1607 bcsc july newsletter

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Serving bowling centers in Southern California for more than 75 years!








SAVE THE DATE BCSC Calendar of Events BCSC’s 1st Partner Appreciation Luncheon Date: J uly 20, 2016 Location: Pinz Bowling Center Studio City, CA 91604 Gratitude “Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” ― Voltaire

In prepping for BCSC’s 1st Partner Appreciation Day, I’ve turned the spotlight on as many of our partners as possible. And BCSC has a lot of partners which is exemplary of our association’s strength. Some of our Partners have been with us for so long, they are now doing business with the sons and daughters of our member centers, while others are brandnew to the association. However, all of them have one thing in common, they bring their A-game to the table, as in excellent services, great programs, quality of products, rewards and discounts. As we enjoy the top tier products and services they provide, let us express our appreciation to all of our partners for their continued support. Their excellence has contributed to the distinct standards for which our association is known. Who says there’s no such thing as a free lunch? On July, 20th, we’ve put together an afternoon of fun games and good food. All Free! We looking forward to seeing you there! Happy Summer! Anna

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: BCSC Calendar of Events BCSC Classifieds Partner Appreciation Luncheon President’s Perspective Executive Director’s Report Fab 5 Sponsored by Classic Products A Word from Bob Andrews Mischel & Company Profile Color Splash Partner Profile Mike Monyak Member Profile BCSC Partners Board of Directors WPBI QubicaAMF

2 2 3 4 5 6-7 8 10 12 12-13 14-15 16 17 18

BCSC Classified! ATTENTION CENTERS — Did you receive your Pepsi Rebate Check? If not, please contact BCSC office and let us know. _________________ Looking to buy or sell hard to find items? Contact Anna with details and your ad will appear here for free!


You're Invited to the BCSC's 1st Partner Appreciation Luncheon! THANK YOU BCSC PARTNERS FOR A YEAR OF GREAT SERVICE AND SUPPORT!

As our way of saying "thanks," both members and partners are invited to BCSC's Partner Appreciation Day! * Lunch from Jerry's Famous Deli * Beverages/Drinks * Games and lots of fun! When: July 20th, 2016 Where: Pinz Bowling Center, Studio City Time: 11a.m. — 2p.m. CLICK HERE TO RSVP! Please RSVP by July 14, 2016 or Call: 818-789-0900








President’s Perspective Last month I discussed my strategy for Bowl Expo. Now that I am here, let’s see if it actually worked. My goal was to get one or two useful ideas from the seminars I attended. Today was the first day and this morning started with Johnny Cupcakes. I mentioned his bio in last month’s article. He’s the t-shirt entrepreneur who styles his retail stores as bakeries stocked with t-shirts which confuse some who stumble in looking for cupcakes. When a new shirt comes out, news travels at social media speed so that hundreds camp out overnight to be the first ones in the door. When unsuspecting people pass by, all they see is a line to a Johnny Cupcakes store.

I’m sure some of us too, would stop, thinking, these cupcakes must be amazing. It was an entertaining monologue from which I learned that sometimes we should be ultra creative to create a buzz which makes people want to bowl. In the afternoon, I went to the Super Session, “9 Ways to Be Brilliant at the New Basics of Business” by Jim Sullivan. This is quite a broad title, but he was still able to touch on some important issues. He covered topics such as sales-building and customer service, but what was most useful was his discussion regarding employees and particularly, how to treat them. Looking through my notes, I’ll share a few things I took away from this session. While recognizing your team, give them specific candy bars for specific jobs well done. For example, Life Savers when they have saved the day or $100,000 Grand Bar when they were very valuable or a Zero Bar when someone who has had tardiness problems make it through the week without being late. The message here is our team has to know that they are appreciated. The next day was filled with seminars and now I have to make a choice as to which seminar to attend which would benefit my center the best as they offer multiple options simultaneously. In the morning, I chose the seminar, “Connecting with The Millennial Workforce”, by Shannon Tipton. Who doesn’t need how to do this? Millennials make up practically our entire workforce. I know we all talk about how the Millennials seem so entitled and we have to handle them with kid gloves, but I never like to stereotype any group so I need to find out who these people really are. She broke up the seminar into seven topics, but here’s what I’ll try to incorporate into our operations. Training has to be very deliberate with more time spent shadowing the trainer. Once trained, they get bored easily. Remember, this generation is more comfortable with a lot of simultaneous stimuli. They can do their homework, listen to music and stream video all at the same time. I don’t believe they can do it accurately, but that’s what they are used to. Because of this, we should rotate their job as much as possible. Also, start a Private Facebook Page for communication. Training videos can also be dropped in here. Lastly, get their input. Have short meetings and ask them what they think we should do to help improve service. Then it was off to “Seven Things Your Team Needs to Hear You Say”, by David Dye. I’m sure you can see a theme now. While there were other tracks of seminars like Food and Beverage, Leagues & Marketing to name a few, my biggest concern is finding more ways to motivate our team to better serve our guests. Maybe my thinking is wrong because one of the first things the speaker said was that we can’t motivate anyone. Motivation has to come from within. His quote was, “Cultivate, don’t motivate”. We have to give them the tools and inspire them to motivate themselves. This is done mostly by showing our confidence in them. Encourage them to suggest new ideas and never put any down, even if you have tried them in the past and they failed. We must reward their effort, not just their successes. Also, we must connect every “what” to every “why”. They must know not only what we do and how we do it, but they must also know why we do it. Don’t tell them why, ask them why….interesting. (continued on pg. 9)







