Evolve NDM Meter Reading Procedures

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Evolve NDM Meter Reading Procedures


NDM Meter Reading Procedures October 2016

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20 October 2016

Evolve NDM Meter Reading Procedures


Content Purpose Scope Acronyms Definitions Procedures Appendix A - Provision of Meter Reads Template with meter inspections Appendix B - Rejected Records Template Appendix C - SGN NDM Meter Reading Validation Process – Rejection Categories

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Evolve NDM Meter Reading Procedures


1. Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to outline the process for the submission of valid NDM meter readings1 and Meter Inspection notifications2 to Evolve by a Gas Supplier.

2. Scope The procedure applies to all valid NDM meter readings submitted to Evolve by a Gas Supplier on a monthly basis. The meter reading data provided by a Gas Supplier is utilised by Evolve for the following Distribution Network Code Processes of: •

Meter reading validation during the SMP Confirmation process

Notional Read determination during the SMP Confirmation process

Annual Quantity determination process specifically where the Gas Supplier has only one valid meter read available (i.e. the registration period is less than 12 months)

NDM profiling processes

Provision of information to the appointed SoLR

3. Acronyms

1 2


Evolve Limited


Gas Supplier


Supply Meter Point


Non Daily Metered


Registered User


Evolve Asset Register


Supplier of Last Resort


End User Category 4 20th October 2016

As per the requirements of clauses M3 and M1.13 of the Evolve Ltd. Distribution Network Code As per the requirements of clause 2.25 of the Gas Supplier licence

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Evolve NDM Meter Reading Procedures


4. Definitions 4.0.1 ‘Gas Supplier’ means the current gas supplier registered on the Evolve Asset Register at a Supply Meter Point (‘SMP’). 4.0.2 ‘Meter Inspection’ means an inspection of a meter carried out by a Gas Supplier as per gas supplier’s licence condition 2.25.3 4.0.3 ‘Registered User’ means the registered gas supplier at a SMP who has acceded to the Evolve Distribution Network Code and is bound by its terms and conditions.

5. Procedures 5.1 Submitting NDM Meter Reads And Meter Inspection Data 5.1.1

As per section M3.10 of the Evolve Distribution Network Code a GS is required to submit to Evolve all valid NDM meter readings obtained by the GS.


GS should complete the ‘Provision of Meter Reads Template with meter inspections’ spreadsheet with all valid NDM meter readings obtained for a given month (See Appendix A).


GS should include in the template all valid NDM Meter readings including those readings submitted as part of the SMP Confirmation process and NDM meter readings taken for EUC3 classified SMPs in the month. Note: For clarity the provision of information to Evolve by the GS as set out in this procedure does not remove the GS obligations under the Evolve Distribution Network Code with regards the provision of meter readings as part of the SMP Confirmation Process or the monthly meter readings for EUC3 classified SMPs (See clauses M3.17 and M3.13 of the Evolve Distribution Network Code).


GS should populate the ’Meter Read Import From Supplier’ template as follows: • Populate column A with ‘SMP Registration Number’ i.e. SMP Reference Number e.g. 123456 • Populate column B with ‘Meter Serial Number’ e.g. S12345678 • Populate column C with ‘Postcode’ e.g. BT1 1AB • Populate column D with ‘Meter Reading’ e.g. 12345 If Meter Reading is not visible enter “FAULT” • Populate column E with ‘Meter Read Date’ as DD/MM/YY format. e.g. 01/01/15 • Populate column F with ‘Meter Read Type’ as follows: o “A” - Actual meter readings taken by the GS

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o “C” - Actual meter readings taken by the Customer o “DB”, “P”, “Q” - Meter Readings received for prepayment meters recorded at the time of a top up by the customer • Populate column G ‘Meter Inspection conducted in accordance with GS Licence Condition 2.25.3 (Y/ N)’’ as follows: o “Y” – indicates meter inspection has been completed o “N” – indicates meter inspection has not been completed o “Fault” – indicates meter inspection has been completed however a meter reading could not be recorded due to a meter index fault or deterioration. • Populate column H with Supplier Reference Number, e.g. 123. 5.1.5

Where a meter reading could not be recorded due to a meter fault or deterioration the GS should notify Evolve of the issue via the Siteworks process.


GS should submit the meter readings to Evolve by the last business day of the month following the month the meter reading was recorded e.g. on 31st May all valid meter readings taken between 1st and 30th April should be provided to Evolve.

