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Meet Your SFMMS CMA/CDPH Leadership
Ian Knox
The San Francisco Medical Society has a long and rich history of leadership at the state level, with 2022 being
no exception. The members below are those that have and/ or currently hold important leadership positions at CMA/ CDPH, acting as both representatives for SFMMS, the citizens of California, as well as intermediaries between CMA/CDPH and SFMMS.
Lawrence Cheung, MD, FAAD, FASDS
Dr. Cheung is a solo private practice dermatologist and the principal investigator of a clinical trials unit that focuses on phase III trials on dermatologic treatments. He also is an active volunteer instructor, teaching responsibilities at UCSF,St.Mary’sMedicalCenter,andCPMC.
A Past-President of SFMMS, Dr. Cheung served multiple terms as Chair of the SFMMS Delegation to the CMA, and as the CMA Chair of the California Resolutions Committee to the AMA. Dr. Cheung is currently serving as an AMA Delegate representing CMA. Dr. Cheung also sits as a CMA Trustee for District VIII/ SFMMS. In the spring of this year, Dr. Cheung announced his candidacy for the seat of Vice-Speaker at CMA.
Shannon Udovic-Constant, MD
Dr. Udovic-Constant is a pediatrician with The Permanente Medical Group in San Francisco and the past Chair of the California American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) State Government Affairs committee.
Dr. Udovic-Constant has served as a CMA Trustee since 2013. She has served as Chair of the CALPAC Independent Expenditure CommitteeandpartofCMA’sDiversityandInclusionTechnical Advisory Committee (TAC) and Firearm Prevention TAC. She hasalsoservedastheAAPrepresentativeonCMA’sCouncilon Legislation. Dr. Udovic-Constant is currently serving as Vice Chair of the CMA Board of Trustees and is in line to become CMA President-Elect in 2023.
Peter Bretan, Jr., MD, FACS
Urologist and kidney transplant surgeon Peter N. Bretan, Jr., M.D. is a three-time Marin Medical Society President (now San Francisco Marin Medical Society). Dr.BretanisCMA’sImmediatePast-President andwasthefirstFilipino-AmericanphysiciantoserveasCMA president (2019-2021). He also served for three years on the CMA Executive Committee and three years on the Board of Trustees. Dr. Bretan also served on the Board of CalPAC, the CMA Presidents Forum, and is currently serving another term as SFMMS Delegate to CMA. Dr. Bretan is also a District X CMA Delegate to the AMA.
In 2015, Dr. Bretan was the Recipient of the CMA Ardarsh S. MahalMD’sAccesstoHealthCareandDisparitiesAward.
George Fouras, MD
Dr. George A. Fouras is a Psychiatrist currently practicing in the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, specializing in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Dr. Fouras has served in SFMMS leadership positions for over 20 years, including President (2011), multiple terms as SFMMS PAC Chair, and over a decade as an SFMMS Delegate to the CMA House of Delegates. Dr. Fouras has also served as the Chair of the California Psychiatric Association PAC.
In 2019, Dr. Fouras was appointed to a seat as CMA Alternate Delegate to the AMA and then to Delegate in 2021. Dr. Fouras currently sits on the CALPAC Board of Directors and the CMA Council on Legislation.
John Maa, MD
Dr. John Maa practices General Surgery in Marin County and served as SFMMS president in 2018.
Dr. Maa has sat on several SFMMS Boards and Committees, including the SFMMS Board of Directors, the SFMMS PAC, and the SFMMS Delegation to CMA. He has also served on multiple city and statewide committees including the American Heart Association Western States AffiliateAdvocacyCommittee,asamemberoftheSFSugary Drinks Distributor Tax Advisory Committee and is a PastPresident of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Northern California Chapter.
Dr. Maa currently sits on the CMA Council on Legislation, is a CALPAC Board of Directors Representative, and is an SFMMS Delegate to CMA.
Tomás J. Aragón, MD, DrPH
Tomás J. Aragón, MD, DrPH specializes in public health (primary internal medicine, infectious diseases, and epidemiology) and is theformerhealthofficerofSanFranciscoand Director of Public Health Services at SFDPH.
Dr. Aragon served as technical consultant to SFMMS, as well as on the SFMMS Board of Directors. His contributions to the society extended to collecting and editing the public health articles for the SFMM journal and remains a frequent partner with SFMMS on numerous public health issues.
After working in public health leadership roles for more than 20 years, Dr. Aragón was appointed as Director of the California Department of Public Health by Governor Gavin Newsomin2020,servingasthechiefpublichealthofficerin the state of California.
Ian Knox is the SFMMS Director of Governance and Operations.