Executive Director’s Report

The Power of Us!

A few months ago, I was fortunate to be able to meet KTLA Channel 5’s enthusiastic superstar reporter, Gayle Anderson. Gayle is well known for her live remotes and for bringing unique and colorful stories to the Southern CA market. One day she may report on a custom car show in Anaheim and the next day report from a…… bowling center! And, that’s exactly what happened. When we met a few months ago, I pitched a story idea about the Kids Bowl Free program we’ve been running for eight years now. I explained that we have about 25 centers in Southern CA who provide kids with two free games of bowling, daily, in order to encourage our youth to participate in the great sport and entertainment of bowling. I shared that we have collectively registered close to 500,000 kids in the past eight years. She fell in love with the story and agreed to cover it, once summer began. With consistent, yet always polite, follow up, Gayle gave us our chance on Monday, June 20th. A perfect, perfect date as the 20th was the first day of summer! The early call time of 6:30 a.m. turned out to be well worth the effort. The Bowling Centers of Southern CA and Kids Bowl Free program received approximately 5 minutes of live TV coverage on a.m. primetime network TV and another 3 minutes which were taped and broadcast during KTLA’s 3 p.m. news show. I hope you check out the links that have been saved online at www.SoCALBowling.com. I want to thank all of the centers that are running the Kids Bowl Free program. Besides a marvelous business opportunity for a center itself, Kids Bowl Free has rebated the BCSC approximately $60,000 over the years. Kids Bowl Free has become one of the TOP revenue generators for bowling centers and the BCSC of all time. Because there are so many centers running Kids Bowl Free, we were also able to generate an interest from Ms. Anderson. That single broadcast has a PR value close to $60,000.

Now, let’s all get together to run the BCSC’s 3rd annual Fab 5 Tournament. You’ll be reading more and more about this amazing tournament which we’ve grown year after year. If every center reading this gives the Fab 5 a try, imagine what will happen when I call Fred Rogan, sports anchor for KNBC’s Channel 4?!!! That is the Power of Us! Scott


BCSC’s FAB 5 TOURNAMENT Sponsored by Classic Products


The Details: • 12/4/16 State Finals 11a.m. @ Bowlium Montclair, CA • 5-man Baker style • Qualifying team(s) names and handicaps MUST be submitted by November 11, 2016 • Qualifying teams from your center compete for $1555.00 GUARANTEED 1st Place

Plus $2,000 in prizes

The Cost: $200 which includes: • One team entry into state finals • Marketing kit and how-to-manual for in-house qualifier Click here for packet!

