SGHS Commencement Program

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College aCCeptanCes Class of 2023

Appalachian State University

Auburn University *

Bennington College

Blue Ridge Community College Vet Tech Program *

Boston University *

Bridgewater College

Catholic University *

Christopher Newport University *

College of Charleston *

College of William & Mary *

Duquesne University

East Carolina University *

Elon University *

Georgia State University

Gustavus Adolphus College

Hollins University

Hood College

Howard University

James Madison University *

Longwood University *

Louisiana State University

Mary Baldwin University

Miami University, Oxford *

Michigan State University

Mount Saint Mary’s University *

NewU University

New York University

Norfolk State University

North Carolina A&T

North Carolina Central University

Ohio University

Old Dominion University *

Palm Beach Atlantic University

Penn State University *

Purdue University Fort Wayne *

Radford University *

Randolph-Macon College *

Roanoke College *

Savannah College of Art and Design *

Seton Hall University

Southeastern University *

St. Olaf College

The University of Virginia’s College at Wise

The University of Alabama

University of Aberdeen *

University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

K atherine “K ay” Wellhouse White ’73 Commencement Speaker

University of Georgia

University of Kentucky *

University of Mary Washington *

University of Miami

University of Minnesota

University of New Hampshire

University of Northwestern Ohio

University of North Carolina, Wilmington *

University of Rochester

University of South Carolina, Columbia *

University of Tennessee

University of Toledo

University of Vermont *

University of Virginia *

Virginia Commonwealth University *

Virginia Tech *

Virginia Union University

Wake Forest University *

Washington and Lee University

Western New England University

Xavier University

* Matriculation

Kay Wellhouse White has always felt a part of Saint Gertrude High School. Growing up a block from the school on Stuart Avenue, the community was a dominant factor in her life. She played tennis on the court by Tilden Avenue and played various sports on both Saint Gertrude’s and Benedictine’s campuses prior to entering as a freshman.

After graduating from Saint Gertrude in 1973, she attended Westhampton College of the University of Richmond graduating with a Bachelors Arts degree in education. Her early professional years were spent in banking at F&M (now Bank of America). Kay earned a certificate in bank management from the University of Virginia in 1985 and went on to become the bank’s branch manageer.

The church has always been a central part of Kay’s life as highlighted by her later professional endeavors. She was employed by the Catholic Diocese of Richmond at both Saint Benedict Catholic School and Saint Bridget Catholic School in various educational roles. She later became a Catholic campus minister for Randolph Macon College where she had the opportunity to share the spiritual life of many young people.

She has been a member of Saint Bridget Catholic Church for 33 years and has served in numerous volunteer roles across the Richmond community. Kay is a past member of the Board of Trustees for Saint Gertrude High School and currently serves on the Board of Directors of St. Mary’s Woods Retirement Community.

Her most cherished roles include: wife to Patrick; mother to Elizabeth (SGHS 2004), Christopher (BHS 2006), and Bridget (SGHS 2008); mother-inlaw to Matthew and Rebecca; and ultimate dream job as grandmother to Lilly (future Gertie Class of 2029) and Harvey (future Cadet Class of 2034).

exerCises Class of 2023

Benedictine Schools of Richmond McMurtrie-Reynolds Pavilion June 2, 2023

saint gertrude high sChool 100th Annual Commencement


James River Brass Quintet


Sister Joanna Burley, O.S.B.

Prioress of the Benedictine Sisters of Virginia


Amy Roussy Pickral ’95

Saint Gertrude Head of School


Helen Faye Counts

Class of 2023 presentation and song

Samantha Lauren Smith President, Class of 2023

Frances Madeleine Lang Song Contest Leader, 2023


Erin E. Woodson

golden JuBilarians

Jesse A. Grapes

Benedictine Schools of Richmond President

graduation address

Kay Wellhouse White ’73

presentation of aWards

The Walter Gannon Diocesan Scholarship

The Ann Marie Caraker Hancock ’64

Award for Outstanding Leadership and Achievement

The Lori Savik Memorial Award

The Marian Character Leadership Award

Conferring of diplomas

Amy Roussy Pickral ’95 and Mr. Drew S. Mugford ’86

Closing remarKs

Mr. Drew S. Mugford ’86


Abbot Placid D. Solari, O.S.B.

