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Get on a Path to Hope and Healing!
Depression Medications Not Working?
If you or someone you love is one of the estimated 16.2 million Americans living with Major Depressive Disorder, there’s a non-invasive and non-systematic treatment available today. It’s called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy, and it’s currently provided in St. George, at an Utah-based neurohealth clinic, Premier TMS. TMS therapy has been FDA-cleared since 2008. It works by emitting a series of highly-focused electromagnetic pulses (similar in type and strength to an MRI) to the patient’s left-frontal cortex of the brain. This stimulates cortical neurons and causes them to depolarize and release neurotransmitters. This increases blood flow and glucose metabolism in the stimulated regions of the brain, typically resulting in improved mood. Best of all, TMS is covered by most major insurance carriers, including Medicare.
Treating Depression at Its Source
• TMS helps activate the natural function of the brain’s neurotransmitters using a noninvasive magnetic field similar to that of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
• NeuroStar TMS treats right at the source. Because it uses a precise magnetic pulse, it is effective exactly where it needs to be.
• Covered by most insurance.

Premier Life Design
• Ask about our new program Premier Life Design to “InGage” with Life.
Treatment Course

• Treatment is non-invasive and non-systematic; side effects are minor and may include minor scalp irritation.
• Treatments are 19-37 minutes in length each, depending upon diagnosis.
• A typical treatment course consists of five treatments per week over a 4-6 week period.
• Patients can drive themselves to their appointment, receive treatment while fully awake, and drive home afterwards.
• We have three TMS chairs and have seen over 100 patients.

“When you’re depressed...you’re always fighting to live...to survive the next day. NeuroStar TMS made such a difference...All of a sudden I felt empowered. I felt strong. I felt like I wasn’t a victim anymore.” ‒Debbie
“I had taken eleven different medications without any relief...NeuroStar TMS treatment has helped me bring my life back...with happiness that I’ve never experienced before.” ‒Todd
“Neurostar TMS treatment has changed my life...It’s given me life; it’s given me joy; it’s given me opportunity.” ‒Colleen