a tree that quietly exists (from The Overstory)
for 3 to 5 voices (2021) kurt rohde ©2021 ripley dog face publishing
The series of chords is finite because it begins and it ends. The repeat goes back to the beginning; the double bar marks the ending. Play in the most intimate and fragile, slow and subdued manner. The length of the chords is uniform. Any instruments or voices of any combination may perform this. Wait ever so slightly and lightly between the chords, with the waitings being uniform. Chords may not overlap. At least two instruments play in each chord one of the tones. If there are 3 players, try playing as many of the chord tones as possible given what your instrument or voice is capable of. If there are 5 players, when everyone plays there will be notes that are doubled or tripled (or more) in each chord; listen carefully and balance the voicing so that the color and blending of sound is always the focus. Unisons are allowed. Vibrato should be minimal to none. The series may be repeated as many times as the moments speaks to the performers. With each repetition, players play in fewer and fewer chords; simply wait when you don’t play for when you do play. The series goes on until it doesn’t and the repetition has ended. Play with a sound that makes the parts sound as a whole. Open strings and harmonics are allowed, as are mutes; the score is not transposed and must remain so. Play only in the register written. If piano is used, it should be the only instrument to play the work. In this case, the pianist may play any of the notes in any register as long as the chord is played in the frame of the measure; arpeggiations and light use of pedal are allowed. Pianist should play as if they are many players playing as one rather than one playing as many players.
a tree that quietly exists (from "The Overstory")
SCORE IN C: However the work is played, the score should remain untransposed unless it is played on solo piano.
Unwavering, endlessly gentle q = 36 - 46 be brave, remain patient
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###w w ww
w nbw ww
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w ##w w w
n w bb w w w
w & n#w ww
w #w w
w nnbw w w
bbw ww
##w ww
nw bnb w ww
& #bw ww w
bbbbw w ww
nn#bw w ww
##w ww
w n ww nw