from service during statement released by the city. the military’s ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ era. As Scott Herman, president of the Dolphin an organization that led the charge against Democrats, said that the ban of transgender that hateful policy, Log Cabin Republicans individuals is being wrongly justified in the remains equally committed to standing up same ways as the previous ban on gay and for transgender military personnel who

“as an armY disabLed combat veteran i view his actions as aPPaLLinG.”


8 . 2.2017

put their lives on the line to keep us free.” Andy Eddy, a spokesperson and founding member of the Broward Log Cabin Republicans, said he doesn’t fully understand the issues facing transgender military personnel. He stated that he wouldn’t want anyone joining the military just to have their medical procedures paid for, but said he was unaware of any specific cases of someone doing so. “I have compassion for the situation but I don’t understand it.” In general though, he said he supports transgender individuals serving in the military. “I think they should be allowed to stay in the military. We had a few transgender vets come and meet with and us and discussed their plight. I saw no reason why not to support them.” Vincent Foster, president of the Miami Log Cabin Republicans, said he was in “shock” and “appalled” when he first heard the news. But Foster said he still believes Trump is good for the LGBT community. “I think it’s really important people recognize that it wasn’t until the last year of Obama’s presidency that he allowed transgender individuals into our military.” Foster said that he supports transgender individuals serving in the military but

doesn’t think taxpayers should fund transgender-related procedures and medical care for military personnel. “It’s a privilege, not a right [to serve in the military]. And I’m done with the entitlement, especially on the left. They’re risking the efficiency of the strongest military in the world.” A study by the Rand Corporation states that estimated transgender-related healthcare costs would be between $2.4 million and $8.4 million annually. The study also found no evidence that allowing transgender individuals to serve openly would negatively impact the military. “The limited research on the effects of foreign military policies indicates little or no impact on unit cohesion, operational effectiveness, or readiness. Commanders noted that the policies had benefits for all service members by creating a more inclusive and diverse force. Policy changes to open more roles to women and to allow gay and lesbian personnel to serve openly in the U.S. military have similarly had no significant effect on unit cohesion, operational effectiveness, or readiness,” reads the study.

First they came for the Mexicans, and I didn’t speak up

because i wasn’t mexican.

Then they came for the immigrants, and I didn’t speak up

because i wasn’t an immigrant.

Then they came for Muslims, and I didn’t speak up

because i wasn’t muslim.

Then they came for transgender people, but I didn’t speak up

because i wasn’t transgender.

when will

you speak up?

8.2.2017 •


NEWS national

Anti-gay discrimination perfectly OK under federal law

Chris Johnson Washington Blade


he U.S. Justice Department has declared anti-gay discrimination is lawful under current federal civil rights law, filing a friend-of-thecourt brief in a case of alleging employment discrimination.

In a 23-page brief, the Justice Department under U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions rejects the notion that sexualorientation discrimination is a form of sex discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. “The essential element of sex discrimination under Title VII is that employees of one sex must be treated worse than similarly situated employees of the other sex, and sexual orientation discrimination simply does not have that effect,” the brief says. “Moreover, whatever this Court would say about the question were it writing on a blank slate, Congress has made clear through its actions and inactions in this area that Title VII’s prohibition of sex discrimination does not encompass sexual orientation discrimination. Other statutes and rules may prohibit such discrimination, but Title VII does not do so as a matter of law, and whether it should do so as a matter of policy remains a question for Congress to decide.” The brief is signed by Chad Readler, acting assistant attorney general for the Civil Division; Tom Wheeler, acting assistant attorney general for civil rights; Deputy Assistant Attorney General Hashim Mooppan; and Justice Department attorneys Charles Scarborough and Stephanie Marcus. The Justice Department brief was expected. Outside sources familiar with the department’s plan informed the Washington Blade earlier this week a brief would be forthcoming in a case alleging

anti-gay workplace discrimination before the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals. However, the Justice Department was expected not only to reject the idea that anti-gay discrimination is covered under Title VII, but also transgender discrimination. The brief ultimately avoids the issue of discrimination based on gender identity, although its reasoning could apply to cases of transgender discrimination. Although the Justice Department under the Obama administration never took an official view on whether sexual orientation discrimination is prohibited under Title VII, the brief effectively turn a Justice Department that once argued for protections for LGBT people into an institution that seeks to undermine them. The reasoning in the brief contrasts with the determination of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the independent agency charged with enforcing federal workplace civil rights laws. In 2015, the EEOC found in the case of Baldwin v. Foxx anti-gay discrimination constitutes sex discrimination under Title VII. Case law that has determined Title VII bars workplace discrimination against lesbian, gay and bisexual people isn’t well developed, but some courts are reconsidering decisions made in past decades against protections based on sexual orientation. The Seventh Circuit determined earlier this year in the case of Hively v. Ivy Community College that sexual

“For over a decade, courts have determined that discrimination on the basis of LGBTQ status is unlawful discrimination under federal law.” - Sarah Warbelow

legal director for the Human Rights Campaign


8 . 2.2017

Photo courtesy POOL, CNN.

orientation discrimination constitutes sex discrimination under Title VII, but the Eleventh Circuit came to the opposite view. Lambda Legal is preparing to submit a petition before the U.S. Supreme Court seeking a nationwide affirmation that antigay workplace discrimination is barred under current law. At one point, the Justice Department brief mocks the Seventh Circuit for adopting the reasoning espoused by EEOC that anti-gay discrimination is sexualorientation discrimination under current law. “The Seventh Circuit majority in Hively largely adopted the EEOC’s theories,” the brief says. “These theories are inconsistent with Congress’s clear ratification of the overwhelming judicial consensus that Title VII does not prohibit sexual orientation discrimination. And even viewed solely on their own terms, none of these theories is persuasive.” The brief was filed on the same day President Trump announced on Twitter he’d reinstitute the ban prohibiting openly transgender people from serving in the armed forces. Coupled together, the brief and the president’s tweets span actions enabling discrimination across the entire LGBT community. The filing is just the view of the Trump administration and has no binding effect. Whether or not anti-gay discrimination will be considered lawful under Title VII is up to the Second Circuit.

James Esseks, director of the ACLU’s LGBT and HIV Project, quipped upon review of the brief, “Trump and Sessions together have made it Anti-LGBT Day for the administration.” “The Sessions-led Justice Department and the Trump administration are actively working to expose people to discrimination,” Esseks added. “Fortunately, courts will decide whether the Civil Rights Act protects LGBT people, not an Attorney General and a White House that are hell-bent on playing politics with people’s lives.” Sarah Warbelow, legal director for the Human Rights Campaign, said in a statement after the brief was filed “attacks against the LGBTQ community at all levels of government” continue to happen under the Trump administration. “In one fell swoop, Trump’s DOJ has provided a roadmap for dismantling years of federal protections and declared that lesbian, gay, and bisexual people may no longer be protected by landmark civil rights laws such as the Fair Housing Act, Title IX, or Title VII,” Warbelow said. “For over a decade, courts have determined that discrimination on the basis of LGBTQ status is unlawful discrimination under federal law. Today’s filing is a shameful retrenchment of an outmoded interpretation that forfeits faithful interpretation of current law to achieve a politically-driven and legally specious result.”

NEWS local

Coffee & Conversations at the Pride Center Investment broker presents

John McDonald


ames Senior, a financial manager for Edward Jones Investments, was the presenting sponsor for Tuesday’s Coffee & Conversation program at Pride Center. “There’s a huge percentage of people that do not save for retirement,” Senior told a room full of mostly elderly LGBT people. “It’s incumbent on us to do some planning.” Senior encouraged investors to get a second opinion when managing their money. “Be responsible,” he said. “Having wealth and building wealth is responsibility.” Women are more likely than men to have no retirement savings, Senior said. “A lot of women are nurturers and they tend to give, give, give and it doesn’t always come back to them,” Senior said. Twenty-eight percent of people over the age of 55 have no retirement savings, Senior said. During his five-minute presentation, Senior showed charts comparing the value between American and European companies and played question and answer trivia for gift card prizes. Other speakers this week included

representatives from AARP, Broward Sheriff’s Office and Art Serve. Chris Harder, an adult film actor, invited the group to see his oneman show at Andrews Living Arts in Fort Lauderdale’s FAT Village. Elsewhere, Pride Center CEO Robert Boo said a survey is coming out asking for feedback on how the 2016 Presidential election has changed community engagement. Boo said the survey takes 15 minutes to complete and is available via email. Pride Center Development Director Roger Roa reminded the audience Wicked Manors is 90 days away. Roa said Pride Center is seeking sponsors for the Halloween themed street festival.

For more information on coffee and conversation, call Bruce Williams at 954-463-9005, ext. 109.

8.2.2017 •


lgBtQia bites


By Jillian melero


BrittneY griner donates $5,000 to lgBtQ Youth center set on fire (AP) Brittney Griner was shocked when she heard that the Phoenix LGBTQ youth center that she had volunteered at had been damaged in a suspected arson earlier this month. The Mercury’s star center donated $5,000 that she earned for winning the WNBA’s Cares Community Assist Award to the one’n’ten center that serves lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth ages 14 to 24. She also started a social media campaign to help raise more money for the organization that lost electronic equipment, food, camping equipment and other items in the fire that occurred on July 12. “I remember thinking that’s sad that someone would do that,” Griner said in an interview with The Associated Press. “I was hoping that it was just a freak accident or something out of their hands, but then I heard it was arson and heard that it was someone that used to be in the program and aged out of it.” Griner got involved with the organization


8 .2.2017

Courtesy Brittney Griner, Facebook.

through a friend and did a little bit of work there. x “This is a safe zone and safe spot for LGBT community and youth. It’s a place that helps so many,” Griner said. “Not having a safe zone or people to talk to, or be around others in the same position is toughest thing ever.” Griner, who has been an advocate for the LGBTQ community serving as the former grand marshal of the Phoenix PRIDE parade, wasn’t sure how much money she’s raised through the social media campaign. The Mercury donated $1,000. She’ll present a check to the youth center’s executive director Linda Elliott at Phoenix’s game on Sunday against San Antonio.



‘riverdale’ reveals BiseXual character for season 2 (SFGN) “Riverdale” the CW series based on the Archie Comics, has added its first bisexual character to the cast for season two. According to ET Online, Vanessa Morgan of “The Shannara Chronicles” will play Toni Topaz. In the comics, the pink haired Toni, like her good friend Jughead is known for having a healthy appetite. The two do battle in eating competitions. Showrunner Roberto AguirreSacasa said the series will explore Toni’s sexuality, which the comics have hinted is bisexual. In season two, which will run 22 episodes, Jughead (Cole Sprouse) transfers to Southside High, and joins the Southside Serpents, of which Toni is also a member. Aguirre-Sacasa says told ET this new relationship will test

Jughead’s relationship with Betty. “Bughead is pretty strong, and pretty undeniable, and pretty epic, but you know even the most epic of romances has trouble -- and trouble often comes as a third party. So yes, it is conceivable that Toni will potentially test the limits of Bughead.” Riverdale season two premieres Wednesday, October 11, at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.

lgBtQia bites


continued transgender

19 attorneYs general in coalition seek MilitarY transgender Protection (SFGN) In a letter to the Senate and House Armed Services Committees, 19 attorneys general opposed the President’s Twitter comments on transgender people serving in the Armed Forces. The letter, addressed July 27, was led by Hawaii Attorney General Doug Chin, and read in part: The new ban harms our States’ transgender residents and marginalizes an entire group of people based solely on gender identity. In addition to its constitutional infirmities, it is inconsistent with the laws and policies of many States, and with fundamental notions of fairness and equality. Transgender individuals have honorably served in the armed forces for decades. It is estimated that nearly 150,000 transgender individuals have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. These numbers include those on active duty or in the Guard or Reserve forces, and veterans and retired members of the


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Courtesy U.S. Army.