5.2 Evolve Meter Reading Data Cleansing Process 5.2.1

Evolve will assess the meter reading data provided by the GS in two stages: • Stage 1 - Initial assessment of files received to identify obvious errors • Stage 2 – Evolve Asset Register Checks

5.2.2 During stage 1 of the process Evolve will review the meter reading data provided by the GS for the following issues: • SMP reference number is missing or contains an obvious error in file received from GS e.g. a six digit SMP reference number • Meter Serial Number issues in file received from GS e.g. meter serial number is not included or is prefixed with ‘E6’ • Postcode issues in file received from GS e.g. Postcode is missing or contains an obvious error • Meter Reading issues in file received from GS e.g. meter reading is missing • Duplicated records in file received from GS 5.2.3 Evolve will reject all NDM meter readings and associated Meter Inspection data which are determined to contain one of the issues during stage 1 of the process as outlined in clause 5.2.2 except for the following: • Postcode not provided or incomplete – the record will be included in the Rejection Report but the Meter Inspection will be accepted. Page 5

• Duplicate records – see section 5.4.2.

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Evolve NDM Meter Reading Procedures


5.2.4 During stage 2 of the process Evolve will review the meter reading data provided by the GS against information currently held on the Evolve Asset Register (AR) and assess the data to identify the following issues: • SMP Reference Number does not match • Meter Serial Number does not match • SMP Isolated and the GS is not the RU • GS is not the RU • Invalid number of digits in meter reading provided by GS for meter type • Multiple meter readings provided for the SMP Reference Number for the same meter reading date • Postcode does not match 5.2.5 Evolve will conduct investigations into the issues identified during stage 2 of the process as follows:

Issue Type

Individual Investigation by SGN (Yes/No)

Serial Number does not match Asset Register


Postcode does not match Asset Register


Gas Supplier is not the Registered User


Incorrect Number of Digits


Meter Reading provided for isolated SMP


SMP does not match Asset Register

No - rejected

Multiple meter reads provided for the same read date

No - rejected

5.2.6 Evolve will make a determination on whether to accept or reject the NDM meter reading and associated Meter Inspection notification based on the investigation completed during stage 2 of the process. 5.2.7 Evolve will provide the GS with a file of rejected NDM meter reads and associated Meter Inspection notifications broken down by the issues as outlined for stage 1 and stage 2 of the process. The rejected meter reading will be issued to the GS on the ‘Rejected Records Template’ spreadsheet (See Appendix B). Page 6

5.2.8 Evolve will aim to provide the file of rejected meter reading data to the GS within 15 business

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Evolve NDM Meter Reading Procedures


days from the last business day of the month in which the file was received from the GS. Note: For clarity the timescales set out in this paragraph are based on a best endeavours basis and only meter reading files provided to Evolve by the GS by the last business day of the previous month will be analysed for the purpose of producing any rejected meter reading data within these timescales. 5.2.9 For any rejected meter readings where a meter inspection has been conducted the meter inspection may also be deemed as invalid and rejected by Evolve. Details of the meter reading and meter inspection rejection categories are set out in Appendix C of this procedure. 5.2.10 GS will review all rejected NDM meter readings and resubmit any amended readings in a subsequent month’s data files. Note: For clarity, although there are no set timescales for the return of information to Evolve for meter readings submitted in any given month, the GS must ensure that the information has been validated and amended were appropriate before resubmission of a valid meter reading for a previously rejected record. 5.2.11 Any inaccuracies suspected in the AR following investigation by the GS should be submitted to Evolve via the Evolve Interface System3. (See section 5.4 of the SMP Confirmation System User Manual for instructions on how to submit details of inaccuracies via the Evolve Interface System.) 5.2.12 Any corrections accepted by Evolve where previous Meter Inspection notifications had been advised and rejected as part of this process, Evolve will reinstate the ‘Meter Inspection conducted’ flag on its system used for this purpose.

5.3 Rejected Records 5.3.1

The number of rejected records included in the file is the total number of records with issues identified post Evolve investigation.

5.3.2 The rejected records file is split by category of issue identified as listed for stage 1 and stage 2 of the Evolve process. It should be noted that multiple issues may be identified with a specific record therefore the record may be included in one or more categories within the same file. 5.3.3 Records identified with issues in stage 2 of the process will include notes on the outcome of investigation conducted by Evolve where applicable to aid the GS with their review of the data. 5.3.4 The findings of the Evolve investigations are based on the status of the SMP at the time the analysis is undertaken which is subject to change e.g. a SMP that was isolated could have subsequently been reconnected

As per Clause 4.11 where the GS becomes aware of potential inaccuracies in the AR they should notify Evolve of such inaccuracies. 3

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Evolve NDM Meter Reading Procedures


5.4 Actions Required By Gas Supplier For Rejected Records 5.4.1

Upon receipt of the Rejected Records file the GS should undertake the following actions:

