2 minute read
What’s That Smell, Fido?
By Dr. Jace King, DVM Washington Family Veterinary Clinic
How many times has your cute, furry little animal jumped on your lap to lick your face only to have the smell of their breath nearly knock you off your chair? If you have experienced this situation, your pet may have a dental or periodontal disease.
In a study in which more than 2.1 million dogs and 450,000 cats were evaluated by veterinary professionals, about 70 percent of dogs from three to ten years old and 60 percent of cats from three to ten years had dental tartar or calculus. Based on these findings and other similar studies, it is evident that there are many pets with dental disease not recognized by their owners.
Dental care should begin when a pet is very young so that it becomes familiar with mouth handling and plaque control. Pet owners have the important role of carrying out the day-to-day dental care, which includes regularly brushing or wiping the teeth and providing plaque and tartar control benefits through their choices of treats and food. A comprehensive approach to a pet’s oral health includes both professional and home care regiments. The veterinarian is key to establishing an oral health program that includes an examination and assessment of the teeth, tongue, and gingiva, dental scaling, and treatment of disease. Owners need to understand that dental health is important not only for the well-being of the oral cavity but also for the health of the pet’s entire body. Plaque initiates gingivitis and is often the source of bad breath. Plaque is also the foundation for tartar formation. Tartar and plaque accumulation produce mechanical irritation, increased colonization of bacteria, and progression of gingivitis, which eventually leads to periodontitis. Advancing disease leads to gum regression, root exposure, and destruction of supportive and connective tissue, causing mobile teeth and tooth loss. In some instances, severe disease may even lead to health conditions in other parts of the body, including the heart and kidneys. Tartar will need to be removed during a professional dental cleaning with the patient under anesthesia. However, the rate of tartar and plaque formation can be reduced through home care that includes regularly brushing the teeth and feeding your pet a food that provides mechanical tartar reduction. Take a moment and examine your little friend’s mouth for foreign smells. If it makes you sick as a dog, it’s time for a new oral health plan.