Newsletter sgp moldova, January 2016

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NEWSLETTER January 2016

GEF Small Grants Programme Moldova

Summary This is with gratitude to launch the SGP Moldova newsletter, as a way of disseminating and increasing our project’s visibility in terms of carried out activities, managed funds and implemented projects. The bellow newsletter focuses on the activities carried out within the GEF Small Grants Programme Moldova, as well as within the project "Strengthening Environmental Governance by Building the Capacity of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)" funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and delivered by the GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP) in 2015.

GEF SGP Thinking Globally Acting Locally

The described activities are related to the EU-NGOs and GEF SGP grants management, programme’s outreach and workshop activities.

Inside this issue:  Press Club “Climate change— addressing the post COP21”  GEF SGP and EU-NGOs grants management  SGP Moldova at Civic Fest and UN Fair 2015  Trainings organized by SGP for NGOs  Environmental NGOs Forum in Moldova  SGP Publications

Environmental NGOs Forum

About SGP Moldova The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP) was launched in Moldova in 2012 and awarded so far 10 grants, with a total value is USD 397,665. This amount was supplemented with a co-financing of USD 436,377 (USD 277,202 in cash and USD 159,175 in kind). SGP Moldova provides financial and technical support directly to NGOs and CBOs for activities aimed at conserving and restoring the environment, that contribute to the enhancement of people’s well-being and community empowerment. The funded pro-jects involved a combi-nation of the following components: capacity building; demonstration or piloting of community income generating activities to support environmental objectives; awareness raising and information dissemination. The projects’ beneficiaries are mainly the local communities, as well as the NGOs and CBOs in the implementation areas.

The GEF Small Grants Programme Operational Phase 6 Country Strategy Development The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP) provides nongovernmental and community-based organizations (NGOs/CBOs) in developing countries with grants to enable them to tackle global environmental challenges while ad-dressing local sustainable development needs. SGP is a GEF corporate programme, implemented by UNDP and executed by UNOPS. SGP Moldova started financing pro-jects in 2013. Since then, it has succeeded in funding and providing technical support for more than 11 grant projects. In its 6th Operational Phase (OP6) which will be under implementation from 2015 to 2018, SGP has the following objective: “to support the creation of global environmental benefits and safeguard the global environment through community and local solutions that complement and add value to national and global level action”. The key components or “strategic initiatives” which are multi-focal in character and that will guide SGP grant-making in OP6 are: Community landscape/seascape conservation; Climate smart innovative agro-ecology; Low carbon energy access cobenefits; Local to global chemical management coalitions; CSO-government policy and planning dialogue platforms; Promoting social inclusion; Global reach for citizen practice based knowledge programme. Countries will be able to prioritize and select from among these strategic initiatives based on national priorities and following country level multi-stakeholder consultations. In Moldova the Strategy will be developed by the Public Association “National Environmental Center” in partnership with Public Association “EcoContact”, in a tight co-operation with various relevant stakeholders at the national and local levels.

The Press Club "Climate Change – COP21 post approach"

The Paris Agreement – an insurance policy for everybody The climate change phenomenon is a daily issue, practically in all countries of the world. Republic of Moldova is not an exception. Ms. Dafina Gercheva, the UN Resident Coordinator / UNDP Resident Representative in Moldova, along with the members of ministerial delegations, led by Mr. Valeriu Munteanu, Minister of Environment talked about the global and national commitments following the adoption of the Paris Agreement on December 12, 2015, at a press club dedicated to climate change. The Press Club "Climate Change – COP21 post approach" was organized by the Association of Journalists for Environmental and Ecological Tourism from the Republic of Moldova (PA AJMTEM) in partnership with the Small Grants Program of the Global Environment Facility, UNDP Moldova and Ministry of Environment. The press club took place with the participation of Ms. Dafina Gercheva, UN Resident Coordinator / UNDP Resident Representative, Mr. Valeriu Munteanu, Minister of Environment, Ms. Inga Podoroghin, Head of Department for Policies Analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation, Ministry of Environment, Ms. Stela Drucioc, Carbon Finance Unit Administrator, Ministry of Environment; Mr. Vasile Scorpan; manager of Climate Change Office, Ministry of Environment. Ms. Dafina Gercheva, the UN Resident Coordinator / UNDP Resident Representative, noted “Climate change is different from other challenges. The damage is irreversible. Glaciers melt cannot be re-frozen, extinct species cannot be revived and neighbouring areas flooded cannot be reconstructed exactly as they were. Action on climate change is more urgent than anything else", thus mentioning that the Agreement represents a triumph of democracy, and compared it with an "insurance policy for the planet". The 2015 year proved to be an unprecedented opportunity for the world to change its way, by adopting an inclusive development path, sustainable and resilient. In line with the undertaken commitments, Mr. Valeriu Munteanu, Minister of Environment, mentioned that Moldova has two ways in reducing the pollution index. The first one – the unconditional reduction with planned policies, which consist in reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases by 64%-67% compared to year 1990; and the second one – the conditional reduction, which consists in reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases by 80%. In both cases, the country will need substantial financial support in the amount of 1.3 and 3.7 billion US dollars for the period 2016-2020, and 4-8.6 billion US dollars for the period 2020-2030.

