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DJ Spotlight with Chris Fritz
DJ Spotlight
Chris Fritz
Chris Fritz is the go-to guy to get your morning started off right if you’re a New Life Radio listener (WCLC 105.1/WGSN 90.7 Jamestown and Newport, Tennessee). This morning show DJ does more than just spin some tunes – he hopes to encourage his listeners with the truth about Jesus Christ.
SCOOPS: Tell us about yourself:
CHRIS FRITZ: I am 51, have a wife, and two kids (ages 12 and 9). I also teach at a Christian School and do some work for my church. I am pursuing a master’s degree in Seminary currently. I grew up in Kingsport, Tennessee, but moved to Jamestown, Tennessee 20 years ago for ministry reasons.
SCOOPS: How did you get into radio?
CF: When I moved to Jamestown in 2001, one of the jobs I was asked to do was radio. I started working as a DJ for the first time then and I have been doing it ever since. I love Southern Gospel music, both the classic stuff and the new stuff as well. I really enjoy the morning shift. I like the idea that I am helping people get going in the morning! Yes, I am a morning person.
SCOOPS: If you could interview anyone in history, who would it be and why?
CF: Well, I would have to say Jesus, I mean, come on! Not just His life on earth but I could ask Him questions about creating the universe! And, hey, wouldn’t you like to know if He ever played a prank on the disciples?! Lol
SCOOPS: When people listen to your radio show, what are two things you want them to take away from their time with you on the radio? CF: That’s tough to narrow it to two. I want them to be encouraged both through the music itself and the message of truth that it carries. The message has such robust meaning for so much of life compared to the emptiness found in secular music. Similar to that, I want to inform them or remind them that Christianity really is true and God and His Word (and what It says about Jesus) are the foundation to build, not just their life on, but the very day they are listening – those are the foundation for this very day. I think the sound of Southern Gospel is a great vehicle for the best message in the world.

SCOOPS: Tell us a story about an artist or a fan who has impacted your life because of your time in southern gospel radio:
CF: Well, I can’t just name one song or artist, but many have impacted me for sure. But I am reminded of a day a listener called and told me how the Ken Hamm spots we play every day during the morning shift had totally changed his thinking and, thus, his life. I was blown away by that and it reminded me how important Christian radio is. Unlike just playing songs or telling a joke, which you can get from secular radio, the things we DJ’s say, the songs we play, and the ministry spots or programs we air each day hold the potential to impact someone’s life in a major way, through the power of Christ! Now isn’t that a pretty cool job?!
by Scoops Staff