2 minute read
Publisher’s Point
Psalm 5:3 says, “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”
How many of us spent December 2020 waiting for 2021, expecting it to be much better than what we have dealt with over the last 12 months? If you want to raise your hand right alongside me, you can.
December was a month of many special things, but my eye was always on the calendar expecting that 2021 was going to be a year of change for all of us. We believe that it’s going to be a year that God is going to restore events and concerts and bring back people to church.
I was reminded over the holiday season about how this magazine has changed my life in so many ways. We celebrated 11 years of owning SGN Scoops magazine. It has been an incredible 11 years, and I have watched God put his hand upon our magazine and guide us through different transitions.
While many of us would love things to remain the same, God never intends us to get so firmly planted in the current that we are not looking forward to what he has in store for is in the future.
Through this coming year you will see many new writers and many new features with our magazine as we continue to grow. We will be incorporating new things, but be assured of this: we will never lose our core which is southern gospel music.
I want to challenge you over the next 30 days to pray and expect God to move in your life and in your ministry. This is your moment.
time in this industry – and I want to encourage you. As my dad used to say, if God is for us who can be against us!
I would love for you to join us for Creekside Revival March 24-27, 2021, in beautiful Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.
Also, I hope to see you in Oxford, Alabama, at Southern Gospel Weekend on March 18-20.

This is our year. Stand with me in agreement, and let’s pray for one another each day.