Evolve - Complaints-Handling-Procedure

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Complaints Handling Procedure

Complaints Handling Procedure August 2015

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August 2015

Complaints Handling Procedure


1 Introduction ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3 2 Step 1 - Complaints and Customer Satisfaction ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3 3 Step 2 - Complaints and Customer Satisfaction ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 4 Step 3 - Independent Review ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4

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August 2015

Complaints Handling Procedure

1. Introduction This paper sets out details of our Complaints Handling Procedure. It describes: •

What you can expect from us should you want to lodge a complaint about our services

How to make a complaint

The steps we will take (and timescales) to process and endeavour to resolve a complaint

What steps you can take if you are still unhappy

2. Step 1 - Complaints and Customer Satisfaction We always aim to provide the best possible service. If we’re working near your home or business, our representatives on site will try and speak to you, or you can call us on 0800 975 7774 if you prefer.

What we’ll do to put things right If there’s a problem we’ll do all we can to put things right for you. To help us do this we’ll ask you to provide the following information relating to your complaint. This will enable us to deal with it more efficiently: 1.

Your full contact details (name, company name if applicable, address, telephone number and email address)


Full site address and postcode


Any relevant reference numbers

We treat all complaints seriously and confidentially. All complaints will be handled in a courteous, prompt and straightforward manner. We will investigate any complaint fully, and provide a substantive response within 10 working days or 20 working days where a site visit or third party enquiry is required. A site visit would be agreed at a convenient time with you. The different resolutions you can expect from our complaints team are:

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An apology where we’ve failed to provide a satisfactory level of service

An explanation addressing the issue(s) you’ve raised

Taking any appropriate remedial action

Awarding compensation in the appropriate circumstances under our Guaranteed Standards of Service as prescribed and monitored by the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation

Awarding a goodwill payment if appropriate to the circumstances August 2015

Complaints Handling Procedure

We use the information gathered from enquiries and complaints to continually improve the services we provide to all our customers.

How you can contact us By post:

SGN Natural Gas, c/o Inveralmond House, 200 Dunkeld Road, Perth PH1 3AQ


0800 975 7774



Information can be obtained in braille, audio or large print on request and assistance can also be provided where English is not the first language.

3. Step 2 - Complaints and Customer Satisfaction If you can’t reach agreement with our customer service team or our site representatives, the matter can be escalated to the Head of Customer Service who has the authority to review your complaint and take an independent view. The Head of Customer Service will investigate your complaint fully, and provide a substantive response within 10 working days or 20 working days from receipt of the escalated concern(s) where a site visit or third party enquiry is required. The contact details are: Post:

Head of Customer Service, SGN Natural Gas, c/o Inveralmond House, 200 Dunkeld Road, Perth PH1 3AQ


0800 975 7774



4. Step 3 - Independent Review We recognise that we may not always succeed in wholly resolving your complaint. If you’re not happy and we haven’t reached a satisfactory resolution or we’ve issued a ‘deadlock’ letter, you can seek the assistance of the Consumer Council for Northern Ireland. The Consumer Council is an independent statutory body that aims to promote and safeguard the interests of all consumers in Northern Ireland. They will investigate your complaint and liaise directly with us, but you should have first approached our company and followed this complaint handling procedure. The Consumer Council will make a final decision and inform you of the outcome. The Consumer Council can be contacted at the following address:

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The Consumer Council, Floor 3, Seatem House, 28-32 Alfred Street, Belfast, BT2 8EN


0800 121 6022





August 2015

Complaints Handling Procedure

0800 975 7774 evolvenetwork.co.uk info@evolvenetwork.co.uk

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August 2015

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