COP21 COP stands for Conference of Parties, an annual meeting of all nations that make up the United Nations Framework on Climate Change - 195 nations in total. The purpose of the meetings is to continually assess the nations' progress in dealing with climate change and, every so often, negotiate agreements and set goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions that are the primary drivers of climate change.

The UN R esident Coordinator / UNDP Resident Representative in Moldova and the Minister of Environment at the Press Club “Climate Change—COP21 post approach”

The Paris Agreement – an insurance policy for everybody (continued) Even if the agreement is considered a historical one, Mr. Vasile Scorpan, the manager of Climate Change Office, explained that it does not provide for any sanctioning mechanisms if one of the signatory states is not fulfilling its obligations and has no incentives for the countries that are respecting the undertaken commitments. However, it is in the interest of every country to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases to save the planet. Although, Moldova does not have a high pollution index relative to the global situation, it is directly affected by climate change. Among the risks affecting the country, according to Mr. Vasile Scorpan, it is worth mentioning: lack of drinking water, drying indigenous tree species, extinction of fauna and flora species, desertification, decreased agricultural production and others.

UN Climate Change Conference

About 60% of greenhouse emissions are caused by thermal energy, electricity and transport, on the second place – the growing agriculture with 10-12%, the industry produces about 10% of emissions, and environmental waste 8-10%. A way of reducing these risks would be to increase the areas covered by forests, to diversify the energy sources. One of the biggest issues is the unauthorized waste. In Moldova, there are only two authorized landfills, from Balti city, and Tintareni village, Anenii-Noi district, which together are responsible for 8-10 % of greenhouse gases emissions. The Paris Agreement will be signed on April 22, 2016, on the Earth Day, in New York. The signing procedure will last until April 21, 2017, after which each state will have to ratify the agreement at the national level. The process will take place until 2020. The document is based on the provisions that will help to mitigate—reduce emissions, fast enough to reach the target temperature and create a global uptake stock for combating climate change; adapt the capacity of countries to deal with climate change to strengthen the recovery capacity as a result of climate change; to support – including financially.

EU-NGOs project in Modova Since 2014, SGP Moldova delivers the EU-funded project “Strengthening the environmental governance by building the capacity of Non-governmental organizations (EU-NGO Project)”. The project aims at promoting sustainable development and improving environ -mental management in the tar-get countries from EU Neighbourhood regions of the European Union, through more effective civil society participation in environ-mental governance. The specific objective of the project is to build the capacities of NGOs in selected countries to the East and to the South of the European Union to engage in environ-mental governance.

Opening of the Environmental NGOs Forum

Environmental NGOs Forum 2015 According to the organizers, the aim of the Forum is to strengthen the cooperation within the environmental NGO sector, which will ensure their active participation in the process of bringing environmental quality to European standards and rational use of natural resources through the maintenance of the Moldova's European integration vector. The Forum’s objectives are to exchange experience and establish partnerships, to determine the position of the environmental NGO sector in the field of European integration in the environmental sector, to create dialogue in applying the principles of participatory environmental assessment. Moreover, there were held several workshops where the participants presented successful projects implemented by NGOs present at the forum, identifying and putting forward solutions for the challenges faced by the environmental association in their activities, establishing a transparent dialogue with development partners, including the GEF Small Grants Programme.

