10 minute read
Find a Volunteer Opportunity Near You and Make a Difference in 2023
Diane Del Toro, Director of Operations, St. George Health & Wellness Magazine
As the director of operations for St. George Health & Wellness Magazine, I have had the opportunity over the years to write articles about many of the charitable organizations located in the southern Utah area. The more I learn about the wide range of needs in our community, the more I am incredibly grateful to and inspired by those who sacrifice their days and nights to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, train the unemployed, and protect the weak. Many of these people oversee the dozens of non-profit organizations that operate throughout the county, and they rely on us to help them.
Profiled below are thirteen service organizations in Washington County that can use your support and will gratefully receive your donation of goods, time, or money. You can find many more by going to justserve.org, unitedwaydixie.org, or stgeorgechamber.com. As you read through these profiles, thoughtfully consider one way (or many ways) you can make a difference by serving, giving, or donating.

Switchpoint provides support and service to the homeless. Its mission is to empower families and individuals in need by addressing the underlying causes of their poverty and providing each client with a personalized, comprehensive plan that supports them on their journey to self-sufficiency. It believes each individual has worth and value and that change occurs when people are treated with respect and dignity and empowered with skills and resources to better their circumstances.
The Switchpoint website provides a comprehensive overview of their mission. Click on “Ways to Help” at the top of the page. Most pressing needs include gift cards (Walmart, Target, gas), fifty-gallon trash bags, canned goods, and other essentials.
Contact information: 948 N. 1300 W. St. George, UT 84770 435-628-9310 info@switchpointcrc.org www.switchpointcrc.org

Tan’s Treats is a nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting childhood hunger in the southern Utah area. Each year thousands of children in the United States get out of school for the weekend and return home to a less than adequate supply of food. Their needs during the week are being met with school breakfast and lunch but they go hungry over the weekend. Tan’s Treats coordinates with the schools in the area to get these children weekend and holiday meals.
A donation of $20 will provide weekend meals for one child for a month. Click on “Get Involved” at the top of the Tan’s Treats website. Most pressing needs include canned dinners high in protein (chicken noodle soup, Vienna sausage, etc.) and breakfast bars (Nutri Grain bars, Poptarts, etc.).
Contact information: 435-627-3163 tanstreats@gmail.com www.tans treats.com

The objective of Utah Food Bank is to fight hunger statewide. It works tirelessly with community partners and volunteers to continue fulfilling this mission. In addition to being one of only a handful of food banks that distributes food free of charge to partner agencies, it also offers several direct service programs to help children and seniors, the most vulnerable populations in our state. By combining these direct service programs with its emergency food assistance services, Utah Food Bank impacts the lives of Utahns who live in a world of food insecurity.
Most pressing needs include canned goods and nonperishable food items.
Contact information: Southern Distribution Center 4416 S. River Road St. George, UT 84790 435-656-9122 www.utahfoodbank.org

The DOVE Center is a nonprofit organization committed to cultivating an informed community free from domestic abuse and sexual violence. It works to empower those impacted by domestic abuse and sexual violence by providing safe shelter and traumainformed services to facilitate safety, healing, and assault recovery. Additionally, it relentlessly pursues community education to increase bystander awareness and shift culture norms.
Go to the DOVE Center website and click on “Ways to Give” at the top of the page. Most pressing needs include bus passes and restaurant gift cards.
Contact information: Outreach Business Office 1240 E. 100 S. Suite 221 St. George, UT 84790 Outreach Center: 435-628-1204; DOVE Center Advocate: 435-628-0458 www.dovecenter.org

Root for Kids is a nonprofit organization that provides services for children and families in need of extra support. Since 1993, Root for Kids has served over 16,000 families through Early Head Start, Early Intervention, and Parents as Teachers home visiting programs in Washington County, Utah, and the Arizona Strip. All services are based on eligibility and are provided at no cost to the families.
The Root for Kids website provides valuable information about their mission. Click on “How You Can Help” at the top of the page.
Contact information: 2044 S. Mesa Palms Dr. St. George, UT 84770 435-673-5353 www.rootforkids.org

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah provides mentoring relationships for youth who are facing opportunity gaps. For more than forty years, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah has matched Bigs (volunteer mentors) with Littles (children in the program) to ignite the potential of Utah children and promote a positive outcome for everyone.
Visit the Big Brothers Big Sisters website to learn how to volunteer or donate. Most pressing needs include holiday craft supplies (any holiday), birthday bags (gift bag, cake mix, frosting, candles, banner, $5 gift card).
Contact information: 530 E. Tabernacle Street St. George, UT 84770 435-986-9776 Stephanie.Lundgreen@bbbsu.org www.bbbsu.org