Guard and Reserves. The open service rule put into effect for transgender service members has been comprehensively and smoothly implemented, and is consistent with the fundamental respect owed to all service members. The letter was signed by attorneys general from California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Washington D.C.

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8.2.2017 •



This is only a brief summary of important information about DESCOVY and does not replace talking to your healthcare provider about your condition and your treatment. ®



DESCOVY may cause serious side effects, including: • Worsening of hepatitis B (HBV) infection. DESCOVY is not approved to treat HBV. If you have both HIV-1 and HBV, your HBV may suddenly get worse if you stop taking DESCOVY. Do not stop taking DESCOVY without first talking to your healthcare provider, as they will need to check your health regularly for several months.

DESCOVY can cause serious side effects, including: • Those in the “Most Important Information About DESCOVY” section. • Changes in your immune system. • New or worse kidney problems, including kidney failure. • Too much lactic acid in your blood (lactic acidosis), which is a serious but rare medical emergency that can lead to death. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you get these symptoms: weakness or being more tired than usual, unusual muscle pain, being short of breath or fast breathing, stomach pain with nausea and vomiting, cold or blue hands and feet, feel dizzy or lightheaded, or a fast or abnormal heartbeat. • Severe liver problems, which in rare cases can lead to death. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you get these symptoms: skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow, dark “tea-colored” urine, light-colored stools, loss of appetite for several days or longer, nausea, or stomach-area pain. • Bone problems. The most common side effect of DESCOVY is nausea. These are not all the possible side effects of DESCOVY. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have any new symptoms while taking DESCOVY. Your healthcare provider will need to do tests to monitor your health before and during treatment with DESCOVY.

ABOUT DESCOVY • DESCOVY is a prescription medicine that is used together with other HIV-1 medicines to treat HIV-1 in people 12 years of age and older. DESCOVY is not for use to help reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 infection. • DESCOVY does not cure HIV-1 or AIDS. Ask your healthcare provider about how to prevent passing HIV-1 to others.

BEFORE TAKING DESCOVY Tell your healthcare provider if you: • Have or had any kidney, bone, or liver problems, including hepatitis infection. • Have any other medical condition. • Are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. • Are breastfeeding (nursing) or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed if you have HIV-1 because of the risk of passing HIV-1 to your baby. Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take: • Keep a list that includes all prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements, and show it to your healthcare provider and pharmacist. • Ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist about medicines that should not be taken with DESCOVY.

GET MORE INFORMATION • This is only a brief summary of important information about DESCOVY. Talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist to learn more. • Go to DESCOVY.com or call 1-800-GILEAD-5 • If you need help paying for your medicine, visit DESCOVY.com for program information.

HOW TO TAKE DESCOVY • DESCOVY is a one pill, once a day HIV-1 medicine that is taken with other HIV-1 medicines.

• Take DESCOVY with or without food.

DESCOVY, the DESCOVY Logo, LOVE WHAT’S INSIDE, GILEAD, and the GILEAD Logo are trademarks of Gilead Sciences, Inc., or its related companies. All other marks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners. Version date: April 2017 © 2017 Gilead Sciences, Inc. All rights reserved. DVYC0056 07/17

14GD17DTP020A_B_10x10.75_SFlaGayNews_Shane_p1.indd • 8 .2.2017


7/10/17 5:54 PM

NEWS state

truMP’s trans Ban announceMent Being challenged on all sides Tucker Berardi


ince Trump announced via Twitter that transgender individuals would not be allowed to openly serve in the military, he has been met with an onslaught of challenges from advocacy groups, medical/research organizations and even his own Republican party members. “Any American who meets current medical and readiness standards should be allowed to continue serving,” Senator John McCain, Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in response to Trump’s announcement. “There is no reason to force service members who are able to fight, train, and deploy to leave the military — regardless of their gender identity.” The Pentagon has announced there will be no change in transgender policy until the president submits a decision to be reviewed by the Secretary of Defense and has been issued implemented guidance, according to Stars and Stripes. “In the meantime, we will continue to treat all of our personnel with respect,” Marine General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, wrote in a letter to top military personnel. Tump cited “tremendous medical costs and disruption” to the military on Twitter to justify his decision on the ban. The American Medical Association released a statement Wednesday debunking the argument that the trans ban was based on medical necessity. Photo courtesy U.S. Army.

“There is no medically valid reason to exclude transgender individuals from military service,” David Barbe, President of the American Medical Association said. “Transgender individuals are serving their country with honor, and they should be allowed to continue doing so.” Barbe continued, “According to the Rand study on the impact of transgender individuals in the military, the financial cost is a rounding error in the defense budget and should not be used as an excuse to deny patriotic Americans an opportunity to serve their country. We should be honoring their service — not trying to end it.” The Rand study crunched the numbers for the cost and impact of transgender individuals serving openly in the military and found that there would be minimal impact on readiness and health care costs. The study estimates that the number of transgender individuals currently serving in the military is between 1,320 and

“there is no reason to Force service members who are abLe to FiGht, train, and dePLoY to Leave the miLitarY — reGardLess oF their Gender identitY.” - John mccain SENator

6,630 out of the total 1.3 million service members, and only a small portion of them would be expected to seek medical treatments related to their gender status. “Only a small portion of service members would likely see gender transition-related medical treatments that would affect their deployability or health care costs,” Agnes Gereben Schaefer, lead author of the Rand study, said. Between 30 and 140 new hormone treatments are estimated to be initiated each year, and 25 to 130 gender transitionrelated surgeries estimated to be utilized among active service members. The additional health care costs of transgender service members could total between $2.4 million and $8.4 million, translating to an approximate 0.13 percent increase. “We should all be guided by the principle that any American who wants to serve our community is able to meet the standards should have the opportunity to do so — and should be treated as the patriots they are.” This issue is not isolated to the United States. Whether or not to allow transgender personnel to serve in the military has been a topic of discussion for many different countries. The Rand study included data from eighteen other countries who allow transgender personnel to serve in

their militaries openly, using the most progressive of them to outline effective strategies for healthcare management, antidiscrimination and effective policies. “The foreign militaries we studies have reported harassment and bullying incidents, but these effects have been mitigated by having clear policies and comprehensive training across their militaries,” Schaefer said. By banning transgender individuals from serving in the military, the United States is taking a step back in terms of progress that has already been achieved and perfected by a number of international militaries. Sarah Kate Ellis of GLAAD responded to the decision by saying, “President Trump today issued a direct attack on transgender Americans, and his administration will stop at nothing to implement its anti-LGBTQ ideology within our government — even if it means denying some of our bravest Americans the right to serve and protect our nation.” The American Civil Liberties Union has vowed to take up legal action on behalf of anyone dismissed following the decision, saying “This is an outrageous and desperate action. The thousands of transgender service members serving on the front lines for this country deserve better than a commander-in-chief who rejects their basic humanity.”

8.2.2017 •


NEWS miami-dade

Photo credit Carina Mask.

MiaMi fights Back against

truMP’s trans Ban

Activists, human rights groups rally for trans rights in the military

Jose Cassola


ollowing a controversial tweet by President Donald Trump advocating for banning transgender individuals from serving in the military, dozens of community activists and local human rights organizations such as SAVE, Pridelines, Unity Coalition, Women’s March and MiamiDade Young Republicans stood in solidarity Thursday, July 27, to defend transgender individuals’ rights to serve. A rally, which drew about 100 trans supporters or more, formed at the Torch of Friendship in downtown Miami around 6:30 p.m. Thursday as drivers honked at protesters brandishing hand-made signs “as we’ve and megaphones, chanting statements such seen with as “No Trans Ban,” “Trans Soldiers, Thank this current You For Your Service” and “Trans People Serve With Honor and Pride.” PresidencY, The event was organized 24 hours in since the verY advance by Safeguarding American Values For beGinninG, Everyone (SAVE), one of the longest-serving organizations and voices of the Miami area’s everY month LGBT community. Executive director Tony there is an Lima and campaign manager Bren Pantilione attack on the said the issue of restricting transgender people communitY.” from serving in the military, a basic human right, was important for SAVE to fight for. - tony lima “As we’ve seen with this current presidency, EXEcutiVE dirEctor of SaVE, since the very beginning, every month there picturEd aBoVE is an attack on the community,” Lima said. “Whether it was rescinding protections for our trans students or removing all the information on the White House web site on LGBT or this, what’s happening right now. This tweet was an attack on the trans community. It’s time for us to stand up and to say no more. We’re not going to take this. We’re going to fight tooth and nail. We’re going to train and continue to organize the community to fight against all this injustice. It’s time to stand up for the transgendered community and any other community that is currently being marginalized. In this day and age and political climate, it is important for us to be able to stand up for each other in the face of injustice and discrimination.”


8 .2.2017

othEr VoicES iN thE commuNitY SharEd thE SamE SENtimENtS: Jessica fernandez, president of miami-dade republicans: “Everybody should be treated equally. It doesn’t matter who you are. You have the right to prosper in our community and our country and have the freedom and opportunity to achieve your full potential.”

Benjamin Evans, founder of the Just love center: “President Trump has proven time and time again that he’s not fit to serve in office or fit to represent the interests of all Americans. Today, we have to stand up for anybody being discriminated against because it can be you next week. Trump is taking us back years. I don’t think this will pass in the courts but we need to voice our opinions and let people know this is not right. If you are a part of the community that believes that trans people should be treated less than human or you sit by and watch while others are discriminated against, you are part of the problem. Become part of the solution, voice your opinion and make sure we all support every single American.” herb Sosa, executive director of unity coalition, the first and only latino lgBt organization in South florida since 2002: “We have a loose cannon in the White

House. It’s unfortunate the president feels he can dictate policy through tweets. Luckily, our military brass has the right mindset by stating they have no intention of changing the current policy. It’s ridiculous, it was a knee-jerk reaction and at the end of the day, I believe it was intended to deviate attention from some of the bigger issues that’s going on in this country. We have to protect our rights every single day. This is a perfect example of just when you think we’re done, we’re not. We have to remain vigilant as a community, locally, nationally and internationally. This is something that has to be taken seriously. We here at Unity Coalition are proud to support our trans community not just today but everyday.”

aryah lester, founder and director of trans miami: “This rally shows a lot of solidarity for our LGBTQ community coming together for transgendered rights. As far as the president’s tweet and what came out of his mouth, this is just another diversion tactic in order to further divide and conquer us as a nation. We need to remember that we need to stick together and fight for all of our rights to equal protections and equality. We all deserve that, be it transgender people, the disabled, military members, the elderly, people of color, etc.”

