1 minute read
The Sun as Your Medicine
• Provides vitamin D. If you can get outside for a few moments during midday, the ultraviolet rays will penetrate the skin and help the body produce this healthy hormone naturally. Deficiencies in this important vitamin have been correlated with breast cancer, MS, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis as well as a host of mental conditions.
• Lowers blood pressure.
• Reduces stress.
• Improves mood.
• Aids weight loss.
• Increases the ability to focus.
• Accelerates recovery from surgery or illness.
• Wards off cancer.
• Kills bacteria.
Not yet convinced of the health benefits gained from exposure to sunlight? Just look to the science:
A 20-year study (Lindqvist PG, Epstein E, Landin-Olsson M, et al) following approximately 30,000 subjects found that those who avoided exposure to the sun were twice as likely to die from all causes.This research corroborates several prior studies that stated diminished exposure to the sun is a risk factor for all-cause mortality.
Various studies have found sunlight to act as a natural antidepressant, promote significant clearance of psoriatic symptoms, and provide healing to the liver (as we see in jaundice patients).
Further, clinical research (Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation) has shown that exposure to fullspectrum light throughout the day coupled with darkness at night can help improve aspects of Alzheimer’s disease, reducing agitation, increasing sleep efficiency, decreasing nighttime wakefulness, and decreasing nighttime activity in these patients. It does this by resetting the circadian rhythm, which is out of sync for those suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Of course, use caution and common sense during the peak hours of the sun. If you need sunscreen, I advise finding one without harmful chemicals. Do some research and find one with as many natural ingredients as possible.
A great habit to form is to get outside first thing in the morning and greet the sun as it comes up. Seriously, just five minutes makes a difference. Mornings are beautiful! Fill your soul and boost your health by getting out there and letting that sunshine in!
About the Author
Brigit Atkin–Brigit of Brightworks helps improve the lives of others facing challenges and difficulties. She is certified in the SimplyALIGN™ method and was trained by founder Carolyn Cooper herself. For more information, visit www.brightworksbybrigit.com.