2 minute read
Publisher’s Point

As I opened up the notes on my phone to start writing this, in the background I heard people talking and flights being called to different locations throughout the country. I’m finishing up a trip that, in the past, I might have taken for granted.
But not this time.
I’ve enjoyed every minute of the last few weeks during our time in Oxford for Southern Gospel Weekend and also our time in Pigeon Forge for our brand new event Creekside Revival. If you missed Creekside Revival, you missed out on a special time! I encourage you to join us next year March 30-April 2, 2022.
The theme of Creekside Revival this year was don’t give up. Don’t quit. Although unplanned by us, it is still resonating in our hearts even now, weeks after the event. Night after night, we heard songs and testimonies that centered around this, all orchestrated by God who knows where we are and what we’ve been through. Yes, the last year has been full of struggles, and if we are all honest with each other, I’m sure at some point, we have all thought about quitting. Including me.
“So what stopped you?” a Creekside Revival participant asked after hearing that I had contemplated quitting. It caught me off guard. So what stopped me? I paused for a moment. This was my answer: I don’t think God is done with me.
So let me tell you something I learned over the last few weeks: God is not done with you yet. The circumstances may seem overwhelming. You may not have any idea of even how to begin again, but God‘s not done with you yet.
Those around you may be telling you to quit – but let me tell you, God‘s not done with you yet.
Your finances may look bleak, but let me tell you – don’t quit. God‘s not done with you yet.
I will tell you that when I left Creekside Revival, I felt more revived than I have in a long time. As my mind began to plan other events, create other opportunities, the joy returned to my heart.
I want to encourage you today with this reminder: the best comeback stories are from people who are flat on their backs and who don’t have anywhere to turn. I want to hear your comeback story. I want to hear how you didn’t give up, how you didn’t quit, and how God used you. If you’re willing to share your story with our readers, please email us at editor@sgnscoops.com.
to invite you to the event that started it all: Creekside 2021, October 24-28 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. I believe that it is going to be a life-changing five days, and I want you to be there. Over the next few months we will be announcing the preachers and the artists. I want to encourage you to book your hotel room as early as possible as we feel we are going to sell out. So please call me at 425-754-1147.
Until next time, this is The Publisher’s Point.