3 minute read
In Everything by Rhonda Frye
In Everything
By: Rhonda Frye
The late Andre’ Crouch asked a great question in the first line of his 70’s hit song, “My Tribute.” He asked, “How can I say thanks for the things you have done for me?” How do we say thank you appropriately to a blessed God who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places with Christ? I think a good place to start is focusing on the word “everything.”
I recently listened to a sermon by Jeremiah Bolich from Ephesians one. He gave a great illustration of what Paul meant in verse three regarding God blessing us with every spiritual blessing. He said something like… Remember when your mom would tell you to clean all your room and then a little while later she comes back to find you’ve only straightened a little? She then said, “I mean you better have every single thing picked up off of this floor by the time I get back!” When we dwell on who we are in Christ Jesus—the One who shares everything and even invites us to reign with Him in heavenly places, feelings of gratitude should bring us to our knees.
To be overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude is great, and I’m sure God appreciates those heart-felt attempts at saying thank you, but it isn’t enough. Scripture tells us that it is His will for us to choose thankfulness even when the going gets tough. I Thessalonians 5:18 says, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Here we see the exact same Greek word (pás) for everything. It focuses on the part(s) making up the whole, i.e. viewing the whole in terms of the individual parts—each and every. Paul is saying that we should rejoice and choose thankfulness in every single aspect of our lives—even the not so great parts.

Choosing thankfulness in everything is a tall order from the Apostle Paul, but let’s not forget his life was anything but peachy! How did he do it? How did he give thanks in everything? Paul was sure, convinced and determined to believe the simple truth that God is truly good. He knew that if his life were to completely fall apart, he would be okay. He learned to be content in whatever state he found himself living in, because at the end of the day, he knew Christ would strengthen him just enough to see him through. He had learned Christ could work through him most powerfully when he was at his weakest. He knew if he lost everything, even his life— to die would be his gain. Paul trusted Jesus with his life therefore, he was thankful for every single thing because he knew somehow God would eventually work it out for his good and God’s glory.
Paul gives a tall order, but it’s not impossible. The apostle Peter tells us God has given us everything (pas) we need to live a life that is pleasing to Christ. “By his divine power, God has given us everything

we need to live a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence” ( 2 Peter 1:3). Just think… the God who expects us to be thankful in everything gives us absolutely everything needed to do it! To God be the glory! Great things He has done and is still doing. So in everything, give thanks.