Deadline to sign up — August 1st SIGN UP NOW

Center_________________________________________________ I want to be a qualifying center ________ yes ______ no I want to sign up _________ teams ($200 per team) My State Advancement Fee will be paid by _________ cash; ________ check; _________ credit Credit Card _______________________________________ Exp. Date: _____________ Sec. Code: ______________ Please Fax Back to BCSC #818-783-2874 Or call Anna #818-789-0900













Presenting Bob Andrews Classic Products The Man with the Goods! BCSC’s Fab 5 Tournament is on! Teams have the opportunity to win cash and prizes galore, all thanks to Classic Products Corporation! Classic Products is a full-line distributer. It sells everything from the front door to the back door and whatever a bowling center needs in between. It is also the only distributer in the nation that offers a rewards program, Top Dawg. Some of you will remember our April newsletter featured the great products based on the company’s point system. For every dollar a center spends, they receive a point. And remember, Classic Products provides complete bowling services as well, including gutters and bumpers, along with a lot of after-market products and services. Then there’s house balls, rental shoes, and all cleaning solutions. Plus, they can ship any product, anywhere in the U.S. within two days. Now that we’ve recapped all that Classic Products offers, we want to send a big “Thank You” to their sales rep, Bob Andrews! Thanks to Bob, Classic Products will be providing performance bowling balls to 2nd and 1st place team winners. All together, they will be donating a single ball tote to go with an Ebonite basic! 5 for 5 – high for winners, mid for 2nd place. A $2000.00 value! Both BCSC and Classic wishes the teams all the best and are looking forward to awarding these prizes! May the best teams win!


Plus $2,000 in prizes AT STATE FINALS

If you’d like more information on Classic Products, feel free to talk to Scott and/or Anna or contact Bob directly . . . (559) 314-5502. He’ll take good care of you!”



President’s Perspective Cont’d After lunch, provided by the BPAA, I went to, “Building Your Brand and Attracting Customers with Social Media”, by Steve Chandler who is the social media guy for Strike Ten. I thought I would learn something about social media here, but it was mostly for the people who already know and want to enhance it. I should have sent someone else. I just don’t get social media. I don’t understand people’s need to share everything with everybody. However, I do understand the importance of it in business today. We have the Facebook & Twitter page and are starting with Instagram and Pinterest.. I have pages of notes that I’ll be sharing with our social media person, but the only thing I could really take from this one was to look up our center on Twitter to see what they are talking about and that 90% of Pinterest users are women so we should be talking about our parties there. Oh yeah, video is hot too.

Johnny Cupcakes

The last seminar of the day was The Myth of Employee Burnout”, by Matt Heller. This one was not so great or maybe it was late in the day on my fourth seminar of the day. It was a little repetitive and he spoke mostly about treating your team well. I didn’t take many notes. I thought it might help me or my managers to prevent burnout, but it just wasn’t that helpful. At the beginning he asked the question, “What causes our newest team member to lose that first day enthusiasm?” I ask that question all the time, but unfortunately he really didn’t answer it.

I just briefly discussed the seminars and didn’t even touch on great networking sessions, such as the Welcome Reception on the first night and all the morning breakfast networking sessions. These are great opportunities to meet proprietors and managers from all over the country and in some cases all over the world to discuss what’s working for them and the business of bowling in general. Then there was the trade show. It seemed a little smaller this year. I didn’t see some of the vendors I was looking for and some of the vendors didn’t bring as many goods as they usually do. They told me that it is just too costly to bring many items. Nonetheless, I was still able to talk to the vendors I wanted to see and find a couple of new ones too. If Bowl Expo wasn’t going to be in Nashville next year, I would definitely bring a few managers along for the ride. I guess they’ll have to wait a couple of years and hear all about it from me. Tony

Bowl Expo Keynote Speaker Peyton Manning

Party at Bowl Expo—left to right Janelda Schumaker, Bob Goodorff; B2B’s David Garber and Joe Schumaker



