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Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival
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April 25, 2012 • Volume 3 • Issue 17
Swinging Richards
Photo of dancer, Skyler, by BeWildInAmerica.com
AIDS Memorial Quilt
Aqua Girl 2012
Celebrating Maltz Jupiter Theatre
page 15
AIDS Walk Miami 2012 Photos by JR Davis
April 25, 2012 • Volume 3 • Issue 17
Editorial Offices 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 FAX: 954-530-7943
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Team Miami Gay Men’s Chorus
Sam Champion Grand Marshal
Correspondents. . . . . . . . . . . D onald Cavanaugh Gideon Grudo Lisa Lucas Mike Rothman Tana Velen
Contributing Columnists. . . . Wayne Besen
Susan Estrich Brian McNaught Victoria Michaels Leslie Robinson Dana Rudolph David Webb
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Team AMC
By Karl Hampe
Supporters of the Cause
South Florida Gay News.com is published weekly on Wednesdays. Our paper is a member of the Associated Press. The views and opinions expressed within this publication, in bylined columns, stories, and letters to the editor are those of the writers expressing them. They do not represent the opinions of South Florida Gay News.com, Inc., or the Publisher. They are included to promote free speech and diversity of thought. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations in SFGN, and it would be careless to do so. For the sake of readable newswriting, the word “gay” in SFGN should, when relevant, be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered community. All of the material that appears in SFGN, both online at www. southfloridagaynews.com, and in our print edition, including articles used in conjunction with our contract with the Associated Press and our columnists, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Thus, nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher of SFGN, at his law office, Kent & Cormican, P.A., 110 Southeast 6th Street, Suite 1970, Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33301. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright©2012 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.
Associated Press
Florida Press Association National Gay and Lesbian Journalists Association
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
Local News
By Jesse Monteagudo
ne of my favorite events is the annual Florida AIDS Walk, to be held this year on Sunday, May 20. The Walk combines one of my favorite activities – walking – with the opportunity to raise money for a worthy cause. Like Pride events, the Florida AIDS Walk unites an often fractious community behind a common cause. Thirty years after it was first detected, HIV/ AIDS continues to have a deadly impact on men who have sex with other men, especially in South Florida. If nothing else, the Florida AIDS Walk should remind us that AIDS still plays a very big role in the lives (and deaths) of our community. For the past several years, I was team captain for Congregation Etz Chaim in Wilton Manors. This year I am a walker for Team Temple Beth El in Hollywood. Organized as in previous years by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, owners of the “Out of the Closets” thrift stores and adjacent pharmacies, this year’s Florida AIDS Walk will be quite
different. First, the Walk will start and finish on Fort Lauderdale Beach. Second, perhaps in consideration of those of us who aren’t getting any younger, the Walk was reduced from 10km to 5. Third, this year’s Walk will be followed by a music festival on the beach, featuring some well-known (but as yet unannounced) musical talent who will play for your dancing pleasure. The money raised by the Florida AIDS Walk supports the services provided by AHF and other Florida AIDS organizations. They include Broward House, The Center for Positive Connections, Children’s Diagnostic & Treatment Center, Latinos Salud, Minority Development & Empowerment, Inc., The Pride Center at Equality Park, South Beach AIDS Project, and SunServe. “Broward House has been a proud participant of the Florida AIDS Walk since its inception,” says Terry DeCarlo, Broward House director of public relations, marketing and fundraising. “It is just in the past three years that we have been a benefitting agency. The
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Florida AIDS Walk Unites Community Behind Common Cause
funds that we receive from the Florida AIDS Walk go to help us in keeping our promise to never say no and to never turn anyone away who needs our help.” In addition to being a beneficiary of the AIDS Walk, Broward House sponsors one of the leading teams at the Walk. As of April 12 Team Broward House has raised $10,626, more than any other team; and both team captain DeCarlo and walker Lester Turchin are among the top ten participants. What is the secret to their success? “We try to keep the word out there, letting people know that 100 percent of the money donated to Team Broward House comes directly back to us,” DeCarlo says. Though many of the teams are sponsored by LGBT organizations,
many are also sponsored by “mainstream” groups and businesses, including (among the top ten) MAC Cosmetics and Temple Beth El. “I believe that we have the capacity to better our life [sic] and our community by becoming more engaged and involved to what I like to call ‘home improvement,’” says Bryan D. Freehling, captain of the Temple Beth El team. “Often we speak of the welfare of ourselves, but when we do this, we are only speaking about the individual (me). However, in reality, our community is our true home so we should be concerned with the welfare of all of our family members.” Visit www.floridaaidswalk.org for more information about the AIDS Walk or its teams.
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
LGBT Lawyer Group to Host Its First Fundraiser
GLLN is up in numbers and soon-to-be up in donations By Gideon Grudo
being outwardly gay or perceived ametags are becoming as gay and how those challenges an issue for the Gay and make their way into our practices Lesbian Lawyers Netand partnerships.” work (GLLN), so members might The group is there to provide finally have to get them. a listening ear (and sometimes a “We’ve never had nametags few words of advice) to those who — everyone knows everybody’s might not have as much support in GLLN President the LGBT community. names,” said GLLN’s President Lea Lea Krauss Krauss. The group started out as a “It’s not unusual for LGBT small social network, but has evolved into lawyers to be faced in their professional much more. lives with the same discriminations and chalOn April 29, GLLN will host its first ever lenges and limitations as we are in our daily inaugural fundraiser. The Sunday event starts lives,” Stoll said. As an example, he offered at 4 p.m. and ends at 7 p.m. Proceeds for this this: a gay graduate may find it easier to year’s event — planned to become an annual find work in a gay-friendly firm. There also tradition — will benefit the Pride Center in might be firms to avoid where the culture of Wilton Manors and the National Center for the firm may not be very supportive of the Lesbian Rights. LGBT community. Organizations like GLLN The goal of the 75-member group is to can help identify and monitor firms, providfoster relationships between LGBTQA ing information that’s just not out there people in the legal community. The group otherwise. isn’t confined simply to lawyers and welStoll founded GLLN in 2008, he said, and comes anyone in the legal community to join. couldn’t be happier to see where it’s gone. To this extent, Krauss said the organization “I feel pride, in a word. It’s exciting,” he is one-of-a-kind. The benefits of joining, acsaid. “It’s great to see that it’s taken off. It’s cording to her, include increasing the client doing exactly what we hoped it would do.” referral pool and finding long-lasting friendVisit www.glln.org for more information. Membership costs $50-$100, depending on ships, among other things. the type of membership sought. Krauss joined GLLN in the first place at the behest of founder Richard Stoll, a now Legalize! retired lawyer. Before leaving the organizaWhen: tion in her hands, Stoll created an executive board and helped put GLLN on the map. Sunday, April 29, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. “I felt it was important as a gay attorney Where: who was a partner in a good-sized firm to Hugh’s Catering identify and communicate with other gay 4351 NE 12 th Terrace, Oakland Park, FL 33334 and lesbian lawyers,” Stoll said. “We are How Much: $20 in advance uniquely in a position to understand the (email gllnboard@gmail.com to RSVP) challenges that we face in terms of either $30 at the door submitted photo
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
Three Decades of Success By Gideon Grudo
ate Kendell will have a huge lump in her throat all night — she said chances are high she’ll cry. Tears of joy, of course. She’s the keynote speaker at an event celebrating the National Center for Lesbian Rights’ 35th anniversary. The San Francisco organization advocates on behalf of the LGBT community, in all areas, ranging from immigration to marriage to transgender law. The May 5 event, emceed by none other than comedienne Kate Clinton, will award students for their courage and feature appearances from Broadway and national television stars. It’ll be preceded by a dinner — which is already sold out. While the organization’s name may focus on lesbians the breadth of their work doesn’t. “Even though we’re called the NCLR, we have, from the very beginning, worked on behalf of the entire community,” said Kendell, executive director of the NCLR. Kendell explained that a case won on behalf of a transgender person will have repercussions on gay men and women, too. “Our
name at this point is more about lesbian leadership, and not really at all about the breadth of our work.” Kendell is a mother to three and said that today, this time, is a special time for the LGBT community — as special as they come, in fact. “I feel very lucky to be in this place, and in some ways be a witness and participant to our liberation as it’s happening,” she said. ”This isn’t something that’s happening to someone else. As a lesbian, as a partner, as a parent, as an activist, as an attorney, every part of me is invested in winning full acceptance, equality, and really a celebration for my community.” That’s part of the reason why Kendell will be holding back tears during the California celebration. The other part owes itself to the progress that she said NCLR and the LGBT community as a whole has made in a decades-long struggle. “I think [the progress] has been remarkable and breathtaking. When I grew up in Utah and came out as a lesbian in 1980-81, it would have never occurred to me that just thirty years forward we would be seeing a
National Center for Lesbian Rights celebrates 35th year
NCLR Executive Director Kate Kendell president that was talking about our issues, a secretary of state speaking to the UN General Assembly about the importance of creating safety for LGBT people worldwide, openly gay elected officials, superstars in Hollywood, kids coming out, marriage becoming a reality for thousands of people,” she said, catching her breath. “How far we’ve come in such a short time is breathtaking — certainly, there’s more to do, people still fall through the cracks. But we have a lot to celebrate.”
Kendell has a 30-year-old daughter, a 16-year-old son and a 10-year-old daughter. Part of her fight, part of NCLR’s fight, she said, is for them. “I want my kids, regardless of their sexual orientation or their gender identity, to grow up in a country where there is no stigma, there is no shame, there is no harassment or discrimination against LGBT people,” she said. “If we were to have that kind of a country, it would be a more humane and safer place for everyone. That is the ultimate reason that I do this work.” More than 1,500 people are expected to attend the celebration, which follows a soldout dinner. The event will be home to an interesting array of activities, from an open bar to a photo booth to a carnival to dance parties and fortune tellers. “The party is actually extremely fun,” an NCLR spokesperson who’s involved in programming the night said. “Think of like all of your favorite things from every party and put them under one roof.” NCLR was founded in 1977 with a focus on fighting on behalf of the LGBT community in a courtroom setting. Today, the organization has spanned its wings over litigation, public policy advocacy and public education. It’s seen its efforts result in new and changed policies. Visit www.nclrights.org for more information.
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
CompassPoints… biweekly column from compass in lake worth
Our Straight Allies Julia Murphy Case Management Coordinator
completion of my internship I was most persistent on getting hired and, s a straight womthankfully, I was successful. an, working in a I know that some people gay and lesbian will assume just because I community center provides work at Compass I’m a lesme a unique opportunity to bian. Since I began working confront society’s heterofor them three years ago I sexual bias not only profeshave been confronted with sionally, but on a personal being stereotyped and dislevel as well. Recently, while criminated against several with a friend of mine, I ran times. Being gazed at with into a couple of friends confused expressions and Julia Murphy that I hadn’t seen in ages. told “you don’t look like a Reunions like these always seem to start lesbian” drives me even harder to promote off with the typical ice-breaking-awkwardCompass’ mission everyday. catching-up-questions. As a straight ally I can make a difference Generic ones like “how have you been” by helping others engage in conversations so and “what have you been up to” are merely they can see past their biases. Regardless, if just precursors to more personal inquiries I am at home, school or with friends I bring like “are you seeing anyone” or “what are a different perspective to the conversation. you doing for work?” My view on equality has a much different When the work question was asked I retone. Some individuals oppose my opinions, plied: “I work at Compass. It’s a gay and lesbut what truly matters to me is that my bian community center serving Palm Beach opinions are being voiced and, hopefully, County.” As our conversation progressed I there is some awareness taking place. It is shared what I do for the organization and important that I ask questions, do research the passion I have for my work. and be completely open about what I know. After we had left, my companion had to There are many times I have to make others ask. “Did you see their facial expressions aware that phrases like, “that’s so gay” have when you told them where you work?” negative connotations. It’s my responsibil“Of course I did. I get that all the time,” ity to educate all and advocate individuality I said. because the wrong words could leave one It’s absolutely disheartening to speak so pas- more person in the closet. sionately about your profession only to have Regardless of my sexual orientation, it’s it met with the confused facial gestures and important that I come out and speak up. This delayed responses of archaic points-of-view. year at PrideFest of the Palm Beaches I ran I went on to discuss with my friend the disinto several straight allies that came out to crimination and stereotyping that I frequently celebrate and support pride. Seeing individuencounter when promoting or describing my als from my own social circles really impacted job. It could be as simple as: standing in line me and made me feel happier than ever that getting some coffee wearing my “Got Gay” support for the movement is growing. shirt, which I love by the way, or posting and I believe that typecasting and assumptions promoting LGBTQ related events on my create division in our society. It should not Facebook page, most of which people don’t be a matter of judging a person based on care to see, or want to understand. what their sexual orientation is, or is not. From the second I heard about ComWhat should be judged is whether or not pass in 2007 I knew that I wanted to be they are a good person based on the manner connected with the organization. I had my they carry themselves and how they treat opportunity in 2009 while completing my others. Working at Compass has allowed me bachelor’s degree in social work. I needed to grow into my own skin and embody pride. to complete an internship in order to gradu- Compass accepted me into their family just ate. We were given the opportunity to list the way I am, and I believe the rest of society our choice of four possible internships and would be well served to learn from that I wrote in “Compass” four times. After the example. submitted photo
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
Making Memories Last Forever Miami Beach health center sews together memories of those lost to HIV/AIDS
By Gideon Grudo
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t’s about a tribute for someone — stitching loved ones into collective memories. The Miami Beach Community Health Center wants people to join in and help it create panels for a quilt. Each panel will be designed to commemorate someone who’s passed because of HIV/AIDS. At an April 28 workshop, the health center will host and run a workshop where people can learn how to make the panels. People are encouraged to come and pay homage to their loved ones, whether it’s a mother, father, friend or anyone else who is both loved and lost. It’s called Making Memories — and its purpose is intuitive. The panels created will become a part of the AIDS Memorial Quilt from the NAMES Project in Atlanta, Ga. The quilt began in 1987 as a way to remember those lost to the disease and celebrate their lives. Eight individual quilts, also called panels, are sewed together to create a block. Some panels honor just one individual while others honor many. More than 90,000 panels have been handed over to the quilt. The last full display of it took place in 1996 at The National Mall in Washington D.C. The upcoming workshop is one of eight that the center ran (and will run) in 2012. The idea is to gather as many panels as possible until Dec. 1 when the center will put the panels together into quilts. The quilts will then circulate the country, hang up at galleries and serve their purpose starting on World AIDS Day. “Part of the idea is to interview the employees. This is a personal tribute to remember those patients,” said Jose Ortega, the vice president of HIV/AIDS Services at the health center. “They are going to be able to create their own piece of a quilt panel. It’s like occupational therapy.” Ortega emphasized, too, that the event is open to anyone who’s interested in coming. He’s been with the health center for 10 years and said this is one of the greatest events he’s been happy to create there. “We want everyone to know what we’re doing,” Ortega said. “Everyone is welcome.” The quilt’s tour is also a part of the AIDS Memorial Quilt project. The organization holds this annual tour as part of Through the Eyes of Love. At first, the panels were all done inhouse, but demands and requests from the community resulted in these workshops. According to spokesman for the event, Michael
AIDS Memorial Quilt on Display Goodman, the public will make 3-foot by 6-foot panels. The foundation will put several together to make a 12-foot by 12-foot panel. “What’s neat about is that someone in Wisconsin might get a panel from Miami or California,” Goodman said. “If you make a panel, it’ll be shown around the country — it’s a real tribute for someone.” Local resident Brad Gamble works out of the project’s Atlanta office and helps to coordinate events in the Sunshine State. Gamble said the quilts will make it all over the country and, eventually, the world. “The power of remembering those that we have lost and to also give a message — to never give up — is tremendous,” he said. “This reminds our government that there’s still a crisis and that people still die.” Panel making, Gamble said, is a coping mechanism for those with grief or anger over losing someone. It could be an integral step in the process of healing. “If you let your shield down, you’re exposing yourself to a lot of feelings,” Gamble said about working around tragedy day in and day out. “For those of us in the field, it’s hard.” At a time that many health centers are merging with each other or, worse yet, shutting down. Gamble said it’s nice to see an event like this workshop taking place at a local center. Visit MiamiBeachHealth.org for more information.
