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Chair & Vice Chair Deadlines and Responsibilities

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Deadlines and Responsibilities Committee Chair and Vice Chair

Committee Chairs are elected by each committee after elections or a new group of senators. There are administrative roles responsible primarily for organizing meetings and taking minutes. As a leader in the Student Senate, it is your responsibility to ensure Senate is running smoothly and good work is taking place during committee meetings. Be sure to:


• Communicate with your committee. Members need to know what will be discussed at meetings, how to review legislation, and standard rules for meeting processes. Be sure all members are included on GroupMes, Emails, and any online files or documents.

• Announce your meetings in a timely fashion. Statutes require that meetings be publicly posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. A good rule is to book the space a week ahead of time to get it posted and let folks know at Senate when you will be meeting.

Invite speakers, Senators, and candidates. Make meetings an efficient use of time by inviting speakers and guests, including any forwarded candidates or Senators whose legislation will be heard to the meeting via email. • Follow an agenda. The best meetings are ones where everyone knows how to engage, what is coming up next, and how to prepare. Send out your agenda ahead of time and help Senators be ready!

• Document proceedings. Committee minutes are posted online the morning after your meeting, and serve as the historical record of legislation, votes (names required). Final actions in minutes should be BOLDED. If legislation will go to another committee, be sure the proper Chairs and Vice Chairs are included in your communication.

Do Your Homework. An educated meeting leader can ensure good work happens in Committee. Review legislation, Statutes, Rules, and policies prior to the meeting. Help Senators think through questions, and come prepared with historical knowledge, and have resources available for the Committee to make informed decisions.

Taking Minutes

Each committee must post minutes online for viewing. Be detailed, and be sure to capture the following information:

1. The name of the vote 2. Motions and seconds 3. Amendments 4. Legislation edits 5. Time, date, location 6. Attendance

Action Deadline Information to Know

Reserve Space for a Committee Meeting (Senate Leaders are able to reserve space under SGA and must follow administrative procedure.) One week prior You can reserve space online: Union/SLC/SSB: reservations.dsa.fsu.edu/ Thagard 4th Floor: fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ da7S9nHRfNiClX7 Innovation Hub: innovation.fsu.edu/reservations/index. html Please note – You do not have the space, and cannot advertise your meeting, until you have received a confirmation email.

Announce a Committee Meeting

One week prior (No less than 24 hours before) Share meeting date, time, place, location & agenda. Confirmed and announced at each Senate meeting for the upcoming week, and emailed to the SG&A Webmaster, byoung@fsu.edu, & Senate Advisor, dmacosta@fsu.edu

Submit a Committee Report

Forward Legislation Amended in Committee

Immediately after meeting (no later than 9am following day) Committee Reports should be WORD documents saved as “Senate#.CommitteeName.date.” For example, “72nd. Budget.9.12.20.” Committee Reports should be emailed to dmacosta@fsu.edu with a synopsis of the meeting.

Immediately after meeting (no later than 9am the following day) Amended Legislation should be WORD documents saved as “Bill#.72nd.Amended.” For Example, “Bill13.72nd. Amended.”. Amended Legislation should be track changed in bold– Senators should be able to clearly identify the original legislation and what has been amended.

Emailing about official Committee business? Send information/CC the following:

Student Senate President, sgaspres@admin.fsu.edu Student Senate Pro Tempore, sgasenateprotem@admin.fsu.edu SG&A Webmaster, Ben Young, byoung@fsu.edu Senate Advisor, Dr. Danielle Morgan Acosta, dmacosta@fsu.edu

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