Undergraduate Newsletter
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Table of Contents Semester at a Glance
August 25 Classes begin
December 2014 Graduation
September 1 No classes/campus closed (Labor Day)
Scholarship Opportunity
September 2 Deadline to apply for Fall and Winter degree Candidacy
SGPP Events
Campus Events
Internship Opportunities
Academic Advising
September 2 Last day to add classes without instructor’s signature September 8 Last day to drop classes without notation on transcript September 10 Last day to submit application for Fall 2014 SGPP internship. September 15 Last day to increase units to avoid paying the $250 late fee. November 11 No classes (Veteran’s Day)
Receive updates posted directly to Facebook & Twitter!
November 27-30 No classes (Thanksgiving Break) December 10 Last Day of Classes December 11 Reading Day December 12-18 Final Exams Click here for all Fall dates SGPP Undergraduate Newsletter Page 2
Reminders Attention PMPC & CJS major students graduating in Spring 2015, Summer 2015, and December 2015: The time is here to submit the core course registration form for Spring 2015. You must complete and submit the core course registration form at the link below in order to be applicable for the following core courses: PA330 PA410 PA470 PA480 If you are graduating in Spring 2015 you must submit this form for your major core courses, failure to do so will delay your graduation. If you have questions about this please visit your CJS or PMPC academic advisor.
This form will be open Monday 9/8/14 at 10:00 AM until Friday October 3rd at 3:00 PM. http://sgpp.arizona.edu/content/registration-forms Please only submit this form if you are graduating in Spring 2015, Summer 2015, or December 2015. Spring graduating seniors who submit this form will be given priority access to these courses. Thank You, SGPP Advising Staff
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Reminders Dear Juniors and Seniors, We have partnered with Career Services to give our junior and senior majors access to Wildcat Joblink. Wildcat JobLink is a state-of-the-art career management tool, offering UA students access to jobs, internships, and a range of other services including campus interviewing and resume referrals. To access JobLink, please visit the Career Services website at https:// www.career.arizona.edu/joblink. All you need is your NETID and password to login and take advantage of these great services.
Why is SGPP only funding juniors and seniors to have access to JobLink? The funding comes from SGPP Program Fees, which only our junior and senior majors pay. If you are a freshman or sophomore, you are welcome to register and pay the annual $5 fee out of pocket. Visit https:// www.career.arizona.edu/joblink to register. I will be a junior at the end of the current semester. When can I have access? SGPP will be requesting access for any students who have reached 60+ credits each semester after the census date (the 21st day of the semester). So, if you will have 60+ completed credits at the end of this semester, you will be granted access next semester after the census date. If you have any questions, please email ctryon@email.arizona.edu.
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December 2014 Graduation
If you are graduating this December you can still apply for degree candidacy, but a $50.00 late candidacy application fee will now be assessed.
Detailed instructions on how to initiate your paperwork, can be found on our degree check page.
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Scholarship Opportunity Magellan Scholarship is now available on Scholarship Universe Apply by midnight Thursday, September 25, 2014 Through the generous donations of SBS Magellan Circle members, a number of students each year are awarded $500 Magellan Circle Scholarships. The scholarships are open to all undergraduate students in good standing at the University of Arizona who are majoring in one of the programs offered within SBS, who have a documented level of financial need, are making satisfactory progress toward their degree, and will be enrolled in classes at the University of Arizona during the Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 semesters. Recipients will be selected based on a combination of their academic performance and financial need. 2014 Magellan Circle Scholars will be expected to attend a breakfast event (December 11, 2014) where they will meet their scholarship Patron. Students can learn more about the Magellan Circle Scholarship at this page (internal link).
