local name, global coverage
August 19, 2015
s o u t h
vol. 6 // issue 33
f l o r i d a
g a y
Gazette Wilton Manors
Stonewall Controversial movie gets activists talking SOUTHFLORIDAGAYNEWS
pages 27 - 29
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THE OPENING LINE Photos: Facebook.
Fire Island
Boycotters Call It Quits
Comments from SFGN’s
online outlets
AUGUST 19, 2015 • VOLUME 6 • ISSUE 33
Compiled by John McDonald
2520 N. DIXIE HIGHWAY • WILTON MANORS, FL 33305 PHONE: 954-530-4970 FAX: 954-530-7943
Told They Cannot Kiss at Public Pool
Jessie Odell –
Joel S. Slotnick –
With (any) action, especially by a public figure, is a consequence. You're free to kiss any butt that would rather see you put away and/ or think you're not worthy of fairness or equality, but don't expect everyone to kiss with you. These two guys are elitist queens who appear to be in it for themselves. They want to make change? Let 'em donate the big bucks to the organizations who know what their doing. #5MinutesOfFameEventuallyEnds
John Hitchcock – I am glad to see this as I believe the boycott was uncalled for and downright unfair. This is America and they can support who they feel like. Who are we as a community to Judge someone’s rights under American law.
Rj Petrucci –
Senior Features Correspondents Ed Garcia –
ZERO FUCKS were given, my boyfriend is the only one I have to think about when I want to express affection. Don't like it? Don't look.
Why should same sex couples have to live by a different standard than hetero couples? If you see a straight couple exchanging a kiss or hug on the street do not expect gay couples to act any differently.
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
Contributing Columnists
Sales & Marketing
Martin Talbot –
Really ! This is the image he promoted ! LOL MEMBER
Phil Lauderdale –
Really queen?
Truthy –
Complains Gay Media Objectifies Him
you shake your ass they notice fast --- don't become a tiresome queen like George Michael Stevie...
Food/Travel Editor
Staff Photographers
Steve Grand
Frank Zurek –
Associated Press
Photo: Steve Grand. Facebook.
The boycott was more than called for. The gay culture is a progressive culture - these swine swooped in and bought up a Mecca to fund themselves. In 2015 the crowd that goes to Fire Island are kind of a vapid low lifes with cash - did anyone think anyone but the drag queens would care about a boycott over ideas and rights - when circuit clowns care about status, access and cash - no matter how much they raise for charity at some events. P-Town would have closed the place down.
I agree with the PDA rule. For some it would a simple kiss, for others it will turn into an all out deep and down the throat kiss. I don't care to see that straight or gay, or my kid to have to. I happen to be gay married to the same man for 26 years. We don't behave that way out in public. There's a time and place for everything. Public isn't the place. You can always build your own private pool.
Cover: The new Stonewall movie has left many questioning the ethics of its allegedly skewed historical perspective. South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. Copyright © 2015 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.
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news local Photos: J.R. Davis.
Pride Fort Lauderdale in March of 2014.
Organization makes efforts to include women
ride Fort Lauderdale doesn’t want its signature annual PrideFest to be known as a gay man’s event. Even though the festival has always welcomed everyone, organizers realized they needed and wanted more participation from women. So this year they’re making it happen. Bryan Wilson, a board member, said PFL is going to focus more on including women in community events and targeting them for leadership roles. Wilson said he was saddened to see New Moon, a lesbian bar in Wilton Manors, close down because of the space it offered to women. As a community organizer he recognizes the general lack of services offered to women and notes that the majority of the Pride board has been made up of men since he’s been involved. “So what led to these efforts is information
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
from the community, close friends who identify as lesbian or bisexual women, who also brought this to my attention,” he said. “It didn’t feel like pride all across the country.” Wilson said he felt it was time to increase social services for women and start bringing them the table. “We have to reach out and target the women’s community,” he said. “We also have to target the trans community. And reach out to the black community.” As a part of this new outreach they’ve made sure to include a woman in this year’s lineup DJ Citizen Jane, who will be deejaying on Saturday of this year’s event as well as participating in the after party taking place in downtown Fort Lauderdale. Sonia Mitchell said there’s definitely a need for increased inclusion within the
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community. While she enjoys working on women who attend board meetings. the PFL board and working within the LGBT But she noted that men aren’t fully to community, she said it’s also a challenge. blame — women should try harder if they “It gives me a chance to do what I enjoy want to see change as well. doing, fight for people, fight for rights for “You can’t just visit something once and women, for men, for kids,” she said. “Having say, ‘I’m not coming back,’ because you fun doing what you love doing doesn’t mean didn’t hear what you wanted to hear,” she you don’t have obstacles or said. “You’re going to need to hurdles that you have to go be the difference. Stay with over.” it and be the justice that you “If somebody Mitchell has been serving want to see.” on the PFL board since 1997. Katie Yankee, who works at comes into your “I’m still there because SunServe, agrees that there is home and doesn’t a lack of representation. I’m looking forward to the day that the board “I’d like to see the day when feel welcome looks equal, with women, women look around and say and warm, they transgender people, fluid they are well represented people, questioning people,” in terms of services for don’t want to she said. “I love diversity women,” she said. stay long or be so therefore I would love to Yankee said she’s glad to see the day when it’s more see a woman performing at there.” diverse.” the Pride Festival because DJ She said usually at Citizen Jane could serve as a - Sonia Mitchell meetings she’s the only role model for young women PFL Board Member female there, which makes it within the community. challenging. Yankee also said that “It’s not easy going in the women should get more middle of a board, and you’re the only girl involved even if they face obstacles. and black person,” she said. “If we want to see change we have to make Mitchell is happy with this newfound the change ourselves,” she said. effort to be more inclusive. Mitchell said change is slowly taking place, “You have to allow people to feel welcome,” and she’s glad to see Pride Fort Lauderdale she said. “If somebody comes into your has become involved with the Rainbow home and doesn’t feel welcome and warm, Ladies and has taken on two women DJs. they don’t want to stay long or be there.” Both women look forward to seeing what The men on the board, she said, tend to else Pride Fort Lauderdale accomplishes. stick together, and now there are very few
politics white house watch
he first openly gay black man has been confirmed as a federal judge by the U.S. Senate for the bench in South Florida. The vote was unanimous Tuesday to confirm Darrin P. Gayles, who is currently a Miami-Dade County judge. The White House noted Gayles would make history when President Barack Obama nominated him in February for an opening in the Southern District of Florida.
Obama chose Gayles after a previous openly gay black nominee, fellow MiamiDade County Judge William Thomas, was blocked by Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio last year and then not resubmitted by the White House. Rubio said his opposition centered on decisions Thomas made in certain cases. Senators also confirmed an openly gay black woman, Staci Michelle Yandle, to a federal judgeship in Illinois.
Photo: POOL.
Photo: Facebook.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Waker, (R-WI).
n the Republican front Donald Trump continues to suck up all of the oxygen in the race. And despite numerous unfavorable stories and attacks from the other republican candidates his poll numbers are remaining steady…with him on top of the latest polls. Insiders still hesitate to call him the frontrunner because they don’t believe people will end up voting for him. In other Republican news Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who was once the clear favorite to win Iowa, now has dropped to third behind neurosurgeon Ben Carson and Trump. Walker saw his poll numbers in the state drop from 18 to 11 percent in one week after the first Republican debate. Insiders say Iowa is a must win state for Walker. On the Democratic front Hillary continues to dominate the national polls, but in one outlier
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New Hampshire poll her Independent-turnedDemocrat rival Bernie Sanders has overtaken her with 45 percent to her 35 percent. Rumors abound with stories of both former Vice President Al Gore and current Vice President Joe Biden jumping into the race. The Gore rumors seem, for now, like a stretch with his closet advisers from 2000 disavowing them. However Biden appears to at least be considering a run for the White House. The VP has run twice before in 1988 and 2008. Sources say he’s mapping out a path to victory and will decide by the end of summer. One path to victory has him skipping Iowa and New Hampshire, starting his run in South Carolina, the third state to vote. Some worry that if he jumps in he’d only take away votes from Clinton giving Sanders an opening to win some of the early states.
SouthFloridaGayNews // SFGN.com // 8.19.2015 //
community announcement
ANOTHER STUDY FINDS HIGH ADHERENCE TO PREP Sub-analysis underscores the value of PrEP in protecting women’s health C.D.C.
s this was the first such conference in that daily oral PrEP can be highly effective Florida, one would expect problems to for both heterosexual men and women, occur. Some problems when taken consistently. did occur, but not enough to While some PrEP studies mar the conference. have found that women women New CDC data from were not protected from HIV Botswana show that both because they did not take and girls women and men were the medication regularly, highly adherent to using as prescribed, together account for daily oral HIV pre-exposure with encouraging recent prophylaxis, or PrEP, over the evidence from the ADAPT more than course of a one-year openstudy among women in Cape half of all label study. Because this Town, these new findings study more closely replicated confirm that women who people living a real-world setting than are at risk for HIV can adhere its preceding clinical trial – to daily PrEP. With women with HIV since participants received and girls accounting for worldwide. no financial compensation more than half of all people and all were aware they were living with HIV worldwide taking an active drug – the – and 10,000 new infections findings may provide a better indication of occurring among women each year in the likely adherence among women and men U.S. alone – PrEP offers a much needed, seeking to use PrEP for HIV prevention. female controlled method of protection for A strong body of existing research shows women at high risk.
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
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news local
Photo: Rachel Bernard, Facebook.
The Southern Comfort Conference 2014 was hosted in Atlanta, GA, where it had been for 24 years.
THE SOUTHERN COMFORT CONFERENCE CELEBRATES 25TH YEAR IN FORT LAUDERDALE Broward convention’s bureau makes big push to attract trans travelers
Nicole Wiesenthal
he largest transgender conference in the nation has relocated to Fort Lauderdale to celebrate its 25th year. The four-day Southern Comfort Conference (SCC) will be held at Bonaventure Resort and Spa, 250 Racquet Club Rd, Weston, from Sept. 29 to Oct. 6, bringing in between 600 and 700 transgender people, families and allies to Fort Lauderdale. The SCC originated in 1991 as a way to provide an educational conference for the transgender community to speak with professionals that handle services in the transgender community, said Lexi Dee, the president of the SCC. It has since evolved to include fun, tourist events and significant speakers. “We’re really excited to be in a new venue in Fort Lauderdale,” Dee said. “When we were approached by Fort Lauderdale, we looked at the property and were impressed.” For the past 24 years, Atlanta, Georgia, hosted the event, but Dee said returning members had begun to get tired of the old venue and wanted a fresh change that Fort Lauderdale could provide.
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
“Fort Lauderdale has been wonderful,” she said. “We’ve had absolutely no issues with anybody in our hotel, any of the restaurant and the places we’ve been. The directors and volunteers who have visited have had nothing but good experiences.” Richard Gray, the LGBT managing director of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention and Visitors Bureau, said he’s made it his goal to target transgender tourists. He said he realized a few months ago that the transgender members of the LGBT community didn’t get much attention or focus by traveling companies and organizations. “I had an opportunity to bring the ‘T’ to the forefront of LGBT,” he said. Gray and his team put together the first ever transgender research study on travelling in North America, he said. “We knew they liked to travel,” he said. “We wanted to find out what types of hotels they liked to stay in...where they felt most comfortable.” Gray said they looked at whether transgender individuals liked to travel soflagaynews //
alone, how important safety was and other copies of her book and giving a speech at entities. He found out that Fort Lauderdale the event. Zackary Drucker, a producer was ranked number 9 as a and actress for TV series including Amazon’s travel destination and part of “Transparent” and “This is the reason why was because a Me,” will also be speaking. famous transgender surgeon “We’re really The hotel rooms blocked was located in the area. excited to for the event have already The Greater Fort Lauderdale been booked up, and Gray CVB put together a campaign be in a new said the event is already called, “Where Happy Meets venue in Fort exceeding expectations. Go Lucky,” which featured “I think it’s all about transgender models. And Lauderdale... respect, and we respect they even created a landing we looked at this market,” he said. page online for transgender “Our expectation is travelers. the property to better educate our “We’re the only tourist and were resident lesbian and gay board in the world that has community, but also even remotely addressed it impressed.” mainstream allies.” in a stellar way,” Gray said. As the first CVB to have “We’ve led the way on this - Lexi Dee a department dedicated platform. Fort Lauderdale President of the SCC to LGBT travelers, Greater is the epicenter of the LGBT Fort Lauderdale continues community in Florida.” to express commitment to Broward County-local Jazz Jennings, star of the “I Am Jazz” TLC series the LGBT community in every way possible, and transgender activist, will be signing Gray said.
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news local Photo: myspace.com.
Alex Adams
Annual WomenFest expected to draw thousands of ladies
ool parties, cruises, trolley tours and more await the thousands of women who are expected to flock to Key West this Labor Day Weekend for WomenFest – one of the largest gatherings of lesbians and friends in North America. This year’s 28th annual festival kicks off Sep. 10 with daily activities starting bright and early at 9 a.m. Guests can catch an early morning thrill at Ripley’s Believe It or Not museum located at 108 Duval St. Here guests can experience the history of the weird and bizarre for just $9.99 with an online ticket. If creepy and odd does not interest you, guests can take a stroll through the Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory located at 1316 Duval St. Here, guests can witness a variety of more than 50 butterfly species and more than 20 exotic birds from all around the world. Also open for patrons is the Key West Lighthouse located at 939 Whitehead St. As the sun sets on the first day of the festival, the nightlife is just picking up. Starting at 5 p.m. is the official kick-off party at popular night club Aqua located at 771 Duval St. Aqua nightclub will be open until 4 a.m. for guests to experience world famous drag shows, a performance by the club’s popular Aquanettes and a dance party that will keep guests entertained well into the first night of WomenFest. Guests will have plenty of time to recover from the night before heading over to the world famous Dante’s Inferno Pool Party that starts at noon. Located at 951 Caroline St. guests can enjoy a sweet cocktail while lounging by the pool or dancing in it. The day will continue with wine tastings at 5 p.m. at The Gardens Hotel located at 526 Angela St., An art gallery at 5:30 p.m.
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
located at 1011 Whitehead St. and the 2nd is Alexander’s Hip Hop Pool Party at annual King of WomenFest celebration at 801 Alexander’s Guesthouse which is located at Bourbon Bar located at 801 Duval St. at 9 P.M. 1118 Fleming Street. One of the more notable In between the wet events, events happening on the guests can take a sunset second day is the Sunset sail with the jazzy sounds Watersports concert at Sea of Jennifer Corday or catch thousands of with Sister Funk. From 5:30 a burlesque show at the women are p.m. to 8 p.m. attendees can Bourbon Street Pub. board a cruise ship and sail Don’t change out of your expected to out to the horizon where bathing suit just yet because they can watch the sunset guests are invited to a glow flock to Key as they are serenaded by the stick dance pool party. The West this five piece all girl group, Sister White Party with DJ Citizen Funk. Jane is a glow stick pool rave Labor Day The price of the cruise is that will have guests dancing $35, which includes a free until 4 a.m. Weekend for draft beer or wine. Guests The final day of WomenFest WomenFest can upgrade their package for is set up to be relaxing and $24 and receive dinner and leisurely. Wake up early – one of unlimited wine and draft beer Sunday morning and have an the largest along with access to the ships Old School Brunch at Point 5 tropical food buffet. located at 915 Duval St. and gatherings The third day of the event sip on a yummy mimosa. will find guests all over Key Enjoy gay bingo at the 801 of lesbians West. From house tours and Bourbon Bar or just enjoy the and friends gay trolley tours, WomenFest accommodations the many plans to have guests hotels have to offer their in North exploring all the best sights guests. and landmarks the island city Whether it is partying into America. has to offer. Head on down to the late night with friends Bayview Park at 11 a.m. and and lovers or just taking a guests can participate in the musical sunset sail into the Southernmost Tattoo Mustache Ride bicycle sea, WomenFest 2015 is sure to leave every parade. attendee happy and wanting to come back Be sure to grab a few cute bathing suits again. because back to back pool parties are what For hotel bookings, ticketing information guests can expect. The Bourbon Street Pub will be hosting a pool party from noon to 4 and more please visit WomenFest.com or call p.m. at 724 Duval St., immediately following 305-294-4603 soflagaynews //
Under construction and over 60% sold!
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8/3/15 1:31 PM
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News Briefs
Compiled by Jillian Melero
Australian Government Lawmaker Introduces Gay Marriage Bill lawmakers should be bound by the party line opposing gay marriage. "I certainly wouldn't have been introducing it if I didn't hope that I could have a vote on it," Entsch told reporters. Several lawmakers in Prime Minister Tony Abbott's Liberal Party have said they would defy the government's wishes by voting for gay marriage if such a vote is allowed. The push for gay marriage within government ranks is a leadership test for Abbott, a former Roman Catholic seminarian who has been described as Australia's most socially conservative prime minister in decades.
Photo: australianmarriageequality.org.
(AP) A maverick lawmaker broke from conservative government ranks on Monday to introduce legislation that would legalize gay marriage in Australia as a new opinion poll confirmed that most Australians support such a reform. Warren Entsch, a 65-year-old former crocodile farmer who has been dubbed a progressive redneck in the media, introduced a private member's bill that would allow same-sex marriage throughout Australia. Entsch has conceded that his bill has little chance of reaching a vote because the ruling coalition decided last week that government
Beach County “You’re HF’s South Beach Wellness ay Couples Sue Florida over Palm Welcome” Campaign Launches ACenter Moves One Block North GNames on Birth Certificates (PBCHRC) The Palm Beach County Human Rights Council formally launched its "Palm Beach County: You're Welcome" campaign in Palm Beach on Wednesday night. Dozens of LGBT people and their allies - including Palm Beach County Mayor Shelley Vana, West Palm Beach Mayor Jeri Muoio and Palm Beach County's Constitutional Tax Collector Anne Gannon - attended the celebration at Meat Market in Palm Beach. The event was produced by Altima Palm Beach, a local public relations firm that donated its services to PBCHRC. "Our 'Palm Beach County: You're Welcome!' campaign serves to encourage local municipalities to enact LGBTinclusive civil rights laws," said Rand Hoch, PBCHRC President and Founder. "These laws will educate local residents and business owners of their civil rights and responsibilities. Moreover, these laws will help attract more jobs and revenue to Palm Beach County." Last month, Facebook announced a $1 billion investment in a data center in Fort Worth, Texas. The project is expected to generate $21 million in taxes for the city over the next 10 years. Before committing to Fort Worth, Facebook reviewed the civil rights ordinances of all of the potential locations for the data center specifically to see if there were LGBTinclusive civil rights ordinances. Fort Worth’s civil rights ordinance had been on the books for 15 years. "In making relocation and expansion decisions, more and more businesses are investigating how municipalities protect their LGBT residents," said Hoch. The Human Rights Council is a local nonprofit organization which is dedicated to ending discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. Since 1988, the organization has worked with local public officials to enact more than 90 laws and policies which provide equal rights and benefits for the LGBT community.
