Complaints Handling Code of Practice
Complaints Handling Code of Practice 27th July 2016
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27th July 2016
Complaints Handling Code of Practice
1 Introduction ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3 2 Definition of a complaint ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
3 Specific requirements ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3 4 Monitoring and enforcing the Code ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
5 Review and modification of the Code ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4 6 Publication ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Annex A: Licence Condition 2.14: Complaints Handling Procedure ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5 Annex B: Condition 2.16: Preparation, Revision of and Compliance with Codes of Practice �������������������������������������������� 6
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Complaints Handling Code of Practice
1. Introduction This Code of Practice for the handling of consumer complaints (the “Code”) has been prepared by Evolve Network Limited in compliance with Condition 2.14 and 2.16 of its Licence as reproduced at Annex A and B of this Code. This Code ensures that Evolve operates an accessible, equitable, transparent, simple and inexpensive complaints procedure which shall enable any consumer who is already connected to, or requests a new connection or alteration to the gas network to bring forward and have dealt with promptly, any complaint they may have in respect of the activities of Evolve.
2. Definition of a complaint For the purposes of this Code, ‘consumer complaint’ means:
“An expression of dissatisfaction made by any person or business who is a consumer in respect of the activities undertaken by Evolve in relation to its Licensed business, in particular the development, construction, operation and maintenance of the gas distribution network, the connection of premises to the Network, the provision and maintenance of meters and any associated services.” Evolve will record each complaint using the classifications detailed in the template issued by the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation (the Authority) as required under Section 4 of this Code.
3. Specific requirements
Evolve must have in place a written procedure (the “complaints handling procedure”) for handling complaints made by any person or organisation. The procedure will enable those consumers to bring forward a complaint and have it dealt with fairly and promptly. The complaints handling procedure will include information about: •
How to make a complaint
The steps which Evolve will take to process and endeavour to resolve a complaint
The timeframes in which Evolve will endeavour to process and resolve a complaint and the extent to which they may differ for different types of complaint (being no longer than 3 months) and notify any person making a complaint about progress
Contact details for making a complaint, including all of the low cost options set out below:
A telephone number charged at the local call rate
A UK postal address
Contact details for the Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
Evolve will ensure that its complaint handling procedure is sufficiently accessible to all consumers, and that it operates according to its procedure. The procedure will be made available to any person without charge.
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Complaints Handling Code of Practice
4. Monitoring and enforcing the Code Evolve must maintain a record of any complaints received by Evolve in the template issued to it by the Authority for a period of two years. The Authority will review compliance with the Code when deemed necessary. Compliance with this Code will be reviewed when required and at the request of the Authority. The Authority may request from Evolve, having giving reasonable notice (but not less than 14 days), the completed template. Evolve will provide the Authority with all assistance reasonably necessary to enable the Authority to monitor implementation and operation of the Code.
5. Review and modification of the Code Evolve shall review this Code and the manner in which it has been operated to determining whether any modification should be made whenever requested to do so by the Authority as provided for under Licence Condition 2.16. In carrying out the review, Evolve will consult the Consumer Council for Northern Ireland and may require a meeting of the Distribution Operators’ Forum. Evolve may propose an amendment to this Code by preparing an “Application for Change” which will include the proposed change and the proposed text to amend the Code together with the proposed date of implementation. This application shall be sent to the Authority and the Consumer Council for Northern Ireland with a request for a meeting. If the Authority approves the change it will reissue the Code to Evolve.
6. Publication Evolve will publish this Code and its Complaints Handling Procedure, and any review as soon as practicable with a view to bringing it to the attention of interested parties. It will make it available on its website and send a copy free of charge to any person who requests it.
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Annex A: Licence Condition 2.14: Complaints Handling Procedure 2.14.1
Application This condition shall apply where the Licensee conveys, or is authorised to convey, gas through low-pressure pipelines.
Requirement to Prepare etc. a Code The Licensee shall, no later than three months after this Condition takes effect or such later date as the Authority directs, prepare, submit and have approved by the Authority a Code of practice for the handling of consumer complaints (the Code).
The Code The Code shall include arrangements by which the Licensee will establish and operate an accessible, equitable and transparent, simple and inexpensive complaints procedure, which shall enable any person to bring and have promptly dealt with any complaint he may have in respect of the Licensee’s activities.
