SGN Natural Gas - Network Code Validation Rules

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Distribution Network Code Validation Rules

August 2016

Contents 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3 2 Definitions and Interpretation ............................................................................................... 3 3 Minimum Requirements........................................................................................................ 4 4 NDM Supply Meters: Meter Readings .................................................................................... 4 5 DM Supply Meters: Meter Readings ...................................................................................... 5 6 Modification ......................................................................................................................... 6 7 Conflict ................................................................................................................................. 6 8 Further Information .............................................................................................................. 6 SCHEDULE 1: TOLERANCE RANGES............................................................................................ 7


SGN Natural Gas – Network Code Validation Rules



Introduction 1.1

This is the document published pursuant to, and referred in, Section M 1.13 of the SGN Natural Gas Natural Gas Limited Distribution Network Code and does not form part of the Distribution Network Code.


The purpose of this document is to describe the validation rules which will be applied to Non-Daily Metered (NDM) and Daily Metered (DM) Supply Meter meter readings, corrector readings and associated data before they are communicated to either the User or SGN Natural Gas.

Definitions and Interpretation 2.1

Definitions Distribution Network Code

shall mean the Distribution Network Code prepared by SGN Natural Gas pursuant to condition 2.4.2 (a) of the SGN Natural Gas Licence and dated 11 February 2015 as from time to time modified in accordance with the Modification Rules or the SGN Natural Gas Licence;

SGN Natural Gas

shall mean SGN Natural Gas Limited acting in its capacity as operator of the System or its successors or assigns, acting as licensee pursuant to the SGN Natural Gas Licence;

SGN Natural Gas Licence

shall mean the licence to convey gas as granted to SGN Natural Gas Natural Gas Limited, as from time to time in force;


shall mean the person or entity in whose name the Supply Meter Point is registered pursuant to the Distribution Network Code; The Authority


shall mean the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation.

Interpretation In this document, unless the context otherwise requires:



words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa;


words importing the masculine shall include the feminine and neuter and vice versa;


the list of contents and headings in this document shall not be deemed part of, or be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction of, this document and are included for ease of reference only;


words and expressions defined in the Distribution Network Code and not defined in this document shall have the meanings ascribed to them under the Distribution Network Code;

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SGN Natural Gas – Network Code Validation Rules




all references to Clauses, sub-clauses and Schedules shall, unless otherwise stated, be references to Clauses, sub-clauses of and Schedules to this document;


all references to Persons include reference to their successors in title and permitted assigns; and


reference to any agreement, code or document is a reference to the same as amended, supplemented, novated and/or replaced from time to time.

Minimum Requirements 3.1

This document details the minimum requirements of validation that must be undertaken for Meter Readings prior to communication to either the User or SGN Natural Gas.


The validation described in this document shall be in addition to that used to determine that the Meter Reading is in accordance with the file specification and system requirements required by SGN Natural Gas and notified to Users, as from time to time amended.

NDM Supply Meters: Meter Readings 4.1

Meter Readings provided to SGN Natural Gas by Users from NDM Supply Meters shall be validated by Users (except where otherwise indicated) in accordance with paragraphs 4.2 to 4.09 (inclusive).


Users shall ensure that the number of digits in the Meter Reading corresponds to the number of dials on the Supply Meter (e.g. five digits must be recorded for a five dial meter). No alteration to the number of digits reported in the Meter Reading shall be made by the User without prior consultation with SGN Natural Gas as any anomalies discovered generally signify Supply Meter exchanges.


For all Supply Meters the User shall ensure that at the time of capture of a Meter Reading, the Supply Meter Serial Number recorded by the User on its system(s) is the same as that recorded on the Supply Meter. If the Supply Meter Serial Number recorded on the User’s system(s) differs from that on the Supply Meter the User shall notify SGN Natural Gas of the difference, within five (5) days of the identification of the difference. Such notification shall be submitted in such form, as SGN Natural Gas shall from time to time, on reasonable notice, notify the User.


All Meter Readings from NDM Supply Meters shall be subject to tolerance checking in accordance with the tolerance ranges detailed in Schedule 1.


The Meter Reading shall be checked to ensure that it is within a specified range either side of an estimated reading. This is known as an Inner Tolerance Range (ITR). The estimated reading shall be calculated using the consumption history of the Supply Meter.