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
(AHF) Effective Monday August 17th, the AHF Wellness Center – South Beach operated by AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) in Miami Beach is relocating one block North from its previous Alton Road address at the AHF Out of the Closet Thrift Store to a new site at 1613 Alton Road (at 16th Street), Miami Beach FL 33139. The Wellness Center is moving to a site housing an AHF Pharmacy and the AHF Healthcare Center after the Out of the Closet closed operations August 9th. Hours at the new AHF Wellness Center location, which offers free HIV and STD testing and treatment, will remain the same: Mondays AND Thursdays, 4:00pm to 7:00pm. AHF Wellness Centers provide access to the community for confidential and free testing for HIV and STDs including Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. The clinic also offers free treatment for STDs.
AHF WELLNESS CENTER – SOUTH BEACH 1613 Alton Road, Miami Beach, FL 33139
(inside the AHF Pharmacy and WPA Health Care Center)
HOURS: Monday AND Thursday, 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
AHF operates Wellness Centers in California, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, New York, Ohio, Texas and Washington, DC as well as in Mexico City. Additional location information can be found at www.freeSTDcheck.org. AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) is the largest nonprofit HIV/AIDS healthcare provider in the USA. AHF currently provides medical care and/or services to over 451,000 individuals in 36 countries worldwide in the US, Africa, Latin America/Caribbean, Eastern Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit www.aidshealth.org, find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/aidshealth.
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(AP) The first couple issued a same-sex marriage license in Florida is suing the state, saying that its Bureau of Vital Statistics still won't allow hospitals to list both same-sex parents on birth certificates. Cathy Pareto and Karla Arguello filed the lawsuit Thursday in federal court in Tallahassee. Pareto and Arguello recently had twins. Two other married, same-sex couples also are part of the lawsuit. The gay-rights group Equality Florida says the lawsuit challenges Florida's refusal to issue accurate birth certificates listing both spouses as parents of their children. The state Department of Health says it does not generally comment on pending litigation. Florida's ban on same-sex marriage ended Jan. 6.
doption Ban on Same Sex Couples Challenged in Miss.
SFGN) Civil rights lawyers filed a federal lawsuit challenging a Mississippi law that forbids adoptions by same-sex couples. The lawsuit was filed by the Campaign for Southern Equality, the Family Equality Council and four Mississippi same-sex couples, according to a report in the New York Times. (http://nyti.ms/1IYAv67) Janet Smith, one of the plaintiffs, is trying to adopt the 8-year-old daughter Hanna, which she raises with her partner Donna Phillips. “We’ve had no problem, but I am in the military, so I could be called or activated at any time, and we are concerned about the legal aspects for Jan if something happened,” said Ms. Phillips, who is a captain in the Mississippi Air National Guard.
News Briefs
S, Chile Put Spotlight on Extremist Attacks on LGBT People
The United States and Chile are putting the spotlight on "the barbaric treatment" of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people by the Islamic State extremist group. U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power and Chile's U.N. Ambassador Cristian Barros Melet have invited members of the U.N. Security Council to an open meeting on Aug. 24 to hear from an Iraqi and a Syrian who have been targeted by the militant group for being gay, the head of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission and others. "This will be a historic meeting," Power told reporters. "It'll be the first Security Council meeting on LGBT rights." In a note to council members obtained Thursday by The Associated Press, the two ambassadors said the objective of the meeting is to hear first-hand details of attacks against LGBT people and the threat the Islamic State extremist group poses to international peace and security "through its targeting of groups
most susceptible to attack." Power said the meeting will be open to all 193 U.N. member states because there is significant interest in the Islamic State group's brutality and "in ensuring that LGBT people are not targeted on the basis of their sexual orientation." President Barack Obama has strongly supported LGBT rights and the decision to highlight the militant group's attacks follows the June 27 U.S. Supreme Court ruling legalizing same sex marriages in all 50 states. Chile's President Michelle Bachelet declared in April 2013 that she supports same-sex marriage and would seek to legalize it though that hasn't happened yet. According to a report in June by the U.N. human rights chief, at least 76 countries retain laws used to criminalize and harass people on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, including laws criminalizing consensual same-sex relationships among adults.
BJC Honors the Life and Legacy of Julian Bond
Photo by Eduardo Montes-Bradley.
(NBJC) The National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) joins the nation in honoring the life and legacy of Julian Bond (1940-2015). A son of the South, Bond dedicated his entire life advocating for freedom and justice for all. “The NBJC family is deeply saddened by the passing of Julian Bond, who will be remembered as one of the fiercest fighters for justice and equality that the world has ever seen. Coming of age as an influential leader in the Civil Rights Movement, his early and vocal support for LGBT rights has been a source of hope and inspiration to so many—especially to those within the Black LGBT community,” said Sharon LettmanHicks, NBJC Executive Director & CEO. “I am a better activist and champion of civil rights because I was blessed to have known Julian Bond and saw him as my role model in being a frontline social justice warrior for
racial justice and LGBT equality. The world has lost a hero, but we have gained a true example of how one life can make the world a more welcoming and inclusive place for all people. We must never forget what he stood for and build upon his legacy as we continue the fight for justice.” NBJC honors the life of Julian Bond, a vocal and relentless advocate for the advancement of all people—especially those of marginalized and disenfranchised communities. We remember and take heed to his inspiring words: “The humanity of all Americans is diminished when any group is denied rights granted to others.” The National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) is a national civil rights organization dedicated to the empowerment of Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. NBJC's mission is to end racism and homophobia. soflagaynews //
SouthFloridaGayNews // SFGN.com // 8.19.2015 //
News Briefs Continued
Compiled by Jillian Melero
Over 60 Same-Sex Couples Married at Puerto Rico Wedding marriage recognized in Puerto Rico prior to the Supreme Court decision, said Sunday's ceremony was a "celebration of the triumph of love." Most of the couples were Puerto Ricans, but others from the Dominican Republic, Cuba and Venezuela also participated in the event. Puerto Rico until recently prohibited same-sex marriage and the recognition of such marriages, but the government struck down those laws after the Supreme Court decision. Officials also now allow gay couples to adopt children. In recent days, Gov. Alejandro Garcia Padilla also signed two executive orders that allow transgender and transsexual people to change their gender on their driver's license and protect their rights when seeking medical services.
Help Seeks Memorabilia for Sam AIDS 30th Anniversary Book Michael Alouettes (EDGE) It started with a handful of very worried people on a back porch, convening with their own money and precious few other resources. They just wanted to help some gravely ill people in their community live to see another day. Now, almost three decades later, AIDS Help, the only community-based HIV/AIDS service organization in Monroe County, is compiling a 30th anniversary publication about how that little Agency on a little island took on the darkness of HIV and AIDS. And, like then, they're looking for a few locals to help shed some light. From those early days, the goal was always the same; to help people survive, which turned into enabling people to thrive. Now, a full-length compilation of written, oral and pictorial history of the Agency and its role in the community is the personal goal of Dr. Michael Hayes, Behavioral Health Therapist with AIDS Help, to guide the narrative toward Spring 2016 publication. "Over the past 29 years the Agency has served nearly 3,000 individuals," Hayes notes, "and this warrants recognition and preservation. From the early fundraisers, the neighbor who brought the casserole, the complicated navigation through the healthcare system, the infected and the affected; their names are the names of heroism." "We're in need of photographs and archival materials. Clippings, diaries, notes, anything from 1985 forward that may be yellowing in a box could be very important to us in fleshing out our story," Hayes said. "Anything contributed will be returned." Anyone with any material or willing to share a recollection is urged to contact Dr. Hayes at 305-296-6196, or e-mail him at Michael.h@aidshelp.cc.
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
Photo: Marcos Billy, Twitter.
(AP) Over 60 couples from around the region gathered in San Juan, Puerto Rico's capital, Sunday to exchange vows at a same-sex marriage ceremony while a crowd of supporters snapped photos and cheered. The mass ceremony at a promenade in San Juan's colonial district took the same-sex couples through the traditional marriage vows and exchange of rings. The event follows the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision in late June requiring every state to recognize same-sex marriages. The U.S. Island’s governor signed an executive order soon after that ruling to comply. Organizer Ada Conde, an attorney who filed a federal lawsuit seeking to have her same-sex
(AP) Michael Sam is stepping away from pro football. Sam, the first openly gay player drafted by the NFL, has told the Canadian Football League's Montreal Alouettes that he is leaving the team. "The last 12 months have been very difficult for me, to the point where I became concerned with my mental health," Sam tweeted Friday. "Because of this I am going to step away from the game at this time." The Alouettes confirmed in a release that Sam has left the club for "personal reasons" and that he has been added to the team's suspended list. He did not play in Montreal's home loss to Edmonton on Thursday night, with the team citing a sore back. He made his CFL debut the previous week. The 25-year-old defensive end, the 2013 Southeastern Conference defensive player of the year at Missouri, failed to record a tackle in Montreal's loss to Ottawa. Sam agreed to a two-year deal with the Alouettes this summer. He left training camp June 12, citing personal reasons, and sat out the team's first five games. Sam was selected in the seventh round of the 2014 NFL draft by the Rams, did not make the team, and spent some time on the Cowboys' practice squad before being released.
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Fargo and NGLCC Award Wells $50,000 to LGBT Chambers
(NGLCC) The National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce awarded 11 grants to local affiliate LGBT chambers of commerce on Thursday, August 13 at the 2015 International Business & Leadership Conference in Fort Lauderdale. Funded by the Wells Fargo Foundation, these grants are targeted towards programs that foster the development, growth, and sustainability of certified LGBT businesses enterprises (LGBTBEs®). NGLCC affiliate chambers applied for available grants in funding levels from $2,500 – $10,000 to expand capacity and technical assistance of an existing program benefitting LGBTBEs. Applications were judged based on overall chamber strength, growth in members and community presence, engagement with NGLCC and the LGBT Supplier Diversity Initiative, strength of the program and outlined goals and metrics. NGLCC awarded 11 grants to the following NGLCC Affiliate Chambers for their innovative programming:
Austin Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Central Pennsylvania Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Golden Gate Business Association Greater San Diego Business Association Greater Seattle Business Association Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Nashville LGBT Chamber of Commerce North Texas GLBT Chamber of Commerce Quorum Rainbow Chamber of Commerce Silicon Valley Wisconsin LGBT Chamber of Commerce
News Briefs
ilitary says it is committed to Fairness in Manning Case
(AP) The U.S. military said Thursday that it is committed to "a fair and equitable process" in the case of national security leaker Chelsea Manning and other prisoners accused of breaking rules at the military prison at Fort Leavenworth. The response comes a day after Manning's lawyer disclosed that the transgender Army private faces charges at an Aug. 18 hearing for allegedly having a copy of Vanity Fair with Caitlyn Jenner on the cover and an expired tube of toothpaste, among other things. The maximum penalty is indefinite solitary confinement. The former intelligence analyst, formerly known as Bradley Manning, was convicted in 2013 of espionage and other offenses for sending more than 700,000 classified documents to WikiLeaks while working in Iraq. She is serving a 35-year sentence for leaking reams of war logs, diplomatic cables and battlefield video to the anti-secrecy website in 2010. In a statement issued Thursday, Army spokeswoman Tatjana Christian says Manning's case is pending before a disciplinary board, which is "a common practice in correctional systems to hold prisoners accountable to facility rules." The military released no details of the alleged conduct that led to the disciplinary report against Manning. Manning's attorney, Nancy Hollander, said the prison charges include possession of prohibited property in the form of books and magazines while under administrative segregation; medicine misuse over the toothpaste; disorderly conduct for sweeping food onto the floor; and disrespect. All of the accusations relate to conduct on July 2 and 9. Some military legal experts familiar with the facility expressed skepticism that Manning will actually be punished with indefinite solitary confinement.
lorida Reps File for Statewide LGBT Nondiscrimination Protections
(SFGN) Florida Legislators have refiled the Florida Competitive Workforce Act to update the state’s antidiscrimination laws to include sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression according to a report from HotSpots! magazine. “Despite polls that show a large majority of Floridians support the idea and even think it's already the law, supporters of the measure have been unable to get a hearing in the Legislature since it was first introduced nine years ago. But support has been growing, particularly from the business community, which has rallied behind the measure. Business leaders say a statewide law would end the patchwork of local protections and bolster the state's economy,� the report says. The Competitive Workforce Act was refiled by State Rep. Holly Raschein (R-Key Largo) and State Sen. Joe Abruzzo (D-Boynton Beach). "In order to remain economically competitive in a global marketplace, Florida must provide an environment that is welcoming to all. Recruiting and retaining talent regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity will only serve to enhance our reputation and augment our economic viability," Sen. Abruzzo said. "It's good for business. It's good for recruiting the best and the brightest to Florida. We want to make sure Florida is as friendly as possible to all people, while bolstering a competitive advantage in today's evolving marketplace," said Rep. Raschein. Florida Businesses for a Competitive Workforce is a coalition of 34 large employers, including Fortune 500 companies, and more than 400 local businesses that support the measure.
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SouthFloridaGayNews // SFGN.com // 8.19.2015 //
news bites
Compiled by Jillian Melero
(SFGN) Last Tuesday’s mayoral primary in Utah was led by out lesbian candidate Jackie Biskupski, according to according to the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund. (http://bit. ly/1Mu2nnn) Biskupski, a former state legislator received 46 percent of the vote compared to incumbent Mayor Ralph Becker at 31 percent, a promising outcome for Biskupski leading up to the general election in November. "I'm excited for sure," Biskupski told the Salt Lake Tribune. "All that hard work paid off." In addition to Biskupski, other LGBT candidates running in Utah include openly gay Derek Kitchen for Salt Lake City Council, and Sophie Hawes-Tingey, Utah’s first openly transgender candidate, running for an election seat on the Midvale City Council. "We're excited about these results," said Aisha Moodie-Mills, president and CEO of the Victory Fund. "Electing LGBT candidates is so important to changing politics and giving hope to folks in places like Utah, where it's still hard to be out and honest about who you love or how you identify.
(AP) Milwaukee Brewers minor leaguer David Denson has become the first openly gay player on a team affiliated with Major League Baseball. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel said Denson, with the help of former major leaguer Billy Bean, reached out to the newspaper to tell his story. The 20-year-old first baseman plays for the Helena Brewers in the rookie Pioneer League. Bean, Major League Baseball's first Ambassador for Inclusion, revealed he is gay after his playing career. "Talking with my teammates, they gave me the confidence I needed, coming out to them," Denson told the newspaper. "They said, "You're still our teammate. You're still our brother. We kind of had an idea, but your sexuality has nothing to do with your ability. You're still a ballplayer at the end of the day. We don't treat you any different. We've got your back.' "That was a giant relief for me. I never wanted to feel like I was forcing it on them. It just happened. The outcome was amazing. It was nice to know my teammates see me for who I am, not my sexuality."
Denson was selected by the Brewers in the 15th round in 2013 after playing for South Hills High School in West Covina, California. He spent last season with the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers in the Class A Midwest League, hitting .243 with four homers and 29 RBIs in 68 games. He started this season with Wisconsin, hitting .195 with one homer and eight RBIs in 24 games before being sent to Helena. In 42 games with the Montana team, he's hitting .245 with four homers and 18 RBIs. "It's a lot to take in right now," Denson told the Idaho Falls Post-Register. "I'm a ball player first. That's what I'm focusing on."
Photos: Facebook.
That's why over the next 83 days we're going to work hard to make sure these candidates have the support they need to win." "I don't think people were voting for me because I'm openly gay," Biskupski said on KSL.com (http://bit.ly/1DYvOga) "Salt Lake City is voting for candidates based on merit and not some factor of who they are. We live in a very progressive community, and people are much further along in accepting everyone for who they are. We find value in diversity in our city."
(SFGN) According to social dating site, Her, there has been a nearly 20 percent drop in women on the site identifying as Lesbian over the last year, reports the Independent. (http://ind.pn/1Ne5Bgd) Among 85,000 women surveyed, 27 percent identified as bisexual, up from 16 and 9 percent chose “no label” up from 1 percent. The site’s main age range is from 1840, and covers the UK, the U.S. and Canada. Robyn Exton is the founder of Her, and ran the survey. Exton believes that visible bisexuals, or even “no label” representation in the media has helped women become more open or fluid with their own sexual orientation. “The visibility of queer women until the last year or so was so limited, it was Ellen [DeGeneres] and Clare Balding,” said Exton. “Now you’ve got Cara Delevingne, who’s in her second relationship with a woman, saying ‘I like who I like.’ You couldn’t have a more prominent celebrity,” Exton told the Independent. “It’s not about women exploring their sexuality, I think it’s about them understanding their sexuality better,” said
(SFGN) Governor of Puerto Rico, Alejandro Garcia Padilla, issued executive orders extending the rights on transgender people in the U.S. Commonwealth on Monday, the Washington Blade reports. (http://bit.ly/1Mm25Pn) One order specifically prohibits hospitals from discriminating against potential patients based on their gender identity when they seek treatment in an emergency room. The second order allows trans Puerto Ricans to change the gender on their driver’s license. “García in 2013 signed two bills into law that ban anti-LGBT discrimination in Puerto Rico and added sexual orientation and gender identity to the island’s domestic violence laws. The governor earlier this year announced his administration would no longer defend the U.S. commonwealth’s ban on the recognition of same-sex marriages and those in which one person is trans,” the Blade reports. Pedro Julio Serrano, founder of Puerto Rico Para Tod@s, a Puerto Rican LGBT advocacy group, praised García.
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
Exton. “It’s less, am I gay, am I not gay, and more confident that it just doesn’t matter, it’s the person you like.” “There’s as much a perception change in the gay community as in the mainstream,” Exton said. “A while ago, a lot of lesbian women wouldn’t date bisexual women. Gay women are also accepting women more for who they like.”
