1 Introduction
This guide is intended to help you, as the owner or developer of a Biomethane Network Entry Facility (BNEF), to connect to the Evolve network.
1.1 About Evolve
The gas network in Northern Ireland was established in 1996. Gas can enter the region through an interconnector pipeline from Scotland or through a pipeline from the Republic of Ireland. The Northern Ireland gas network consists of high-pressure transmission pipelines which are owned and operated by Mutual Energy Limited and GNI (UK) Ltd, and lower pressure distribution networks. The distribution networks are owned and operated by Evolve, firmus energy Ltd and Phoenix Energy Ltd.
The map below illustrates the area in which each company operates.

Evolve (previously known as SGN Natural Gas) own, operate and maintain the gas distribution network in the west of Northern Ireland. In February 2015, Evolve was awarded the licence to design, develop and operate the new distribution network which provides gas to homes and businesses in the licence area. As of 2023 Evolve has delivered over 280km of mains in the west of Northern Ireland, making gas available to almost 30,000 customers. Over the next 40 years we will be delivering gas mains, services and meters to nearly 40,000 customers in Artigarvan, Coalisland, Cookstown, Derrylin, Dungannon, Enniskillen, Magherafelt, Omagh and Strabane. Evolve recognises that the integration of renewable and sustainable energy sources into the existing gas network is a crucial step in the Path to Net Zero for Northern Ireland. By facilitating biomethane injection, our aim is to fully decarbonise our gas network, supporting the agrifood sector on their journey to net zero and providing our customers with a hassle-free route to cleaner energy.
Fig. 1 - Northern Ireland gas distribution networks
IP Network
Coalisland Dungannon Omagh
1.2 The Gas Market in Northern Ireland
To become a biomethane producer on the Evolve network, there are a number of contractual and commercial arrangements which must be in place before you can begin to inject into the gas network. The diagram below illustrates the parties involved and the various contractual and commercial agreements that are required:
Biomethane producers
Producers are responsible for producing biomethane. All producers are required to enter into a Network Connection Agreement and a Network Entry Agreement with Evolve. These agreements set out the arrangements for connection to the network and the gas quality requirements which a producer must meet. Copies of these agreements are available upon request. Producers must also secure sales of biomethane with a gas supplier before it can be injected into the gas network.
Distribution network operators
Distribution network operators own and operate the gas distribution networks, using the infrastructure to transport the gas from both the transmission network and producers to homes and businesses. The gas distribution networks are Evolve, firmus energy and Phoenix Energy.
Transmission network operators
Transmission network operators own and operate the high pressure gas transportation system, using the infrastructure to transport the gas from entry points such as interconnectors or producers to system offtakes such as the distribution networks. They include Mutual Energy Limited and GNI (UK) Limited.
Gas market operator (GMO NI)
GMO NI operates the gas market for Northern Ireland, managing the commercial rules and all trading and transactional aspects of the gas transmission market on behalf of the transmission system operators. Gas suppliers must have arrangements in place with GMO NI to allow them to operate on the transmission network before they can enter into a gas purchasing arrangement with a biomethane producer.
Gas suppliers
Gas suppliers are responsible for consumer interaction and provide an interface for consumers to purchase their gas. Gas suppliers must hold a gas supply licence before engaging in any consumer contract. Producers must engage with a gas supplier to ensure suitable arrangements are in place before they can inject biomethane into the gas network. There are currently six suppliers active on the Evolve distribution network: Ceres Energy, Electric Ireland, firmus energy (Supply), Flogas, Go Power and SSE Airtricity.
Consumers purchase gas for residential or commercial use. They contract directly with gas suppliers to secure their gas.
Fig. 2 - Biomethane producer process
2 Decarbonising the gas network
2.1 Why decarbonise the gas network?
Since 2016, the Evolve gas network has delivered significant carbon savings to homes and businesses across the licence area by transporting gas to domestic and commercial consumers. We recognise that whilst gas plays a key role in Northern Ireland’s journey to net zero, we also need to transition towards sources of renewable gas such as biomethane.
The Department for the Economy’s report “The Path to Net Zero Energy”1, published in December 2021, recognises the important role gas networks need to play in the transition to net zero, and therefore supports the injection and transportation of renewable gases such as biomethane.
2.2 What is biomethane?
Biomethane is regarded as a low-cost, scalable form of renewable and low carbon heat, which will help towards Northern Ireland’s net zero target. It is derived from biogas which is produced by anaerobic digestion. During this process, organic material is broken down in the absence of oxygen to produce biogas and digestate, a nutrient rich fertiliser.
The most efficient use for this biogas is to clean it up and inject it into the gas network. By doing this we can decarbonise the gas flowing into people’s homes and businesses, which means they can avoid switching to other more expensive forms of low carbon heat in the future.
2.3 How does it work?
Biomethane injected into the gas network is produced by cleaning and upgrading biogas that has been created either through anaerobic digestion or the gasification process. The biomethane may need to have propane added by the biogas producer to ensure it has the required energy content, prior to injecting into the gas network.
Fig. 3 - Evolve’s Green Loop System
Livestock manure, food waste and grass silage
To ensure the biomethane meets the gas entry requirements for the gas network, it passes from the producer’s plant through a Network Entry Facility where it is checked for both gas quality and energy content. It is then metered and odorised to give it the characteristic gas smell.
Producers must also secure sales of their biomethane with a gas supplier before it can be injected into the gas network. The current active licensed gas suppliers are listed above in section 1.2, and copies of the licences are available on the Utility Regulator’s website2
The Network Entry Facility will be installed by the biomethane producer under the guidance of the Functional Design Specification (SGN/SP/BIO/2). We will adopt the Remotely Operated Value (ROV), the Remote Telemetry Unit (RTU) and the connecting pipeline to the gas network.
The diagram below illustrates the equipment and ownership in the Network Entry Facility. It does not reflect the actual layout of equipment on-site.
Owned and operated by Evolve
Biomethane Network Entry Facility
Owned and operated by Delivery Facility Operator
Fig. 4 - Network Entry Facility
3 Getting connected
Initial enquiry
Capacity study
Network Entry Facility Agreements
Initial enquiry
The first step to get connected is to contact Evolve to make an initial enquiry. During this enquiry we will ask you to tell us about your proposed injection site. This will include the following:
Applicant details
• Site details
• Source of gas Proposed volumes
• Estimated gas on date
• Any other relevant information
We will provide you with:
• The location of the main(s) in relation to the site The pressure of the main(s)
• The diameter and material of the main(s)
• The suitability of the main(s) to accept the volume of gas proposed
This information is currently provided free of charge, and we will aim to provide it to you within 15 working days from the receipt of your enquiry.
Capacity study
If it is considered that a connection to the gas network might be feasible and you wish to move forward with the connection process following the initial enquiry, we will undertake a capacity study report. The capacity study report builds on the information provided at the initial enquiry stage. During this stage of the process, we develop a detailed network analysis on a specific site location to understand any potential constraints on the distribution network. The capacity study report will include:
• Specific location of the site Network schematics
• Photographs and maps, where appropriate
• Detailed information on the available capacity
Any other relevant information
Alongside the capacity study we will also provide you with:
• Functional Design Specification (SGN/SP/BIO/2)
• Network Connection Agreement
• Network Entry Agreement