Participants of the Environmental NGOs Forum

Training on Lobby and Advocacy for Environmental NGOs

The participants attending the session on Project Proposal Writing


trainings for environmental

In November and December 2015, the GEF SGP organized two training sessions on capacity building for environmental NGOs in Moldova. The sessions on the development of project proposals, were delivered by the GEF Small Grants Programme and co-funded by EU-NGOs Project ”Strengthening Environmental Governance by Building the Capacity of non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)”, funded by the European Union, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Over 50 representatives of environ-mental NGOs participating in these sessions were trained in Project Proposal Writing (November 24 to 25, 2015 and December 8 to 9, 2015), thus contributing to strengthening the NGOs capacities to develop ideas and translate them into projects, in the format requested by the donor to be eligible and to secure funding opportunities. The training offered also tips and tricks in communication with partners and potential donors. This part was very helpful for the participants. The trainer used exercises to discuss and brainstorm new ideas for GEF projects. An important instance was to help the participants to link the projects with local businesses and develop sustainable activity that would continue after the project ends. Participants reached the conclusion that in order to seriously address the problem of ineffective waste management system in the country, yet another awareness campaign would not achieve the goal against a lack of waste management infrastructure (storage and recycling, collecting facilities and transportation). Therefore the efforts need to be channelled towards engaging with local authorities in order to take real action in this regards. Trainees had to understand that public pressure generated by civic mobilization is crucial in order to make authorities take action. Equally, participants were encouraged to look into the opportunities of a possible coalition of NGOs active in protecting environment. Most participants were eager to learn how to develop a project that would be helpful for the nature and community, and to ensure its relevance in accordance with GEF’s requirements. Training has raised the interest of many NGOs in the GEF’s areas and motivated them to apply to the GEF Small Grants Programme. At the end of the sessions, each participant received a certificate of participation.

On November 18 to 19, and 26, 2015, a training session on Lobby and Advocacy was delivered for 34 civic activists from across the country striving to build capacity of NGOs active in the area of environment protection. The group analysed the little impact of national media campaigns (specifically use of billboards, TV advertisement, etc.) as these require too much money and by throwing a wide net it is easy to miss the target audience. During the training session, participants were introduced to the concept of Guerrilla Marketing and had a practical assignment to develop a Lobby&Advocacy set of actions to promote the necessary legal reform for a sustainable waste management reform in the country. Further participants learned about the concept of direct communication with citizens, based on the door to door mechanics, use questionnaires to identify local issues, engage with the community and find supporters and potential civic activists. Following a very enthusiastic reaction of participants with regard to the direct communication cycle, a field exercise has been conducted in Cricova town for 15 civic activists that participated in the main training session. Trainees learned in action how to talk to people, overcome fear and embarrassment, use the principles of message box to ensure the effort was effective.

The UN Fair in Chisinau On the day of its 70th anniversary, the United Nations organized a fair in Chisinau to celebrate together with the people of Moldova. Over 300 visitors discovered directly from the source all about the activity of UN agencies and projects in Moldova.

Ms. Lilia Curchi is presenting the EU-NGOs project implemented by Journalists Association of Environmental and Ecological Tourism in Moldova (PA AJMTEM)

SGP Moldova at the UN FAIR GEF SGP Moldova, along with its grantees attended the United Nations Fair, on October 24, 2015, organized on its 70th anniversary in the National Library of the Republic of Moldova. Among the discussed topics such issues as gender equality, green energy, volunteering opportunities, recycling, and information regarding different UN activities, ranging from justice, defence and promotion of human rights, to economic development, social inclusion, energy efficiency and cli-mate change can be high-lighted. The UN Fair gathered also NGO representatives, including those whose project was or is implemented through the GEF Small Grants Programme - EU-NGOs grantees: Journalists Association of Environmental and Ecological Tour-ism in Moldova (PA AJMTEM); PA Ecological Movement in Moldova (PA MEM); PA Moldovan Environmental Governance Academy (PA MEGA); SGP grantees: PA First Aid Centre.

