2011 Faith Directory

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2 • Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Faith Directory 2011

Sequim Gazette

Trinity United Methodist Church Faith Directory 2011

Olympic View Publishing Co. LLC P.O. Box 1750, Sequim, WA 98382 • e-mail: editor@sequimgazette.com Phone: (360) 683-3311 • FAX: (360) 683-6670 “Faith Directory 2011” is a special section of the Sequim Gazette. ©2011 Olympic View Publishing Co. LLC. Publisher: Sue Ellen Riesau • General Manager: Steve Perry Advertising Sales: Julie Speelman • Cover and Page Design: Cathy Clark For a listing of local congregations, visit our website: www.sequimgazette.com/faithdirectory

All Are Welcome Here Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors. Your place to grow.

Trinity United Methodist Church 100 S. S Blake Ave. Sequim Sequim 100 Blake Ave. 360-683-5367 (360) 683-5367 church@sequimtumc.org church@sequimtumc.org

Bill Bill Gordon, Gordon, Pastor Pastor Sunday Sunday Celebration Service: Service: 9:30 Celebration 9:30 am am Traditional Service: Traditional Service: 11:00 11:00 am am Sunday School am Sunday School & & Nursery: Nursery:9:30 9:30am

Our church is here to serve you, your family and loved ones, and especially to serve our surrounding community of Sequim and the world beyond in the name of Christ. We are a people on a journey together of faith, hope and love. We seek to assist you in knowing and experiencing God’s amazing and transforming love in your life, and to help you discover where God may be calling you to make a difference in our community and the world. We are a community that, in our worship, Christian learning, fellowship and serving others, seeks to grow closer to God and to be faithful to God’s vision that every human person is God’s child and our neighbor. We are a community of faith and love in Christ whose hearts, minds and doors are open to all. Worship: Our 9:30 a.m. service on Sunday is informal and contemporary in format. It includes a children’s message, and the children serve in receiving the morning offering. Music is led by our praise team, the Joyful Noise. The 11 a.m. service is traditional with a full choir. Education: Sunday school classes are offered at the 9:30 a.m. hour, and a lively after-school children’s music program is offered on Tuesday afternoons at 3 p.m. “Let’s Get Ready for Easter” includes children’s creative arts and an Easter Egg hunt, and is held about one week before Easter. There are educational and spiritual growth classes each week for adults. Periodic

workshops and seminars are offered to deepen our faith and expand our vision of God’s call to care for our world and its peoples. Fellowship: Regular events are held throughout the year for adults and families to become better and more deeply acquainted with one another in Christ. Activities include retreats, hiking and walking groups, game nights, fellowship dinners, organized neighborhood gatherings, and picnics. Outreach: We support and participate in local groups such as Sequim Community Aid, Sequim Food Bank, Dungeness Valley Health and Wellness Clinic, and the Light Lunch (free meal) program. On the last Thursday of each month, we offer a Free Dinner to anyone in the community who either needs a meal for themselves and their family because of a tight budget or simply desires to share a meal in fellowship with others. We are planning to create a Community Garden on our church grounds to serve people living on the east side of Sequim. We join with Dungeness Valley Lutheran and St. Luke’s Episcopal churches in planning and offering Vacation Bible School and special seasonal worship services. Our Shepherding Ministry Team contacts homebound members and friends every week, and friendship quilts and prayer shawls are made and delivered to those recovering from serious illness. We also help support a number of missionaries and an orphanage in the Congo.

Faith Directory 2011

Sequim Gazette

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 • 3

Olympic Bible Fellowship Olympic Olym Ol ympi picc Bible Biibl ble Fellowship Fellllow Fe llow wsh hip is is a friendfriiend iend n ly, family oriented church that is Bible based and nondenominational where you will immediately feel at home. In addition to inspirational teachings from the Word of God that are easy to understand, and great music (a mix of contemporary music/hymns) on Sundays, we have small groups during the week including Precept Bible Studies, Awana (ages 3-12th grade), young adults/college group, a marriage class, and other small groups. We continue to emphasize prayer, missions, and reading the One Year Bible together as a congregation to grow closer in our personal relationship to God in Christ and seek to equip our wide age range of people who serve and glorify Him at home, in the community and in the world. We offer a lively Awana program

forr ages high school. ffo es 3 tthrough hrou o gh g h iggh scho igh hooll In ho n addition add dit itiion ion to to the fun and educational weekly meetings, the children also learn through Awana Bible quizzing, the Awana Grand Prix and Awana games locally and nationally. Our youth are involved in leading worship, discipling the younger children in Awana, and using their talents in drama and music. Our youth won the regional Bible Quiz, and our high schoolers were the national champions in Awana Bible Quizzing in Chicago last April. We host an Awana Vacation Bible School at the end of August. The youth and adults take mission trips to Mexico as well as other countries around the globe as we seek to share God’s love and message of salvation through trusting Christ as Savior. We have sent many of our young people to the mission field. God worked a miracle - after 17 years of meeting in homes and elsewhere, Pastor Laboy of Agua de Vida invited OBF to share their facilities. The congregations not only share the facility, but also share meals after church from time to time.