Ken Mischel

How does one measure financial viability, success and value? BCSC has a partner who does that! Ken Mischel, owner of Mischel & Company, grew up in North Dakota, a state with many beautiful national parks that are considered true gems. He also grew up in the bowling business. As a kid in 1950, Ken had a regular job as a pin boy in his father’s bowling alley. Growing up, he’d work the counter and help his dad run the place. In 1959, his father updated the center with pinsetters. And, Ken was old enough to enter the military. After he served his country, Ken moved to Colorado and purchased his own bowling center that he ran with his brother. As time went on, the brothers would purchase more centers throughout Colorado. By 1998, Ken, established and well versed in regard to the bowling industry and business, transitioned into the brokerage firm of Mischel & Company. Along the way, he became affiliated with Sandy Hansell & Associates, Inc. – a full service broker, appraiser and financial advisor. During this transition, Ken incorporated his son, Marty, into the firm. Together, father and son have handled sales in over 26 states, primarily servicing the western part of the country. Basically everything west of the Mississippi. Their main business has been in Texas and California where Ken has lived and worked for 17 years. Ken has observed many changes over the course of time. But one thing remains a constant, traditional centers still have a role in the industry. Bowling centers and alleys are a local business; and family operated alleys have a bond with their customers and are vested in their communities. From his perspective, the business has been evolving for several years from league and family business to the “new kids” on the block, FECs (Family Entertainment Centers), and boutique centers. The same equation applies to them as it does to traditional centers. . . “ if a business is well located and well managed, that business will also do well.” Ken knows because he has sold and appraised hundreds of centers. If someone wanted to sell or buy, Mischel & Company has an extensive database to work with. No market information is ever disclosed without a signed confidential agreement, and they are careful to vet the financials of all potential clients.

They do consulting on a feasibility basis if someone is contemplating new construction and on the practicality of developing a new facility. The other aspect is appraisals; Mischel & Company do several a year. There are no other companies in the market that specifically appraise bowling centers. These are services that proprietors need for estate purposes, and for financing, as well as partner buyouts. Ken is the company – he knows most of our member centers and has been around a long time! A BCSC partner since 1999, Ken has found his partnership a benefit that has paid off long term. We appreciate his support and the extensive knowledge and expertise he provides to all of our members. Mischel & Company is a true gem!







PJ Rosendhal

The Business of Transformation ZOT Pinsetter Parts based in Denver, Colorado; DFX Sound Visions based out of New Jersey; and Tenpintech (TPT) Cybernetic Solutions, based in Melbourne, Australia are three companies with 100 years of combined experience in the bowling industry. As a group, their mission, (which they choose to accept) . . . is to “develop a sales tool that enables bowling proprietors to create a transformational experience for their center.” And so, they combined their strengths and ColorSplash was born. PJ Rosendahl, the managing partner and part owner in ZOT, is the man leading the way with introducing this new tech into bowling centers. ZOT has always teetered on the vanguard of technology. PJ places ColorSplash on the list of innovations that have changed the bowling industry like automatic pinsetting machines in 1952; automatic scoring systems in 1967; and glow bowling in 1992, to name a few. And now, ColorSplash bowling!

So, what is ColorSplash? A cutting-edge lighting system that provides an infinite number of lightshow designs. If you have ever been to a music concert or stage performance or enjoy movies, all of these mediums incorporate light design. Now, imagine that you’ve decided to have a birthday party or corporate event at a bowling center, and that center designs a one-of-a-kind lightshow especially for your event! That is beyond cool, that’s swagnificent! Cosmic bowling only offers black lights and white lights. As PJ puts it, “when was the last time you watched black & white television?” That is what ColorSplash brings to the table, the next generation of bowling fun. It gives bowling centers the club vibe millennials look for. And for that sight and sound generation, ColorSplash is a great draw and a perfect fit! PJ points out that “millennials are the future of the sport.” They are used to being entertained to the max, and in vibrant color! PJ is the point of contact for the entire program! When he did the first install in the U.S. he took his son along who played on the first lanes ever installed. PJ observed that ColorSplash “changed the game for him.” His son wanted to hit the pins when they were a certain color – “it totally changed the possibilities of the game!” Just as important, this new tech is eco-friendly and energy efficient! Each bulb offers 80k hours of long life, functioning for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week; the quality is extremely durable construction offering design flexibility for infinite choices and lighting effects! Then there’s tax benefits, rebates and increased revenue! ColorSplash is a capital investment, that pays for itself. Proprietors can light their lanes or they can do their entire center. The choice is yours. Their system is composed of 60 lights of each primary color; white, red, green, blue and 60 ultra-violet lights. Each color group can work independently and in concert with all color groups creating millions of colors and effects. It’s an all-in-one LED lighting system that conserves energy, enhances your entire facility and totally transforms how people experience a bowling center. For more information, contact PJ at pjrosedahl@zotcolorsplash.com and he’ll (dare I say) enlighten you. :)



Member Profile – South Point Casino

Mike Monyak

They came, they bowled, they . . . PARTIED Mike Monyak has been with South Point Casino for 24 ½ years. Bowling is in his soul. He has been passionate about the sport since he was 13 years old. He so loved the game, he wanted to go professional and was in the PBA for two years. During that time, he toured with the PBA, but due to an unexpected turn in his mother’s health, Mike made life changes so that he could be near his mom who unfortunately, passed away six months later. From that point on, Mike stayed in Vegas and started working at South Point Casino’s pro-shop. When the Casino built its first bowling center, Mike was the easy choice as manager.