SGP Moldova at CIVIC Fest 2015— Moldova for Citizens

CIVIC Fest 2015— Moldova for Citizens The festival is a platform to promote best practices and success stories that come to spur positive change in the social, economic and political fields in Republic of Moldova.

SGP Moldova team, along with its grantees attended the international festival "CIVIC FEST: Moldova for citizens", that took place on September 26, 2015 at the open air theatre, Cultural Reservation Orheiul Vechi, Butuceni. The festival gathered NGO representatives, presenting their projects in fields such as social entrepreneurship, social inclusion, women's participation and leadership, food security and the environment, plus social activism involving young people. At the festival, Journalists Association of Environmental and Ecological Tourism in Moldova (PA AJMTEM) representatives presented a master-class based on recycled paper—manually made bookmarks.

Group picture of some visitors at CIVIC Fest

About EU-NGOs project in Moldova The EU-NGOs Project “Strengthening Environmental Governance by Building the Capacity of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)” is a global initiative, implemented by UNDP. It promotes sustainable development and improved environmental management by building internal and external capacities of NGOs and civil society organizations (CSOs) to participate in environmental policy formulation, natural resource management and decisionmaking. Since, 2012, the EU-NGOs Project has supported 13 countries to the East and South of the European Union, with over 60 projects promoting effective civil society participation in environmental governance. The programme started its first phase in eight countries: Armenia, Belarus, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Tunisia and Ukraine. Five additional countries joined during the second phase of the project in 2014: Algeria, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and

Strengthening Environmental Governance by Building the Capacity of Non-Governmental Organizations During 2014-2016, SGP Moldova is implementing the EU-NGOs project "Strengthening environmental governance through capacity building of NGOs”. By providing small-scale finance to NGO-led projects that focus on strengthening the internal and external capacities of NGOs, the EU-NGOs Project supports informed and skilful civil society participation in environmental governance through trainings, structured policy dialogues, and multi-stakeholder workshops. It further promotes coordination and knowledge exchange among NGOs and other partners to generate a wider influence on civil society capacity to engage with governments in the tasks and activities of environmental governance. It is worth mentioning that, currently, 6 EU-NGOs grantees are implementing their projects. These grantees are: PA Moldovan Environmental Governance Academy (PA MEGA), Republican Association for the Study of Environmental and Quaternary Period in Moldova (PA INQUA-Moldova), PA Ecological Movement in Moldova (PA MEM), Association of Journalists for Environment and Eco Tourism from Republic of Moldova (PA AJMTEM); PA Eco Counselling Centre Cahul (PA CCE Cahul), PA EcoContact. 200.000 US $ of financial resources from European Union were used to finance projects in the field of capacity building, pursuing the following objectives: external and internal capacity building of NGOs; development of professional skills in the field of environmental governance; civil society’s capacity building to get involved along with the government in the environmental task assignments and implementation of activities.


MS. Lilia Curchi presenting the EU-NGOs project at CIVIC Fest 2015—Moldova for Citizens

Journalists Gala 2015

Ms Lilia Curchi—nominated as the Journalist of the Year

The Journalists Gala 2015 is an annual competition organized by the Centre for Independent Journalism. This year the gala was at its 21st edition. The main purpose of it is to contribute by all means to strengthening the professional journalism, to support and encourage the efforts of journalists to make qualitative press release, adhering to the international professional standards.

Designation of the Journalist of the Year for ecological theme Ms. Lilia Curchi, the executive director of the PA AJMTEM, EU-NGOs grantee, was named the Journalist of the Year for addressing environmental topics, at Gala 2015, being appreciated for her journalistic work in the magazine "Nature". Ms. Lilia Curchi, in her speech at the gala, testified that it is an honour for her to be named the Journalist of the Year and in future, she will make greater efforts to disseminate environmental information, inviting her peers to address environmental issues, too.