Panel up! When: Saturday, April 28, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. (and every fourth Saturday of the month until October)
Where: Miami Beach Community Health Center 11645 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 207 Miami, FL 33181
How Much: Free
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
SFGN BRIEFS National News New Bio of British Painter David Hockney
avid Hockney (Nan A.Talese/Doubleday), by Christopher Simon Sykes: David Hockney may be Britain’s greatest living painter, and if not the greatest, then certainly the most recognizable, the Englishman who taught Americans that L.A.’s swimming pools were something worth looking at. Over Hockney’s long, prolific career – he turns 75 this year – his restless creativity has driven him to work in a variety of media, from painting and printmaking to film, photography and theater. Lately, he’s been drawing on an iPad.You may have seen his pictures on the covers of The New Yorker. Now Christopher Simon Sykes, an English writer and photographer, has won the cooperation of Hockney and his four siblings for this entertaining and intimate two-volume biography, which leaves no aspect of the artist’s life unexplored, including his brave choice to lead an openly gay life at a time when homosexuality was still illegal in Britain. Sykes relies on Hockney’s mother’s diaries, which reveal not only her own keen intelligence but also her unconditional love and support for the brilliant boy whose increasingly “out’’ persona, once he left home for London, was at odds with her fundamentalist beliefs. Certain passages read like celebrity gossip columns, as the peripatetic Hockney races off to the south of France to visit director Tony Richardson or the Rolling Stones. The gregarious Hockney seemingly knew everyone who was anyone in the art world, including influential designers, musicians and photographers. But Sykes writes well about the artwork itself and Hockney’s art historical influences, tracing his evolution from early experiments with abstraction and graffiti in college to the emergence of his pop-inflected naturalism. The first volume ends in 1975, when Hockney has already made his iconic images of Los Angeles swimming pools and is back in England. The second volume isn’t expected until late 2014.
Local News
kathleen cannon TO HEAD UNITED WAY
roward House, South Florida’s oldest and largest HIV/AIDS community service organization recently announced some staff changes. Kathleen Cannon, Broward House’s VP and COO has accepted the position of President and CEO of the United Way of Broward County. Said Broward House President and CEO Angelo Castillo “Kathleen has served Broward House admirably as our VP and Kathleen Cannon Stacy Hyde Chief Operating Officer for the past ten years. We’re very tor of Behavioral Health, Senior Director of thankful for her many contributions to the Residential Programs and most recently in the agency and for the depth of her personal composition of Senior Director of Contracts & Permitment to our success – so evident in everyformance Management. She came to Broward thing she does.” House with experience directly serving the comStepping into the VP role at Broward House munity as a case manager, therapist and program will be long time Broward House employee manager with at risk populations, including youth Stacy Hyde. Stacy has demonstrated her comat risk for gang activity, adult substance abuse, mitment to the Broward House staff, clients families in foster care and those impacted by and programs for the past nine years. She has served of Director of Case management, Direc- HIV/AIDS.
‘Don’t Say Gay’ Ban Advances in Tenn.
ASHVILLE, Tenn. – A proposal that would ban the teaching of gay issues to elementary and middle school students is once again advancing in the House even though opponents insist it’s unnecessary. The measure, known as the “Don’t Say Gay’’ bill, passed the House Education Committee 8-7 on Tuesday. In a confusing sequence of events, the proposal initially failed on a voice vote, but a roll call vote was requested and the measure advanced. The legislation limits all sexually related instruction to “natural human reproduction science’’ in kindergarten through eighth grade.
David Hockney
Family Says Bullying Pushed Iowa Boy to Suicide
RIMGHAR, Iowa – The death of a 14-year-old northwest Iowa student has prompted discussion by relatives, school officials and others about the bullying that is being blamed for his suicide. The family of Kenneth Weishuhn, of Primgahr (PRIHM’-gahr), says he was harassed at school after he told people that he was gay. His mother, Jeannie Chambers, told the Sioux City Journal that he asked her not to talk to administrators. Administrators and Chambers say they didn’t know about the barrage of hate that had been directed at Kenneth, who killed himself on Sunday.
PBC School Board Creates Diversity Committee
he Palm Beach County School Board voted last week to create a District Diversity and Equity Committee to advise the School Board and Superintendent. The advisory committee consists of 24 voting members nominated by various community organizations in Palm Beach County, including the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council and Compass Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Lake Worth and the Palm Beaches. “The School Board’s inclusion of the two leading organizations serving Palm Beach County’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community is very significant,” said Rand Hoch, president of PBCHRC. “Once again the School Board has confirmed its commitment to addressing the needs of LGBT students, parents, and District employees.”
There were threatening cellphone calls and voicemails and messages posted online. His 16-year-old sister, Kayla Weishuhn, says one student called her brother and left him death threats, saying that he didn’t deserve to live.
So. Utah Town Adopts Pro-gay Ordinance
PRINGDALE, Utah – A tiny southern Utah town has adopted an ordinance banning discrimination in housing and employment based on a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. Springdale, known as the gateway to Zion National Park, last week became the 15th city or county in Utah to adopt anti-discrimination ordinances. The Salt Lake Tribune reports (http://bit.ly/ IvpXQI ) Springdale is the first city or town in Washington County to make it illegal to fire or evict someone for being gay or transgender. State law already prohibits discrimination based on religion, national origin, sex or race. Earlier this year, the Utah Legislature snuffed out a proposal to add sexual orientation and gender identity to existing fair housing and employment laws. In 2009, Salt Lake City became the first in Utah to pass such measures. Information from: The Salt Lake Tribune,
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
Ass. Principal to Remain After Gay Flap
Jennifer Tyrrell
Gay Den Leader Ousted in Ohio
RIDGEPORT, Ohio – Members of an eastern Ohio Boy Scout group and their parents are protesting after a woman who led the pack said her membership was revoked because she is gay. WTOV-TV (http://bit.ly/HRWHE4 ) reports the Tiger Cubs group recently protested outside the church where they held scout meetings in the Ohio River town of Bridgeport. Jennifer Tyrrell told the station that she has been a den leader for about a year. She says she questions what lessons the boys might learn from her ouster as leader. An official with the Ohio River Valley Council of the Boy Scouts of America says the organization does not grant membership to individuals who are openly gay. Scout executive Bob Drury says Tyrrell is still allowed to be involved with the scouts as a parent.
La House Panel Guts Anti-bullying Proposal
ATON ROUGE, LA. – A Baton Rouge lawmaker has pulled her anti-bullying proposal after the House Education Committee gutted it, taking out any reference to the type of activity that would be banned. The proposal has become an annual flashpoint over the rights of gay students, and both the Jindal administration and the conservative Louisiana Family Forum opposed the bill by Rep. Patricia Smith in its original form. Smith, a Democrat, proposed to spell out that harassment and intimidation would not be allowed for race, ancestry, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and other items. Opponents say the list would create favored and protected classes of people. The committee stripped the list in a 10-5 vote, so Smith shelved the bill.
ULLERTON, Calif. – An assistant principal at a Southern California high school who pulled a gay student from a school pageant for saying he hoped he could someday marry the love of his life will stay on the job the rest of the school year. Superintendent George Giokaris tells the Orange County Register Tuesday (http:// bit.ly/HLhCnN) that Assistant Principal Joe Abell of Fullerton Union High School will be reassigned to a different school as a classroom teacher in the fall. Abell was removed from the campus Monday. Giokaris says Abell and will be reinstated Wednesday. Abell apologized to 17-year-old Kearian Giertz both privately and over the school’s public address system after the incident two weeks ago during the school’s “Mr. Fullerton’’ competition.
Spokane Tables Gay Marriage Resolution
POKANE, Wash. – After hours of public testimony and debate, the Spokane City Council has tabled a resolution supporting the state’s new gay marriage law. The Spokesman-Review (http://is.gd/ nJyZrs) reports the council has voted 4-3 to table the resolution indefinitely. Councilman Mike Fagan requested the council table the issue, pointing to a council rule that says they should not pass any ordinance or resolution on a subject not directly related to local affairs or business. If forced to take a vote, council members agree it likely would be approved.
TV Ads Coming on NC Gay Marriage Amendment
SHEVILLE, N.C. – The campaign over whether to add a ban against same-sex marriage to North Carolina’s constitution is coming to television. The Asheville Citizen-Times reports (http:// avlne.ws/Ils47w ) the coming ads for and against a proposed constitutional amendment is different from most of the nearly 30 states where there has been votes. Western Carolina University political scientist Roger Hartley says groups in other states opposed to writing hard-to-change amendments into the constitution usually lacked money to run ads. Hartley says that’s changed as people have become less afraid of supporting gay friends and family and national gay rights groups have built up strength. The group backing the constitutional change has paid for 17 spots on WLOS-TV in Asheville starting next week during morning and evening news broadcasts.
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
By Andrea Dulanto
ince 1999, Aqua Girl has been one of South Florida’s most prominent fundraising festivals for girls who like girls. Where else can you spend an afternoon by the pool at the Surfcomber, and fund the fight against LGBT bullying? Or watch a drag king show at a nightclub, and provide scholarships to women? Or see the cast of The Real L Word, and support South Florida LBT organizations with grants? That is some of what Aqua Girl 2012 has to offer. Produced by the Aqua Foundation for Women, a not-for-profit foundation, Aqua Girl is a women’s festival with purpose. Their web site asserts: “100% of the proceeds from Aqua Girl benefit Aqua Foundation for Women… whose primary mission is to serve as a funding catalyst for lesbian, bisexual and transgender wellness and equality in South Florida through grants, scholarships and initiatives.” The foundation awarded a grant to The Pride Center, so they can create an online directory of healthcare providers who address the concerns of LBT women. PFLAG in
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Charity Begins at Aqua Girl 2012 Fort Lauderdale and Safe Schools South Florida are also grant recipients. Aqua Girl actually started as a one-night dance party called Sweet Charity, which supported the work of Gilda’s Club and Cancer Link. Founder and Co-Chair for Aqua Girl, Alison Burgos, recalled how it all came together: “my friend Susan Burdian and I recognized the lack of fundraising, and engagement in the LBT community. We reached out to community leaders, organizations, promoters and celebrities. We had an amazing event and knew we had something special – Aqua Girl was born.” Entering its 13th year, the festival expects 11,000 attendees. It has become internationally renowned with “women coming from… Britain, Germany, Argentina, Canada, Australia,” Burgos confirmed. Although many visitors travel a great distance, Burgos also attested that last year “32
percent of attendees [were] from South Florida.” South Florida attendees in 2012 will welcome the reappearance of a local favorite: “Our first DJ was Tracy Young, who has done a lot of work with Madonna. We’re very excited to have her back,” Burgos said. Tracy Young will appear at the Surfcomber with the Miami Heat Dancers—this is one of many dance-related events taking place by a hotel pool. They don’t call it Aqua Girl for nothing. Lest you think this festival is reserved for the young, lithe and bikini-clad, Burgos highlighted other options: “We want to be inclusive, so we have cultural events like the Women’s Spotlight Film at the Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, the Night of Comedy featuring Jessica Kirson, the Sip and Savor Wine & Cheese Reception, and Brunch Serenade, which features live music.” Be forewarned: some events are pricey.