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“I congratulate the governor for doing the right thing,” Serrano said. “Transgender and transsexual people deserve all rights. This is a great step that recognizes their dignity and begins to eradicate the institutional barriers that prevent them from having the same opportunities that the rest of the population (of Puerto Rico) takes for granted.” Rhode Island Congressman David Cicilline and U.S. Sens. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.) introduced the Equality Act last month, if passed, the bill would add sexual orientation and gender identity to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Fair Housing Act.
news health
Sean McShee
BLACK GAY/BI MEN AND HIV 32 percent HIV positive and increasing
arlier this month about 60 people attended the Black Gay and Bisexual Men’s Town Hall Meeting at the Pride Center. Speakers discussed HIV infection among Black Gay Bisexual Men (BGBM). Greg Millet, Director, Public Policy of amfAR, estimated that about 32 percent of all BGBM are living with HIV infection. That percent is increasing. After the presentations, the large group broke into smaller groups to develop action plans to improve BGBM outcomes. The Black AIDS Institute will write up these action plans, and post them on their website for comment. Several speakers spoke about the fatalism and despair common among BGBM. Lorenzo Lowe, HIV Prevention Coordinator, reported
that one client had told him “I’m predisposed to becoming HIV positive, and I’m OK with that.” Jon March, HIV Case Manager, reported that his “experiences as a young Black Gay Male were so shaming” that “he felt he was not worthy” and “his life did not matter.” In his HIV prevention work, a client told him “Why should it matter if I test HIV positive? No one cares about me now.” Christopher Gadson, of Brotherspeak, and several others reported that BGBM need to find role models and more people similar to them working in HIV prevention and treatment. For gay and bi men of all races, visibility “rules.” Leisha McKinley charged that two Black specific roles in the Health Department had disappeared: the statewide Black MSM HIV Advisory Group and the statewide Black MSM HIV Coordinator. The Florida Department of Health did not respond to requests for comment by press time. Dr. William Jeffries, Division of HIV/ AIDS Prevention, spoke about High Impact Prevention (HIP), describing its defining features. HIP
programs have been scientifically proven to work, are costeffective, and can be tailored to the size of the target population. Jeffries also reported that in 2013, 8,018 Gay and Bisexual males between the ages of 13 and 24 received HIV positive test results for the first time. Black Gay Bi males comprised 4,650 (58 percent) of that number. Gregory Millet, amfAR, reported that between 2001 and 2011, all groups, except for gay and bi men, showed a decline in the number of people receiving their first HIV positive test results (HIV diagnoses). Those numbers for gay and bi men remained constant, but racial differences existed among gay and bi men. BGBM were 3 times more likely to become infected than White gay and bi men, and 22 times more likely to become HIV infected than Black heterosexuals. While BGBM comprise 0.2 percent of the U.S. population, they comprise 23 percent of all people receiving their first HIV positive test results. BGBM have a 60 percent chance of becoming HIV infected by age 40. Millet discussed how unemployment, poor health care, marginalization, incarceration,
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poverty, and lack of education drive HIV infections among all Black people. Millet also reported how changes in attitudes towards homosexuality differed by race. In 1970, about 70 percent of both Whites and Blacks agreed with the statement “homosexuality is always wrong.” By 2008, among whites the percent agreeing had dropped to around 50 percent, but among Blacks, hardly any change had occurred in those 38 years. Even BGBM were twice as likely to agree with that statement, than white gay and bi men were. At the end of the town hall, Phil Wilson of the Black AIDS Institute said, “If we only pay attention to police shootings, we are not saying that Black lives matter. We’re saying that only Black deaths matter.” For more information, please visit http:// www.amfar.org/
SouthFloridaGayNews // SFGN.com // 8.19.2015 //
politics out on the trail
Photo: Twitter.
Photo: Facebook.
Michael R. Howson posing with Tamara Tillman at the Diplomat Resort & Spa in Hollywood, Florida.
right: Congresswoman Ileana Lehtinen has embraced her son Rodrigo's transition.
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// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
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roward County Democrats are afternoon, Rothaus said he had been hearing fighting amongst themselves over the chatter that Amanda was transitioning. The transition talk began a few years back, but it sudden firing of Michael R. Howson, wasn’t until a “Rodrigo Lehtinen” appeared office director of the Broward Democratic in a directory listing Party. employees of the National As reported by Gay & Lesbian Task Force BrowardBeat.com, Howson Rothaus, that it became apparent to was removed from the paid Rothaus the rumors could be position by new Democratic a Herald true. boss Cynthia Busch. SFGN journalist since Seeing the name, Rothaus has reached out to Howson 1985, said he then called Amanda who for comment and will be admitted to the transition monitoring the situation. followed the and agreed to talk, only to Meanwhile, Miami Herald transition of back out a half hour later, editor Steve Rothaus took saying the family was not a stand for journalism at Rodrigo Lehtinen, ready. last week’s National Gay son of U.S. & Lesbian Chamber of Rothaus, however, Congresswoman Commerce International continued to press for details. Business and Leadership “I’m doing the story,” Ileana Lehtinen Conference. Rothaus, a Rothaus said. “You are (R-Miami). Herald journalist since working for the Task Force.” 1985, said he followed Congresswoman Lehtinen the transition of Rodrigo is one of the few Republicans Lehtinen, son of U.S. Congresswoman Ileana in Congress to voice support for LGBT rights. Lehtinen (R-Miami). Initially, the family was Her family’s story, Rothaus said, is unique. opposed to any reporting of the transition of “First you have to have the conversation Amanda to Rodrigo. and don’t pre-judge the people you are going Speaking on a panel discussion Thursday to have the talk with,” Rothaus said.
special report wellness conference
bout 200 people attended the Men’s Minority stress results from stigma, Health and Wellness Conference, discrimination, harassment, and held from July 18 to July 19, 2015. internalized self-hate. While minority stress One presenter, Richard Mayora, commented affects all minorities, many minorities rely that he had never attended a more diverse on family support to buffer some minority conference of gay/bi men. While the stress. For LGBT people, however, family conference did appear racially diverse, a hostility may replace family support. conference, based on a binary Suicide constitutes a major concept of gender (men), mental health problem for may fail to accommodate men. Men kill themselves Suicide transgender people and about four times as often constitutes issues. Still, most people as women do. Guns, men’s a major would consider achieving preferred method for suicide, racial diversity as a major drive this higher suicide rate. mental health step towards full diversity. An active sex life forms problem for This article summarizes the one part of a life, but a sex mental health and substance addiction takes over that men. Men kill abuse issues presented at the life. According to Mayora, themselves conference. “sex addicts tend to organize Men access medical or their world around sex, in about four psychological care less often the same way that cocaine times as often than women do. When men addicts organize theirs do, they enter the medical around cocaine.” as women do. or psychological care Resources do exist. systems with more advanced Hospital emergency rooms diseases, or more acute mental health can deal with an acute mental health crisis. problems. And some men wait too long. Broward County has several hot lines: The They enter the morgue or jail instead. Seth Line (954-578-5640), the suicide hot Richard Mayora (LCSW) reported on line (1-800-273-8255), 211 Broward (211 and mental health issues. He discussed minority 954-537-0211), and Henderson mobile crisis stress, suicide, the differences between and walk in (954-463-0911). Only some of an active sex life and sex addiction, and these lines have a counselor available 24/7. emergency resources available. Sargent Ozzy Tianga (Broward Sheriff’s
Office) reported on synthetic drugs. According to Tianga, as soon as the government criminalizes one drug, chemists start producing a new synthetic drug to take its place. The new drug will differ enough to be legal. While they may be legal, they can pose more danger that the criminalized drugs do. Chemists design some of the new synthetic drugs to resemble marijuana (K2, Spice). They design others to resemble amphetamines, methamphetamine, and ecstasy (Flakka, Molly). Flakka and Molly can produce paranoia, as well as bizarre aggressive behavior. Doug Nelson reported on substance abuse. According to Nelson, addiction does not depend on how much or how often someone takes a drug. It depends on the consequences of that drug use. Drug dependence develops in stages. In Stage I, people experiment. In Stage II, people structure their substance use (“only on
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weekends”). In Stage III, tolerance for the drug increases. People lose control of the Stage II structures, and the drug preoccupies the person. Personality changes may occur. In Stage IV, physical health declines and one’s life begins to fall apart. People with mental health issues frequently “self-medicate” those issues with psychoactive substances. These substances can aggravate those underlying issues. Addictions and acute mental health problems occur, when either the drug use or the mental health condition interferes with life’s goals and responsibilities.
SouthFloridaGayNews // SFGN.com // 8.19.2015 //
special report wellness conference
he Men’s Health and Wellness Conference of 2015 offered a session named “Testosterone, Hormones, and Erectile Dysfunction.” While most people can name treatments for this problem, no one should base medical decisions on advertising. Instead, people should talk with medical providers, and search out multiple sources of information. Below is a summary of that presentation by Clinical Sexologist, Lawrence Siegel, except where noted otherwise. Siegel criticized testosterone therapy as the default treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) or male aging issues. While hormones drive animal sexual behavior, for humans cultural and psychosocial factors have greater importance. Increasing the testosterone levels in a “normal” male fails to improve sexual response. Lifestyle changes
(diet and exercise) have better results than More importantly, ED may be an early testosterone therapy. sign of serious conditions, Testosterone therapy such as cardio-vascular would benefit men with disease. Those same arterial Contrary low testosterone and any of blockages that restrict blood these four other conditions: flow to the penis could also to popular HIV infection and weight restrict blood flow to the belief, men loss, taking high dose heart. glucocorticoids, clinical ED differs from male produce both symptoms of testosterone hormone deficiency. The testosterone deficiency, and men with symptoms of male hormone low sexual drive. Siegel deficiency include the and estrogen, would only recommend following: decreased sexual but men testosterone therapy for men desire and activity, fewer with low testosterone and ED, spontaneous erections, produce more after he had ruled out other breast/pectoral discomfort, testosterone causes of ED and considered decreased body hair, other treatments. decreased testes size, than estrogen. Prescription, over-thedecreased sperm counts, counter, and criminalized decreased height, bone mass, drugs can contribute to erectile dysfunction. muscle bulk, or strength, and hot flashes.
Smoking (Tobacco Addiction) Diabetes Cardiovascular Disease Methamphetamine Addiction ("Crystal Dick") Alcohol Addiction Obesity
Anti-depressants Anti-Anxiety drugs Stimulants Anti-psychotics Opiate Analgesics
Anti-histamines Decongestants Energy Drinks
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
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Siegel gave a brief primer on male sexual hormones. Five hormones contribute to sexual response: Testosterone, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), oxytocin, PEA (phenethylamine), LH (luteinizing hormone), and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). Contrary to popular belief, men produce both testosterone and estrogen, but men produce more testosterone than estrogen. As the body processes cholesterol, the body transforms some of it into DHEA. Among males, DHEA production peaks at age 25 and then begins to decline. The pituitary gland produces FSH and LH, which helps to produce sperm and testosterone from DHEA. The testes transform DHEA into testosterone, which maintains muscle bulk, well-being, and sexual functioning. More testosterone exists in bound form than as bio-available “free”-testosterone. During erotic touch, the pituitary gland secretes oxytocin, creating a sense of attachment. With molecular similarities to amphetamines and psychedelics, PEA creates euphoria and increases empathy. Seigel warned against ordering drugs online. When people order online, no one can monitor for potential drug interactions. Brick and mortar pharmacies have the responsibility to monitor prescriptions for possible drug interactions. This has particular importance for people taking many prescription drugs.
special report wellness conference
A report from the Men’s Health and Wellness Conference
ome subtypes of Human Papilloma related cancers include the following: HPV Virus (HPV) cause genital cancers on (anal cancer), Epstein-Barr (Hodgkin’s both sides of the viral divide. With a Lymphoma), Hepatitis C (liver cancer), and weakened immune system, the HIV infected Human Herpesvirus 8 (Kaposi’s sarcoma). have much higher risk for developing genital According to the CDC, people transmit cancers. HPV more often than any other STD. HPV Dr. Elie Schochet (Colorectal and General has many subtypes, some of which cause Surgeon, and the “Happy Heine” talks) genital warts. Others cause cancers of the spoke about cancer at the Men’s Health and anus, cervix, penis, vagina, and throat. The Wellness Conference of 2015. Except for the subtype that causes genital warts differs references to information from the CDC and from those that cause cancer. The Gardasil the American Cancer Society, the following vaccine protects against the cancer-causing roughly summarizes what Dr. Schochet said. subtypes. As too many people already The cancer-surveillance have HPV, the CDC does system of a healthy not consider this vaccine immune system protects effective for most adults. The As HIV against cancer. When that CDC only recommends the surveillance system identifies vaccine for gay bi men up to infection has a cancerous cell, a healthy age 26. come more immune system will clear or According to the suppress the cancer. American Cancer Society, under control, Even with anti-retroviral researchers have divided the threat treatment, an immune cancer into four stages based system infected with HIV on disease progression. In to health of does not function as a Stage I Cancer, the cancer is other STDs, healthy immune system. It isolated. In Stage IV Cancer, displays a chronic activation the cancer has spread like syphilis and inflammation that throughout the body. and HPV, has weakens it. As people age, Dr. Schochet reported their immune system begins that most initial diagnoses increased. to decline, which further of anal cancer occur at Stage weakens that system. This III. In order to improve natural decline of an HIV-weakened immune life expectancy, more diagnoses have system leaves people living with HIV at risk to occur at earlier stages. This requires for cancers. earlier screening (anal pap smears) for HPV Hormonal-related cancers (breast and infection. Schochet recommended that prostate) occur less often among the HIV people living with HIV should have regular infected than among the HIV uninfected. anal pap smears and colonoscopies earlier In contrast, viral-related cancers occur than the HIV uninfected. Schochet also more often among the HIV infected. Viral recommended that all people living with
HIV have the Gardasil vaccination upon HIV diagnosis. Schochet recommended regular anal pap smears for gay bi men without HIV infection, as people on that side of the viral divide also develop anal cancer. According to the CDC, HPV causes about 27,000 new cases of cancer per year in the U.S. (see chart). The CDC, however, failed to break this data down into useful information for the LGBT communities. This data hides transgender people. Almost all the anal cancers among males occur among gay bi or other men who have sex with men. This data shows that many more men than women
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develop throat cancer from HPV infection. This data reflect the entire population, not the LGBT population. No evidence currently exists that gay bi men comprise a large number of the men with throat cancer. While no consensus yet exists, some researchers have argued that vaginal fluids may be a more efficient oral transmitter of HPV than semen. As HIV infection has come more under control, the threat to health of other STDs, like syphilis and HPV, has increased. The LGBT communities need to become more aware of these other STDs.
SouthFloridaGayNews // SFGN.com // 8.19.2015 //
special report wellness conference
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// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
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problems police face with synthetic drugs. While people should discuss police brutality, particularly towards African-American males, the presentation took too long. No time remained for questions. When a presenter brings up controversial issues, it becomes even more important to have time for questions. The conference lacked any presentations on transmen or male physiological issues for transwomen. Despite these three problems, I look forward to attending the conference next year.
Call Today 954-731-4321 To Make Your Plan. soflagaynews //
Photo by Steven Shires.
Under $35 per mon for Dire th ct Cremati on*
s this was the first such conference in Florida, one would expect problems to occur. Some problems did occur, but not enough to mar the conference. A few presenters used their presentations for self-promotion, but none mentioned in these articles did so. Commercials do not belong in conferences. The discussion of synthetic drugs veered into a defense of police practices. The presenter implied that perceived police brutality arose from a failure to understand the
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SouthFloridaGayNews // SFGN.com // 8.19.2015 //
news local
ast week the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce’s International Business and Leadership Conference took place at the Fort Lauderdale Marriott Harbor Beach Resort and Spa. More than 800 people attended the sold out conference. One of the highlights included financial guru Suze Orman speaking. “To walk that road and get to where you want to be you cannot be afraid of who you are,” Orman told the audience. “It is better to lose that contract than to lose yourself.” Orman worked as a waitress in California and later experienced hardship while working at Merrill Lynch, an investment bank. A New York Times best-selling author and cable television host, Orman is now a success story. The conference was a large collection of well-known corporations. Some of the brands sponsoring sessions last week included American Airlines, Facebook, Pfizer, CVS Health, United Airlines, New York Life, Toyota, Kellogg’s, Humana, Shell, Wells Fargo and the list goes on and on. Another highlight was CNN
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
correspondent Richard Quest sharing his coming out story. “Coming out is a process,” Quest told the audience during an afternoon plenary at the conference. On his “Quest Means Business” program, the 53-year-old newsman told viewers he does his best work “because I can be open about being gay.” Reaction to his announcement did include the usual hate-filled “cranks” as Quest refers to them, some who said he should have been “aborted before birth.” Despite those comments, Quest has endured and put together a successful broadcasting career with expertise in Wall Street maneuvers and aviation affairs. “Coming out is a process and we are all involved in that process in some shape or form,” Quest said. The tall Brit, who has interviewed world leaders, royals and billionaire playboys, quickly pivoted from his story to challenging conference attendees to look beyond their boundaries. “I want to make you feel a little uneasy,” Quest said. “Take the enormous power that soflagaynews //
you have and start raising your eyes from 70 percent of which, Bruce said is straight. the floor to the horizon at countries beyond “What surprised me was the media was your own borders.” very, very friendly,” Bruce said. “Even the The conference took on a decidedly people that were against it, they looked at international feel on Thursday as NGLCC me with more respect. ‘They said this guy President Justin Nelson had the balls to do this.’” welcomed representatives Recently the issue of from the U.S., Canada, same-sex civil unions was “To walk that Mexico, Colombia, Argentina put to a vote in Lima, Peru’s and Peru. The nationals capital. The proposal, road and get to exchanged gifts before a Bruce, said was defeated, where you want but the movement lives on. lunch plenary focusing on global equality across “We voted and we lost,” to be you cannot borders and economic Bruce said. “But it is a loss be afraid of development. that you win because we “There is a movement out started the fight. It was an who you are.” there among LGBT people in issue we put on top of the developing nations,” Nelson agenda.” - Suze Orman said. “It is important to find Elsewhere, Tomboyx Best-selling similarities and establish won the LGBT Biz Pitch author, opportunities.” competition at the close of television Host Joining Nelson on the the conference on Friday. lunch panel was Carlos Bruce, Tomboyx is a lifestyle brand an openly gay congressman that creates, curates and from the South American country of Peru. cultivates clothing and accessories. For Bruce said he came out as a gay man a year more information, visit www.Tomboyx. and half ago against the wishes of his staff, com.
news national Photo: myspace.com.
Shade Schuler.
Brings total to 18 this year
Nicole Wiesenthal
hade Schuler. Ashton O’Hara. Elisha people of color rise to 12 this year in the U.S. Walker. The Anti-Violence Programs released a Those are the names of three more report in March detailing the various LGBTQ transgender people that have been murdered homicides so far in 2015 and urged the media in the U.S. in the last year. That brings the to “respectfully and accurately identify total of trans murders to 18 this year, which is victims of violence with names and pronouns more than all of 2014 when 11 were murdered in line with their current gender identity.” in the U.S. An important tool in It took two weeks of an creating that change to investigation before police the story, he said, and in identified Schuler, a 22-yearchanging the visibility and That brings the old woman found dead awareness of trans people is last month in Dallas as a social media and the media in total of trans transwoman. general. murders to O’Hara, a trans man of “Folks in the trans color and Michigan native, community are really using 18 this year, was found brutally murdered social media to increase in the same Detroit park awareness around trans which is more where Amber Monroe, a trans issues,” he said. “Media than all of woman of color, was recently recognition of trans folks murdered. Their killings were like Laverne Cox and Caitlyn 2014 when 11 less than a week a part. Jenner go a long way for Walker went missing last increasing visibility and were murdered fall. Her remains were found representation of trans folks.” in the U.S. in North Carolina this month The National Center for and a suspect has been Transgender Equality created charged in her death. the Stop Trans Murders After Dallas Police campaign to raise awareness Department identified Schuler’s body, Trans and pull attention towards the severity Pride Initiative’s Nell Gaither researched of trans murders, pegging the hashtag and confirmed the victim was transgender, #StopTransMurders. according to Lone Star Q. “We see the national spotlight needs to be Both The Dallas Morning News and Dallas shown on the horrific violence to black men Police Department misgendered Schuler and women and trans women of color being in press releases and stories, but the media killed as if they were not even human,” said attention led to proper recognition of her Kylar Broadus, the transgender civil rights gender identity even if Schuler was originally director at the National LGBTQ Task Force. mislabeled. Jay Brown, the Human Rights Campaign “Finally trans deaths are being reported Foundation’s director of research and public as trans deaths in the media,” said Osman education, said that while social media is a Ahmed, the National Coalition of Anti- helpful tool in increasing coverage, the root Violence Programs research and education of the problem can only be solved with the coordinator. “Finally trans women and trans help of public and private agencies. men are being reported in the media as trans. “Social media coverage of these deaths They’re not being misgendered.” helps boost visibility of the problem as many Both O’Hara and Schuler are trans people times these crimes go un- or under-reported,” of color, making the death count of trans he said.