The capacity study report is chargeable, and we will provide you with a quotation prior to undertaking this work. We will aim to provide you with the report within 30 working days upon receipt of accepting the quotation.
3.3 Adopted Network Entry Facility
We provide you with the Functional Design Specification along with the capacity study. This specification sets out the technical requirements we expect the Network Entry Facility to adhere to. When the delivery facility has been constructed, following the guidance set out in the Functional Design Specification, and validation and commissioning has taken place, we will adopt the following pieces of equipment:
• Remotely Operated Valve (ROV)
Remote Telemetry Unit (RTU)
• Connecting pipeline to our distribution network
The pipeline required to connect the Network Entry Facility to our distribution network will be facilitated by Evolve and will require a separate chargeable feasibility study.
3.4 Agreements
Each Network Entry Facility must have a Network Connection Agreement and a Network Entry Agreement in place with Evolve before we can allow biomethane to flow into our network. The producer must also have suitable arrangements in place with a gas supplier. This includes securing the sale of biomethane with the gas supplier before it can be injected into the gas network.
A Connection Agreement must be signed between both parties to ensure the installation is fit for adoption and has been designed and constructed in accordance with the Functional Design Specification. The installation will also require validation and commissioning. There will be a charge associated with this process, which will form part of the agreement.
Other costs such as easement payments to landowners to secure the pipeline route, unforeseen costs (such as poor ground conditions), and costs due to the actions of third parties or a change to the agreed scope of work may be payable in addition to the initial quotation. We will provide the relevant documents to support such costs and, where applicable, any programme changes.

A Network Entry Agreement is the enduring document between both parties which sets out the technical and operational conditions for the connection. The Network Entry Agreement is agreed between the biomethane producer and Evolve and is normally discussed with the future operator of the Network Entry Facility in conjunction with the connection process.
As part of the Network Entry Agreement, a risk assessment of gas quality (SGN/PM/GQ8) must be undertaken by the biomethane producer to understand more fully the implications on the distribution network. We will share a copy of our GQ8 document with producers.
The timescales to complete these elements of the project can vary depending on the complexity of the project.
Appendix A of this document sets out the connection process in more detail.
4 Get in touch
Email our Sustainability Manager: richard.watters@evolvenetwork.co.uk
Alternatively, you can contact our Customer Service Team: Call us: 0800 975 7774
Mon-Fri 8am to 8pm Sat 8am to 4pm
Email us: info@evolvenetwork.co.uk
Write to us: Evolve Blackwater House 14 Silverwood Industrial Estate Lurgan BT66 6LN
Other useful contacts:
Smell Gas?
Northern Ireland Gas Emergency Service Phoneline: 0800 002 001 24hrs/7days
Dig Safely
If you plan to dig, or carry out building work to a property, site or public highway within our gas network, you must contact our Plant Protection team to let them know.
Call us:
0800 912 1722 Mon–Fri 8am to 4pm
Email Dig Safely: plantlocation@sgn.co.uk
Utility Regulator
Department for the Economy
Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
Health and Safety Executive Northern Ireland

Utility Regulator biomethane industry briefings
https://www.uregni.gov.uk/files/uregni/documents/2023-10/2023-10-04%20Biomethane%20Industry%20 Briefing%20-%20Consolidated%20Final%20-%20clean%20for%20issue.pdf
Appendix A - Connection process