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President’s Message
Dear Members,
Thank you for your participation in our Club’s Annual General Meeting on 9 April 2022; the majority of you voted to carry the resolution proposed forward.
On behalf of the Club, I would like to take this opportunity to thank outgoing General Committee Member Mr. Paul Lawlass for his long service to the Club – as the Chairman of the F&B Subcommittee over many years, and his most recent term as Chairman of the Social Subcommittee. We welcome Mrs. Nanthini Viknesh to the General Committee, and look forward to a productive new term working together.
Mr. David Jones assumed full responsibility as General Manager of the Singapore Cricket Club from 18 April, and he has been working closely with the management team and staff. We look forward to his leadership, strategic planning of new initiatives and campaigns, and effective execution of Club operations and quality service.
We were extremely pleased when the Ministry of Trade and Industry and Ministry of Home Affairs jointly announced that all nightlife businesses would be allowed to fully reopen from 19 April 2022. Such establishments are still subject to safe management measures and have to operate within the boundaries of their specific licenses as they are systematically reversed by the relevant government agencies.
We contacted the government agencies once the news was announced on 4 April, and at the time of writing, are waiting for our turn to have some of our other necessary licenses reverted. Once this is done, we will be able to progressively increase our entertainment offerings to the Membership! We now have all club F&B outlets operational. The Deli has been operational since 4 April and with the squashers and lawn bowlers able to have their post-game refreshments there, it has somewhat eased the pressure on the ever-popular Courtyard. The Men’s Bar re-opened on 19 April and it was wonderful to see the regulars returning to their favourite little corners of the Club.
All outlets are operational within the prescribed safe management mandates and we do request our Members to continue to offer our safe distancing ambassadors your maximum cooperation as they go about their task of ensuring that the mandated protocols are observed.
There are some challenges that the Club is facing – particularly with drastically rising food costs, utilities bills and manpower limitations. For example, the price of a tin of cooking oil alone has jumped by 70.45% from August 2020 to April 2022. Meanwhile, the cost of an egg is now 43.75% higher since September 2021. There are growing concerns about increasing beer and wine costs due to the war in Ukraine and the continued global wine shortage. Even as many countries continue to open air travel, freight costs still remain high. At the same time, we have to grapple with space constraints as we resume and kickstart many activities.
Despite all that, we remain positive as we think of creative solutions to ensure the quality and quantity of F&B served remain consistent. On 18 April, we launched a new set of F&B main ala carte and snack menus across all outlets – this menu revamp exercise was conducted following feedback received from the Membership and a study of Member food order trends to determine what popular dishes should be retained, what we could improve upon, and what needed replacing. We hope you will enjoy what the F&B Department has carefully developed and curated for your palate’s pleasure.
Three-day grandstand and combination tickets for the public for this year’s Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix were snapped up within six hours. At the time of writing, we are finalising discussions with the event organiser and look forward to launching sales for the SCC Night Race soon. The offering of combination tickets is additional good news for us as it suggests that there will be entertainment and public F&B kiosks on Padang field. The easing of safe management measures also mean we can look forward to organising our other major Club celebrations soon. Most Sports Sections have also resumed, with team sports back on the Padang and many national leagues expected to start shortly.
Whether you are a competitive or social player, prefer field, court or indoor sports, we have 13 Sports Sections for you to join, participate in and make new friends. We strongly encourage you to get involved in at least one Section; for more information and to register, do contact the Sports Department at SportsDept@scc.org.sg.
For members inclined to more leisurely and hobby related activities with fellow Members e.g. trail walks, bike rides or chess/mahjong or seek to volunteer in our community focussed projects, keep a look-out for the Member Engagement initiatives in our eBlasts. You may also contact memberengagement@scc.org.sg.
The Club management and staff are working hard to bring the Club back not just to the pre-pandemic bustling environment but with improved services and offerings and efficient streamlined processes. We thank you for your patience during these weeks and look forward to your patronage!
Zoher Motiwalla
President, Singapore Cricket Club
Annual General Meeting
9 April 2022
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Singapore Cricket Club was conducted on 9 April 2022 virtually in the Club, due to COVID-19 safe management restrictions.
Chairman Zoher Saleh Motiwalla called the meeting to order at 11.00am and voting was opened shortly after – this year, Members voted electronically while a small number of Members visited the Club to receive assistance with online registration and voting, while still adhering to safe distancing measures. The Chairman took questions about the proposed Resolution from the virtual floor, following which the meeting was adjourned at 11.21am. The meeting resumed at 6.00pm. With all businesses of the AGM concluded, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 7.21pm. The Club extends its congratulations to the newly elected office Bearers at this year’s AGM.
RESOLUTION 1 THAT the current Rule 12 be and is hereby amended in the manner set out in the annexure hereto entitled “Resolution One – Proposed Amendments to Rule 12(d)” or in such other manner as this AGM may approve in whole or in parts with or without amendments and the General Committee be empowered to compile the amended Rule as approved by this AGM for submission to the Registrar of Societies for sanction. The amendment is intended to remove the restriction on Term Members and Sports Members from sitting on Sub Committees of the General Committee.
The Resolution is declared carried by majority