Official Alert app. and the first civic journalism hackathon in Moldova “The fifth power” The Journalists Association of Environmental and Ecological Tourism in Moldova (PA AJMTEM), co-funded by the EU-NGOs programme has launched the applicaThe Official Alert app. launching tion Official Alert – a tool that facilitates the access to the official news, as an additional activity realized within the project “National Environmental Agenda: through communication towards better environmental governance”. The application’s purpose is to facilitate the work of journalists, and to increase the citizens' access to official information. The application is connected to 38 official institutions, including minis-tries, the government, the parliament, and other public institutions. Thus, those who subscribe to alerts will be notified whenever one of the official pages is updated. At the moment, the e-mail subscription is possible via the website, as well as using the Official Alert application on android, the application is available on Google Play and is free. Meanwhile, it is working on iOS app that will be available in apx. four weeks. The journalists are the target audience of the application. However, the application is available to the general public as well, since anyone who uses the application is being informed about the work of public institutions. The project’s authors are Ms. Lilia Curchi and Ms. Cristina Straton – the representatives of EU-NGOs grantee PA AJMTEM. The project Official Alert became possible thanks to a grant won in the first civic journalism hackathon in Moldova "The fifth power", organized by the Centre for Independent Journalism in Moldova and Internews.

The awarded journalists attending the annual Environmental Journalist Award Ceremony

The Environmental Journalist Award The Environmental Journalists Award – event organized by EU-NGO grantee, the Journalists Association of Environmental and Ecological Tourism in Moldova (PA AJMTEM) of 29.10.2015, has been launched in 2013 to consolidate journalism and motivate Moldovan media to address environmental issues. PA AJMTEM has awarded eight journalists from national and local print media categories / online and radio / TV for environmental materials produced during February to October 2015. The subjects addressed by journalists reflected environmental issues that are also part of the environmental agenda, included in Chapter XVI of Moldova-EU Association Agreement. The objective of the contest is to give importance and prestige to environmental journalism, to stimulate journalists concerned about environment into fully professional environmental approach, promoting the environment chapter of the Association Agreement, investigating environmental issues. The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Environment, UNDP Moldova, the GEF SGP, which appreciated the media efforts to reflect environmental issues. "Undoubtedly, the media plays an important role in raising awareness on environmental issues. We are pleased to see increased interest from journalists in this complex field. On this occasion, I would like to thank you for investigations and articles on the undergoing and necessary reforms on environmental governance, and pointing out the aspects of depletion and degradation of natural resources, water pollution, biodiversity loss, climate change, disaster risk reduction", mentioned Ms. Silvia Pana-Carp, the Environmental Analyst at UNDP Moldova. The event has been organized within the PA AMJTEM’s project “National Environmental Agenda: through communication towards better environmental governance”, financed within the programme "Strengthening Environmental Governance by Building the Capacity of non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), funded by the European Union, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and delivered by GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP).

Water Map in Moldova

“Water Map for the ATU Gagauzia� - a result of collaboration between PA MEGA and PA INQUA-Moldova The access of the population to safe drinking water is one of the most compelling social and public health problems of the Republic of Moldova. The water used in the diet causes up to 20-25% of cases of acute diarrhea and viral Hepatitis A (HAV) and about 25 - 30% of somatic diseases. Research conducted by the Academy of Sciences, the National Centre for Preventive Medicine and the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu" demonstrates that in our country the groundwater is over-mineralized, has an increased hardness and is polluted by nitrates. The drinking water composition as well as each chemical in part have an impact on health. Water samples were taken from 60 wells of ATU Gagauzia and chemical tests have been carried out, as a result of which the concentration of nitrates, fluorine, fixed residue, sulphates, chloride, total hardness were established. The selected wells will be marked, throughout the route, with information about the quality of water in 4 languages. Map of these wells will be available in the eco- ethno centre, which will be located in Comrat and on the following websites: and

Special editions of “Natura” magazine published by PA Ecological Movement in Moldova

Special editions of NATURA periodical PA Ecological Movement in Moldova (PA MEM) has elaborated 6 special editions during the implementation of its project “Monitoring for better environmental governance” within the “Strengthening Environmental Governance by Building the Capacity of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)”, funded by the European Union, Implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and delivered by the GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP). The respective periodical reproduce the current public consultations in the environmental field, for representatives of civil society and other stakeholders in order to disseminate information on environmental consultative processes. Moreover, it is a tool, which comes to facilitate the monitoring and evaluation of environmental policies developed by the public authorities, being disseminated to more than 215 NGOs. At the same time, within the project “Conservation of Biodiversity in the Prut River basin”, financed by the Global Environment Facility and delivered by the Small Grants Programme, the PA MEM, elaborated and published 4 more special editions of “Natura” magazine. This special edition comes to disseminate the information regarding the policymakers directly involved in lobbying and promoting the Wetland status for selected areas, the citizens rights and obligations related to environment, as well as the benefits of Wetland creation.

