Ripples Aug-Sept. 2012

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August-September, 2012 By: Steve Franklin, Director of Coaching Education

Table of Contents 1. A Message from George Perry, ISL Commissioner 2. From DOCE Office 3. Lauren Cheney: Always Indy [Back Home] 4. US Youth Soccer Explained 5. Injury Prevention: Prevention on the Pitch 6. Parent Communication is Essential 7. SCORE 8. Photo of the Month

A Message from George Perry, ISL Commissioner: Hello All ISL Parents Registrations for the 2012 Fall ISL season went extremely well and I am very excited to see what will happen with your Academy Divisions. What I hope DOCs will take advantage of is not only having a good competitive division for their U9 and U10 players in “regional” play, but to have the ability to take a group of players for additional challenges in “friendly” games. This could be an existing team or you could select players from a number of your teams to come together for this challenge. The play could happen in your region or you could take them to another region to play a club you might not normally play. From this, I hope we will develop a “best practice” recommendation(s) for players and coaches at an important stage in their soccer development. Best of luck this fall and I look forward to talking with you about the ISL.

From DOCE Office: A few months back I received an email from one of our Indiana Soccer member’s parents stating that they had an idea for one of my upcoming eNews Magazines. I produce four eNews Magazines: Heads Up (all members); Ripples (parents); Kids Corner Kicks (youth players); and What’s Up DOC? (club Directors of Coaching). Often I solicit ideas for upcoming articles – such as training tips; great results; cool photos; things kids are doing; etc. One day I received the following email: Steve, My wife and I saw one of you recent emails requesting stories or bios. I wonder if you might allow us to tell our daughter's story... Not only is she an excellent student and loving daughter, but she also plays soccer for the Indiana Invaders, and has also started her own business (with her mother's and my help). She has played for the Invaders for several years, and their U12 team will be moving up to the ISL level next season. Last year during one of her classes at school, her teacher asked what kind of business she would like to start, and what she would call it. This question sparked her interest, and she now designs and sells soccer socks through her business "Super Silly Sports, Inc.". She is also in the process of designing several soccer balls, and other soccer accessories that will be available for sale through her business. Currently, she has about 10 sock designs available as well as three soccer balls. Her interest in the world of business has caused her mother and me to support her business idea, and I might be willing to tell her story... Is this something you might allow us to do?

wonder if you

Al Kreske Super Silly Sports By Girls for Girls

Heck yeah I thought it was a good idea. How often do we have our youth players doing projects or assignments like this? Quite a bit I imagine, but rarely do they share their stories. So I emailed a handful of questions to find out more about Lauren’s project. This is how t went:

Steve Franklin, DOE Indiana Soccer: What it’s like playing for the Invaders U-12 team? Lauren Kresky: “Being a part of the Indiana Invaders is an exciting experience and a great opportunity. I enjoy the challenges that come with playing on the team and it's fun to travel around Indiana. I love my coach, he's fantastic. I learn different techniques and moves from him at every practice. I will be on the U13 team starting in the fall so our team will be playing in ISL. I am looking forward to this as well as having some new teammates.” SF: How did the process with the teacher get started – (i.e. do they always do a class business project?). LK: The idea for my business came while writing an essay for class. We were preparing for the ISTEP tests and my

teacher asked us to write about a business we would like to have and why. My essay was about the designs I would have and what the name of my company would be. SF: Why the name "Super Silly Sports, Inc."? LK: Initially the name I came up with was Super Silly Soccer Socks. After talking to my parents and really thinking

about all I could do, I realized that I didn't want to limit my designs to just the sport of soccer. We thought about different names and finally decided that Super Silly Sports was the best one.

SF: How difficult is it to be a student; a soccer player; and a business operator/designer ALL at the same time? LK: At times, it's challenging to juggle school, soccer, and having my own business. I am learning that each one

takes a lot of time and commitment. I am definitely getting a good lesson in time management. SF: What advice would you give other young soccer players who may have similar dreams? LK: My advice to any young person that has a dream is to not give up on it. It has taken me over two years to get

my business this far. It's not always easy but it's taught me perseverance and the importance in believing in myself. SF: How have your parents supported your efforts (I put this question in to let other parents learn how great it is that you support her efforts without being too pushy). LK: My parents have been very supportive of me and my business from the beginning. For one, starting a business

takes money so they have helped me with the financial part. They also offer a lot of encouragement. We set up at tournaments together and have a lot of fun. SF: What do your teammates/peers think of her business? LK: My teammates are great supporters. They wear my socks to practice and tell others about my socks.

SF: Did you get that “A” from the teacher you had the project for? LK: Sure did!

To find out more about Lauren’s products, simply visit her website at:

Lauren Cheney: Always Indy [Back Home]'s "Back Home" video series continues with more from WNT Midfielder Lauren Cheney in her hometown of Indianapolis. Lauren takes you on a tour of the house where she grew up and also introduces you to her family. Click here to see the video: Lauren Cheney returns to her childhood home in Indianapolis and introduces the family Video

Indiana Soccer is making an effort to involve more children in soccer. A new Indiana Soccer pilot program called SCORE is about to be launched that will give the opportunity to unprivileged children to play soccer. SCORE is a program that utilizes the mechanism of Soccer Across America, that will be available for organizations and institutions to adopt to receive a soccer and educational program that will be delivered to their members. The soccer program will be provided by Indiana Soccer and the educational program will be provided by Purdue Extension. Currently, SCORE is looking for two coaches that would like to take over two programs in charter schools in Indianapolis. See responsibilities and benefits: Responsibilities: 1. Attend one training session a week for one hour and a half during the fall and spring. 2. Take attendance and send to program coordinator Benefits: 1. Receive free license E and D coaching courses 2. Receive monetary compensation If you are interested to start a coaching career or have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Indiana Soccer Director of Education, Steve Franklin at or Director of Marketing, Paco Espinosa at or call 317-829-0560.

Indiana Soccer Association joined Facebook on March 26th Visit our new page by simply clicking on: Indiana Soccer Association

Photo of the Month

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