Abbot of Belmont Abbey


James River Brass Quintet

2022-23 administration

Jesse Grapes, Benedictine Schools of Richmond President

Drew Mugford ’86, Benedictine Schools of Richmond Principal

Sister Joanna Burley, O.S.B., Prioress

Abbot Placid D. Solari, O.S.B. ’70, Abbot

Amy Roussy Pickral ’95, Saint Gertrude Head of School

Jennifer Bigelow, Benedictine Schools of Richmond Academic Dean

Mandy Murphy Rentschler ’97, Saint Gertrude Dean of Students

Class of 2023

Olivia Grace Altovilla + ^

Camille M. Boyd *

Carolyn Therese Cogswell + * ^

Kai’a La’Shae Coley

Helen Faye Counts + ^

Abigayle Elizabeth Crumley +

Isabella Adriana Flores + ^

Chloe Elizabeth Fricks +

Mary Grace Gibrall ^

Anne Elizabeth Gleberman + ^

Leilany Alexandra Gomez

Carrington Grace Hayes ^

Elise Lauren Hickman +

Elizabeth Payton Horan + ^

Elizabeth Scout Kennon + * ^

Frances Madeleine Lang + ^

Abigail Sydney Lee

Virginia Rose Lee +

Lydia Kate Lombos * ^

Anna Sinclair Looney + *

Mary Margaret Moonan Losch +

Macy Veigh Marshall + *

Maya Grace McClellan +

+ GPA 3.5 or higher - Gold Cord

Class of 1973 golden JuBilarians

Ellen Roberts Abbott

Lisa Leary Alderson

Mary Lawrence Armistead

Elizabeth A. Baird

Judith L. Bartnik

Bettie Berlin Berndt

Brenda Collins Blackard

Susan McDonald Bohache

Caroline Meadow Messerschmidt *

Madelyn E. Mitchell * ^

Maria Del Mar Moros + ^

Libby Ann Munro ^

Paige Elizabeth Newcomb *

Prisha Reddy Pavan +

Tabitha Baird Pickral ^

Katherine Elizabeth Poe *

Logan Emily Richardson + *

Adrienne Renee Rodgers ^

Jenna Gracen Schwab +

Neisha Kate Shick *

Taylor Maria Shropshire +

Ann Marie Smith ^

Samantha Lauren Smith + *

Lauren Elizabeth Stone +

Carter Elizabeth Borja Strite +

Isabelle Szczerbinski + *

Christa Marie Tuohy + * ^

Neena Kayla Vijay

Colleen Dunn Weir + *

Erin E. Woodson +

* 200 or more hours of service - Green Cord

^ Elizabeth Ann Seton Diocesan Cord for at least 12 years attending Catholic schools - Multi-Colored Cord