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SouthFloridaGayNews // SFGN.com // 8.19.2015 //
column opinion
Photo: Whitehouse.gov.
President Obama.
MIAMI LOG CABIN REPUBLICANS BLAST OBAMA OVER CUBA By Mimi Planas, Log Cabin Republicans mplanas1020@gmail.com
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
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has bowed once again to a regime that only looks to oppress its people and bring harm to the United States of America. LCR Miami stands united as we strongly denounce this raising of OUR American flag in a Communist nation that treats its people like property, puppets and criminals. Today is indeed a sad day that will go down in history as the day the United States surrendered to Cuba. Log Cabin Republicans of Miami: We are an organization comprised of both Gay and Straight Republicans in Miami Dade County. We believe in limited government, a strong
national defense, free markets, low taxes, personal responsibility, and individual liberty. Log Cabin Republicans represents an important part of the American family— taxpaying, hard-working people who proudly believe in this nation’s greatness. We also believe all Americans have the right to liberty and equality. We believe equality for LGBT Americans is in the finest tradition of the Republican Party. We educate our Party about why inclusion wins. Opposing gay and lesbian equality is inconsistent with the GOP’s core principles of smaller government and personal freedom. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry shakes hands with Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez. Photo: U.S. Department of State.
he largesFort Lauderdale. been and will continue to be violated. As far Today is a sad day for Freedom. It as the LGBT Community in Cuba, they will is a sad day for the Cuban Americans show you what you want to see. No matter of the United States of America and the what is said by Mariela Castro, the LGBT Cuban people still on the community, as well as the Island. Today, a slap in the straight community, have NO face is given to all Cubans EQUAL RIGHTS under their We believe and Cuban Americans. The laws. Shall we pretend that raising of our very own flag because Castro’s daughter in limited – a symbol of Freedom to is at the forefront of the sogovernment, all the world will be raised called LGBT movement that in a Country that not only it is truth? Is anything truth a strong oppresses its people, but with the Castro Regime? NO. hates Freedom. As we They are oppressors; they national are witness to this today, have raped and pillaged a defense, free let’s remember that Cuba beautiful Island in the name is still under communist of Communism. They have markets, low rule, bringing nothing but murdered and stolen from taxes, personal good honest hard working oppression and pain to the Cuban people. Nothing responsibility, people and they continue to has changed and nothing jail those strong enough to and individual will change unless the speak out and say ENOUGH. Cuban Government starts Just last week 50 marchers liberty. to realize that Freedom were arrested along with 40 is essential and that the other activists simply for Cuban people deserve to protesting in peace. Nothing be treated as equal human beings and have has changed and nothing will change. open and fair elections. In the mad rush to leave some kind of The civil rights of the people of Cuba have legacy, this President and its administration
column jesse’s journal
Photo: Philippe Bosse / Roadside Attractions.
Jeremy Irvine stars as Danny Winter in "Stonewall."
Jesse Monteagudo
oland Emmerich is a filmmaker in the big city has been used in other films, who is best-known for directing including the first “Stonewall,” to introduce blockbusters like “Independence the audience to an unfamiliar topic. (The Day” (1996) and “The Day After Tomorrow” presumption being that movie goers know (2004). For his latest project Emmerich, who little or nothing about Greenwich Village in is openly gay, filmed a dramatization of the 1969.) That Danny is white and male is no most important event in surprise, since white males LGBT history, the Stonewall (and their dates) are the Uprising. target audience that studios Emmerich is not the first usually go after. If Emmerich one to make a movie about Needless to say, I disagree expected his Stonewall: In 1995 the with this convention. There late Nigel Finch, also gay, are many heroic figures who “Stonewall” directed his own “Stonewall.” are female and/or non-white; trailer would But where Finch’s Stonewall and Hollywood does all of us was largely ignored (except a disfavor by ignoring their draw queer by Jack Nichols, who stories. And the Stonewall moviegoers to blasted it in GayToday.com) Uprising is the pivotal event Emmerich’s “Stonewall” in our collective history. the theaters, has caused controversy, Telling the Stonewall story he was boycotts and divisions in the through the eyes of a young, community even before its cute, white, cisgender male very much September 25 premiere. from the heartland denies mistaken. What happened? the experiences of the people Like most people, I have of color, trans* people and yet to see Emmerich’s “Stonewall.” I have women who took part in that event. read articles and press releases; looked at There is much dispute about the racial, publicity photos; and viewed the trailer. gender and class make-up of the Stonewall Like most so-called “historical” films, Rioters; in other words, who “owns” “Stonewall” twists the facts for the sake of Stonewall. David Carter, who wrote the a good story. It centers around the fictional best book about the Uprising (2004’s Danny Winter (Jeremy Irvine), a wholesome, “Stonewall”) noted that “the group most corn-fed Kansas white boy who is kicked out responsible for the success of the riots” were of his house for being gay and moves to New “young, homeless homosexuals and … most York City’s Greenwich Village. were Caucasian; few were Latino; almost Centering a story around a small town boy none were transvestites or transsexuals;
most were effeminate; and a fair number came from middle-class families.” On the other hand, many activists give credit to lesbians like Storme De Larverie, who threw the first brick at the cops (the movie gives the honors to Danny) or trans* women of color like Marsha “Pay It No Mind” Johnson and Sylvia Rivera. “The Stonewall Riots … started on the backs of working class African-American and Latino queers,” Rev. Irene Monroe wrote in advocate.com. “These brown and black LGBTQ people are not only absent from the photos of that night but have been bleached from its written history.” If Emmerich expected his “Stonewall” trailer would draw queer moviegoers to the theaters, he was very much mistaken. The trailer put Danny front and center, relegating minority characters to the sidelines. The Gay-Straight Alliance Network launched a petition and called for a boycott of the film, calling it a “whitewash.” “Do not throw money at the capitalistic industry that fails to recognize true s/heros. Do not support a film that erases our history. Do not watch “Stonewall.” A MoveOn petition agreed, adding that “a historically accurate film about the Stonewall Riots would center [on] the stories of queer and
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gender-noncomforming [sic] people of color like Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson. Not relegate them to background characters in the service of a white cis-male fictional protagonist.” Martin Duberman, who wrote the other book about the Riots (1993’s “Stonewall”), agreed with the protesters, though he disputed the idea that any one person or group can claim ownership of the riots. On the other hand, author/activist Larry Kramer voiced his support for Emmerich and his film. Emmerich, Irvine and screenwriter Jon Robin Baitz were quick to defend their movie, promising skeptics that “it deeply honors the real-life activists who were there” including Johnson, Rivera and Ray Castro. I will reserve my judgment until I see the movie. In the meantime, we can do our part for LGBT history by helping finance “Happy Birthday, Marsha!,” a movie that places Johnson and Rivera where they belong, at the center of the story. Visit HappyBirthdayMarsha.com for details. In his “Stonewall,” Roland Emmerich tells his Stonewall story. Let us help others tell their Stonewall stories.
Jesse Monteagudo is a freelance writer and journalist. He has been an active member of South Florida's LGBT community for more than four decades and has served in various community organizations. SouthFloridaGayNews // SFGN.com // 8.19.2015 //
column guest
Photo: Philippe Bosse / Roadside Attractions.
The Stonewall Riots have inspired movie producers in the past.
Upcoming film accused of whitewashing history
verybody dhey are still denied the at the time, led to the formation of Gay right to vote when they leave prison. Liberation Front, while Sylvia Rivera and It’s been amusing and angering Marsha P. Johnson formed Street Transvestite watching the debate and Action Revolutionaries, suggestion of a boycott the first trans organization over the forthcoming film in America; Stonewall's Stonewall. The reality is perceived lack of Only drag that nearly all the people on acknowledgment of Rivera's queens, both sides have one thing in and Johnson's contributions common: They weren’t there. seems to be the central homeless And they are speaking reasoning for a boycott of the kids, people for those who were there, film. acting as if we are not Michael Lavery and I are like me who alive and cannot speak for the last two members of the thought ourselves. This shows a lack Action Group. There are also of understanding of our own six original members of Gay they had no shared LGBT history. Youth New York. Then there I was the founder of Gay are my brothers and sisters future, and a Youth New York, and I was in Gay Liberation Front who few activists also a member of the Action participated in the riot or, as Group started by Marty others in our group labeled stuck around. Robinson. We were the ones it, rebellion. We are all able who wrote “Tomorrow Night to speak to the truth or lack Stonewall” in chalk on the thereof of the actions and walls and the street that infamous night. activism in the film, but as yet you have not That, along with other factors in New York heard our voices.
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
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Those of us involved at Stonewall, Gay Youth New York, or those first stormy three years of radical activism of Gay Liberation Front and then Gay Activists Alliance — which this film portrays — still debate what actually occurred. We all have our own perspectives. Until he died earlier this year, my close GLF friend Jerry Hoose and I debated it even as we cried on a Skype call moments after President Obama’s now- famous inauguration speech where he mentioned Selma, Seneca Falls, and Stonewall. Those of us in GLF continue to debate what exactly happened, and David Carter, who wrote one of the most researched books on it, has had to debate his account. Here’s the simple fact, so simple that it amazes me it has not been made crystal clear and not a point of debate: Once Stonewall was raided and the crowd became angry and it looked as though something might happen, only drag queens, homeless kids, people like me who thought they had no future, and a few activists stuck around. At that time, if you were employed or
privileged in any way, you were in the closet — and didn’t want any trouble. So you hightailed it out of there back to the anonymity of your home. Marty, of the Action Group, saw the rebellion as an opportunity to galvanize folks; the drag queens and street kids were fighting for their home, and, as for people like me, it made us realize the power of our community and provided a sense of pride that led me to GLF and to create Gay Youth NY. So that is our history, and it's better that you know it regardless of if you want to boycott the film or not. There was another fundamental at play here, and it was a social, economic, and political one. Gay Liberation Front was the first in-your-face LGBT organization, and in 1969 that meant that we were not conformist, and many people stood clear of us and wanted our history to die, especially that history of drag queens and street kids. We were not the image the conformist community wanted. It would take AIDS to get privileged gay white men into activism in large numbers.
Photo: Philippe Bosse / Roadside Attractions.
There was another fundamental at play here, and it was a social, economic, and political one. Gay Liberation Front was the first inyour-face LGBT organization, and in 1969 that meant that we were not conformist, and many people stood clear of us and wanted our history to die, especially that history of drag queens and street kids. We were not the image the conformist community wanted. As for us in Gay Liberation Front, we created the first youth and trans organizations, the first health alerts, the first LGBT community center, and at the end of that first year, many of us worked with Craig Rodwell to help him create the first Gay Pride march, then called the Christopher Street Liberation Day March. How radical were we? Harvey Milk was living in New York City at the time and he stayed clear of us. So we in GLF — youth, trans, people of all political spectrums — had a bond. We debated everything,
If you want to know the facts rather than fiction, read David Carter's book Stonewall or any number of LGBT history books. That's where the truth is, not in your local multiplex.
including our identity, which meant a clear discussion of racism and sexism. The only exception was our mutual goal of creating a community. Which means that, even though at times our debate resulted in shouting matches, we still had a special bond. I understand the people calling for a boycott. They understand that after the demise of GLF and later GAA, trans people were minimized in our community, and they are concerned the film will repeat that. It is possible, but I don’t believe that anyone who does the simplest amount of research would change that part of our history. I’ve been a publisher chronicling our community for 40 years now and am wondering how you can boycott something you haven’t seen and that is a fictional movie based on a true story. If you want to know the facts rather than fiction, read David Carter's book Stonewall or any number of LGBT history books. That's where the truth is, not in your local multiplex.
The producer speaks in his own words about his movie "Stonewall":
hen I first learned about the Stonewall Riots through my work with the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center, I was struck that the circumstances that lead to LGBT youth homelessness today are pretty much the same as they were 45 years ago. The courageous actions of everyone who fought against injustice in 1969 inspired me to tell a compelling, fictionalized drama of those days centering on homeless LGBT youth, specifically a young midwestern gay man who is kicked out of his home for his sexuality and comes to New York, befriending the people who are actively involved in the events leading up to the riots and the riots themselves. I understand that following the release of our trailer there have been initial concerns about how this character’s involvement is portrayed, but when this film - which is truly a labor of love for me - finally comes to theaters, audiences will see that it deeply honors the real-life activists who were there — including Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, and Ray Castro — and all the brave people who sparked the civil rights movement which continues to this day. We are all the same in our struggle for acceptance.
Mark Segal is publisher of Philadelphia Gay News and an award-winning commentator in LGBT media.
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SouthFloridaGayNews // SFGN.com // 8.19.2015 //
column off the wall
Photo: William Walker / CNN.
Donald Trump speaks to the media at a Lincoln Day event sponsored in Birch Run, Michigan.
Pier Angelo
was dreading the arrival of the circus. The thought of having to listen for months on end to a score of shallow Presidential Hopefuls made me shudder. Fortunately somebody is throwing a muchneeded monkey wrench into the process. Donald Trump has brought to town a wonderful show. I am a staunch Democrat. My “flavorite” politician of the month is Bernie Sanders. As much as I loved Bill, I don't like Hillary, but I am gaga over The Don. The publisher of this newspaper just wrote a scathing misguided editorial trashing him, sadly missing the boat. First — We should all be grateful to Trump. He has been saying all the things that people think but are afraid to utter. When was the last time, in a presidential debate, you heard a candidate referring to other politicians as idiots? Never yet I say it every day. Second — The Don is the epitome of America. Arrogant, rich and ruthless: The DNA of our country. Therefore we should love him. He is capitalism at its best. A billionaire who has used existing laws to proudly bankrupt a score of his enterprises, destroying lives and businesses
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
IN PRAISE OF THE DON in the process deserves the cover of Forbes magazine. And now that he has made money the American way he doesn't have to suck up to any Super PAC and can say and do exactly what he wants. He is entitled to buy the Presidency on his terms. I respect that. How refreshing. How liberating.
even well articulated celebrity, to show us what a pathetic bunch swims in the cesspool of our political world. And they want to run the country? Puh-leeze.
Fourth — He is not in favor of gay marriage? I am opposed to straight marriage, so what? There He is showing Third — He is showing is nothing we can do; it is us how low us how low the bar of our the law of the land. Let's political system has sunken. also drop the misogynist the bar of Are these the best people accusations. Establishment our political this country can produce? Republicans, including If I was any of the other Tea- Baggers, are phonies. system has 16 pretenders I would be They don’t give a damn sunken. Are ashamed and embarrassed, about women, just look at as a governor or a senator, to the Planned Parenthood these the see my approval rating lower controversy. They have a best people than someone who has never hypocritical permanent held state or local office and condition. It makes me sick this country whose claim to fame is the watching them pretending can produce? phrase “You’re Fired." to be outraged by Trump's I would quit and run for off the cuff remarks directed the woods, let alone the at Megyn Kelly. In fact, if Presidency, never to be seen again. But they she was honest, Kelly should be kissing The have no shame and no backbone. They are Don's ring. Until a few weeks ago she was illusions' salesmen. an egregious certified unknown employed Yes they're a bunch of mumbling idiots by Foxymoron News, the feces throwing and /or self centered spoiled brats, and network, now she is a nationwide celebrity. positively irritating. It took a brash, not She owes Trump a debt of eternal gratitude.
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Of course she will play the “offended" woman's card but deep down she is gloating and can't believe her good fortune. Fifth — Republicans feign shock at Trump's comments on immigration. What? Isn't this is the party that has little patience with immigrants, anybody with accents, people from NY/NJ, anyone on welfare, unemployed, and think the homeless should be rounded up and shipped to Guantanamo? Should we settle for the bullshit politicians have been feeding us daily or should we go with the politically incorrect blasts? I am tired of lies. I prefer the outrageous, and at times incoherent, stream of consciousness utterances of Trump. He is shaking everybody up. Imagine: As President he would tell Angela Merkel, Prime Minister of Germany, to stop meddling in other European countries affairs when she is hormonal or tell North Korea's bad boy Kim Jong-un to get a better hair cut and forget about the bomb. But most of all I would love to hear him tell our useless Congress to go and stuff it where the sun don't shine. What a novelty, finally someone with the guts to take those gasbags down. Run Donald Run. Don't stop. You are my American Pharaoh.
Volume 2 • Issue 16 August 19, 2015
Wilton Manors
Twice-Monthly Neighborhood Outlook
Page 2 No New Taxes!
Page 2 Wilton Drive BID
Page 3 Real Estate Geek
Page 4 Search For Parking
Page 4 Walmart Could Bring Lawsuit
Community Business
Pink Flamingo Picks You Up Where Hopper Left Off By Michael d’Oliveira As Uber fans wait hopefully for that service’s possible return to Broward County, residents and visitors in Wilton Manors already have an alternative to taxi cabs. Started in May by residents Erica Werner and Janet Conklin, the Pink Flamingo offers rides to and from Wilton Drive and anywhere else in the city. Now, they say they’re giving at least 16 to 17 rides a day and have 15 regular customers. So far, they have one electric vehicle but are working on two more with additional drivers for September or October. “We’ll pick you up at your home within five to seven minutes,” Werner said. And just like a taxi, the Pink Flamingo will take riders anywhere in Wilton Manors and a couple spots close to the city. “People don’t have to worry about drinking and driving,” Werner said. “We’ve gotten a really good response from the bar owners,” Conklin said. The service was started partly, they said, because of the parking problems the city faces. “We can’t even park on the Drive when we want to go out. We thought Wilton Manors really needed us,” Conklin said. This is the third electric vehicle service to come to Wilton
Submitted Photo.
Manors. The first two, The Hopper and then The Green Hopper, were halted because their owners said they couldn’t generate enough money to keep going. Asked how they thought they could succeed where previous efforts had failed, Werner and Conklin said their service is more extensive and accommodating than the others before them. “We feel like the timing is right. It’s safe, reliable transportation.” The cost per rise is $5 for up to three people and $2 for each additional person. Riders using the Pink Flamingo to go to work are charged $3. Eventually, they plan to expand further, including stops to and from Funky Buddha in Oakland Park. “We want to bring customers into Wilton Manors,” Conklin said. Rides are available Monday to Thursday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. and Sunday from 12 p.m. to 10 p.m. The Pink Flamingo can also be hired for weddings and other private events. Credit cards are accepted. For a ride, call 954-888-8187. The Pink Flamingo is also on Facebook.WMG
Carlos Bethart Fernandez Found Dead in his Home
Community Photo: Facebook.
