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Findings from Actions Evaluation
1. Cumulative mtCO2e Reduced through 2050 Findings a. Actions that can be done on a shorter timeframe have compounding effects of taking climate action and are critical to realizing our goals sooner, including cost-effective actions in Parking, Electrification, Transit, Community Engagement, and Active Transportation. b. Parking actions and Transit actions result in the largest reduction of greenhouse gas emissions on an annual basis by 2050.
2. Community Benefits and Cost-Effectiveness Findings a. Actions that can be done at relatively low cost with higher greenhouse gas emissions reduction potential have the highest cost-effectiveness, including all the Parking actions, while actions that must be done at higher costs on a longer timeframe (and thus lower cumulative greenhouse gas emissions reduction potential), have the lowest cost-effectiveness, including some of the capital-intensive Transit actions. b. The Electrification action also produces significant annual reductions, though the analysis does not account for the lifecycle emissions associated with electric vehicles. c. When viewed over the decades, Parking actions produce the greatest total emissions reductions, both because of their annual emissions reduction potential and because they can be deployed much sooner than capital-intensive projects. Parking actions are also unique in that they generate enough revenue to more than account for their capital plus operating costs. d. The Community Engagement strategy produces the second most emissions reduction per dollars spent on an annual basis because they include relatively lower costs on a shorter timeframe. e. The Transit actions and the Active Transportation action to expand the bicycle network have the greatest impact on community benefits, even though they have medium and low cost-effectiveness. f. Commuter-oriented actions within the Transportation Demand Management strategy, meanwhile, yield relatively low community benefits and lower emissions reductions relative to other strategies but have high cost-effectiveness.