SGN NG Newsletter - August 2022

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January - July 2022 Newsletter

Contents Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 7 Page 9 Page PagePagePage10111214 David Butler foreword SGN Natural Gas not involved in fracking Coalisland man becomes first connection in Tyrone village International Women’s Day with Mary O’Kane David Butler addresses Policy Forum for Northern Ireland First natural gas information session held in Coalisland Reliability and sustainability tick the boxes for Belmore Court & Motel Ready for biomethane introduction as study shows decarbonisation benefits for NI SGN Natural Gas ‘Summer Daze’ fun days SGN Natural Gas Newsletter January - July Page 2

To all those who have contributed to the successful delivery of our projects so far this year, thank you so much for your efforts – we simply couldn’t do it without you. With the stage now set for an exciting second half to 2022, I look forward to achieving more of our strategic goals.

Northern Ireland’s new Energy Strategy - The Path to Net Zero Energy - was published by the Department for the Economy in December 2021. The Strategy outlined a roadmap to deliver a 56% reduction in our region’s energy-related emissions by 2030 and a pathway to achieve net zero carbon and affordable energy by 2050.

While we acknowledge the roadworks that accompany such expansions may cause some disruptions, we’re confident the long-term benefits of natural gas will outweigh any temporary inconvenience. After all, climate change remains the biggest threat to our planet. Through the decarbonisation and net-zero agenda, we are all being challenged to think and act differently. SGN Natural Gas has been playing its part in this space by actively exploring exciting new opportunities around clean, green energy. When I was invited to speak at the Policy Forum for Northern Ireland earlier this year, I highlighted that we were a step ahead of the rest of the UK as our infrastructure - made up of polyethylene pipework - is one of the newest in operation. As a result, we estimate that biomethane will be ready to be injected into our pipeline by the end of 2022, which will be a first for Northern Ireland. This was backed up by a recent study led by Queen’s University Belfast which found that turning livestock manure and grass silage into biomethane could help to meet energy demands as well as significantly reducing the region’s carbon footprint. Another key finding was that Northern Ireland has significantly greater volumes of the renewable gas available than previously thought.

David Butler Director, SGN Natural Gas

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SGN Natural Gas fully backs the Executive’s new Energy Strategy and is proud to be playing a role in providing a cleaner fuel future for generations to come. Most of our existing network towns have been expanded upon this year as the demand for natural gas continues to grow, which is a credit to our collective efforts in encouraging residents to switch from using oil and solid fuel.

The summer season is in full swing and despite the sporadic weather conditions, I hope everyone is enjoying themselves and making the most of it.

On a final note, I’d like to wish a happy retirement to John Morea, who will be stepping down from his role as CEO of our parent company SGN this month. I’d also like to take this opportunity to welcome his successor, Mark Wild, on board and wish him all the best in the role.

Welcome to the latest issue of the SGN Natural Gas Newsletter.

At SGN Natural Gas, we’ve already had an exciting first half of the year. We recently concluded our ‘Summer Daze’ campaign in which over 2,000 people collectively turned out across all the fun days that took place in our main network towns. This was a huge operation so we’re thrilled that so many residents came along, thereby allowing us to engage with them on a more personal level and highlight the benefits of natural gas.

The company responsible for the development of the newest natural gas mains network in the west of Northern Ireland also reiterated its positive engagement with stakeholders, which has been fully transparent from the outset. It has directly engaged with members of the public, the business community, statutory partners, and elected Ourrepresentatives.DirectorMr

“In the wake of the recent COP26 summit, all eyes are now firmly focused on decarbonisation and the role we can all play to reduce carbon emissions with an increased focus on less carbon-emitting sources of energy.

SGN Natural Gas reassured the public in Northern Ireland that it plays no role in fracking, a process which has been a topic of public conversation in recent times.

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“The role of SGN Natural Gas is to build suitable infrastructure that will allow customers and businesses here to heat their homes and premises using a fuel source that achieves a greater carbon saving than older oil and coal systems. Meanwhile, new developments on using our infrastructure in the journey to net zero continue to evolve at pace.

