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The Moment for Action is Now!
The Climate Roadmap provides a framework for the SFMTA to implement priority actions found in the city’s Climate Action Plan over the next five to seven years to reach the city’s goals and to generate community benefits such as improved air quality, safety and public health. Through six strategies and corresponding actions, the Climate Roadmap lays out a plan for reducing gas emissions from the transportation sector, outlines the associated community benefits, presents findings and recommendations and describes funding gaps and opportunities.
By implementing the Climate Roadmap, the city can also generate important community benefits such as improved air quality, safety, public health, economic vitality, travel experience and racial equity. Now is the time to act. By investing in this Climate Roadmap, we can take the next big step toward a healthy and equitable city.
Climate Roadmap Development Process
To develop the Climate Roadmap and its strategies and actions, staff identified priority strategies and actions from the Climate Action Plan 2021.
Staff shared the draft actions and strategies with community partners, technical experts and other stakeholders to gather feedback. A technical consultant evaluated the actions to quantify emissions reduction and mode shift potential through horizon year 2050 by using modeling and analytical tools such as San Francisco’s SF-CHAMP travel demand model and assumptions from SFMTA and other city planning documents and the Handbook for Analyzing Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions, Assessing Climate Vulnerabilities, and Advancing Health and Equity prepared by the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA). The technical consultant then mapped each action’s potential annual and cumulative greenhouse gas emissions reduction relative to the 1990 baseline.
Staff assessed each action’s relative cost-effectiveness based on planning-level cost estimates, relative impact of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and alignment with the SFMTA’s values. Staff used this information to inform the findings and recommendations of the Climate Roadmap which were then shared with stakeholders and community partners before finalizing the report1