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Call 305-751-8855 7/21/17 • 4:161 PM 8.2.2017 7

photoS miami-dade

MiaMi takes to the streets to fight the recent

assault on trans rights Carina Mask

On July 27, SAVE Dade and other volunteers in Miami met up on the streets to protest the President's comments on banning transgender people from serving in the armed forces. Some used the opportunity to speak out about many other mistreatments of the trans community.



8 .2.2017

photoS miami-dade

To see many more photos, visit SFGN.com on Facebook.

8.2.2017 •


NEWS local

Photo credit Carina Mask.

suPerheroes and celeBrities swarM soflo Brittany Ferrendi


ueer superhero Super Gay donned her rainbow headpiece and cape, waving her light-up wand at Supercon attendees while decreeing: “Be queer. Arise. Be fabulous.” When she wasn’t dubbing the queer community at the Broward County Convention Center this past weekend, she ran a pride booth under her secret identity, Debbie Chamberlin. “People love it,” she told SFGN on Saturday during South Florida’s largest comic con in Fort Lauderdale. Chamberlin’s booth, Like A Cat Jewelry, sold steampunk, Supernatural and Doctor Who merchandise. But what really draws attendees is her ever-expanding pride collection, filled with pins, magnets, keychains, flags and plushies. “What I really like is I tend to get the younger queer group. I get younger ones that want to represent, but honest to god going to a pride shop is intimidating. It’s way too sexual for the typical con attendee,” she said. “Mine is safe and cuddly. Everybody’s completely accepted here.” Being one of the only booths specializing in the pride department, she sold merchandise with flags from the asexual, transgender, pansexual, bisexual and genderqueer communities, and also offered custom flags to match anyone’s identity. Chamberlin loves that her merchandise attracts the younger LGBT community. “Young kids are just coming to terms with who they are,” she said. “I sometimes feel like Mama Gay to them because many of them aren’t out to their family or out to everyone and there’s still that fear about what happens next.” Chamberlin was just one of tens of thousands of attendees to flock to Supercon’s 12th annual convention this weekend. With over 750 hours of programming


8 .2.2017

“i sometimes FeeL Like mama GaY to them because manY oF them aren’t out to their FamiLY or out to everYone and there’s stiLL that Fear about what haPPens neXt.” - debbie chamberlin a.K.a. “SupEr gaY”

including celebrity Q&As, costume contests, fan panels and workshops, it’s no wonder parking sold out by noon on Saturday. According to their Facebook page, the convention checked in 95 percent of their tickets on Saturday and 97 percent on Sunday — fans eager to see celebrities like Jason David Frank and Amy Jo Johnson, the Green and Pink Rangers from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. “I just want to say that Supercon was awesome,” Green Ranger Frank told SFGN. “Fans of Florida were just amazing, the Q&A was great with Amy Jo Johnson, it was great up there. And I always tell everyone that the relationship doesn’t end at comic cons, it’s just the beginning ... You know what time it is — it’s morphin time.” Frank and Johnson took over the Grand Ballroom on Saturday for a Q&A, sitting on the center stage with projectors to their left and right. With over 200 chairs filled in the 5,319 square foot ballroom, nearly 30 fans lined up in the center to ask the actors questions about their time on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers set, their upcoming roles and a bit about their personal life. “It’s not easy being a director and a filmmaker,” Frank

commented about Amy, who wrote, directed and starred in her recent film ‘The Space Between.’ “She is great.” Johnson spilled the beans about Frank’s habits as a prankster behind the scenes on the old Power Rangers series, admitting “He was fun.” Frank showed that by challenging the audience — “If you do a backflip, I’ll do a backflip.” When someone stood up to challenge him back, he promptly shouted “Sit down, sir.” They also spoke about the new Power Rangers movie that hit theaters this year. ‘I got kicked out of the theater,” Frank admitted. He claimed the staff followed him into the bathroom and asked him to leave after he took a selfie during the movie. Keeping the selfie spirit alive, the actors closed the panel by taking a photo with their audience. Celebrities and vendors weren’t the only people expressing themselves at the convention. Cosplayers also ran booths, meeting their fans and posing for photos. “I’ve been coming to Supercon since 2011,” said cosplay guest Celissi, dressed as Magik from X-Men at her booth in the cosplay alley. “It’s actually really busy this year.” Going to cons over the last seven years, Mederos noticed a change in the attendees. “There are a lot of people who don’t know what [Supercon] is about,” she said. “People are following a trend that might not be for them.” She claimed people are jumping on the convention bandwagon after the rise of superhero movies like The Avengers. “I miss when it was only five or six cosplayers.” Even so, Celissi expressed her pride in the community around her. “I feel so lucky being part of a community that represents growth positively and offer support to those who need it.”

NEWS local

coMic fans take over

A look inside Supercon

Carina Mask

To see ManY More PhoTos, visiT sFgn.CoM on FaCeBooK. 8.2.2017 •


NEWS health

July Report from SFAN Sean McShee


he Ryan White Care (RWC) program requires its programs to have local advisory bodies. Broward County has two RWC programs. South Florida AIDS Network (SFAN) functions as that advisory body for Florida’s Department of Health (FL-DOH) RWC programs in Broward County. SFAN’s monthly meetings are open to the public. Broward County also has a RWC program (Broward-RWC). This meeting focused on four topics. Simone McPherson of FL-DOH Broward discussed Broward’s new Test and Treat Program. Joey Wynn, SFAN Chair, discussed possible changes to the Medicaid Project AIDS Care (PAC) Waiver program. Richard Morris, of Broward-RWC, reported on its program. Morgan and Ashley Mayfaire discussed TransSOCIAL’s services. Broward Test and Treat Simone McPherson gave a preliminary report on Broward’s Test and Treat program. It began on May 1, 2017. Within 24 hours, this new program can link HIV testers to HIV treatment. This program has linked about 135 people living with HIV to antiretroviral treatment. Most people in this program had already tested HIV positive. They, however, had never entered or had left treatment. The rest had no awareness of their HIV infection. Changes to Medicaid Project AIDS CARE (PAC) Waivers The Florida Medicaid program uses waivers to prevent expensive hospital care. These waivers specify exceptions to Medicaid rules for diseases such as AIDS and Cystic Fibrosis, among others. People with these diseases have great risk for requiring expensive hospital care. These waivers “waive” rules that bar Medicaid payments for less expensive outpatient care that avoids more expensive hospital care. Joey Wynn, Chair of SFAN, discussed possible changes to Project AIDS Care (PAC) Waivers. In Florida, about 7,800 people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) are eligible for PAC Waivers. According to Wynn, last year, about 7,000 PLWHA accessed only one PAC Waiver service. That service consisted of a single case management phone

call per month. Wynn said that these PLWHA required more than one monthly case management phone call. Visual inspection for adequate food, medications, and general health may be necessary. Wynn argued that providers of those services would have become more business-like. They will have to market their agencies to Medicaid Managed Care Insurance Plans. They will have to show evidence that their services improved the health of their clients and kept them out of hospitals. Wynn discussed possible service substitutions. Medicaid will stop paying for services without evidence of their effectiveness. One PAC Waiver service, massage therapy, has failed to show evidence that it works. If a service fails to show that it works, another could replace it. For example, physical therapy could replace massage therapy among allowed Medicaid expenses. Medicaid cannot make these changes before 2018 at the earliest. People currently in the PAC Waiver program should stay in contact with their case manager. Broward-RWC Richard Morris, of Broward-RWC, reported that 84 percent of ADAP clients had achieved viral suppression. With a suppressed viral load, a person maintains their own health. Increasing evidence indicates that they have a miniscule chance of infecting others. This exceeds the goal of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. TransSOCIAL Morgan and Ashley Mayfaire started TransSOCIAL last year. Morgan Mayfaire found it difficult to locate services to help with his transition. While TransSOCIAL began as a calendar of events for transgender people, it now has several programs. It provides financial aid for legal name-changes and updating ID documents. TransSOCIAL conducts Trans and LGBT+ competency trainings. TransSOCIAL has voucher programs for PrEP and Hormone Replacement Therapy.

Next SFAN Meeting: Friday, August 4, 2017 at 10 a.m., at the Holy Cross Healthplex, 1000 NE 56th Street, Ft. Lauderdale. SFAN welcomes newcomers. To find out more about TransSOCIAL, please visit www.TransSOCIAL.org. Follow Sean McShee on Twitter @SeanMcShee


8 .2.2017

8.2.2017 •


Publisher's Editorial


Trans Ban insults Gays Reveals Trump’s Hateful Agenda

Norm Kent



he calamity and catastrophe that is lame excuse of ‘cost considerations’ as the President Donald Trump impacts operative reason for his determination, we our country everyday. Last week, know, and I suspect that courts will see, however, it impacted our community that it is phony on one hand, and legally adversely not once, but twice. insufficient on the other. First, the Justice Department, under Attorney General Jeff Sessions authored a Administrative expedience is never legal brief arguing that sexual orientation a lawful reason for denying someone a discrimination is not a form of legal constitutional right- and banning a class sex discrimination. This reverses the of citizens the opportunity to serve in the progressive legal initiatives of the Obama military solely because of their gender Administration. It’s an abhorrent and would be an unconstitutional restriction. Neanderthal policy determination by the Elections have consequences. Mark Trump administration. these down as some of them. But the Trump Second, and more publicly known, was administration is already infecting and the presidential tweet influencing the LGBTQ attempting to ban all community in many more transgender persons from adverse ways. There won’t Elections have be any more ‘Harvey serving in the military. This warrants nothing less than Milk Days’ at the White consequences. your condemnation and House, celebrating LGBT our censure. champions of change. Significantly, without The administrators at the even reaching out for helms of government are partners to criticize the mostly now insensitive to President, politicians and our interests and apathetic community leaders on both as to our needs. sides of the aisle echoed In June, six members of disapproval and disgust the Presidential Advisory with the presidential Council on HIV/AIDS proclamation, both as to angrily resigned, saying in manner and substance. a Newsweek article that First and foremost, even President Trump doesn’t the Joint Chiefs of Staff care about HIV. The announced they would group noted that Trump not initiate the president’s took down the Office of initiative until and unless it was presented National AIDS Policy website when he took properly, through appropriate channels of office and hasn’t appointed anyone to lead communication. the White House Office of National AIDS Second, enlightened legislators, Policy. Ultimately, there probably won’t be Republican and Democrat, took up the one. mantle of the transgender community. SFGN has already run features From local groups to national voices, there documenting how many of the top was a clear and clarion call that anyone administration cabinet officials have who meets current medical and readiness vigorously opposed LGBT human rights standards should be allowed to continue issues. The majority of cabinet officials serving in the military. with legislative backgrounds have a history Third, while the president referred to the of opposing laws supportive of ENDA,

Mark these down as some of them.


