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Appendix II: Faculty Publications
II. Faculty Publications
Faculty Authored and Edited Books
Abusharaf, Rogaia. 2021. Darfur Allegory. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Al-Ashiri, Mahmoud, Abdelati Hawwari, and Mohamed Al-Badrashiny. 2021. بيرعلا لفطلا عومسم ديصرل ةيمجعم ةئماق :عومسلما يوغللا ديصرلا ةبسوحم ةنودم لىع ءانب ةحيصفلا نم [A Frequency Lexicon of Standard Arabic Used in Children’s TV Programs: A Corpus-based Lexicon ]. Amman: Dar Kunuz al-Ma’rifah al-’ilmiyah.
Almond, Ian. 2021. World Literature Decentered: Beyond the “West” through Turkey, Mexico, and Bengal. New York: Routledge.
Laude, Patrick. 2020. Clefs métaphysiques de la Sophia Perennis. Comprendre le langage inter-religieux de Frithjof Schuon [Keys to the Beyond: Frithjof Schuon’s Cross-Traditional Language of Transcendence]. Lagorce, Ardèche: Editions Hozhoni.
Laude, Patrick. 2020. Keys to the Beyond: Frithjof Schuon’s Cross-Traditional Language of Transcendence. New York: SUNY Press.
Khalifah, Omar. 2020. لمرلا ضباق [The Sand Catcher]. Amman: Al-Ahliyya li al-Nashr wa al-tawzi’.
Widerquist, Karl, and Grant McCall. 2021. The Prehistory of Private Property: Implications for Modern Political Theory. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Journal Articles
Akinade, Akintunde E. 2020. “Holy Dilemma: Engaging Prayer and Power in African Pentecostalism.” Journal of World Christianity, 10, no. 2: 147–169.
Akinade, Akintunde E. 2020. “Reviewed Work: Asian Christianities: History, Theology, Practice by Peter C. Phan.” Journal of World Christianity, 10, no. 2: 242–244.
Al-Arian, Abdullah. 2020. “Practicing Islam in Egypt: Print Media and Islamic Revival by Aaronrock-Singer.” Journal of Islamic Studies, 31, no. 3: 420–423.
Alonso Sáenz de Oger, Sonia, and Ignacio Sánchez-Cuenca. 2020. “EU Intervention vs. National Autonomy: Do Citizens Really Care?” European Politics and Society, 22: 1-19.
Antoniades, Alexis, and Charles W. Calomiris. 2020. “Mortgage Market Credit Conditions and U.S. Presidential Elections.” European Journal of Political Economy, 64.
Dolatabadi, A. B., and Mehran Kamrava. 2021. “Medical Diplomacy and Iranian Foreign Policy.” Sociology of Islam, 9, no. 1: 1-17.
Fazza, Hany and Mohamed Mahgoub, 2021. “Student Engagement in Online and Blended Learning in a Higher Education Institution in the Middle East: Challenges and Solutions.” Studies in Technology Enhanced Learning, 1, no. 2: 1-27.
Annual Report 2020-2021 •
Georgetown University in Qatar Feenstra, Robert C., Mingzhi Xu, and Alexis Antoniades. 2020. “What Is the Price of Tea in China? Goods Prices and Availability in Chinese Cities.” The Economic Journal, 130, no. 632: 2438–2467.
Garrett, Amanda, 2020, Fall. “The End of Kafala? Evaluating Recent Migrant Labor Reforms in Qatar.” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 21, no. 1: 201-208.
Jedlicka, Scott R., Spencer Harris, and Danyel Reiche. 2020. “State Intervention in Sport: A Comparative Analysis of Regime Types.” International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 12, no. 4: 563-581.
Kahle, Trish. 2020. “The Front Lines of Energy Policy: The Coal Mining Workplace and the Politics of Security in the American Century.” American Quarterly, 72, no. 3: 627649.
Kamrava, Mehran. 2020. “Cities, Globalized Hubs, and Nationalism in the Persian Gulf.” Middle East Journal, 74, no. 4: 521-537.
Kolla, Edward. 2020. “Review of A New World Begins: The History of the French Revolution, by Jeremy D. Popkin.” H-Net Reviews in Humanities and Social Sciences.
