6 minute read
Chakras: Getting to Know Your Chakras: a Guide for Health and Well-Being
By Brigit Atkin
You know how your house has a circuit breaker? That circuit breaker supplies power to the corresponding electrical sockets throughout your home. Well, you have an energy system that supplies your body with power in much the same way. You have seven main chakras that line up the spine, and each one gives power to the organs around it. Knowing about these chakras and how they work can be a huge step in keeping your body and mind happy and healthy.
Let’s look at each chakra in order—root to crown—and learn about keeping each one correctly balanced.
1. ROOT. This is your literal connection to earth. Why is this connection so important? Think of a tall, healthy tree. What’s keeping it so resilient? It’s the deep roots. The deeper the roots, the healthier the tree. In your own body, this presents itself as feelings of belonging, security, stability. If this chakra is out of balance, you might notice that you are hoarding (living in scarcity), unable to make decisions, and “wishywashy.” Physically, you might have blood and heart issues as well as leg, hip, and spinal pain. This is also where the male reproductive system gets its energy. To balance, get outside! Stand barefoot in the grass or dirt and literally “ground” yourself. You’ll see animals do this. They instinctively know this will help heal them. “I am safe.”
2. SACRAL. This chakra is slightly below the naval and has to do with your creativity. In the body, it corresponds with the kidneys, adrenal glands, female reproductive system, hormones, low back pain, intestinal issues, and how your body uses fluids. This is also where shame and addictions reside. To balance, create by drawing, coloring, and journaling; organize a drawer; rearrange the furniture; drink water; and get in the water. Address your “control” issues and the way you interact with others. Do you need to control or give your power away to get something in return? Do you like drama? These are deep questions, but improving yourself in these areas will clear the blocks and unleash creativity you never knew you had. It will also help heal strained relationships. It can be life changing. “I feel.”

3. SOLAR PLEXUS. This is located just below the rib cage and is your powerhouse. In the body, this chakra is related to all things digestion. If out of balance, your digestion might be sluggish, and your breathing will be impaired. The gut is often referred to as the second brain, so this is where many “mental” problems originate. Panic, anxiety, and shock often reside here, not in the brain. Emotionally, you’ll tend to be in victim mode and might lean toward passive-aggressive behavior. To balance, practice deep breathing and yoga. Change how you talk to yourself: “I take responsibility for my actions while patiently and gently working on being a better person.” Remember, this is your power center. Are you fair to yourself and others? Are you humble? If you have a position of authority, do you use it kindly toward others? Do you shrink back when you should push forward? You can literally reverse many gut issues by balancing this important center. “I can”.
4. HEART. How is your blood pressure? If it is too high, do you feel you are in a pressure cooker? Do you need to confront someone/something but are afraid? If it is too low, you may be letting everyone walk all over you and taking on the bad while not letting in the good. Your heart can be too closed or too cold; you have no compassion or tenderness toward yourself or others. It can be too open: you are enabling others wrong behavior or loving too much (think having an affair). Again, the secret is balance. Have healthy boundaries so you can love yourself and others correctly. Focus on and practice those correct boundaries. Practice forgiveness and compassion, and the chakra will take care of itself. “I love.”
5. THROAT. This is your voice and how you communicate. This is also the energy to your thyroid. If this chakra is out of balance, you either won’t speak and don’t feel heard or you speak too much and too loudly. To balance, express yourself in every positive way you can. Practice speaking up at appropriate times and in the right ways. Journal your frustrations, hopes, and dreams. Quit gossiping. Speak well of others, and have integrity. Keep your word. “I speak.”
6. BROW OR THIRD EYE. This chakra is situated right between the eyebrows and is your intuition, your ability to see the bigger picture. When blocked, you will have tunnel vision. You won’t be able to see through a situation, and you won’t trust yourself. Physically, you might have headaches, vision problems, and ear issues. To balance, practice recognizing a bigger vision. Step back and see. Start trusting your instincts, and watch for the proof you are right. “I see.”
7. CROWN. This is your connection to God, to a Higher Power. It’s located on the top of your head and when balanced, receives inspiration. This Light travels down through the body to the root chakra. When out of balance, depression, confusion, and fear prevail. Physically, migraines, tumors, and senility can begin. To balance, pray, be present, and feel the miracle of living in a body. Meditate. Show and express genuine gratitude. “I am.”
If I could suggest a summary to remedy all of these chakras, I would start where I began and expound: go outside, stand barefoot in the grass, be still. Get some sun on your face, breathe deeply, and play in the dirt. Journal, pray, practice forgiveness, live in gratitude. Rest, eat nourishing foods, and drink plenty of water. Work and then play! You don’t have to do any of these perfectly—just make progress each day the best you can. Life is to be enjoyed, even in stressful times. Just do your best and have fun!
About the Author

Brigit Atkin–Brigit of Brightworks helps improve the lives of others facing challenges and difficulties. She is certified in the SimplyALIGN™ method and was trained by founder Carolyn Cooper herself. For more information, visit www. brightworksbybrigit.com.