Butler said: “There is no alignment between any proposed fracking project and our own efforts building infrastructure here. We are a distribution company, not a production company and we are delighted to reassure the local communities in our network area that we play no role in fracking.

“Importantly at SGN Natural Gas, we are working with our industry partners on the integration of zero carbon fuels such as biomethane into the network, which is expected in 2022. This is a huge milestone which highlights the key role our infrastructure will play, particularly in Northern Ireland where levels of biomethane are higher than in other parts of the world.”

SGN Natural Gas not involved in fracking

Mr Butler concluded: “Leveraging these considerations and becoming a world leader in new, green energy is a very real opportunity for our region and one that excites us as an innovative utility infrastructure company. We look forward to playing our role in this critical process and will continue to engage with the public on our plans.”

Seamus is no stranger to the business of installing gas himself. He works with the infrastructure contractor Kier and has been working in the industry for 25 years.

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Rafferty also became the 1000th domestic connection to the network in 2021, having finalised the installation of his new boiler just before the Christmas period.

“At long last I’ve got natural gas in my own house,” he laughs.

“The guys were so efficient doing the work and I would say they were in and out in about half a day, with everything set up and ready to use,” he said.

Another bonus for Seamus was the natural gas installation process at his home. It was completed quickly and as seamlessly as possible.

“It’s always there, it’s at my door all the time, I’ll never run out,” he said. “And the biggest change for me is the affordability of a pay as-you-go meter. I can budget better for my gas heating and hot water.”

For SGN Natural Gas, reaching such a significant milestone reflects a growing desire among the public in Northern Ireland to heat their homes using a fuel source that is easily installed, maintained, and offers customers like Seamus the convenience of staying warm this winter while exerting the minimum amount of effort.

One of the major benefits of natural gas is the provision of instant hot water, meaning time spent waiting for water to heat up is now a thing of the past for customers like Seamus.

Coalisland man becomes first connection in Tyrone village

A Coalisland man agreed to provide a testimonial after becoming the first resident in the Co Tyrone village to connect to the SGN Natural Gas network when making the switch late last Seamusyear.

Accessing such features instantaneously came as a huge delight to Seamus once the installation process was completed. “I’m more than happy with it, knowing it’s there for me 24/7,” he said.

With decades of experience working with gas pipeline infrastructure, Seamus has seen firsthand the benefits of installing natural gas in homes across the network area. He said getting natural gas fitted in his own home has always been on the back of his mind and having worked in the industry, he believes one of the biggest benefits is how economical it is.

Seamus previously used LPG (bottled gas) to heat his home, but thanks to the team at SGN Natural Gas, running back and forth to replace his fuel source is no longer necessary as he now has an efficient natural gas supply piped into his home.

Seamus chose to heat his home with natural gas rather than another fuel source because he knew he wouldn’t need to worry about maintaining an oil tank or burner in his garden or backyard.

The good news for customers like Seamus in Coalisland as well as others across towns and villages in the west is that their decision to switch to natural gas will not only give them a reliable and comforting means to heat their homes in the short-term, but it will also benefit the planet for years to come as decarbonisation efforts ramp SGNup.

“There’s no big oil tank or burner outside. A lot of people I know have had to replace their burners, but with natural gas it’s a matter of getting your boiler serviced once a year and that’s it.”

“It’s always there, it’s at my door all the time, I’ll never run out,” he said. “And the biggest change for me is the affordability of a pay as-you-go meter. I can budget better for my gas heating and hot water.”

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The network initially arrived in the Co. Tyrone village in October of last year, and Seamus says his neighbours are now beginning to enquire about switching to natural gas themselves to heat their hot water and fuel their homes.

This year will see SGN Natural Gas reach another key milestone as it intends to trial the injection of greener fuels such as biomethane into its network infrastructure. In doing so, carbon emissions will be further reduced in keeping with the company’s plans to further decarbonise its network and play its role in tackling climate change.

