Undergraduate Newsletter
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Table of Contents Semester at a Glance January 13 Classes begin January 18 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, no classes January 21 Last day to add classes via UAccess & without instructor signature January 22 - Begin $25 course late drop fee - Change of schedule form required to add a class with instructor signature January 27 - Last day to drop classes without ‘W’ notation on transcript - Must submit by 2 PM SGPP Internship Spring 2016 application. January 28 Any classes dropped as of today will receive a notation of “W” on transcript February 1 Deadline to apply for graduation/degree candidacy for Fall 2015 February 3 Last day to add units before $250 late fee. February 9 Last day to file Grade Replacement Opportunity (GRO) March 8 Last Day to change classes with only instructor signature, after today, need a petition with the instructor’s and Dean’s signature March 12-20 Spring Recess March 29 Last Day to withdraw from a class via UAccess May 4 Last Day of Classes & last day to submit complete withdrawal from UA May 5 Reading Day May 6-12 Final Exams
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Academic Advising Offices
May 2016 Graduation
Internship Opportunities
Job Opportunities
Academic Advising
Click here for all Fall 2016 dates
*If you are no longer an SGPP undergraduate student and would like to be removed from this listserv, please email SBS-sgppadvising@email.arizona.edu.
Receive updates posted directly to Facebook & Twitter!
Academic Advising has MOVED!
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May 2016 Graduation The College of Social and Behavioral Sciences May 2016 Convocation Recognition Ceremony SBS Convocation information can be found at this link: https://web.sbs.arizona.edu/spring-convocationrecognition-ceremony
SBS Convocation Recognition Ceremony McKale Center at 2 PM Saturday, May 14, 2016 Ceremony RSVP at this link: https://web.sbs.arizona.edu/spring-convocationrecognition-ceremony.
The RSVP link will close May 6th at 11:59 p.m.
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May 2016 Graduation
If you are graduating this May the deadline for degree candidacy applications was February 1. A $50.00 late candidacy application fee will now be assessed. Detailed instructions on how to initiate your paperwork, can be found on the SGPP DEGREE CHECK page.
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May 2016 Graduation
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Reminders Dear Juniors and Seniors,
We have partnered with Career Services to give our junior and senior majors access to Wildcat Joblink. Wildcat JobLink is a state-of-the-art career management tool, offering UA students access to jobs, internships, and a range of other services including campus interviewing and resume referrals.
To access JobLink, please visit the Career Services website at https:// www.career.arizona.edu/joblink. All you need is your NETID and password to login and take advantage of these great services.
Why is SGPP only funding juniors and seniors to have access to JobLink? The funding comes from SGPP Program Fees, which only our junior and senior majors pay. If you are a freshman or sophomore, you are welcome to register and pay the annual $5 fee out of pocket. Visit https://www.career.arizona.edu/joblink to register.
I will be a junior at the end of the current semester. When can I have access? SGPP will be requesting access for any students who have reached 60+ credits each semester after the census date (the 21st day of the semester). So, if you will have 60+ completed credits at the end of this semester, you will be granted access next semester after the census date. If you have any questions, please email ahackett@email.arizona.edu .
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Summer and Fall Internship Applications Deadlines
Summer 2016 application deadlines Pre-session- Internship credit is not available during pre-session
Summer Session 1 - Wednesday, June 1, 2016 by 2:00 pm Summer Session 2 - Wednesday, July 6, 2016 by 2:00 pm
Fall 2016 application deadline Thursday, September 1, 2016 by 2:00 pm
Summer Session 2016 Pre-Session: May 16 - June 4 Session 1: June 6 - July 7 Session 2: July 11 - August 10 For more information contact: The Office of Summer & Winter Session Administration Building 221G Phone: 520-626-8200 or 1-800-457-3349
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Internship Opportunities Internship Opportunities! Check out the SGPP Internships page for an updated comprehensive list of all local and regional internships, such as:
ACCI Client Service Internship
Amistades - ONDCP Internship
International Rescue Committee
Neighbors for Justice Please note: The NFJ Summer 2016 Internship will be over both summer sessions.
