The Forest City Sport and Social Club Presents... How to Buy a House and Not Get Screwed!
A FREE, must attend event for “First Time” and “Move Up” home buyers! This event could save you Thousands!!! Date to remember: Thursday January 31, 2013 Location: FCSSC World Headquarters (1712 Dundas Street East, London On) 2 Sessions: 5:45pm & 7:00pm Special Guests: Dave Providenti-OMAC Mortgages-SHOW ME THE MONEY! Stew Thomson-Thomson, Mahoney, Delorey-Lawyer-STAY OUT OF TROUBLE! Dave Grainger-London Pro Inspections-MOLD IS NOT YOUR FRIEND! Ed Herr-Freedom 55 Financial-PROTECTING YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE! Murray Armstrong-Real Estate Broker-THE 7 DEADLY SINS OF HOMEBUYING! To register: or email Space is limited Door prize draws for tickets to Rock the Park 2013!