4 minute read
Chasing Rainy Day Waterfalls
By Mark Wade
In a desert environment, heavy rains will overwhelm any soil surface that is not capable of easily absorbing the overabundance of moisture. During a downpour, southwestern Utah’s preponderance of rock surfaces are great contributors to the fast-funneling of a water deluge into crevices, washes, and ravines and over ledges, creating breathtaking, unexpected, and dramatic waterfalls in the once dry landscape.
Finding The Right Time
Morning rain was pelting my home’s windows, and dark clouds were hovering low over the surrounding mountains. I scanned the weather forecast to learn that heavy rain was expected to continue throughout the day. I sent a text to Bob Grove, my outdoor travel partner, asking, “Are you ready to drop all work and go chasing waterfalls?” During the recent monsoon rains, we had been discussing this possibility, so he was more than willing to join me in this adventure.
Looking Back
In 1997, I stood in a sheriff’s office two days after a flash flood had taken the lives of eleven people in a slot canyon near Page, Arizona. I viewed photographs from the cameras of the deceased showing rain water just beginning to drip from the canyon rim. A barrage of rain, many miles away, had funneled into this twentymile-long slot and surprised the visitors from New Orleans, France, England, and Sweden with a ten foot wall of water that came at them like a freight train.
In 2015, seven people from California and Nevada were killed in the Keyhole slot canyon of Zion National Park, and some of my work associates were first on the scene following that tragic event.
The bottom line is that hard rains can be very dangerous, and it was with this realization and respect for the power of nature that Bob and I embarked on a daylong quest to safely capture video and photos of temporary waterfalls.

The Day
With ponchos for ourselves and plastic covers for our gear, we ventured into the main canyon of Zion National Park. Light from the sun struggled mightily to penetrate thousands of feet of water vapor overhead. The torrential rain soaked every exposed part of our bodies, and we were quickly resigned to the fact that our feet would be prunes for a good part of the day.
As we ventured up the main canyon on the park shuttle, we glanced excitedly at the waterfalls that were already cascading through the cracks and crevices of the canyon faces. Water converging from multiple sources exploded heavily over vast precipices. We estimated that there were at least seventy significant waterfalls in the park. We were wet to the core but saturated with amazement at the thunderous display of nature that unfolded at every turn. With long lenses on our cameras, we stood in safe spots to capture the pandemonium.
Where To Go
Zion National Park, the Snow Canyon area, and even the Virgin River Gorge are three of the possible areas to best view waterfalls on a rainy day. You’ll find some temporary falls as the snow melts in the springtime, but they will be fewer in number. Wherever you go, use common sense, and stand in safe spaces.

About the Author
Mark Wade is active in hiking, writing, photography, and videography. He works as a tourism marketing consultant, for which he has won numerous awards. He is a weekly guest on the KSL Outdoors radio show. Mark is the former Director of Tourism for southwestern Utah and has served on the board of directors for various tourism associations.