If the Meter Reading is outside the ITR, the Meter Reader shall be required to re-confirm the Meter Reading and the Supply Meter Serial Number. If the Supply Meter Serial Number agrees to that on the Supply Meter the Meter Reader will be required to re-confirm the Meter Reading. If the Supply Meter Serial Number differs SGN Natural Gas shall be notified in accordance with paragraph 4.3.


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SGN Natural Gas – Network Code Validation Rules

Similar checks shall be performed on corrector readings. Meter Readings which have been confirmed by the Meter Reader as valid even though it falls outside the ITR shall be provided to SGN Natural Gas. 4.7

Tolerance checking shall ensure that the Meter Reading is within a wider tolerance range of the estimated reading. This will be known as the Outer Tolerance Range (OTR). If the Meter Reading fails this test it shall be dealt with in accordance with paragraph 4.6 and a report shall be produced for investigation by the User. Meter readings which have been confirmed as outside the OTR will not be applied to the system.


Any Meter Reading provided by a consumer will be treated as an actual reading for tolerance checking purposes.


The User shall ensure that Meter Readers are requested to re-confirm the Meter Reading for all Supply Meters which have gone “Round the Clock”. The term “Round The Clock” (RTC) shall be used in a single context to denote that a Supply Meter or corrector has passed through all its zero's and shall not necessarily imply that the Supply Meter or corrector has made a complete revolution of all its dials.

4.10 Opening Meter Readings provided to SGN Natural Gas by Users from NDM Supply Meters shall be validated by SGN Natural Gas in accordance with paragraphs 4.5 to 4.7 and 4.11. 4.11 SGN Natural Gas shall ensure that the number of digits in the Meter Reading and the Supply Meter Serial Number provided by Users corresponds to the number of digits and the Supply Meter Serial Number as recorded in the Supply Meter Point Register. Any differences noted shall be notified to the User for investigation. 4.12 Nothing contained within paragraphs 4.10 to 4.11 limits the obligation of User’s to perform validation checks in accordance with the provisions of this document.


DM Supply Meters: Meter Readings 5.1

Meter Readings provided to Users by SGN Natural Gas from DM Supply Meters shall be validated by SGN Natural Gas in accordance with paragraphs 5.2 to 5.5 (inclusive).


A completeness test shall be performed to ensure that all expected DM Meter Readings have been received. A report shall be generated which shall detail if any expected DM Meter Readings have not been received. In addition a report shall be generated if an unsolicited reading is received.


An instrument configuration test shall be performed to ensure that both the corrector and the Meter Readings are received where a corrector is fitted. A report shall be generated which shall detail if any expected readings have not been received. In addition a report will be generated if an unsolicited reading is received.


If three (3) or more consecutive zero consumption Meter Readings are received a test shall be performed to compare with the corresponding period in the previous year. If the consumption for the corresponding period in the previous year was not zero then a report shall be produced for investigation by SGN Natural Gas. When comparing to the corresponding period in the previous year SGN Natural Gas shall take into account any public holidays, Saturdays and Sundays.


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SGN Natural Gas – Network Code Validation Rules


If any daily consumption is in excess of four times the average daily consumption for that Supply Meter (i.e. (AQ/365) * 4) then the Meter Reading shall be reported for investigation by SGN Natural Gas. Until such times as this investigation is complete, or if after investigation the Meter Reading is found to be accurate, the original Meter Reading shall be used as the valid Meter Reading.


Where a corrector is fitted an additional check shall be performed. To ensure that the corrector is reading meter pulses correctly the following calculation will be performed: Metered Volume 1





% Tolerance

Uncorrected Corrector Volume

Where this calculation results in a percentage tolerance which is outside the tolerance range the Meter Reading shall be rejected. The tolerance range applied in this test is shown in Schedule 1.


Modification This document may, from time to time, be amended by the Authority after consultation with SGN Natural Gas, or by SGN Natural Gas with the consent of the Authority.



In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this document and the Distribution Network Code, the Distribution Network Code shall prevail to the extent of the conflict.


Further Information If you require further information in relation to the material contained within this document, please contact: SGN Natural Gas Transportation Services Manager 83-85 Great Victoria Street Belfast. BT2 7AF


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SGN Natural Gas – Network Code Validation Rules

SCHEDULE 1: TOLERANCE RANGES Consumption Tolerance Ranges (a)

Inner Tolerance Range The Inner Tolerance Range shall be ±80% of estimated consumption.


Outer Tolerance Range The Outer Tolerance Range shall be ±300% of estimated consumption.


Meter/Corrector Pulse Validation The percentage tolerance as calculated shall be ±20%.


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