Minimum Requirements The complaint procedure established and operated by the Licensee in accordance with the Code shall as a minimum:
Specify the period, which may differ for different types of complaint but which shall not be longer than three months, within which it is intended that complaints will be processed and resolved;
Be made available to any person without charge; and
Facilitate the fair and prompt settlement of complaints and disputes.
Revision of and Compliance with the Code This Condition is subject to Condition 2.16 (Preparation, Revision of and Compliance with Codes of Practice).
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Annex B: Condition 2.16: Preparation, Revision of and Compliance with Codes of Practice 2.16.1
Application The condition applies to any Code of Practice (“Code”), which the Licensee is, pursuant to Conditions 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15 of this licence, required to prepare, submit to and have approved by the Authority.
Requirement for Approval The Licensee shall, before submitting any Code to the Authority for its approval, consult the General Consumer Council and shall consider any representations made by it about the Code or the manner in which it is likely to be operated.
Review of Code The Licensee shall: a.
Whenever requested to do so by the Authority; and
Where the request relates to the Distribution Marketing Code, in conjunction with all other Distribution System Operators authorised to convey gas through low pressure pipelines,
Review the relevant Code to which the request relates and the manner in which it has been operated, with a view to determining whether any revisions should be made to that Code or to the manner of its operation.
Consultation In carrying out any such review under Condition 2.16.3, the Licensee shall consult the General Consumer Council and shall consider representations made by it about the Code or the manner in which it is likely to be or has been operated.
Authority Powers The Authority, following consultation with the Licensee, the General Consumer Council and any other person, who in the opinion of the Authority is likely to be interested or affected, may
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Direct the Licensee to make such modifications to any Code as the Authority considers necessary or expedient to meet the relevant objectives of that Code;
From time to time make such modifications to Conditions 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15, as the Authority considers are necessary or expedient. 27th July 2016
Complaints Handling Code of Practice
Action Following Modifications of Conditions Where the Authority modifies a Condition in accordance with Condition 2.16.5(b): a.
It shall: i
Send a copy of the modification to the Licensee and the Department;
Publish a copy of the modification in such manner as it considers appropriate for the purpose of bringing it to the attention of persons likely to be affected by the making of the modification; and
The licensee shall revise the Code to which the modification relates in such manner and to such extent as is required to ensure that the Code reflects and complies with the modified Condition
Code Revisions Where the Licensee revises a Code: a.
In accordance with Condition 2.16.6(b)
Following a review undertaken in accordance with Conditions 2.16.3 and 2.16.4; or
Following a direction from the Authority given under Condition 2.16.5(a)
It shall submit the revised Code and have it approved by the Authority.
Publication of Code The Licensee shall as: a.
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Soon as practicable following the Authority’s approval of a Code (including following a revision): i
Send a copy of the Code to the Authority and the General Consumer Council; and
Draw the attention of its consumers to the Code and of how they may inspect or obtain a copy of it;
Publish on, and make readily accessible from its website a copy of the Code;
Give or send free of charge a copy of the Code (as from time to time revised) to any person who requests it; and
Make available to members of the public, in such form and in such manner as the Authority considers appropriate, information published by the Authority pursuant to Article 7 of the Energy Order.
Compliance Subject to paragraph 2.16.11, the Licensee shall comply with each Code to which this Condition applies and which has been approved by the Authority.
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Complaints Handling Code of Practice
2.16.10 Monitoring Implementation and Operation The Licensee shall provide the Authority with all assistance reasonably necessary to enable the Authority to monitor the implementation and operation of any Code and this assistance shall include providing statistical data at such times and in such a format as the Authority reasonably requires and permitting the Authority access to relevant documentation held by the Licensee.
2.16.11 Directions Relieving Licensee of Obligations The Authority may (following consultation with the Licensee and in the case of the Distribution Marketing Code, other Distribution System Operators authorised to convey gas through low pressure pipelines) issue directions relieving the Licensee of any of its obligations under Conditions 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15 and this Condition to such extent as may be specified in those directions and subject to such terms and conditions as the Authority thinks fit.
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0800 975 7774
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