SGN Natural Gas Gas Supplier Siteworks Request Procedures
Issue 1
INTRODUCTION. ................................................................................................................................................. 3
INTERPRETATION ................................................................................................................................................ 3 2.1 2.2
Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................ 3 Definitions ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6
Submitting Siteworks Requests ..................................................................................................................... 5 Siteworks Request Information ..................................................................................................................... 6 Chargeable Siteworks ................................................................................................................................... 8 Cancellation of Requested Siteworks ............................................................................................................ 8 Abortive Visits ............................................................................................................................................... 9 Siteworks Reporting and Invoicing ................................................................................................................ 9
APPENDIX 1 - METER WARNING FLAG INDICATORS ...........................................................................................................10 APPENDIX 2 – CHARGEABLE WORKS ..............................................................................................................................12 APPENDIX 3 – SERVICE FOR SITEWORKS REQUESTS ............................................................................................................13
SGN Natural Gas
This document sets out the procedures for Gas Suppliers to request a Siteworks to be completed at the natural gas connections of the Customers they currently supply. These Procedures may be amended from time to time by the Operator, where an amendment is made the Operator shall publish the amended procedure. The Operator shall employ Standards of Service and the appropriate charges in line with the requirement of the Siteworks to be completed. The Standards of Service will be adhered to for all Gas Suppliers who are active on the Operator’s network.
SGN Natural Gas Transportation Services
Industrial & Commercial
Purchase Order
Supply Meter Point
Siteworks Request Proforma Form
Transfer Of Responsibility Proforma
Definitions Chargeable:
means the costs to be recuperated from Customers or the requesting Gas Supplier for the associated Siteworks. Charges will be in line with the SGN Natural Gas Connection Policy or the applicable contract rate;
means a consumer who utilises gas offtaken from the system at an SMP;
means the Customer’s side of the gas meter i.e. from the outlet valve;
Elevated Pressure:
means a meter outlet supply pressure of >21mbar;
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SGN Natural Gas
Gas Supplier or Registered User:
means the licensed Gas Suppliers who have acceded to the SGN Network Code and are bound by its terms and conditions and are registered at the SMP location where the Siteworks have been requested;
Meter Inspection Issue:
means any issue identified by a Gas Supplier that directly relates to a licence condition check (licence condition 2.25.3) carried out during a Meter Inspection:
Meter Inspection:
means an inspection of a meter carried out by a Gas Supplier as per Gas Suppliers licence condition 2.25.3;
Meter Mix-up:
means a meter found to be supplying an SMP that is different to what SGN has recorded on the SGN asset register and the Meter Mix-up has been confirmed by SGN;
New Customer:
means an owner / tenant who has not been resident at the SMP location previously and has an isolated SMP at the property;
means an SMP which has used gas (burned) since its installation but has since stopped;
Non-Burn, Never Burned :
means an SMP that has not burned gas from the first installation of the gas meter at the property;
means SGN Natural Gas;
means the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets who are a nonministerial government department and an independent National Regulatory Authority, recognised by EU Directives.
SGN Natural Gas Connection Policy:
means the documented published guidelines available to view on the SGN Natural Gas website, (;
means any works carried out by SGN Natural Gas or its nominated contractor in relation to an SMP at a Customer’s property;
Standards of Service:
means the regulated standards that SGN Natural Gas will work to;
Supply Meter Point:
means a network point at which gas may be offtaken from the network for the purposes of supply directly to particular premises;
means Transfer of Responsibility Proforma for I&C Customers reconnections that have Downstream appliances connected; and
means a Gas Supplier that has requested removal of their registration to a previously isolated SMP, for which the Gas Supplier had chosen to remain the Registered User and SGN Natural Gas has approved the request.