Agua de Vida has been a tremendous blessing to our church. Pastor Rich Hay and Outreach Pastor Jed Cary join the rest of our congregation in welcoming you and inviting you to come worship with us at our new home at 261913 Highway 101 - just west of Sequim on the right hand side as you head toward Carlsborg.

Olympic Bible Fellowship SUNDAY 10:45 am Worship Service, Nursery & Sunday School 5:45 pm Awana - 3 years through High School



7 pm Young Adult & College Group


6 pm Prayer Meeting

Reaching out to serve others in Mexico

THURSDAY 7 pm Couples Study

10 am Precept Bible Study

FRIDAY 7 pm Youth Group

MEETINGS THROUGHOUT THE WEEK For current info go to: www.obfchurch.org RICH HAY, Pastor • JED CARY, Outreach Pastor Hwy 101 #261913 (just west of Sequim) • 683-6731 • Mailing address: 394 Kirner Road, Sequim

Faith Directory 2011

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Sequim Gazette

Faith Lutheran Church

382 W. Cedar • 683-4803 Sunday Worship Services: 8:30 & 11 am Holy Communion: 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month (both services) Bible Classes: Sundays at 9:45 am Youth Activities TBA Family Fun Sunday May 8th, 12-2 pm Vacation Bible School “PandaMania” July 11-15, 9 am-12 pm for kids ages 4-11

Maundy Thursday: April 21 Services at 12 noon & 7 pm

Good Friday: April 22 Services at 12 noon & 7 pm

Easter Sunday: April 24 Services at 8:30 & 11:00 am (Flowering Easter Cross and Holy Communion)

Christian Pre-School 360-681-7126 Pastors Steve Eaton and Roger Stites


We are a member of the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church. We believe and teach that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. The Word of God teaches that we are all conceived and born sinful and are under the power of the devil until Christ claims us as His own. We would be lost forever unless delivered from sin, death, and everlasting condemnation. But the Father of all mercy and grace has sent His Son Jesus Christ, who atoned for the sin of the whole world, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. Faith Lutheran Church & Preschool exist to help people find meaning, purpose, and direction throughout life as we journey through life on our way to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ. Our many and varied ministries exist to give practical strength, direction, and help to real people who live their lives daily with spouses, family, school, work, etc. Our church is served by our pastors, the Rev. Steven Eaton and the Rev. Roger Stites. Our preschool staff is here to assist parents to see that their children receive a solid education that is Christ-centered. Our youth groups have activities for people from infancy through adulthood. Our Bible study classes are varied, offered not only on Sundays, but

throughout the week. Our music programs and choirs also cover the entire spectrum of interests and ages. Our worship features very practical and life-related teaching and strengthening from in-depth study of the Scriptures and worship featuring two thousand years of Christian tradition and depth. At Faith Lutheran Church there is something for everyone, regardless of age and interests. Our staff and people are accessible and here to help. We invite you to come, visit, and ask questions. Join us for worship at 8:30 a.m. or 11 a.m. every Sunday!

Sequim Worship Center

We live in such interesting times. Modern “conveniences” attempt to make our lives so much simpler. Can you imagine what it would have been like for the early explorers to have had the use of a GPS unit? Of course that sounds a little crazy. Most of them were creating the first maps of the places they travelled to, not following the works of others. We, however, are far more concerned with knowing the specifics about where we are going. The desire to know where we are going is a long standing condition. Two thousand years ago, Jesus was asked that same question. Thomas, one of His disciples, asked, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” ( John 14:5, NIV) Jesus responded by telling him, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” ( John 14:6 NIV) Is it any wonder that those early disciples were called followers? In fact most of them were invited to join this adventure with the simple appeal to “Follow me”. Two thousands years later, not much has changed in that department. The challenge is still the same “Follow Him”. While we worry and fret about where we are going and how we will get there, He wants it to be as simple as learning how to follow. I say simple, but there is a challenge to it. If you have ever attempted to follow someone on a crowded freeway you know what I mean. If you are going to follow successfully you must keep your focus on the lead vehicle. The road is full of distractions that cry out for our attention. If we lose focus, we can miss the direction we need to receive from the leader. You also have to learn to stay close to the leader. If we allow too much distance to get between us and the leader, then others begin to crowd into that