The film screening of Girl Trash: All Night Long is $30 ($25 for members of the Aqua Foundation for Women). And those are tickets purchased in advance. At the door, tickets cost $40. However, this includes entrance to an after-party at the Shore Club—so you get your money’s worth. Plus it’s for a good cause. Yet Aqua Girl tries to stay accessible to as many women as possible. The Rachel Robinson exercise session is free. Dance parties such as Traffic Jam, the Splash Pool Party and Afterglow are $7-$17. The happy hours charge no cover. “We offer a number of free and affordable events,” Burgos said. “So that every woman will be able to enjoy a piece of Aqua Girl.” Whether you raise your glass to a girl in a bikini or have brunch with friends, Aqua Girl is a celebration of who we are. But it also shows the community’s continued support for the ongoing work of organizations and individuals within the LBT community. More of this kind of revelry is needed.
Aqua Girl May 2-6, 2012, South Beach For complete schedule of events, travel information, discounted multi-event passes or tickets: visit AquaGirl.org or call 877-764-2782. Before May 2, tickets can also be purchased at New Moon in Wilton Manors or the LGBT visitor center in Miami Beach (some restrictions apply).
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
Cover Story
Swinging Richards
BARES IT ALL Ordered by City to End Nude Dancing, Club Sues; Complaint Alleges Law Discriminates Against Gays
By Norm Kent
hen Swinging Richards of North Miami Beach opened last fall with promises of full frontal male nudity, many bewildered bar owners and patrons wondered just how they could do it, as a 1994 city ordinance had banned nudity in its alcoholic beverage establishments. No one has to wonder any longer. The City of North Miami Beach has taken the legal position the club never had a right to allow nudity from its inception. The club could not disagree more, and is going to court to prove it. Stated attorney Jamie Benjamin, whose firm, along with co-counsel Norman Powell, filed the federal suit, “For 22 years the city of North Miami Beach licensed adult nude entertainment at that location, but as soon as one Swinging Richard appeared there, the city began a campaign to shut them down. It is blatant sex-based discrim-
ination, targeting gay life.” Without fanfare, in February, city attorneys put the club on notice that their nude dancing was illegal, and ordered them to cease and desist, or have their dancers and management face arrest and prosecution. “Nothing,” the club’s ads say, “should get between you and a good time.” Apparently, the city doesn’t agree. The city had first imposed a deadline of March 23, but then gave them an extension until April 27. The city then told the nightclub that they would “commence enforcement” of the law without further warnings, beginning Wednesday, May 16. In response, the club’s attorneys have filed a federal lawsuit against North Miami Beach seeking an injunction to stop the city dead in its tracks, and prevent enforcement of the 1994 law banning nudity. The law firm of Benjamin & Aaronson of
Fort Lauderdale, skilled first amendment advocates, have laid out a number of novel legal arguments asserting that the city has no basis to enforce the law. In their first count, the attorneys take the position that the law unconstitutionally discriminates against homosexuals and “male patronage,” since the establishment at 17540 Biscayne Boulevard previously, two decades ago, allowed totally nude dancing by females. “The change in the gender of the performers and the sexual orientation of the clientele are the only changes made at the Plaintiff’s establishment,” the law firm argues in its complaint. The firm asserts that the city is trying to treat gay men differently from straight men. That discrimination, they say, is illegal, treating identical classes of citizens differently, solely because of their sex. Second, the club argues it should be exempt from enforcement of the nudity ban because its particular location has “a history of non-enforcement spanning two decades.” It is seeking a declaratory judgment from the district court that they are exempt from the ordinance, based on having complied with earlier licensing requirements. A third legal argument asserts that the ordinance is legally unenforceable because the dancers’ performances are “constitutionally protected” by the first amendment. The nude dancing, they are saying, is a right equivalent to free speech, and the city attempting to stop it is tantamount to illegal, prior restraint. Fourth, that the ordinance should not be enforced because it is “legally defective,” and thus inherently unconstitutional. Within that argument, its counsel states that the terms and wording of the law is vague, or not narrowly tailored to meet legal standards of enforceability. Thus, they argue the vagueness leaves dancers and management confused as to what is legal conduct and what is prohibited.
Consequently, they are asking the court not to allow the city to enforce the law, which leaves a reasonable person confused as to what the standards are. Finally, in its 26-page complaint, the lawyers argue that there are additional flaws in the ordinance that unfairly inhibit the club’s rights and illegally “and unlawfully” expand the city’s “unbridled” discretion. Once served with the lawsuit, North Miami Beach attorneys will have 20 days to answer and file its motions to dismiss and affirmative defenses. They are expected to claim the law was properly enacted and is legally enforceable, and the club had no right to open its doors and to allow nude dancing in defiance of the ordinance. The first legal step for the club will be to ask a court for a hearing to bar enforcement of the nudity ban while the suit is pending. The issue for the court to immediately address at a request for an ‘injunction,’ is whether the public interests of the community warrant allowing the ‘status quo’ while the lawsuit winds its way through the courts over the next year. If the club prevails initially, nude dancing will continue as is. If not, the dancers would have to bare just a little bit less. Either way, the beautifully anointed club is properly licensed and may remain open. Enhanced by well-groomed and muscular dancers from international venues, the club has become enormously popular with its gay clientele. Matt Colunga, 35, the General Manager of Swinging Richards in North Miami, has been with the company for 15 years starting out in their Atlanta location. “I feel our club is good for gay South Florida tourism and gay life. We have a wonderful club and we offer people a good time in a safe environment during a rough economic time,” he said. “Our community should pull together and help fight the city.”
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
Election 2012
P e r s o n a l I n j u ry • f r e e c o n s u ltat I o n
Romney Chooses Gay Man as Security Advisor
Jeffrey Seth Selzer, eSQ. • Scott A. WeiSS, eSQ. Island CIty Center aCross from stork’s 2550 Northeast 15th aveNue • WiltoN MaNors, Florida 33305
Selection Stirs LGBT Debate
Let us review your present documents at no charge!
By Richard Gary
Become a client for life • last Will and testament • living Will • health care Power of Attorney with hiPAA release • Durable financial Power of Attorney
The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience.
affordable estate Planning Packages from your neighborhood law firm Personal Injury • no fees/costs If no recoVery
Richard Grenell
submitted photo
epublican presidential nominee apparent Mitt Romney has selected an openly gay man to his team of campaign advisors. The advisor is Richard Grenell, 45, who also served the administration of President George W. Bush, as a spokesman for the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Lisa Keen of the Keen News Service noted that the Romney campaign’s announcement did not identify Grenell as gay, only that he was joining the campaign to serve as its spokesman on national security and foreign policy issues. Keen reported that Grenell has served a long line of prominent Republicans in various capacities, including New York Governor George Pataki. Grenell holds a master’s degree in public administration from the Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government. Amer ican Family Association spokesperson Bryan Fischer went on CNN Tuesday to declare the appointment a “disgrace,” intimating that Romney betrayed American families. R. Clarke Cooper, the national representative of the Log Cabin Republicans, an organization that Grenell is also a member of, countered him. Meanwhile, another debate about Grenell’s selection emerged on gay blogs when it was revealed Grenell had used his active Twitter account to sarcastically poke fun at many liberal women in politics, including Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama. The New York Daily News reported yesterday that Grenell had hurriedly deleted hundreds of tweets to prevent them from going viral, but he was a little late. Consequently, some comments, such as that “Hillary is starting to look like Madeleine Albright,” have hit the Internet. Grenell said the tweets were “tongue-incheek and humorous” but understood how they could be hurtful, while MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow blasted Romney’s camp over the hire. Still, in her political analysis, Keen com-
mented, “The fact that the Romney campaign announced Grenell’s appointment suggests the campaign intends to go after those one in four gay voters who tend to vote Republican.” Ironically, though, on the same day of the announcement, other aides in Romney’s camp noted that he was scheduling a future speaking appearance at the late Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University. As Keen reports, Grenell also last month published a Washington Blade op-ed piece criticizing gay Pulitzer Prize winner Jonathan Capehart for defending President Obama’s evolving position on same-sex marriage. Grenell is currently a partner in a communication and public relations firm, Capitol Media Partners, based in Los Angeles, where he resides with his partner, Matthew Leshev. Information from this late breaking story was sourced by the Keen News Service. All rights reserved.
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
Maltz Jupiter Theatre Award winning theater prepares for 10th season By Donald Cavanaugh
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n an age when theaters are closing and canceling shows,The Maltz Jupiter Theatre ‘keeps on keeping on’ with on a variety of programs celebrating the launch of their 10th season, 2012-2013. Fresh off a pinnacle of eight Carbonells for their ninth season, the theater launched a costume exhibit on April 16 at the Grand Court in the Gardens Mall in Palm Beach Gardens, featuring costumes from their own collection as well as those from Costume World, the largest supplier of costumes to theaters around the world. The exhibit runs from April 16 to 29 and is free and open to the public during regular mall hours of Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 6 p.m. Nine seasons of productions are represented with costumes from over 35 different shows including La Cage Aux Folles,The Sound of Music and more. Costumes from up-coming shows are also on display including Amadeus,The Music Man, Singin’ in the Rain, Doubt, and Thoroughly Modern Millie. “This is a wonderful opportunity to launch our10th anniversary season and celebrate with the entire community,” said the Theatre’s producing artistic director, Andrew Kato. “This is a chance for people to experience an interactive, behindthe-scenes costume tour while visiting The Gardens Mall.” Kato also noted that the theatre has been experiencing a tremendous growth in attendance with a 10 percent growth in subscriptions and the house at 97 percent capacity throughout the last season.
The Gardens Mall is located on PGA Boulevard just one mile east of I-95 in Palm Beach Gardens. The Maltz Jupiter Theatre is the state’s largest awardwinning regional theater and can be reached at 561-575-2223 or www.jupitertheatre.org. Costume World is located in Pompano Beach and features The Broadway Collection, a 30,000 square foot exhibition of costumes that was recently featured on the Today show. For information call 561-972-6132 or visit www.costumeworld.com.
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
Just a few of past productions at the Maltz: Top: La Cage Aux Folles Left inset: Hello Dolly Right inset: Academy
By J.W. Arnold
he Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival (MGLFF) will celebrate its 14th anniversary, April 27 – May 6, with more than 65 feature films, documentaries and shorts from 15 countries. At the opening night reception, the festival will recognize country singer Chely Wright with the inaugural Lavender Heart Award, created to recognize an LGBT individual in the arts/entertainment industry who has demonstrated extreme acts of courage while promoting the community in a positive manner. Last year, Wright was one of the first country music stars to publicly come out of the closet. Wright recorded her struggle through intimate video diaries and interviews that were assembled into a documentary, Wish Me Away, that will be screened at the festival. The festival board is also honoring
MarkyG, the popular host of South Beach Dance Party on Y100 and Issues Over the Rainbow, a gay-themed interview program on the new Party 93.1 for more than four years. MarkyG will receive the Angel award for his significant impact on arts programs in the community. In addition to individual screenings, MGLFF will be hosting six special events, including Opening Night, Made In Miami, Men’s & Women’s Works in Progress, Friday Night Spotlight and Closing Night. Most screenings take place at the Regal Cinema South Beach, Miami Beach Cinemateque and Coral Gables Art Cinema. Ticket prices generally range from $7-8 in advance for festival members to $11-12 for non-members at the on-site box office during screenings. For membership information and a full film schedule, go to MGLFF.com or call 877-484-8499.
submitted photo
Two Thumbs Up for 14th Annual Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival
Seventh Gay Adventists Sunday, April 29, 3:30 p.m., Regal Cinema South Beach This film follows three compelling Christians, all struggling to reconcile their love
Scene from Elliot Loves Here’s a look at some of the opening week highlights of the festival:
Kawa Opening Night Celebration Friday, April 27, 6 p.m. reception, 8 p.m. screening, 10 p.m. party Director Katie Wolf’s beautifully filmed coming out story takes place in the stunning setting of New Zealand. Based on the novel, Nights in the Gardens of Spain, by The Whale Rider author Witi Ihimaera, Kawa tells the story of a successful businessman who struggles with the strict traditional Maori culture as he tells his family and friends he’s gay.
Wish Me Away Saturday, April 28, 1 p.m., Regal Cinema South Beach This touching documentary follows awardwinning country music singer Chely Wright through moving video diary entries, music videos and tearful interviews to create a moving portrait of the talented singer, who comes out in the most public way.