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SGN Natural Gas
3. 3.1
Procedures Submitting Siteworks Requests
All Gas Suppliers will be required to submit a completed SRP for each Siteworks they require to be completed at an SMP
SGN Siteworks Request Proforma.xl
Gas Suppliers should submit their completed SRP to the SGN Natural Gas Siteworks request email detailed below: Gas Suppliers are required to fully complete all of Section A on the SRP, example shown below. Gas Suppliers should include information in the Reason/Details section of the SRP of any health and safety risks they perceive for operatives completing the Siteworks (e.g. violent or intimidating behavior from the customer)
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SGN Natural Gas
When SGN Natural Gas receive the SRP from the Gas Supplier, they will ensure that all the relevant areas have been completed. Any SRP where the required information is missing, or is unclear, will be rejected and the requesting Gas Supplier will be notified. SGNTS will provide information on why the SRP has been rejected. If your Siteworks request is urgent SGN Natural Gas would advise that Gas Suppliers provide a PO number when first submitting SRPs for all Chargeable works with set charges. SGN Natural Gas would suggest that Gas Suppliers should provide as much information as possible. If a Gas Supplier is unsure as to what information is required for a specific Siteworks request, they should check with SGN Natural Gas prior to submitting the SRP. Gas Suppliers can check on the information requirements by requesting in writing via
Siteworks Request Information
Information on the types of Siteworks Gas Suppliers can request and, on the information to be populated in SRPs, is provided below: It will be the Gas Suppliers responsibility to confirmed that gas has never burned at the SMP location. SGN may request supporting documentation from Gas Suppliers as evidence the customer has never burned. Non-Burn, Never Burned isolation and reconnection requests may not be Chargeable to Gas Suppliers (see Appendix 2).
Gas Suppliers should provide SGN Natural Gas with all relevant information required to complete the isolation including, but not limited to, the opening hours/working hours for I&C SMPs. Gas Suppliers must detail if they want to remain the Registered User at SMPs when initially requesting isolations. Any requests to remain the Registered User at SMPs submitted after the initial SRP will be rejected. Gas Suppliers can cancel previously requested isolations where the work has not commenced and resubmit isolation SRPs with a request to remain the Registered User. Standards of Service for the new SRP will commence on the date of receipt. Gas Suppliers will be required to have a representative physically attend any isolations for debt. SGN Natural Gas will provide Gas Suppliers with a notice period of 1 day for scheduled isolations. Please be advised, it will be the responsibility of the representative of the Gas Supplier attending isolations to: a) b) c) d)
Gain access to the SMP; Discuss options for possible repayment arrangements the customer; Advise the customer of the work to be performed providing explanations where required; and Provide the final approval to the Engineer to complete the isolation.
‘Scheduled Works Activity’ that will outline isolations to be performed at any I&C Customers will be provided 1 day in advance of the scheduled works.
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SGN Natural Gas
Gas Suppliers requesting reconnection for any SMPs where New Customers have taken resident will be required to confirm that the New Customers became resident after the SMP location was isolated. Gas Suppliers may be required to confirm they have viewed official property documentation verifying the New Customer’s commencement date and provide copies of such i.e. tenancy agreements or property deeds. Reconnection requests for New Customers are not Chargeable to Gas Suppliers (see Appendix 2). New Customers at an SMP I&C Reconnection where Downstream equipment is installed will be required to sign a TORP. By signing a TORP Customers are acknowledging the following: a) They are aware the gas supply will be reinstated up to the meter control valve; b) It is the Customers responsibility for the safe use of any appliance, gas fitting or installation pipe-work located at the premises and Downstream of the meter as per the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations (NI 2004); c) SGN Natural Gas advised the customer that prior to the reinstatement of their gas supply, the meter control valve must not be turned on until the customer has all gas appliances, gas fittings and installation pipe-work fitted Downstream of the meter tested by a person suitably qualified to complete such work. Gas Suppliers will be informed on planned dates of reconnection by SGNTS. It is the Gas Suppliers responsibility to ensure access is available at the property address and where required for New Customers to sign the New Customer Agreement. Reconnections will only be made in the instance where New Customers have signed the New Customer Agreement. Meter outlet will be capped by Engineers performing I&C reconnections that involve the installation of meters. It will be the Customers responsibility to arrange for a Gas Safe registered installer to reconnect and recommission the Downstream installations i.e. pipework, boiler, appliances etc.