space and can keep us from seeing His direction and making the proper turns. It’s the same as we learn to be followers of Jesus. Sequim Worship Center is all about learning to follow Jesus. Together, we can learn the process of becoming followers. At Sequim Worship Center that learning involves a four-fold process or purpose. First, we focus upon Him with Worship. Thanksgiving and praise allow us to focus our lives on who God is and consider all of the awesome things He has done. When we see Him as the One who is worthy it sets the direction of our searching. Next, we set about to Investigate Him. We study His word and seek to know Him and His ways. This helps fill in some of the details on that map we’re so interested in. Thirdly, we Relate to Him and to each other. Relationships are meant to be both vertical and horizontal. Knowing Him better draws us closer to Him and makes it easier to follow. Developing relationships with others who are also on the journey gives us the encouragement to keep going when times become a little more difficult. Finally, we Engage our world with the things that we have learned and the blessings that we have received. What we learn in the process is that it is not “all about me.” It is about developing that sense of community, that sense of family. If you are looking for someplace to discover meaning in life, if you are hoping that there is somewhere to find direction, let me invite you to be our guest at Sequim Worship Center. It’s not that we claim to have all the answers, we just invite you to join us as we learn to follow Jesus. It is a journey that is filled with adventure and well worth the effort.

Sunday Service: 10:45 a.m.

“Sharing Good News from the edge of the Olympic Mountains to the Ends of the Earth.”

640 N. Sequim Avenue • 683-7981 Rev. David L. Westman www.sequimworshipcenter.org

Faith Directory 2011

Sequim Gazette

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 • 5

Baha’i Faith

The Baha’i Faith is a world religion whose purpose is to unite all the races and peoples in one universal cause and one common faith.

A Baha’i is a follower of Baha’u’llah (Glory of God). Bahai’s are dedicated to: Adoration of One God and the Reconciliation of all Major Religions; Appreciation for the Diversity and Nobility of the Human Family and the Elimination of All Prejudice; Establishment of World Peace, Equality of Women and Men, and Universal Education; Cooperation between Science and Religion in the individual’s search for truth; Fostering of Joy and Radiance, and the Promotion of Human Dignity. For more information: www.us.bahai.org or call 1-800-22-UNITE

BAHÁ’Í FAITH For local information call 683-5520

Bahá’í House of Worship, Wilmette, Illinois

www.us.bahai.org 1-800-22-unite

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Faith Directory 2011



SUNDAY Worship Services ~ 8:30am & 11:00am Christian Education ~ 9:40am-10:40am Call for Summer Hours www.dvelca.org

Typical DVLC Coffee Hour: It’s About the People!

Sequim Gazette

Dungeness Valley Lutheran Church


We love because he first loved us.

That’s what it says in 1 John 4:19. At Dungeness Valley Lutheran Church, we believe that’s just exactly right. We are about reaching out in love to God, to each other and to the world, all out of sheer gratitude for the love God first showed us in Jesus Christ. Here are some of the ways our love is being expressed: • Love to God: Beautiful worship services. Engaging Bible and book studies. Christian education for all ages. • Love to each other: Activity-centered small groups. Weekly potlucks. Dining out with friends. Stephen Ministry for those in need. • Love to the world: Here is where we really hit our stride! Nine 12-step groups meet here during the week. We also support a wide variety of community-minded groups and organizations like Habitat for Humanity, Sequim Community Aid and Lutheran Community Services. Out of

concern for the health and well-being of those unable to afford health care in our community, DVLC members started the Dungeness Valley Health and Wellness Clinic. Whew! There’s always a lot going on around here. But there’s room for plenty more! We have only two questions left to ask you. One: Into what kind of loving service is God calling you? And two: When are you going to come by to share your love – and your calling – with us? Consider yourself invited! We look forward to sharing the love of Christ with you!