Morgan Saturday, April 28, 8:30 p.m., Regal Cinema South Beach Newly paraplegic, Morgan is a young man who yearns to reclaim his life before the accident. But, after a chance encounter with Dean in a park, a budding relationship is sparked until Morgan enters a race as a
wheelchair competitor. The danger involved pushes Morgan to the brink and forces him to make a difficult choice between his love and his need to conquer his disability.
for God with their sexuality. Audiences are introduced to Marcos, who was fired for being gay, but wants to return to the pulpit; David, who loves Jesus, but also loves Colin; and Sherri, a lesbian who wants her kids to grow up to be good Seventh-Day Adventists.
Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same Sunday, April 29, 5:30 p.m., Regal Cinema South Beach I don’t know if there’s such a thing as a classic “B” movie at a gay and lesbian film festival, but director Madeleine Olnek’s send up of silly sci-fi pics tracks the misadventures of three aliens sent to Earth to rid themselves of romantic emotions. It ends up somewhere between Mr. Spock and Dr. Spock along the way.
Unfit: Ward vs. Ward Made in Miami, Monday, April 30, 7:30 p.m. Regal Cinema South Beach This film from Carmichael, Edwin Scharlau and Penny Edmiston asked the question: Who is more fit to raise a child, a convicted murderer or a lesbian? Unfortunately, right here in Florida, a Pensacola judge ruled in 1995 that a father, a convicted killer, was more fit, even though he did not know what grade his daughter was in or what school she attended. The directors chronicle the story, but more importantly, the aftermath of this shocking verdict.
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
Restaurant Review
New Owners, New Look, New Night! Tropics gets a revamp with a touch of class
By Dennis Jozefowicz
Dennis Jozefowicz
y last visit to the old Tropics was on New Year’s Eve, when the story was abuzz that Tropics was about to be taken over by the two former restaurateurs of Chardee’s, Charlie Mielke and Tony Dee. So I decided to stay away for a while until the dust settled, and all the changes were made. Wow, what a huge difference. My first night back was on a Wednesday. I generally go there for dinner at the main bar. I was taken back by the fresh, new look of the place. The employees no longer wore shirts and ties, but matching blue polo’s. Things were rearranged. There was much more room. New lighter colors with eccentric artwork all around. The bar top was now a deep black granite. It all came together as a new, modern, fresh appeal, not only to its normally “older” crowd, but a middle-aged audience as well. So my biggest concern was, “Did they change my usual?” If you didn’t know, Wilton Manors’ best-kept secret is Tropics’ filet mignon. At only $26, it stands up to the competition quite well, and is my personal favorite on the drive. Well, I’m happy to report that it remains my favorite! Once I started rambling to bartender Frankie about how much I love the new look and feel, he told me to come back Sunday evening for their new dinner buffet. It’s just $17 from 6 to 9 p.m. all you can eat. Coupled with happy hour pricing at the same time, and entertainment by Ruben Gonzales at the piano, I could spend the
TonyDee and FrankCaputo entire evening there, and not go bankrupt. As a former resident of Las Vegas, the capitol of all things buffet, I had my doubts. I am not a fan of buffets, and it’s very rare that I can find one that I can tolerate. But low and behold, Tropics not only does it right, they have surpassed any buffet I’ve ever seen when it comes to quality. The food is extraordinary, and the staff constantly maintains it to keep it fresh and fabulous. The pot roast alone will make your jaw drop. The Chicken Francaise was melt-in-your-mouth awesome. Stuffed shells with rich cheeses, sausage with peppers, pork chops, shrimp cocktail, award winning flan, cakes, pastries, so much non-standard buffet food, you will leave satisfied, and not feel like you ate on the cheap. Tropics has always been on my list of local “likes” but with its new attitude, it’s moved up more than a few notches on that list. Kudos!
Tropics Restaurant and Piano Bar 2000 Wilton Drive 954-563-4269
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
By Brian Swinford
Have an event you want to list? If so send me an email at Calendar@sfgn.com. Beach Walk for Florida AIDS Walk
*denotes new listing
Theater Broward County
*Robert Dubac’s Free Range Thinking
Robert Dubac draws on decades of showbiz experience as a writer, actor and stand-up comic to create one-man shows that explore political ideas, social mores and complexity of the human experience with unparalleled wit and humor. Catch all this and more at the Broward Center on April 26-28 at 7:30 p.m. Visit BrowardCenter.org
Gay Men’s Chorus Presents: “Comedy Tonight”
The Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus will present their 2nd concert of their 26th season April 27 & 28, at the Museum of Art in Fort Lauderdale at 8 p.m. Tickets are $40 and $25. Visit TheFortLauderdaleGayMensChorus.org
*Avenue Q
Through May 6 at ALA Studio Theater. Tony Award Winning Avenue Q is a very funny, tune-filled, sometimes racy look at a bunch of young adults and puppets just starting out their lives in the big city, dealing with relationships, coming out, and finding a purpose. Call 800-838-3006 or visit AndrewsLivingArts.com
Community Calendar Broward County *Latinos Salud’s programs
Multiple programs and groups for bi/gay Latino guys. Latinos Salud’s SOMOS program is for guys 18 to 30. Join our BBQ Fiesta Fundraiser on April 28 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. All proceeds will benefit Latinos Salud in our efforts to educate on HIV Prevention and testing. Also every Thursday night at 7 p.m. join the Core Group, and help plan alternative activities. Latinos Salud’s also offers Popular Opinion Leader group for guys ages 25 to 44. Gay networking dinner Friday, April 27 at 8 p.m. Develop your community leadership skills over free dinner, while playing a role in keeping the safer sex message strong with your friends. They also offer a Life Coaching program for guys ages 18 to 44. Come by Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. for free one-on-one life coaching with certified CRCS coaches. Located at 2330 Wilton Drive. Call 954-533-8681 or visit Latinossalud.org
*Temple Beth El of Hollywood
Two extraordinary artists combine their extraordinary insights in a recital for two pianos for the closing concert at the Aventura Cultural Center Series at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center on April 29 at 4 p.m. The combination of Kemal Gekic’s flamboyant, sensitive, daring and provocative approach to the piano and Misha Dacic’s style, which is masterful, powerful and spiritual, will prove to be very special. Visit Miamipianofest.com
Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival
The Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, screens films and videos in locations throughout Miami-Dade County. The 14th Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival will run Friday April 27 until Sunday May 6. Visit MLFF.com
Key West
Red Barn Theatre presents: Match
This Broadway hit stars like the hysterical Tom Luna as Tobi Powell, an eccentric and endearing dancer, choreographer and teacher. A married couple arrives at Powell’s apartment to interview him about his life, but it is soon evident that their agenda is as multi-layered as Tobi’s life story. Call 305-2969911 or Email: info@redbarntheatre.com
Key West Pops presents: Kiss Me Kate The annual musical-in-concert features Cole Porter’s production starring Susan Powell and Richard White. This classic from the Golden Age of Broadway musicals is pure entertainment gold with hits songs and great dance sequences. The guest artist roster is to reflect the Pops’ usual practice of bringing together out-of-town artists and Key West favorites. Starts at 7:30 p.m. and is at the Tennessee Williams Theatre. Call 305-296-6059 or Email: info@ keywestpops.org
Jim Bobick
Latin Night Bingo
Latin night bingo and dinner fundraiser for Hildana Ciser at the Pride Center in the main hall, building A. The Latin inspired dinner starts at 530pm and bingo starts at 730pm. Dana will be raffling away one of her paintings. Don’t miss out on owning an original Dana work of art. There are sponsorships available for those interested. The will also be an open snack bar for all that attend. Call 954-463-9005
Be encouraged to make or wear whatever kind of costume you want as long as you include a mask and we can make this the most unique masquerade dance that Lambda has ever held! There will be awards for monarchs of the prom and many festivities. Held on April 27 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Call Frank Gorritz at 954-990-3061 or email fgorritz@fau.edu.
Mack Power Lunch at Capital Grille
Networking is one of the most proven means of developing leads, referrals, and valuable future alliances. This is where power lunch has made an entrance for almost four years. Come to The Capital Grille on Tuesday, May 1 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Visit Mackplanet.com
Living Healthy
Fusion in Wilton Manors will be having a free workshop on healthy choices, and healthy living on Tuesdays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. This workshop provides interactive learning, practice and mastery techniques for a healthier and more active life, and positive changes for quality of life. Call 954-630-1655
Gay & Lesbian Lawyers Network Fundraiser
The Gay & Lesbian Lawyers Network presents its inaugural fundraiser benefiting The Pride Center at Equality Park and The National Center for Lesbian Rights on April 29 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Hugh’s Catering located at 4351 NE 12th Terr., in Oakland Park. Tickets $30. Space is limited. All donations go to The Pride Center and NCLR. Contact gllnboard@gmail.com.
Dream Car Classic
*Miami International Piano Festival Kemal Gekic & Misha Dacic
SunServe is offering a new weekly support group for LGBT people that are experiencing abuse in their intimate relationships, or have just left an abusive intimate relationship. Abuse includes: name calling, put downs, slurs, humiliation, isolation, being kept from friends and family, economic deprivation, threats, intimidation, violence, sexual coercion, and sexual violence. Call 954-764-5150 extension 104. Jim Bobick’s first solo art exhibition will be at Gallery 101 in Fort Lauderdale through May 4. Inspired by the work of the color field painters of the 1960’s and armed with a keen interest in the romantic landscape paintings of the 19th century, Jim’s canvases seeks to simplify the patterns of a traditional landscape in a way that transcends the physical and draws us into the spiritual. Call Jim Bobick at 212-463-7047
Every Sunday of the month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Pre-1980s classic cars, modern classics and custom cars from 1981-2012 will be showcased. $10 car registration from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. (Show Car Entrance: 20th Avenue & Tyler Street). People’s Choice Award - 2 Classes; Top Ten Vehicles Award. Call 954-214-2457
The Music Man
Intimate Partner Abuse Group
Temple Beth El of Hollywood invites you to attend an evening supporting youth and adult education and honoring two inspiring women. Enjoy the company of good friends, cocktails, dinning and dancing, featuring the musical stylings of The Debbie Tayler Band. On May 12 at 7:30 p.m. at Temple Beth El In Hollywood. Email robin@aquafoundation.org
Dream Car Classic
Palm Beach County An affectionate paean to Smalltown, U.S.A. of a bygone era, The Music Man follows fast-talking traveling salesman Harold Hill as he cons the people of River City, Iowa into buying instruments and uniforms for a boys’ band he vows to organize. His plans to skip town with the cash are foiled when he falls the librarian, who transforms him into a respectable citizen. At the Lake Worth playhouse through April 29. Visit Lakeworthplayhouse.org
Sidelines Sports Bar is proud to once again announce its sponsorship of the 2012 Florida AIDS Walk. Team Sidelines, a group of the popular gay sports bar’s patrons, staff, friends, family, sports team members and selected vendors will take to Fort Lauderdale Beach on May 20, to help in the fight to stamp out HIV/AIDS. This will be Sidelines’ fifth year as sponsor and participant in the annual walkathon. Visit SidelinesSports.com
Community-Wide Weight Loss Challenge
*Holocaust survivor Jacques Weisel at Congregation Etz Chaim
Author and Holocaust survivor Jacques Weisel will speak at Congregation Etz Chaim on Tuesday, May 1, at 7:30 p.m. Jacques not only survived incarceration in a camp in Casablanca, he grew up to thrive as an author and motivational speaker. Come hear how to learn from someone tried to silence. Program is free and open to the public. Located at 1881 NE 26th St., Wilton Manors. Call 954-564-9232
*Mack Power Lunch
The Mack power lunch is Fort Lauderdale’s most popular gay & straight friendly professional networker. This Mack lunch will be held at the Capital Grille on May 1 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Capital Grille is located on Sunrise Blvd. $33 with advanced registration and $40 at the door. Visit MackPlanet.com
*SunServe Youth Programs
LGBTQ Inclusive Youth Prom (ages 13-21) Saturday, June 2, from 7 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. in Fort Lauderdale. A safe place to be yourself and meet new friends. Special guest MCs, DJS and performers. An LGBT phone tree is being put together to call our LGBTQ neighbors in Broward County who may be homebound or would like to touch base with someone every day. There is a three-hour class Saturday, May 19 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Call Andrew Forester at 954-764-5150. Friday night queer youth. A safe space to be yourself. Ages 13-21 between 6 to 10:30 p.m. Queer Themed Movie showing at 7 p.m. Gender Bender Youth Group for ages 13-21 on Mondays at 7-8:30 p.m. Youth Group for LGBTQ youth and allies 13-21 in Fort Lauderale, Plantation, Coral Springs, Southwest Ranches, Deerfield Beach, and Hollywood. Check website for days and times. Located at 1480 SW 9th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315. Visit www.SunServeYouth.com
GLBTA Diversity Summit
The Florida Diversity Council is please to be sponsoring its Inaugural GLBTA Diversity Summit on Friday, June 22 at the Pride Center at Equality Park from 1:30 to 5 p.m. Registration for the half day event is $49 and the event will be held at The Pride Center in Wilton Manors, Florida. Visit Glbtsummit.com
Man2Man Discussion Group
Man2Man Discussion Group meets at the Pride Center on Mondays from 7 until 8:30 p.m. Any subject may be discussed. Members regularly reassemble afterwards for ‘repast’ at The Courtyard, PeterPan Diner. Visit Glccsf.org
Meditation After Work
On Mondays from 6-6:30 p.m. there will be Guided meditation w/ western Buddhist teacher Gui Passow. Looking for a way to rest and re-charge before starting your evening? Come in for a free guided meditation to clear your mind at the end of the day. This class is free at Drolma Buddhist Center. Call 954-537-9191 or visit meditationinfortlauderdale.org
Buddhist Meditation Classes: Happiness from a Different Source
All the happiness there is in the world arises from wishing others to be happy. By abandoning self-centered thoughts and replacing them with the belief that others are important, we will overcome our suffering and find true happiness inside our own hearts. $10/class or $30/series includes vegetarian food after class. Call The Drolma Buddhist Center at 954-537-9191.