By Michael d’Oliveira Carlos Bethart Fernandez, 59, a resident who regularly spoke out at commission meetings, was found dead in his home on July 26. According to a police report, no foul play is suspected. All the windows and doors were secured and nothing unusual was found
inside the home. According to the report, Fernandez was found lying face up on his bed. Police also found two empty prescription pill bottles on the floor of the bedroom. A toxicology report was not yet available from the Broward Medical Examiner’s Office at the time of publication. WMG
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No New Taxes! …Because life is just more expensive here
By Sal Torre
Gazette Wilton Manors
AUGUST 19, 2015 • VOLUME 2 • ISSUE 16 2520 N. DIXIE HIGHWAY • WILTON MANORS, FL 33305 PHONE: 954-530-4970 FAX: 954-530-7943
Heading into the city’s budget process, members of the Budget Review Advisory Committee (BRAC) were happy to see a proposed city budget with the millage rate remaining the same. As in the previous year, we once again see rising property values over 8 percent, which automatically brings in a sizeable amount of additional revenue into the city’s General Fund. Most cities in Broward County, such as Oakland Park and Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, who have sizeable increases in property values, have lowered the millage rate in their proposed budgets. Alas, that is not the case here in Wilton Manors. While surrounding cities’ elected officials have voted to lower millage rates, Wilton Manors elected officials have voted to raise the millage rate. This decision goes against the proposed budget put forth by city staff and against the advice of their own advisory board, the Budget Review Advisory Committee, who unanimously supported no increase in the millage rate. Wilton Manors already has one of the highest millage rates in Broward County; and if our elected officials have their way, our ranking might be even higher. With more tax dollars rolling in due to higher property values, most cities choose to lower the millage rate, since residents will be paying more in taxes. At a minimum, the millage rate should be kept the same. Unfortunately, at a budget workshop a few weeks ago, our elected officials voted to raise the millage rate, much to the surprise of BRAC members and city staff. Absolutely amazing, dumbfounding, shocking--the list of adjectives can go on and on; but a few adjectives you will not see listed here …….responsible, sensible, prudent… The proposed city budget already met the needs of our city. Public safety was addressed with the inclusion of one new police officer. Future city growth and development were addressed through the inclusion of a City Planner position. Unfortunately, our commissioners want more police officers, additional Leisure Services positions, a salary increase for themselves, and other additional spending. Personnel is always a major expense, not just for one fiscal year, but for all the fiscal years thereafter. Along with the cost of each new officer, you have to add the additional expense of a new take-home patrol car and the maintenance of that vehicle. The same goes for park expansion or additional recreational programs, the city needs to consider personnel cost and additional maintenance expenses. So, before we decide to permanently burden future budgets with the cost
Community By Michael d’Oliveira
of additional personnel, we must look at all other possible solutions. Are we utilizing existing personnel correctly and efficiently? Are there too many supervisors and not enough boots on the ground? Are we top-heavy with administrative positions which can be combined or eliminated? These are the questions we need to address first, before we make the quick and easy choice of hiring more people. How many more people can a city of just under 12,000 residents continue to add to the payroll, and how much are residents willing to see their tax bill increase, along with the usual increases in Fire Assessment, Water and Utility billing, and more? Residents should be aware that the decisions being made in the next month will affect the cost of living in this city, not just for the next fiscal year, but for many years to come. Raising the millage rate is not a done deal, until Commissioners vote on a final budget on Sept. 21. Voice your concerns at the two Public Hearings on the FY 2016 Budget. The first Public Hearing will be held on Friday, Sept. 11, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at City Commission Chambers. The second Public Hearing will be held on Sept. 21, also at 6:30 p.m., followed by final adoption of the FY 2016 Budget. Better yet, contact your elected officials directly and let them know you thoughts, their emails are listed on the city website. One closing thought…if our Commissioners think it’s OK to raise the millage rate now, when we have another year of large property value increases and with tax rolls moving higher, ask yourself how much will they have to raise the millage rate next year or the year after when we see property values level off but still have to pay for everything they added to the budget along the way. That’s right Wilton Manors…life is just more expensive here. WMG
City Ready to Accept Applicants for Wilton Drive BID
Residents and Wilton Drive business owners who want to have a voice in the future of the city’s main thoroughfare can now apply to be on the Business Improvement District [BID] board. The Wilton Drive BID, approved by the majority of street’s property owners, is a special taxing district approved by commissioners to raise money to improve the street. Property owners will be assessed additional millage and the funds generated could be used for more parking, landscaping, a marketing campaign or other improvements related to the street. The goal is to raise $1 million over the next 10 years; a cap of $100,000 per year has been set. Properties would be assessed starting in 2016. The bill for each property owner will be based on square footage. The board, which has the authority to set the assessment but has to have
its budget approved by the commission, will be comprised of three property owners, three business owners and one home owner. That home owner must be homesteaded within Wilton Manors. Those interested can submit their applications. On Sept. 24, the commission will hold a special meeting to interview applicants. Commissioner Julie Carson said it’s important for applicants to “demonstrate they have abilities related to the responsibilities” of the board, which has “broad and far-reaching powers.” Commissioner Tom Green said the board needs to attract creative people. To apply, call 954-390-2100. WMG
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SouthFloridaGayNews August 19, 2015
Single Family Homes Without a Six-Figure Income
Real Estate Geek
By James Oaksun Last time I reviewed Wilton Manors pricing during this past high season. I found the median sales price of a singlefamily home in Wilton Manors (arms length transactions only) was $360,000. As a practical matter, what this means is that unless your household income is comfortably into six figures, or you're bringing a large bag of your own coin to closing, you're not going to be buying a single family home in the Island City.
But do not despair. Dry your tears and consider some other options nearby. Previously I have done extensive research on one Wilton alternative, and I will update that in my next column. Today, let's consider another alternative, the North Andrews Gardens neighborhood of Oakland Park. For those unaware, North Andrews Gardens is generally the area bounded by Prospect, Route 95, Cypress Creek and NE 6th Avenue. (There is also a small section between NE 6th and Dixie, bounded by 56th and Cypress Creek.) From the heart of that neighborhood, you're just a straight (or if you prefer, gaily forward) shot of 8-9 minutes (maybe 2.5 miles) down 6th Avenue to Wilton Drive. You're probably five minutes to the Crunch, and six minutes to LA Fitness Cypress Creek. No it's not the same as Wilton Manors. It's also not priced the same. The chart here shows pricing trends in North Andrews Gardens since the overall market trough in mid-2011. (The low point in this neighborhood didn't come until a couple quarters later.) I've found, generally, the area south of Commercial has seen stronger pricing than the area north of Commercial, even though
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the homes in each area are similarly sized (generally 10001200 square feet under cooling). More importantly, pricing in North Andrews Gardens runs half of pricing in the Island City. In closing, I will remind you of a point I've made before. Yes many got burned in the 2006-2011 market crash. Still there are points in the cycle where real estate can be a sound investment and not just a place to live. From their low point, valuations in the area south of Commercial have doubled over just 42 months. Assuming a conservative down payment of 30 percent, that's a cash on cash return (after brokerage but before taxes) of more than 33 percent per year, compounded. WMG James Oaksun, Broward's Real Estate GeekSM, is a Realtor with the Wilton Manors office of RE/MAX Preferred. In addition to having degrees from Dartmouth and Cornell, he is a graduate of the Realtors Institute (GRI).
SouthFloridaGayNews // SFGN.com // 8.19.2015 //
Submitted photo.
Photo: Wiki User UpstateNYer.
City to Negotiate For More Walmart Rejection Parking on Wilton Drive Could Lead to Lawsuit
By Michael d'Oliveira
A move to try and add more parking near Wilton Drive will depend on the cost. Commissioners, receptive to the need for more parking but wary of the cost of a previous parking lot, told City Manager Joseph Gallegos and City Attorney Kerry Ezrol to begin negotiations with the owner of 1008 NE 23 Drive. The lot, undeveloped and empty, is located behind Bona Pizza on the north end of Wilton Drive. “That’s where we need it,” said Commissioner Tom Green. Adrienne Foland, a real estate agent who represents the owner, Scott Manin, said he’s willing to sell the property, which is listed for $499,000, but won’t for less than the $458,000 he has already invested. The commission wants to acquire it for the appraised value – $367,000 – or less. If the city can’t convince the owner to sell, Foland says he plans to build three highend townhouses. “It has to be under $400,000,” said Vice Mayor Scott Newton during the Aug. 11 commission meeting. Newton also promised that, should the developer decline the city’s offer, three townhouses is all he would be allowed to construct. “He can build his three or he can negotiate with us.” Before Manin purchased the property in 2014, code liens had accrued for unpaid lawn and maintenance bills totaling $70,142.45. Since he purchased it though, city staff said he’s maintained the property in good condition. The city may use that to its advantage to get Manin to sell for less than he wants. “He owes us a lot of money,” Gallegos said. Mayor Gary Resnick and Commissioner Julie Carson also said the purchase cost has to be at or below the appraised value. “I can’t support a blank check. It has to make financial success,” Resnick said.
By Michael d’Oliveira
Engineering firm Chen & Associates estimates 18 to 24 spaces could be built at a cost between $180,000 and $240,000 “depending on the level of hardscaping, landscaping, irrigation, site lighting, and drainage required on the site.” The city’s parking firm, Lanier, said between 40 and 45 cars are packed into the lot during peak business hours. The city’s last parking lot, at the corner of Northeast 26 Street and Northeast 8 Terrace across from Kids In Distress, was opened in April of 2014. It provides 42 spaces and the final cost, including the purchase of the properties, the demolition of the existing structures and the paving, was $788,000. In March of 2012, before the properties were purchased, city staff members estimated the cost of buying and paving the properties would be about $650,000. In November of 2013, before commissioners voted to pave the lot, the estimate had increased to the final number. Resnick, at the time of the construction and at various times since, has criticized the cost as “inordinate” but a necessary project. “I’m tired of this commission getting numbers and they’re way askew [after we decide to build],” Newton said. Green defended city staff, saying that the improved economy resulted in an increase in construction costs. He also declined to instruct Gallegos to put a ceiling on the cost of purchase so he would be “free to negotiate.” According to Finance Director Bob Mays, $800,000 is available in the Parking Fund to pay for parking improvements. Out of that money, $150,000 is pledged towards new parking meters and $526,000 comes from what’s left of the $1.1 million the city borrowed in 2011 to specifically make parking improvements along Wilton Drive. WMG
Although Walmart’s proposed Oakland Park Supercenter had a majority of votes in favor, the city’s charter kept officials from approving it. On Aug. 5, the Oakland Park Commission approved Walmart’s site plan in a 2-1 vote but failed to approve the plat. Walmart wants to build a 121,345 square foot building to replace the existing 117,692 square foot one, 670 E. Oakland Park Blvd., that used to be operated by Kmart. Mayor Jed Shank and Commissioner Shari McCartney voted in favor of the site plan and plat but Commissioner Sara Guevrekian voted against both measures. Because the city charter requires at least three votes to pass a resolution, as was attempted with the plat, the commission failed to approve the project. The county could still approve the plat but City Attorney D.J. Doody said they would most likely adhere to the city’s decision. Vice Mayor Tim Lonergan and Commissioner John Adornato abstained from the vote because their companies do business with Walmart. Guevrekian said she was against the project because she predicted it would bring increased traffic and crime, more so than the Kmart. “A larger store offering more wares 24 hours a day will certainly draw more patrons.” As part of its efforts to gain site plan approval, Walmart agreed to conditions including limiting truck delivery times, keeping its delivery trucks from using Northeast 6 Avenue and providing Oakland Park with a $100,000 letter of credit for landscaping and $300,000 for the city’s tree fund – an increase over the original offer of $150,000. Walmart also agreed to provide a greeter and hire BSO officers to work private details if incidents of crime reach a certain level. McCartney said it was better for the city to
approve the project and get the benefit of the agreed upon conditions than to get nothing. “The difficult part we’ve already done. This is ministerial. This is a rubber stamp. We passed the part that allows us to have control,” she said. “I’d rather have some ability to control the obvious problems that will arise than none.” If Walmart chooses, it can still move into the existing Kmart building. No approval from the city is needed to use the existing building because it’s already zoned for commercial use. McCartney was also worried that denying the plat could result in a lawsuit against the city. She tried to find a way around the charter’s three-vote requirement but was unsuccessful. “This is not something we can deny. I’m trying to find a way to save us from ourselves.” Shank said he also wanted to see the project approved but felt compelled to follow the rules. “I can’t change the rules just to get my way. I want the thing to pass but I want to do it the right way.” Doody said any lawsuit brought by Walmart would be tough for the city to prevail. “The city would have a challenge in defending an action brought in approving the plat. It would be a challenge to defend relative to a ministerial act.” In an interview with The Gazette, Steven Wherry, the Fort Lauderdale attorney representing Walmart, said it’s very unlikely his client will go forward with the conditions if it is not allowed to construct a new building. “I think that’s probably unlikely.” Wherry said Walmart has not yet decided if it will file a lawsuit but will try to go before the commission again. “Our preference is to avoid a lawsuit. We will try to find a more amicable route. We want to do our best to not create circumstances that are not adversarial.” WMG
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SouthFloridaGayNews August 19, 2015
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column letters to the editor
Letters to the Editor
verybody deserves a second chance. Particularly when they have done their time. Yet Florida is one of only three states (FL, KY, IA) that have a lifetime ban on voting for ex-felons, even those with minor convictions. After felons have served their time in Florida they are still denied the right to vote when they leave prison. They not only lose their voting rights, but also too often their ability to get good jobs, licenses for professions such as barbers, cosmetologists, or commercial drivers, and the hope of being successfully reintegrated into society as meaningful contributors. Let’s say Yes to Second Chances, and allow people convicted of a felony to have their voting rights restored after they have completed their prison term, parole and probation. It is imperative to give people that have paid their debt to society a Second Chance. Why do we keep punishing them? Why are we so vindictive? We are denying them their humanity, their inherent worth and dignity. They have done what we asked from them; now we must uphold our part and restore their right to vote. That is the just thing to do.
Our freedom carries an imperative responsibility for us as free people to extend that freedom to all people, including former felons. They are human beings. They must be restored to society and given the chance to live productive lives. Too many people are being imprisoned for minor offenses. Mass incarceration and the school-to-prison pipeline have become chronic problems in our society that are both unjust and economically unjustifiable. If we restore voting rights to those who have completed minor felony convictions, we can help them become responsible citizens, create safer communities, and save taxpayer money by keeping them from returning to prison. We cannot sit idly by; we have a mandate to address the systemic problems of society. As Thich Nhat Hanh says, our faith is our deeds not our creeds. The beginning of our journey is the realization that former felons need their voting rights restored. However, our journey grows only with action. Our only true possessions are our actions. Our journey is shown and our salvation is found
We cannot sit idly by; we have a mandate to address the systemic problems of society.
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in our daily actions, not in proclamations. James Luther Adams said that our journey “is futile and sterile unless it has direct and effective bearing upon the problems of society.” He advocated for unswerving social action. Adams believed that society is not transformed by mere change in attitude, but by the mobilization of social power. This is a call to all people of faith and good will: let’s stand together on the side of love. Let’s say YES to Second Chances. Let’s help gather petitions for the Voting Restoration Amendment http://dos. elections.myflorida.com/initiatives/fulltext/ pdf/64388-1.pdf to make sure this important constitutional amendment will be on the ballot in November, 2016 so all voters can speak out for Second Chances.
Go to http://bit.ly/1DWj4GH and sign the petition. Please return it to the address at the bottom. Encourage others to sign. If enough people sign the petition the constitutional amendment will be on the ballot in November 2016. Say yes and give felons who have done their time a second chance; give them back their right to vote. They have paid their debt to society. - STEVE JENS-ROCHOW Board Member, Unitarian Universalist Justice Florida www.uujusticefl.org Vice President, Unitarian Universalist South East Florida Cluster www.uuflorida.org
ear Editor, I find it far safer to jay walk from the Alibi parking lot to the Village Pub using the existing medium. It allows me to navigate one direction of traffic at a time. When safely on the medium I can easily decide when it’s safe to cross the other direction of traffic. Ironically, a few months ago, folks using the medium to cross were given warning tickets by the Wilton Manors police officers. They want all to cross Wilton Drive at the 6th Ave intersection. Frankly, I don’t want to cross there: It’s too dangerous. Many have experienced the danger of vehicles turning into the path of pedestrians in the cross walk. Maybe traffic needs to completely stop in all directions when pedestrians have the “safe” to cross signal. Those insisting that jaywalkers can be
Anonymous Messages:
cured of jaywalking are taking the wrong approach. Jaywalkers can instead be assisted in a safe crossing of Wilton Drive, as I’ve described above. Of course, the addition of more crosswalks, like the one in front of the municipal building, that completely stops traffic after the pedestrian pushes a button, would help too. Plans to shrink the amount of lanes on the Drive may discourage some travelers from use of Wilton Drive but that could be a good thing. And lane reduction opens up possibilities such as tripling the size of the sidewalk in front of the Courtyard Cafe and shops. This would add to the wonderful village feel with more outdoor dining. My hunch is that Gregory Futchi would have liked these suggestions. - PHENNEL Oakland Park
have to admit I don't regularly pick up a copy of your SFGN paper. The cover story about Uber caught my eye though. Had heard rumblings about what was going on and figured your article would finally tell me the truth. So I brought that issue into my house. From page two I was interested in reading more. The Top 3 hooked me. Will admit
I didn't read everything, but who does! LOVED your column Tweeting My Way Through Life. Never knew you could be so funny. I actually laughed. Thanks for putting out a gay paper that truly is straight friendly. Hugs! - CELESTE SHANK ELLICH First Service Realty International soflagaynews //
LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD Submit your own letter to Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com SouthFloridaGayNews // SFGN.com // 8.19.2015 //
column guest
dam4Adam? Scruff? The bars? is the seventh to the Fort Lauderdale The beach? The Publix at Five community]. Points? Exactly where does a gay After the second Mr. Right presentation, man, particularly of a certain age, find that I brought on a colleague, Herb Williams, "special someone" in South Florida? a licensed mental health counselor and Finding Mr. Right, Not Mr. Perfect, addictions professional, to enhance the a presentation from the Gay Male presentation by supporting the exercises Empowerment Project [under the auspices of with some field research. We surveyed gay SunServe], attempts to help men in any venue we could men on that mission, well find including bars, special beyond offering suggestions events, random walkers Exactly of alternative venues. on Wilton Drive, The Pride where does GMEP started in 2002 Center and just about when a group of mental anywhere gay men were a gay man, health professionals at The willing to complete the less particularly East Las Olas Psychological than three minute survey [we Group found that many stopped short at going to any of a certain of their gay, male clients bath houses - no judgment age, find faced the same challenge here but we thought most - finding some genuine men in that environment that "special type of connection. At a were probably looking for someone" town hall-style meeting, "Mr. Right Now"]. I was very excited to be The findings are in South one of many community incorporated into the Florida? professionals who developed session, giving participants a twelve part series with some feedback on what the goal of helping gay men qualities their peers find achieve greater fulfillment, including more appealing and those found to be hardcore authentic relationships. deal breakers. In this interactive event, The first few seminars attracted a sizable the men work on refining some of their audience but the fifth in the series, focused expectations about finding a mate, as well on mating habits, proved to be the box office as targeting specific efforts they can make attraction and the session with the most to find men who likely share their interests. staying power [the upcoming presentation For some, the exercise on Relationship
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
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Readiness often proves to be the most surprising and beneficial. Is it possible that some men simply aren’t ready or even relationship oriented? At the very least, attendees surround themselves with some like-minded men and right there live and in person get to immediately use the skills they’ve learned and hopefully leave the session with a boost of confidence. During the two hours, they can expect to be vulnerable, introspective and hopefully more optimistic about meeting their Mr. Right. By the end of the
evening, the men often form some bonds, have a few “aha moments” and enjoy a lot of laughs. And now with marriage equality, it will be interesting to hear if they have altered their approach to finding a mate.
