4 minute read
Retire on Purpose
on Purpose
By L. Steven Wilson
As he left office and public life, Nelson Mandela, world leader and inspiration to countless millions around the world, was asked what his plans were for retirement. He simply said, “I plan to take my retirement seriously.”
In a television interview, Paul Newman, the popular actor, seemed confused when the host said she was saddened by his retirement. He paused, sat up in his chair, looked her in the eyes, and said, “Oh, you mean because I don’t make movies anymore? I made eight-five; should I have made eight-six?” Then he made a profound statement, which changed the course of my retirement: “With so many things needing to be done in the world, why would I choose to spend my whole life just making movies?”
Most would be quick to suggest twenty million reasons to make another movie but not Newman. He knew when enough was enough, and he saw things “needing to be done in the world.”
I’m sure you’ve noticed products on the shelf at the grocery store bearing the brand Newman’s Own. There is a story behind this brand that illustrates the way Newman used his retirement from the film industry to get things “done in the world.” Paul and his wife, Joanne, rejected the Hollywood lifestyle, preferring to live in rural Connecticut. Among his many talents, Paul loved spending time in the kitchen preparing food for his family and friends. As a Christmas holiday tradition, Paul and Joanne would find antique bottles, fill them with Paul’s homemade salad dressing, and give them to neighbors. One of his neighbors excitedly said, “Paul, you should sell this!” And the idea for Newman’s Own was born.
Paul readily admitted he was out of his element and in over his head. In fact, on the door of the company’s first office, he hung this sign: Newman’s Own
There are 3 rules to running a successful business. And we don’t know any of them.
If Newman had gone to business school, he’d have learned that making a profit is the goal of being in business, but he didn’t. So, all proceeds from Newman’s Own are given away. To date, approximately $550 million (and counting) have been donated to charity.
With so many things needing to be done in the world…$20 million versus $550 million? Perhaps Paul knew more about business than he led us to believe. Or maybe he just knew there was more to life than a job.
With all due respect to your chosen career, my belief is that only a few people come close to matching who they were born to be. Most find careers because they want to eat on a regular basis, and they become really good at what they do because they also want to live with a roof over their heads. Our full potential as human beings is bigger and more powerful than a job description can capture.
The reality is that all careers conclude. Therefore, everyone retires. Since everyone will live in retirement, the question is this: Where and how will you choose to invest your time in order to help the world, your community, and your neighborhood become a better place?
In our book next: Redefining Retirement, Lisa Larson and I invite you to see retirement as a “gift” to share with others while enriching your own life in the process. We believe living a life free from the demands of a job but failing to use some of your gifts to help make the world better is tantamount to committing a crime against humanity.
The tools needed to build a productive, rewarding retirement— Network, Experience, X-factor (passion), and Time—form an acronym: next, which is the title of our book.
With so many things needing to be done in the world, what contribution will you make? I’d strongly suggest you begin by taking your retirement seriously because as hard as you might try, leisure isn’t a sustainable strategy. Buddha may have said it best: “To be idle is the short road to death.”
Human beings must have meaning in their lives. If you are retired, you may have lost the meaning provided by your job, so it is even more critical that you find meaning in your retirement. Take this opportunity to discover your gifts, find what needs to be done in the world, and go to work making the world a better place. In the process, you may become who you were born to be!
About the Author
Steve is the former CEO of St. George Regional Medical Center, St. George, Utah. He authored next—Redefining Retirement; Lessons for Life’s Transitions with Lisa G. Larson and speaks frequently to those preparing to leave their careers. He serves on the Board of the Institute for Continued Learning. His post career “hobby” is real estate investing, and he is Associate Broker for Utah First Property Management, a company his son Bryan founded. To contact Steve go to wilson.stg@gmail.com.