It’s always fun at Redemption Plus, especially at Halloween
SHOWING UP BETTER Ron Hill and his Redemption Plus team’s latest version of success – elevating humanity through business By Fred Groh
on Hill, CEO of Redemption Plus, calls himself “a word guy.” He ticks off some words about feeling down and says he wouldn’t use any of them to describe how he felt during the years of self-identified “stagnation” at his company. “When things aren’t working the way they [should], I don’t typically let that go. Were there times when I wondered whether we would figure it out? Yeah, but for the most part, in 23 years, we figured it out. Was there stress? Absolutely, but we’re pretty good at iterating.” ‘Redeem’ means taking back, recovering something of value. It’s important to know that, if you want to understand the way things turned out at Redemption Plus. “We figured it out pretty quickly. It just took us a number of years to align around purpose and people in our organization that had our core values.” Once again, Hill and his team became innovators, at the same time re-dedicating themselves to three core values.
Into the Air He remembers as a kid selling door to door “everything you could possibly sell,” from greeting cards to seeds. “I was always looking at the world and if something didn’t make sense to me, I tried to put it back together again in a way that made sense,” says the once and future entrepreneur. After five years or so working at computer-training franchise in Seattle, he sold out 36
April 2020
Ron Hill