Sequim q Gazette

Faith Directory 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 • 7

King’s Way Foursquare Church We have a dream of being a community of believers who worship God Almighty, are reaching out to our neighbors of Clallam County, teaching people to walk in the Lord’s ways and releasing God’s people in the purposes that God has called them. At The King’s Way we value the worship of God as our primary ministry. Our worship services are Sundays at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. We have contemporary music and a time of teaching that brings the Word of God into our current life situations. We have a friendship break during the worship service that allows for relationships to form naturally over coffee and cookies. It is our desire to develop a sense of community. We believe that developing relationships is vital to the spiritual, mental and emotional health of individuals. At The King’s Way we understand that life is full of often overwhelming challenges. In a community of friends who believe in hope and love, life is abundantly full of faith. Children are some of the most eager, moldable and vulnerable individuals in God’s

kingdom. Their spiritual development is key to seeing the church has a continual relevancy and a future. Our goal is to provide a safe, fun place where they learn about Jesus. There is a place for children at the worship services Sundays at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. and Wednesdays at 7 p.m. We are excited about the establishment of Camp King’s Way where young people from western Washington can come and experience a real God and realize His great love and concern for children and youth. Camp King’s Way is reaching out to the next generation.

The middle school and high school youth of the church meet every Wednesday at 7 p.m. for Bible study and current issue discussions. They also gather often to work on projects, worship with the youth band and have fun evenings filled with laughter and food! Pastor Mike and Marilyn VanProyen have been married for 16 years, have five children and have lived in Sequim for 13 years. Pastor VanProyen cares about this community and is a past president of Sequim Sunrise Rotary.

The mission of The King’s Way is to worship the Lord with an attitude of praise, prayer and giving and to nurture and equip believers for the service of the Lord Jesus Christ, enabling them to reach out to the community and beyond, in love and graciousness with the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to invite you to come and visit us. The King’s Way is located just west of Sequim, one mile north of U.S. Highway 101 on Kitchen-Dick Road.

Seeking to build the Kingdom the King’s way

Sunday Worship Services: 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Pastor Michael VanProyen 1023 Kitchen-Dick Road Sequim, WA 98382 www.thekingsway.net

Office Hours: Mon-Wed 9:00 a.m. - Noon (360) 683-8020

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Faith Directory 2011

Sequim Gazette

Dungeness Community Church

A D At Dungeness un n ge g ne ness s Com Community m mu m u ni n i ty nit ty C Church h rc hu rch h (DCC) our desire is to glorify God. We seek to do this through dynamic teaching, creative worship, deep community, effective evangelism, and joyful service. We have a vision to form a cohesive caring community of people of all ages and backgrounds. We work to equip and empower people to use their spiritual gifts for ministry within the church and to be committed to faithfully share the gospel in the Sequim community and beyond through holistic outreach. We want the members of DCC to be so passionate about God’s love for all people that they develop ministry skills and become involved in outreach ministries locally, nationally and around the world. Sharing God’s love is of great importance to us. One way we do this is to reach out to our local community through work service projects and assistance to those in need. We also send work service outreach teams to other

area ar e s of our ea ur ccountry ount ou ntry try and nd d tthe h w he orld or ld. Theese se areas world. teams may be made up of family groups, youth, or adults. Another way we reach out to other parts of the world is to sponsor and host a group of Basque students who spend a month in the Sequim area to learn about and experience our culture. As we share our love with these students we befriend them, and we also learn about their culture. On Sunday mornings at 10:00 am, we meet with our diverse, multi-generational, Christian family for corporate worship and instruction. We have people attending DCC whose ages range from 0 to 99, and they come from many different church backgrounds or no church background at all. With this diversity in age, background, and culture comes a diversity of tastes and preferences. We understand this; and therefore, we have a church service that is fairly eclectic in style. Generally, we choose a scripture passage or teaching topic as a theme, and we then

bu u ild i l d our ou u r worship w rs wo r s hii p ser s err vices se v ic i c es build around that theme. At DCC we also schedule other times for instruction. On Sunday mornings there are classes for children, youth, and adults. During the week we have meetings for men, women, seniors, and youth. We also have special interest classes, periodic retreats, and simulcast conferences which cover different subjects and appeal to diverse interest groups. Sandwich Sunday’s, potlucks, youth group meetings, men’s breakfasts, and a variety of special events are some ways we find time to get to know one another better and have fun. We also do this through our community groups. These groups meet weekly in home settings, and offer a place where people can

develop deeper friendships through sharing with each other, praying for each other, studying and discussing scripture and Christian life, and supporting each other in times of personal need and crisis. At DCC we want to love God, love each other, and love our community. It is our joy to join with others to learn about God, worship Jesus, care for one another, and serve our community and the world.

Scott Culver Wayne Yamamoto

Ministries to men, women, youth and children Sunday morning worship 10:00 a.m. Nursery Available 45 Eberle Lane • PO Box 2920, Sequim 3.9 miles north on Sequim Ave. from Hwy 101

email: info@dcchurch.org • www.dcchurch.org 683-7333 • Monday - Friday, 8-4

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