This is a community-wide eight-week weight loss program aimed for people ages 15 to 80 to shed excess weight. The “Body Beach Challenge” will take place through June 2. Part of the proceeds will benefit the 2012 Florida AIDS Walk and Music Festival. Prizes will be awarded to the winners. Cost is a $25 registration fee. Participants will receive a body transformation guide with weight loss and healthy living guidelines as well as a spiral bound daily exercise and nutrition guidebook. The individual with the most dramatic improvement will be declared the winner. The grand prize includes a $400 personal training package at Push Fitness. Visit PushFitnessFTL.com.
Life Coaching program
Latinos Salud’s Life Coaching program is for Latino gay/bi guys ages 18-44. Come by Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. for free one-on-one life coaching with certified CRCS coaches. Set your goals, and meet action steps to make them come true. Stop in for more info at 2330 Wilton Drive or call 954-765-6239. Visit Latinossalud.org
Sex and Love Anonymous
S.L.A.A. believes that sex and love addiction is a progressive illness which cannot be cured but which, like many illnesses, can be arrested. It may take several forms -- including, but not limited to, a compulsive need for sex, extreme dependency on one or many people, or a chronic pre-occupation with romance, intrigue, or fantasy. Meets at The Pride Center at Equality Park in Bldg A, Room 200 Fridays 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Visit Slaafws.org
Young Adult GLBT
A social group open to all LGBT people ages 18-35. Meets Fridays at the Pride Center in Wilton Manors from 7:15-9 p.m. Meeting starts with a discussion on current events followed by introductions and then a group activity. Visit PrideCenterFlorida.org/contact-us
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
To Submit Listings Email: Brian at Calendar@sfgn.com Fax: 954-530-7943. Please include a brief description, address, phone number, date, time and cost.
Gay Men’s HIV+ Long Time Survivors’ Group
A support group that gives men who have been HIV+ for a long time (5 yrs +) the opportunity to give and receive support around topics of interest and issues for concern that are raised by the members. Meets on 1st and 3rd Thursday at SunServe 2312 Wilton Drive from 6:30 – 8 p.m. No cost. Donations welcome.
Gay Male Empowerment Group Topic discussions include issues and concerns about being a gay man in South Florida. Meets Thursdays at the Pride Center from 7 - 8:30 p.m. Call 954-353-9155 or email info@sunserve.org
PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) Meets on the 2nd and 4th Tues. of the month at the Sunshine Cathedral at 1480 SW 9th Avenue to support the parents of LGBTQ youth in Broward. No charge. Visit Community.pflag.org/ pflagfortlauderdale
GreenMarket Pompano Beach A Survivor Support Group
A Survivor Support Group is being held on the first and third Wednesday of each month at the 211 Community Center, 250 NE 33rd Street, in Oakland Park. The Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention (FISP) is sponsoring this free support group and is open to all family members and friends of those who have died by suicide. Call 954-384-0344 to register. Meets from 7-8:30 p.m. Visit Fisponline.org.
SunServe Therapy Groups
Provided for the LGBT community at SunServe on a regular basis. Groups require an intake interview. Call the Intake Coordinator at 954-764-5150 to learn which therapy groups have openings. Visit SunServe.org
Fusion Wilton Manors - Connections
Meets every 3rd Tuesday at American Burial & Cremation Center @ Jennings Funeral Home 1801 E. Oakland Park Blvd. from 2-4 pm. Call 954-731-4321.
Gay men’s group discussion. Different subject every week. Dr. David Fawcett, a gay therapist, who has been in private practice in Fort Lauderdale for the last ten years, leads the event. No charge. Starts at 7 p.m. Call 954-630-1655.
Eating Disorder Support group
Women4Women Support Group
Grief Support Group
Meets Friday evenings from 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. At Sun Serve’s Wilton Manors location at 2123 Wilton Drive, second floor. A “drop-in” psycho-educational support group. Free. No registration required. Donations welcome. Call 954-764-5150
SunTrust Sunday Jazz Brunch
First Sunday of every month. An ideal way to relax and enjoy Fort Lauderdale’s scenic Riverwalk. Live, outdoor concert series bringing the area’s best local jazz artists. Listen to the soulful sounds on four different stages. Well-behaved, leashed pets welcome. Plenty of room for chairs, blankets and picnic baskets.
Boardwalk Friday Fest
Come out to Hollywood Beach Theatre East of A1A at Johnson St and the ocean. Admission: Free every Friday of every month. Live jazz, blues, pop and everything in between along Hollywood’s signature 2.5 mile boardwalk. Charming oceanfront cafes and restaurants serve up delicious innovative cuisine while you enjoy the best array of live music and tropical ocean breezes. Visit Hollywoodfl.org or call 954-924-2980
Most Toastmasters meetings are comprised of about 20 people who meet weekly for an hour or so. Participants practice and learn skills by filling a meeting role, ranging from giving a prepared speech or an impromptu one to serving as timer, evaluator or grammarian. Toastmasters meet at the GLCC/Pride Center Monday at 7:15 p.m. Call Ted Verdone at 954-599-7916 or email: Tedverdone@comcast.net
Safe “T”
Safe “T” is a support group for gender variant adults. Meets Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Sunserve’s Wilton Manors location at 2312 Wilton Drive, second floor. A “drop-in” psycho-educational support group. Free. No registration required. Donations welcome. Call 954-764-5150.
GreenMarket Pompano Beach
At the corner of Dixie Highway and Atlantic Blvd. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Includes the freshest fruits and vegetables, juices, baked goods, seafood, gourmet teas and coffees, as well as orchids, plants, and health-related products and services. Held every Saturday through April 28. Also features art shows, antique automobile shows, and environmental exhibits. Visit GreenMarketPompano.com
Tuesday Night Eatin Meeting
Tuesday Night Eatin’ Meeting will be held at The Alternative MC Clubhouse at 4322 NE 5th Ave in Oakland Park. Fun, food, and fellowship. There will be hamburgers, hotdogs, all the fixins, cold drinks, desserts, and snacks. Meeting begins at 8 p.m. and ends at 9 p.m. Visit Alternativemc.com/events/ florida-events
A safe and loving place to explore all the concerns and topics raised by group members. This open drop-in meeting is held Wednesdays at 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the New Sun Serve Building at 2312 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Call 954-764-5150
Man2Man Discussion Group
Man-2-Man talk is an informal discussion group of gay men, with all age ranges and backgrounds welcomed. Bldg A, Room 206. Visit Glccsf.org/calendar/
Palm Beach County *Best Foot Forward’s Kickoff Cocktail Reception
Best Foot Forward Foundation will host its third annual Cocktail Reception at Boca Grove Country Club to kickoff a new year. Guests will enjoy an evening of cocktails, dinner by the bite and entertainment, as well as a live and silent auction with all proceeds benefitting Best Foot Forward on April 27 at 7 p.m. at the Boca Grove Country Club. The Best Foot Forward advocates for successful educational outcomes for teenagers living in the foster care system in Palm Beach County, helping them transition toward becoming independent adults when they “age out” of state care at the age of 18. Tickets are $100. Call 561-470-8300.
PFLAG is a monthly support, coming out and rap groups for families of & for Gay, Lesbian, Bi, and Transgender people. Meeting in Palm Beach County is at 6:30 on the third Wednesday of the month. Call or e-mail Carol at 561-7169464 Pflag@pobox.com
Deerfield Beach Wine & Food Fest
The 2nd Annual Deerfield Beach Wine & Food Festival is back April 27-28. Held at Quite Waters Park in Deerfield Beach. Friday night features two events, the VIP dinner under-the-stars; 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. which is an intimate 4 course wine and food pairing dinner with your own personal chef and wine sommelier, and the Grand Tasting Launch Party; 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m., with gourmet food tastings, wine and spirits, with live entertainment. Saturday begins with the Jazz Blues Brunch from 10 a.m. to noon, with plenty of Bloody Mary’s & mimosas and that evening, 50 chefs converge for the Grand Tasting event; 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Visit DeerfieldBeachWineAndFoodFestival.com
New Alternatives
Social group with regular outings and social mixers for LGBTQ ages 18 to 30. This meeting will take place at The Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Palm Beach County. Email matthew@compassglcc.com or Visit Compassglcc.com.
continued on page 20
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
To Submit Listings Email: Brian at Calendar@sfgn.com Fax: 954-530-7943. Please include a brief description, address, phone number, date, time and cost.
Support group is dedicated for lesbians who are recovering from alcoholism. Meeting happens every Monday at 7 p.m. at Lambda North Clubhouse. Visit LambdaNorth.net
PBC Gender Support Group
All ages support group dedicated for transgender individuals. This meeting happens the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm. These meeting will take place at The Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Palm Beach County. Visit Compassglcc.com
This group is a black gay men’s discussion group that is held at the Compass in West Palm Beach. Every Wednesday from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. this group will be directed toward issues for and about black men. Visit Compassglcc.com
These meetings now take place at Lambda North at 18 S. J Street, and geared toward recovering alcoholics. Every Tues. and Thurs. at 7 p.m. and on Sat. at 5:30 p.m. These meetings will help recovering alcoholics cope with the stress of everyday life without the use of alcohol. Email tcamie@aol.com
Paths is a social/discussion group held at Compass in Lake Worth. This men’s group takes place every Monday from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Paths men’s group will be discussing relationships, coming out, safer sex issues and more. Visit Compassglcc.com
Seniors vs. Crime
Good Orderly AA
Seniors vs. Crime is a free service that provides help to seniors who have been victimized by businesses or service providers and need assistance. This event will take place at Mae Volen Senior Center at 1515 W. Palmetto Park Road. By appointment only so call 561-736-3820 or 561-395-8920.
Yoga On The Waterfront
Lake Pavilion at 101 S. Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach, FL / Yoga On The Waterfront in downtown West Palm Beach on Wednesday Evenings at 5:45 PM. Residents $40 per 8 week session, Non-Residents $50 per 8 week session, Drop-ins $10 per class. To register, please call 561-804-4902.
YOGA Among the Orchids
It’s time for Yoga Among the Orchids at the American Orchid Society, 16700 AOS Lane, Delray Beach. Relax and replenish the flower inside with an hour of breathing exercises, toning, and yoga poses under a canopy of lush orchids. Classes are Wed. at 9 a.m. Cost is $20 and RSVP is suggested. Call 561404-2011. Visit OrchidWeb.org
Yoga with Deborah will change your life. Bring a mat and get ready to stretch the stress away every Tuesday at The GLCC in Palm Beach from 6 to 7 p.m. This yoga experience will uplift and transform your life. $6 Entry Fee. You must bring your own mat. Visit Compassglcc.com
Living Buddhism
On the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. Compass in Lake Worth will be holding a discussion group for overcoming obstacles and obtaining happiness. This group is great for getting internal enlightenment. Release your inner stress, and become free. Visit Compassglcc.com
Jazz on the Palm
Jazz on the Palm - Downtown West Palm Beach Waterfront - Gather with friends and family to enjoy the diverse vibrant sounds of jazz under the stars every 3rd Friday of month at the new Downtown West Palm Beach waterfront concert series. Free and open to the public. Guests are encouraged to bring blankets and chairs. From 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Visit Wpbgo. com/2010/06/jazz-on-the-palm
Sunday on the Waterfront
Sunday on the Waterfront is a free concert series, which takes place the third Sunday of most months in the beautiful downtown West Palm Beach waterfront area. Bring blankets, chairs, and coolers or purchase treats at the concert. Free parking in all city lots and at city meters. 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. May through October. Visit OnTheWaterFront.com
courtesy of Fairchild tropical Botanic Garden
Sober Sisters AA
Miami-Dade ArtsUnited Event
ArtsUnited’s award winning artists will be showing their work at the LGBT Visitor Center in Miami Beach through April 27. The show will coincide with Miami Beach Gay Pride celebrations. ArtsUnited is a gay and lesbian arts organization founded in 1999 and is based in Fort Lauderdale. Its mission is to use the arts to break down historical barriers preventing lesbians and gays from contributing fully and openly to the cultural, social and economic success of South Florida. Call Frank Crowley 954-764-6638 or email crowleyfrank@comcast.net
*FREE Admission: Fairchild Botanic Garden
In honor of National Public Gardens Day on Friday, May 11, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden will open its doors from 9:30 a.m. to 430 p.m. to all garden enthusiasts for free. This exclusive opportunity, just two days before Mother’s Day, will honor this national day of celebration which invites communities to explore the beauty of their local green spaces, while raising awareness of the important role public gardens play in promoting conservation, education and environmental preservation. Visit Fairchildgarden.org
Aqua Girl 12
There will be 14 diverse events for everyone to choose from. There is something for everyone including dance parties, a comedy show, live music, pool parties, a bowl-a-thon, a jazz brunch, a dine-out event, a VIP reception, and celebrity meetand-greets. From May 2 through 6 in South Beach.
