NISEP Appeals and Complaints Procedure
June 2024
1. Introduction
This document sets out Evolve’s Northern Ireland Sustainable Energy Programme (NISEP) Appeals and Complaints Procedure� It provides advice on:
• Reporting a customer complaint;
• The steps taken by Evolve to process and resolve your complaint;
• The appeals process for a complaint should you remain dissatisfied
2. Reporting a customer complaint
If you encounter an issue with Evolve, we will do all we can to put things right for you� We will treat all complaints seriously, in confidence, ensuring they will be handled in a courteous, prompt and straightforward manner
Complaints and the resolution of defects as a result of the quality of work undertaken, the functionality of equipment installed, or queries relating to scheme eligibility should be addressed to Evolve in the first instance at:
Post: Evolve, Blackwater House, 14 Silverwood Industrial Estate, Lurgan, BT66 6LN
Telephone: 0800 975 7774
To help us, we would ask you to provide the following information relating to your complaint This enables us to deal with it more efficiently:
Your full contact details (name, telephone number and email);
• Address and postcode;
• A detailed description of the complaint along with any supporting evidence e�g� pictures�
3. Steps taken to process and resolve a complaint
Evolve will investigate any complaint fully and provide a substantive response within 10 working days, or 20 working days where a home visit or third party enquiry is required A home visit, if required, will be agreed at a convenient time with you
We will oblige our appointed Contractors to follow procedures designed by Evolve to resolve customer dissatisfaction in a fair and expeditious way Therefore, Evolve may request you to engage with these third parties to resolve the issue, and it will be your obligation to do so when we request this The diagram ‘Stages of NISEP Customer Journey’ outlines the third parties working with Evolve�
Stages of NISEP Customer Journey
Stage 1 Application
Stage 2 Survey
Stage 3 Gas Meter Installation
Stage 4 Heating Conversion
Stage 5 Quality Inspection
Stage 6 Building Control
If you have a complaint resulting from the application process, this will be dealt with by a representative from Evolve
If you have a complaint resulting from the survey of your property, Evolve will instruct our NISEP Contractor to engage with you directly
If you have a complaint resulting from the gas service, meter box, and meter installation to your property, Evolve will instruct our Principle Contractor to engage with you directly
If you have a complaint resulting from the installation of the heating system and/or additional energy efficiency measures (funded under the NISEP scheme), Evolve will instruct our NISEP Contractor to engage with you directly
If you have a complaint regarding the post-installation Quality Inspector, or a complaint arising from the quality inspection of the measures installed under the NISEP scheme, Evolve will instruct our Quality Inspector and/or our NISEP Contractor to engage with you directly
If you have a complaint resulting from the the measures installed under the NISEP scheme failing a Building Control Inspection, Evolve will instruct our appointed NISEP Contractor to engage with you directly, to ensure that a Building Control Certificate can be obtained�
If our investigation determines Evolve or our Contractors are at fault, the resolutions you can expect from us are:
• An apology where Evolve or our Contractors have failed to provide a satisfactory level of service;
• To address the issue(s) you’ve raised, taking any appropriate remedial action as required
We use the information gathered from enquiries and complaints to continually improve the services we provide to all our customers
4. Appeals process
Funding for NISEP installations is administered on behalf of the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation by Energy Saving Trust If after our formal investigation has been concluded, and any subsequent engagement has been completed, and you are still dissatisfied at the outcome, please note you have the option to contact Energy Saving Trust directly who will engage further with Evolve with regard to your complaint�
Energy Saving Trust can be contacted via:
Post: Energy Saving Trust, River House, 48 High Street, Belfast, BT1 2BE
Telephone: 028 9244 9819