SGN NI - Forecast Capacity Statement - 2015

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Forecast Network Capacity Statement for Gas Year 2015/16 (1st Oct 2015 – 30th Sep 2016)

March 2015

Scotia Gas Networks Northern Ireland Limited Forecast Network Capacity Statement for Gas Year 2015/16 (1st Oct 2015 – 30th Sept 2016) 20th March 2015 1. Licence Obligation to publish a Forecast Network Capacity Statement As per licence condition 2.19 of the Scotia Gas Networks Northern Ireland (SGNNI) conveyance licence, SGNNI book and hold capacity on the Postalised Transmission Network for all shippers who operate within the SGNNI licence area.

2. Determining the forecast daily firm capacity for Gas Year 2015/2016 SGNNI Limited was awarded a distribution conveyance licence on 11th February 2015 as part of the “Gas to the West” project to develop low pressure gas infrastructure to convey gas to the towns specified within the licence. Work has commenced on the detailed design and construction phases of the project and the current best estimate is that gas wiIl start to flow in October 2016 (initially to Strabane). 4. Conclusion and recommendation As the current expectation is that there will be no gas flow until October 2016, it is recommended that no capacity be booked with the Transmission Operators for gas year 2015/16.

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