In 2013, the Casino stepped up its game and broke ground to build a new facility that would be the home for Championship and Tournament events only. Mike is general manager of both facilities, the Bowling Center which offers 64 lanes for the casual bowler; and the new facility known as the Tournament Bowling Plaza has 62 lanes exclusively for competitions. When completed, USBC contracted with the Casino to host the USBC Open Championships and UBCS’s Ladies Championship including USBC Masters and several other events for the next 12 years. Currently, USBC’s Ladies Championship, which began in March, will conclude this July. Mike, a very busy man with managing two great facilities, explains that “the Ladies Championship is more social and a less competitive event. The ladies do compete, but theirs is a lot more camaraderie and a lot of fun.” According to Mike, they had a very nice turnout of 6,100 teams – little over 24k bowlers – pretty cool! Some of the ladies have been participating in this championship for more than 50 years which shows the longevity of this event. Most of the ladies are staying and playing at South Point Casino. Overall, from the very beginning of the event, the Women’s Championship has enjoyed solid media coverage on bowl.com, and good press coverage on local TV stations. Mike has observed some wonderful benchmarks achieved by many of the ladies In one competition, a lady shot her first 200 and took the lead in the Topaz division. Even though she was there to have fun, she made history! Something she will never forget her entire life! Memories are being made even as the championship winds down. However, for Mike, there’s no rest for the weary. After July, they have another 120 days of tournaments scheduled for the Bowling Plaza. Next year, they’ll have nearly 300 days of tournaments. Party on Ladies . . . Party on!






The 2nd largest participating tournament in the world is USBC’s Ladies Championship

“USBC Ladies Championship”

Mike Monyak welcomes the Ladies!

Watch Robin Romeo in top form! https://youtu.be/RH8e0Ezt6Aw

Click below to see the ladies dance down the ease way! https://youtu.be/RhtdVAT0jl0





GOLD LEVEL PARTNERS Professional Bowlers Association Janay Haggerty 2152 Ellesmere Loop Roseville, CA 95747 206.654.6003 (w) 206.819.3347 (cell) Janay.Haggerty@PBA.com PJ Rosendahl General Manager ZOT Pinsetter Parts Cell: 303.919.8189 pjrosendahl@zotcolorsplash.com

QubicaAMF Joe Roussin 190 S. Summertree Road Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 714-974-9436 jroussin@qubicaamf.us www.qubicaamf.com

Golfstream Inc. Darren Dummit 1926 East 7th Street Los Angeles, CA 90021 310- 936-3363 darren@playgolfstream.com

Gilbert, Kelly, Crowley & Jennett LLP Los Angeles ● San Francisco ● San Diego ● Sacramento Direct: 213.615.7039 Sonia Esteves | SME@gilbertkelly.com www.gilbertkelly.com Classic Products Corp. Bob Andrews Account Representative 800-444-0123 (Toll Free) 559-314-5502 (Cell) randrews@classicproducts.com

BCSC PARNERS, Cont’d useTray.com Peter Kellis 650-521-6253 peter.kellis@useTray.com

Guardian Eagle Security Inc. Freddy Galal 4311 Wilshire Blvd Ste. 419 Los Angeles, CA 90010 888-990-0002 info@ges.net

New Center Consulting, Inc. Glenn Hartshorn 3258 Aquinas Rochester Hills, MI 48309 248-375-2751 Glenn@newcenterconsulting.com Valet-It Parking Services Abby Rasouli 15053 Ventura Blvd Ste 208 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 855-825-3848 info@valet-it.com

American Consulting Group Eric Martin 27758 Santa Margarita, Ste. #312 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 949-452-1840 Office 949-206-0972 Fax

Supplyworks Larry Zill 5635 Union Pacific Ave Commerce, CA 90022 323-837-4141 Office 818-634-6268 Cell Lzill@supplyworks.com www.supplyworks.com