Business Builders Luncheon
MDGLCC presents its monthly networking program held on the last Thursday of each month. Next one is April 26. City Hall, The Restaurant, 2004 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, 305-7643130. Registration 11:30 a.m. with luncheon/networking from noon to 1:30 p.m. Cost: MDGLCC members ($30), Potential Members ($40, $10 applied to new MDGLCC membership). Includes seated style lunch limited to 25 persons. Please bring a friend. RSVP requested: 305-673-4440 or mdglcc@ bellsouth.net.
Galla Luncheon Networker @ Morton’s Steakhouse
MDGLCC/GALLA presents its monthly networking program tailored for attorneys, judges and legal professionals held on Wednesdays. New location: Morton’s Steakhouse, 1200 Brickell Avenue, Miami. Networking from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. with networking and a full sit-down lunch. Cost: MDGLCC members ($35), Potential members ($50, $10 applied to new MDGLCC membership). Visit mdglcc@bellsouth.net
Gay & Lesbian Walking Tours of South Beach
Gay & Lesbian Walking Tours of South Beach – South Beach – April 28. The MDGLCC, Greater Miami Convention Visitor Bureau (GMCVB), and the Miami Design Preservation League (MDPL), present a ninety-minute guided Gay & Lesbian Walking Tour of South Florida. Tour starts at 5 p.m. and departs from the MDPL Art Deco Welcome Center at Ocean Dr. and 10th St. Miami Beach. No reservation needed. Tickets are $20, and can be purchased at MDPL’s Art Deco Welcome Center. Free to MDPL and MDGLCC members. RSVP to 305-672-2014.
Women’s Empowerment Luncheon
MDGLCC’s popular Women’s Empowerment Luncheon series continues at the Sanctum Room of the Epic Hotel (270 Biscayne Boulevard Way), with special guest speaker Cristina Serralta, CEO of Amazon Services Inc. speaking on “Small Business Ownership from the LGBT Perspective.” 11:30 a.m. Registration; Noon - 1:30 p.m. Lunch at Epic Hotel. Cost: MDGLCC Members ($35), Potential Members ($45, $10 applied to new MDGLCC membership). A full sit-down luncheon with a Q&A to follow. Co-Sponsored by Aqua Foundation & NCLR. Visit mdglcc@bellsouth.net
MGLFF Women’s Film & After Party
May 2 from 7:30 p.m. to midnight at the Film Screening at the Colony Theater 1040 Lincoln Lane. After-party at the Shore Club 1901 Collins Avenue Aqua Girl and the Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival join forces to bring you girl trash, the soon to be released lesbian film that will be the centerpiece of the annual Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival along with a chic after-party at the chic Shore Club. Tickets include the screening, the after-party and a complimentary cocktail. $30 in advance / $40 at the door Members $25 in advance. Visit Aquagirl.org/events
Lambda Dade Clubhouse
A meeting place for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender communities and friends in recovery. Hosts Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Al-Anon, Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA), Debtors Anonymous (DA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA), meetings. (305) 573-9608. 212 NE 24th Street. Miami. Visit Lambdadadeclubhouse.org
continued on page 24
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
To Submit Listings Email: Brian at Calendar@sfgn.com Fax: 954-530-7943. Please include a brief description, address, phone number, date, time and cost.
Maria Alejandres as Juliette in Romeo et Juliette
Love is in the Aria William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” has inspired many operatic adaptations over the centuries, but none has endured like the music of Charles Gounod. From a breathtaking duet at sunrise to the opera’s shattering conclusion in the Capulet tomb, Gounod’s opera still stirs the emotions of audiences. The Florida Grand Opera closes out its 2011-12 season with this masterpiece, starring French tenor Sebastien Gueze as Romeo and Maria Alejandres as Juliet. The opera will be presented on April 27, 29, and May 2, 5 at Miami’s Arsht Center and May 10, 12 at Fort Lauderdale’s Broward Center. Tickets start at $11 at FGO.org.
C’mon Down, The Price is Right I have no doubt that many of the boys out at the Alibi, Sidelines or Twist could price a Coach bag or Allen Edmonds shoes in a boutique at the Galleria, Bal Harbour Shops or Lincoln Road to the dollar. But how would they do with that pack of Wrigley’s chewing gum, a bottle of Draino or a can of shoe polish? Game show fans in South Florida can find out at the Seminole Coconut Creek Casino where a traveling production of The Price is Right is wrapping up a spring run. The games are the same—Plinko, Cliff Hangers, the Big Wheel and even the Showcase Showdown—and the prizes are real, too. For the final week, handsome TV daddy Alan Thicke is taking over the hosting duties. We loved him in Growing
Pains and we especially love his real-life son, singer Robin Thicke, and he’s wowing the crowds in this simulated game show. Matinees are presented on Saturdays and Sundays at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. with shows on Wednesdays-Fridays, so “come on down.” Tickets are $25 at Ticketmaster.com.
Gaston de Cardenos for Florida Grand Opera
By J.W. Arnold
Girl Art On Saturday, April 28, the Independent Working Artist Network presents Janette Valentine’s third annual The Trouble with Girls all-female art revue at The Bubble, 810 NE 4th Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. In addition to works by more than 30 local artists, the event will include vendors, fun burlesque acts by Aurora Natrix and Sofia Luna, live music by Haochi Waves and “yumminess” provided by the Ms. Cheezious food truck. Tickets are $10 for guests 21 and older and includes complimentary drinks. Admission is $5 for guests under 21. Visit IndependentWorkingArtistNetwork.com.
Last Chance… …to see The Music Man at Lake Worth Playhouse. This delightful community theater production ends April 29. The show revolves around con man Harold Hill, who poses as a band organizer and leader, and sells band instruments and uniforms to naive townsfolk before skipping town with the cash. Tickets are $26 to $35 Visit LakeWorthPlayhouse.org or call 561-586-6410.
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
To Submit Listings Email: Brian at Calendar@sfgn.com Fax: 954-530-7943. Please include a brief description, address, phone number, date, time and cost.
Key West
Georgie’s Alibi
Key West Pride
On June 6 - 10, come show your pride in our tropical paradise, and you’ll find yourself in the midst of a celebration unlike any other. From the opening party to the closing parade, you’ll discover quickly that the best place to show your pride is on an island whose official motto is “one human Family.” The welcoming island invites you to join us at Key West Pride! Visit Gaykeywestfl.com
17th Annual Golf Tournament
One of the longest running golf tournaments in the Florida Keys, the event supports scholarships for Florida Keys students in the hospitality and culinary fields of study. Just $100 per player includes greens fees at Key West Golf Club, goodie bag, food (Breakfast and Lunch), drinks, hot dog stand, Mimosas and Bloody Marys and much more! Team up with four of your friends or sign up individually. Call 305-2964959 or Email: executiveoffice@keyslodging.org
2266 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305, (954) 565-2526. Fort Lauderdale’s best & longest happy hour. Wednesdays $2 Domestics & $1 Schnapps after 9 p.m.
1116 W. Broward Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312, (954) 5225931. Monday Dragon with TP Lords, Daisy D. and DJ Rob Sky Some of the hottest guys around with great happy hour drink specials. Bring all your friends to this sexy Bar.
The Manor
2345 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 (954) 626 0082 - Come Dine, Dance, Drink, Mingle and of course Relax. 2 for 1 happy hour Tues-Friday 3-9pm. Indoor/Outdoor Dining. Dance the night away Thursday through Sunday. Live music Weds, Fri, Sat, Sun Visit themanorcomplex.com FOR MORE DETAILS.
Matty’s on the Drive
2426 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 (954) 564-1799. Matty’s is one of the few bars in Wilton Manors that’s just that –a bar. Wild Wednesday’s $.75 Drinks, 13 Drinks for less than $10. 5 p.m.
502 E. Sunrise Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304, (954) 5256662. The eclectic décor and a friendly staff makes. Mona’s a great place to have fun in Fort Lauderdale. Thursday’s College Boy’s Night 8pm Enjoy College Boy’s Choice 2 for 1
nightlife Broward County
Monkey Business
2740 North Andrews Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33311, (954) 514-7819. The Monkey Business Bar is a Small Outdoor Bar Among The Shops Just off Marina Blvd. No Frills But Comfortable and a Great Place to Stop and Meet Good People. Happy Hour 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Bathhouse. 321 W Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 33311. Slammer sex club the best place to cruise for the hottest gay men. Thursday’s is leather night, Friday and Saturday night live DJs. Monday & Tuesday -- $9 entry fee
Naked Grape Wine Bar
Atomic Boom
2039 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305, (954) 563-5631 A Casual, Hip, Fun Experience and if You Have a Taste for Deliciously Unique Wines, You Need to Make This Your Next Stop! Happy Hour All Night on Thursday
2232 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305, (954) 630-3556. Best Sound & Light Show in Broward County. Mondays “porn bingo” with Desiree Dubois. $3 Margaritas, $1 Draft
Bill’s Filling Station
New Moon
2209 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305, (954) 567-5978. Large bar/ nightclub, amazing drink specials in Wilton Manors! Wednesday’s after 9 p.m. $10 Miller Lite Beer Bust
Marilyn Michaels
2440 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305, (954) 563-7660 Your neighborhood lesbian bar in the heart of Fort Lauderdale and just minutes from Fort. Lauderdale Beach. Wednesday All the fun, half the price 2-4-1 All Day, All Night
1721 N. Andrews Ave, Fort at The Boardwalk Lauderdale, FL 33311. (954) 4636969. A Cute Little Hangout in Fort PJ’s Corner Pocket Lauderdale. Pool-room/game room 924 North Flagler Drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304, on one side and a bar/strip club on the other. Mondays $3 (954) 533-0257. One of The Most Diverse Bars in Fort LauderWell & Dom, after 9 p.m. $3 U-Call-It Shots dale. $2 Drinks Every Wednesday, Spades Every Thursday
The Club Fort Lauderdale
Bathhouse. 110 NW 5th Ave., Fort Lauderdale, FL, (954) 5253344 Good. Clean. Fun. 1/2 price rooms...Tuesday Nights and 1/2 price Lockers. Thursdays Nights. Always busy.
Clubhouse II
1508 NE 4th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304, (954) 763-8219 South Florida’s Leading Levi, Leather and Uniform Bar/Club. Every night is Bear Night. Bear Happy. Hour Every Thursday. Caged Hunks Sat Night
Bathhouse. 2650 E. Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, Florida (954) 566-6750. A Private Club for Bi/Gay men. “bear and cub” Thursday $4 Off For Bear & Cub. Tuesday leather night - $4.off wear any type of leather.
Rosie’s Bar and Grill
Corner Pub Bar
Scandals Country Western Bar
Cubby Hole
Sidelines Sports Bar
The Depot Cabana Bar and Grill
Smarty Pants
The Stable
1915 N. Andrews Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33311, (954) 564-7335. Redefining what a bar should be. Thursday’s margarita madness $4, Monday’s “Underwear Night. 2 for 1” until 9:30 p.m. 823 N. Federal Highway, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304, (954) 7289001. The Cubby Hole is one of Fort Lauderdale’s most unique and popular Neighborhood bar for men. Underwear Wednesday’s. “Boxers n’ Briefs” get 2 for 1 drinks 9 p.m. to close 2935 N. Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304, (954) 537-7076. Voted the “Friendliest” Gay Bar in Fort Lauderdale. Monday’s $1.99 Drinks and $.50 wings open to close 3270 NE 33rd St Fort Lauderdale FL 954-568-7777 Sexy hot men starting to shake the booty daily from 6pm to 9pm. On Sundays enjoy karaoke with Peter Petrucci. Great drink specials every Monday with $1 well drinks from 9pm-2am.