The DinosaurAH!torium Foundation, in partnership with the City of St. George, manages and operates the museum and gift shop at the St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site. Additionally, the foundation raises money through granting agencies and private donors for various exhibits and projects. Its mission is to research, preserve, interpret, and exhibit the fossil resources of the area and the story of this specific site for the benefit, education, and enjoyment of the southern Utah community and the entire world.
Visit the St. George Dinosaur Discovery website to learn how to volunteer or donate.
Contact information: 2180 E. Riverside Dr. St. George, UT 84790 435-574-3466 info@utahdinosaurs.org www.utahdinosaurs.org

Family Healthcare, a 501(c)(3) registered charity since 2002, serves the integrated medical, behavioral, and dental care needs of almost 10 percent of the population of southwest Utah. They are committed to “Making Lives Better” by removing the barriers hard-working families face in receiving health care services. At Family Healthcare, patients receive affordable payment options, patient-centered care, caring and professional doctors and staff, walk-in and same-day appointments, bilingual service, a discounted pharmacy program, discounted dental services, and discounted mental health care.
Family Healthcare’s website provides information about their mission, services, and ways to donate.
Contact information: 2276 E. Riverside Dr. St. George, UT 84790 435-849-8476 info@familyhc.org www.familyhc.org

Habitat for Humanity of Southwest Utah is a nonprofit organization that builds, renovates, or repairs homes for qualified families in Washington County, Utah. Since 1998, they have built twenty-five homes for families in need of safe, decent, and affordable housing through the generous support of countless volunteers, donors, and community partners. Habitat for Humanity of Southwest Utah envision a world where everyone has a decent place to live and the opportunity for a better future.
Donate or volunteer through the Habitat for Humanity website, or shop at the Habitat Restores in St. George and Cedar City, Utah.
Contact Information: 835 S. Bluff Street St. George, UT 84770 435-628-4041 Director@habitatswu.org www.habitswu.org.
Memory Matters Utah
Memory Matters Utah (formerly the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Society) is a grassroots service organization dedicated to reducing isolation and improving wellness for individuals with dementia and their caregivers. They serve the southern Utah community person to person with compassion, responsiveness, integrity, and professionalism. Services include support groups, Memory Activity Club, private caregiver consultations, early stage memory loss classes, and the Good Morning Sunshine telephone reassurance program.
For information about how to donate or volunteer, visit the Memory Matters Utah website.
Contact information: 168 N. 100 E. #104 St. George, UT 84770 435-319-0407 memorymattersutah@gmail.com www.memorymattersutah.org

Doctors’ Volunteer Clinic of St. George
Established in 1998 by the Washington County Medical Association, the Doctors’ Volunteer Clinic is a nonprofit, non-government healthcare organization that provides access to affordable health services for the uninsured, underinsured, and low-income in southern Utah. They act as a safety net of services that includes primary medical care, mental health services, and dental care.
Volunteer at the Doctors’ Volunteer Clinic as a physician, advanced practice provider, RN, medical assistant, scribe, patient tech, or front office coordinator. If you are a community member seeking to volunteer, they have opportunities in supporting roles, such as assisting in the front office or at the resource desk
Contact information: 1036 E. Riverside Drive St. George, UT 84790 435-656-0022 info@volunteerclinic.org www.volunteerclinic.org

Neighborhood Connection is a nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting childhood hunger. It provides supplemental weekend food for school children who qualify for school breakfast and lunch programs
Your donation of $12 will sponsor a child for one month. Most pressing needs include individual microwavable meals, pudding cups, juice boxes or pouches, instant oatmeal packets, granola bars, and fruit snacks. Information about how you can donate time, money, or food can be found on the Neighborhood Connection website.
Contact information: PO Box 140 Santa Clara, UT 84765 435-313-4725 www.neighborhoodconnection.net

Utah Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) is a leader in child advocacy, providing the highest level of representation to children and their best interest. Its mission is to preserve and strengthen families whenever possible, and when it is not, to achieve permanency for children in a timely manner. It works collaboratively to meet children’s needs for safety, stability, nurturance, and love and strives to represent children with proficiency and diligence.
You can find out how to volunteer on CASA’s website. Most pressing needs include children’s books and gift cards that older youth can use for clothes, gas, or personal items.
About the Author
Diane Del Toro is the Director of Operations for St. George Health & Wellness Magazine and Southern Utah Business Magazine. She graduated from Dixie State University with a degree in English literature and is a freelance writer and copy editor and a piano instructor. Diane enjoys hiking, backpacking, and quilting and loves every second she spends with her six children and twenty-one grandchildren.