SunServe presents Finding Mr. Right, Not Mr. Perfect at The Pride Center, Building B, Thursday, August 27 from 7-9 pm. Suggested donation $10. You can register at www.SunServe.org.
editorial cartoon
Your Smile ile Should ul Leave a Gre Gre reat Impre pres resssio sion! New Pati atie ent nts
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954-565-7666 1946 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 www.IslandCitySmiles.com Always Plenty of Free Parking • Located Conveniently on Wilton Drive New, State of the Art Facilities • Most Insurances Accepted soflagaynews //
SouthFloridaGayNews // SFGN.com // 8.19.2015 //
column guest
Norm Kent
he jerk that is Donald Trump may not approve of homosexual marriage as he begins his fourteenth straight one, but nothing about the gay and lesbian community needs his sanction or approval. Trump ought to spend a few months in South Florida to see how its LGBT citizens are thriving. Maybe he can walk down East Las Olas Boulevard holding hands with Jack Seiler, the Fort Lauderdale mayor who voted against marriage equality while his city commission, thankfully, did not. Last week the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention and Visitors Bureau, led by its gay liaison, a known sodomite, Richard Gray showcased a cocktail party at the Marriott Harbor Beach for nearly a thousand representatives of the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. The rumor is many of them were homosexual as well. The sparkling event last Wednesday was just a precursor to a phenomenal four-day diversity and business conference that commenced with a cocktail party at stunning Gallery of Amazing Things in Dania Beach, the evening before. The local chapter of the national chamber of commerce, run by Keith Blackburn, also known to many as a homosexual, hosted that marvelous event. Greater Fort Lauderdale is proud to be home to hundreds of LGBT owned and operated businesses, including hotels, bars, clubs, shops, restaurants, and attractions. The city offers the widest range of LGBT welcoming accommodations that meet the needs of LGBT travelers from around the world. No one else can offer more gay businesses, including accommodations than Greater Fort Lauderdale! In fact we are so gay, I think we might have a rainbow asterisk on the Family Research Council’s website map. Gay.com has named us America’s “Favorite Gay Resort Town.” We offer 23 miles of sandy
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
PROUD OF WHO WE ARE In July, we hosted a Stonewall Celebration beaches and tropical blue-wave beaches. You’ll also find miles of navigable inland on the Drive in Wilton Manors, and with the waterways, the Everglades, gaming, designer help of community volunteers like Jeff Sterling, who runs an accounting firm here, and with outlet shopping, world-class cuisine, exclusive donations from a score of local businessmen, shops, vibrant nightlife, a spectacular cultural many of whom share same-sex relationships and social calendar, and at least one gay city in the privacy of their bedrooms, we filled the commissioner, Dean Trantalis. Nearby Wilton Manors, the home of a score street with fantasy and fun. August may have filled the Marriott with of LGBT businesses, and SFGN’s home at Five business and commerce, but in September Points, is one of the most populous sameGreater Fort Lauderdale sex centric communities in will be hosting the unique the nation. Our consumers and illuminating Southern and constituents are gay and Maybe a host of Comfort Transgender plentiful, lesbian and proud. Conference. The hotel will We are home to the Stonewall people running be populated by individuals Library, the World Aids advocating the next tipping Museum, and the Pride Center for President point for civil rights in the at Equality Park. We host an may not LGBT movement, and it will Out of the Closet thrift store happen right here in South and Poverello Food Bank. recognize the Florida. We reach out and care, and October is not just for we are gay, gay, and gayer. No sophistication Halloween and Wicked one in our community needs and culture of Manors, yet another festival the approval of Donald Trump, on Wilton Drive. The ‘Fort Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz or the South Florida, Fabulous’ Pride week from host of Neanderthals running but the rest of October 5-11 will showcase and ruining the Republican Pride Fort Lauderdale in nomination for the presidency. the world does. Holiday Park, with an opening We have done a pretty party partnered with the MiFo good job of generating a Film Festival at the Museum of professional community capable of defending our streets and helping Art on October 9. Warning, many homosexuals will be seen our neighbors, from bowling tournaments to raising funds for HIV patients, to protesting there, dressed elegantly, wearing nice clothes, unsafe road conditions on the drive. Our and looking suspiciously like heterosexuals. Pride Center at Equality Park is one of the ten The closing event will celebrate Sun Serve in largest in the nation, with hosts of services and downtown Fort Lauderdale on Himmarrshee programs touching all ages and ranges within Street, and there may even be a youth pageant as part of the event. our community. Hang on, because in November LGBT Maybe a host of people running for softball players from all over the country President may not recognize the sophistication will again show up for the annual Hurricane and culture of South Florida, but the rest of the Showdown Softball Tournament at Mills Pond world does. soflagaynews //
Park, in a tournament where gay men and women in shorts and sneakers will be running recklessly and randomly all over our fields. We promise to wash them down and hose them off afterwards, so we don’t leave any homosexual sweat on the turf or clay. That’s not all. The national LGBT marketing group, CMI, is hosting its annual conference in December right on the beach, where homosexual business persons from all over the country will have to again interact with heterosexual tourists. Sorry, folks, it does not get any better in 2016 or 2017. South Florida and Fort Lauderdale will be hosting the National Gay Pilots Association in May- oh my god, yes, there are gay pilots as well as, I heard, some gay airline attendants too. Then the National Minority Aids Conference is next September, and those of you who still believe in the Confederate Flag might want to start planning your Labor Day for next year right now. Amazingly, the World Gay Games are coming to Miami in 2017, and I am betting homosexuals will have a better time there then they will in Qatar a few years later where they are going to play the World Cup. We also will be hosting the International Gay Bowling Organization in May of 2017. The bottom line, the reality, the truth, well it was spoken by Harvey Milk many years ago, ‘ we are here. We are queer. We are everywhere.’ And we are good decent people, who don’t need Donald Trump’s approval or Ted Cruz’s acceptance. If they want to live the rest of their lives on the dark side of history, America gives them the freedom to be whom they want to bejust as it does us. If they choose ignorance and fear, stupidity and foolishness, so be it. In the meantime, we can be sure of this. We have a right to be proud today of who we are, what we are, and what we do. Let no one standing say otherwise.
column bil of rights
Bil Browning
s a white gay man in his 40s, I have a long history with direct action protests for LGBT rights. I've earned my right to critique and criticize groups like GetEqual when I think their protests are misguided or unproductive. But do I have the same free reign to judge the Black Lives Matter protests? Or does my history of fighting for queer civil rights count for nothing with this new movement demanding racial justice? As a gay man, I felt justified criticizing the Latina trans woman who heckled President Obama during the White House LGBT Pride reception. After all, you don't shout down the President of the United States in his home when you're an invited guest. It shows poor manners and breaks protocol. Many transgender and Latino activists, however, pointed out an important aspect of the controversial protest. When Latino trans people are being incarcerated, raped, beaten, and denied access to medicine, what good is protocol? When was the battle for civil rights ever won by upholding the status quo? Noted lesbian activist Urvashi Vaid, former head of the National Lesbian and Gay Task Force, once heckled president George H. W. Bush in the White House during a press conference on AIDS. For all of my personal handwringing that such a thing "simply isn't done," we'd already done it. People were dying. Protocol be damned. The recent disruptions by Black Lives Matter protestors in Seattle and at the liberal conference Netroots Nation targeted Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley. Both times white progressives decried the actions, saying activists should have kept quiet because it
wasn't "the right place" since both disruptions happened in front of a liberal audience and the "wrong target" for protesting Democrats instead of Republicans. Where is the right place for a political protest if not a political rally? What better time to address issues of racial justice than in front of the very people who've proclaimed themselves allies? And isn’t our freedom of speech based on the ability to speak our minds and air our grievances in public both in front of and about politicians and our government as a whole? Back in 1992, I followed the Clinton campaign around the Midwest, yelling into a megaphone at each rally for the candidate to “Talk about AIDS!” In 2005, I joined two other men at a religious right rally in the Indiana State Capitol as we shouted down zealots pushing for a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. While attendees may have been upset that we crashed their party and screwed up their plans, the Indiana State Police surrounded us and let us continue to yell and shout. While the Christians tried to reach us to throw us out, the police officers explained that we were exercising our freedom of speech and they would protect our right to dispute their hateful rhetoric. While we targeted religious right leaders and Republican politicians in Indiana, the Black Lives Matter folks have focused on Democrats as they swing into gear. While many progressives have grumbled that activists have picked “the wrong target,” that knee jerk reaction doesn’t take one big fact into account. No matter how many times activists interrupt them, Republican candidates will continue their race to be the most racist, homophobic,
and misogynistic; engaging them would do no wrong folks, they’re doing a darn good job of good currently. Republicans like to appear as it. conservative as possible before the primaries; I’ve noticed that as I’ve aged, I’m not as they don’t swing more moderate until the radical as I once was. I’ve mellowed. I’ve general election. started to settle for the status quo outside of Targeting Sanders and other Democrats, LGBT rights because it’s been such a major however, gives an opportunity for change. focus of my activism. But when I look around Democrats need their vote and believe and stop considering myself an expert on in their issues; out of the two parties, the direct action protests because I’ve organized Democrats are the most likely and participated in several, I to give them what they seek see a lot of younger activists proposed policies for addressing who’ve picked up the mantle I For all of immediate issues like the discarded. They’re carrying it my personal disproportionate number of forward for their own uses and African-Americans in the prison their own cause. handwringing That’s not something system, unequal punishments that such to complain about; that’s handed down by the courts, and a thing something to support. Back the violent targeted killing of in the day I would have been black men by the police; bringing "simply isn't incensed by any straight person racial justice activists into done," we'd who tried to tell me what I should their campaigns; raising public already done or shouldn’t do to “earn” my civil awareness among progressives; rights. Of course they could have and, most importantly of all, it. People their own opinions, but in the forcing the candidates to speak were dying. end those didn’t matter as much about these problems. Protocol be as mine. Those rights were mine When I joined ACT UP and so was the choice of how to members to yell at Clinton to damned. advocate for them. So as a white talk about AIDS, he eventually person, who am I to tell black started doing it. As Black Lives Matter activists have ramped up the pressure activists what is and isn’t acceptable? Did it make me uncomfortable? Did it make on Democrat candidates, they’ve started speaking out on racial justice issues, issuing me think? Has the country been talking about policy papers, and hiring black people for their issues since their protest? Then they’re substantive positions. If they’re targeting the doing everything exactly right.
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Bil Browning is a freelance writer and gay activist based in Washington, DC. Known for his political and social commentary, Bil also does consulting work for political, communications and new media projects. His papers and activism memorabilia are part of the Smithsonian’s American History Museum archives center. SouthFloridaGayNews // SFGN.com // 8.19.2015 //
column speak out
What’s one story this week you’d like to highlight?
Photo: Philippe Bosse / Roadside Attractions.
SFGN Staff
SFGN’s “Speak OUT” is a weekly feature giving a regular voice to South Florida LGBT leaders.
Working for an organization whose name is inspired by the Stonewall Riots of 1969, I was initially excited to learn that a major motion picture was in the works about the incident that launched the LGBT equality movement. With the release of the movie’s trailer, it is clear that the film, touted as “historical fiction” will be more fiction than historical and will provide no real education on the actual events or the heroes that emerged from the riots. The fact that the three leading (white) men in the movie are all straight actors adds to the whitewashing claims of the movie. While the film’s director promises that the trailer doesn’t adequately represent the film’s depiction of events, there is already an on-line boycott of the movie."
By now, everyone’s aware of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Did you know the original hashtag was created and launched by three lesbians - Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullers, and Opal Tometi? You can read more about their story, and what they call the “theft of black queer women’s work,” here: TheFeministWire.com/2014/10/ blacklivesmatter-2/. "Locally, BLAST Women of the Palm Beaches participates in the #BlackWomenMatter movement via an ongoing series of #SayHerName events, anti-racism workshops, and working with elected officials and law enforcement." — Toni Armstrong Jr., Founder/Director of BLAST Women of WPB.
—David Jobin, executive director of The Stonewall National Museum & Archives
I would like to see our community really engaging the news reported in The Advocate this week that HIV infection is up 132 percent among gay men ages 13 to 24 over the past decade, and that a quarter of new infections are in this same age group. How can we provide engaging, relevant education and support for them with the same zeal we had in fighting for marriage equality?"
Caitlyn Jenner will be remembered as a cultural icon in the transgender equal rights movement, but she doesn't represent the lives of most transgender people. She has enough fame, money, and white privilege to avoid discrimination. " — Brian McNaught, noted columnist, author and LGBT activist
— Lea Brown, Senior Pastor, MCC of the Palm Beaches
As many LGBT Americans around the U.S. enjoy freedom, one story seems to be ignored. ISIL continues to throw LGBT people of buildings simply for being gay and as we speak, the laws in Iran are such that homosexuality is a crime punishable by imprisonment, corporal punishment, and often execution. No one says a word....especially during the Iran Deal. We must bring these issues to light." — Mimi Planas, president of Log Cabin Republicans Miami
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
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One idea I'd like discussed is how LGBT people can vote for those who oppose us? Our lives, our relationships, health etc."
— R. J. Hadley, community activist and blogger
Visit SFGN.com/SpeakOut to see more of this week’s responses. Send an Email to Jason.Parsley@sfgn.com if you know of a LGBT community leader that should be or wants to be a part of this list.
sports baseball
avid Denson, a first baseman for the Milwaukee Brewers' rookie affiliate in Helena, Montana, made baseball history this weekend by revealing that he is gay. Denson, 20, publicly disclosed the news in a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article after sharing it with his family and Helena Brewers teammates. The news makes Denson the first active player affiliated with a Major League organization to come out publicly. "Talking with my teammates, they gave me the confidence I needed, coming out to them," Denson told sports writer Tom Haudricourt. "They said, 'You're still our teammate. You're still our brother. We kind of had an idea, but your sexuality has nothing to do with your ability. You're still a ballplayer at the end of the day. We don't treat you any different. We've got your back.'" Denson, who is batting .245 with four home runs and 18 RBIs in 42 games for Helena, is the Brewers' 27th-ranked prospect, according to MLB.com. He was selected by the Brewers in the 15th round of the 2013 Major League Baseball Draft out
David Denson makes history of South Hills High School in West Covina, that perception and change the stereotype California. that there would never be a gay person on A handful of retired pro athletes have come a men's professional sports team. That was out in recent years, including retired major something I struggled with." leaguer Billy Bean. Since Denson told the Journal retiring from professional Sentinel that he has baseball in 1995, Bean has concealed his sexuality since "It became a spoken frequently about the the Brewers selected him pressure gay athletes face to depression level. in 2013. The secret began conceal their sexuality. As to weigh on him as spring I wasn't being Major League Baseball's first training began in 2015. myself. It was Ambassador for Inclusion, "It became a depression Bean counseled Denson on level," he told the paper. "I visible in my his decision to reveal he is wasn't being myself. It was body language. I gay. visible in my body language. didn't know if I "Any player who happens I didn't know if I should still to be gay and is a professional stay in the sport." should still stay and has kept that secret, Denson is not doing this in the sport." they just want to be judged for the publicity, Bean said. for their baseball or football "David is very humble. It's - David Denson or basketball ability. David really about being his best would not be playing self. He's a great baseball professional baseball if he player, but he needs to be his wasn't an excellent baseball player," Bean best self to get to the big leagues." told the Journal Sentinel. Many in the sports world voiced support "The beauty of what could come from this for Denson, including the Brewers' is he can be an example that can help change leadership. soflagaynews //
"David is a highly respected member of the Milwaukee Brewers family, and he is a very courageous young man," Milwaukee Brewers President Doug Melvin said in a statement. "Our goal for David is to help develop him into a Major League player, just as it is for any player in our system, and we will continue to support him in every way as he chases that dream." "May David Denson be judged solely on his baseball ability. Wish him both support and success," WTMJ Milwaukee sports anchor Doug Russell said. Denson's Helena teammates also offered support. "Proud of my teammate David Denson. Extremely brave guy. Much respect for him!" Helena Brewers outfielder Troy Stokes said. "Sexuality does not dictate ones ability to play the game of baseball or be a good teammate. Nothing but support for our brother David Denson," catcher Mitch Ghelfi said. "Proud of my teammate and brother David Denson for coming out and being himself, ton of respect for him as a player and person," catcher Charles Galiano said.
SouthFloridaGayNews // SFGN.com // 8.19.2015 //
lifestyle photos
STONEWALL MUSEUM HONORS RANDY JONES Original cowboy from Village People awarded a gold record in commemoration
J.R. Davis
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
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lifestyle photos
Voted No. 1 Dry Cleaners in South Florida
Free Pick Up & Delivery (Home / Office)
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lifestyle history San Francisco's Strand Theatre, 1979. Linda Woods, Marni Scofidio, Denise Erickson and Jim Curry.
Photo: Wiki User Amadscientist.
Pier Angelo
History was never as straight as we are told. Recording our history means reporting the truth. Last week it was the 40th anniversary of
“The Rocky Horror Picture Show.”