2449 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305, (954) 567-1320 Wilton Manor’s Best Burger in Town. Try the Fat Elvis. Happy Hour 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Oakland Park, FL 3334, (954) 567-2432. Scandals Gay and Lesbian Country Western. Dance Bar in Wilton Manors. Tuesdays Pool League, and Free Dance Lessons 2031 Wilton Drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33305, (954) 563-8001 Sidelines Sports Bar and Billiards is a unique, friendly, and accepting place to relax with a cold beer, great drinks and Martinis. Happy Hour M-F 4pm to 2am 3038 North Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306, (954) 561-1724. Great Local Hangout in Fort Lauderdale with Great Drink Specials. Saturday’s Free Breakfast to Order – 8 a.m. 205 East Oakland Park Blvd., Oakland Park, FL 33334, (954) 565-4506 A neighborhood bar with a different theme every night, from drag shows and bingos, to bears and underwears.
continued on page 26
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
To Submit Listings Email: Brian at Calendar@sfgn.com Fax: 954-530-7943. Please include a brief description, address, phone number, date, time and cost. AFTER DARK
By Brian Swinford Sunday April 29 candals Saloon proudly presents Lady Fancy’s gospel jubilee. Feel the spirit the last Sunday of the month. This will be an old fashioned southern gospel with special guest appearances.Visit Scandalsfla.com/thismonth.html
Monday April 30 ills Filling Stations 2-4-1 cocktails from 2 p.m. until 9 p.m. After 9 p.m. Stoli Cocktails only $4 and Martini’s just $5. Don’t forget Bills Filling Station’s amazing burgers! Their Recession Buster Special gets you a burger & fries for $6 all day long. Add a domestic beer for just $1! Visit Billsfillingstation.com/ beta/index.html
on the Alfresco Patio starting at 5pm Show off your talent and win. Also the their kitchen is open late with $1 meatball or chicken sliders and $1 shots after 8 p.m.Visit WiltonsBiergarden.com Thursday April 26 eorgie’s Alibi has all you can ask for on Thursdays with 2-4-1 happy hour from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. The real party starts at 9 p.m. with 22 once long island ice teas for only $3 to 2 a.m. Georgie’s has Fort Lauderdale’s best and longest happy hour around.Visit Georgiesalibi.com
Fridays April 27 ohnnys Miami is one of the hottest strip clubs around and is now doing towel night Fridays with up Tuesday May 1 ock Hard Undiesto 30 hot dancers. This Towel Night at Johnny’s Night free well Friday come in and get Miami and domestic to all of your groove on in the those men in their undies from midnight free private VIP rooms with a hot stud of until 1 a.m.You can check your clothes your choice. Visit Johnnysbarfl.com with any of the hot bartenders. DJ Daddy O or DJ John will alternately be spinning Saturday April 28 rags gone wild at Palace nightclub your favorite music.Visit Ramrodbar. on Saturdays starting at 6 p.m. com/Home_Page.php Come see the best of the best drag queens at Palace hosted by Tiffany FanWednesday April 25 ilton Bier Garden is calling all tasia. Come to one of the hottest clubs Karaoke masters on Wednesday in Miami located on South Beach.Visit night. The karaoke video lounge will be Palacesouthbeach.com
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
To Submit Listings Email: Brian at Calendar@sfgn.com Fax: 954-530-7943. Please include a brief description, address, phone number, date, time and cost. Torpedo
2829 W. Broward Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312, (954) 587-2500. Your Dance Destination Till Dawn. Open Late for You To Devour The Night. Open 7 nights a week till 4 a.m.
Palm Beach County
522 Lucerne Ave, Lake Worth, Fl, 33414. (561) 586-0080 Great Service, Great Food, Full Stocked Bar, Great Professional Tea-Dance every Sunday
Fort Dix
6205 Georgia Ave, West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Directions, (561)533-5355. Mostly local crowd looking to mingle and relax. Place rocks with a Fabulous DJ on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sunday T-Dance.
H.G. Rooster
823 BELVEDERE ROAD, WEST PALM BEACH FLORIDA 33405, (561)-832-9119. H.G. Roosters is West Palms oldest gay club. Sunday’s Complimentary BBQ 5pm, Hot Male Dancers 6 p.m., Karaoke 11 p.m.
Mara (Thurs-Sat)
1132 North Dixie Highway, Lake Worth FL $3 Drinks. No Cover. Open till 5 a.m. Ladies night on Thursdays and Karaoke on Fridays.
The Mad Hatter
1532 North Dixie Hwy ,Lake Worth, FL 33460. (561) 547-8860. Cheap drinks, friendly bartenders, and free pool SundayThursday. Stop by and relax at this no-attitude haunt.
The Bar Lake Worth
2211 North Dixie Highway Lake Worth. (561) 370-3954 Thebarlakeworth.com. Men and women share this mostly-locals space as a calm and friendly watering hole. The bar often features live music which can be a nice break from thumping bass.
Tag Bar
25 Northeast 2nd Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33483 954-801-3247. Delray Beach’s only gay bar. Mon - Sun: 4 p.m. - 2 a.m. Awesome Drink Specials.
727 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139,(305)561-5521. Score is located in the heart of South Beach in the thriving and infamous promenade, Lincoln Road. Bigger Saturday’s sexy male dolls.
Swinging Richards
17450 Biscayne Blvd, N Miami Beach, Fl 33160 954-357-2532 Tuesdays-Saturdays from 6p.m. to 6 a.m. Come and enjoy fully nude guys dancing to the best music in South Florida.
1057 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, Fl, 33139. (305)538-9478. Never a Cover…Always a Groove. Resident star DJ Mika spins tribal. Every Saturday TWIST is full of the hottest men in Miami. Muscle boy dancers taking it off in the Bungalow Bar.
Key West
801 Bar
801 Duval St., Key West, Florida,(305)294-4737. Cabaret shows upstairs with nightly performances by famed performers Sushi, Kylie, RV Beaumont, Margo, and others. Happy hour specials daily from 11a.m.- 8 p.m.
The Bourbon St. Pub
724 Duval St. (305)296-1992. Key West’s premier video bar with LIVE DJ’S nightly. A taste of N’Awlins in the heart of Old Town – Enjoy Key West’s hottest music videos on the large screen while the boys entertain on the bar. No Cover.
La Te Da
1125 Duval St. 305-296-6706 Fun Gay-Friendly atmosphere. Cabaret entertainment during season including Randy Roberts and Chris Peterson. Enjoy great live music Tuesday thru Sunday with Lenore Troia. Cover charge may apply. Great outside bar if you just want to enjoy a cocktail and chat while people watching on Duval Street.
Club Aqua
Club Space
34 NE 11th St ,Miami ,Florida, 33132,(305)350-1956 Space Miami Voted Best U.S Club IDMA 2011. The go-to venue for any nightlife enthusiast in the nation, the club is proudly marching on into its second decade of operation.
Club Sugar
2301 SW 32nd Ave, Miami, Florida, 33145, (305)443-7657. All the sweetness you’ll need in one club. Every Thursday “drag wars” with TP Lords. $5 house drinks & $4 Domestic beers all night. 950 NE 2nd Ave, Downtown Miami, Florida 33132,(305)3509084. One of the best night clubs In Miami. Every Saturday the hottest DJ’s from the top performers. Drink Special Every Saturday
Miami 62 NE 14 Street Downtown Miami Florida (305)640-8749. No Cover 7 nights a week. The hottest men in the universe strip shows nightly from 6 p.m. sexy from wall to wall. Saturday Sept. 3 in Miami. FIRE & ICE at the SPOT…The hottest Pop, Hip Hop and Latin alongside the COLDEST electro and house beats all on Miami’s best sound system.
The Cottage (Tea-Dance Sundays)
711 Duval St.,Key West, Florida,(305)294-0555 Monday’s Dueling Bartenders. Your Bartender’s sing, shake, and stir their way through happy hour 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
705 Duval St. , Key West, Florida,(305)292-8500 Key West All-Male Strip Club. Daily Happy Hour from 3-8 p.m., And a piano sing-a-long every Wednesday night.
Pearl’s Patio Bar
525 United Street, Key West, FL(305)293-9805 ext. 156 Pearl’s Patio is a great place to enjoy a drink and relax. Happy Hour – every weekday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Friday’s are Extended Happy Hour 5 p.m. - 9 p.m.
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
Key West Pride 2012 • June 6-10 2012 By Key West Business Guild
submitted photo
unset sails, sandy beaches, films, comedy, pool parties, late night dance parties and a community focused parade are just some of the special events that create the fun of Key West Pride 2012, June 6-10. Key West Pride is set on a tropical island that is legendary for its laid back style and its open and accepting atmosphere. Whether you’re looking to party with friends, travel with family, or to get lost in the magic of our tropical island, rediscover Key West and discover how one island’s “one human family” philosophy has created one of the most integrated and unique communities in the world! Events for the week include the family friendly street fair on the legendary Duval Street, while late night clothing-optional parties will keep Key West’s steamy reputation alive and well. A must see of Key West Pride are the annual Pride Pageants. These very adult competitions often leave little to the
imagination as contestants heat-up the runway in an effort to earn the Pride titles: Miss Pride (men dressed as women), Mr. Pride (men barely dressed), Ms. Pride (don’t tell the lesbians it’s a pageant). All of this fun culminates as the community joins together on Duval Street for the lively Key West Pride Parade which features a cross-section of the Key West community and a 100 foot section of the famous “Sea to Sea Rainbow Flag.” Key West Pride 2012 also features Emmy
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
Award Winning Leslie Jordan’s hilarious new one man show Fruit Fly which answers the pressing question, “Do gay men become their mothers?” Critics call the talented Jordan “saucy, sassy, and simply sensational!” We think you will call it great fun. Keynote speaker for the week is activist Erin Davies. Her moving and inspiring story of refusing to become a victim to hate reminds us that it is not our circumstances but our choices that define us. Her documentary will be shown throughout the week, and she and the “Fag Bug” will be honored in the Key West Pride parade as the Grand Marshall. Visit the island that was the first to market itself as a gay destination. Show us your Key West Pride. We are showing you ours. For more information about Key West Pride, visit www.keywestpride.org or www.gaykeywestfl.com, or call 800-535-7797. The Gay Key West Visitor Center is located at 513 Truman Avenue in Key West.
Fitness Guy By Peter Jackson, CPT
BUILDING MUSCLE: HIGH REPS OR LOW REPS? Q: I want to build muscle and gain size quickly. Should I be doing high reps or low reps? What’s the difference? –Eric C., Pompano Beach A: The short answer is this: low reps of one to five (in combination with explosive moves and longer rest periods of one to three minutes) are ideal for building strength and power while higher reps in the eight to 12 range (in a faster-paced training regimen with shorter rest periods of 30 to 90 seconds between sets) are best for hypertrophy (muscle growth). Choose a weight that allows you to reach failure in each range. However, there’s much more to building muscle than how many reps you perform. The three critical factors are nutrition, rest and the volume of work performed in the gym -- that is, the total number of sets multiplied by the total number of reps. High volume workouts have been proven by exercise scientists to release more of the anabolic hormones which are vital for muscle growth. So many guys at the gym complain about hitting a plateau and finding it difficult to make gains. The common reason is usually that they are doing the same familiar exercises in the same (boring) order with the same number of reps. The reason they can’t make gains is that their muscles have adapted to the routine and need to be “shocked” and “confused” in order to grow. Our muscles are made up of different fiber types which respond differently to stimulation, so the best approach is to constantly change, not only intensity and volume levels, but
the exercises themselves, making sure the target muscle is worked from different angles. This style of training is called Periodization and it has been scientifically proven to be effective in muscle gains. Your program in a given week might look like this: Workout #1: six to eight reps, Workout #2: eight to 10 reps and Workout #3: 10-12 reps. Again, for the lower rep ranges you will want to go heavy with the weights and progressively lighter with the higher repetition sets. Be sure to rotate through different exercises. Use this training protocol over a 12-week period, track your results and I’m sure you’ll experience the gains you are seeking.
Here’s a healthy, protein-rich breakfast that’s perfect for a Sunday morning when you crave traditional pancakes:
an incline bench to an angle of
degrees and lie on your left
side with a dumbbell in your right hand, palm facing down against your thigh.
2) Without
bending your elbow, raise your
arm until it ’s in line with your shoulder and rotate your palm outward, as shown.
3) Return
to the starting position
and repeat.
SWEET POTATO PANCAKES Ingredients: 150 grams mashed sweet potato 1 scoop whey (I prefer vanilla) 3 egg whites 1/4 cup chopped walnuts (optional) 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1 Tbsp cinnamon Directions: In a large bowl, mix all ingredients until smooth. Cook batches in pre-sprayed skillet/waffle maker on medium-high temperature until bubbles form on the surface, then turn over and cook until dark golden brown. Serve with cinnamon and sugar-free syrup. Nutrition Per Serving (without walnuts): Calories: 309 Fat: 1g Protein: 40g Carbs: 35g
Hunter Ruffin demonstrates
Side-Lying L ateral R aise. Photography by TobysPhotos.com. the
Peter Jackson is nationally-syndicated fitness columnist and the owner of Push Fitness, a private, full-service personal training gym in Oakland Park which offers cutting-edge fitness programs for individuals, couples and small groups. Peter welcomes your questions at peter@PushFitnessFTL.com or visit him online at www.PushFitnessFTL.com and www.PozFitness.com.
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
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FREE ESTIMATES – no extra charge for IN-HOME. FREE Computer tune-up with any service. Laptop screen and keyboard replacement. Virus, spyware, data recovery, lockouts and more. SAME DAY SERVICE – LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEE. Call Ernesto 754-234-5598
ACCOMMODATIONS PERFECT VACATION RENTALS - BEST WINTER RATES From $99/Night & $595/Week. Beautiful Studio, 1 & 2 BR Apts. with Full Kitchens. Clothing optional heated pool, laundry, parking. Close to Gay Dania & Nude Haulover Beaches. Premium Cable, VOIP telephone & Wi-Fi Internet. Pets Always Welcome. Call 954-927-0090 or visit www. LibertySuites.com
ADOPTION LATVIA, RUSSIA, AND BULGARIA ARE APPROVING SINGLE PARENT ADOPTIONS FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN Is this the right time in your life to think about raising your own son or daughter? The countries of Latvia, (near Scandinavia) and Bulgaria are processing and approving adoptions for both single men and women who want to adopt a child. Russia is processing and approving adoptions for single women who want to adopt a child. These children, in the state run orphanages, are beautiful and want and need a family and a home! They comein all ages. The process can take from 6 months to one year. I can assist and guide you through the processes, provide support, and answer all of your questions along the way. Don’t delay - life is way shorter than you think! For more information call jon @ 954-560-2229 or email jon@ wiltonmanorsfl.us
CLEANING SERVICES BEST CLEANING SERVICE.Short Notice Cleaning. Due to great quality work we charge a flat rate. Pet and Children Friendly. Call 954-548-9138 --------------------------------------------------------------------------NINA’S CLEANING. Exceptional Cleaning Service. If honesty, integrity and experience are of utmost importance to you, you’ve come to the right place. Your home will be treated with respect and attention to detail. 12 yrs of experience/ references (954) 601-6141 or e-mail me at jabn1999@yahoo.com
Nice rooms from $99/night (shared bathroom). Private bathrooms available. Indulge in All-U-Can-Eat breakfast buffet in the tropical garden with Jacuzzi. Complimentary WiFi, coffee, pastries & fruits all day long. www.EuropeanGuestHouse.com 721 Michigan Avenue. 305-673-6665 -------------------------------------------------
HANDYMAN SERVICES INEXPENSIVE ELECTRICIAN. Electrician 55.00 an hour or set price. Residential, Commercial & Industrial work Fans, Outlets, Service changes Licensed and Insured, EC0001777. 954-931-5121 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Serving 21 Year’s - We Clean: Carpet’s, Air Ducts, Upholstery, Tile & Grout, Terrazzo, Mexican, Leather, Strip & Wax, House Cleaning, Emergency Water Damage Service. Call: Tim (954)515-7615 --------------------------------------------------------------------------NUDE CLEANING Nudecleaning123@yahoo.com Honest, Reliable, Quality cleaning for your home. Attractive, personable, guy. Email for pic and price. Very Reasonable rates. Serving Broward Area.
