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Actions Evaluation

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Each of the six strategies contains at least one action which was evaluated both quantitatively and qualitatively. The figures below illustrate the total greenhouse gas emissions reduction potential of each of the actions through 2050 and the annual mtCO2e reduced by community benefits tier and cost-effectiveness/revenue potential.

In addition to measuring annual greenhouse gas emissions reduced relative to 1990 baseline, we measured total greenhouse gas emissions through horizon year 2050 to better understand the compounding effects of taking climate action now as opposed to later.

Annual mtCO2e Reduced by Community Benefits Tier and Cost-Effectiveness/Revenue Potential


Annual mtCO2e Reduced by Community Benefits and Cost-Effectiveness/Revenue

Community Benefit Potential


Active Transportation

Community Engagement

Transportation Demand Management

COST-EFFECTIVENESS (Annual mtCO2e Reduced per $1,000,000 Investment)

Annual mtCO2e Reduced by Community Benefits Tier and Cost-Effectiveness/Revenue Potential

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