Class Colors: pinK & lime

Class offiCers

Sam Smith, President

Anna Looney, Vice President

Scout Kennon, Secretary/Treasurer

Kai’a Coley, Chaplain

Logan Richardson, Historian

Liv Altovilla, SCA Representative

Christa Tuohy, SCA Representative

Class advisors

Meghan Madel, Head Advisor

Grace Cuevas

Mary Riley

Barbara M. Bowles

Nancy Lewis Brechtelsbauer

Nancy Kerner Broaddus

Mary C. Broughton-Spruill

Margaret H. Browder

Cathy K. Cabell

Barbara Berlin Carr

Margaret Clarke

Renee Espinola Cohen

Victoria Stanley Conley

Nancy Schauble Cooke

Barbara Fulgham Cooper

Debra L. David

Kathleen Dimond

Barbara A. Dooley

Kerri Williams Dutchak †

Carol Crone Eanes

Cynthia Etz

Susan Muse Fisher

Jacqueline Dorr Flesher

Rosa Esteve Foster

Sheila Arrighi Gervasoni

Lisa Covert Gibbs

Diane Howard Glass

Karen Toney Gragnani

Monica Powers Gragnani

Bonnie Sue Barden Hall

Barbara Baird Harris

Beverly Fussell Hopcroft

Carol Shipshinski Howard

Marie Walker Jennings

Anne Marie Wilkenson Jordan

Donna Doane Jordan

Theresa Bryan Keel

Beverly Bernardini Kirby

Mary K. Lane

Mary A. Lange

Nancy Holmgren Larsen

Deborah Goodman Leshner

Virginia Hanky Lewis

Pamela Watson Livesay

Gina M. Loehr †

Shelley Lewis Manley

Lisa Moore Martin

Sharon I. McGowan

Eileen McSweeney †

June Moore Medlin

Helen Moore-Harbeson

Mary Kline Moran

Lisa S. Morton

Cindy LaPlace Moss

Betsy Lanier Murphy

Rebecca Yates Murray

Carol A. Nitz

Patricia Hollins Norton

Susan L. Nowell

Deborah Jolliffe Orband

Deborah Walsh Perry

Nora E. Riley

Alice Zanzola Rother

Elizabeth Vickers Rottman

Sandra Sapere

Elizabeth A. Scott †

Angela Liscio Scott

Suzanne Forsee Seretis

Renee Quarte Sheehy

Laurie Lewis Shepherd

Tamara Slaughter

Lourie Simon Sledd

Denise Smith †

Michelle Solari Smith

Janet Williams Southern †

Margaret Rollins Stanton

Gabrielle Y. Ward

Mary Ellen Wallo Wash

Katherine Wellhouse White

Mary Jo Schepker Wright

Robin L. Wyatt †

2022-23 BenediCtine sChools of riChmond Board of trustees

Mrs. Theresa Bahen ’76

Mrs. Debbie Berger ’87

Mrs. Bridget Ryan Berman ’78

Mrs. Kathy Bliley ’68

Sister Joanna Burley O.S.B.

BG. Norvell V. Coots ’76

Mr. Jay Davenport

Mr. Buddy Gadams ’89

Mr. Rodney Ganey ’69

Mr. Michael Kehoe ’84

Fr. Christopher Kirchgessner O.S.B.

Mrs. Leslie Koenig-Stack ’74

Fr. Jonathan Licari O.S.B.

Mr. Kevin McNamara ’74

Ms. Phillis Oeters ’75

Mr. Steve Reardon ’80

Mr. Ken Sullivan

Mr. Joseph R. Swedish ’69

Del. R. Lee Ware

Monsignor John Williams ’56

2022-23 BenediCtine eduCational foundation Board

Mr. Paul “Chip” Bliley, Jr. ’67

Mr. Richard E. Dolan, III

Mr. Matt J. Gadams ’88

Mrs. Shannon Garbett ’88

Mr. Geoff Gasperini

Mr. Jesse A. Grapes

Mr. Chris Keegan ’03

Mr. Michael P. Kehoe ’84

Mr. Terrence W. Kerner ’86

Mrs. Shelley N. Kuhn ’75

RADM Allie Leslie ’81

Abbot Placid D. Solari, O.S.B. ’70

Mr. Geoff McDonald

Mrs. Evelyn V. McGill ’75

Mrs. Buni Neighbors

Mr. Toriano Phillips ’90

Mr. Stephen G. Reardon ’80

Mr. Randy Reynolds, Jr.

Mr. Todd D. Rogers ’83

Mr. Richard E. Smith ’88

Mr. Greg Stivers

Mr. George J. Strother, Jr. ’92

Mr. Matthew D. White ’83

† Deceased

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