8 .2.2017

“Cabaret” the musical. Credit: Joan Marcus.

equal rights, domestic partnerships, gay marriages, and gays in the military. They rise to power with the law on our side, but do you trust them to enforce those laws? You should not blindly. In fact, you should instead follow the credo of Ronald Reagan, the Republican Adonis: “Trust, but Verify.” While the transgender ban is the most transparent and galling of anti LGBT initiatives undertaken by the Trump administration, we need to keep our eyes on the White House very closely. The people at the reins of power do not have our interests at heart. Our place at the table has been kicked under the chair. The response from our community to

the transgender ban has been strong and forceful. Here at SFGN, we will be loud and proud, weekly and with vigor. We will cover the story and uncover the lies of those who seek to deceive you, in print and online. This week, SFGN has created a poster of Uncle Sam in a rainbow uniform, paraphrasing the world famous words of the renowned German Lutheran pastor, Martin Niemoller, first published during World War II. Display it in your home. Cut it out and put it in your dorm room, on your frig, or mail it to a friend. Speak out for yourself. If not now, when? If not you, who?


editorial cartoon

editorial cartoon By andy Marlette




8.2.2017 •


columN speak out



This week’s big story is President Trump banning transgender people from serving in the military via Twitter. SFGN Staff SfgN’s “Speak out” is a weekly feature giving a regular voice to South florida lgBt leaders. Below are some of their answers:

Trump should be concentrating on tweaking our policies to provide and make ready each and every person that is willing to lay down their lives for the ideals and the the freedoms of our country, not looking for ways to discriminate and perpetuate unfounded stereotypes of members of LGBT military.”

— Rolando, Curator, The Box Gallery

There is no question that this action by President Trump is unconscionable in the extreme. But the question for the LGBTQ community is this: will we fight for our trans brothers and sisters in uniform with the same passion and determination we brought to the fight for marriage equality? If not, are we willing to recognize and overcome our own complicity with our oppressors?”

— Lea Brown, Senior Pastor, MCC of the Palm Beaches

This administration has surgically lashed out at the transgender community by feeding misinformation about Trans service members; specifically, that they impair troop readiness and are a cost burden to the U.S. military. It’s ludicrous to believe trans people join the military to cover surgical costs - there are other non-profit sources to help transition without the demands of the military. There are studies commissioned by the Pentagon itself that factually demonstrate trans service members’ medical care are negligible and that they contribute to military effectiveness. Unfortunately, people who don’t understand the issues or believe the “facts” (and many who don’t even know a trans person) are fueling the misinformation which helps devastate the lives of service members who have served with distinction, honor and pride.”

As a Marine Corps Veteran and lesbian, this topic deeply affects me. After moving past my initial anger, I came to learn that “his” generals were not consulted, nor was Secretary of Defense (on vacation), nor any other Pentagon staffer. We must stay the course and stand for justice for all, no matter who serves as POTUS. If we could all just #loveneighbor.”

— Rev. Leslie A. Rutland-Tipton, Senior Pastor, Church of the Holy SpiritSong

In the 21st century, there is no excuse for excluding people from active military service based on gender identity. We should stand with, not vilify or dehumanize, those who risk their safety to keep us all safe. I bless and affirm our transgender service members.”

— Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins, Senior Minister of Sunshine Cathedral, Fort Lauderdale

— Damian Pardo, Co-Founder of SAVE & Gay8 Festival, Board member of Stonewall National Museum & Our Fund

A simple tweet from anyone, including the President, does not change policy. We transgender leaders will continue to advocate equality for all, including our transgender people desiring or serving in the military. President Trump attacked thousands of patriotic transgender Americans who already serve in our military and are putting their lives on the line every day to keep us safe and free. The U.S. military is the largest employer of transgender people in the world, employing an estimated 15,000 transgender people today. Transgender people—like all Americans—should be judged for their qualifications, nothing more, nothing less. As we learned in repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, allowing service members to serve with integrity strengthens our armed forces.”

— Arianna Lint, CEO Arianna’s Center/Translatina FL

sPeak 26


8 .2.2017

Trump’s tweet that ripped through the news world last week banning transgender military service was a cruel and thoughtless diversionary tactic by the President. Was he seriously sending an Order to General Mattis to ban all transgender service when he knew the issue of medical costs was already under review by the Pentagon? Was he throwing another slab of bacon to his raucous carnivorous base? The military has been working diligently on ways to enfold transgender service members into the ranks and accommodate their special needs for some time now and the orderly process will most likely continue. As they have done with gay and lesbian service members, the military leadership will find ways and money to accommodate the 15,000 trans men and women who serve proudly in the armed services without undue discrimination.”

— Paul Smith, retired Army Lieutenant Colonel & retired Clinical Social Worker

Visit SfgN.com/Speakout to see more of this week’s responses. Send an Email to Jason.parsley@sfgn.com if you know of an lgBt community leader that should be or wants to be a part of this list.

wMg Volume 4 • Issue 14 August 2, 2017

Wilton Manors Gazette


Eucalyptus Gardens Has New Name, But Same Hipster Vibe By Michael d’Oliveira With its plentiful patio furniture, a The painted walkway is a little bit faded, but the atmosphere at The YARD seemingly endless amount of random items strewn about, and art at every turn, seems as vibrant as ever. Formerly known as Eucalyptus the yard feels like a bohemian backyard. Gardens, The YARD is located on Janice Star, owner of Jannztiques, which Northeast 13 Avenue behind the former sells vintage clothing, jewelry, arts, and Old Florida Seafood House Wilton kitsch, said it reminds her of “old Florida” Manors. It’s a collection of restaurants, because “it’s wild and not manicured. a coffee shop, and Lola’s Market – a People come to take photographs and generally get the energy.” warehouse in the back of the Star joked that she’s “an old property where patrons can hippy” who used to work drink tea and buy everything the “flea markets up and from African shea butter to down the East coast” so she furniture to vintage clothing fits right in at Lola’s Market. to handmade jewelry. In Meghan Seyler and front of the restaurants are Victoria Bazar are two painted trees, canopies, lush of those people who like landscaping, and plenty of taking photos. “It’s a really seating. nice atmosphere. The “It has such a really nice people here are really nice,” vibe,” said Diva Name, owner Seyler said. of the Latin restaurant La “Everybody knows Frutera Garden Bar. Either by - rick everybody,” said Wesley accident or design, the two co-oWNEr of ElEmENtS Shaw, owner of 2 Spirits frozen hands of the clock BY ricK aNd gill Meet. He sells jewelry, in The YARD’s courtyard dreamcatchers, and other reinforce how time is viewed by those who come to enjoy a cup of coffee items, and is the coordinator of Lola’s from The Alchemist, a dish of ceviche from Market. His sentiment on the neighborly Frutera, or a crepe from French restaurant feel amongst business owners is shared by Voo La Voo Café. “It’s not for people in a his fellow merchants. To open a business in Lola’s Market, Shaw said the owner has hurry,” Name said. “You don’t even feel like you’re in to provide something unique not already Fort Lauderdale,” said Rick, co-owner sold by a current vendor. Handmade of Elements by Rick and Gill, which sells products are preferred. “It’s progressive. furniture and housewares. “It’s like a It’s also very selective.” Lola’s Market was opened over a year backroad of Key West.”

“You don’t even FeeL Like You’re in Fort LauderdaLe. it’s Like a backroad oF keY west.”

ago and represents expansion and growth for The Yard. There’s also a silver trailer parked near the entrance, The Wander Shop, where patrons can buy clothes, hats, sunglasses and other accessories. The YARD also features a local musician every Sunday playing in the courtyard. The Alchemist, a popular coffee shop and The YARD’s oldest business, has also undergone an expansion – to its increased physical space and menu offerings. Ajno

Molina, general manager, said he started as a customer. “I just really fell in love with this place. I came for just the love and energy.” Molina said he and his fellow customers would tell each other and staff members to keep the place a secret. “We would literally told each other ‘don’t tell anyone.’” WMG

Parking is available on Northeast 13 Avenue, Northeast 24 Street, and at the former Lauderdale Lumber located next to The YARD.

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August 2, 2017

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Pride Center Needs to Come Out of the Closet… What is the real goal of their “LGBT senior housing project”? By Sal Torre

wMg AUGUST 2, 2017 • VOLUME 4 • ISSUE 13 2520 N. DIXIE HIGHWAY • WILTON MANORS, FL 33305 PHONE: 954-530-4970 FAX: 954-530-7943






Staff Photographers

Senate Republicans are not the only ones operating behind closed doors these days. Here in Wilton Manors, Pride Center CEO Robert Boo and his self-appointed board also like doing business back in the closet, away from watchful eyes of the community. So, what’s the big secret? Why all the hush hush? Well, it looks like the much-trumpeted LGBT Senior Housing Project that the Pride Center rolled out to much fanfare might be nothing more than a low-income housing project coming to a street near you. Now don’t get me wrong, as a community, we need to address issues such as affordable housing, low-income housing, housing for those in need of supportive services such as the homeless, those with substance abuse issues, those with mental health issues, and so many more. If these are the goals of the Pride Center and its partner Carrfour, then they need to come clean to the community they serve and not sugar-coat reality by masking this project as much needed affordable housing for LGBT seniors. The community is starting to see through the smoke screen pumped out by Robert Boo & Associates and are starting to ask questions. The main question is, what type of housing for seniors are we talking about, “55 and older” or “62 and older”? This might seem like a minor issue dealing with age, but the distinction under Federal guidelines is huge. In a 55 and over community, only 80% of the units are restricted to having just one person 55 years or older living in them. That leaves the other 20% of the units unrestricted and open to all, along with the 80% open to anyone as long as one of the residents is 55 years and older. That might be a small concern to some, but the Pride Center’s partner in this venture is an organization that specializes in supportive housing for the homeless in the Miami area. So, when the Pride Center sugar coats the term “Supportive Housing for LGBT Seniors,” Carrfour might be looking at a totally different client base. In a “55 and over community” there is a lot of wiggle room for housing people other than just needy seniors, and may I say 55 years old does not represent needy seniors. If the Pride Center wanted to commit to a “62 and older” housing designation, the restrictions would be much tighter and would be targeted to a much more defined pool of senior citizen candidates. Unfortunately, rumor has it that this is not the case. Just one example of why the Pride Center needs to come clean to its Founders, the LGBT community, and its surrounding

neighbors in Wilton Manors and Middle River Terrace. Adding to the discussion was a claim by Robert Boo & Associates that the planned 120-unit development would add no financial burden to the City of Wilton Manors. Really? The Pride Center is a tax-exempt non-profit. This development would add not one penny to the City’s tax base, even though its residents would be free to utilize services provided by the City of Wilton Manors. Services such as our taxpayer funded municipal library, transportation for seniors, free classes provided by our Leisure Services Department, not to mention our infrastructure of water, sewer, roadways and much more all paid for by taxpayers of Wilton Manors. Subsidizing those in need is not the debate here. The problem is that the Pride Center keeps sugar coating a very bitter pill that the residents of this city will need to swallow if this project is allowed to move forward without some very serious questions and changes. And in case Boo needs reminding, EMS services and our police are funded through the General Fund Budget of our city. A development with 120 units will definitely be a cost burden to this city and to all the taxpaying residents who do not have the luxury of a 501(c)3 tax exempt status that the Pride Center enjoys. That is why we are asking that this plan come out of the closet, with its impact discussed in full view of all the community. In contrast, the proposed development site on NE 26th Street was forced by City Commissioners to scale down expectations of units from more than 100 to a more “community acceptable” size of about 80 units. This development would add millions to the tax base of our city, while the Pride Center’s planned development of 120 units adds nothing to our tax base and would have an even greater impact on the community than the NE 26th Street site. Is anyone else concerned about the size of such a project? On a 5.5 acre site that already has five buildings and future expansion plans? Traffic impact? Or do the project’s principals expect an easy ride just by using nice-sounding keywords in their sales pitch, such as senior housing, affordable, and LGBT community, in their attempt to sugar coat a very large low-income supportive housing project squeezed into an unsuspecting community. It’s time for the Pride Center to come out of the closet and openly discuss with the community exactly how it plans to make life just better here… WMG