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SGPP Events
http://sgpp.arizona.edu/ fall-2014-workshop-series
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SGPP Events
RSVP at: http://sgpp.arizona.edu/fall2014-workshop-series
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SGPP Events
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SGPP Events
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Campus Events
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Campus Events
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Campus Events
JOIN US AT Pizza with a Professional: Careers in Environment and Sustainability Monday, September 29, 2014 12 Noon - 1:30 PM Student Union Kiva Room Students from all majors are invited to a panel discussion on careers in environment and sustainability. Learn more about the educational and professional backgrounds of professionals working in these fields. This is an excellent opportunity for students to network and ask questions in an informal environment. Stay for all or part of the panel as your schedule allows. Free pizza provided.
RSVP Today!
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Campus Events Are you Real-World Ready? Biggest Career Fair of the entire year is Here!
UA Fall CAREER DAYS Tuesday & Wednesday, September 30 & October 1 1am to 4pm Student Union Memorial Center 3rd Floor Ballroom Looking to upgrade your Real-World Readiness? Check out internship possibilities while you’re in school or professional positions as you graduate at this year’s Fall Fair. It’s time to pursue all leads. These organizations are hiring NOW. Visit the Career Services website at www.career.arizona.edu for a list of companies attending. With 250+ tables over the two days of this event, opportunities abound. Full-time employment after graduation or career-related experience prior to graduation, you’ll find it all at UA Fall Career Days 2014. SGPP Undergraduate Newsletter Page 15
Internship Opportunities
Internship Opportunities! Check out the SGPP Internships page for an updated comprehensive list of all local and regional internships, instructions on how to enroll, and more! The School of Government and Public Policy at the University of Arizona claims no political affiliations.
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Internship Opportunities Heritage Spring Internship Opportunities Deadline October 1st! PAID SPRING INTERNSHIP OPPPORTUNITIES IN RESEARCH AND POLICY PROMOTION: Heritage is looking for rising juniors, seniors, and grad school students interested in experiencing DC first hand this spring. Our program will run from January 12th to May 8th with opportunities in research (Asian Studies, Latin America, cybersecurity, national security, international economics, energy, regulatory policy, law, welfare reform, and more) and policy promotion (marketing, outreach, communications, business, development, etc.) You can find a full list online<http:// www.heritage.org/about/department-list> of our 60 open positions in policy, promotion, business and more. Interested students please visit www.heritage.org/ internships<http://www.heritage.org/internships>. Interested applicants should apply by October 1st by filling out the online application<http://www.heritage.org/ internships>. Students also need to submit 2 letters of recommendation and an official school transcript by the deadline. International students must also submit work authorization.
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Announcements The University of Arizona for our 22nd Annual Student Showcase The Graduate and Professional Student Council (GPSC) is in search of the best student research and creative projects at The University of Arizona for our 22nd Annual Student Showcase. This is a chance for undergraduate and graduate students from across campus to prove their exceptional talents by displaying their work to their peers, faculty, and the University of Arizona community during Homecoming Weekend, November 7th. Students will receive recognition and feedback on their projects and cash prizes are given to top entries in each category. WHEN: Homecoming Weekend â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Friday, November 7th, 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. WHERE: Under tents in the Alumni Plaza (in front of the Administration Building and the Student Union) WHY: Feedback, recognition, significant addition to your resume, and there are CASH prizes up to $1,250 for both graduate and undergraduates. HOW: Submit your application by Friday, October 17th. For more information and instructions on how to submit an application to present at Student Showcase, go to http://gpsc.arizona.edu/student-showcase WHO: Both graduate and undergraduate students at the University of Arizona may enter their projects in one of the following categories: Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Architecture, Planning, and Landscape Architecture Biological Sciences Business, Public Administration, and Economics Education Engineering Health Sciences Humanities, Literature and Languages Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Engineering, and Computer Science Public Health Social Sciences and Law Visual and Performing Arts*
*This year, the Student Showcase will have a performing area for participants in the Visual and Performing Arts category, allowing them to present their research in a LecturePerformance format. If you have any questions, please contact the GPSC Events Director, Jared Young, at 6266122 or send an email to gpscevents@email.arizona.edu.
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Academic Advising Academic Advising Info
To see your Academic Advisor click here for their contact information. You can also schedule an appointment with your advisor
by logging into SBS WiseAdvising here.
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