Gas Suppliers can request for gas meters to be upsized or downsized accordingly. Gas Suppliers should submit SRPs providing the following details: a) b) c) d) e) f) g)
Existing meter size Existing outlet pressure New meter size New outlet pressure Reason for request i.e. new boilers installed, existing plant no longer required. Existing hourly load requirement in Kw’s and m3 Total new load hourly requirement in Kw’s and m3
Where a Gas Supplier deems there has been a Meter Mix-up at a SMP it is the Gas Suppliers responsibility to commence an investigation to confirm that this is the case. The Gas Supplier may be required to co-ordinate with other Gas Suppliers to resolve the issue. When a Gas Supplier has completed an investigation into a Meter Mix-up and they are satisfied it is reasonable to assume there has been a Meter Mix-up at an SMP they should at this point notify SGN Natural Gas by submitting an Asset Register Issue Pro Forma via the Siteworks email address SGN Natural Gas will conduct their own investigation taking into account the evidence provided by the Gas Suppliers and establish the correct meter serial number against the relevant SMP. Gas Suppliers will be updated 7
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SGN Natural Gas
of any corrections via the SGN Natural Gas Asset Register via a daily report. If a Gas Supplier subsequently establishes that due to the Meter Mix-up a customer has been billed for an incorrect amount, the Gas Supplier should submit the Notification of Meter Mix-up section on the SRP. SGN Natural Gas will verify the evidence submitted demonstrates the customer was billed incorrectly as a result of the Meter Mix-up and will arrange for the customer to be compensated in accordance with the Gas (Individual Standards of Performance) Regulations (NI) 2014. Rejected SRP’s will be returned to the Gas Supplier with Request Rejected section completed.
Where a Gas Supplier is still the Registered User at an SMP that has been isolated but no longer wishes to remain so, they have the option to request to Withdraw. An SRP should be submitted including information on why the Gas Supplier is requesting to Withdraw. SGN Natural Gas would suggest that Gas Suppliers provide as much detail as possible when submitting the SRP. Should SGN Natural Gas not approve the request they will inform the Gas Supplier of the reason the request to Withdraw was denied.
Chargeable Siteworks
SGN Natural Gas will provide Gas Suppliers with copies of a SGN Natural Gas Siteworks Quotation which will detail the work to be completed along with the associated costs. Gas Suppliers will be provided with the cost of Chargeable Siteworks which must be paid in full or appropriate commitment to pay must be provided in the form of a PO number in advance of the works being scheduled. For set price Siteworks that are urgent PO’s should be detailed on the SRP in advance of the Siteworks Quotation being provided. Where an SRP is for the following: a) Isolations at SMPs to be demolished; b) Additional Protection; c) Alter Meter Location; d) Alter Service/Main Location; and e) Safety Contraventions i.e. build-overs, removal of meter wall, etc. SGN Natural Gas will communicate directly with Customers regarding the costs and payment along with the requirements to complete the Siteworks requested. Gas Suppliers will receive email confirmation from SGN Natural Gas that they will correspond directly with Customers in relation to the above mentioned Siteworks. Credit Notes will be issued for Siteworks perceived to be Chargeable but transpire to be non-Chargeable (e.g. OFGEM approved Meter Inspection results that indicate faults with SGN Natural Gas meters).
Cancellation of Requested Siteworks
Gas Suppliers will be required to submit SRPs with regard to requesting the cancellation of a currently live Siteworks request. Gas Suppliers should complete Section 1 of SRPs marked ‘Cancellation of Siteworks’ and provide details on the Siteworks request, date requested and the reason for the cancellation. ‘Cancellation of Siteworks’ SRPs will be rejected if the Siteworks have already been completed and the Gas Suppliers will be notified of the rejection along with the reason.
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SGN Natural Gas
Abortive Visits
Gas Suppliers will be charged for an Abortive Visit (see SGN Natural Gas Connection Policy) cost for Siteworks requested to be cancelled after the SGN Natural Gas Service engineer has been dispatched to complete the Siteworks or where access could not be obtained or was refused or TORP forms were not signed.
Siteworks Reporting and Invoicing
Gas Suppliers will receive a weekly report on Siteworks planned at their SMPs, as part of this report they will also receive reports on the outcome of Siteworks performed at their SMP locations for the previous week. For all completed Elevated Pressure Siteworks, SGNTS will provide Gas Suppliers with formal Elevated Pressure notifications via email.