The film opened in the United Kingdom on 14 August 1975 and in the U.S. on 26 Sept., premiering at the UA Westwood in Los Angeles. It is a British-American musical comedy horror film directed by Jim Sharman and it is based on the 1973 musical stage production. The film stars Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon and Barry Bostwick. Although the movie is both a parody and tribute to many of the science fiction and horror B movies from the 1930s up to the 1970s, costume designer Sue Blane conducted no research for her designs. Blane stated that costumes from the film have directly impacted the development of punk music fashion trends such as ripped fishnets and dyed hair. Although largely critically panned on release, it soon became known as a midnight movie when audiences began participating with the film at the Waverly Theater in New York City in 1976. Audience members returned to the cinemas frequently and talked back to the screen and began dressing as the characters, spawning similar performance groups across the U.S. It has the longest-running theatrical release in film history. Roger Ebert noted
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
that when first released, “The Rocky Horror muscle man in his laboratory. The couple Picture Show” was "ignored by pretty much is seduced separately by the mad scientist everyone, including the future fanatics who and eventually released by the servants who would eventually count the hundreds of take control. times they'd seen it." “The Rocky Horror Picture He considered it more Show” is referred to as a a "long-running social “Camp” movie. When it first phenomenon" than a movie, came out, gay men would 'The Rocky Horror rating it 2.5 out of 4 stars. refer to movies or shows Picture Show' Newsweek called the movie as being “campy” as an "tasteless, plotless and alternative way of saying it opened in the pointless." had homosexual undertones. United Kingdom on The public originally It was one of the first hated the movie and called movies to have a transvestite 14 August 1975, it immoral. The film starts as the lead character. Rotten and in the u.s. on with the screen fading Tomatoes gives the film to black and over-sized, a rating of 78 percent. A 26 September, disembodied female lips number of contemporary premiering in Los appear, overdubbed with a critics find it compelling male voice establishing the and enjoyable because of its Angeles. androgynous theme to be offbeat and bizarre qualities; repeated as the film unfolds. the BBC summarized: "for The story centers on a those willing to experiment young engaged couple whose car breaks with something a little bit different, a little down in the rain near a castle where they bit outré, ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’ seek a telephone to call for help. The castle is has a lot to offer." occupied by strangers in elaborate costumes Annual Rocky Horror conventions are celebrating an annual convention. held in varying locations lasting days. They discover the head of the house is Tucson, Arizona has been host a number Frank N. Furter, an apparent mad alien of times, including 1999 with “El Fishnet transvestite scientist who creates a living Fiesta,” and “Queens of the Desert” held soflagaynews //
in 2006. To the fans, Rocky Horror is ritualistic and comparable to a religious event, with a compulsive, repeated cycle of going home and coming back to see the film each weekend. The audience call backs are similar to responses in church during a mass. The film has a global following and remains popular well into the 21st century.
For Pride Month , Swedish Absolut Vodka's creative marketing department came out with a slightly different limited edition of its iconic bottle wrapped in the six colors of the rainbow flag. This year the caption in italics reads: “We are proud to believe in equality. We believe that the world needs to change. Change, so that each and every individual can be proud and decide for themselves who they belong with, live with and love. Since 1979 Absolut has been supporting the rights of proud people around the world. We will never stop."
The Art of Love, by the Roman poet Publius Ovid is the first publication giving advice on cruising. His favorite cruising spots were the market, the temple and the racetrack.
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SouthFloridaGayNews // SFGN.com // 8.19.2015 //
lifestyle food
Rick Karlin
very city seems to have a street that is filled with Indian restaurants. In New York there’s 6th St., in Chicago there’s Devon Ave., in Madrid it’s the Chueca neighborhood and Artesia, California is teeming with Indian restaurants and stores. In Fort Lauderdale you have to head out of the city, to the towns nestled between University Drive and State Road 7, Pembroke Pines, Lauderhill, and Plantation. Pembroke Pines has the biggest concentration of Indian and Southeast Asian residents, so it’s no surprise that it also has the most Indian restaurants. I tend to prefer dining buffet style at Indian restaurants. It allows you to sample a wide variety of dishes,
Photos: Submitted.
There are more curry houses in London than in Mumbai.
CURRY IN A HURRY which is difficult to do unless you’re with a large group. On the buffet at most places you’ll find a variety of cold dishes, such as sliced and/or pickled vegetables, assorted chutneys (tamarind is sweet, the green is a spicy mint-based condiment) and raita (a yogurt sauce). Many also offer lentil soup and a simple dessert or two; usually carrot or rice pudding and fried dough in syrup known as gulab jamun. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, they’ll have mango ice cream. Most buffets will also deliver. Some also bring tandoori chicken and naan (a warm flatbread) to the table. Many Indian restaurants offer buffet lunches, even if they usually offer only table service in the evening. Buffets are a great option for lunch. There’s no
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
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need to wait for your server to deliver the food and have to wolf it down at the last minute. And, as a bonus, the prices are usually cheaper.
17085 Pines Blvd. Pembroke Pines 954-505-7455 RuchiPembrokePines.com The lunch buffet features about a dozen dishes, including channa masala (chickpeas, onions and tomatoes mildly spiced), vegetable saag (mixed vegetables in a pureed creamy spinach sauce) and kadai (mixed vegetables tossed with onions, bell peppers, fenugreek and fresh coriander). These were just a few of the vegetable offerings, as well as a delightful vermicelli noodle dish and jasmine rice. Meat options included, chicken tikka masala (juicy pieces of chicken breast in a creamy tomato and cashew sauce), chicken chutneywala (a spicy curry with mango, mint, ginger and coriander), malabar (goat cooked in coconut curry with onions, potatoes and dry red chiles). The buffet is served Monday through Friday from 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. and on. Saturday and Sunday from
Other places to sample Indian and Southeast Asian cuisine in the University/State Rd. 7 Corridor. WOODLANDS
4816 N University Dr., Lauderhill, 954-749-3221
303 S. State Rd. 7, Plantation, 954-533-6017
8344 W. Oakland Park, Sunrise, 954-747-1299
1235 N. State Rd. 7, Lauderhill, 954-587-7700
2100 N. University Dr., Sunrise, 954-748-5660
1711 N. University, Plantation, 954-565-5701
8270 Griffin Rd., Davie, 954-680-1916
2088 N. University, Pembroke Pines, 954-433-4343
4465 N. University, Lauderhill, 954-741-8388
1432 N. State Rd. 7, Margate, 954-977-6753
8097 W. Oakland Park, Sunrise, 954-206-4723
11:30 a.m. through 3 p.m. Not only is it the best Indian buffet I’ve found in South Florida, it is the most reasonably priced, ($9.95 weekdays, $14.99 weekends). Bonus points for also being the cleanest restaurant I’ve visited in a long time.
TASTE BUDS OF INDIA 7881 W. Sample Rd. Coral Springs 954-603-6996 TasteBudsOfIndia.com
Granted this place is a little farther out than the rest, but if the buffet is anywhere near as good as the food was when we stopped for dinner, you’ll be in for a treat. The vegetable samosa (fried patties stuffed with potatoes and peas) were delicious, even if the serving was a bit skimpy. On the other hand, the portion of lasooni gobi (crispy cauliflower florets tossed in a spicy tomato sauce almost like General Tso’s chicken) was plentiful and filling. Lamb vindaloo was a perfect example of the spicy curry dish with just the right hint of vinegar and panak paneer (spinach puree with cheese curd) was creamy and rich. Both were served with jasmine rice. Unfortunately the $12.95 buffet is served Saturdays only.
3060 N Andrews Wilton Manors 954-568-0600 Bombay-Cafe.com Bombay Café’s buffet offers lentil and chicken soups, fresh salad vegetables with assorted chutneys and vegetable pakora (mildly spiced vegetable fritters). The tandoori chicken brought to the table is not only dry and tough; the same portion
is delivered whether you have two or four diners. Buffet items include dal makhani (lentils with onions, ginger, garlic and tomatoes), chana masala (spicy chick peas), aloo gobi (cauliflower and potatoes in mildly spiced sauce) and palak paneer (we couldn’t find any cheese in the dish), chicken tikka masala and goat curry. The food is seldom as fresh as it should be, given how busy the place can get, and steam table pans sometimes wait far too long to be replenished. The lunch buffet is served Sunday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. -3 p.m. ($9.95, week days, $11.95 on Sunday and on Wednesday and Sunday evenings from 5 p.m. - 10 p.m.
3801 Griffin Rd. Davie 954-964-0071 RoyalIndiasFL.com If you prefer your Indian food served without any flavor, this is the place for you. Every dish is so lacking in spice that it could pass for baby food. When I mentioned that the food seemed bland to our server, she replied, “That’s how our customers like it.” WTF? Why eat Indian food if you don’t want spicy? Even after asking my waitress that question and upon seeing a plate of untouched food, she still charged me. She must be right about the customers though, we had to wait nearly 20 minutes for a table and there was a line out the door. The buffet is available lunch times only, 11:30 a.m. through 3 p.m. every day of the week for $9.95.
Men’s Night! EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT 2 for 1 dinners* and drink specials all night long *with drink purchase
$34.95 PRIX-FIXE THREE COURSE MENU ALL SUMMER (MON - SUN) Santa Lucia Ristorante 2701 E Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306
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Bombay Cafe.
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J.W. Arnold
2 0
2 5 ,
2 0 1 5
W W W . S F G N . C O M
The MiFo LGBT Film Festival offers a special 954 GLOW screening of “Henry Gamble’s Birthday Party,” tonight at 7 p.m. at the Classic Gateway Theatre, 1820 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Written and directed by Steven Cone, this tender and charming new feature unfolds over a 24-hour period in the life of Henry, the son of an evangelical pastor, on the occasion of his 17th birthday. Let’s just say this is one birthday party that doesn’t go quite as planned. Tickets are $12 at MiFoFilm.com.
How do you describe the spectacle that is Montreal-based Cirque du Soleil? The inventive international troupe of aerialists, acrobats, dancers, clowns and musicians returns to South Florida with “Varekai,” through Aug. 23 at the BB&T Center in Sunrise. This dynamic arena production takes place in a mystical forest on the slopes of dormant volcano and explores the myth of Icarus, the foolish young man who dares to fly and touch the sun. Tickets are $40 – 100 at CirqueDuSoleil.com.
Submitted photo.
8/22 SUN
Author Deon Davis reads from her memoir, “I’ll Find a Way: An Author’s Journey of Love and Acceptance for her Gay Son,” as part of the Stonewall Authors Series today at 4 p.m. at the Stonewall National Museum – Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive. Hear Davis tell her own harrowing story, raising a son who battled depression and suicidal thoughts, as well as read from her children’s series, “Beanie & the Bully,” and “The New Kid.” Open to the public. For more information, go to Stonewall-Museum.org.
This is the last weekend to experience Cirque du Soleil’s magical production, “Varekai,” at the BB&T Center in Sunrise.
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
8/23 MON
Infinite Abyss Productions, in partnership with Evening Star Productions, presents “Bug,” by Tracy Letts through Aug. 29 at the new Abyss Theatre, 2304 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Set in a seedy motel room outside Oklahoma City, “Bug” is “a riveting thriller of paranoia and an instant guilty pleasure.” Todd Bruno and Erynn Dalton star and Rosalie Grant directs this intense new play. Catch the production Wednesday through Saturday at 8 p.m. Tickets are $25 at Infinite-Abyss.org. soflagaynews //
8/24 TUE
The bears are back for season four of the award-winning gay comedy/mystery web series, “Where the Bears Are.” It’s “The Golden Girls” meets “Murder She Wrote” in this show about four gay roommates living in Los Angeles. This season sends the bears on a romp through trendy Silver Lake and on a luxury yacht to Catalina Island. Watch for guest performances from Tuc Watkins (“Desperate Housewives”) and Missi Pyle (“Gone Girl”). Catch new episodes at WhereTheBearsAre.tv.
The NSU Museum of Art, formerly Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, 1 E. Las Olas Blvd., has several noteworthy exhibitions including “Pablo Picasso: Painted Ceramics and Works on Paper, 1931-71,” and “War Horses: Helhesten and the Danish Avant Garde During World War II.” Under the leadership of director and chief curator Bonnie Clearwater, the museum has staked out an important niche in the regional art scene. For tickets and more information, go to NSUArtMuseum.org.
Daoud’s Create your own beautiful bracelet!
Florida’s Oldest and Highest Rated Jeweler 2473 EAST SUNRISE BOULEVARD | FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33304 (across from the Galleria Mall)
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a&e theater
he cast of “Bed and Sofa”, left to right: Noah Levine, Rebeca Diaz and Elvin Negron.
Photo Credit: Geoffrey Short
Our Locations:
401 E Las Olas Blvd, Ft Lauderdale 119 Washington Ave, Miami Beach
J.W. Arnold
Frank Vigliotti, Realtor
Henri Vezie, Realtor
“silent movie opera” would seem to be an intriguing contradiction in terms, but that’s exactly why Outré Theatre Company added the southeastern premiere of “Bed and Sofa” to its summer season at the Broward Center. Based on Avram Room’s 1926 silent film masterpiece, “Tretya meshchanskaya,” “Bed and Sofa” focuses on a stonemason, Kolya, and his wife, Ludmilla, living in a cramped basement apartment in Moscow. When Kolya’s old army buddy Volodya shows up in Moscow without a place to stay, Kolya offers to let his handsome friend stay on the sofa. The sexual tension between Ludmilla and Volodya reaches its peak when Kolya has to leave town for three weeks, only to return to find he will be sleeping on the sofa, while Ludmilla and Volodya share the bed. The tension mounts between the three until Ludmilla finally must make a harrowing choice. “The film on which the play is based was revolutionary for its time,” explained Outré artistic director Skye Whitcomb. “Its frank treatment of sex, of abortion, of women’s rights, was nearly unheard of in 1927. It’s a great show to start our ‘Power of Woman’ season, since Ludmilla is really the linchpin of the story. Rather than allowing either of the men to define who she is, she makes that decision on her own, to be whoever it is that she wants to be.”
While the subject matter is dark and dramatic, the 1996 Obie Award-winning musical score presents unique challenges for musical director Caryl Fantel. “The score is mammoth, not like anything I’ve done,” said Fantel, who led Zoetic Stage to last year’s Carbonell Award for best musical. “There’s absolutely no hiding. Time signatures and key signatures are constantly changing. It never stops.” And, while the score by Laurence Klaven is challenging for pianist Fantel and her Russian pit orchestra—violinist Liuba Ohrimenko and cellist Konstantin Litveninko—there are hazards all along the way for the three person cast. Outré veterans Noah Levine and Elvin Negron (“Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson”) join newcomer Rebeca Diaz as Volodya, Kolya and Ludmilla. “It’s so challenging. I’m blown away and impressed by these young singers,” praised Fantel. “There is no hiding. It’s very exposed vocally.” Audiences will immediately recognize the stylist departure for Outré, which last mounted the rock musical “Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson” at the Broward Center this spring. Fantel predicted, “Bed and Sofa is going to surprise people because it’s not Outré’s typical fare. It’s all about taking a chance. It’s edgy, but in a different way.”
Outré Theatre Company presents “Bed and Sofa” by Polly Pen and Laurence Klavan in the Abdo New River Room at the Broward Center in Fort Lauderdale, Aug. 28 – Sept. 13. Performances are Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets are available at BrowardCenter.org.
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Theater Christiana Lilly
Radio Theatre: African Queen Aug. 19 at 7:30 p.m. at Arts Garage, 180 NE First St. in Delray Beach. A tribute to the golden age of radio, a performance of the 1951 movie starring Katharine Hepburn, a woman whose brother is killed in World War I Africa, and Humphrey Bogart, the man working to get her to safety. Tickets $20 to $30. Call 561-450-6357 or visit ArtsGarage.org.
Brandon Flowers
Aug. 19 at 8 p.m. at the Fillmore Miami Beach, 1700 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. The frontman of The Killers goes on a solo tour promoting his album “The Desired Effect.” Tickets $30 to $45.50. Call 305-673-7300 or visit FillmoreMB.com.
Through Aug. 23 at the BB&T Center, One Panther Parkway in Sunrise. The newest Cirque du Soleil production, Icarus falls from the sky when he flies too close to the sun and lands in the mystical forest of Varekai. Tickets $40 to $145. Call 954-835-7000 or visit TheBBTCenter.com.
broward county * Melodious Moods
Aug. 22 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Broward County Main Library Auditorium, 100 S. Andrews Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Enmoy the traditional music of India with vocals by Hemang Mehta, tabla by Meghashyam Keshav, and harmonium by Dr. Neelesh Nadkarni. Tickets $20 to $30. Visit APAIArt. com.
* Beres Hammond: One Love One Life Tour
Aug. 23 at Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Known as Jamaica’s king of lover’s rock, Hammond has been nominated for Grammy Awards and produced numbers of hits. Tickets $30 to $110. Call 954-462-0222 or visit BrowardCenter.org.
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* Breaking Benjamin with Young Guns, Starset
Aug. 25 at 7 p.m. at Revolution Live, 100 SW 3rd Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. Getting their start in the early Photo: WIKIPEDIA 2000s, Breaking Benjamin is known for hits “Diary of Jane,” “Polyamorous,” “So Cold,” and more. Tickets $38 in advance, $40 day of. Call 954-4491025 or visit JoinTheRevolution.net.
palm beach county * Tim McGraw, Billy Currington, and Chase Bryant
Aug. 21 at 7 p.m. at Pure Vodka Amphitheatre, 601-7 Sansburys Way in West Palm Beach. Making waves since 1994, McGraw is joined on the road by Billy Carrington and Chase Bryant. Tickets $59 and up. Call 561-795-8883 or visit CruzanAmphitheatre.net.
Free Friday Concerts
Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.
miami-dade county * Premios Tu Mundo
Aug. 20 at 8 p.m. at the AmericanAirlines Arena, 601 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. The show will be aired live on Telemundo, with performances by Victor Manuelle, J Balvin, Regulo Caro, Kymani Marley, and more. Tickets $30 to $40. Call 786-777-1000 or visit AAArena.com.
Lazy Fair
Aug. 20 to Sept. 6 at Miami Theater Center, 9816 NE Second Ave. in Miami Shores. A bank heist takes a turn when the money stolen is a lot more than the burglars thought. Tickets $25 to $50. Call 305-751-9550 or visit MadCatTheatre.org or MTCMiami.org.
* Umphrey’s McGee
Aug. 22 at 9 at the Fillmore Miami Beach, 1700 Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. The progressive rock band plays with J. Roddy Walston and the Business, followed by an after party at the theater at 11:45 p.m. Tickets $27.50. Call 305-673-7300 or visit FillmoreMB.com
I’ll Eat You Last
Through Aug. 30 at GableStage at the Biltmore, 1200 Anastasia Ave. in Coral Gables. Enter the home of Sue Mengers, who survived Hitler’s Germany, and is now a major actress. Tickets $45. Call 305-445-1119 or visit GableStage.org.
* Denotes New Listing
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Community Christiana Lilly Calendar@SFGN.com
Top Picks
Stonewall Author Series: “I’ll Find a Way”
Aug. 22 at 4 p.m. at the Stonewall Museum -- Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Deon Davis discusses her book about her experience raising a gay son as he battled through depression, suicidal thoughts, and finally self acceptance, as well as her children’s book “Beanie & The Bully.” Free. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall-Museum.org.
The Local LGBT hospitality market
Aug. 26 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Biltmore Hotel, 1200 Anastasia Ave. in Coral Gables. An expo and luncheon with area businesses specializing in weddings, boutique, restaurants, and events for the LGBT community. Tickets $40 to $50. Visit GayBizMiami.com
Through Sept. 6 at the Cornell Museum of Art, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in Delray Beach. A collection of art from 15 internationally acclaimed artist using unique materials to create sculptures. Suggestion donation of $5. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayCenterForTheArts.org.
broward county Wayne White: Art is Supposed to Hypnotize You or Something
Through Aug. 23 at the Art and Culture Center of Hollywood, 1650 Harrison St. in Hollywood. The eclectic artist comes to Florida for the Broward 100, with a display of his oversized puppets, word paintings, and other whimsical pieces of art. Tickets $8. Call 954-921-3274 or visit ArtAndCultureCenter. org.