COMPUTER/TECH FAST, RELIABLE SERVICE, AT YOUR PLACE or ours! New PC’s and Laptops • Virus Removal.Hardware Repairs • Telephone Systems.PCLauderdale • 279 E Oakland Park Blvd. 954.636.3322. www.pclauderdale.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------COMPUTER/NETWORK SUPPORT FOR HOME OR OFFICE. Personable and Reliable Computer Network Support.Professional with over 15 years of Enterprise Level Experience. Affordable Rates. Contact Peter at (954) 816-4126 Or peter@ netechsystems.com
EMPLOYMENT WANTED HIGHLY QUALIFIED INFORMATION technology professional and Veteran seeks IT position. 10+ years experience in help desk and desktop support. Will consider other career opportunities in South Florida. Please call Michael at 954.243.7175 --------------------------------------------------------------------------ALL FOOD HANDLING EXPERIENCE. I can prepare all seafood. Sauté, Sous Chef, Line Cook, Short order Breakfast, Baker, Prep, and also Catering.With over 23 Experience. Please contact Butch at 754-204-8463. --------------------------------------------------------------------------EXPERIENCED ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL Familiar with all office duties, Including personal assistant and organization. Computer literate. Billing, invoicing and collections. Call Jim 954-303-5355 --------------------------------------------------------------------------COOK POSITION WANTED Cook with 27 years experiencee. All foods such as organic, Italian, Mexican, Jamaican, Spanish and all types of BBQ and pizza maker. I am willing to work anytime and can start ASAP. Call William 754-204-8463 --------------------------------------------------------------------------CONSCIENTIOUS, RESPONSIBLE, EDUCATED NICE GUY SEEKS P/T: Here through Mar. 31st, Seeking (almost!) anything P/T: 1620 hrs wk. Tony: 607 727 3894 tvtenor@aol.com Tony Villecco --------------------------------------------------------------------------REGISTERED NURSE - PRIVATE DUTY 15 years experience in medical care, seeking assignments hourly or daily, call John for more information 954-918-5410 --------------------------------------------------------------------------LOCKSMITH & GLASS SERVICES All Pro Locks & Glass, Inc..24/7 Commercial & Residential.954-780-5188 office / www. aplag.com. Servicing Southeastern Florida
HELP WANTED SOUTH FLORIDA GAY NEWS IS HIRING If you are retail and customer focused, computer literate and proficient, web knowledgeable, have outside or Inside sales experience…then you’re hired! Advertising Sales Representative. Call on clients, guide their advertising campaigns and make a good living. Fax your resume to 954-530-7943 or email norm.kent@sfgn.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------CG BURGERS in Fort Lauderdale is looking for a General Manager. Experience in fast paced food service environment is necessary. Excellent pay and benefits. Please send resume to mike@carmines.com for consideration. --------------------------------------------------------------------------PART-TIME DELIVERY DRIVER Nights/weekends. Must have own car and insurance with good driving record. Restaurant/ prep experience preferred and familiar with Wilton Manors. Humpys Pizza 954-566-2722 --------------------------------------------------------------------------P/T HELP NEEDED- VARIED DUTIES New resort campground west of Ft Lauderdale needs part-time workers. Housekeeping, bartender, front desk help email responses to martin@ bazullc.com Be a part of this exciting new venture. --------------------------------------------------------------------------BARTENDERS WANTED TWIST the popular gay bar and club in South Beach seeks bartenders to join our team. We look for bartenders with experience working in high volume situations that are fun, friendly and outgoing people with a positive attitude. Candidates should be responsible, accurate and honest, team players that can work late nights and weekends. Interested persons can send or email resume or apply in person Mon–Fri from 2pm to 6pm. TWIST,1057 Washington Ave., Miami Beach, FL 33139 / www.twistsobe.com / valentino@ twistsobe.com
INSURANCE & FINANCIAL HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE Solutions Insurance Services – More Than Choices…Solutions. Health, Dental, Life, Medicare, Travel and Supplemental. Guaranteed issue coverage available. Let us compare what you paying today and see if we can save you money. Guaranteed Issue products available. We can help. If you think you can’t get insurance, call us. www.solutionsinsserv.com 954-839-6375. --------------------------------------------------------------------------HEALTH INSURANCE Major Medical, Hospital-Surgical, Rx’s, also guaranteed issue. Reasonable rates. Call DSR Associates 954-922-278
Full Charge Bookkeeping Services
CREDITORS CALLING? Call Us! The Law Offices of GeorgeCastrataro, PA. Serving Clients With Integrity and Compassion 954-573-1444 --------------------------------------------------------------------------PROUDLY SERVING THE SOUTH FLORIDA GLBTX COMM. since 1993. Law office’s of Robin L. Bodiford, PA specializes in Bankruptcy, Probate, Wills&Trust. Call 954-630-2707 --------------------------------------------------------------------------SELZER & WEISS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Last Will & Testament, Living Will. Health Care Power of Attorney (POA) w/HIPAA release, Durable Financial POA, for $399.00. PERSONAL INJURY: Free consult, if no recovery, no fee or cost to you. 954-567-4444. --------------------------------------------------------------------------SHAWN C. NEWMAN, PA Helping you protect what matters to you. Estate Planning, Domestic Agreements, Wills & Trusts, Estate Administration, Probate Administration, Wealth Preservation, Powers of Attorney. Free initial consultation. Available weekends and evenings by appointment. Call 954563-9160 710 NE 26th Street, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 www. ShawnNewman.com
--------------------------------------------------------------------------RAY & KOLNER LAW Immigration, Deportation, Family Petitions, Asylum, Sexual Orientation, Divorces, Adoptions, Criminal, Sex Offenses. Call 305-377-9000 www.RayAndKolnerLaw.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------GREGORY W. KABEL, ESQ. We can’t marry, but many of the rights of marriage may be achieved through contract. Let me help. Wills & Trusts, Estate Planning, Probate, Domestic Agreements, Business Formation & Transactions, Real Estate. 2312 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Call 954-761-7770 gwkesq@bellsouth.net --------------------------------------------------------------------------DAVID L. JACOVITZ - ATTORNEY AT LAW Revocable Living Trusts, Last Will & Testament, Durable Financial & Medical Powers of Attorney, Cohabitation Agreements, Living Wills. Advising the South Florida LGBT Community for 19 years. Call 954-630-8847 --------------------------------------------------------------------------KENT & CORMICAN, PA Sometimes the road of life brings trouble…We are here for when that happens. Criminal & Constitutional Law. Call 954-763-1900 www.NormKent.com
--------------------------------------------------------------------------AFFORDABLE, AWESOME MASSAGE BY JIM Offering Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports and Lomi Lomi Massage; All in a very comfortable, relaxed and Private Massage Studio conveniently located on the SE corner of Oakland Park Blvd and Federal Highway. Nationally Certified & Licensed. Call Jim Libonati at 954-600-5843. info@massagebyjim.com #MM22293 SPECIAL: First Time Client Rates --------------------------------------------------------------------------THE BRITISH POUND John Maroussas LMT Sports Massage, Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular, Trigger Point, Swedish, Salt or Sugar Scrubs. Private Studio w/ Shower. Wilton Manors Location near Bill’s Lic#MA51123 954-999-2240
MOVERS ALWAYSS MOVING know what you’re paying before you move! Licensed & Insured MC/ Visa/ Discover Accepted Family owned 20 years. Complete moving Services. Flat Rate& Free Estimates Call 305-650-9080
REAL ESTATE COLDWELL BANKER In a tough market, you want a tough Realtor. In this market you need Andy Weiser. Call 954-560-9667 AndyWeiser@aol.com www.AndyWeiser.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------RAINBOW REALTY Wondering what your home is worth? I offer a FREE online market analysis and more at www.SunnyHomesForSale. com Call Keith Blackburn 305-798-5455 KeithSellsFlorida@ gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------CASTELLI REAL ESTATE SERVICES Main Office 954-563-9889 - 2227 Wilton Drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33305 --------------------------------------------------------------------------ATLANTIC PROPERTIES The Dale Russell Network, 2039 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-608-6919
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
Sunshine Stampede Photos by JR Davis
RENT/LEASE MIDDLE RIVER TERRACE AREA 1BD/1BA $700/MO. All tile, eat-in-kitchen & large effic $650/Mo. elec included w/ a 12 month lease. For more details call 954-467-2501 --------------------------------------------------------------------------2 BEDROOM- WILTON MANORS newly renovated, wood floors, 2 story wi $1,100/mo. Pool, bbq, good parking. 954-6841239 / teafitz52@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------RIVERSIDE PARK CONDO 2/1 Near Downtown Las Olas, gated, updated kitchen, bath, quiet, C/A, tiled and private backyard. $800/month F/L/S 954-732-2438 --------------------------------------------------------------------------LAKE RIDGE STUDIO 2 room waterfront studio. Walking distance to restaurants, theater, shopping. Parking available. $600/Mo. Electric, cable, internet included. First/Last required. Call 954-873-7048. --------------------------------------------------------------------------IMPERIAL POINT EFFICIENCY Newly remodeled, new appliances, utilities included. 1 mile to beach - all tiled floors. $600.00/Mo. Call 954-551-1974. --------------------------------------------------------------------------LET ME FIND THAT PERFECT RENTAL OR HOME FOR SALE FOR YOU ABSOLUTELY FREE! At no cost to you, we review hundreds of properties in Fort Lauderdale and Wilton Manors areas to meet your specifications and price range. We will even review and prepare the final lease to insure your protection. Call Dick at 954-616-7662 Century21 Hansen Realty --------------------------------------------------------------------------ALIBI AREA - FURNISHED EFFICIENCY Efficiency w/ private entrance and parking. Walk-in closet, ceiling fan, A/C, kitchenette, laundry on-site. Electric & DirecTV included. No smoking. No pets. $625/Mo. First + Sec. 6 month lease required. Call 954-682-9428 or 954-249-1181.
ROOMMATES ROOMMATE WANTED Share a 3BD house in Wilton Manors, $600/Mo. Includes utilities. Mature professional gay male. Call Gary 954-268-6547 --------------------------------------------------------------------------TOWNHOUSE CLOSE TO THE DRIVE 2BD/2.5BA Townhome to share with professional, non-smoker. No Drugs. Employeed. $600/Mo. + 1/2 Utilities. Unfurnished bedroom. Pool, parking. 2 blocks to the Drive. Call Juan 786-553-5129. --------------------------------------------------------------------------ROOMMATE TO SHARE 3BD/1BA WILTON MANORS HOME GWM seeks roommate - non-smoking (outside ok), no pets, can work on dep, all the regular stuff included, $500/month. Send a little info about you. E-mail me placetlive@aol.com. 5 min walk to Boardwalk Bar and Monkey Business. 10 min walk to Wilton Drive. --------------------------------------------------------------------------ROOMMATE WANTED - 3BD/2BA IN OAKLAND PARK WEST OF I-95 Nice, quiet home in the Isles of Oakland Park. Available Now. Responsible non-smoker to share home with 2 professionals. Must like cats and dogs. Pool with Clubhouse. Clean, employed, drug-free. $550/Mo. Deposit required. Call Sam at 786-417-3093.
Josh and Jeff
Jack Daniels Honey Models: Joe, Jared And Manny
Boy Joe, Daniel and Sir Ben
Ruff Riders Model Michael Perna
Steer Wrestling Event
The other point of view
Gay Polo Tournament Photos by Alan Fabricant, Abner Pedraza and George Dauphin
Winning team of Gamma Mu: (l-r) Chip McKenney, Juan Bollini, Christine Vermes and Jack Hoffman
Sponsors Rodney Briguglio of Mara of Lake Worth; with models from sponsor Three Olive Vodka
VERY TIGHT FORESKIN OR PHIMOSIS Guys suffering from this problem can respond to this ad and feel that they are Interested in chatting about the condition. Whatever makes you comfortable. Email agency4clark@ aol.com
Gordon Ross (riding on horse)
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com
HRC’s Equality Team
April 25, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com