Pima County Superior Court Pretrial Services
Sr Jose Women's Shelter
The Women’s Resource Center |The Mens Project
Contact information, internship description, instructions on how to enroll, and more! The School of Government and Public Policy at the University of Arizona claims no political affiliations.
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Job Opportunities The College of Science is seeking a preceptor(s) to assist with SCI 201a - EdgeMakers Essentials for Higher Education: Creativity and Innovation, Storytelling and Changemaking. (See the bottom of this message for SCI 201a description) To enhance the classroom experience we are in search of a preceptor to assist the professor in facilitating the course. The ideal candidate should: • Be a Junior or Senior student with a t least a 3.0 GPA (any major) •
Be interested in facilitating student success
Be interested in an opportunity for classroom leadership
Be energized by a dynamic and fast-paced learning environment
Enjoy critical thinking and creative problem solving
Be self-motivated
Enjoy the creative process or being an innovator, and appreciate entrepreneurship
Be successful navigating the unknown and thinking on his/her feet
Be available to attend every SCI 201a class meeting
If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, please email the instructor, Bob Messenger messenger@email.arizona.edu<mailto:messenger@email.arizona.edu>). • Interested students will meet with the professor to discuss the position and establish expectations for the fall semester. • If selected you will be enrolled for SCI 491 or SCI 491H (if Honors) for 3 units of credit this fall. • Duties and classroom responsibilities will take about 7-9 hours per week for 3 units of credit and will be negotiated with the professor. SCI 201a description/Opportunity Announcement for Students and Preceptors: Countries are in the modern day battle racing to create powerful and effective innovation infrastructures! Will you be part of that or will you be a bystander watching it all happen?
If you’re ready to discover and fire up your creative juices and learn the critical skills every great inventor and innovator had to develop to achieve greatness; Then SCI 201a is for you. This is a fun course that is structured to allow students from any major to tap into their unique and special creative abilities. In our modern digital society, these capabilities are becoming more important to students involved in every academic endeavor. There are no tests and the work you do in and out of class can be focused on an area that you are interested and or passionate about. SCI 201a is open for enrollment in the Schedule of Classes.
Please email me at messenger@email.arizona.edu<mailto:messenger@email.arizona.edu> if you have any questions.
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Job Opportunities
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Wednesday, May 4 from 12-4 pm. FSW KICK-OFF “May the 4th Be With You” Water Park Day! An afternoon of FREE fun water activities featuring a 51-foot waterslide, the Farmer’s Market and other activities on the UA Mall. The first 500 students to check -in at the Water Park will receive a free Star Wars™ wrist lanyard!
Thursday, May 5 from 9-11 pm. FREE LATE NIGHT PANCAKE BREAKFAST Students can enjoy a complete pancake breakfast served at either Cactus Grill in SUMC, 3rd level; Nosh in PSU, 2nd level; or Bear Down Kitchen in the Stadium’s North End Zone, 4th floor.
Sunday, May 8 from 7-9pm. FINALS STUDY BREAK At the Main Library and the Science and Engineering Library. There will be food, drinks, and most importantly, therapy dogs!
Check out the website<http://saem-aiss.arizona.edu/UAFinalsSurvival>, for a complete list of events, food discounts, deals, including extended study hour locations, online resources, chair massages/back rubs, free blue books, free fitness classes and much more! All of our events are completely FREE with your CatCard. [Want the inside scoop to UA Finals Survival Week events? text @uafinals to 81010]Facebook: facebook.com/UAFinalsSurvivalWeek <https://www.facebook.com/UAFinalsSurvivalWeek> Website: saem-aiss.arizona.edu/UAFinalsSurvival <http://saem-aiss.arizona.edu/ UAFinalsSurvival> Event Hashtag: #UAFinalsSurvival SGPP Undergraduate Newsletter Page 13
Announcements Please note that this course is usable for Political Science in the American Politics and General Concentration.