Dippin’ Dots John & Cheryl Hiller 26893 Bouquet Cyn Rd Ste C-119 Santa Clarita, CA 91350 661-510-8348 • 661-857-3274







BCSC PARTNERS Family Amusement Corporation Stephen or Robert Peck 876 N. Vermont Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90029 323-660-8180 info@familyamusement.com www.familyamusement.com

Herzog Insurance Agency Bob Herzog 235 Main Street Pleasanton, CA 94566 800-300-1303 Bob.Herzog@herzogins.com

Enviro-Master Services Steve Vivanco 7054 Gerald Ave Ste A Van Nuys CA, 91406 818-465-8085 laenviromaster@gmail.com

Mischel & Company Ken Mischel 432 Bonito Ave Imperial Beach CA 91932 619-423-2001 mischelco@msn.com

Murrey International, Inc. Bill Snoberger 14150 S. Figueroa St. Los Angeles, CA 90061 310-532-6091 www.murreyintl.com sales@murreybowling.com

Floria Financial Services Vayle Floria 1420 E. Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92866 (714) 742-0820 (Cell) (714) 704-9085 ext.110# (Office) (714) 740-5021 (Fax) vayle@floriafinancial.com www.floriafinancial.com

Pepsi Robert Bustos 27717 Aliso Creek Road Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 949-279-7925 - Cell Robert.bustos@pepsico.com

HPSI Hospitality Spencer Gonzalez 1 Ada, Suite 150 Irvine, CA 92618 949-250-4774 spencerg@hpsionline.com

Groupon Cameron Linder L.J. Linder & Associates Insurance Services Cell: 559-360-4695 Cameron.Linder@LJLinder.com

Kids Bowl Free Bruce Davis 239-389-9583 brucetalks@aol.com www.KidsBowlFree.com

Western Bowling Proprietors’ Insurance 1865 Herndon Ave Ste K Clovis, Ca 93611 Main: 800-200-9998 Fax: 559-298-2110 www.WBPIprogram.com larry.linder@ljlinder.com cameron.linder@ljlinder.com

Western Pacific Bowling Supply Chuck Sager / Lee Haxton 1216 W. Grove Avenue Orange, CA 92865 714-974-1733 chuck@wpbowling.com








Jewel City Bowl 135 S. Glendale Ave. Glendale, CA 91205 P: 818-243-1188 tony@jewelcitybowl.com

STEVE DAVIS Vice President Zodo's - Bowling & Beyond 5925 Calle Real Goleta, CA 93117 P: 805-967-0128 steved@zodos.com

GARY FORMAN Secretary / Treasurer

Fountain Bowl 17110 Brookhurst St. Fountain Valley, CA 92708 P: 714-963-7888 gcf@fountainbowl.com


Buena Lanes 1788 S. Mesa Verde Ventura, CA 93003 P: 805-677-7770 ext. 304 buenabowler@aol.com



Vista Entertainment Center 435 W. Vista Way Vista, CA 92083 P: 760-941-1032 ron@vistaentertainment.com


Director of Operation Bowlmor-AMF / Brunswick P: 909-240-4789 schauncey@bowlbrunswick.com


Santa Clarita Lanes 21615 W. Soledad Canyon Rd. Santa Clarita, CA 91350 P: 661-254-0540 craig@santaclaritalanes.com

WILL MOSSONTTE Empire Bowl 940 W. Colton Ave. Redlands, CA 92374 P: 909-793-2525 empirebowl44@gmail.com

TONY MENDOLA Harley's Simi Bowl 480 E Los Angeles Ave Simi Valley, CA 93065 P: 805-526-4212 Tony@harleysbowl.com


4666 Holt Blvd Montclair, CA 91763 P: 909-626-3528 scott@bowlium.com

Bowling Centers of Southern CA 12655 Ventura Blvd. Studio City, CA 91604 Scott Frager, Executive Director Phone: 818-789-0900 Fax: 818-783-2874 E-mail: ScottF@socalbowling.com www.socalbowling.com

CHARLIE KINSTLER Del Rio Lanes 7502 Florence Ave Downey, CA 90240 P: 562-505-5435 cvkljk@aol.com

MICKEY COGAN Gable House Bowl 22501 Hawthorne Blvd. Torrance, CA 90505 P: 310-378-2265













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