SGP Publications Green Energy for Everybody

The republication of the brochure “Green Energy for Everybody” by PA First Aid Centre within the project “The promotion of demonstration and development of lowcarbon technology transfer by implementing the autonomous street lightning system with solar cells and LED lamps”, delivered by the GEF Small Grants Programme. The main objective was to promote the demonstration of new technologies with law car-bon emissions, by implementing an autonomous public lighting system, which has been highly appreciated during the Sarajevo Conference in 2013, getting the highest award at international level in the environmental protection field, within t he con-test “Energy Globe National Award 2014”. The guide “Green Energy for Everybody” is an informational material which ensures the continuity of the project, by coming up with energy solutions for a better life.

Water quality monitoring based on aquatic macroinvertebrates The brochure “Water quality monitoring based on aquatic macroinvertebrates” prepared by the PA National Environmental Centre with the support of the GEF Small Grants Programme, is presenting the macro-invertebrates as indicators of quality water in Moldovan rivers, playing a major role in biological monitoring. The brochure includes different groups of aquatic macroinvertebrates as indicators of water quality: insects, crustaceans, gastropods and bivalve molluscs, oligochaetes, leeches. Monitoring these organisms provides a clear picture of water quality over the past few months, and also can indicate whether the targeted river can provide a viable habitat and adequate living conditions in the greatest extent possible. The present guide so important and necessary for the local population, local communities, youth, volunteers, could contribute to changing the level of ecological culture, populations’ mentality regarding the rational use of natural resources, including the aquatic ones, as a natural environment and vital source for present and future generations, bringing a precious service of nature protection in general.

Innovative eco-technologies in your community

The brochure “Innovative eco-technologies in your community” has been published within the project “First Regional Ecological Centre of Social Innovation: promotion of ecological technologies for the sustainable development in Moldova” by PA ORMAX, financed by GEF Small Grants Programme and implemented by UNDP Moldova. At present, in the Republic of Moldova, the use of solar energy is in the recovery phase. In 2013, NGO ORMAX has opened the Ecological Centre of Social Innovations, where an ecological workshop operates, building various solar technologies (solar collectors, dryers, ovens and solar greenhouses). By 2015, it managed to build and install more than 100 solar stations, promoting in this way the innovative eco-technologies and the use of renewable solar energy. Thus, the guide includes interesting things regarding the sustainable development, soil and water protection, the use of renewable solar energy, from the point of view of simple enthusiasts, for whom the environmental protection and the use of renewable solar energy through innovative technologies became a vital solution regarding the ecological, social and economic issues.

The GEF Small Grants Programme Moldova For more information, please contact us on: 29, Sfatul Tarii str. Chisinau, MD-2012 Republic of Moldova Phone: +373 22 839876 Fax: +373 22 839876 Innovative eco technologies - solar collectors for water heating installed in the Museum “Muzeul Fermierului�. Activity realized by NGO ORMAX, within the project financed by the GEF SGP and implemented by UNDP


6 ha nursery with seedlings in the Ramsar Area "Lower Dniester", created within the project implemented by SE Biotica "Formation of National Ecological Network - contribution to local and national level", financed by the GEF SGP, and implemented by UNDP .

Call of Proposals The GEF SGP Moldova is expected to announce in February 2016 another round of selection for project proposals from NGOs and community organizations. The maximum amount of a grant is 50 000 USD. The project must provide cofinancing of at least 50% of the total project value, of which approximately 50% in cash and 50% in kind. For more information, kindly access

Environmental monitoring conducted by secondary school students from Dereneu village (Calarasi district). Activity realized by PA National Environmental Center within the project funded by the GEF SGP, and implemented by UNDP

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