1 minute read
Good Morning
By Brigit Atkin
You’ve heard many times that the sun is harmful to your skin. But did you know that in the right balance, the sun is actually very healing for both your mind and your body? Ancient Aztecs, Incas, Mayans, the Ayurvedic rishis, and Hippocrates knew that the sun was the foundation of every aspect of human health.
Mike Adams, author and natural health researcher, said, “Sunlight is more powerful than any drug; it is effective and available free of charge. If it could be patented, it would be hyped as the greatest medical breakthrough in history. It’s that good.”
I once read about an orphanage in which a number of children with scoliosis resided. The nurses sat the children with their backs to a sun-filled window for several hours a day, and over time, their scoliosis was healed! That’s pretty incredible. Here in southern Utah, the sun can get pretty intense in the summer months. Caution must be exercised, especially if your skin is extra sensitive. You must know your limits; however, used judiciously, the sun benefits all of us in many ways. The sun:
• Boosts the immune system.
• Improves sleep. Early morning sunshine gets the light into your pineal gland. It will regulate your rhythms and balance the serotonin/melatonin hormones. A word of caution: do not stare directly at the sun as this can be harmful to your eyesight.
• Maintains strong bones.