Natural Gas hosts regular information sessions across the network area in local venues throughout the west of Northern Ireland, offering potential customers the opportunity to speak to someone in person about making the switch to natural gas.

Seamus Rafferty

Mary O’Kane is Head of Regulation at SGN Natural Gas and to mark International Women’s Day 2022, she provided a column detailing her upbringing and her career in the energy

‘Nothing is unachievable if you work hard enough’ - International Women’s Day with Mary O’Kane

in Draperstown with two brothers and three sisters. We were a close-knit group with a strong family bond and even though there was six of us, there was always work to be Idone.suppose my strong work ethic comes from both my parents. My dad ran a farm and haulage business, and I would have helped mainly with the haulage side of things. I would spend my days helping out in the office and although I did not realise it at the time, I was learning a lot about business at an early age.

I went to school at the Sacred Heart Primary School in the townland of Tattyreagh, which is approximately halfway between Omagh and Fintona. My mother worked there as a primary school teacher, so there was no chance of slacking off or skipping homework! One thing that happens when you have two hard-working parents is that you soon see what a lot of work can Whenachieve.Iwasyounger,

I thought I’d like to follow in Mum’s footsteps and be a teacher, or if not that then maybe a vet. After school ended, I went to the University of Ulster at Jordanstown where I studied communications, advertising, and marketing, and lived in Belfast for the first year of the course. I enjoyed being away, but I was still a homebird at heart and loved being SGN


Natural Gas Newsletter January - July 2022 7

Lots of people in my career have inspired me. I think when you see people who are knowledgeable in their roles you look up to them, and you aspire to be the like them. This is something I was lucky enough to have growing up and throughout my career, but nothing is unachievable if you work hard enough.

Working in the energy industry is quite balanced gender wise, and there are more and more opportunities for people at every level. If you want to learn, this is the place. It’s hard work, but it’s a great environment with good people.

If I could offer one bit of advice on International Women’s Day, I would say “if there’s ever an opportunity that presents itself just go for it. You’ll never know what the world has in store for you unless you take the chance”.

If you had told me that one day, I would be Head of Regulation at SGN Natural Gas I wouldn’t have believed you. It only seems like a blink of an eye ago I was fresh out of Uni and looking for my first job with the help of the recruitment agency!

around my family. I appreciated them a bit more from being away from them for a while. I wasn’t sure where the world would take me after my studies, so I signed up to a recruitment agency where I worked in a few temporary roles. After a while I signed up to a one-year contract with a company called Firmus Energy. I ended up working with them for seven Initially,years!Iwas a Billing Administrator where I worked as part of an all-female team, before progressing to Analyst and then finally to Transportation Services Manager. There were always opportunities to progress, and I was always looking ahead, pushing myself and taking those lessons I had learned from my childhood and applying them to my adult life. I stayed with Firmus Energy until 2014 before going to work for the Utility Regulator. After two years there I joined SGN Natural Gas as Transportation Services EveryoneManager. always asks me if I work in transport. I laugh when I have to tell them I don’t, although it does sound like it! The role relates to the transportation of gas and making sure gas suppliers can effectively supply gas to customers on the network. At the minute there are five active gas suppliers that I look after. My main responsibility is making sure SGN Natural Gas is compliant with both the Network Code and the Distribution licence.

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Mr Butler further remarked on the opportunity for Northern Ireland given that the SGN Natural Gas network is one of the newest in operation: “The rest of the United Kingdom is investing billions in upgrading their natural gas infrastructure to polyethylene pipework, putting Northern Ireland a step ahead. Polyethylene pipework importantly requires very little maintenance and has a long product lifetime. This is, therefore, a low cost and low regret option for Northern Ireland’s energy system. Our infrastructure also offers minimal disruption when compared to other potential solutions in terms of the conversion process with the majority of connections completed within one day.”