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South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. MEMBER


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August 2, 2017

Spotlight on a New Community

Real Estate Geek

By James Oaksun Last time I said I would be continuing my theme of community by expanding my Real Estate Yearbook into some new areas, outside of WilMa and Broward, that may prove to be attractive community candidates. Anyone who has been out shopping for a new home (or considering selling a property) knows that prices in Broward County, and especially in places like the Island City, have gone beyond the reach of many full time area residents and readers of this publication. Skyrocketing prices, as we have seen in recent years, could make development of diverse and vibrant communities all the more difficult. I’m targeting a Labor Day release of my 2017 Yearbook on pricing, sales and inventory trends (with some teasers for all of you and some timed to the Florida Realtors convention next month). You’ll see the facts there on where we stand economically in key areas. I suggested in my “Fabulous? Or Basic?” column that there might be some new community options worthy of consideration. First, let’s look about 35 minutes’ drive north of WilMa (depending on traffic of course) to the city of Lake Worth. I’ve tested the notion of Lake Worth out on my Facebook wall a few times. Many scoff at it, saying basically “Are you kidding, James?” Well I am deadly serious. I happen to think Lake Worth is a very interesting city, with an artsy feel,

historic business district, and some cool architecture the likes of which are very rarely seen in Broward. Also if you look at the Census numbers, more than a few LGBT folks have already made Lake Worth their home. You won’t be the first “family” members there, should you take the plunge. So let’s peel back the onion a bit and go straight (or gayly forward, if you prefer) to the numbers. I will save the inventory analysis for later, but the charts here show pricing and sales trends. Bear in mind, as I mentioned in the prior column, I would focus on the areas east of Federal, and on College Park, in evaluating Lake Worth presently. Most of you probably know that prices in the Island City have pretty much doubled since the 2011 trough. You can look into East Wilton and easily find single family homes selling (or trying to be sold, perhaps more accurately) in the $600-700,000 range. Lake Worth is different. Yes, prices have been climbing, but not nearly to the degree as in WilMa and other parts of Broward. On a rolling six-month basis, the median selling price of a single family home in these parts of Lake Worth is now $301,000. And the vast majority of homes are under $400k. Further, as I indicated in the prior column, many of these homes have a

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certain sense of style and quality rarely seen in Broward, as they were designed and built in (what is for south Florida anyway) the bygone and more genteel era of the 1930s. The trend has been for 25-30 sales to occur there every quarter. You’ll usually have a nice assortment of options. And as I said, you’re not impossibly far from WilMa and you’re very close to West Palm and Palm Beach, where numerous social and cultural options exist. Worth-y of your consideration. Get it? WMG James Oaksun, Broward's Real Estate Geek(SM), is BrokerOwner of New Realty Concepts in Oakland Park. In addition to having degrees from Dartmouth and Cornell, he is a Graduate of the Realtor Institute (GRI).

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City Asks How They Should Spend Future Grant Money By Michael d’Oliveira The money won’t be spent until 2019, but Wilton Manors officials want residents to give their input now on how the 44th Community Development Block Grant [CDBG] funds should be spent. Funded by the federal government, CDBG funds are given out every year. Usually reserved for capital improvement projects, the funds are given to cities with neighborhoods that are experiencing an economic downturn. Highland Estates and the area west of Andrews Avenue and south of the Middle River qualify to receive funds – an estimated $60,000 to $65,000. “The primary objective of CDBG funds is to assist low to moderate income persons or neighborhoods to improve their quality of life. This may be achieved by developing social programs or through infrastructure improvements,” wrote Todd DeJesus, capital projects and

grants manager. DeJesus said there’s a chance the Trump administration might remove CDBG funding, but officials are proceeding under the guise that the funds will be available. A meeting to solicit opinions on how to spend the CDBG money was held July 19. Only one person attended, said DeJesus, but residents don’t need to attend any meetings to give their input. DeJesus said ideas can be emailed directly to him – tdejesus@wiltonmanors. com. “They can email me every single day.” The ideas most likely to be adopted, said DeJesus, are ones that don’t require a lot of money for design or engineering. The entire project must be funded with the grant. No city funds will be used to supplement the project. Sal Torre, president of the Westside Association of Wilton Manors, said a

lot of people in his area of the city have stated they want a lighted crosswalk on Powerline Road where Mickel Park is located. His other idea is a kayak storage facility at Island City Park Preserve [ICPP] or Donn Eisele Park. Torre suggested people who use the facility might pay a fee. Previous grants have been used for improvements to Island City Park Preserve, including “estate style fencing, an emergency generator, a 35 foot floating dock, an addition to the community center building, an artificial turf surface

on the playground, a shade structure on the rear deck, fitness stations, a shade structure over the fitness stations, and a basketball court renovation.” The small parking lot close to ICPP was also purchased and developed with CDBG funds. The next city project to use CDBG funds will be the installation of security cameras at ICPP. The city will be accepting bids for the project. The deadline for firms to apply is Aug. 22. A mandatory meeting, for companies that want to submit a bid, will be held today, Aug. 2. WMG


Metropolitan Developers Agree to $50,000 Fine By Michael d’Oliveira The owners of The Metropolitan residential development have resolved their dispute with the city. At their July 25 meeting, commissioners agreed to allow developers to pay a $50,000 fine for not undergrounding overhead utility lines on Northeast 24 Street and Northeast 13 Avenue when they started building The Metropolitan in 2014. Construction was finished in 2016. In return, the city will issue a certificate of occupancy to developers. Commissioner Tom Green abstained from the vote because he lives in the development. Commissioner Julie Carson suggested $75,000 because she thought $50,000 wasn’t a big enough penalty – $34 a day since the project began. She praised developers for their work but said she was “very disappointed” that they did not live up to their original agreement. “This should have been undergrounded

Photo courtesy Metropolitan, Facebook.

four years ago. It’s far too low [an amount],” said Carson. But her suggestion failed to receive support from the rest of the commission. “They came back and did what they were supposed to do,” said Commissioner Scott Newton. Developers also agreed to provide a letter of credit of $162,202.91 to ensure they complete the work. If developers fail to underground the lines, the city can claim the letter of credit. “It’s an amount that forces them to do it,” said Newton. At a previous meeting, developer Michael Wohl said he and his partners tried their best but couldn’t get FPL to approve the undergrounding of the utility lines. “We have been great citizens here,” he said. WMG

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August 2, 2017


Neon Signs Get Thumbs Up From Commission By Michael d’Oliveira

After more than a year, Wilton Manors commissioners approved changes to the city’s sign code and officially approved the use of neon signs by businesses. The vote was 4-1 at the July 25 commission meeting with Commissioner Scott Newton dissenting. Previously, the use of neon had been prohibited by the city but officials did not enforce the rule. In an effort to be business friendly but also keep the number of neon signs from getting out of hand, the city will allow one neon sign every 10 feet of frontage and a maximum of four neon signs per business location. Each business location will also be allowed to have a minimum of one neon sign if they don’t have at least 10 feet of frontage. “I don’t know how many times you need to say Corona,” said Commissioner Tom Green at a previous meeting. Confusion and disagreement contributed to the vote’s delay and commissioners took more time during the July 25 meeting before finally agreeing and making sure they were clear about the sign code. They wanted to ensure there would be no ambiguity in how it is interpreted by the public and by business owners. “You’re going to have to enforce this,” said Mayor Gary Resnick to Code Compliance Supervisor Julio Davila. “I don’t want to come back in a year because someone’s suing us,” said Commissioner Scott Newton. Commissioners debated whether the limit on signs should be based on the amount of window space or total building frontage. Newton suggested frontage because he said it wouldn’t be fair to business owners with a small amount of window space. Those with more window space would have more of an opportunity for more signs. “I don’t like punishing a business for their construction choice,” said Vice Mayor Justin Flippen.

“It should be frontage,” said business owner Nick Berry. Berry has consistently spoken out in favor of allowing neon signs because, he said, they attract customers. Commissioners also debated how much oversight they should have over city staff on this issue. “I don’t like second-guessing staff,” Resnick said. “I’m just tired of hearing that,” responded Newton. He said that it was the job of the elected officials to “do our due diligence” and make sure they agree with what is being proposed by city staff. “That’s why we’re up here.” Although the new regulation is now in place, Davila said there would be an unspecified amount of time allowed for the city to educate businesses on the changes to the regulation. After that, the city will begin enforcement. Berry commended the city on its code enforcement approach. “They are educating businesses peacefully, civilly. They’re not taking a hard approach.” Over the next several months, officials say they plan on making changes to other parts of the city’s sign code, including addressing non-illuminated window signs. One sticking point is the Dairy Queen on Wilton Drive. Some commissioners think the ice cream purveyor has too many signs in its windows. “The devil’s in the details. I wouldn’t support the amount of signs. I think it’s ridiculous,” said Resnick at a previous meeting. “They have a unique situation,” Green said. The unique situation is that Dairy Queen owner Lynn Lawrence said the signs are important for business. When a sign displaying a certain item isn’t available for customers to see, she said, many don’t order the item. “We want to make sure this unique situation gets addressed,” said Commissioner Julie Carson. WMG

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August 2, 2017

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Check out what’s happening

Around Town By Michael d’Oliveira

City Looks For Loophole to Protect Medical Marijuana Regulations Commissioners struggle with how to regulate dispensaries By Michael d’Oliveira