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Announcements EDL 200-A Global Perspective on Schooling When: Fall semester, 2016 Days and Times: Tues & Thurs 8-915am Gen ED: Tier 2 Individuals and Societies Course Description: This course will take students on an educational journey into the role of schools in societies. We examine the history, politics, geography, and culture of schools in the industrialized world and the developing world with the United States as a reference point. The course takes a comparative perspective on schooling and societies. Emphasis is placed on educational and socialcultural perspectives that influence, hinder, and advance schooling for children and youth, boys and girls in the past, today, and tomorrow (e.g., student diversity and academic achievement, gender inequality, parents and family, poverty, communities and neighborhoods, equity and equality, teachers, curriculum and instruction, violence and war, centralization and decentralization of schools, educational policies and reforms, and human capital development, etc.). Relevant current educational events will be integrated within collaborative small and large group work, review of videos, writing assignments, and lectures posted on D2L for individual and group access. Student centered shared presentations about schooling experiences situates the comparative nature of the course.
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UA Community and School Garden Workshop Course 497F/597F Information Sheet Fall 2016
1) Course aim: This course places UA students in Tucson community and school gardens that serve under-resourced populations. In addition to supporting the garden, you are expected to meet as a class weekly to discuss readings/ films/news on urban agricultural issues in the US. There is no course fee. 2) Time commitment: You must register for a minimum of 3 units. For each unit of registration you are expected to commit 3 hours per week of time to your garden site. You may take up to 6 units each semester. Do the math in order to determine how much time, realistically, you can commit to this course. 3) Location of gardens: Most of the gardens are fairly close to the university. Many students ride bikes to the gardens for their internship hours. You will be matched with a site that best suits your skills and interests, as well as your and the sitesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; schedules and location.
4) Registering: You will need to decide in which cross-listing department you wish to register your units.
CPH 497F/597F Public Health ENVS 497F/597F Environmental Science GEOG 497F/597F Geography and Development LAS 497F/597F Latin American Studies NTS 497F/597F Nutrition PLS 497F/597F Plant Science SWES 497F/597F Soil, Water, and Environmental Science TLS 497F/597F Teaching, Learning and Sociocultural Studies 5) Logistics: Once you are registered you will be contacted by one of the course field coordinators and asked for your course and work schedule in order to determine your open times and how these might mesh with a collaborating school or community garden. Field coordinators visit sites weekly checking in with teachers and with you to make sure all is going well. ) Gardening Skills: You will be receiving formal instruction on how to design and maintain a garden in the desert environment as well as related skills around composting, irrigation and water harvesting, and general service learning practices and obligations. Other in-class sessions will include discussions about sustainability, children in the garden, food and culture, and social and environmental justice, among others. Please go online to register or feel free to contact: Sallie Marston (marston@email.arizona.edu) or Joseph Patton (josephpatton@email.arizona.edu
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Announcements Career Services Launches New Website! career.arizona.edu Career Services just launched a new website Wednesday, April 27th, 2016. The new interface is designed to provide visitors with a seamless experience and easy access to valuable career development and job search resources. Campus departments that link to Career Services will want to take note of the following:
The URL for the Career Services homepage, career.arizona.edu <https://www.career.arizona.edu/> will not change, so no need to update this link. However, if your site is linking to specific content i.e. Wildcat JobLink<https://www.career.arizona.edu/wildcatjoblink> or specific resource, please update any links accordingly.
Students and recent alumni will be able to access all resources with no fees associated We are still in process of refining the site and will be adding additional resources in the coming months. Please check back for updates.
Questions? Contact Pam Zimmer – 626-4766
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Announcements 2017 German Bundestag Internship Program This Internship Program provides the opportunity for American graduates to learn first-hand about German politics by working in the office of a member of the German Parliament (Deutscher Bundestag). The program runs from March 1st to July 31st. During this time participants are enrolled as students at the Humboldt-Universit채t zu Berlin. The application deadline is June 30, 2016. You can find more information about the program at www.bundestag.de/ips
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QUICK LINKS SPRING 2016 Drop-In Tutoring Schedule Private Tutoring Course List
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Academic Advising Academic Advising Info To see your Academic Advisor click here
for their contact information. You can also schedule an appointment with your advisor by logging into SBS Wise Advising here.
*If you are no longer an SGPP undergraduate student and would like to be removed from this listserv, please email SBS-sgppadvising@email.arizona.edu.
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