Mr Butler highlighted the key benefits of Northern Ireland maximising existing infrastructure during his presentation stating that the networks in this region have the capacity to endure what is known in the energy industry as a ’one in twenty winter’, which is when extreme temperatures last for a prolonged period, thereby creating a perfect storm of low supply and high demand for the existing network.

The Director concluded: “I was delighted to have received an invitation to speak on such an important topic. We are all fully aware of the journey ahead in terms of decarbonisation, so having the chance to partake in such a positive discussion with other senior figures from within the energy industry as well as government officials was a thoroughly useful exercise.”

in attendance at the event included Clare McAllister from Electric Ireland; Niall Martindale from firmus energy; and John French, Chief Executive, Utility Regulator for Northern Ireland.

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David Butler addresses Policy Forum for Northern Ireland

Earlier this year, our Director David Butler was invited to present at the Policy Forum for Northern Ireland to discuss the importance of infrastructure modernisation and security of Seniorsupply.figures

After Seamus Rafferty became the first resident in Coalisland to connect to the network, SGN Natural Gas went on to stage its first information session in the Co. Tyrone village amid increasing demands for conversions in the area.

Vincent Heffron, our local Domestic Sales Representative was on-site to explain the advantages of switching, which include instant hot water, a reduction in carbon emissions when compared to an older inefficient oil boiler and an improvement in energy efficiency in the home.

He said: “This is an exciting period for SGN Natural Gas. “We are committed to positive engagement with the local communities we serve, and look forward to meeting as many people as possible at these types of events.”

Another key factor in natural gas conversions is the accompanying space it provides as no bulky oil tank or burner is required. The additional space has allowed many new customers to transform their gardens and outdoor areas.

First natural gas information session held in Coalisland

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Mark Davidson, Head of Engineering at SGN Natural Gas, has been actively encouraging residents, business representatives and other stakeholders to attend such information sessions to find out more about ongoing project development work in their local area.

The session took place on Thursday 21st April 2022 at Coalisland Library, providing local residents with the opportunity to learn more about natural gas and the benefits of converting.

After catching some details about SGN Natural Gas on the news, Belmore Court & Motel owner and manager Terry McCartney went about organising the installation.

“We have a warm and friendly team who are dedicated to providing a high-quality service and memorable experience for all our visitors.”

However, the installation of natural gas heating can result in a carbon footprint reduction of up to 50%.

Mr McCartney said: “We moved from LPG to natural gas and it’s going well so far. It’s also been very reliable.”

SGN Natural Gas regularly holds information sessions at local venues across the network area, providing an excellent opportunity for prospective customers to speak directly with a member of the team and learn more about the benefits of switching to natural gas.

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One of the biggest factors which convinces people to convert to natural gas is the environmental benefits.

The Belmore Court & Motel employs 21 people and is conveniently located in the heart of the Fermanagh Lakelands, allowing guests to enjoy everything the region has to offer.

Belmore previously used LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas) as its heating source and while it may be a cleaner-burning fuel than oil, its carbon emissions remain high. In addition, LPG is typically more expensive than natural gas, and it must be delivered and stored in a tank somewhere on the property.

Reliability and sustainability tick the boxes for Belmore Court & Motel

Mr McCartney said: “We pride ourselves on being the place to stay in Enniskillen. As an AA Silver Star and Tourism NI four-star guest accommodation, Belmore has also been the number one place to stay on TripAdvisor in Fermanagh for more than 10 years.

“The move to natural gas was mainly for sustainability reasons,” said Mr McCartney. “As well as the typical benefits of natural gas, cutting out the transportation of LPG will also have a positive effect on the environment.”

“I first heard about SGN Natural Gas on the news and after speaking to a sales rep, who was great, we got the ball rolling,” said Mr McCartney.

The Enniskillen site was connected in December 2021 and since then it has been enjoying the reliability and sustainability that comes with natural gas.

SGN Natural Gas is proud to have biomethane-ready boilers following a study led by Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) which found that turning livestock manure and grass silage into biomethane could help meet energy demands as well as significantly reducing Northern Ireland’s carbon footprint.