Restaurants and bars wanted for Taste of the Island The organizers of Taste of the Island, Wilton Manors’ annual culinary event, are looking for bars and restaurants to serve up samples for the event. This year it will be held on Monday, Nov. 13 at Richardson Historic Park & Nature Preserve on Wilton Drive. “Taste of the Island is an evening of food and libation featuring local elite food and beverage establishments and spotlighting their culinary and beverage specialties at Wilton Manors’ acclaimed outdoor tasting event,” reads the Taste website – tasteoftheisland.org. Tickets are now available online. The cost is $30 per ticket before Nov. 1 and $35 after. Bar and restaurant owners who want to participate can email info@tasteoftheisland.org or call 754-551-5611. Proceeds from the event benefit Wilton Manors Leisure Services, the Kiwanis Club of Wilton Manors, Wilton Manors Historical Society, and the Wilton Manors Development Alliance. WMG

Shred Documents For Free Waste Management and Shred-It will host a free shred event on Saturday, Aug. 12 from 9 to 11 a.m. at Hagen Park. Wilton Manors residents can bring receipts, documents, and other sensitive paper-based information. Proof of residency, such as a driver’s license or utility bill showing a Wilton Manors address, is required. According to Shred-It, the shredded paper will be recycled into new products. Call 954-390-2190 for more information. WMG

Improvements to Northeast 6 Avenue On Aug. 5, construction will begin on Northeast 6 Avenue between Oakland Park Boulevard and Commercial Boulevard. Improvements include a new sidewalk on the east side of the road, the relocation of drainage structures, minor widening of the shoulders, the addition of curbs and gutters along the east side of the road, an upgrade in lighting, and an upgrade of crosswalks to meet ADA standards. Lane closures may occur between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. and between 6 p.m. and 7 a.m. A public meeting on the project will be held on Thursday, Aug. 3 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Oakland Park Municipal Building, Engineering & Community Development Multipurpose Room, 5399 N. Dixie Hwy. WMG

City working on more art At the July 25 commission meeting, Mayor Gary Resnick said the city was working on the creation of an art in public places program. The program would include a committee of residents and business owners similar to other city volunteer boards and would focus on bringing more public art to Wilton Manors. But Resnick said the committee may be unofficial because he doesn’t think it will work as an official city board because it would then be subject to the state’s Sunshine Law and that would prevent the committee from operating effectively. WMG

A dispensary in Colorado. Photo credit O’Dea.

To ensure its regulations on medical marijuana dispensaries stand up to state law, Wilton Manors officials will look at regulating pharmacies. The legislature has mandated that cities can only allow dispensaries if they are zoned and regulated in the same fashion as pharmacies. Cities that ban dispensaries don’t have to create such parity. When they approved the regulations last year, commissioners said they wanted to regulate dispensaries before the legislature legalized them because they wanted to control where in the city they could be located. “We may be longing for the days when we had so many bars,” said Commissioner Tom Green about distance separation. The city can’t limit the number of dispensaries, but City Attorney Kerry Ezrol said that there is nothing about distance separation from schools, churches, and other dispensaries. Commissioners passed a 1,000-foot separation requirement last year. Ezrol warned though that a court could end up viewing the distance requirement as an unjust restriction. “Maybe we could do that for regular pharmacies as well,” said Mayor Gary Resnick. Existing pharmacies would be grandfathered-in.

“I’m not comfortable banning,” said Vice Mayor Justin Flippen. But some commissioners had second thoughts about the ban. Commissioner Scott Newton said if Fort Lauderdale and Oakland Park initiate bans Wilton Manors might be the only city in the area with a dispensary. “I don’t want to ban it but banning it might be the best thing right now,” said Newton. At multiple meetings, commissioners have often brought up the need to allow residents access to regulating medical marijuana. Previously, Commissioner Julie Carson has said the city shouldn’t get in the way of its residents getting medical marijuana in the same way it wouldn’t block residents from having access to HIV/ AIDS medication. Resnick told a story about an unnamed resident whose Parkinson’s disease is only treatable with medical marijuana. Resnick said the man has to go to Miami to get his medication. Green said there’s no need to have a dispensary because medical marijuana can be mailed directly to homes. He also advocated waiting to see if the legislature does anything else on the issue before the city moves forward with more action. WMG

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August 2, 2017


Nite Life Law

Police Chief Responds to Trump’s “Don’t Be Too Nice” Speech

If you drink, don’t drive. If you drive, don’t drink. If you do both, call us.

By Michael d’Oliveira

Kent & Cormican Criminal Defense Law Center


Norman Elliott Kent & Russell Cormican 12 S.E. 7th Street, Suite 709 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 www.NormKent.com

In response to President Donald Trump’s including the New York Police Department, comments telling police officers “please have criticized Trump’s remarks as don’t be too nice” to suspects who have irresponsible and not in keeping with been arrested, Wilton Manors Police Chief established police practices. In a statement on its blog, the IACP Paul O’Connell said his department would wrote, “Managing use of force is one of not follow the President’s advice. “Of this I can assure you...WMPD the most difficult challenges faced by law would never hire someone who thinks enforcement agencies. The ability of law or acts like Mr. Trump. The IACP enforcement officers to enforce the law, protect the public, and [International Association guard their own safety, of Chiefs of Police] stated the safety of innocent as much in response to bystanders, and even those his comments. Police suspected or apprehended Officers are not bullies... for criminal activity is we are public servants very challenging. For these and professionals,” wrote reasons, law enforcement O’Connell in an email to agencies develop policies SFGN. and procedures, as well as In his July 28 speech to conduct extensive training, law enforcement officials to ensure that any use of on Long Island, Trump - paul o'connell force is carefully applied called on Congress to hire WiltoN maNorS policE chiEf and objectively reasonable 10,000 more ICE officers. considering the situation He was referring to the confronted by the officers. effort to dismantle gangs like MS-13 and other criminal cartels. Law enforcement officers are trained to “Please don’t be too nice. Like when you treat all individuals, whether they are guys put somebody in the car, and you’re a complainant, suspect, or defendant, protecting their head, you know, and with dignity and respect. This is the they’ve just killed somebody. I said, ‘you bedrock principle behind the concepts of procedural justice and police legitimacy.” can take the hand away.’” Other law enforcement agencies, WMG

“wmPd wouLd never hire someone who thinks or acts Like mr. trumP.”

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August 2, 2017

8.2.2017 •




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August 2, 2017

8.2.2017 •


lifEStYlE homo history

‘ the hoMoseXual ’ What society thought about us in1966

Graham Brunk


of her child, asking them of their sexuality after having found t was April 19, 1966 at 10 p.m. her son had been involved with another male. If you had tuned your television to Florida’s first TV The other mother even went on to mention that while she station, WTVJ (now NBC Miami), you would have seen would hate to do it, she has a gun in her house and would not be what was likely the first time local media discussed the topic of afraid to use it if she caught another male have sexual relations “homosexuality,” A part of WTVJ’s FYI series of documentaries with her son. Both agreed they could not understand what they did monthly at the time, the TV station’s goal was to present they may have done to let their sons be so “mentally what they felt was a balanced informational piece described wrong.” by the Ft. Lauderdale News “to warn parents of the The documentary continued with Dade dangers which may be faced by an uninformed boy, County Sheriff Sargent Dave Narrow who is the main target and often the victim of “interviewing” a “homosexual” on a homosexual who seeks to convert others to she went on to the phone. He went on to ask this his way of life.” anonymized person a tremendous The documentary, preserved in its saY she Questioned amount of questions with a very entirety by the Lynn and Louis Wolfson accusatory tone. Topics ranging II Florida Moving Image Archives at everY maLe Friend oF her from gay marriage, hustling, Miami-Dade College in downtown chiLd, askinG them oF their underage sex, and adoption all Miami, certainly was bigotry against came up. Calm and collected gays at its best. seXuaLitY aFter havinG the interviewee answered every Fred Mooke, WTVJ’s news manager at question with utmost sincere the time, produced the show and it was Found her son had answers; supporting such efforts narrated in a very somber tone by the TV as gay marriage and adoption (but station’s own acclaimed long time anchor been invoLved with with doubt as to whether it would Ralph Renick, who later attempted to run another maLe. ever happen) and condoning underage for Florida governor as a liberal candidate. sex and hustling stating that was not as After a short discussion about recent raids of typical as Narrow seemed to be leading on. local gay bars, the show chillingly begins with two Perhaps the biggest turning point of all in mothers in silhouettes being interviewed about how the interview is when Sargent Narrow asked the man their teenage sons had gotten involved with homosexuality on the phone whether if he could adopt a boy if he would “raise after having been “preyed upon.” Both mothers sob in tears describing their eradicating him to be homosexual” and go on to “have sexual relations with him.” relationship with their boys. One mother proceeded to discuss As stunned as the man was on the phone he said “no not at how she felt she was going insane trying to micromanage her all, I would see him as my own flesh and blood...my own son! son’s life. She went on to say she questioned every male friend


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Credit: Max Kagno.

If you had adopted a girl, would you have sexual relations with her?” That seemed to be enough for the now disheveled Sargent Narrow to conclude the interview. After a commercial break the documentary concluded with what was likely WTVJ’s attempt at leveling the field by interviewing a man who probably doesn’t get enough credit today for his outspoken, positive ideas about homosexuality in the country. Richard Inman (who has been praised by SFGN’s own Jesse Monteagudo previously in this publication) discussed his ideas of a world where gays could get married, what gay life was like hanging out in a gay bar, and how normal a gay adoption would be. He even went on to discuss how being gay was not a “social congregation” that people join, but a way to live. The interviewer frequently mocked Inman’s ideas. It was bad enough that Inman had not had much experience on television and seemed very uncomfortable throughout the interview. Afraid that admitting his own homosexual experiences could be seen as a crime, he ended the interview stating he wasn’t gay but felt gays deserved the same treatment as everyone else. It’s clear from this documentary that society in South Florida at the time seemed to be concerned that gay people were simply perverts after underage boys and had no business gaining equal rights. The documentary, however, still serves as an important part of LGBT history here. As ridiculous as it seemed to watch it today, it is great representation of how far we have come in less than 50 years.

graham, a West palm Beach native, is a local librarian with an interest in lgtBQ history in South florida. he welcomes emails and story ideas. contact him at grahamBrunk@gmail.com.

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8.2.2017 •


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ake a look at your teeth; do you see any stains on them? If you do, you’re not alone. We all stain our teeth and wonder what we could do about it. First, let’s review where stains come from. You may think that coffee, black tea, and red/ white wine are the only culprits behind stained teeth, but there are many other sources. Including:

● Intensely colored fruits like blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, grapes, and pomegranates ● Deeply colored sauces, like soy sauce, curry, and ketchup ● Sweets like hard candy, chewing gum, and popsicles often contain teeth staining coloring agents ● Sport drinks and cola set the stage for staining by softening tooth enamel with their acidic contents Now that you know the causes of stained teeth, I would like to share with you a few tips to reduce staining.

● Keep your teeth clean by brushing after every main meal. Use an electric toothbrush for the best results. ● After snacking, rinse your mouth with water. Swish the water around to reach all areas of your mouth. This will eliminate any residual food particles and is a quick way to keep your mouth clean when you can’t brush. ● Eat crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples, celery, and carrots. Their texture helps to gently remove the film from your teeth while you’re chewing. ● Use toothpaste with whitening capabilities. Alternatively, you could make a paste with baking soda and a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide and use it once a week to brush your teeth. ● Drink water after you have a cup of coffee, black tea, or a glass of wine. ● Quit smoking if possible.

