December 2019
Contents 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................3 2 Application Process .........................................................................................................................3
SGN Natural Gas – Priority Customer Status
[Public - Draft]
Introduction The SGN Natural Gas licence to convey gas requires that a list of ‘Priority Consumers’ is established and maintained. This guidance note sets out the criteria which SGN Natural Gas will use to assess a nondomestic consumer’s suitability to be considered a ‘Priority Consumer’ and the process for a Gas Supplier to request that a Supply Meter Point (SMP) be assigned priority status. The gas priority user arrangements provide protection for certain consumers during a Network Gas Supply Emergency (NGSE) or a Local Gas Supply Emergency (LGSE). If the Northern Ireland Network Emergency Coordinator (NINEC) declares a Stage 2 emergency and directs load shedding, then consumers listed on the Priority Consumer List would not be initially disconnected. If the NINEC escalates the emergency to Stage 3, network isolation, then Priority Consumers could be disconnected.
Application Process 1).
At the time of connection to the gas network gas consumers will be informed by a representative from SGN Natural Gas of the criteria and arrangements for applying to be listed as a ‘Priority Consumer’. At any other time following connection to the network gas consumers will be informed by their Supplier of the criteria and arrangements for applying to be listed as a gas Priority Consumer.
Consumers may apply to their Gas Supplier for listing against the following criteria: Category A Those consumers with supply contracts for whom disruption to gas supply could cause loss of life, for example hospitals and care homes. Category B Those consumers for whom disruption to gas supply could cause in excess of £50m damage to their plant. They can only continue to use gas to the extent necessary to achieve a safe shutdown and avoid the plant damage under a Stage 2 emergency. Under a stage 3 emergency they could be disconnected.
If a gas consumer connected to the Gas to the West network feels that their premises meet the criteria they should contact their Gas Supplier. The Gas Supplier will then contact SGN Natural Gas providing the information detailed in point 4 below to the email address:
The applicant should as a minimum provide the following information to the Gas Supplier: i.
Category for which the applicant is applying.
Estimated annual quantity in kWh.
Site description.
The applicant can also provide additional supporting information. This is particularly important if the nature of the site is not clear from the site description. Category B applicants should use this section to provide supporting information on plant damage. 5).
If the applicant is applying for either Category B status, information should be provided on minimum required gas usage and/or time required to achieve a safe shutdown of the site.
SGN Natural Gas, on receipt of the application, will give it a Unique Reference Number (URN). SGN Natural Gas will then assess the application against the qualifying criteria to see if listing is applicable.
December 2019
SGN Natural Gas – Priority Customer Status
[Public - Draft]
SGN Natural Gas will process any applications received and provide a response to the Gas Supplier on the outcome via email, on a best endeavours basis within 10 business days. The assessment timescales are based on SGN Natural Gas having available to it all information necessary to complete the assessment.
The Gas Supplier will inform the applicant of the result of the application.
December 2019