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SGN Natural Gas
Appendix 1 - Meter Warning Flag Indicators Warning flags / indicators for the meters utilised in the SGN Natural Gas distribution network area are provided in the tables below: Electronic Meters – Base Unit Warning Flags Warning Flag
Catastrophic Error
Major Event – within last 2 days
Major Operational Problem – within last 2 days
Major Event – within last 6 months
Major Operational Problem – within last 6 months
Voltage below 3.2v or battery – will expire in 6 months
Major Event – within last 12 months
Major Operational Problem – within last 12 months
Major Event – at least 12 months ago
Major Operational Problem – at least 12 months ago
Battery will expire – within 24 months
Minor Operational Problem – within 6 months
Minor Operational Problem – at least 6 months ago
Modules – Libra 100 &110 Warning Flag
Inserted card not valid (Possible Card Error – see overleaf)
Inserted card is not from the correct supplier (Possible Card Error – see overleaf)
Credit on card has expired (Possible Card Error – see overleaf)
Module credit is full (Possible Card Error – see overleaf)
Communications with meter failed
Communications with card failed (Possible Card Error – see overleaf)
Battery Low
Requested operation not possible (Possible Card Error – see overleaf)
System Fault
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SGN Natural Gas
Modules Libra 200 & 210 Notification
Card Fail
Card fail (Possible Card Error – see overleaf)
Card Not Accepted
Card fail (Possible Card Error – see overleaf)
Call Help
Meter Fault
Warning Indicators Description Blank Screen Frozen Screen Dial Stuck
Card Faults/Errors Customers should report card errors directly to their Gas Supplier, it will be the responsibility of the Gas Supplier to diagnose and respond accordingly. Gas Suppliers should only notify SGN Natural Gas of a card error meter when they have been unable to rectify the issue through conversations with Customers.
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SGN Natural Gas
Appendix 2 – Chargeable Works The following list includes common Siteworks that will incur a charge. The list is not exhaustive and SGN Natural Gas will inform the Gas Suppliers of the associated costs for Siteworks not listed below via a Siteworks Quotation. Chatterbox All Siteworks requested for installation or removal of a chatterbox will be Chargeable. Meter Exchanges Exceptions : a) Where exchanges are required due to proven routine faults with SGN Natural Gas assets or equipment. b) Where the first exchange required is to facilitate a change of payment type from credit to prepayment and the request is received within a reasonable timeframe (currently 12 months) from installation. Meter Inspection Payments received prior to the testing of a meter being completed will be returned if the test results confirm there is a fault with meter. Meter Box Repair All meter box repair Siteworks requests will be Chargeable. Meter Upsize / Downsize All Siteworks requested to upsize/downsize a meter will be Chargeable except in the instance where an SMP is a Non-Burn, Never Burned. Elevated Pressure All Siteworks requested for Elevated Pressure will be Chargeable except in the instance where the meter has not yet been installed. Please note: Changing the outlet pressure prior to installation may delay the meter delivery date. Isolations All Siteworks requested to isolate a supply will be Chargeable except in the instance where an SMP is a NonBurn, Never Burned. Reconnection All Siteworks requested to isolate a supply will be Chargeable except for the following: 1. Where an SMP was isolated as a result of being Non-Burn, Never Burned. 2. Where the reconnection request is from a New Customer. Alterations All Siteworks requested to alter a meter or service/main location will be Chargeable. 12
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SGN Natural Gas
Appendix 3 – Service for Siteworks Requests It will be the intention of SGN Natural Gas to undertake the required Siteworks as per the indicative timelines provided below. Timelines for Siteworks not listed below can be obtained from SGN Natural Gas.
Siteworks Request
Service Standard - Indicative timescales
Meter Exchange
10 Business Days
Meter Inspection
15 Business Days (including Meter Exchange)
Meter Box Repair
20 Business Days
Isolate – Meter Removal
16 Business Days (minimum 11 days’ notice as per Network Code)
Reconnect - Install Meter / Turn On Valve Alter Meter Location
15 Business Days (subject to availability of suitable gas meter) Reconnect for Debt will be 24hours as per Gas Regulations (NI)
20 Business Days from acceptance of quotation (subject to availability of suitable gas meter)
Meter Upsize / Downsize
20 Business Days (subject to availability of suitable gas meter)
Additional Protection
10 Business Days from acceptance of quotation
Elevated Pressure
20 Business Days (subject to availability of suitable gas metering equipment)
Isolate – Service Removal
25 Business Days
Reconnect – Reinstate Service
25 Business Days
20 Business Days (Subject to stock level of Chatterboxes)
Quantum Wind On
1 Business Day
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