The last and most important tip is to have your teeth cleaned regularly by your hygienist. Apart from keeping your teeth and mouth healthy, a dental hygienist can easily reach every surface on your teeth and remove stains. As you can see, there are many options you can adopt as part of your daily home oral care routine to prevent stained teeth. Give them a try! Remember to be consistent. Stains can be stubborn, especially tobacco stains, and your teeth have many small areas that can easily retain stains. Avoid problem foods, follow the outlined tips and be proud of a stain free smile! Call us at 954-566-7479 if you need help with stained or discolored teeth.


Please call our office at to learn more about our program. If you are interested in signing up, click on the link to get started https://premier-smile-center.illumitrac.com/ We are committed to finding innovative ways that will help us provide all our patients with the highest-quality care in the most affordable way.

www.drjohnsondds.com 954-566-7479 38

8 .2.2017

2717 E Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306

fEaturE pets

Always On The Run! Sweet Stella (ID 522379) is looking for an active family who will play with her, give her lots of toys and lots of love. Stella is a 2 year old, 70 pound gal who loves to run and play. She is good with kids and other dogs and she has a big heart. Will you be Stella’s new best friend?


When you adopt from the Humane Society of Broward County all pets are spayed or neutered before going home. In addition, they receive preliminary vaccinations, heartworm test for dogs over seven months, feline leukemia test for cats, a limited 10-day health care plan courtesy of VCA Animal Hospital, a bag of Purina ONE food and more. The adoption fee for dogs over six months is $100 and felines over six months are $30. For more information call the shelter today at 954-989-3977 ext. 6. The Humane Society of Broward County is located at 2070 Griffin Road, just a block west of I-95 and opens daily at 10:30 a.m. To see who else needs a home visit www.humanebroward.com

8.2.2017 •


lifEStYlE food Matcha Green Smoothie

Watermelon Fresca

Photos courtesy Rick Karlin.


Rick Karlin

suMMer siPPers


s there anything more refreshing on a hot, summer day than a tall, cool drink? Maybe, but you’d be hard-pressed to convince me so. Perhaps sitting poolside with a tall, cool drink poured by a hot man in skimpy swim trunks. Pardon me while I blot my brow with a cold compress!

Now, where was I? Oh, yes, refreshing summer drinks. While an icecold bottle of soda (or pop, or coke, depending on what part of the country you were reared) is certainly delightful, there’s no reason to submit yourself to all those chemicals and additives. Mix up a batch of these and keep them handy in the fridge. Since so many summer drink recipes call for simple syrup, I give directions how to make your own. You can certainly buy it at any liquor store, but it’s easy to make and will keep for weeks if chilled. I store mine in a cruet with a spout, designed for olive oil, but it works great for storing and dispensing the syrup.

Simple Syrup Mix equal parts water and sugar (I usually make two cups at a time, so 1 cup each, water and sugar). Bring to boil over medium-low heat and simmer, without stirring, until all sugar is dissolved (about three minutes). Remove from heat, allow to cool and pour into a dispenser or glass jar with a lid. 40

8 .2.2017

green Tea sMooThie Green tea has tons of anti-oxidants, so this drink is not only good, it’s good for you. This recipe serves one, increase amounts as desired. iNgrEdiENtS 1 tablespoon matcha (green tea) powder 1 tablespoon simple syrup 1 banana 1 cup milk (cow’s milk, or any substitute you prefer-almond, soy, etc.) Handful of ice dirEctioNS Place a large juice glass in the freezer. In a blender, mix the matcha, syrup, milk and ice until smooth. Serve in the chilled glass. waTerMeLon-LiMe agUa FresCa Be aware that even seedless watermelons may have the occasional seed, so sip slowly. iNgrEdiENtS 2 pounds seedless watermelon 1 cup cold water 4 ice cubes 2 teaspoons lime juice 1 tablespoon simple syrup (optional) ½ cup vodka (optional) dirEctioNS Cut watermelon into chunks, place in blender. Add cold water, ice cubes and lime juice. Blend until smooth and frothy. Add simple syrup (and vodka, if desired) and blend an additional minute. Serve in chilled glasses.

sUMMer dreaMs soda No need to run after the Good Humor truck for this summertime favorite. iNgrEdiENtS Orange soda Vanilla ice cream Directions Fill a glass with orange soda. Add a big scoop of vanilla ice cream. Stir with a spoon, or blend until thoroughly combined. CUCUMBer LeMonade This is so refreshing you’ll want to keep a pitcher available all summer. iNgrEdiENtS 1 English cucumber 6-8 lemons 2 quarts cold, filtered water Simple syrup to taste dirEctioNS Rinse and peel the cucumber; thinly slice a few pieces from the middle, reserve for garnish. Puree remainder of cucumber in blender until smooth, add to chilled water. Slice each lemon in half; take a few slices from the center of the lemon halves, reserve for garnish. Squeeze juice from lemons, add to water. Taste and add simple syrup to taste (start with ½ cup). Chill in refrigerator or for 2-3 hours or overnight. Place a slice of cucumber and lemon in each glass, fill with ice and top with cucumber/ lemon/water mixture.

horChaTa A popular drink in Mexico, it’s perfect with spicy food. iNgrEdiENtS 1 cup uncooked white long-grain rice 5 cups water ½ cup milk ½ tablespoon vanilla extract ½ tablespoon ground cinnamon 1 cup simple syrup dirEctioNS Pour the rice and water into the bowl of a blender; blend until the rice just begins to break up, about 1 minute. Let rice and water stand at room temperature for a minimum of 3 hours. Strain the rice water into a pitcher and discard the rice (or save and add to soup later). Stir the milk, vanilla, cinnamon and simple syrup into the rice water. Chill and stir before serving over ice, garnish with additional cinnamon if desired. news YoU Can Use: dine out downtown delray Week will be held aug. 1-7… farm to fork in oakland park, known for its prepared take home meals now has an eat-in café… going to a show at the hollywood hard rock and got the munchies? the concessions stands now offer an expanded menu including empanadas, sushi, pulled pork, hoagies and hummus and veggies.

8.2.2017 •






A u g u st

J.W. Arnold


A u g u st

8 ,

2 0 1 7

W W W . S F G N . C O M

Sounds of Summer





theater Former gay porn star Chris Harder performs his one-man show, “Big Bright Star” through Sunday, Aug. 6 at Andrews Living Arts, 23 NW 5th St. in Fort Lauderdale’s trendy FAT Village arts district. Harder’s compelling story demonstrates the path to stardom is actually paved with Barbie dolls, as he channels the people who were most influential in his career through monologues, song and dance. Tickets are $35 – 45 at RonnieLarsen.com.



theater “Impressions,” the world premiere play by Carbonell Award-winner Michael Leeds closes this weekend at the Abyss Theatre, 2304 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. The production from Pigs Do Fly Productions, features mature actors, and provides the intriguing backstory to many of the most famous Impressionist paintings from Degas, Monet, Renoir and Toulouse-Lautrec. Critics are raving, too. Tickets are $35 at PigsDoFlyProductions.com.




The Symphony of Americas performs tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Pompano Beach Cultural Center, 50 W. Atlantic Ave. The concert is part of the symphony’s annual Summerfest, a monthlong series of concerts in Broward and Palm Beach counties. Artistic director James Brooks-Bruzzese conducts a program of classics and a world premiere by Italian composer Lorenzo TurchiFloris. Tickets and a complete schedule at SymphonyOfTheAmericas.org. Photo Credit: Symphony of the Americas.


8/5 SUN

8/6 MON

8/7 TUE






Broward Art Guild celebrates the opening of the group’s latest show, “Abstractions,” with a reception tonight at 6:30 p.m. at the organization’s gallery, 3280 NE 32nd St. in Fort Lauderdale. The juried exhibition includes a wide range of mediums and styles, including both 2-D and 3-D works and jewelry. Local artist and arts advocate Madeline Denaro selected the works that will be on exhibit through Aug. 25. More info at BrowardArtGuild.org.

Today is your last opportunity to see the critically-acclaimed summer production of Stephen Sondheim’s chilling musical, “Sweeney Todd,” at Palm Beach Dramaworks, 201 Clematis St. in West Palm Beach. Jim Ballard stars as the “Demon Butcher of Fleet Street” and Jennifer Molly Bell is his human meat pie-making accomplice, Mrs. Lovett, in this popular, tuneful show. Clive Cholerton directs. Tickets are $67 at PalmBeachDramaworks.org.

If you’re not rewatching last night’s episodes of “Claws” or “Game of Thrones” on demand at home, head to the local Cineplex for some of the big summer blockbusters on the big screen: “Wonder Woman,” “Spiderman: Homecoming,” “Despicable Me 3” and “Dunkirk” are still playing, or check out one of the new films that opened this weekend like “Kidnap,” “The Dark Tower” or “Detroit.” Check local listings for theaters and showtimes.

Debbie Harry and her iconic ‘80s band Blondie will take the stage at the Hard Rock Live at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood tonight at 7 p.m. In addition to their classic hits like “Call Me,” “Atomic,” “One Way or Another” and “Heart of Glass,” the Rage and Rapture Tour will feature edgy newer songs and also guest performances by Garbage and Sky Ferreira. Tickets start at $50 at MyHRL.com.


8 .2.2017

8.2.2017 •


august 2 - august 8



broward county

Christiana Lilly



The Book of Moron


Aug. 4 at 8 p.m. and Aug. 5 at 4 and 8 p.m. at the Broward Center, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Stand-up comedian Robert Dubac’s one-man show examines a world where the Kardashians and selfies are worshipped over character and grace. Tickets $50. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.


Through Aug. 6 at the Kravis Center, 701 Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Stephen Sondheim’s Broadway classic tells the story of Bobby, his three girlfriends, and his five married friends. Tickets $45. Call 561-832-7469 or visit Kravis.org.

* Beres Hammond

Aug. 6 at 7:30 p.m. at the Broward Center, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Considered the Otis Redding of reggae, Hammond is joined by The Harmony House Musicians and DJ Inferno. Tickets $19.50 to $125. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

50 Shades of Felt

Through Aug. 20 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale. A puppet parody of the erotic novels. Tickets $35. Call 954-826-8790 or visit RonnieLarsen. com.

Big Bright Star

Through Aug. 20 at Andrews Living Arts, 23 NE Fifth St. in Fort Lauderdale. Eager to become a Broadway star, Chris Harder moves to New York City but finds himself in the gay porn industry. Tickets $35 to $45. Visit RonnieLarsen.com.

LAST CHANCE: Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

Through Aug. 6 at Palm Beach Dramaworks, 201 Clematis St. in West Palm Beach. After being sent to Australia for a crime he did not commit, the barber Sweeney Todd returns home and kills his clients, determined to finally get to the judge who gave him the sentence. Tickets $67. Call 561.514.4042 or visit PalmBeachDramaworks.org.