Issue Identified

Stage of analysis

GS Action Required

SMP Reference Number not provided

Stage 1

Include omitted data before resubmission to Evolve

Meter Serial Number ‘E6 prefix’

Stage 1

Include omitted data before resubmission to Evolve

Meter Serial Number not provided

Stage 1

Include omitted data before resubmission to Evolve

Postcode not provided

Stage 1

Include omitted data before resubmission to Evolve

Postcode Error (e.g. BT1)

Stage 1

Include omitted data before resubmission to Evolve

Meter Read not provided

Stage 1

Include omitted data before resubmission to Evolve

Meter Read Date Error

Stage 1

Include omitted data before resubmission to Evolve

Duplicated Records

Stage 1

Included for Informational purposes only. Review and remove from file before re-submission to Evolve

Invalid SMP Reference Number

Stage 2

Review data and update GS systems

Invalid Meter Serial Number

Stage 2

Review data and update GS systems

SMP Isolated

Stage 2

Review data and update GS systems

Not Registered User

Stage 2

Review data and update GS systems

Invalid Number of Digits in Read Provided by Gas Supplier

Stage 2

Review data and update GS systems

More than one different meter read provided for SMP for same meter read date

Stage 2

Review and remove from file before submission to Evolve

Postcode Mismatch

Stage 2

Review data and update GS systems

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5.4.2 Duplicate Records Evolve will accept one copy of any duplicated records submitted by the GS if it is a valid record. The remaining duplicated records will be listed in the rejected file returned to GS on the Duplicate Records sheet. GS is not expected to do anything further with the duplicated records; the records have been included in the rejected file for informational purposes only. GS should review and remove any duplicated records from their files before submission to Evolve. 5.4.3 Postcode Errors Where a Postcode Error is identified and Evolve investigation determines that neither the GS nor Evolve currently hold the correct Postcode the following process will apply: • GS should liaise with their customer to obtain the correct Postcode with the customer and advise Evolve of the Postcode via the Evolve Interface System; or alternatively • if verification of the record is not possible the Postcode obtained by Evolve as part of validation checks from the Royal Mail address database should be used by Evolve and the GS to update the record on both the AR and the GS system. 5.4.4 E6 Prefix on a Meter Serial Number Where an E6 prefix on a meter serial number is identified the following process will apply: • If the meter serial number submitted by the GS has an E6 prefix and the equivalent is not recorded on the Evolve Asset Register the record will be rejected and the GS should remove the E6 prefix before re-submission to Evolve. • If the meter serial number submitted by the GS has an E6 prefix and the equivalent is recorded on the Evolve Asset Register the record will be accepted for validation by Evolve. Evolve will then update the record on the AR to remove the E6 prefix and notify the GS via daily reports issued. Upon receipt of this notification via the daily reports the GS should also remove the E6 prefix from their records.

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Evolve Distribution Code modification Rules


Appendix A - Provision of Meter Reads Template with meter inspections



SMP Reference Number

Meter Serial Number





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Meter Reading (if Meter Reading is not visible enter “FAULT”)

Meter Read Date






Meter Read Type (“A”=Actual, “C”=Customer)

Meter Inspection as per Licence Cond 2.25.3

Supplier Reference




(Yes / No)

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Evolve Distribution Code modification Rules


Appendix B - Rejected Records Template



SMP Reference Number

Meter Serial Number

Page 11




Meter Reading Postcode

(if Meter Reading is not visible enter “FAULT”)

Meter Read Date




Meter Read Type

Meter Inspection as per Licence Cond 2.25.3

Supplier Reference

(“A”=Actual, “C”=Customer)

(Yes / No)

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Evolve Distribution Code modification Rules


Appendix C - Evolve NDM Meter Reading Validation Process – Rejection Categories4


Invalid Records Categories

Included in Rejection Report to Gas Suppliers

Meter Inspection to be rejected




No Meter Serial Number



Meter Read Issues



Invalid SMP No Match Evolve Asset



Invalid Meter Serial Number



SMP Isolated - Registered User withdrawal confirmed



Invalid No. Digits in Read



Multiple Reads for same SMP same date



Not Registered User



Duplicate Records



Postcode not provided or incomplete



Postcode Mismatches



As agreed at GMOG - Wednesday 10th August 2016

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Evolve NDM Meter Reading Procedures


In an era characterised by increasing environmental concerns and the pressing need for sustainable energy solutions, the injection of biomethane into the Northern Ireland gas grid at Dungannon in October 2023 stands as a ground-breaking milestone. At Evolve, we are proud to spearhead this transformative journey for the industry in Northern Ireland. This is not a token connection, it is just the start of a journey to fully decarbonise our entire network.

0800 975 7774 evolvenetwork.co.uk info@evolvenetwork.co.uk

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