* BCWLA Installation with Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz
Aug. 25 at noon at the Renaissance Hotel, 1617 SE 17th St. in Fort Lauderdale. Join the Broward County Women’s Lawyers Association for its board installation, including a speech by US Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Tickets $35 to $40. Email BCWLA@ BrowardWomenLawyers.com.
// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
Support Services SunServe Youth Group
Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and Hollywood. A support group and night of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and times.
Survivor Support
First and third Wednesdays, 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from counselors and peers who have lost loved ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or visit FISPOnline.org.
GayWrites Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. at the Stonewall Library, 1300 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Come join us and write your memoir, poem, blog, novel or short story. Free. Email garri1@earthlink.net
Gender Bender Youth Group Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, binary systems, friendship, family and whatever else comes up! Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com
PFLAG Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Southwest Ranches. A support group for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and locations.
* Stonewall Movie Series: “But I’m a Cheerleader”
Aug. 27 at 7 p.m. at the Stonewall and ArtServe Auditorium, 1300 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. In this satire, high school cheerleader Megan is sent to a conversion therapy camp. Instead, she finds love and acceptance of her sexual orientation. Free. Call 954-763-8565 or visit StonewallMuseum.org.
palm beach county
* “Come Auditions
Aug. 24 and 25 at at 7:30 p.m. at Delray Beach Playhouse, 950 NW Ninth St. in Delray Beach. The Neil Simon comedy will be performed Oct. 10 to 25 and the playhouse is looking for three men, four women, and three backstage running crew. No prepared monologues necessary. Free. Call 561-2721281, ext. 4 or visit DelrayBeachPlayhouse. com
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The Morikami Menagerie: Creatures in Japanese Art
Through Sept. 13 at Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens, 4000 Morikami Park Road in Delray Beach. Japanese folklore’s fantasy creatures -- dragons, lion-dogs and dragon-deer -- in art. Tickets $15 museum admission. Call 561-495-0233 or visit Morikami.org.
Sushi & Stroll Summer Walks
Second Fridays through Sept. 11 at Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens, 4000 Morikami Park Road. in Delray Beach. An annual summer series, explore the gardens and museum for sushi, sake, and taiko drumming. Tickets $15 museum admission. Call 561-495-0233 or visit Morikami.org
Japan’s Robot Kingdom
Through Sept. 13 at Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens, 4000 Morikami Park Road. in Delray Beach. A look at Japanese robotics from the last 50 years and its impact on pop culture and technology. Tickets $15. Call 561-495-0233 or visit Morikami.org.
Eww! What’s Eating You?
Through Sept. 27 at the South Florida Science Center, 4801 Dreher Trail North in West Palm Beach. Explore the creepy crawlies of our planet that live off humans -- parasites! -- like tapeworms, fleas, lice, mosquitoes, and ticks. Tickets $11 to 15. Call 561-832-1988 or visit SFScienceCenter.org.
miami-dade county * GALLA Networking Mixer
HIV Support Group
Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at South Beach AIDS Project, 1234 Washington Ave. Ste. 200 in Miami Beach. A support group for those who are HIV positive. Free. Call 305-5354733, ext. 301 or email support@sobeaids. org.
Modern Buddhist Meditation
Mondays and Tuesdays at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Miami. Find inner peace with instruction on meditation with Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Nurbu. Cost $10 and $5 per class. Call 786-529-7137.
Book Study
Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Miami. Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Nurbu, will lead classes on learning the foundations of Buddhism. Call 786-529-7137.
Prayers For World Peace
Sundays from 10 a.m. to noon at the Drolma Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Miami. Buddhist teacher, Todd Ellenberg will lead prayers and meditation. Cost $10. Call 786-529-7137.
key west SMART Ride Bingo
Sundays through Oct. 17 from 2 to 4 p.m. at Poinciana Royale, 16th Street and Duck Avenue in Key West. Help raise money for Team Milemarkers for the SMART Ride
Aug. 20 from 6 to 8 p.m. at C1 Bank, 2632 N. Miami Ave. in Miami. Join the Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and the Gay & Lesbian Lawyers Association for a networking event with local attorneys, judges, students, and legal professionals to a social cocktail mixer. Free. Visit GALLA. MDGLCC.com.
Aqua Idol
Arsht Center Farmers Market
Wednesdays from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Island House, 1129 Fleming St. in Key West. Relax in the middle of the week with two-forone drinks, free shots, videos and music, giveaways, and naked boys at the pool. Call 305-294-6284 or visit IslandHouseKeyWest. com
Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh food from local farmers, including fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/ en/Visit/Dining.
Rainbow Circle
Mondays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the University of Miami Flipse Building #302, 5665 Ponce de Leon Drive in Coral Gables. An open discussion about coming out, relationships, peer pressure, bullying, depression and more. Free. Visit Pridelines.org.
Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Aqua Key West, 711 Duval St. in Key West. Support your local artists and vote for your favorite! Benefits Waterfront Playhouse. Call 305294-0555 or visit AquaKeyWest.com.
Hot Naked Hump Days
Gay Key West Trolley Tours
Saturdays at 4 p.m. meeting at 628 Duval St. See the gay side of Key West on this trolley tour. Tickets $25. Call 800-535-7797 or visit GayKeyWestFL.com.
Hot Naked Sundays
Sundays from noon to 4 p.m. at Island House, 1129 Fleming St. in Key West. A pretea pool party. Call 305-294-6284 or visit IslandHouseKeyWest.com.
* Denotes New Listing
porn pulse
wo porn actors are suing a bondage studio claiming they contracted HIV while performing scenes. Cameron Bay and Rod Daily, former porn "stars" have filed separate lawsuits in Superior Court of California County of San Francisco. Named in Bay's suit as defendants are Kink.com; Kink Studios, LLC; PublicDisgrace. com; CyberNet Entertainment, LLC; Armory Studios, LLC; Peter Acworth; Sarah Dierdorf Corrigan (aka Lorelei Lee; 2183 Mission LLC and 50 unnamed "Jon Does." Kink.com rejected both suits reports the adult website, Xbiz.com. “The lawsuits, which appear to be funded by Michael Weinstein’s controversial AIDS Healthcare Foundation, are so illegitimate as to be offensive, avoiding science altogether in favor of emotional arguments about HIV, sex work and BDSM,” a Kink.com spokesman told Xbiz.com. “At times, it reads less like a lawsuit and more like a statement from the Pat Buchanan or the Westboro Baptist Church, in which AIDS is retribution for immoral behavior." The plaintiff's complaint alleges damages in 11 counts -- Negligence, Negligence Per Se,
Intentional/Fraudulent Misrepresentation, Civil Conspiracy to Commit Intentional/ Fraudulent Misrepresentation, Breach of Implied Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing, Negligent Supervision, Negligent Hiring and/or Rentention, Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, Premises Liability, Premises Liability (2183 Mission, LLC) and Battery. Bay alleges in her claim that, while playing the role of a sub with one male dom and one female dom on a PublicDisgrace.com production in July 2013, she was exposed to blood after one male performer rammed his penis so hard into her mouth that the head of it got cut on her wisdom tooth, reports Xbiz.com. In the suit, Daily claims he engaged in both oral and anal sex despite that he earlier requested condoms be used during the shoot that involved a transgender female. “At the end of the shoot, the transgender performer ejaculated in [Daily’s] eye,” the suit said. “Plaintiff alerted defendant Tomcat (studio director) of this. Instead of following proper protocol associated with exposure to bloodborne pathogens, plaintiff was handed a towel and nothing more."
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SouthFloridaGayNews // SFGN.com // 8.19.2015 //
Business Directory legal
SELZER & WEISS 1515 NE 25th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.4444 Selzerandweiss.com
WILTON MANORS DENTAL 2517 NE 9th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-564-4746 Wiltonmanorsdental.com
SHAWN NEWMAN 710 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.9160 Shawnnewman.com
ISLAND CITY DENTAL 1700 NE 26th Street, Ste. 2, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954-564-7121 Islandcitydental.com
LAW GC 707 NE 3rd Ave #300, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.573.1444 Lawgc.com
ISLAND CITY SMILES 1946 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-565-7666 Islandcitysmiles.com
GREGORY KABEL 1 East Broward Blvd #700, Fort Lauderdale, 33301 954.761.7770 gwkesq@bellsouth.net LAW ROBIN 2550 N Federal Hwy #20, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.630.2707 Lawrobin.com
JIMENEZ LAW 100 SE 3rd Ave #1514, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394 954.848.3111 Jimenezlawoffices.com
health EMERALD ELITE 2301 Wilton Drive, Suite 3, Wilton Manors, FL 954.629.1377 Emeraldelitehomehealth.com
DR. TORY SULLIVAN 2500 N Federal Hwy #301, Fort Lauderdale, FL 954.533.1520 Torysullivanmd.com THE FLORIDA HOUSE EXPERIENCE 505 S Federal Hwy, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 800.778.6792 Fherehab.com
To place an ad in the Business Directory, call our sales team at 954.530.4970 health
AMERICAN PAIN EXPERTS 6333 N. Federal Hwy, Ste. 250, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 954-678-1074 Americanpainexperts.com
investments AMERICAN TAX & INSURANCE 2929 E Comm. Blvd, 8th Floor Penthouse D, Fort Lauderdale, FL
954.302.3228 Americantaxandinsurance.com
professional services BARTON & MILLER CLEANERS 2600 N. Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-4314 KALIS-MCINTEE FUNERAL & CREMATION CENTER
2505 N. Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-7621 Kalismcintee.com
restaurants J. MARK’S 1245 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 (954) 390-0770 Jmarksrestaurant.com SANTA LUCIA RISTORANTE 2701 E. Oakland Park Blvd, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 954-396-0930 Santaluciaristorante.com
$250 A YEAR retail PEACE PIPE 4800 N Dixie Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 954.267.9005 Facebook.com/peacepipefl DAOUD’S 2473 E Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954.928.2437 Daouds.com
STORKS BAKERY 2505 NE 15th Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.567.3220 Storksbakery.com
NATURAL SLEEP 3040 N 29th Ave, Hollywood, FL 33020 954.951.2678 Naturalsleepfd.com
THE FLORIDIAN RESTAURANT 1410 E Las Olas Blvd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954.463.4041
POVERELLO THRIFT STORE 2056 N Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.561.3663 Poverello.org MODERN HOME 2 GO 4000 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.530.5650 Mh2go.com
LANE & ERIKS DENTAL ASSOCIATES 1831 NE 45th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.771.3331 Laneanderiksdental.com
SIMPLY MEN’S HEALTH 5405 Okeechobee Blvd #205, West Palm Beach, FL 561.459.5356 Simplymenshealth.com
OAKLAND PARK DENTAL 3047 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954.566.9812 Oaklandparkdental.com
NATURA DERMATOLOGY 1120 Bayview Dr, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 754.333.4886 Coolsculptingnaturadermatology.com
NAKED GRAPE 2163 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954.563.5631 Nakedgrapewinebar.com
ANDREWS DENTAL CARE 2654 N Andrews Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33311 954.567.3311 Andrewsdentalcare.com
MARK ENGEBRETSON Palm Beach & Boca Raton 561.400.9297 heartofthemystery.com
BEEFCAKE’S 1721 N Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 954.463.6969 Boardwalkbar.com
ESTATE AUCTION CO. 6 South Federal Hwy, Dania Beach, FL 33304 954-921-2828 Estateauctionco.com
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HENRI FRANK GROUP 401 E Las Olas Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954.604.9999 Henrifrank.com
travel / leisure
AQUAFEST CRUISES A Division of CruiseCenter © 800-592-9058 Aquafestcruises.com
theaters FT LAUDERDALE GAY MEN'S CHORUS PO Box 9772, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310-9772 954-832-0060 www.theftlgmc.org ANDREWS LIVING ARTS STUDIO 23 NW 5th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954.530.1879 Classcreations.com KRAVIS CENTER 701 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL (561) 832-7469 Kravis.org
theaters ADRIENNE ARSHT CENTER 1300 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132 305.949.6722 Arshtcenter.org
GAY MEN’S CHORUS OF SOUTH FLORIDA PO Box 39617, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33339 954-763-2266 Gaymenschorusofsouthflorida.org
veterinarian DR. PIERRE B. BLAND, DVM 3225 N. Andrews Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 954-673-8579 Doctorblandvet.com
Coach Bill For Life
954-392-1301 WWW.FREONFIX.COM
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GAY MALE EMPOWERMENT PROJECT FINDING MR RIGHT—NOT MR PERFECT Thursday, Aug 27, 7-9 pm THE PRIDE CENTER at EQUALITY PARK (Bldg. B) Presenter: Richard Mayora, LCSW, CAP Register online at www.sunserve.org
In this interactive workshop, we will examine our willingness to enter into intimate, lasting relationships and the effectiveness of the means we employ to meet eligible men. Based upon field research in our own local community, this workshop also explores greater self-awareness about what other men actually find attractive and how to develop skills to overcome some of the obstacles to finding that special someone…..You don’t want to miss this one!!! Suggested donation: $10
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SFGN Classified$ attorney
employment - full time MATURE OFFICE ASSISTANT WANTED Looking for a mature male or female to work in a small auto parts office in Oakland Park area. Bookkeeping skills necessary and must be able to work basic computer programs. 40 hrs./wk. starting pay $11/hr with potential for increase. Email resume to greg@me807.com
home & garden
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SEEKING FRONT DESK PERSON FOR DENTAL OFFICE - Looking to hire full time 8-5 front desk person for receptionist, answering phones, filing, making appts. Full time position with benefits and fun, relaxed working atmosphere for the right person. No previous dental experience needed. Willing to train if you have good attitude and work ethic. Call 954-566-9812 or email opdentalung@aol.com
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SFGN.com licensed massage INCREDIBLY AWESOME BODYWORK IN WPB In-calls at a private studio 15 minutes west of PBIA. Intuitive, experienced licensed massage therapist offers affordable rates 7 days, early to late. ASK ABOUT WEEKLY SPECIALS!Calls only 561-2548065 for the very best massage experience you can get HANDS DOWN! #MA51008
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// 8.19.2015 // SFGN.com //
professional services other
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help wanted - full time
WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO? - Learn from an experienced teacher. All levels and ages welcome. Learn to play classical, popular, jazz, or, show tunes. Visit www.edwinchad.com or call 954-826-9555 for more information.
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MIN-PIN PUPPIES FOR SALE - 2 Male stag red puppies for sale.Born 5/24.Non-yappy. $600 each. Contact John at 954-249-0957 or email at JohnJMakos@bellsouth.net.
LIVE JAZZ FOR YOUR NEXT PARTY OR SPECIAL EVENT - Have your next special occassion be extra special with live jazz. Jazz vocalist with over 30 years experience performing in South Florida.No tapes or tracks.I work with South Florida's finest jazz musicians to make your special affair one to remember. Reasonable rates. Call Cindy at 954-298-8158 www.myspace.com/cindycurtisandcompany.
AFFORDABLE AWESOME MASSAGE BY JIM Offering Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports and LomiLomi Massage for Men; in a very comfortable, relaxed and Private Massage Studio, NOW conveniently located in Wilton Manors on NE 26th Street, with plenty of free parking. Same Day appointments are welcome; please call Jim, 954-600-5843 email: info@ massagebyjim.com or visit my website for testimonials, rates and more. GREAT OPENING SPECIAL NOW AVAILABLE! www.massagebyjim.com Licensed and Certified MM22293
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CLEAN IT RIGHT! - The best cleaning for your buck. 1BD $60, 2BD $70, 3BD $80 and up. Excellent rates & references. 10 years in business. Serving Broward, North Miami-Dade & S. Palm Beach. Call Manny 954-560-4443.
licensed massage
GAY FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED - One bedroom in house; full use of kitchen;furnished or unfurnished.Elec and water included; $450/ month;W.Manors/Oak.Park area;1st and last;call Natalie at 954-261-9867 or Claudette at 786-4735847 soflagaynews //
rentals MIKE THE RENTAL GUY NE Lauderdale/Wilton Manors/Oakland/Victoria Park-1/1 from $885 2/1 from $1090. Credit & Income Requirements-Pets okay with restrictions. Call for Details Mike 561703-5533
real estate agents
FLORIDA'S TOP GAY REALTORS - Instant FREE Access to Florida and the Nation's Top Gay Realtors. Free Buyers Representation! On-line: www.GayRealEstate.com or Toll Free 1-888-420MOVE (6683)
real estate for sale
VICTORIA PARK 1 BR/1 BA - Beautiful updated 1 BR/1 BA with private fenced patio;small complex; gorgeous open beamed ceilings;tile floor; next to Holiday Park tennis courts;W/D; small dog ok; $925/ month; 954-729-1936. 2 BR 2 BA REMODELED CONDO - Tile floors, kitchen has granite, stainless upgraded appliances, & cherry cabinets. Amenities include: secure building; elevator; laundry rooms; pool,clubhouse and ample parking. In Wilton Manors, near shopping, restaurants and nightlife. Condo financials good with fully funded reserves. Price $190k. Call 318-461-1634.
rentals furnished housing *PERFECT LOCATION RENTALS* 4 WEEK + SPECIAL FROM $395/WEEK - Intimate 7 unit Liberty Garden Suites offering all the comforts of home. Beautifully Furnished & Full Equipped Studio & One BR Apts. with Full Kitchens, in lush tropical resort setting. 5 Min south of Airport in Dania Beach. Central to Haulover Nude Beach & Wilton Manors. Incl. WI-Fi, laundry, private parking, utilities, cable, tel. Gay Owned & Operated. Longer term Monthly rates available for 3 months + Stays. Pets Always Welcome. Celebrating Our 18th Year. Call Joe or Jack at 954-927-0090 or visit www.LibertySuites.com
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rentals wilton manors WILTON STATION 2BD/2.5BA - Impressive condominium complex in the heart of Wilton Manors. Unit is located on desirable Village Lane in complex. Complex is gated guarded (of course), with resort style amenities, water fall pool, cabanas, whirl pools, state of the art heath club. Community area has bar, movie theater, card room. Unit is two floors, two bedroom, two bath, one half bath with a den. Vessel sinks, whirlpool tub. Washer dryer in unit, granite counters, storage. Covered parking. $2,300/MONTH – 1st, last, + Security. $100 application fee, credit/background check. Call iHome Florida Real Estate 954-627-1222 ext. 901 WILTON MANORS 2BD/2BA - Beautiful remodeled 2 bedroom, 2 full bath home in the heart of Wilton Manors, walk to the Drive. Walking distance to Wilton Drive and Five Points. Granite kitchen, updated bathrooms, walk in closet in master bedroom, WASHER/DRYER. Fenced in yard. Easy and quick approval! First and Security moves you in! This home is immaculate! Landlord will include utilities (Electric and Water) for an extra $199/ month. $1,699/MONTH - 1st + Security. Call iHome Florida Real Estate 954-6271222 ext. 901
folow the action.
sfgn.com rentals fort lauderdale EAST OAKLAND PARK 2BD/1 BA HOUSE CLOSE TO WILTON MANORS - Private yard/ pool/laundry room. New kitchen,DW/disp,Central A/C, GM renter(s)Cable T.V./internet split;Electric extra.water,yardcare incl.$1300.1st, l/last/security. security negotiable. Call 954-993-8830.
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