Newsletter 04212014

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Undergraduate Newsletter

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Table of Contents Semester at a Glance January 15 Classes begin

January 20 No classes/campus closed (Martin Luther King Day) January 23 Last day to add classes without instructor’s signature February 11 Last day to drop classes without notation on transcript March 15-March 23 No classes (Spring Break) May 7 Last Day of Classes May 8 Reading Day May 9-15 Final Exams

SGPP Scholarships


May 2014 Graduation




SGPP Funding Opportunity


Internship Opportunity


Non-SGPP Internship


Job Opportunity


Scholarship Opportunities


Campus Events




Academic Advising


Receive updates posted directly to Facebook & Twitter!


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SGPP Scholarships

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May 2014 Graduation GRADUATING


If you are graduating this May you can still apply for degree candidacy, but a $50.00 late candidacy application fee will now be assessed. For detailed instructions on how to initiate your paperwork, please visit our degree check page.

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Reminder May 2014 Graduation

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Reminder Dear Juniors and Seniors, We have partnered with Career Services to give our junior and senior majors access to Wildcat Joblink. Wildcat JobLink is a state-of-the-art career management tool, offering UA students access to jobs, internships, and a range of other services including campus interviewing and resume referrals. To access JobLink, please visit the Career Services website at https:// All you need is your NETID and password to login and take advantage of these great services. Why is SGPP only funding juniors and seniors to have access to JobLink? The funding comes from SGPP Program Fees, which only our junior and senior majors pay. If you are a freshman or sophomore, you are welcome to register and pay the annual $5 fee out of pocket. Visit https:// to register. I will be a junior at the end of the current semester. When can I have access?

SGPP will be requesting access for any students who have reached 60+ credits each semester after the census date (the 21st day of the semester). So, if you will have 60+ completed credits at the end of this semester, you will be granted access next semester after the census date. If you have any questions, please email

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SGPP Funding Opportunity Dear Students, The School of Government and Public Policy has funding available to sponsor eligible students to enroll in a 100-hour Teaching English as a Foreign Language certification program this summer. This certification may be of particular interest to students planning careers in international relations or foreign affairs. Benefits of TEFL Certification 

Once certified, get international experience by teaching English abroad

Teaching experience looks great on a resume (shows leadership, communication and organizational skills, not to mention to ability to successfully work with people who might not speak your language)

Become more competitive for international careers and/or Peace Corps

To apply for funding, please visit our website: content/english-teacher-training Funding Application Deadline: Thursday, May 1, 2014 @ 9:00 a.m. Questions? Contact

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Internship Opportunity

Looking for other internship opportunities? Check out our SGPP Internships page for a comprehensive list of internships, instructions on how to enroll, and more!

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Non-SGPP Internship Life Skills Training and Enhancement Program The psychology clinic has established a community service agency that provides undergraduate mentors & life skills trainers to school-aged youth with emotional and/or behavioral problems. The vast majority of these children are from a minority group living in poverty in Tucson and are struggling with a variety of emotional and behavior problems. We are currently accepting applications for Fall semester. As a LifeSTEP (Life Skills Training and Enhancement Program) provider, you would be meeting with your assigned youth about once a week for about 4 hours each time. Activities might include going to the movies, getting an ice cream, going bowling or spending time at a park, etc (you would be reimbursed for your expenses including gas). You would receive 3 units of internship credit (293, 393 or 493 depending on your U of A status), and you would have the opportunity to receive training in this area. If you are interested (and will be 21 years old by August 26), please complete the attached application located at this link http:// Email the completed application to by May 5. I look forward to hearing from you - Julie Julie Feldman, Ph.D. Department of Psychology University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 (520)621-7447

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Job Opportunity Become a Recycling Ambassador for Greening the Game! For Fall 2014 $8.00/hour APPLICATION DUE THURSDAY, APRIL 24TH, 2014 at 5pm. Interviews will be held Monday April 28th to Monday May 5th. Greening the Game is an initiative run through Students for Sustainability, an ASUA program. The goal of this program are to reach out to fans and educate them during tailgating and to clean the stadiums after the game. This is a fun and a hands on job that will teach students about how to be educational leaders and inform them about sustainable initiatives on the UA Campus. PLEASE FILL OUT THE APPLICATION AT: d/1z8B4Qx9ih8fcFy_Fi35g_I5S54IUO9niHu_LoejSDNo/viewform <> <> For more information visit< If you have any questions, please send them to Kyle McGowan at<

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Scholarship Opportunities

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Scholarship Opportunities

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Campus Events

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Campus Events

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Announcements GRE Workshops Information The Graduate College encourages students to prepare for the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) through formal or informal instruction and study, as appropriate to the individual. For those students seeking professional assistance, one option to consider is a workshop led by Michael Flynn, Executive Director of Grad Pros Educational Consulting. Mr. Flynn has facilitated GRE workshops on the UA campus since 2000 and has received consistently positive feedback. There are three components to this workshop.


practice tests


group instruction


extra help from the instructor

Additional Information: Dates: The Fall 2014 workshop is designed to be completed over 4 days, as noted below. As new material is presented in each class, students need to commit to attending all four days of the workshop. The workshop is held on the UA campus. 路

Saturday, September 20 (9 AM to 5 PM)

Sunday, September 21 (9 AM to 1 PM)

Saturday, October 18 (9 AM to 5 PM)

Sunday, October 19 (9 AM to 1 PM)

Cost: $250 To request a seat in the workshop, please contact Michael Flynn by email: In addition to your full name and phone number, please include the following information about your affiliation with UA and your plans to take the GRE: A) Current UA students: indicate your year in school (junior, senior, graduate student, etc.) and expected GRE test date. Note: you may be asked to show your UA Cat Card at the first workshop. B) UA alumni: indicate your graduation date and expected GRE test date.

C) UA staff: indicate your title, department, and expected GRE test date. D) Community members: indicate your expected GRE test date. Class size is limited and registration is prioritized in the order indicated above. Please consider the interests of others and only request a seat in the workshop if you can fully commit to attending all four scheduled class meetings and plan to take the GRE soon after completing the workshop (within a month or so). Additional questions may be directed to Stephanie Adamson in the UA Graduate College. For information about the UA Testing Office, visit Students seeking alternative GRE instruction or preparation assistance for other graduate admission exams should consider the Think Tank.

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Job Opportunities Announcements

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Announcements Sociology Courses Summer 2014. Students interested in enrolling in: SOC 274 – Social Statistics, SOC 275 – Social Research Methods SOC 300 – Sources Sociological Theory Please submit a core course registration request form at:

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Academic Advising Academic Advising Info

To see your Academic Advisor click here for their contact information. You can also schedule an appointment with your advisor

by logging into SBS WiseAdvising here.

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