Friday Night Sound Waves Music Series

Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music spanning genres and tributes every Friday evening through November. Free. Visit FridayNightSoundWaves.com

palm beach county Free Friday Concerts

Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.

miami-dade county * Bill Maher

Aug. 6 at 8:30 p.m. at the Fillmore Miami Beach, 1700 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. The Emmy Award-winning commentator hits the stage, bringing together comedy and political talk — and always pushing the boundaries. Call 305673-7300 or visit FillmoreMB.com.

Slava’s Snow Show

Through Aug. 6 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, in Miami. Slava Polunin’s clowns

return to the center for a show filled with lots, and lots, of snow. Tickets $30 to $75. Call or visit ArshtCenter.org.

Bad Jews

Through Aug. 13 at Main Street Players, 6766 Main Street in Miami Lakes. Three cousins come together after the death of their grandfather, a Holocaust survivor. Tickets $30. Call 305-558-3737 or visit MainStreetPlayers.com.

Outdoor Music Series

Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come out for live music from DJs and musicians by the bay. Drink specials available. Free with museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit PAMM.org.

The Big Show

Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. A collection of comedy mixing the likes of improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny. com.

* Denotes New Listing









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Two Locations!



8 .2.2017


Music of Mendelssohn, Vivaldi, Ravel, Vaughan Williams, Piazzolla and more! For additional dates and subscription sales visit: www.sota.org 954.335.7002

SATURDAY, JULY 22, 2017 • 7:00 PM

Broward Center for the Performing Arts Amaturo Theater Fort Lauderdale Tickets $20 | $35 | VIP $60 (VIP includes post-reception)

SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 2017 • 7:00 pm

Florida Atlantic University Theater Boca Raton Tickets $20 | VIP $45 (VIP includes premier seating & post-reception) 2-CONCERT SATURDAY SERIES SUBSCRIPTION starts at $30 per person

THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 2017 • 7:30 pm Pompano Beach Cultural Center 954.545.7800 | www.ccpompano.org Tickets $20 | $35 cabaret seating with refreshments

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GO BEHIND THE SCENES Every week, SFGN brings you an inside look on what’s hitting the stage near you. From interviews with producers to exclusive peeks at new performances, we’re here to make sure you’re ready for every show.



Don’t miss a

tastE Feeling the hunger? Read SFGN’s weekly food column for an exclusive bite on local bars, restaurants, and seasonal flavors.



community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com

toP Picks

RAD Remedy 101 and Patient Self Advocacy 101

Aug. 5 from noon to 3 p.m. at Pridelines, 6360 NE Fourth Court in Miami. Riley Johnson, the executive director of RAD Remedy, will talk about his database and how you can use it to find specialists and providers. Plus, food, drinks, and fun! Free. RSVP to http://bit. ly/2tJPQHx.

OutWrite: LGBTQ Authors From the Special Collection

Through Sept. 3 at the Stonewall National Museum - Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. With more than 27,000 items in its collection, the museum has acquired rare and historic books from authors Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, Gertrude Stein, and more. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.

Art After Dark

Thursdays from 5 to 9 p.m. at the Norton Museum of Art, 1451 S. Olive Ave. in West Palm beach. Enjoy a special look at the museum’s exhibits with docent-led tours, curators’ conversations, art workshops, and demonstrations. Free. Call 561-832-5196 or visit Norton.org.

broward suPPort services


Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com


Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.


Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.


First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.

broward county Obsession With Masculinity

Aug. 2 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the World AIDS Museum, 1201 NE 26th St. Building #111 in Wilton Manors. A discussion of masculinity and society’s pressure on men. Free. Call the Kiki Project’s Ederick Johnson at 954-4639005, ext 308.

GLLN Luncheon

Aug. 3 from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. at Timpano Chophouse, 450 E. Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Network with fellow law professionals and learn more about real estate market trends. Tickets $25 for members, $30 for nonmembers. Visit GLLN. org.

* Monster Jam

Aug. 5 to 6 at the BB&T Center, One Panther Parkway in Sunrise. The motorsports gathering returns for its annual show filled with monster trucks, including the Grave Digger, Max-D, and Zombie. Tickets $32 and up. Call 800-745-3000 or visit TheBBTCenter. com.


8 .2.2017

School Supply Drive

Through Aug. 26 at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Support Broward County students and drop off school supplies or monetary donations at the center. All 954-463-9008, ext. 108 or email womenwithpride@pridecenterflorida. org.

Life Coaching

Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Latinos Salud Clubhouse, 2300 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Get one-on-one life coaching from certified CRCS coaches. For guys living with HIV, their partners, and anyone who identifies as transgender. Free. Call 954-765-6239 or visit LatinosSalud.org.

Rest Your Mind

Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at Kadampa Meditation Center, 241 W Prospect Road Ste. B in Fort Lauderdale. Start your week with relaxing meditation to center yourself. Free. Visit MeditateinFortLauderdale.org.

august 2 - august 8 Man2Man Discussion

Mondays 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. A weekly informal discussion group among gay men of all backgrounds. Contact John Beuscher at 954-319-4292 or email johnnybushwick@aol.com.


Mondays 7 to 9 p.m. at the Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Learn the art of public speaking with positive reinforcement and encouragement from your peers. Call Ted Verdone at 954-5662074 or email tedverdone@comcast.net.

Through Aug. 30 at The Box Gallery, 811 Belvedere Road in West Palm Beach. A look at the transition period of kitsch culture in South Florida from 1960 to 1990. Free. Call 786-521-1199 or visit TheBoxGallery.info.


Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more information, email youth@compassglcc.com.

Sober Sisters

Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion group for female recovering alcoholics. Visit LambdaNorth.net.

palm beach county Sushi & Stroll

Kitsch and Kulture

Aug. 11 and Sept. 8 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens, 4000 Morikami Park Road in Delray Beach. The summertime fete returns with sushi rolls, drumming by Fushu Daiko, tours, and more. Admission $15. Call 561495-0233 or visit Morikami.org.

Bisexual Support Group

Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Share your thoughts with other members of the bisexual community, discuss issues, and address concerns in a safe environment. Email marissa@compassglcc.com or visit CompassGLCC.com.

miami-dade county Arsht Center Farmers Market

Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Tickets $45 to $75. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/en/Visit/Dining.


Tuesdays from 6 to 7:15 p.m. at Jose Marti Park, 362 SW Fourth Ave. in Miami. Yogis 18 and older of all levels are invited to a practice led by a certified instructor. Bring your own yoga mat, water, and towel. Free. Call 305-358-7550 or visit BayfrontParkMiami.com/Yoga.html.

Book Study

Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Miami. Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Norbu, will lead classes on learning the foundations of Buddhism. Call 786-529-7137.

Yoga in the Garden

Wednesdays at 12:15 p.m. and Saturdays at 11:30 a.m. at the Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive in Miami Beach. Hit the mat for an indoor yoga practice overlooking the garden. Tickets $10 Wednesdays, $15 Saturdays. Call 305-6737256 or visit MBGarden.org.

TransSocial Saturdays

Saturdays from noon to 3 p.m. at Pridelines, 6360 NE Fourth Court in Miami. Come hang out with others for a movie, snacks, and discussion every Saturday. Visit TransSocial. org.

key west Hot Naked Hump Days

Wednesdays from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Island House, 1129 Fleming St. in Key West. Relax in the middle of the week with two-forone drinks, free shots, videos and music, giveaways, and naked boys at the pool. Call 305-294-6284 or visit IslandHouseKeyWest. com

* Denotes New Listing

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8.2.2017 •





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To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970 cleaning

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employment wanted

SPECIAL HIRE NEEDED - Looking for strong males (must be able to hold up fall risk gentlemen, dementia, Parkinson's, stage 4 cancer, etc.) for LGBT seniors, must be gay-friendly, many have live-in senior partners (must enjoy the company of gay people and comfortable in gay settings, restaurants, etc.) Call 954-629-1377 and leave a message ONLY, include your contact info, name, and level of experience in senior care or your willingness to devote your time to senior care. Faxes welcome at 754-301-5802

rentals wilton manors MIKE THE RENTAL GUY - NE Lauderdale/Wilton Manors/Oakland Park-1/1 from $1090, 2/1 from $1140. Victoria Park-2/1=$1290.00 cable included. Credit & Income Requirements-Pets okay with restrictions Call for Details Mike 561- 703-5533 or miketherentalguy@ aol.com


furnished housing SHORT TERM HOUSE RENTAL 1-5 MONTHS - Perfect Relocation, Business Traveler, or Luxury Rental 3BDR/2Bath/Pool/Travertine Floors, Red Quartz Counter tops. Middle River minutes from Wilton Manors $5000 per month All utilities included Go to Airbnb “Island Vibes with Pool in Ft. Lauderdale for details. Property Manager-Andrew 609-712-2961

handyman HUSBAND FOR RENT - Is he procrastinating home repairs? He says he will do it tomorrow?? After the football game?? We fit right in - in the house or the yard, small or big jobs: tile, dry wall, paint, plumbing, roof leaks, broken furniture, irrigation, fences, and more! It doesn't cost to hassle us to see the work - so why wait? Neat, clean work for a reasonable price. Call Haim at 954-398-3676, sidnalll@yahoo.com

licensed massage MASSAGE BY DENNIS - $60 per 90 min-Out calls higher. Swedish, Deep Tissue, manscaping available. All clients and Body types welcome, Reflexology and Feet. Couples Discounts. Delray Beach. 22 years’ experience. MA18563 Call Dennis 561-502-2628.

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painting GREGG'S PAINTING - I paint both interior and exterior. Great rates, free estimates. I am detailed-oriented, friendly, reliable, punctual, and neat. No job too small. Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Call Gregg at 617-306-5694 or 954-870-5972 Email: gmanbenn44@gmail.com

real estate broward county LARGE MIDDLE RIVER DUPLEX - Located in residential area near downtown Wilton Manors $305,900.00 Call Gary for details 954-736-7583.



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UNITED REALTY GROUP - Building in Wilton Manors, Fort Lauderdale Beach, Coconut Creek, Lauderdale Lakes and Hollywood. Starting in the 200's, 2 & 3 Bedrooms, 1 & 2 Garages available with building incentives. Call for details Michael 561-703-5533 or email mkltub@aol.com for more info.


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MIDDLE RIVER TERRACE 1/1 - 1/1 Corner unit with private patio, clean, updated kitchen/bath, terrazzo/tile. Near all. Sorry no pets. 1st/L/S $1,075. Glenn Lawson REMAX Experience by the Sea 954-295-8616

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piano WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO? Learn from an experienced teacher. All levels and ages welcome. Learn to play classical, popular, jazz, or show tunes. Visit www.edwinchad.com or call 954-826-9555 for more information.

pool service COOL POOLS- RELIABLE POOL SERVICE Professional pool service.Covering Wilton Manors, Lighthouse Point, and eastside of Pompano Beach. 15 years experience. Licensed and insured.Free estimates. Call 954-235-0775.

SFGN.COM 8.2.2017 •


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