Professor David Rooney, Dean of Internationalisation and Reputation at QUB, revealed the key findings during a launch event at the Stormont Hotel in Belfast last month.

He said: “Tackling issues of climate change and rising fuel costs has led to an increased interest in regionally generated renewable gas and decarbonising gas use has never been more important.

Research included spatial mapping and life cycle assessments to determine the potential of biomethane for the decarbonisation of the gas network. QUB was partnered by AFBI for the study, with support from The Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy and industry partners Phoenix Natural Gas, Agri-AD and Enerchem.

The study also found that CO2 emissions in Northern Ireland could be reduced by approximately 845,000 tonnes using biomethane produced via anaerobic digestion of livestock manure and underutilised grass silage.

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SGN Natural Gas ready for biomethane introduction as study shows decarbonisation benefits for NI

The estimation of over 6000 GWh worth of biomethane in Northern Ireland was a major finding. This would account for more than 80 per cent of Northern Ireland’s Gas Distribution Network demand, meaning there are considerably greater volumes of the renewable gas available than previously thought.

“At Queen’s, this is something we have been working on for many years and our latest study

“We are a country that has high agricultural intensity and there is huge scope to work closely with the sector to capture problematic emissions and redirect them to where they have greater value to the regional economy.

The SGN Natural Gas network will ultimately play a vital role in decarbonisation by helping to remove millions of tonnes of CO2 from the west of Northern Ireland, where oil and solid fuel use remains prevalent.

“Future work will more closely examine the costs as well as economic and environmental value.”

“This is a huge milestone which highlights the key role our infrastructure will play, particularly in Northern Ireland where levels of biomethane are higher than in other parts of the “Leveragingworld. these considerations and becoming a world leader in new, green energy is a very real opportunity for our region and one that excites us as an innovative utility infrastructure company.

David Butler, Director of SGN Natural Gas, commented: “At SGN Natural Gas, we are encouraging more customers to move away from heating their homes with oil and coal, while at the same time, working diligently on ways to further decarbonise Northern Ireland’s newest gas network for everyone’s benefit.

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highlights the unique opportunity we have in Northern Ireland.

With a vision for a carbon net-zero environment by 2050, the company’s innovative network is designed to ensure there is now a clear pathway to a fully decarbonised, cleaner fuel future for Northern Ireland that can deliver significant environmental benefits for the planet.

“We have shown that not only could 80 per cent of the current gas demand be displaced, but that the approach would also help to deal with other problematic emissions which impact water quality.

“Existing and prospective SGN Natural Gas customers can also take comfort in the knowledge that their boilers are ‘biomethaneready’, meaning no changes will be required to their “Importantly,set-ups.”we are working with our industry partners on the integration of zero-carbon fuels like biomethane into the network, which is expected later this year.

“Many of them have already taken the step of switching to natural gas, thereby playing their part in helping to reduce Northern Ireland’s carbon footprint.

“People not yet connected to the SGN Natural Gas network were also more than welcome to come along and enjoy the festivities, which we made completely free of charge.”

Another major component of the fun days was our biodiversity zone, which highlighted some of our recent and ongoing projects such as tree planting, beekeeping and the bug motels. Children were also given the opportunity to plant a seed of their own and grow it at Checkhome. out the following photo galleries to see some of the highlights from each fun day.

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SGN Natural Gas ‘Summer Daze’ fun days

Taking place on Saturdays across June, July and August, the fun days were staged in Omagh, Strabane, Cookstown, Dungannon, Enniskillen and Magherafelt. These events were open to everyone and included BBQs, ice cream vans, bouncy castles, amusement rides, children’s entertainment, games and much more - all at no cost to the Davidattendees!Butler, Director of SGN Natural Gas, commented: “With a combined turnout of over 2,500 people across the fun days, this was a wonderful opportunity for us to show our appreciation to those who live within our connectable towns.

SGN Natural Gas hosted a series of free fun days throughout the summer as a show of appreciation to all the amazing residents within the network area.

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