Laude, Patrick. 2020. “Intimations of a Perennial Wisdom.” Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, 112, no. 3: 357370. Laude, Patrick. 2021. “The Garden of God and the Triple Time: Reflections on René Guénon (1886-1951) and D.T. Suzuki (1870-1966).” Gandhi Marg Quarterly 42, no. 4: 339-362.
Miller, Rory, and Sarah Cardaun. 2020. “Multinational Security Coalitions and the Limits of Middle Power Activism in the Middle East: The Saudi Case.” International Affairs, 96, no. 6: 1-18.
Nonneman, Gerd. 2020. “European Policies towards the Gulf: Patterns, Dynamics, Evolution, and the Case of the Qatar Blockade.” Journal of Arabian Studies, 10, no. 2: 278-304.
Onley, James, and Gerd Nonneman. 2020. “The Journal of Arabian Studies and the Development of Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies.” Journal of Arabian Studies, 10, no. 1: 1-50.
Oruc, Firat. 2020. “Petrocolonial Circulations and Cinema’s Arrival in the Gulf.” Film History: An International Journal, 32, no. 3: 10-42.
Oruc, Firat. 2020. “‘Cinema Programmes’ of the British Public Relations Office in the Persian Gulf, 1944–1948.” Film History, 32, no. 3: 197-209.
Shabana, Ayman. 2021. “From the Plague to the Coronavirus: Islamic Ethics and Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Journal of Islamic Ethics, 5: 1-37.
Usova, Tatiana and Robert Laws. 2021. “Teaching a One-credit Course on Data Literacy and Data Visualization.” Journal of Information Literacy, 15, no. 1: 84-95.
Rozell, M.J. and Clyde Wilcox. 2020. “Federalism in a Time of Plague: How Federal Systems Cope with Pandemic.” The American Review of Public Administration, 50, no. 6-7: 519-525. Zayani, Mohamed. 2021. “Digital Journalism, Social Media Platforms, and Audience Engagement: The Case of AJ+.” Digital Journalism, 9, no.1: 24-41.
Book Chapters
Abusharaf, Rogaia. 2020. “Diasporic Circularities: Omani-Zanzibaris Narrate Experiences in and out of the Archipelago, 1964.” In Mobility and Forced Displacement in the Middle East, edited by Zahra Babar, 79-102. London: Oxford University Press/ Hurst.
Al Thani, Haya, Abdulrahim AbuHusayn, Saif Al-Murikhi, Abdul Rahman Chamseddine, Tobias Scheunchen, David A. Michelson, William L. Potter, and Mario Kozah. 2021. “A Toponymical Survey of Beth Qatraye.” In Beth Qatraye, edited by Mario Kozah and George Kiraz, 127-194. Piscataway: Gorgias Press.
Chandra, Uday. 2020. “Primitive Accumulation and ‘Primitive’ Subjects in Postcolonial India: Tracing the Myriad Real and Virtual Lives of Mediatised Ingenuity Activism.” In Media, Indigeneity, and Nation in South Asia, edited by Markus Schleiter and Erik de Maaker, 107-121. NY: Routledge. Koons, Jeremy. 2021. “Sellars on Rational Agency as Presupposing Collective Attitudes.” In Groups, Norms and Practices: Essays on Inferentialism and Collective Intentionality, edited by Ladislav Koreň, Hans Bernhard Schmid, Preston Stovall, and Leo Townsend, 189-214. Dordrecht: Springer.
Laude, Patrick. 2020. “Prologue.” In Poesie by Louise Labé, translated by Maria Àngels Gardella i Quer, 19-24. Palma de Mallorca: José J. Olañeta Editor Publishing.
Schiwietz, Christine and Jacqulyn Ann Williams. 2020. “Current Understandings of Global Competency in Shaping Globally Engaged Citizens.“ In Leadership Strategies for Promoting Social Responsibility in Higher Education, Vol. 24, edited by Enakshi Sengupta, Patrick Blessinger and Craig Mahoney, 45-62. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited.
Walther, Karine. 2020. “The Greek War of Independence and the Ideological Manifestations of the Clash of Civilizations Theory in the United States, 1821-1830.” In American and Muslim Worlds before 1900, edited by John Ghazvinian and Arthur Mitchell Fraas, 18-32. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.