2 minute read
Relationship Building
As student leaders within your SGA Organization, it is imperative that you are thinking through the most eff ective ways to ensure that you are engaging your peers and working towards the advancement of your goals. Building dynamic and ongoing relationships allows your organization to reach out to a more diverse audience, make your interests a relevant and important topic on campus, and create sustainable endeavors.
Research the groups and offi ces on campus that share similar goals or values. You don’t have to do it all! FSU off ers so many diff erent organizations, offi ces, programs, and resources. Make sure you have a good understanding of what already exists before creating something new. (HINT: Many are included in this book). Competing with the same services that are already off ered decreases participation and the success of your own endeavors. When possible, fi nd ways to collaborate or to publicize other events and programs that fi t your mission.
Collaborating with other entities on campus should be mutually benefi cial. Be sure to sit down with your potential partners to discuss what you each hope to accomplish before planning further.
Coll aboration
Get to know your partners and let them get to know you. People are much more willing to listen and work together if they feel that you care about them and what their group is doing.
Enter your collaboration with a mutual respect and understanding of each other’s missions. Avoid potential confl ict by ensuring that the co-sponsorship will be consistent with your organization’s vision and branding.
Keep SGA Staff and the Student Body Vice President informed of what your organization is doing so they can ensure your success and help make you look good!
Stay true to your word by following through on what you say you will commit to your campus partners.
Reach out to the experts! Within the interest area of your bureau, there are people on campus and in the community who have expertise in the subject matter. They have done the research and have years of work experience to inform their understanding. Don’t ignore this important resource when planning out your events and programs for the year. Make sure your organization is in compliance with Student Body Statutes, the Florida Administrative Code, State of Florida Statutes and Laws and the rules and regulations of Florida State.
Strategic Thinking
Respond to emails, texts, Groupme, Facebook, etc. in a timely manner to maintain working and professional relationships across campus and in the community.
Complete tasks early so that you remain within deadlines and are able to do everything you want to do for the year.
Think strategically about the types of partnerships you are seeking to build. Why do you want to collaborate? What kind of collaboration are you looking for?